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INDEX TO VOLUME FORTY-FOUR Articles Heine, Steven, History, Transhistory, and Narrative History: A Postmodern View of The Anti-Abstractionism of Dignaga and Nishitani’s Philosophy of Zen, 2:251—278 Berkeley, Ewing Y. Chinn, 1:55—77 Hershock, Peter D., Person as Narration: The Barnhart, Michael G., Sunyata, Textualism, and Dissolution of ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Ch’an Incommensurability, 4:647—658 Buddhism, 4:685—710 Bastow, David, The Maha-Vibhasa Arguments History, Transhistory, and Narrative History: A for Sarvastivada, 3:489—500 Postmodern View of Nishitani’s Philosophy Bloom, Irene, Mencian Arguments on Human of Zen, Steven Heine, 2:251—278 Nature (Jen-hsing), 1:19-—53 Hsing (Nature) as the Ontological Basis of Callahan, William A., Resisting the Norm Practicality in Early Ch’ing Ch’eng-Chu Ironic Images of Marx and Confucius, Confucianism: Li Kuang-ti’s (1642—1718) 2: 279-301 Philosophy, On-cho Ng, 1:79—109 Chinn, Ewing Y., The Anti-Abstractionism of King, Richard, Early Yogacara and its Dignaga and Berkeley, 1:55—77 Relationship with the Madhyamaka School, The Context Principle of Meaning in 4:659-—683 Prabhakara Mimamsa, Hari Shankar Prasad, Kjellberg, Paul, Skepticism, Truth, and the 2:317-—346 Good Life: A Comparison of Zhuangzi and Curtin, Deane, and John Powers, Mothering Sextus Empiricus, 1:111—133 Moral Cultivation in Buddhist and Feminist Lin, Tongqi, Subjectivity: Marxism and “The Ethics, 1:1—18 Spiritual” in China since Mao 4:609—646 Dallmayr, Fred, Western Thought and Indian The Maha-Vibhasa Arguments for Thought: Comments on Ramanujan, Sarvastivada, David Bastow, 3:489-—500 3:527-—542 Mencian Arguments on Human Nature (Jen- Denegation, Nonduality, and Language in hsing), \rene Bloom, 1:19—53 Derrida and Dogen, Toby Avard Foshay, Mothering: Moral Cultivation in Buddhist and 3: 543-558 Feminist Ethics, John Powers and Deane Dependent Arising and the Emptiness of Curtin, 1:1-—18 Emptiness: Why Did Nagarjuna Start with Ng, On-cho, Hsing (Nature) as the Ontological Causation? Jay Garfield, 2: 219-250 Basis of Practicality in Early Ch’ing Ch’eng- Early Yogacara and its Relationship with the Chu Confucianism: Li Kuang-ti’s (1642 Madhyamaka School, Richard King, 1718) Philosophy, 1: 79-109 4:659—683 Person as Narration: The Dissolution of ‘Self Elwood, Brian D., The Problem of the Self and ‘Other’ in Ch’an Buddhism, Peter D., in the Later Nishida and in Sartre, Hershock, 4:685—710 2: 303-316 Powers, John, and Deane Curtin, Mothering: Fa (Standards: Laws) and Meaning Changes in Moral Cultivation in Buddhist and Feminist Chinese Philosophy, Chad Hansen, Ethics, 1:1-—18 3: 435-488 Prasad, Hari Shankar, The Context Principle of Foshay, Toby Avard, Denegation, Nonduality, Meaning in Prabhakara Mimamsa, and Language in Derrida and Dogen, 2:317-—346 3: 543-558 The Problem of the Self in the Later Nishida Garfield, Jay, Dependent Arising and the and in Sartre, Brian D. Elwood, 2: 303-316 Emptiness of Emptiness: Why Did Raphals, Lisa, Skeptical Strategies in the Nagarjuna Start with Causation? Zhuangzi and Theaetetus, 3:501—526 2:219—250 Resisting the Norm: Ironic Images of Marx and Hansen, Chad, Fa (Standards: Laws) and Confucius, William A. Callahan, 2:279-—301 Meaning Changes in Chinese Philosophy, Skeptical Strategies in the Zhuangzi and 3:435—488 Theaetetus, Lisa Raphals, 3:501—526 Skepticism, Truth, and the Good Life: A Royal Ontario Museum, Homage to Heaven, Comparison of Zhuangzi and Sextus Homage to Earth: Chinese Treasures of the Empiricus, Paul Kjellberg, 1:111—133 Royal Ontario Museum, 1:195—196 Subjectivity: Marxism and “The Spiritual” in The Science of Mystic Lights—Qutb al Din China since Mao, Lin Tongqi, 4:609-—646 Shirazi and the Illuminationist Tradition in Sunyata, Textualism, and Incommensurability, Islamic Philosophy, by john Walbridge, Michael G. Barnhart, 4:647—658 3:591 Western Thought and Indian Thought Smart, Ninian, Doctrine and Argument in Comments on Ramanujan, Fred Dallmayr, Indian Philosophy, 1:196—197 3: 527-542 The Textual History of the Huai-nan Tzu, by Harold D. Roth, 2:415 Toward a Democratic China: The Intellectual Book Notes Autobiography of Yan Jiagi, by Yan jiaqi, 2:416 Al-Farabi and His School, by lan Richard Walbridge, John, The Science of Mystic Lights Netton, 1:193—194 Qutb al Din Shirazi and the Chang, Chun-shu, and Shelley Hseuh-lun Mluminationist Tradition in Islamic Chang, Crisis and Transformation Philosophy, 3:591 in Seventeenth Century China, Yan, Jiaqi, Toward aD emocratic China: The 1:193 Intellectual Autobiography of Yan Jiaqi, Chang, Shelley Hseuh-lun, and Chun-shu 2:416 Chang, Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth Century China, 1:193 The Confucian Transformation of Korea, by Book Reviews Martina Deuchler, 3:591—592 Crisis and Transformation in Seventeenth A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Century China, by Chun-shu Chang and Campbell, by Stephen and Robin Larsen Shelley Hseuh-lun Chang, 1: 193 (reviewer D. L. Johnson), 2:480—411 Dean, Kenneth, and Brian Massumi, First and Alfarabi, Avicenna, and Averroes on Intellect, Last Emperors: The Absolute State and the by Herbert A. Davidson (reviewer V/arren Body of the Despot, 3:592—593 Zev Harvey), 3:580—582 Deuchler, Martina, The Confucian Allinson, Robert E., ed., Understanding the Transformation of Korea, 3:591—592 Chinese Mind: The Philosophical Roots Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy, (reviewer Ninian Smart), 2:411—413 by Ninian Smart, 1:196—197 Alt, Wayne, New Translations of the Old First and Last Emperors: The Absolute State Master(s), a review of Lao-Tzu Te-Tao and the Body of the Despot, by Kenneth Ching: A New Translation Based on the Dean and Brian Massumi, 3:592—593 Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Texts, Goodman, Lenn E., ed., Neoplatonism and trans. with an introd. and commentary by Jewish Thought, 1:194—195 Robert G. Henricks; The Tao Te Ching: A Homage to Heaven, Homage to Earth: Chinese New Translation with Commentary, by Treasures of the Royal Ontario Museum, Ellen M. Chen; and Tao Te Ching: “The by Royal Ontario Museum, 1:195—196 Classic Book of Integrity and the Way,” Massumi, Brain, and Kenneth Dean, First and Lao Tzu: An Entirely New Translation Last Emperors: The Absolute State and the Based on the Recently Discovered Body of the Despot, 3:592—593 Ma-Wang-Tui Manuscripts, trans., annot. Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought, ed. by and with Afterword by Victor H. Mair, Lenn E. Goodman, 1:194—195 2:397—405 Netton, lan Richard, A/-Farabi and His School, The Buddhist Priest Myoe: A Life of Dreams, 1: 193-194 by Kawai Hayao, trans. and ed. by Mark Roth, Harold D., The Textual History of the Unno (reviewer Shigenori Nagatomo), 3: Huai-nan Tzu, 2:415 586—590 Chan, Wing-tsit, Chu Hsi: New Studies Masters, trans. by Sohaku Ogata, (reviewer by Kirill Thompson) 1: 186—189 1: 180—183 Chattopadhyaya, D. P., Lester Embree, and The Human Predicament: Its Changing Image: Jitendranath Mohanty, eds., A Study in Comparative Religion and Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy History, by Jaroslav Krejci assisted by Anna (reviewer Eliot Deutsch), 3:577—579 Krejcova reviewer Robert Cummings Chen, Ellen M., The Tao Te Ching: A New Neville), 4:741—743 Translation with Commentary (reviewer Johnson, D. L., a review of A Fire in the Mind: Wayne Alt), 2:397—405 The Life of Joseph Campbell, by Stephen Cheng, Fang, Nicai zai Zhongguo (Nietzsche in and Robin Larsen, 2:408—411 China) (reviewer Viren Murthy), 4:737—741 Kawai, Hayao, The Buddhist Priest Myoe: A Chu Hsi: New Studies, by Wing-tsit Chan Life of Dreams, trans. and ed. by Mark reviewer Kirill Thompson), 1: 186—189 Unno (reviewer Shigenori Nagatomo), Cultural Relativism and Philosophy: North and 3: 586-590 Latin American Perspectives, ed. by Krejci, Jaroslav, assisted by Anna Krejcova, Marcelo Dascal (reviewer Jorge Valadez), The Human Predicament: Its Changing 1:177—180 Image: A Study in Comparative Religion Dascal, Marcelo, ed., Cultural Relativism and and History (reviewer Robert Cummings Philosophy: North and Latin American Neville), 4:741—743 Perspectives, (reviewer Jorge Valadez), Krejcova, Anna, assistant to Jaroslav Krejci, 1:177—180 The Human Predicament: Its Changing Davidson, Herbert A., A/farabi, Avicenna, and Image: A Study in Comparative Religion Averroes on Intellect (reviewed Warren and History (reviewer Robert Cummings Zev Harvey), 3:580—582 Neville), 4:741—743 Deutsch, Eliot, a review of Phenomenology Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching: A New Translation and Indian Philosophy, ed. by D. P Based on the Recently Discovered Ma- Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree, and Wang-Tui Texts, trans. with an introd. and jitendranath Mohanty, 3:577—579 commentary by Robert G. Henricks Embree, Lester, D. P. Chattopadhyaya, and (reviewer Wayne Alt), 2:411—413 Jitendranath Mohanty, eds., Larsen, Robin and Stephen, A Fire in the Mind: Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy The Life of Joseph Campbell, (reviewer D. L. (reviewer Eliot Deutsch), 3:577—579 Johnson), 2:408—411 Exploring Maori Values, by John Patterson Larsen, Stephen and Robin, A Fire in the Mind: (reviewer Christina Thompson), 1: 183-186 The Life of Joseph Campbell, (reviewer D. L. Goodman, Madeleine J., a review of The Way Johnson), 2:408—411 the World Is: Cultural Processes and Social Mair, Victor H., trans., Tao Te Ching: “The Relations among the Mombasa Swahili, by Classic Book of Integrity and the Way,” Marc J. Swartz, 1:190-—191 Lao Tzu: An Entirely New Translation Based Gupta, Bina, Perceiving in Advaita Vedanta on the Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Epistemological Analysis and Manuscripts (reviewer Wayne Alt), Interpretation, (reviewer Michael W 2: 397-405 Myers), 2:406—408 Mohanty, Jitendranath, D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Harvey, Warren Zev, a review of A/farabi, and Lester Embree, eds., Phenomenology Avicenna, and Averroes on Intellect, by and Indian Philosophy (reviewer Eliot Herbert A. Davidson, 3:580—582 Deutsch), 3:577-—579 Henricks, Robert G., trans., Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Murata, Sachiko, The Tao of Islam: A Ching: A New Translation Based on Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in the Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Islamic Thought (reviewer Marietta Texts (reviewer Wayne Alt), Stepaniants), 3:582—586 2:397—405 Murthy, Viren, a review of Nicai zai Zhongguo Hsieh, Ding-hwa E., a review of The (Nietzsche in China), by Cheng Fang, Transmission of the Lamp: Early 4:737-741 Myers, Michael W., review of Perceiving in among the Mombasa Swahili (reviewer Advaita Vedanta: Epistemological Analysis Madeleine |.G oodman), 1:190—191 and Interpretation, by Bina Gupta The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender 2:406—408 Relationships in Islamic Thought, by Nagatomo, Shigenori, a review of The Sachiko Murata (reviewer Marietta Buddhist Priest Myoe: A Life of Dreams, by Stepaniants), 3: 582—586 Kawai Hayao, trans. and ed. by Mark Tao Te Ching: “The Classic Book of Integrity Unno, 3:586—590 and the Way,” Lao Tzu: An Entirely New Neville, Robert Cummings, a review of The Translation Based on the Recently Human Predicament: Its Changing Image Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Manuscripts A Study in Comparative Religion and trans., annot., and with Afterword by History, by Jaroslav Krejci assisted by Anna Victor H. Mair (reviewer Wayne Alt) Krejcova, 4:741—743 2:397-—405 New Translations of the Old Master(s), a The Tao Te Ching: A New Translation with review of Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching: A New Commentary, by Ellen M. Chen (reviewer Translation Based on the Recently Wayne Alt), 2: 397—405 Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui Texts, trans. with Thompson, Christina, a review of Exploring an introd. and commentary by Robert G Maori Values, by John Patterson, Henricks; The Tao Te Ching: A New 1: 183-186 Translation with Commentary, by Ellen M Thompson, Kirill, a review of Chu Hsi Chen; and Tao Te Ching: “The Classic Book New Studies, by Wing-tsit Chan, of Integrity and the Way,” Lao Tzu: An 1: 186—189 Entirely New Translation Based on the The Transmission of the Lamp: Early Masters Recently Discovered Ma-Wang-Tui trans. by Sohaku Ogata (reviewer Ding- Manuscripts, trans., annot., and with hwa E. Hsieh), 1:180—183 Afterword by Victor H. Mair (reviewer Understanding the Chinese Mind: The Wayne Alt), 2:397—405 Philosophical Roots, ed. by Robert Nicai zai Zhongguo (Nietzsche in China), by E. Allinson (reviewer Ninian Smart), Cheng Fang (reviewer Viren Murthy), 2:411-413 4:737-741 Valadez, Jorge, a review of Cultural Relativism Ogata, Sohaku, trans., The Transmission of the and Philosophy: North and Latin American Lamp: Early Masters (reviewer Ding-hwa E Perspectives, ed. by Marcelo Dascal, Hsieh), 1: 180-183 1:177—180 Patterson, John, Exploring Maori Values Unno, Mark, trans. and ed., The Buddhist reviewer Christina Thompson), 1:183—186 Priest Myoe: A Life of Dreams, by Kawai Perceiving in Advaita Vedanta Hayao (reviewer Shigenori Nagatomo), Epistemological Analysis and 3: 596-590 Interpretation, by Bina Gupta (reviewer The Way the World Is: Cultural Processes and Michael W. Myers), 2:406—408 Social Relations among the Mombasa Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy, edited Swahili, by Marc J. Swartz (reviewer by D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree Madeleine |.G oodman), 1:1 90-191 and Jitendranath Mohanty (reviewer Eliot Deutsch), 3:577—579 Smart, Ninian, a review of Understanding the Comment and Discussion Chinese Mind: The Philosophical Roots, ed by Robert E. Allinson, 2:411—413 Stepaniants, Marietta, a review of The Tao of de Bary, Wm. Theodore, Reply to Hoyt Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Cleveland Tillman, 1:143—144 Relationships in Islamic Thought, by Ethics in the Confucian Tradition: The Thought Sachiko Murata, 3:582—586 of Mencius and Wang Yang-ming, by Philip Swartz, Marc J The Way the World Is J. lvanhoe (reviewer Henry G. Skaja) Cultural Processes and Social Relations 3:559-—564 Ivanhoe, Philip J., Ethics in the Confucian Berthrong, John, a review of Unreason within Tradition: The Thought of Mencius and Reason: Essays on the Outskirts of Wang Yang-ming (reviewer Henry G Rationality, by A. C. Graham; and Chinese Skaja), 3:559-—564 Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Essays Ivanhoe, Philip J., Response to Henry G. Skaja, Dedicated to Angus C. Graham, ed. by 3: 564—568 Henry Rosemont, Jr., 4:725—736 Rambachan, Anantanand, A Response to Brown, Judith, Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope Professor Arvind Sharma, 4:721—724 (reviewer James G. Hart), 1:149—167 Reply to Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, Wm Chinese Texts and Philosophical Contexts: Theodore de Bary., 1:143—144 Essays Dedicated to Angus C. Graham, ed. Reply to Philip J. lvanhoe, Henry G. Skaja, by Henry Rosemont, Jr. (reviewer John 3: 568-575 Berthrong), 4:725—736 Response to Henry G. Skaja, Philip J. lvanhoe, The Cunning of Tradition, a review of Knowing 3: 564—568 Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the Response to Mark Tatz’ Review of Ethics of Classical Tradition of China and Greece, by Tibet: Bodhisattva Section of Tsong-kha- Lisa Raphals (reviewer J. E. Tiles), pa’s Lam rim chen mo, Alex Wayman, 2: 387-395 1:145-—147 Defoort, Carine, Obscurity about Clarity—A A Response to Professor Arvind Sharma, Reply to R. P. Peerenboom, 2: 379-385 Anantanand Rambachan, 4:721—724 Defoort, Carine, The ‘Transcendence’ of Tian Skaja, Henry G., Reply to Philip J. lvanhoe, a review of Law and Morality in Ancient 3: 568-575 China: The Silk Manuscripts of Huang-Lao, Skaja, Henry G., a review of Ethics in the by Randall Peerenboom, 2: 347—368 Confucian Tradition: The Thought of Gandhi in India: In His Own Words, ed. by Mencius and Wang Yang-ming, by Philip J. Martin Green (reviewer James G. Hart), Ivanhoe, 3:559—564 1: 149-167 Theories, Virtues, and the Comparative Gandhi's Political Philosophy: A Critical Philosophy of Human Flourishings: A Examination, by Bhikhu Parekh (reviewer Response to Professor Allan, Lee H. James G. Hart), 1: 149-167 Yearley, 4:711—720 Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope, by Judith Brown Tillman, Hoyt Cleveland, The Uses of Neo- (reviewer James G. Hart), 1: 149-167 Confucianism, Revisited: A Reply to Gandhi's Significance for Today: The Elusive Professor de Bary, 1:135—142 Legacy, ed. by John Hick and Lamont The Uses of Neo-Confucianism, Revisited: A Hempel (reviewer James G. Hart), 1:1 49-167 Reply to Professor de Bary, Hoyt Cleveland Graham, A. C., Unreason within Reason: Tillman, 1:135—142 Essays on the Outskirts of Rationality Wayman, Alex, Response to Mark Tatz (reviewer John Berthrong), 4:725—736 Review of Ethics of Tibet: Boddhisattva Green, Martin, ed., Gandhi in India: In His Own Section of Tsong-kha-pa’s Lam rim chen Words (reviewer James G. Hart), 1: 149-167 mo, 1:145—147 Hart, James G., Recent Works in Gandhi Yearley, Lee H., Theories, Virtues, and the Studies, a review of Gandhi: Prisoner of Comparative Philosophy of Human Hope, by Judith Brown; Gandhi in India: In Flourishings: A Response to Professor Allan, His Own Words, ed. by Martin Green; 4:711-—720 Gandhi's Political Philosophy: A Critical Examination, by Bhikhu Parekh; The Philosophy of Gandhi: A Study of His Basic Feature Reviews Ideas, by Glyn Richards; Gandhi's Significance for Today: The Elusive Legacy, Allan, George, a review of Mencius and ed. by John Hick and Lamont Hempel; and Aquinas: Theories of Virtue and In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations Conceptions of Courage, by Lee H with Spiritual Social Activists, by Catherine Yearley, 1:169-—175 Ingram, 1: 149-167 Hempel, Lamont, and John Hick, eds., Puzzled European: A Review (and Gandhi's Significance for Today: The Response) in Three Stereotypes—A Reply Elusive Legacy (reviewer James G. Hart), to Carine Defoort, R. P. Peerenboom, 2 1: 149-167 368—379 Hick, John, and Lamont Hempel, eds., Recent Works in Gandhi Studies, a review of Gandhi's Significance for Today: The Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope, by Judith Brown; Flusive Legacy (reviewer James G. Hart), Gandhi in India: In His Own Words, ed. by 1: 149-167 Martin Green; Gandhi's Political In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations Philosophy: A Critical Examination, by with Spiritual Social Activists, by Catherine Bhikhu Parekh; The Philosophy of Gandhi: Ingram (reviewer James G. Hart), A Study of His Basic Ideas, by Glyn 1: 149-167 Richards; Gandhi's Significance for Today: Ingram, Catherine, in the Footsteps of Gandhi: The Elusive Legacy, ed. by John Hick and Conversations with Spiritual Social Lamont Hempel; and /n the Footsteps of Activists (reviewer James G. Hart), Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social 1: 149-167 Activists, by Catherine Ingram (reviewer Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning in the James G. Hart), 1:149—167 Classical Tradition of China and Greece, by Richards, Glyn, The Philosophy of Gandhi: A Lisa Raphals (reviewer J. E. Tiles), Study of His Basic Ideas (reviewer James G. 2:387-—395 Hart), 1:149—167 Law and Morality in Ancient China: The Silk Rosemont, Henry, Jr., ed., Chinese Texts and Manuscripts of Huang-Lao, by Randall Philosophical Contexts: Essays Dedicated Peerenboom (reviewer Carine Defoort), to Angus C. Graham (reviewer John 2: 347-368 Berthrong), 4:725—736 Mencius and Aquinas: Theories of Virtue and Tiles, J. E., The Cunning of Tradition, a review Conceptions of Courage, by Lee H. Yearley of Knowing Words: Wisdom and Cunning (reviewer George Allan), 1:169-—175 in the Classical Tradition of China and Obscurity about Clarity—A Reply to R. P. Greece, by Lisa Raphals, 2: 387—395 Peerenboom, Carine Defoort 2:379—385 The ‘Transcendence’ of Jian, a review of Law Parekh, Bhikhu, Gandhi's Political Philosophy: and Morality in Ancient China: The Silk A Critical Examination (reviewer James G. Manuscripts of Huang-Lao, by Randall Hart), 1: 149-167 Peerenboom (reviewer Carine Defoort), Peerenboom, R. P., The Rational American and 2:347—368 the inscrutable Oriental as Seen from the Unreason within Reason: Essays on the Perspective of a Puzzled European: A Outskirts of Rationality, by A. C. Graham Review (and Response) in Three (reviewer John Berthrong), 4:725--736 Stereotypes—A Reply to Carine Defoort, Yearley, Lee H., Mencius and Aquinas: 2: 368-379 Theories of Virtue and Conceptions of Peerenboom, Randall, Law and Morality in Courage (reviewer George Allan), Ancient China: The Silk Manuscripts of 1:169-—175 Huang-Lao (reviewer Carine Defoort), 2:347—368 The Philosophy of Gandhi: A Study of His Special Feature Basic Ideas, by Glyn Richards (reviewer James G. Hart), 1:149-—167 Raphals, Lisa, Knowing Words: Wisdom and Chappell, David W., Frederick John Streng, Cunning in the Classical Tradition of China 1933-1993, 2:215—217 and Greece (reviewer J. E. Tiles), 2: 387—395 Remembering Fred Streng: Frederick John The Rational American and the Inscrutable Streng, 1933-1993, David W. Chappell, Oriental as Seen from the Perspective of a 2:215—217

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