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Preview Philosophy of Mind: A Revised Version of the Wallace and Miller Translation

HEGEL'SP HILOSOPHY OF MIND G.W .F .H egieasln i mmensiemlpyo ryteadtni tffi cpuhlitl osPohphipelyhro .s o ofM inidts h teh ipradro tfH egeEln'csy cloopfta hePedh iial osoSpchiiecnacle s, inw hichhes ummarhiizpseh si lososypshtieIcmtai. lso neo ft hmea ipni llars ofh itsh ougMhitc.hI anewlo porde stehncitessn twroartlko t hmeo derrena d­ eri na ni ntellaingdai cbcluern aetwte r anslatfiirosintn- ttEohn eg lsiisnhc e 1894-tlhoastne ost hoifnt ghs et yolfHee getlh'osu gIhnht ie.sd itionrtiraol­ ductlinowno ooffde arp sh ilosospohpihciasletlviyac lautoaefHtdei goenil d'esa s whicihn claus duersvo efty hw eh oolfeH egetlh'osu agnhddte taainlaeldoy fs is thtee rminhoelu osgeTydh .i tsr ansliasit sisousnei dm ultawnietoahuc s olmy­ panivoonl uimnwe h ilcnhw oooffde arfu sl clo mmenotnat rhwyeo rk. MichIawneo lo idFs e llaonTwdu tionrP hilosaoTtpr hiynC iotlyl Oexgfeo,r d. Hegesl 'P hiloosfoM pihnyd Translfarotmte h1de 8 3E0d ittioogne,wt ihtethrhZ eu siibtyze W. WALLACE AND A. V. MILLER ReviwsietadhnI ntrodubcy tion M. J.I NWOOD CLARENDON PRESS·O XFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITYP RESS GreaCtl arendSornr eOxefro,r dO X2 6DP OxfordU niverPsrietissy sa d epartmoeftn hteU niverosfiOx tfyo rd. Irfu rthetrhseU niversoibtjye'csto ifev xec dleinnrc ees earcschh,o larship, ande ducatbiyop nu bliswhoirnlgd wiind e OxfordN ewY ork AucklaCnadp eT ownDar esS alaam HongK ongKara chi KualLau mpurM adriMdd bournMee xicCoi tNya irobi NewD elhSih anghaTia ipeiT oronto Witho fficeisn ArgentAiunsat rBiraaz iClh ilCez ecRehp ubliFcran ee Greece GuatemaHluan garIyt aJlayp aPno lanPdo rtugSailn gapore SoutKohr eaS witzerlaTnhda ilaTnudr keUykr ainVei etnam Oxfordis ar egistrerraedmdea r ko fOx fordU niverPsrietsys in£ heU K andi nc enaiont hecro untries Publisihnte hde U niteSdt ares byOx fordU niverPsrietIsyns c N.e,w Y ork © Michadl nwoo2d0 07 Them orarli ghotfts h ea uthhoarv bee eans serted Databasrei gOxhfto rdU niverPsriets(ysm aker) Firpsutb lis2h0ed0 7 Firsptu blisihnpe apde rba2ck0I0 All righrtess ervNeod .p arorfthis publicatmiaoybn e r eproduced, scorienad r etrisevayslt emo,rt ransmititnea dn,yf oromr b ya nym eans, withotuhtep riopre rmissiinwo rni cionfOxg f ordU niverPsrietsys , ora se xprepesrsmliyt tbeydl awo,ru ndetre rmasg reweidt thh ea ppropriate reprograrpihgihoctrssg anizatEinoqnu.i rcioensc ernrienpgr oduction outsitdhees copoeft haeb ovseh oubeld s enrot t heR ighDtesp artment, OxfordU niverPsrietsyas rt, h ea ddreasbso ve Youm ustn orc ircutlhaitboseo ki na nyo thebri ndionrcg o ver andy oum usti mposet hes amec onditoinoa nn ya cquirer BritLiisbhr aCrayt alogiuniP nugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable Libraryo fC ongreCsasr alogiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan Dataav ailable Typesebty Laserw ords PrivLatiem itCehde,n naIin,d ia PrintienGd r eaBtr itain ona cid-pfraepeer b yt he MPG BookGsr oupB,o dmiann dK ingL'ysn n ISBN9 78-0-19-959302-6 I 3 75 9 1 08 6 4 2 Contents Abebvriations vu EdirtIson trocdtuion ix HegePlh'isl osoofMp ihny(d §§3577)77 1 - Introdu(c§t§i3-o78n76 ) 3 ConceopfMt in(d§ §3-841) 9 Subdiv(i§s§i3o8n5 -6) 20 SECTIONI :S UBJCETIVEM IND (§§3-8478 2) SubsecAt:Ai notnh ropoTlhoeSg oyu(,l§ §388-412) 29 (aT)h Nea tuSroau(ll§ §391-402) 35 (aN)a tuQruaall i(t§i§e3s9 2-5) 35 (�N)a tuAlrtaelr at(i§o§n3s9 6-8) 53 (yS)e nsa(t§i§o3n9 9-402) 68 (bT)h eF eelSionu(gl§ §4003)- 1 87 (aT)h Fe eelSionuiglni tImsm edi(a§c§y4 03-6) 89 (�S)e lf-f(e§e§l4-i08n7)g 114 (yH)a b(i§t§4009)- 1 130 (cT)h eAccuSaolul(§§411-12) 136 SubsecBt:Pih oenn omenoofMl iongy(d §§413-39) 142 (aC)o nscioausss unc(eh§s §s4 18-23) 147 (aS)e nsCoornys cio(u§s§n4e1s8s- 19) 147 (�P)e rce(p§t§i4o2n0 -1) 149 (y)I ntel(l§e§c4t2 2-3) 150 (bS)e lf-cons(c§i§o4u2s4n-e3s7s) 152 (a)D esi(r§e§ 426-9) 154 (�R)e cognSiezlafn-tc ons(c§i§o45u3)s0 n-ess 157 (yU)n iveSreslafl- cons(c§i§o4u3s6n-e7s)s 162 (cR)e as(o§n§ 438-9) 164 SubsecCt:Pis oync hoTlhoeMgy i,n (d §§440-82) 165 (aT)h eoreMtiin(cd§a §l4 45-68) 173 (aI)nt uit(i§o§n4 46-50) 176 (�R)e prese(n§t§a4t5i1o-n6 4) 184 (1R)e coll(e§c§t4i5o2n- 4) 186 (2I)m gaina(t§i§o4n5 5-60) 188 Contse nt vi (3M)e mo(r§y§ 461-4) 198 (yT)h inki(n§g§ 465-8) 202 (b)P racMtiinc(da§ l§ 469-80) 206 (crP)r acFteiecla(il§n §g4 71-2) 207 (�U)r gaensWd i lful(n§e§s4s7 3-8) 210 (yH)a ppin(e§s§s4 79-80) 213 (cF)r eMei n(d§ §481-2) 214 SECTION1 1O:B JECTIVMEI ND( §§48535-2) SubsecAt:Ri iogn(h §t §488-502) 220 (aP)r op(e§r§t4y8 8-92) 220 (bC)o ntr(a§c§t4 93-5) 221 (cRi)g hvte rWsruosn (g§ §496-502) 222 SubsecBt:Mio orna l(i§t§y5 03-12) 224 (aP)u rp(o§s5e0 4) 224 (bI)n tenatniWdoe nl l-(b§e§i5n0g5 -6) 225 (cG)o oadnEdvil(§§507-12) 225 SubsecCt:Eit ohniL caielf( §§55123)- 228 (aT)h eF ami(l§y§ 518-22) 229 (bC)i vSiolc i(e§t§y5 23-34) 230 (crT)h Sey stoefNme e(d§s§ 524-8) 230 (�A)d ministration of}ustice (§§5292-3322) (yP)o laincCdeo rpor(a§t§i5o3n3 -4) 235 (cT)h Set a(t§e§ 53552-) 236 (crC)o nstitLuatw(i §o§n5-a34l76 ) 236 (�Ex)t ernalL aPw(u §b§l5i4c7 ) 245 (yW)o rlHdit so(r§y§4 85-52) 246 SECTIOINl :lA BSOLUTMEI ND( §§553-77) SubsecAt:Ai rto( n§ §556-63) 259 SubsecBt:Rie ovne alReedl ig(i§o§n5 64-71) 263 SubsecCt:Pih oinl os(o§p§hy5 72-77) 267 Commentary 279 Index 665 Abbreviations DGS DictionoafryG erman SynonybmsyR, .B .F arr(e3lreldd nC.a:m bridge: CambrUindigvee Prrsei1sr9sy7, 7 ) Enc. HegseE ln'cyc loptUdoiaft hPeh ilosopShciiecnalci enOs u tlinTeh.e r hrpeaer rs arues uaplulbyl issehpeadr Tahtefie rlspyta. r( t' EIni'cts.)r ansblyWa itle­d liaWma llasa cTeh eL ogico fH ege(l2 nedd nO.xf:o rOdx:f oUrndi versiry Pre1s8s9,a2 n)bd y T .F .G eraWe.tA s.S, u chtainnHdg. S .H arraissT h e EncycloptUdiaL ogic (IndianHaacpkoel1ti9t1s9,):T .h es ecopnad(r 'tE nIcI.' ) istr ansblyAa tVe.M di llaesHreg e lP'sh ilosoopfhyN atureB:e inPga rtT wo oft hEen cycloptUdoiaft hPeh ilosopShciiecnacl(e 1s8 3O0x;f oOrxdf:o Urndi ­ versPirre1ys9 s7,a0 n)bd y M .P etarsPyh ilosoopfNhy a ture( LondAloine:n & Unwi1n9,7 .0T )her hipradr( t' EnIcl.li 'st) r ansblyaW t.We adl lace anAd V.M illaesHreg e lP'sh ilosoopfhyM ind( OxforOdx:f oUrndi versiry Pre1s9s7,a1 n)id np abrytM .P etarsTyh eB erlPihnen omenolo(gy Dordrecht: Reid1e9l8.,1T )hewsoer tkrsa ntshlreah ti(er1 d8 3e0d)i toifEo ncn,.b uatl so tranrshlZeau tseiitze I.n m yq uotaftriooEmnn scI .I, h avues uaflollyl owed W alalc'et sr anslation HP Lectureso nt heH istoryo fP hilosop3hy v, o,lt sr.aEn.s. H Sal.d aanned F.H .S ims(oLno ndKo.Pn a:u Tlr,e nTcrhu,b n1e8r9,2 -r6e;pL ro.n don: Un iveorfNs eibryr aPsrke1as9 s9,5 ) ILA IntroductoLrye ctureosnA esthetitcsr,a Bn.sB .o sanqedu.Me .tl ,n wo(oHda r­ mondswoPretnhg:u1 i9n9.,T3 h)iisHs e geiln'tsr odtuohc itlsie ocntT uhree s. complteetixtestr ansblyTa .Mt .eK dn oaxHs eg elA'se sthetiLcse:c turoenFs i ne Art(OxfOoxrfdo:Ur ndi vePrrsei1sry9s 7,5 ) LPR Lectureso nt hPeh ilosoopfRhy e ligio3nv, oltsr.a,En. Ss p.e ainrJds.S anderson (LondK.o Pna:uT lr,e nTcrhu,b n1e8r9,5 ) PH TheP hilosoopfHhy is toryt,r aJnS.si .b (rNeeeYw o rDko:v e1r9,5. T6 h)iisrs h e onlcyo mpltertaen solfHaetgiesoll n'e ctoun'r weoshr ilsdt ory' PR PhilosoopfhyRi ghtt,r aTn.sM .. K no(xO xfoOrxdf:oU rndi verPsrierys s, 195.7Al )sot ransblyaH t.Ne ids baesEt lem entosf t hPeh ilosoopfhyR ight, edA. W ood( CambrCiadmgber:iU dngiev ePrrsei1sr9sy9, .1H )egemla'jso r worokn e rhaincdsp oliAst iicnts h.casee ofr hEen cycloptUdiaH,e gse l' posrhuemdoiuatsdo drZe udsii tzeo r' addiftrioolmne sc't ures PS Phenomenoloogyf S pirittr, aAn Vs..M il(lOexrf oOrxdf:oU rndi vePrrseisrsy, 1977) SL SciencoefL ogic,t raAn Vs..M il(lLeorn dAloine&:n U nwi1n9,6 9) EditoIrnstr oduction Thibso oiksc oncewrinteGdhe iGsetii.ssb t o t'hm inadn'd' spiIrtii stt h'e. 'minodfa' ni ndivIitdi utsah 'les. p iorfaip te'o pIltie as.r rte,l iagnipdoh ni,l o­ sophIyti. ts h Heo lSyp irGietii.tss h tde o mincaonntc ienHp etg sep lh'i losophy. Itp ropheiltssh ouognhwta arndud p warGde.ii sttsie nHl ef,g sev li'e pwr,o pels humanointwya arnddu pwaIrfdt .h eirsae n 'ys ecorfHe etg etlh'as,te cirse t GeilBs uttw. haitsG et?iC sani bt eaarlt lh mee aniHneggsae sls itgoin tCs?a n ipte rftohrmemu ltiotftu adsetk hsaH te greelq uoifir teS?su cahr teh qeu estions thtahtIi nst roduactttieomtnpo� t swse r. HEGEL GeoWrigl heFlrmi edHreigcwehal bs o rinnS tuttign1a 7r7tAft0 e.r l eavtihneg lochailgs hc hohoeel n,r oilnlt ehpdeh ilosfoapchuoylfT t iiyb inugneinv ersity in1 78b8u,lt a tterra nsfteotr hrteeh de olofgaiccuwalilttt yhh aei omf b ecom­ inagL uthepraasntO onrg .r aduaitn1i 7n9hg3e ,f ollotwhceeod m mopnr actice ofs ervaisan p gr ivtautteto otr h ceh ildorfae w ne alftahmyi filrysi,tnB erne anlda tienFr r ankDfuurrti.tn hgpi esr ihoewd r ostoem ees soanyC sh ristianity, whicihng enerreaglra entda, t tetmope tx pliatidsne ,g enerianttaio' o pno sit­ ivree'l igari eolni,og fip orne scdroigbmeadrs u,la ensdr, i tuiancl osn,t troa st th'ef olk-roefal nicgiiGeornnet'e t cheai tts upplaTnhteme ods.it m porotfa nt theesses a'ysT,hS ep iorCfih tr istainaidnt Fisat tyae r'g,ut ehdJa ets oursi ginally preacarh eeldi ogflioovnbe u,tt h aihtta tdo b ecoamr ee liogfliaowanp, o sitive reliignio orndt,eoc r o nvmearntk iDneds.p tihtoeec curroeftn hwceoe r 'ds pirit' (G eiisnit tt)si talsye e,st p iprliatoy nsla ys ubordrionilaenHt eeg set lh'o ught. Hei nvemsotrhseo pien' loavsaem 'e anosfo vercotmhiaenl gi enoaptpionsg­ itions-bseitmwpefleaenia tnhde cclesaiuatshtoibrceiattlwy er,ee na saonnd thhee art-htesh oad te ploAsr yeedHt.e, g deolu btthcsea paocfic toyn ceptual thoutgodh otj usttiotc hieen siogfhCthsr istianity.2 Earilny1 80H1e gemlo vetdoJ entaol ectauttr heue n ivewrhseirhteiy s youngbeurmt,o rper ecocfiroiuFesrn ide dSrcihcehla llirnehgae dlaydp rofess­ orshIitwp a.sh e rteh aGte iaslto,wn igt cho nceptthuoaulgs hetc,ua rm eodr e prominpelnaitcnH e e getlh'osu gThhteu. p shoofht i Jse npae riwoasdh ifisr st majwoorr tkh,Pe h neomegyn oofSlo pirtihtah,tep ubliisn1h 8e0dI7 n.t hwiosr k 1 ThSee corfHe etg( eLlon doLno:n gma1n8, 65by)J ,a meHsu tchison Swtaistr hlfieir nsbgto, o k abouHte geilnt hEen glislha nguage. 2 Thesee ssawyse rneo tp ublisuhnetdi1 l9 0M7o.s to ft hema rter anslbaytT e.Md . K noxi n HegEealr'sT lyhe ologiWcritianl(gs C hicagoU:n iverosfiC thyi cago 1P9re4s8s),.

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