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Preview Phenomenology of Ultra-relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions

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This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or "/(','llIlIIiclI/, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to III' il/vI'llIed, with.out wrillen permission from th.e Publisher, "'" I'h"lp '()pying of malerial in this volume, please pay a copying ree through the Copyright Clearance Center, 1,," ,222 i{()sl:wood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. In Ihis case permission to pholocopy is nol required from Ill\' 1'"lolisllI:'" ISBN I \ 'I7X (j)ll ~2XO 6() 4 ISBN II) 'IX I ,12X() (,() (, or '1<> tile Illclliory Barbara, IJll<:y;(~k (I ()/IO 19~):~) Pol ish COllI poser and piall is!. Illy T(~acllcJ' of M IIsic Preface 1111' I'Sll4'l'illl4'lll.al sl.llIli('S or sl.l'oll),ly i II 1.('1';1.(' I. i II)' IllaLL('1' IIl'odlll'I'" III 1111111 I' I 111\ 11,111' II4'Hvy iOIl ('ollisiolls 1,,'lolI)..!, 1.0 1.11\' 1I.VII.III. gal'lI(' or ('0111.('11'1'(11'111 I' 1111',11 , ", 11',1 1,IIY~li('s, 'l'llis II('W 11.1111 vasl.ly 1i('v('lopilig li(,ld ('('<llIi('('S 1.I11'(lI'I'l.il'ld 1111111'1 11111,1111)', 11I1W ""W ('XIH'l'illll'lIl.al ph('1I01l1('lIa a 1'1 , 1'('lnl.l'ci 1.(.1.11(' physi(,:11 1'1(>1"'11.11'11 "I 1111' I lI'III,I'd sysl.('1I1. 'I'llis IlIluk I,,"liv('I's r()IIIJ(llI.l.i()IIS or slidl 11111 II'I'SI.II.III lill)', il. 111'\\'1 1111' hili" Iwl,w\'('11 hasi(' I.hl'ol'l'l.i('al 1'(lII('('Pl.s, lIis('lIss('d gl'adllll,lly 1'1""1 1.111' , 111111'111111 I' 1.11 111111'(' i1.dvalJ('('d 1('v('I, alI(I 1.11(' 1'('sllIl.s or "XP('l'illl('III,S, III I.llis WII.\', I 11"1" 1" III'IIIIII'lll.alisl.s IIlily l('al'lI lillii'(' allllili. 1.111' rOllllllal.i(IIIS or 1.111' 11111111,1:1 IIS(,<I I. 1111'111 1.1. IiI. 11.1111 illl.('I'III'('/, 1.111' dal.a, whill' I.II1'o('('l.il'i;I.IIS IIlay 11';1.1'11 111111'1' 111111111, I" ,11111'/11 IIl'pli(,lI.l.il'"s (Ii' I.IlI'il' id('i1,~, IIII' 111".11 1'lIlpll:\,siY,I'S 1.111' \'()II' plaYl'd ill 1.111' illl,I'I'PI'I'I,II.Lioll 01' 1.111' ('X 1)(,l'i II 10 'I 11,11 I I' 1111 ( Ill' 1111'1 1111 II IYII;l.Il1i('s, ('('lal,ivisl.il' hylll'o<iYIIII.llli('s, alill l'I'l:tI,ivisl.i(' 1(1111'1.11' 1111' 111 \ 1111';11' II 1IIIII'WIII'ks aI',' IIs('1i 1.0 ;1.1 1iI,lyi\' , 1.111' sol'!. I1I1dl'II11 jll'od Ill'i,illll , 1,1', 1111' III"dlll 111111 III 1111,d1'OIiS wil.ll ('('lal.ivI'ly siliall I.l'aIlSV('I'SI' 11I11I1I1'lll.a wiLli I'l'tq II '('I 1.11 III" ,,,111 ,11111 IIXHI, sorl. Iladl'()IIS 1'1I111,l'illlll.l' 1.0 111111'(' I.h1l.l1 !)()'/{. 01' 1.111' pl'odlll','d 1>11111, 1" 11 11101 1111'11 11I":lIIII('('d PI'OIH'l'l.il's ('('v('al illrOl'lIl1l,l.ioll ;dlOIlI. I,lli' IlIdk l'I'III)(,ll.il'll "I 1111' , I I 11111 111111 dl'lIsl' SYSI.('III rOl'lIll'd :1.1. 1.111' ,'al'ly sl,ag"s III' ('ollisiolls 11111111.1'1'11(1111)', 'I" II I, 1',1111111 plll.~llIiI .. 1\ "1:II'lIllld,," III' 1111.1'01 plll'IIOIlII'II;I" i,I'" 1.11(' 1II'IHIIII'l.i!)1I 01' 11:1<11'111111 wil.ll 1I'II'i' 111111 11"1' 11' 111111114'111.11., has 1)('1'11 IlIlIil.l,l'<I (I'XI'I'PI. I'()I' 1.111' )~('III'l'al ('OIIIlIII'ld,:I 1'11111'('111111)', III' 1"1 11111'111'11111)',), ('nl. ... illly, 1.111' roll' 01' hil,('(1 JI('()('('SS('S is 11('(,(lIl1ill)', IIIUlI'llild 1111111' 111'1",,111111 willI IIII' ill('I'I'i1sill)', Il('alll l'III'I')"Y, III'WI'VI'I', 1.1 lI'i I' Ilisl'liSsil'l1 Wlllllllliloiddl' 1111 II I' "I 1111' 1'1'1'1>1'111. IJook, '1'111' 1IIII'I'I'IIId'II1 IIppli(';II,illil 111'1.114' JlI'I'I'I'I'I. IIlIi.1 Ilyill'lldY":lllli('s ill d" II('lIplillll It!' 11111 I I' 1IIIII'Itd II' III':IVY ilill ,',dliHillll:; IIlIolV:1 llii I" "ldlildiHII ;( IIl1il'''lllI pll'l.lIl1' Iii 1111 ,I' IIIII'Idl' I",',lpl'''I'I'I;III'11 111 11"1111' ti"IIII1' WI' 1I11'IIII'IIy 1.11111. :1111,11 ('loIlIpll'S H\.'III'IIII, III I I I" "1'111'1 II II ," IV Ii 11111 II 1'11111 III" 11111 I 11'1' II cI I -I i 1II'cI 11111111'11'1 II I ' I 'III' 1)(' I II" 'I 1111111 II ,111,,1\ 111111111'11, 1'lIl1d'"I1'II willi 1111' 1111,,1,,11111', til 1111' 1l11111ti 111.111,,' 1,\, LlII' (:I/lld"'1 111"cll'l III 1111' "d," )',111:111 1'1111111'11111111' 1111 11111' 1Ie1I' IlIleI '"IJI/dl'IIII'III,I'" Ill' LlII' 11111"111' 1IIIIIIIilIIIIIII III 1111' 111'1"1," lllIi lilli' I'WI 1111 III' ,,1111 I lill" 1111111111111' II III 1Ie111 I 11111 "I 1111 '1'1'111111 111111" 111111 I", 1" I'/lIIII'oI l'H 1111 "1111,1111,1111,,,11,1,,111111111,,111111'111111 111'111'1' 11111 viII I'III"NIIAII'NIU 1/11\ lUi 111./'1,' I 111"1 \/'/1 10'.'1'/1' III,' \I I IIIN 1'1i1/.l.'o'II1N,'! "U IIIHlt 11111 ),,'1., Ht'V"lal SII(III.('(llt'illI',H '.1 I.Ilt' 1I,I'.I,tItIYlllllllit' 111'1"1,"1'1111111" '111.., tlllt't'l.ltlllH 1'(11' 1II'I.I1y CIII'J'('III. alld IWW iIlVI'Hl.i)"lli,iIlIlH, '1\, lild, f.,w, '1'111' 1'1'01t1"1I1 "I' V('I'Y ('al'ly II, ('qllilil>ral.ioll or IIlal.l.(:1' 1'01'1II('d ill 11('i1.vy illli (,,,llisi.IIIS is dis(,lIss('d ill V('I'Y bl'oHd II, (,OIlI.('XI. illcilldilLg morc ('[clllclll.al'Y PI"(I<'('SS('S SIII'II as (,II' II.lIl1illilal.ioll, J)ifli('Jdl.ies ("Ollllccted with the correct clescriptioll or 1.11(' ('orr<'lnl.iolis I'onll a ('kl.ll(~llg(' 1'01' COJl. sisl.cILL modeling of the mornentU111 and spacel.illiC disl.l'il)1ll.iolis of pal'l.idcs. Fillally, LlI(' 1'01(' of tij() viscosity and other dissipative dfccts slloldd he eillcidated. By the WHY, I.IJ(~ l'eceJ1t developments in the field of dissipative ILydroclyualllics are examples or 1.11(' l)('nIIHII0.111. progress that is taking place in the heavy-ion plly 'ics. Again, due 1.11 1.111' Ii 111 i I.l'd space, the issues of the viscous hydrodynamics have not been covered ill I.JliH hool<. Ilowcver, the perfect-fluid hydrodynamics was analyzed in greater oI.'llIil, IIllowilig all lIewcomers to enter this field very fast. Mv illl.('III,ioll was to write a possibly self-explanatory book, therefore, the chap- 1"111 oI" I'<'l'i Iii IIg gClleral formalism of the kinetic theory and hydrodynamics have 1"" ," illl'llId('d. Moreover, the book has a modular structure where different parts 111111 ('hil.pl.('l's ILLay be read independently. I think this would be useful for young II"H '11.1'1"1 I( 'S ill the field who may find all the necessary information, usually scattered 1'111111112, various textbooks, in one volume. Nevertheless, I assume that the reader I( 1I0WS basic facts from the special theory of relativity, electrodynamics, quantum IIll'('lJallics, statistical physics, and elementary-particle physics. Basic acquaintance with Feynman diagrams is necessary for reading the chapter about electromagnetic siguals. About 50 exercises have been included, which appear after each part. They should help the reader to gain familiarity with the ideas and techniques introduced in the text. We should be aware that the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is a very broad, interdisciplinary field of physics. It is impossible to cover its all important and interesting problems in one book. Therefore, I have included many references to the original papers. They will guide the reader in further studies. I apologize for any possible omissions of the important papers in the lists of references. This book stems from my lectures given at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow, the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, and the Warsaw Univer sity of Technology. I would like to thank all my collaborators, colleagues, and students for helpful comments, remarks, and questions. I am grateful to Piotr Bozek, Wojtek Broniowski, Adam Bzdak, Mikolaj Chojllacki, Marck Gaidzicki, Krzysztof Golec-Biernat, Adam Kisiel, Staszck Mrowcil:Y(lski, n,acloslaw Ryblewski, and Giorgio Torrieri for critical COlflllLCllts ('OII(:('l'lIillg 1.11(' IIIHIIIIS('1'ipL. l Uu·tI1k Piotr Bozek for supplying HIe with figllres showillg tll(' l'('slIll.s or his ;\ I I IlydrO(\Yll<tlllic calculations presellted ill Snr. L!L!.L!.I. I II.lsli 1,IIII.IIk Mil(()ln.j (:llo.illaC"ki for lIis great help in preparntioll or Illy IlWIl li/',IIIT:;. i)lIrilil', LlII' Will'I 1111 \.IIiMl 'III,Ii, I IIIIVI' I',IIIIII-I! " 1111. 1"11111 LlI(' iliMpil ilil', 11_I.IIII1~plll'I"(' III 1.1", (:I'III'IIW /111'111<,\.",,,1 11'1',11 .'111'1 I',.\' 1',11'"1' 1'11'11.1.1,11 liy 1\11011':1.1'1 1I111.llItl, Wil'MIII.w IN IIld 11111 " 11'1""11111111 I 11111" I Illd 1111/11",,01. w"l /1"1 I" 11'1 II d"I'"IOI"1 \ ,01 1111111\ ,,'ill. 1""11' 1,"lillli",'" III ( '11" "\\ IIIIU' 111111", ['.1111,,1. 1'111,,1. 111111 ,11111 l'Illill 1,,, 111111 '''" 1111111 III'I'IJlIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII', "1I1111Ii\l11l11l1 III",,1i 1111'1,1" 11 "I IVIIIIIII',I' 1",,,11 '1/1,"1 11'111111'11,111 Ii" I'vy 1"11 ,,01II/Ii""11 I,I'HI, 1111111,,111'11111 111111111. 111.1' 111111111' 1111 I I" I I" 1111 1111 II 1111111"" I., I 'IiI'lli 11111', 1'1111' III., III II I 1'111. iI' III 'I' \,,,"It! II,' 1',1111.1,11111111 lilly ('1'"11111'111,1'1 1'1111('1'111"1)', 1.111' 1.1'1'1. 111111 1111'11/1 1)l1'11I'III.I'ti III I III , 1,",,11 I IVIII"" 1II'IIII'I'illl.l' " I,III'y 11.11' IlI'lIl. 1.11 1111' "lrl'('Lly 1.11 LlII' 1,11'('1,11,1111 "III" " \\'''1' 11'111 1"1111 III ,willi ill IIi Ij 1,1111 pi, II'II,II'I/'I'J, I.'I/J/ It /J/II,',!., 11/'itA-OIiI 1'/'11/1 1\ 11'1 .. ", "1111'1 '//1111

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