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INDEX TO VOLUME 67 ARTICLES AND SPECIAL FEATURES Adaptive Complexity and Phenome- nal Consciousness, Topp GRANTHAM and SHAUN NICHOLS Anticipation of Necessity: Kant on Kepler’s Laws and Universal Gravitation, SCOTT TANONA Antirealist Explanation of the Success of Science, P. KYL! STANFORD Anti-Representationalism and the Dynamical Stance, TONY CHEMERO Causation by Disconnection, JONA- THAN SCHAFFER Chance and Macroevolution, Ros- ERTA L. MILLSTEIN A Characterization of Imaging in Terms of Popper Functions CHARLES B. Cross The Concept of Information in Biol- ogy, JOHN MAYNARD SMITH Conditional Probability and Dutch Books, FRANK DORING Dimensions of Scientific Law, SAN- DRA D. MITCHELI Discussion: Are There Material Ob jects in Bohm’s Theory?, Mi- CHAEL DICKSON Do Large Probabilities Explain Bet- ter?, MICHAEL STREVENS Error Statistics and Duhem’s Prob lem, GREGORY WHEELER DI Evolutionary Explanations of Dis Refer tributive Justice, J. MCKENZIE Reflectior ALEXANDER The “Genetic Program” Program: A Commentary on Maynard Smith on Information in Biol- ogy, KIM STERELNY Horgan and Tienson on Ceteris Par ibus Laws, MARCELLO GUARINI How Natural Can Ontology Be?, SHARON L. CRASNOW INDEX TO VOLI CARL I ibout Mechanism ind STEPHEN Odd (¢ ouple ympatibility of Social Con- struction and Evolutionary Psy chology M ROBERTA L. MILLSTEIN, Chance and Macroevolution D SANDRA D. MITCHELL, Dimensions of Scientific Law SHAUN NICHOLS and TODD GRAN- THAM, Adaptive Complexity and Phenomenal Consciousness ALEXANDER RUEGER, Robust Su- HEATHER DOUGLA nductive Risk pervenience and Emergence ind Values it ience ) ROBERT RYNASIEWICZ, On the Dis- PETER GODFRE’ MI informa- tinction between Absolute and tion, Arbitrarine and Selec- Relative Motion ion omments on Maynard SAHOTRA SARKAR, Information in Genetics and Developmental INDEX TO VOLUME 67 Biology: Comments on May- MICHAEL STREVENS nard Smit! Probabilities Expl JONATHAN SCHAFFER, Causation by The Ar Disconnection NEVEN SESARDK *hilosophy of SCl- ence That Ignores Science BRIAN SKYRMS, Stability and Ex- planatory Significance of Some Simple Evolutionary Models JOHN MAYNARD SMITH, The Con but Made th cept of Information in Biology WHEELER JOHN MAYNARD SMITH, Reply to ind Duhen Commentaries P. KYLE STANFORD, An Antirealist Explanation of the Success of science KIM STERELNY, The “Genetic Pri am” Program: A Commen tary on Maynard Smith on In formation in Biology STEPHEN P. STICH and RON LON The Odd C REVIEWS Cristina Bicchieri, Richard Jeffery and Brian Skyrms (eds.), The Dynamics of Norms—Roy BROWN GARDNER John Horgan Nancy Cartwright, The Dappled Mind: Ho World: A Study of the Bound- De fies Replice aries of Science—RONALD N ind I xpi GIERE LEVITI Val Dusek, The Holistic Inspirations Max Jammer, Ejinst of Physics: The Underground Physics and History of Electromagnetic The- ALD HOLTON ory—WILLIAM BERKSON Jerrold J. Katz, Realistic Rationai Ellery Eells and Brian Skyrms (eds.), ism NINO COCCHIARELLA Probability and Conditionals Adam Kuper, Culture: The Anthro- Belief Revision and Rational De- pologist’s Account —1. C. JAR- cision—ROY GARDNER VIE Peter Galison, Jmage and Logic: A John Macnamara, Through the Rear- Material Culture of Microphys- view Mirror: Historical Reflec- ics—KENT STALEY tions on Psychology—TOM SeEp- PALAINEN 718 INDEX TO VOLUME 67 Mathieu Marion, Wittgenstein, Fini- Jordan Howard Sobel, Taking tism, and the Foundations of Chances Essays on Rational Mathematics ERIC WINSBERG Choice—ROyY GARDNER . Naomi Oreskes, The Rejection of Paul Thagard, How Scientists Ex- Continental Drift Theory and plain Disease—LINDLEY DAR- Method in American Earth Sci- DEN indice etuas ence—RACHEL LAUDAN J-343 Bruce Thyer (ed.), The Philosophical Carmen Magallon Portolés, Pioneras Legacy of Behaviorism AN- espaniolas en las ciencias: Las DREW BACKI mujeres del Instituto Nacionald e Fisica y Quimica—ANNA Es- TANY

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