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OUPCORRECTEDPROOF–FINAL,24/3/2016,SPi Phonological Typology OUPCORRECTEDPROOF–FINAL,24/3/2016,SPi OXFORD SURVEYS IN PHONOLOGY AND PHONETICS GENERALEDITOR:BertVaux,UniversityofCambridge This series aims to provide a balanced account of leading approaches to and debates in the most active and productive topics in phonology and phonetics. Eachvolumeexaminescurrentandpasttreatmentsofaspecifictopicandoffersa reasonedaccountofthetheoriesandmethodsthatleadtothebestaccountfor thefacts.Thebooksprovidestudentsandpractitionersofphonology,phonetics, andrelatedfieldswithavaluablesourceofinstructionandreference,setwithin thecontextofwiderdevelopmentsinthefield,andwhererelevantinlinguistics andcognitivesciencemoregenerally. PUBLISHED PhonologicalTypology MatthewK.Gordon INPREPARATION TheSyllable JulietteBlevins ThePhonetics–PhonologyInterface AbigailC.CohnandMarieHuffman Intonation SóniaFrotaandCarlosGussenhoven OUPCORRECTEDPROOF–FINAL,24/3/2016,SPi 3 GreatClarendonStreet,Oxford,OXDP, UnitedKingdom OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwide.Oxfordisaregisteredtrademarkof OxfordUniversityPressintheUKandincertainothercountries ©MatthewK.Gordon Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted FirstEditionpublishedin Impression: Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin aretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withoutthe priorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress,orasexpresslypermitted bylaw,bylicenceorundertermsagreedwiththeappropriatereprographics rightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethescopeofthe aboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment,OxfordUniversityPress,atthe addressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisworkinanyotherform andyoumustimposethissameconditiononanyacquirer PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyOxfordUniversityPress MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY,UnitedStatesofAmerica BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressControlNumber: ISBN ––––(hbk) ––––(pbk) PrintedinGreatBritainby ClaysLtd,StIvesplc LinkstothirdpartywebsitesareprovidedbyOxfordingoodfaithand forinformationonly.Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibilityforthematerials containedinanythirdpartywebsitereferencedinthiswork. OUPCORRECTEDPROOF–FINAL,24/3/2016,SPi Phonological Typology MATTHEW K. GORDON 1 Contents Acknowledgments xi Lisotfa bbreviations xiii 1 Introduction 1 i.1 Phonologtiycpaoll oegxye mplifitehdec: a soef s onority i i.2F requenicnpy h onolopghyo:n oloignyt ypology 4 i.3T hep resebnoto k 5 i.3.C1r oss-lingfrueiqsuteincc y 8 i.3.L2a nguage-inftreernqaule ncy 9 i.3.O3r ganizaotfit ohneb ook 16 2 Theorayn de xplanatiinpo hno nologitcyaplo logy 17 2.1T ypeosf e xplanations 17 2.i.P1h onetfaicct ors 17 2.i.S2p eech procaensdsp ihnogn ologtiycpaoll ogy 18 2.i.F3r equenicnpy h onology 19 2.i.A4n alytbiica ses 21 2.2T ypoloignyp honoloignyc:o rporaetxipnlga natiinottnoh et heory 22 2.2.T1h er elationbsehtiwpe eann alybtiiacas n do thefurn ctional biasienst ypolotghyec: a soef l aryngneeault ralization 22 2.2.T2y pologiocvae-lra ndu nder-prediicnpt hioonne tically drivepnh onology 25 2.2.T3y poloagsya refleoxf d iachronic change 27 2.2.T4y poloagnyd l earninbgi aseesx:p erimeanptparlo aches 29 2.2.T5y pologivcaarli atmioodne lecdo:n straoirnr tusl es 32 2.2.5S.t1e ri(ad1e9 9o9nl )a ryngneeault raliziant ion OptimalTihteyo ry 32 2.2.5F.a2c tortiyaplo loignpy h onolotghyec: a soef syllable-contacts 34 Modelingi nfra e cqounesntcrya intg-rbaamsmeadr 37 2.2.5M-o4d elipnhgo nologaiccqauli sition 39 2.3S ummary 41 3 Phonemien ventories 43 3.1C ross-lingduiissttriicb uotfpi hoonn emes 44 3.2C onsonants 44 3.2.P1l osives 45 3.2.F2r icatives 46 3.2.N3a sals 48 3.2-4 Liquids 49 3.2.N5o n-liqaupipdr oxima(ngtlsi des) 49 vi CONTENTS 3.3V owels 49 3-4P honemilce ngth 51 3.5E xplaintihnetg y poloogfpy h onemien ventories 57 3.5.P1e rceptaunadal r ticulafatcotroyr s 58 3.5.i.1 (AdDaipstpievres)Ti hoeno ry 58 3.5.iD.i2s persFioocna lizaTthieoonr y 60 3.5.i.3 Articulatoarnyd p ceormcpelpetsxuaiattluy r ation 62 3.5.i.4 QTuhaenotray! 63 3.5.iF.e5a tuerneh ancement 64 3.5.iF.e6a ture economy 65 3.6F requenocfsy o unds wiltahnignu ages 71 3.6.E1x plaintihnefrg e quendciys tribuwtiitohnilsna n guages 77 3.7P honemien ventorai seusm:m ary 82 4 Syllables 83 4.1I nternsatlr uctoufrt eh es yllable 83 4.2S yllambalreg ins 84 4.2.I1n tralangfrueaqguee nocfys yllatbylpee s 87 4.2.R2e lationsbheitpw eoenn set andm acrokdead ness 90 4.2.F3i navls n.o n-fincaold aa symmetries 96 4.2.4 Sonaonrdpi ltayc iens yllabification 97 4.2.S5y llarbelpea pirro cesses 104 4.2.P6s eudo-sylrleapbaplirero cesses 106 4.3N ucleus 108 4.3.S1y llabic sounds 108 4-4R epresentaotfit ohness y llable 111 4+1 Thes yllarbilmeea sa constituent 111 4.{.lP.rlo hibitaigoanisnC sVtV C syllables 111 4.{.1C.o2- occurrreenscter icatnidot nhser ime 114 4.{.S2o noristeyq uencing vitohleas tyilolnaasbp:lp ee ndix andp erceptsuaalli ence 116 4-4·S3y llatbylpeo loagnydp erception 117 4.5C orrelatbieotnwse esny llacbolmep lexaintdyo theprr operties 119 4.6S ummary 121 5 Segmentparlo cesses 123 5.1A ssimilation 123 5.i.C1o nsonant-consaosnsainmti lation 124 5.i.C2o nsonant-vaoswseilm ilation 126 5.i.T3y pologifrceaqlu enocfya ssimilaptaitotne rns 127 5.i.I4m plicatsicoanlaoelfs a ssimilatthiepo hno:n etgirco unding1 29 5.i.T5h ep honetbiacs ifosr assimilastyinocnh:r oonrid ci achron1i3c3 5.I .6L ong-distance ashsairmmiolnasyty isotne:m s 134 5.i.6V.o1w elh armony 134 5.i.6C.o2n sonahnatr mony 137 5.i.6D.i3r ectionaanldmi otryp holoignhy a rmony 138 CONTENTS vii 5.i.6T.h4e p honetbiacs ifosr harmony 139 5.i.6H.a5r monays a locavlsl .o ng-distpahnecneo menon 139 5.2D issimilation 141 5.2.L1o cadli ssimilation 142 5.2.L2o ng-distdainscsei milation 143 5.2.2L.o1n g-distcaonncseo nadnits similation 143 5.2.2L.o2n g-distvaonwceedl i ssimilation 145 5.2.E3x plaindiinsgs imilation 146 5.3T hefo rmalr epresentoafta isosni milaatniddo ins similation 149 5-4F ortitainodnl enition 151 5-4-1 Consonants 153 5-4-V2o wels 155 5.5D eletion 157 5.5.D1e letiaonndc ompensatloernyg thening 158 5.5.T2h er epresentoaftc ioomnp ensatloernyg thening 159 5.5.L3e nitiaonndd eletiaosfrn e quenecffye cts 160 5.6E penthesis 161 5.6.E1p entheasssi ysl larbelpea ir 162 5.6.O2t heprr osodfuincc tioonfse penthesis 162 5.6.M3o rphologciocnaslt raoinne tpse nthesis 164 5.6-S4e gmental conosnte rpaeinntthse sis 164 5.6.T5h eq ualiotfey p enthesteigcm ents 165 5.6.T6h ei nteraction betweeann deo ptehnetrh esis phonologpihceanlo mena 167 5.7M etathesis 168 5-7-T1h ep honetsiocu rcoefm etathesis 170 5.7.M2e tatheassip se rceptoupatli mization 172 5.8S ummary 173 6 Stress 6.1T hed escripttyipvoel oogfsy t ress 6.2P honologipcraeldliyc tsatbrlees s 6.2.W1e ight-insensstirteisvse 6.2.W2e ight-sensstirteisvse 6.2.2S.y1l lawbelieg hatsa statisbtiiacsa l 6.2.2R.e2p resentaotfsi yolnlsa wbelieg ht 6.2.2P.h3o netuincd erpinnoifns gysl lawbelieg ht 6.2.2F.i4n avls n.o n-fiwneailg hats ymmetries 6.3S tredsosm aintsh:ei ntonatiboansaifolsr left-edvgse. right-eadsgyem metries 197 6-4T hep honetbiacs ifosr extrametricality 199 6.5R epresentaotfsi torness s 201 6.5.S1t reasnsd m etricfeaelt 201 6.5.S2t reasnsd t hem etricgarli d 202 6.5.F3a ctortiyaplo loagnydm etricsatlr ucture 204 6.5-T4y pologiacsaylm metraisea s r efloefxfo ots tructure 205 viii CONTENTS 6.6T one-senssittrievses 208 6.7L exkaaln dm orphologsitcraels s 209 6.8S ummary 213 7 Tonea ndi ntonation 215 7.1 Tonea ndt het axonomoyfp rosodsiycs tems 215 7.2T heo rganizaotfit oonn lea nguages 216 7.3T her elationbsehtiwpe etno naen ds tress 216 7-4N umbero ft ones 219 7.5T onaclo mplexity 223 7.5.T1o naclo mplexaintdyl anguage-infrteeqruneanlc y 224 7.5.S2y llawbelieg hatn dt onaclo mplexity 227 7.5.T3h ep honetbiacs iosft onree strictions 229 7·5-W4e ight-sentsointaein vdel anguage-infrteeqruneanlc y 232 7.6P honological charoaftc otneer istics 233 7.7T onaplr ocesses 235 7.8T onogeneasnidsi nteractbieotnwse etonn aen do thefre atures 241 7.9I ntonation 243 7.10T ermincaoln tours 244 7.11T het ypoloogyfp itcahc cents 248 7.12P rosodciocn stituency 250 7.13P rosodic starnudcs tyunrtea x 254 7.14W hent onecso llirdees:p ontsoet so naclr owding 255 7.14.T1o naclr owdiinngt hei ntonatsiyosnt em 256 7.14.T2o naclr owdibnegt weeinn tonatiaonndla elx itcoanle s 257 7.14.T3o naclr owdiinngi ntonatsiyosnt emass :u mmary 259 7.15S ummary 260 8 Prosodmiocrp holgyo 262 8.1M inimaleiftfye cts 262 8.i.T1h et ypologdiicsatlr ibuotfmi ionni malciotnys traints 263 8.i.P2r ocesisner se spontsome i nimalciotnyd itions 264 8.i.T3h es ourcoefm inimalrietsyt rictiinodnesp:e ndent constraainndte sv olution 266 8.i.M4i nimalaista yc onditoinom no rap opulation 267 8.2R eduplication 269 8.2.P1h onological charoafrc etdeurpilsitciactsi on 270 8.2.iS.h1a poef t her eduplicant 270 8.2.iF.i2x esde gmentiasnmdr eduplicanatl-tbearsnea tions: markedneisnrs e duplication 277 8.2.iL.o3c atiooftn h er eduplicant 281 8.2.O2v erapplicaantdiu onnd erapplicianrt eidounp lication 282 8.2.C3r oss-linguistic odfri esdturpilbiuctapitaoitnot ne rns 283 8.2.3O.v1e rafrlelq uenocfyr eduplication 285 8.2.3P.o2s itiooftn h er eduplicant 286 8.2.3S.h3a poef t her eduplicant 287 CONTENTS ix 8.2.3F.i4x esde gment(s) 290 8.2.3R.e5l ationbsehtiwpe erne duplicaatnidoo tnh er prosodpirco perties 291 8.3N on-reduplitceamtpilvaemt oircp hology 296 BA Prosodtircu ncations 298 8.5S ubtracmtoirvpeh ology 299 8.6R elationbsehtiwpe enno n-reduplitceamtpilvaemt oircp hology ando thewre ight-senpshietniovmee na 300 8.7S ummary 301 Conclusions 303 Reefrences 305 Generianld ex 355 Indeoxf l anguages 360

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