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Preview Philosophical Magazine A, B and Letters 1996: Vol 73 Index

PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE A, 1996, VoL. 73, No. 6, 1741 SUBJECT INDEX Vol. 73 PAGE Alloy precipitation behaviours. . . . . . . . 203, 249, 883, 1261, 1733 Amorphous materials. . . . . . . . . . . . 1093, 1237, 1725 Ceramics ede a ee! yt mCP i Composite properties. . . « . «© «© «© « © . 1663 Compound semiconductors . . . . . . ... 147, 169, 601, 767, 1131 Convergent beam techniques . . . . . . . .. . eee Crystabarowt methods... 6 « sem 2s we w & o « ERS Defects and stress analysis , 333, 399, 431, 443, 457, 557, 575, 669, 699, 753, 767, 779, . 1105, 1159, 1173,1193, 1323, 1333, 1347, 1363, 1401, 1439, 1529, 1647 Deformation behaviour and work hardening 61, 81, 265, 345, 601, 739, 803, 829, 871, 1035, ; : . . 1053, 1069, 1181, 1261, 1279, 1355, 1419, 1475 Diffusion . . 101, 117, 131, 237, 681, 899, 919, 935, 973, 1181, 1223, 1303, 1489, 1699 Ductile/brittle and brittle phenomena... . . 47, 803, 871, 1093, 1385, 1621 emockctremintenmis: 5 a wm ee Se Grain boundary effects . . . . «.« « « « ». « 2,625, 973, 1303, 1489 Hien T.superconauctors . . - «§ « «© « «© « « B,G45, 753; 1566, 1 Interface and surface structure : . 213, 625, 859, 1193, 1249, 1279, 1323, 1439 intermetallics 61, 81, 187, 295, 345, 365, 443, 557, 575, 709, 723, 999, 1009, 1035, 1053, 1069, 1159, 1173, 1333, 1401, 1419, 1475, 1647 Ion implantation. . . Ae Moe on ae ee AO toot pe ee 1, 1131 Orderme phetiomena. . . . +. «+ « «= « « « « «45S, 1655, 162 Qmdaton . . . . »« « . . 709, 1725 Gates 2. is ow es hel 159, 415, 681, 899, 919, 935, 973, 1355, 1385, 1685 Phase and structure modelling. . . . . = . . 249, 333, 517, 859, 1211, 1313 Phase transformations. . . . . . . ... . . « 365, 567, 999 rr rr rr a a 295, 723, 1565, 1591 Quasicrystals and approximants . . . — .309, 387, 499, 951, 1147, 1313, 1519, 1715 Semiconductor heterostructures . . . . . . . .. : 11 Shape memory and relatedeffects . ©. ©. . . . . .). _ 457, 517, 1009 Texture analysis . . . . . «. «© «© «© «© « « « 1083, 1113, 1503 X-ray topography 2&2 &»* &» «© © &® @ me <6: Pee vse” cate PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE A, 1996, VoL. 73, No. 6, 1743-1750 INDEX OF AUTHORS (wWITHTITLEs) Vol. 73 Abeyaratne, R., Chu, C., and James, R. D.: Kinetics of materials with wiggly ener- gies: theory and application to the evolution of twinning microstructures in a Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy .. Adachi, K., Yamashita, T., Taneda, Y., Farkas, D. M., ‘and Perkins, J: Dynamical transmission electron microscopy microstructure associated with electron-pho- non interaction in high-damping Cu-Mn alloys. Afonso, C. N., see Morilla, M. C. Ahzi, S., see Schoenfeld, S. E. Aiba, Y., see Zhong, L. Asaro, R. J., see Schoenfeld, S. E. Audier, M., see Klein, H. Ayciriex, M. D., de Diego, N., Dupasquier, A., del Rio, J., and Somoza, A.: Positron and transmission electron microscopy study of precipitation phenomena in an Al-Li-Zr alloy Azzaz, M., Michel, J.-P., and George, A:: Plastic deformation, extended stacking faults and deformation twinning in single crystalline indium phosphide. 2. S doped InP Bacia, M., see Pénisson, J. M. Backhaus-Ricoult, M., and Peyrot-Chabrol, A.: Diffusion-induced grain- eee migration during internal reduction of chromium-doped Al,0; Bacon, D. J., see Serra, A. Baker, I., see Hu, X. Ball, A.: On the bifurcation of cone cracks in glass plates . Baluc, N., see Yu, D. P. Beanland, R., see MacPherson, G. Beaudoin Jr, A. J., Mecking, H., and Kocks, U. F.: aetna of localized orien- tation gradients in fcc polycrystals . ; i Yat ee Beke, D. L., see Bernardini, J. Belov, A. Y., and Kirchner, H. O. K.: Universal weight functions for elastically anisotropic, angularly inhomogeneous media with notches or cracks. Belova, I. V., and Murch, G. E.: A theory ofd iffusion in the ordered alloy. I. Tracer correlation effects. Belova, I. V., and Murch, G. E.: A theory of ‘diffusion in the ordered alloy. II. Percolation and tracer diffusion. . Belova, I. V., and Murch, G. E.: A theory ‘of diffusion in: the ordered alloy. II. Chemical diffusion Belova, I. V., and Murch, G. E:: Symmetry properties of the collective diffusion correlation factors in the random alloy. ; Belova, I. V., and Murch, G. E.: Two approaches for the evalution of collective diffusion correlation factors . = ears Beraha, L., see Klein, H. Bernardini, J., Tékei, Zs., and Beke, D. L.: Effect of segregation on the shape of grain boundary diffusion profiles. Experimental study of the Cu-Ag system Bichebois, P., see Prakash, O. Bingert, J. F., see Schoenfeld, S. E. Biscondi, M., see Pénisson, J. M. 1744 Index of authors Biswas, S. K., see Bobyi, M. S. Black, D., see Hu, X. Bley, F., see Charleux, M. Blumenthal, W. R., see Schoenfeld, S. E. Bobji, M. S., and Biswas, S. K.: Determination and study of the strength of the blister field generated by conical indentation : Bonnet, R.: Free surface relaxation of a hexagonal network of misfit dislocations. Bouchear, M., Hamana, D., and Lacui, T.: GP zones and —— aetiieet in aged Al- Mg alloys a = ak aaa oe ; Boudard, M., see Klein, H. Brechet, Y., see Charleux, M. Brechet, Y., see Prakash, O. Browning, N. D., see McGibbon, M. M. Cai. Z. %., see Zhu, Y. Caillard, D., see Legros, M. Charleux, M., Livet, F., Bley, F., Louchet, F., and Bréchet, Y.: Thermal ageing of an Fe-Cu alloy: microstructural evolution and precipitation hardening Chen, Y. R., see Dai, Z. R. Chernenko, V. A., and L’vov, V. A.: Thermodynamics of martensitic transforma- tions affected by hydrostatic pressure. Chien, F. R., and Heuer, A. H.: Lattice diffusion kinetics iin Y203-stabilized cubic ZrO, single crystals: a dislocation loop annealing study Chou, Y. T., see Li, X. M Chu, C., see Abeyaratne, R. Chumash, V. N., see Popescu, M. A. Cojocaru, I., see Popescu, M. A. Couret, A., see Legros, M. d’Heurle, F. M., see Zhang, S.-L. Dahmen, U., see Xiao, S. Q. Dai, Z. R., Wang, Z. L., Chen, Y. R., Wu, H. Z., and Liu, W. X.: Local ordering of oxygen vacancies in cubic zirconia (ZrO>) stabilized with ici ati and magnesia (MgO). I. Electron diffuse scattering study Dai, Z. R., Wang, Z. L., and Liu, W. X.: Local ordering of oxygen vacancies in cubic zirconia stabilized with yttria and magnesia. II. Determination of local ordering parameters of oxygen vacancies . de Boissieu, M., see Klein, H. de Diego, N., see Ayciriex, M. D. de Diego, N., see Mikhin, A. G. del Rio, J., see Ayciriex, M. D. Dominik, C., and Tielens, A. G. G. M.: Resistance to sliding on atomic scales in the adhesive contact of two elastic spheres . Dong, C.: The 6-Al,Cuyg phase as an approximant of quasicrystals. Doole, R. C., see Morilla, M. C. Douin, J., see Popille, F. Duneau, M., see Klein, H. Dunstan, D. J.: Mathematical model for strain relaxation in multilayer metamorphic epitaxial structures : Dupasquier, A., see Ayciriex, M. D. Eberhart, M. E.: A chemical approach to ductile versus brittle phenomena Embury, J. D., see Prakash, O. Etheridge, J.: Structural perturbations at intervals of the coherence _ in YBazCu307_ 5(6 < 0-1) Ezz, S. S., and Hirsch, P. B.: The effect of r1 oom temperature ‘deformation on the yield stress anomaly in Ni3(AIHf)B. Index of authors Fan, Z.: A microstructural approach to the effective transport properties of multi- phase composites. . ae : Farkas, D. M., see Adachi, K Field, D. P., see Morawiec, A. Forwood, C. T., see Rossouw, C. J. Frost, H. J., see Weiss, J. George, A., see Azzaz, M. Gibson, M. A., see Rossouw, C. J. Gjonnes, J., see Hansen, V. Gleiter, H., see Wang, J. Goodhew, P. J., see MacPherson, G. Gosling, T. J.: The stresses due to arrays of inclusions and dislocations of infinite length in an anisotropic half space. Application to strained semiconductor struc- FE i ar tA ee Gupta, A., see Popescu, M. A. Hamana, D., see Bouchear, M. Hanada, S., see Yoshimi, K. Hansen, N., see Randle, V. Hansen, V., and Gjonnes, J.: Quasicrystals in an aluminium alloy matrix and the transformation to a-AlMnSi via intermediate stages Hayashi, K., see Zhong, L. Hemker, K. J., see Viguier, B. Heuer, A. H., see Chien, F. R. Hinderberger, S., see Xiao, S. Q. Hiraga, K., see Sun, W. Hirsch, P. B., see Ezz, S. S. Hirth, J. P., see Kamat, S. V. Hojo, A., see Zhong, L. Holland, A. J., and Tanner, B. K.: Simulation of decorated dislocation — in X- ray section topographs . Hu, X., Liu, F., Baker, I., and Black, D.: The effect of X- radiation on the plastic deformation of ice . . tie Humphreys, C. J., see Inkson, B. J. Huntz, A. M., see Le Gall, M. Huntz, A. M., see Prot, D. Ichimura, M., and Narayan, J.: Atomistic study of partial misfit dislocations in Ge Si(001) heterostructures . Imanieh, M., see Mullan, C. A. Inkson, B. J., and Humphreys, C. J.: Dislocations at 120° order interfaces in TiAl Inkson, B. J., and Humphreys, C. J.: High-resolution electron microscopy study of the junction between a coherent {111} and an incoherent {121} twin boundary in TiAl Inoue, A., see Saitoh, K. Inui, H., see Tanaka, K. Jain, V. K., see Popescu, M. A. James, R. D., see Abeyaratne, R. Jumonji, K., Ueta, S., Miyahara, A., Kato, M., and Sato, A.: — work canes caused by cube cross slip in Ni3Al single crystals Juul Jensen, D., see Randle, V. Kamat, S. V., Hirth, J. P., and Miillner, P.: The effect of stress on thea e of a blocked deformation twin ae Karnthaler, H. P., see Waitz, T. Kato, M., see Jumonji, K. 1746 Index of authors Kato, M., see Miura, H. Kiely, C. J., see Mullan, C. A. Kifune, K., Kubota, Y., and Yamamoto, K.: The crystal structure of the Au,,In; phase. . Kimura, H.: High- -strength intermetallic TiAl synthesized via1 high- temperature crys- tallization of the amorphous alloy ; Kirchner, H. O. K., see Belov, A. Y. Klein, H., Audier, M., Boudard, M., de Boissieu, M., Beraha, L., and Duneau, M.: Phason defects in Al-Pd-Mn approximant phases . Knowles, K. M., see Mao, Z. Kocks, U. F., see Beaudoin Jr, A. J. Koiwa, M., see Tanaka, K. Kubota, Y., see Kifune, K. L’vov, V. A., see Chernenko, V. A. Laoui, T., see Bouchear, M. Le Gall, M., see Prot, D. Le Gall, M., Huntz, A. M., Lesage, B., and Monty, C.: Self-diffusion in a-Al,O3. III. ~~ diffusion in single crystals doped with Y,0,; . . Legros,M ., Couret, A., and Caillard, D.: Prismatic and basal slip in TiAl. | Frictional forces on dislocations. . Legros, M., Couret, A., and Caillard, D.: Prismatic and basal lipin TiAl. II. Dislocation interactions and cross-slip processes Lesage, B., see Le Gall, M Lesage, B., see Prot, D. Li, X. M., and Chou, Y. T.: Low —_ grain ee diffusion of Cr in Nb P iyicec oe ae , see Wang, Y. see Hu, X. ; see Dai, Z. R. Lau; Y.; ' Mazumder, J., Robertson, B. W., and Tewari, S.:o n and ieaanint in laser clad NbAl; on Nb he ie Livet, F., see Charleux, M. Louchet, F., see Charleux, M. Louchet, F., see Prakash, O. MacPherson, G., Beanland, R., and Goodhew, P. J.: A novel design method for the suppression of edge dislocation formation in step-graded InGaAs/GaAs layers Maeda, N., see Suzuki, K. Mao, Z., and Knowles, K. M.: Dissociation of lattice dislocations in SrTiO; . Masumoto, T., see Saitoh, K. Matsushita, J., see Zhong, L. Matsushita, Y., see Zhong, L. Mazumder, J., see Liu, Y. McGibbon, A. J., see McGibbon, M. M. McGibbon, M. M., Browning, N. D., McGibbon, A. J., and Pennycook, S. J.: The atomic structure of asymmetric [001] tilt boundaries in SrTiO; iRees Mecking, H., see Beaudoin Jr, A. J. Michel, J.-P., see Azzaz, M. Mikhin, A. G., and de Diego, N.: A many-body potential model for Zn , Miller, R., and Phillips, R.: Critical analysis of local constitutive models for slip and decohesion : Minonishi,Y ., see Tanaka, K. Mitarai, Y., s5e e Tanaka, K. Miura, H., Sakai, T., Tada, N., and Kato, M.: Strain-rate effects on intermediate- temperature embrittlement of Cu-SiO, bicrystals with [001] twist boundaries . Miyahara, A., see Jumonji, K. Monty, C., see Le Gall, M Index of authors Monty, C., see Prot, D. Morawiec, A., and Field, D. P.: Rodrigues parameterization for orientation and misorientation distributions . Mori, H., see Yasuda, H. Morilla, M. C., Afonso, C. N., Petford-Long, A. K., and Doole, R. C.: Influence of the relaxation state on the crystallization kinetics of Sb-rich SbGe amorphous films .. SON in cin perl sd oie phere ee Mullan, C. A., Kiely, C. J, Yakushev, M. V., Imanieh, M., Tomlinson, R. D., and Rockett, A.: The effects of ion implantation on the microstructure of CulnSe, single crystals. : ss cael Miillner, P., see Kamat, S. Vv. Murch, G. E., see Belova, I. V. Murray, C. E., and Noyan, I. C.: The relationship between the golden section ® and the elastic constants of ensembles selected by diffraction methods . Nakamura, Y., see Ye, J. Nakano, T., see Yasuda, H. Y. Narayan, J., see Ichimura, M. Nishizaki, T., see Saka, H. Nittono, O., see Ye, J. Noyan, I. C., see Murray, C. E. Noyan, I. C., see Song, Y. Okamoto, K., see Tanaka, K. Onuma, T., see Yoshimi, K. Ortiz, M., see Tadmor, E. B. Osetsky, Y. N., and Serra, A.: Study of copper precipitates in a-iron by computer simulation. II. Interatomic potential for Fe-Cu interactions and properties of coherent precipitates. : Ota, K., and Pezzotti, G.: Internal friction study of sialon cc eramics Pedersen, O. B.: A static-dynamic model for the process of cyclic saturation in fatigue of metals. . Pénisson, J. M., Bacia, M., and Biscondi, M:: New carbides observed by high- reso- lution electron microscopy in a viene bicrystal containing a )=5 sym- metrical boundary. Pennycook, S. J., see McGibbon, M. M. Perkins, J., see Adachi, K. Petford-Long, A. K., see Morilla, M. C. Peyrot-Chabrol, A., see Backhaus-Ricoult, M. Pezzotti, G., see Ota, K. Phillips, R., see Miller, R. Phillips, R., see Tadmor, E. B. Phillpot, S. R., see Wang, J. Pisch, A., see Zhang, S.-L. Popescu, M. A., Chumash, V. N., Cojocaru, I., Jain, V. K., and Gupta, A.: Amorphous phase in ——— oxidized porous silicon P Popille, F., and Douin, J.: The dislocation microstructure in orthorhombic O TizAINb deformed between room temperature and 800°C... Prakash, O., Bichebois, P., Brechet, Y., Louchet, F., and Embury, J. D.: A note on the deformation behaviour of two-dimensional model cellular structures... Prot, D., Le Gall, M., Lesage, B., Huntz, A. M., and Monty, C.: Self-diffusion in a- Al,O3.. IV. Oxygen pants self-diffusion in undoped and yttria-doped alumina polycrystals. . Prot, D., and Monty, C.: Self- diffusion iin a-- Al,03. I.+ Oxygen diffusion iin "undoped single crystals. 1748 Index of authors Raabe, D.: On the contribution of screw dislocations to internal stress fields asso- ciated with dislocation cell structures Rabier, J.: On the nucleation of +031] stacking faults ii n | YBa;Cu;07_5F Moree Randle, V., Hansen, N., and Juul Jensen, D.: The deformation behaviour of grain boundary regions in polycrystalline aluminium . Robertson, B. W., see Liu, Y. Rockett, A., see Mullan, C. A. Rossouw, C. J., Gibson, M. A., and Forwood, C. T.: Convergent beam electron diffraction zeroth order Laue zone and higher order Laue zone analysis of order in TiAl alloys. Rybakov, K. I., and Semenov, V. E:: Densification of powder materials in non- uniform temperature fields Saada, G., see Shi, X Saito, H., see Zhong, L Saitoh, K., Tsuda, K., Tanaka, M., Tsai, A. P., Inoue, A., and Masumoto, T.: Electron microscope study of the symmetry of the basic atom cluster and a structural change of decagonal quasicrystals of Al-Cu-Co alloys : Saka, H., and Nishizaki, T.: Roles of edge and screw dislocations in the environ- mental embrittlement of an Fe-Al intermetallic compound. Sakai, T., see Miura, H. Sato, A., see Jumonji, K. Sawaoka, A. B., see Yamada, K. Schoenfeld, S. E., Ahzi, S., Asaro, R. J., and Blumenthal, W. R.: The bulk processing of 2223 BSCCO powers. I. Densification and mechanical response. Schoenfeld, S. E., Asaro, R. J., Ahzi, S., Bingert, J. F., and Willis, J. O.: The bulk processing of 2223 BSCCO powders. II. Tape rolling . ae ee, Schulson, E. M., see Weiss, J. Seeger, A., see Wiirschum, R. Semenov, V. E., see Rybakov, K. I. Serra, A., see Osetsky, Y. N. Serra, A., and Bacon, D. J.: A new model for {1012} twin growth in hcp metals . Shi, X., Saada, G., and Veyssiére, P.: The formation of antiphase-boundary tubes in NizAl . Shi, X., Saada, G., and Veyssiére, r. The effect of prestraining temperature on the mechanical behaviour of Ni3(Al,Hf) single crystals. Shirai, H., see Zhong, L. Somoza, A., see Ayciriex, M. D. Song, Y., and Noyan, I. C.: Variation of the effective elastic constants in the sample coordinate system with tilt angle (w) for X-ray strain-stress analysis . Strutt, A. J., and Vecchio, K. S.: On the structure of faults in pyrites . ; Sun, W., and Hiraga, K.: High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Al- Pd- Mn decagonal quasicrystal with 1-6 nm periodicity and its crystalline approximants. Suzuki, K., Maeda, N., and Takeuchi, S.: High resolution electron microscopy of dissociated dislocations in silicon with a normal-incident electron beam Tada, N., see Miura, H. Tadmor, E. B., Ortiz, M., and —_— Re pies snsavidi of defects in solids. . Me : . PM eva Takeda, R., see Zhong, L. Takeuchi, S., see Suzuki,K Tanaka, K., Mitarai, Y., and Koiwa, M.: Elastic constants of Al-based icosahedral quasicrystals .. Tanaka, K., Okamoto, K., ‘Inui, H., Minonishi, Y., Yamaguchi, M., “and Koiwa, M.: Elastic constants and their temperature dependence for the intermetallic com- pound Ti3Al . Ee ener Tanaka, M., see Saitoh, K. Index of authors Taneda, Y., see Adachi, K. Tanner, B. K., see Holland, A. J. Tarasiuk, J., and Wierzbanowski, K.: Application oft he linear regression method for comparison of crystallographic textures. Tewari, S., see Liu, Y. Tielens, A. G. G. M., see Dominik, C. Tokei, Zs., see Bernardini, J. Tomlinson, R. D., see Mullan, C. A. Tsai, A. P., see Saitoh, K. Tsuda, K., see Saitoh, K. Ueta, S., see Jumonji, K. Umakoshi, Y., see Yasuda, H. Y. Vecchio, K. S., see Strutt, A. J. Veyssiére, P., see Shi, X. Viguier, B., and Hemker, K. J.: Characterizing faulted dipoles in deformed gamma TiAl oe eo ate Waitz, T., and Karnthaler, H. P.: High-resolution and in-situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of the martensitic fec-+dhcp phase transformations in Co-Fe single crystals. . Wang, J., Wolf, D., Phillpot, S. R., ‘and Gleiter, H.: Computer simulation of the structure and thermo-elastic properties of a model nanocrystalline material Wang, J. N.: On the transition from power-law creep to diffusional creep Wang, Y., Li, J., and Ye, H.: Structure — of the © = re 8° ) grain boundary in a-Ti ae : = , Wang, Z. L., see Dai, Z. R. Weiss, J., Schulson, E. M., and Frost, H. J.: The nucleation of microcracks in ice cubes compressed equally on all boundaries Welch, D. O., see Zhu, Y. Westmacott, K. H., see Xiao, S. Q. Wierzbanowski, K., see Tarasiuk, J. Willis, J. O., see Schoenfeld, S. E. Wolf, D., see Wang, J. Wu, H. Z., see Dai, Z. R. Wiirschum, R., and Seeger, A.: Diffusion-reaction model for the eben of posi- trons in grain boundaries ar ; Xiao, S. Q., Hinderberger, S., Westmacott, K. H., and Dahmen, U.: The effect of twinning on the shapes of cube-cube-related Ge precipitates in Al. Yakushev, M. V., see Mullan, C. A. Yamada, K.: Rapid growth of zinc oxide polyhedral crystals from whiskers using a shock wave technique Yamada, K., and Sawaoka, A. B.: Dendrites of silicon nitride grown in free space by a rapid condensation method Yamaguchi, M., see Tanaka, K. Yamamoto, K., see Kifune, K. Yamashita, T., see Adachi, K Yasuda, H., and Mori, H.: Phase stability and transformation in nanometre-sized Au-Pb alloy clusters produced by spontaneous alloying Yasuda, H. Y., Nakano, T., and Umakoshi, Y.: The deformation substructure iin cyclically deformed TiAl PST crystals ; Yasuda, H. Y., Nakano, T., and Umakoshi, Y.: Effect of lamellar structure and plastic anisotropy on the — deformation and fatigue behaviour of TiAl PST crystals . > 4 eR Ss any Ye, H., see Wang, Y. 1750 Index of authors Ye, J., Nakamura, Y., and Nittono, O.: Vacancy ordered structure of the III, VI; compound semiconductor (Ga,In,.,)2Se3 studied by electron diffraction and microscopy : Yoffe, E. H.: Stress in a gravitating sphere Yoo, M. H., see Yoshimi, K. Yoshikawa, J., see Zhong, L. Yoshimi, K., Hanada, S., Onuma, T., and Yoo, M. H.: Transmission electron micro- scopic observation of thermally introduced planar faults in Fe-35 mol.% Al alloys . See ae ie oe ee ee Yu, D. P., Zhang, ‘Z., ‘and Baluc, N:: Incommensurate modulated structure in the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase T2 of an AI-Li-Cu alloy Zhang, S.-L., Pisch, A., and d’Heurle, F. M.: Oxidation of uanniangl intermetallic compounds: kinetics and thermodynamics . , Zhang, Z., see Yu, D. P. Zhong, L., Hojo, A., Matsushita, Y., Aiba, Y., Hayashi, K., Takeda, R., Shirai, H., Saito, H., Matsushita, J., and Yoshikawa, J.: A novel configuration of atomic steps observed on vicinal silicon (100) surface annealed in a hydrogen atmo- sphere. . . Then, ¥ (Ca Z. X.; and Welch, D. O:: Strain field and strain contrast of columnar defects in heavy-ion irradiated superconductors

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