g F I F T H E D I T I O N P R HILOSOPHY OF ELIGION An Anthology LOUIS P. POJMAN Late of the United States Military Academy, West Point MICHAEL REA University of Notre Dame AUSTRALIA (cid:2)BRAZIL (cid:2)CANADA (cid:2)MEXICO (cid:2)SINGAPORE SPAIN (cid:2)UNITED KINGDOM (cid:2) UNITED STATES Philosophy Editor: WorthHawes PrintBuyer: NoraMassuda Assistant Editors: Barbara Hillaker Permissions Editor: BobKauser Editorial Assistant: Patrick Stockstill Production Service: Ruth Cottrell Technology Project Manager: JulieAguilar TextDesigner: Lisa Henry Marketing Manager: Christina Shea Copy Editor: Ruth Cottrell Marketing Assistant: MaryAnnePayumo CoverDesigner: YvoRiezebosDesign/Hatty Lee Marketing Communications Manager: CoverImage: SunsetinDesert.BillFrymire,Masterfile StaceyPurviance Compositor: International Typesetting Creative Director: RobHugel and Composition ExecutiveArt Director: MariaEpes Textand CoverPrinter: WestGroup (cid:2)2008, 2003 ThomsonWadsworth, apart ofThe Thomson HigherEducation Thomson Corporation. 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Anyadditionalquestions about permissions canbe submitted bye-mail to [email protected]. g Dedicated to the memory of Louis A. and Helen Pojman This page intentionally left blank g C O N T E N T S PREFACE x INTRODUCTION xiii PART ONE Traditional Arguments for the Existence of God 1 I.A The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God 2 I.A.1 ST. ANSELM: The Ontological Argument 3 I.A.2 IMMANUEL KANT: A Critique of the Ontological Argument 6 I.B The Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God 9 I.B.1 THOMAS AQUINAS: The Five Ways 12 I.B.2 SAMUEL CLARKE: The Argument from Contingency 14 I.B.3 PAUL EDWARDS: A Critique of the Cosmological Argument 15 I.B.4 WILLIAM ROWE: An Examination of the Cosmological Argument 24 (cid:2) I.B.5 WILLIAM LANE CRAIG AND J. P MORELAND: The Kalam Cosmological Argument 33 (cid:2) I.B.6 PAUL DRAPER: A Critique of the Kalam Cosmological Argument 45 I.C The Teleological Argument for the Existence of God 51 I.C.1 WILLIAM PALEY: The Watch and the Watchmaker 54 I.C.2 DAVID HUME: A Critique of the Design Argument 56 I.C.3 RICHARD SWINBURNE: The Argument from Design 63 I.C.4 ROBIN COLLINS: A Scientific Argument for the Existence of God 74 –v– vi Contents PART TWO The Argument from Religious Experience 93 II.1 Selections of Mystical Experiences 97 II.2 WILLIAM JAMES: Mysticism 98 II.3 SIGMUND FREUD: The Future of an Illusion 114 II.4 C. D. BROAD: The Argument from Religious Experience 119 II.5 LOUIS P. POJMAN: A Critique of the Argument from Religious Experience 127 II.6 WILLIAM P. ALSTON: Religious Experience and Religious Belief 136 PART THREE The Problem of Evil 143 III.1 DAVID HUME: The Argument from Evil 147 III.2 GOTTFRIED LEIBNIZ: Theodicy: A Defense of Theism 152 III.3 FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY: Rebellion 158 III.4 JOHN HICK: Evil and Soul-Making 165 III.5 EDWARDH.MADDENANDPETERH.HARE: ACritiqueofHick’s Theodicy 169 III.6 J. L. MACKIE: Evil and Omnipotence 173 III.7 ALVIN PLANTINGA: The Free Will Defense 181 III.8 WILLIAM ROWE: The Inductive Argument from Evil against the Existence of God 200 III.9 PAUL DRAPER: Evolution and the Problem of Evil 207 PART FOUR The Attributes of God 221 IV.A Time and Eternity 221 IV.A.1 STEPHEN T. DAVIS: Temporal Eternity 223 IV.A.2 HUGH J. MCCANN: The God Beyond Time 230 IV.B God’s Omniscience and Human Freedom 245 IV.B.1 ST. AUGUSTINE: Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will 247 IV.B.2* NELSON PIKE: God’s Foreknowledge and Human Free Will Are Incompatible 249 *Anasteriskindicatesamorechallengingarticle. Contents vii IV.B.3* ALVIN PLANTINGA: God’s Foreknowledge and Human Free Will Are Compatible 260 IV.C God’s Omnipotence 264 IV.C.1 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: Is God’s Power Limited? 265 IV.C.2 GEORGE MAVRODES: Some Puzzles Concerning Omnipotence 267 IV.C.3 HARRY G. FRANKFURT: The Logic of Omnipotence 269 PART FIVE Miracles and Revelation 273 V.1 DAVID HUME: Against Miracles 276 V.2 PETER VAN INWAGEN: Of ‘Of Miracles’ 285 V.3 J. L. MACKIE: Miracles and Testimony 295 V.4 RICHARD SWINBURNE: Evidence for the Resurrection 302 V.5 HUD HUDSON: Hyperspace and Christianity 315 PART SIX Death and Immortality 329 VI.1 PLATO: Immortality of the Soul 332 VI.2 BERTRAND RUSSELL: The Finality of Death 336 VI.3 JOHN HICK: Immortality and Resurrection 339 VI.4 JEFFREY OLEN: Personal Identity and Life after Death 345 VI.5 PRASANNATMA DAS: A Hindu Theory of Life, Death, and Reincarnation 355 PART SEVEN Faith and Reason 361 VII.A Pragmatic Justification of Religious Belief 362 VII.A.1 BLAISE PASCAL: The Wager 364 VII.A.2 W. K. CLIFFORD: The Ethics of Belief 366 VII.A.3 WILLIAM JAMES: The Will to Believe 370 VII.B Rationality and Justified Religious Belief 379 VII.B.1 JOHN HICK: Rational Theistic Belief without Proof 381 VII.B.2* ALVIN PLANTINGA: Religious Belief without Evidence 389 viii Contents VII.B.3* MICHAEL MARTIN: A Critique of Plantinga’s Religious Epistemology 404 VII.B.4 LOUIS P. POJMAN: Faith, Hope, and Doubt 412 PART EIGHT Science, Religion, and Evolution 423 VIII.A Ways of Relating Science and Religion 424 VIII.A.1 RICHARD DAWKINS: Science Versus Religion 426 VIII.A.2 STEPHEN JAY GOULD: Nonoverlapping Magisteria 430 VIII.A.3 POPE JOHN PAUL II: Faith and Science: Lessons from the Galileo Case and Message on Evolution 438 VIII.B Evolution, Naturalism, and Intelligent Design 443 VIII.B.1 WILLIAM DEMBSKI: Signs of Intelligence: A Primer on the Detection of Intelligent Design 446 VIII.B.2 MICHAEL BEHE: Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference 457 VIII.B.3 PHILIP KITCHER: Born-Again Creationism 466 VIII.B.4 MICHAEL J. MURRAY: Natural Providence (Or Design Trouble) 474 VIII.B.5 ALVIN PLANTINGA: An Evolutionary Argument against Naturalism 489 VIII.B.6 MICHAEL BERGMANN: Commonsense Naturalism 497 PART NINE Religious Pluralism 507 IX.1 JOHN HICK: Religious Pluralism and Ultimate Reality 509 IX.2 ALVIN PLANTINGA: A Defense of Religious Exclusivism 516 IX.3 DAVID BASINGER: Hick’s Religious Pluralism and ‘‘Reformed Epistemology’’—A Middle Ground 530 IX.4 DALAI LAMA: Buddhism, Christianity, and the Prospects for World Religion 537 IX.5 JOSEPH RUNZO: God, Commitment, and Other Faiths: Pluralism Versus Relativism 542 Contents ix PART TEN Religion and Ethics 555 X.1 PLATO: Morality and Religion 556 X.2 ROBERT M. ADAMS: A Modified Divine Command Theory of Ethical Wrongness 558 X.3 BERTRAND RUSSELL: A Free Man’s Worship 574 X.4 GEORGE MAVRODES: Religion and the Queerness of Morality 578 BIBLIOGRAPHY 587