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Preview PHHASE II ENVIR Atl A RONME anta Be Atlanta B

REPPORT OFF PHHASE II ENVIRRONMEENTAL SITE AASSESSMMENT Atlanta BeeltLine CCorridorr Siimpson Roaad to DeKallb Avenue Atlanta, Fulton andd DeKalb CCounty, Geoorgia Preepared For: AAtlanta BBeltLine, Inc. 886 Pryor Sttreet, SW, SSuite 200 Atlanta,, Georgia 30303 Preepared By: MACTEC EENGINEERIING AND CONSULTING, INC. 396 Plastters Avenuee, NE Atlanta,, Georgia 300024 As a MMember of tthe PERKIINS + WILLL AND FIEELD OPERAATIONS DEESIGN TEAAM November 1, 20110 MAACTEC PROOJECT: 6151-10-0104 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0  INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1-1  1.1  BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 1-1  1.2  PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 1-2  1.3  QUALIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 1-3  1.3.1  Limitations .......................................................................................................... 1-3  1.3.2  Definitions .......................................................................................................... 1-3  1.3.3  User Reliance ...................................................................................................... 1-4  1.3.4  Significant Assumptions ..................................................................................... 1-4  1.3.5  Exceptions/Data Gaps ......................................................................................... 1-4  1.3.6  Deviations/Deletions ........................................................................................... 1-4  2.0  SITE SETTING ........................................................................................................................... 2-1  2.1  GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 2-1  2.2  HYDROGEOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 2-1  2.2.1  Geologic Setting ................................................................................................. 2-2  2.2.2  Groundwater ....................................................................................................... 2-2  3.0  REGULATORY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................. 3-1  4.0  CORRIDOR AND SURROUNDING LAND USE .................................................................. 4-1  4.1  WEST CORRIDOR SECTION G620+00 TO G720+00 – FIGURES 1 AND 2 ............ 4-1  4.1.1  West BeltLine Corridor ...................................................................................... 4-2  4.1.2  Surrounding Land Use – Inside the West Corridor............................................. 4-3  4.1.3  Surrounding Land Use – Outside the Corridor ................................................... 4-5  4.2  SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR SECTION G720 +00 TO G825+00 – FIGURES 2 AND 3 .............................................................................................................................. 4-6  4.2.1  Southwest BeltLine Corridor .............................................................................. 4-6  4.2.2  Surrounding Land Use – Inside the Southwest Corridor .................................... 4-8  4.2.3  Surrounding Land Use – Outside the Southwest Corridor ................................. 4-9  4.3  SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR SECTION G825+00 TO G950+00 – FIGURES 4 AND 5 ............................................................................................................................ 4-12  4.3.1  Southeast BeltLine Corridor ............................................................................. 4-12  4.3.2  Surrounding Land Use – Inside the Southeast Corridor ................................... 4-13  4.3.3  Surrounding Land Use – Outside the Southeast Corridor ................................. 4-16  4.4  EAST CORRIDOR SITE SECTION G950+00 TO G80+00 – FIGURES 5 AND 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 4-20  4.4.1  East BeltLine Corridor ...................................................................................... 4-20  4.4.2  Surrounding Land Use – Inside the East Corridor ............................................ 4-21  4.4.3  Surrounding Land Use – Outside the East Corridor ......................................... 4-23  4.4.4 Surrounding Land Use – East City Roadway Section .......................................... 4-26  5.0  USER/ OWNER PROVIDED INFORMATION ..................................................................... 5-1  5.1  TITLE RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 5-1  5.2  ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS........................................................................................... 5-1  i Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 5.3  SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE ...................................................................................... 5-1  5.4  COMMONLY KNOWN INFORMATION .................................................................... 5-1  5.5  VALUATION REDUCTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ............................... 5-1  5.6  OWNER/PROPERTY MANAGER/OCCUPANT INFORMATION ............................. 5-1  5.7  REASON FOR PERFORMING THE PHASE I ............................................................. 5-1  6.0  INTERVIEWS ............................................................................................................................ 6-1  6.1  PROPERTY OWNER/MANAGER .............. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.  6.2  SITE TENANTS ............................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.  6.3  PAST OWNER/ TENANTS .......................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.  6.4  SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS/ TENANTSERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.  6.5  LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ........ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.  7.0  OPINIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................... 7-1  8.0  RESTRICTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 8-1  9.0  ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT ........................................................ 9-1  LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A – FIGURES APPENDIX B – PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX C – REGULATORY SEARCH INFORMATION APPENDIX D – ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX E – VOLUNTARY BROWNFIED PROGRAM CAP APPROVAL LETTER APPENDIX F – PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS APPENDIX G – REFERENCE MATERIALS ii Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Definition AST aboveground storage tank ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System EDR Environmental Data Resources EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPD Environmental Protection Division ERNS Emergency Response Notification System ERT Emergency Response Team FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System HSI Hazardous Site Inventory LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank MACTEC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. NFA No Further Action NPL National Priorities List PCB polychlorinated biphenyl RCRIS Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System REC recognized environmental condition USGS U.S. Geological Survey UST underground storage tank iii Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 1.0 INTRODUCTION Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. engaged Perkins + Will and Field Operations Design Team (The Team) to provide environmental consulting services at the subject property. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) has completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment the Atlanta BeltLine Corridor from Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue in Atlanta, Fulton County and DeKalb County, Georgia as a member of The Team. The purpose of our Phase I services was to identify environmental concerns, recognized environmental conditions, and business environmental risks in connection with the property based on readily available information and site observations. The Phase I findings were based on commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information, inquiries and site observations. Our Phase I services are being performed as one task of the services provided for BeltLine Corridor Design. The contract between the Prime consulting firm, Perkins + Will and ABI is dated February 25, 2010. The sub-contract agreement between Perkins + Will and MACTEC is dated March 18, 2010 and signed by Mr. Leo Alvarez of Perkins + Will. Authorization to proceed with the work was provided to Perkins + Will in Work Order #1 dated March 17, 2010 by Mr. Brian Leary of ABI. MACTEC’s services were provided in accordance with agreed upon terms and conditions of the contract. 1.1 BACKGROUND Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. has requested environmental consulting services at the subject site as part of its due diligence effort in advance of potential acquisition of the property. ABI currently has a lease and an option to purchase the subject sections of the BeltLine Corridor, referred to herein as the West, Southwest, Southeast and East sections. Based on the presence of soil and groundwater impacts previously identified on the Northeast section, we understand Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. intends to address environmental issues through Georgia’s Voluntary Brownfield Program. The subject site consists of 167.24-acres of land that is a railroad corridor right-of-way extending linearly from Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue. The right-of-way width varies but averages approximately 100 feet. The corridor traverses the southern crescent of the City of Atlanta and passes through areas that consist of a variety of uses such as industrial, residential, commercial, green space and vacant wooded 1-1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 lots. The railroad corridor was owned by a variety of railroad companies over the years and was operated as such since the late 1800s. 1.2 PROCEDURES The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was performed using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Practice E 1527-05. This practice was developed to define “all appropriate inquiry” under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) as amended in 2001. Any exceptions to, or deletions from, this practice are described in Section 1.3 of this report. The following services were provided for the assessment: • A qualitative hydrogeologic evaluation of the site and vicinity using both published topographic and geologic maps and area observations to characterize the area drainage. • A review of the history of the site using readily available standard historical sources and an attempt at an interview with an owner’s representative. • A review of available environmental reports published by state and federal agencies to determine whether the site or properties within specified search distances are listed as having a present or past environmental problem, are under investigation or are regulated by state or federal environmental regulatory agencies. • A site and adjacent property reconnaissance to look for surficial indications of activities involving hazardous substances and petroleum products. • Preparation of this report presenting findings, opinions and conclusions. Although previous studies are referenced, this Phase I did not include ASTM non-scope items, such as: sampling or evaluating buildings for lead-based paint, asbestos-containing materials, or ambient air quality; identifying ecological conditions; and testing of the air, soil, groundwater, surface water or drinking water for chemical contaminants. 1-2 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 1.3 QUALIFICATIONS 1.3.1 Limitations The findings and opinions presented are relative to the dates of our site work and should not be relied on to represent conditions at substantially later dates. The opinions included herein are based on information obtained during the study and on MACTEC’s experience. If additional information becomes available that might impact our environmental conclusions, we request the opportunity to review the information, reassess the potential concerns, and modify our opinions, if warranted. If this assessment included a review of documents prepared by others, MACTEC has no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained therein. Although this assessment has attempted to identify the potential for environmental impacts to the subject property, potential sources of contamination may have escaped detection due to: (1) the limited scope of this assessment, (2) the inaccuracy of public records, (3) the presence of undetected or unreported environmental incidents, (4) inaccessible areas, and/or (5) deliberate concealment of detrimental information. 1.3.2 Definitions ASTM E 1527-05 defines a “recognized environmental condition” (REC) as: “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the property. The term includes hazardous substances or petroleum products even under conditions in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do not present a material risk of harm to public health or the environment and that would not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies.” A business environmental risk is an environmental condition that can have an environmental impact on the business associated with the current or planned use of a parcel of real estate. Recognized environmental conditions and business environmental risks that warrant follow-up assessment are termed environmental concerns in this report. 1-3 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 1.3.3 User Reliance This report is intended for the use of Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., subject to the contractual terms agreed to for this project. Reliance on this document by any other party is prohibited without the express consent of Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. and that party's execution of mutually agreeable terms and conditions with MACTEC. Use of this report for purposes beyond those reasonably intended by Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., Perkins + Will and MACTEC will be at the sole risk of the user. 1.3.4 Significant Assumptions No significant assumptions were made during the assessment that are likely to affect our ability to identify RECs in connection with the site. 1.3.5 Exceptions/Data Gaps We were not provided with an environmental lien search, although ABI representatives indicated that no such liens have been file or recorded. We were unable to interview an owner’s representative during the assessment process. 1.3.6 Deviations/Deletions Based on the available site history information, no significant deviations or deletions were noted during this assessment that are likely to affect our professional opinion. 1-4 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Atlanta BeltLine Corridor MACTEC Project No: 6151-10-0104 Simpson Road to DeKalb Avenue November 1, 2010 2.0 SITE SETTING Understanding of a site's physical setting is important to the recognition of environmental impacts to the property. 2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The subject property consists of an approximately 9-mile long section of a former railroad corridor which covers 167.24 acres. This section of the proposed Beltline corridor begins at Simpson Street, west of downtown Atlanta, and proceeds in a semi-circular pattern south and east of the city, terminating at DeKalb Avenue. The parcel is currently occupied by a railway corridor, much of which is currently inactive, particularly in the western portion of the site. The right-of-way width varies, but averages approximately 100 feet. The railroad corridor was owned by a variety of railroad companies over the years and was operated as such since at least the late 1800s. Most of the western side of the corridor is currently unused by railroad companies and many areas lack any relic track. The eastern portion of the corridor still contains an active section of railroad track operated by CSX which extends counterclockwise from University Avenue to Glenwood Avenue. Properties surrounding the corridor are comprised of industrial, residential and commercial land, green space and vacant wooded lots. The site lies topographically in an area of gently to moderately rolling terrain. Average rainfall in the area is approximately 52 to 54 inches per year. 2.2 HYDROGEOLOGY A consideration of surface and subsurface drainage and geology are of interest since they indicate the direction that contaminants, if present on-site or off-site, could be transported. The term "upgradient" refers to a location hydraulically upstream. Due to the long linear nature of the site, the corridor is crossed by numerous drainage features and there are multiple areas which are considered to be upgradient of at least a portion of the site. • Topographic Map, City of Atlanta, dated 1928, published by U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and City of Atlanta Mapping Division; 2-1

SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR SECTION G720 +00 TO G825+00 – FIGURES 2 .. associated with the current or planned use of a parcel of real estate. basin extends southward, beyond the headwaters of the creek, to Ralph David.
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