Phenomenology of spinless adjoints in two Universal Extra Dimensions Kirtiman Ghosha, Anindya Dattab Department of Physics, University of Calcutta, 92, A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700009, India 8 0 0 2 ABSTRACT n a J We discuss the phenomenology of (1,1)-mode adjoint scalars in the framework of two Uni- 7 versal Extra Dimensions. The Kaluza-Klein (KK) towers of these adjoint scalars arise in the 4-dimensional effective theory from the 6th component of the gauge fields after compacti- ] h fication. Adjoint scalars can have KK-number conserving as well as KK-number violating p - interactions. We calculate the KK-number violating operators involving these scalars and p two Standard Model fields. Decay widths of these scalars into different channels have been e h estimated. We have also briefly discussed pair-production and single production of such [ scalars at the Large Hadron Collider. 1 v 3 4 1 Introduction 9 0 . 1 The primary aim for the next generation particle physics experiments will be to find out 0 8 whether a new dynamics beyond the Standard Model (SM) really exists around the TeV 0 scale of energy. A great effort have been put in also to pin down the exact nature of this : v new dynamics at the TeV Scale. In this endeavour, lots of attention have been paid to the i X theories with one or more extra space like dimensions. These extra dimensional theories can r be classified into two main classes. In one of these, the standard model fields are confined to a a (3 + 1) dimensional subspace of the full manifold. Models of ADD [1] or RS [2] fall in this category. On the other hand, there are class of models where some or all of the SM fields can access the full space-time manifold. One such example is Universal Extra Dimension (UED), where all the fields can propagate in the full manifold [3]. Apart from the rich phenomenology, UED models in general offer possible unification of the gauge couplings at a relatively low scale of energy, not far beyond the reach of the next generation colliders [4]. Moreover, particle spectra of UED models contain a weakly interacting stable massive particle, which can be a good candidate for cold dark matter [5, 6]. Phenomenology of one UED (1UED, space time is 4+1 dimensional), have been exten- sively studied in the context of low energy experiments [7] as well as high energy collider aE-mail address: [email protected] bE-mail address: [email protected] experiments [8]. In this article, we will study some aspects of a particular variant of the UED model where all the SM fields can access 5 space like and 1 time like dimensions. This is called two Universal Extra Dimension (2UED) Model which has few additional attractive features. 2UED model can naturally explain the long life time for the proton decay [9] and more interestingly predicts that the number of fermion generations should be an integral multiple of three [10]. Recently, signals of 2UED model in future colliders like LHC [11, 12] and ILC [13] have been studied in some details. In this article, we will concentrate on the phenomenology of some of the scalars in this theory and their possible production at the LHC. In (1+5) dimensional (6D) space time, gauge fields have 6 components. However, after compactification, (1 + 3) dimensional (4D) effective theory comprises of usual SM gauge fileds along with their Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations. The 6th component of the gauge fields emerge as KK towers of scalar fields transforming as the adjoints of the respective gauge groups. Each KK-mode fields in 2UED model is specified by a pair of positive integers (called theKK-numbers). Phenomenology of the(1,1)-modeadjoint scalars will bediscussed in this article. The plan of the article is the following. We will give a brief description of the model in the next section. Interactions of the adjoint scalars will be discussed in section 3. Section 4 will be devoted to the decays of the (1,1)-mode adjoint scalars. We will briefly discuss the possible production mechanism of these scalars in section 5. We summarise in the last section. 2 Two Universal Extra Dimensions As the name suggests, in 2UED all the SM fields can propagate universally in the six- dimensional space-time. Four space time coordinates xµ (µ = 0,1,2,3) form the usual Minkowski space. Two transverse spacial dimensions of coordinates x4 and x5 are flat and arecompactifiedwith0 x4, x5 L. Thisimplies thattheextradimensionalspace(before ≤ ≤ compactification) is a square with sides L. Identifying the opposite sides of the square will make the compactified manifold a torus. However, toroidal compactification, leads to 4D fermions that are vector-like with respect to any gauge symmetry. The alternative is to identify two pairs of adjacent sides of the square: (y,0) (0,y), (y,L) (L,y), y [0,L] (1) ≡ ≡ ∀ ∈ This is equivalent to folding the square along a diagonal and gluing the boundaries. Above compactification mechanism automatically leaves at most a single 4D fermion of definite chirality as the zero mode of any chiral 6D fermion [14]. Thefieldvaluesshouldbeequalattheidentifiedpoints,modulopossibleothersymmetries of the theory. The physics at identified points is identical if the Lagrangian takes the same value for any field configuration: = ; = xµ,y,0 xµ,0,y xµ,y,L xµ,L,y L| L| L| L| This requirement fixes the boundary conditions for 6D scalar fields Φ(xα) and 6D Weyl fermions Ψ (xα). The requirement that the boundary conditions for 6D scalar or fermionic ± 2 fields are compatible with the gauge symmetry, also fixes the boundary conditions for 6D gauge fields. The folding boundary conditions do not depend on continuous parame- ters, rather there are only eight self-consistent choices out of which one particular choice leads to zero mode fermions after compactification. Any 6D field (fermion/gauge or scalar) Φ(xµ,x4,x5) can be decomposed as: 1 Φ(xµ,x4,x5) = f(j,k)(x4,x5)Φ(j,k)(xµ) (2) L n j,k X Where, 1 jx4 +kx5 nπ kx4 jx5 nπ f(j,k)(x4,x5) = e inπ/2cos + + cos − + n 1 + δj,0δk,0 " − R 2 ! R 2 !# (3) ThecompactificationradiusRisrelatedtothesize, L, ofthecompactifiedspaceas: L = πR. Where 4D fields Φ(j,k)(xµ) are the (j,k)-th KK modes of the 6D field Φ(xα) and n is a integer whose value is restricted to 0,1,2 or 3 by the boundary conditions. It is obvious from the form of f(j,k)(x4,x5) that only n = 0 allows zero mode (j = k = 0) fields in the 4D effective n theory. The zero mode fields and the interactions among zero modes can be identified with the SM. The requirements of anomaly cancellation and fermion mass generation force the weak- doublet fermions to have opposite 6D chiralities with respect to the weak-singlet fermions. So the quarks of one generation are given by Q (U ,D ), U , D . The 6D doublet + + + ≡ − − quarksandleptonsdecomposeintoatowerofheavyvector-like4Dfermiondoubletswithleft- handed zero mode doublets. Similarly each 6D singlet quark and lepton decompose into the towers of heavy 4D vector-like singlet fermions along with zero mode right-handed singlets. These zero mode fields are identified with the SM fermions. As for example, SM doublet and singlets of 1st generation quarks are given by (u ,d ) Q(0,0)(xµ), u U(0,0)(xµ) and d D(0,0)(xµ). L L ≡ +L R ≡ −R InR6D≡, eac−hRof the gauge fields, has six components. Upon compactification, they de- compose into towers of 4D spin-1 fields, a tower of spin-0 fields which are eaten by heavy spin-1 fields. Another tower of 4D spin-0 fields, all belonging to the adjoint representation of the corresponding gauge group, remain in the physical spectrum. These are the physical spinless adjoints in which we are interested. The tree-level masses for (j,k)-th KK-mode particles are given by M2 + m2, where j,k 0 M = √j2 +k2/R. m is the mass of the corresponding zero mode pqarticle. As a result, j,k 0 the tree-level masses are approximately degenerate. This degeneracy is lifted by radiative effects. Thefermionsreceivemasscorrectionsfromthegaugeinteractions(withgaugebosons and adjoint scalars) and Yukawa interactions. All of these give positive mass shift. The gauge fields and spinless adjoints receive mass corrections from the self-interactions and gauge interactions. Gauge interactions with fermions give a negative mass shift. While the self-interactions give positive mass shift with different strength with respect to the former. However, masses of the hypercharge gauge boson B(j,k) and the corresponding scalar B(j,k) µ H receive only negative corrections from fermionic loops. Numerical computation shows that (1,0) the lightest KK particle is the spinless adjoint B , associated with the hypercharge gauge H 3 boson. As a result, 2UED model gives rise to a scalar dark matter candidate. As an illustrative example, we have plotted (in Fig.1) the variation of (1,1)-mode adjoint scalar masses (after including the radiative corrections) with R 1. For comparison, we have also − plotted √2, which is the tree-level mass of the (1,1)-th KK-mode particles. R 2500 (1,1) mode Spinless Adjoint masses vs. 1/R 2000 W H V] 1500 e G [ s s Ma 1000 G H 500 B H 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1/R [GeV] (1,1) 3(1,1) (1,1) Figure 1: Variation of G (solid),W (small dash) and B (large dash) masses (after H H H incorporating the one loop radiative corrections) with R 1. For comparison, √2 (dotted) has − R also been presented. Conservation of momentum (along the extra dimensions) in the full theory, implies KK number conservation in the effective 4D theory. Beginning with the SM-like interactions in the 6D, (called the bulk interactions) one can obtain the KK-number as well as KK-parity conserving interactions, in 4D effective theory after compactification. However, one can generateKKnumberviolatingoperatorsatonelooplevel, startingfromthebulkinteractions. Structureofthetheorydemands thattheseoperatorscanonlybeon(0,0,), (0,L)and(L,L) points of the chiral square. Bulk interactions being symmetric under KK-parity, operators generated by loops also conserve the KK-parity. These KK number violating operators are phenomenologically very important. A single non zero mode KK particle can be produced only via the KK number violating interactions. Thus the complete 4D effective Lagrangian can be written as: L L = dx4 dx5 +δ(x )δ(L x ) +[δ(x )δ(x )+ 4D bulk 4 5 2 4 5 L {L − L Z0 Z0 + δ(L x )δ(L x )] (4) 4 5 1 − − L } includes 6Dkinetic term forthequarks, leptons, SU(3) SU(2) U(1) gaugefields, bulk C L Y L × × a Higgs doublet, 6D Yukawa interactions of the quarks and leptons to the Higgs doublet, 4 and a 6D Higgs potential. and contain KK number violating interactions. As for 1 2 L L example, the lowest dimensional localized operator that involve ve chirality 6D quark field − (F ) appear in (p = 1,2) as p − L C C pF iF¯ ΓµD F +( p′F iF¯ ΓlD F +h.c) (5) R µ R R l L 22M2 − − 22M2 − − s s where Γµ with µ = 0,1,2,3andΓl withl = 4,5 aresix anti-commuting 8 8 matrices, Dµ,Dl × are 6D covarient derivative, C ,C are dimensionless parameters, and M is the cut-off pF p′F s scale. and also include 4D like kinetic terms for all 6D scalar and gauge fields and 1 2 L L some part of 6D kinetic term. Contributions to those localized operators might be induced by physics above the cut-off scale. We assume that those UV generated localized operators are also symmetric under KK parity, so that the stability of the lightest KK particle which can be a promising dark matter candidate, is ensured. Loop contributions by the physics below cut-off scale M are used to renormalize the localized operators. These contributions s are calculated in [15] at one loop order. Assuming bare contributions at the cutoff scale M s can be neglected, RG evolution fixes the values of the C parameters. 3 Interactions of adjoint scalars In this section, we will discuss the possible interaction of a (j,k)-mode adjoint scalar. The interactions of spinless adjoints can be classified as KK number conserving and KK number violating interactions. KK number conserving interactions arise from the compactification of the bulk Lagrangian, where as, KK number violating interactions arise mainly due to the loops involving KK number conserving interactions. 3.1 KK-number conserving interactions Tree-level interactions of adjoint scalars with zero and non-zero mode fermions arise from the 6D kinetic terms for the fermions. After compactification and integrating over the compactified co-ordinates one can obtain the 4D effective interactions: igδ(j1,k1)(j2,k2)(j3,k3)r r ψ¯(j1,k1)A(j2,k2)ψ(j3,k3) L ⊃ − 0,1,3 j∗2,k2 j3,k3 +L H +R igδ(j1,k1)(j2,k2)(j3,k3)r r ψ¯(j1,k1)A(j2,k2)ψ(j3,k3) − 0,1,3 j∗2,k2 j3,k3 −R H −L + h.c (6) g is the gauge coupling for the gauge group in consideration and r = (j + ik)/√j2 +k2. j,k (j,k) The above form of the interactions are valid both for A being an abelian spinless adjoint H field and non-abelian spinless adjoint with the replacement of A(j,k) TaAa(j,k). Ta’s are H → H the gauge group generators corresponding to the representation of Ψ . Appearance of the the δ-functions3 in the above expression ensure the conservation of KK±-number. We list the relevant Feynman Rules arising from the above interactions in Fig.7 of Appendix A. 3We follow the same convention as in the ref.[14]. 5 3.2 KK-number violating interactions Starting with the KK number conserving bulk interactions of 2UED one can generate KK number violatingoperatorsvialoopeffects. Asforexample, adimension 5operatorinvolving two zero mode fermions and a even KK parity (with j+k even) (j,k)- mode spinless adjoint can be constructed in such a way. We have listed the KK-number violating 2-point and 3-point functions in Fig.8 of Ap- (j,k) (0,0) (0,0) pendix A. The amplitude for A ψ ψ is also calculated in Appendix B and is H → R R given by, − − g (j,k) (j,k) = i (K K ) [u¯(p )p/P u(p )] (7) M − Mj,k C1ψRC2ψR − C1′ψRC2′ψR 1 R 2 Defining C˜f = K(j,k) K(j,k) , one can parametrise C˜f = ξ˜ 1 Log(M2/M2 ). j,k C1ψRC2ψR − C1′ψRC2′ψR j,k f16π2 s j,k ˜ ξ are dimensionless parameters which fix the couplings of adjoint scalars with two zero fL,R mode fermions. 9 3 ξ˜ = 4g2 + g2+ g2Y2 qL s 4 4 ′ qL 3 ξ˜ = 4g2 + g2Y2 qR s 4 ′ qR 9 3 ξ˜ = g2 + g2Y2 eL 4 4 ′ eL 3 ξ˜ = g2Y2 (8) eR 4 ′ eR where Y is the hypercharge of the corresponding fermion f. Spinless adjoints can also f couple withtwo SM gaugebosons. These couplings aregeneratedfromfinite1-loopdiagrams (Appendix B). The dimension-5 operators, involving a (1,1) mode colour spinless adjoint and two SM gauge boson, are given by: CG ǫµναβ Tr G A G(1,1) +CG ǫµναβTr[G Z G(1,1)] (9) γg µν αβ H Zg µν αβ H h i (1,1) The dimension-5 operators, involving a (1,1) mode U(1) or SU(2) spinless adjoint (V ) H (1,1) 3(1,1) (B or W ) and two SM gauge bosons, are given by, H H CV ǫµναβ Tr G G V(1,1) +CV ǫµναβA A V(1,1) gg µν αβ H γγ µν αβ H + CV ǫµναβA hZ V(1,1) +CVi ǫµναβZ Z V(1,1) γZ µν αβ H ZZ µν αβ H + CV ǫµναβW+W V(1,1) (10) W+W− µν α−β H where G , A , Z and W are the field strengths of gluon, photon, Z-boson and µν µν µν µ±ν W -boson respectively. The values of the C coefficients can be found in Appendix B. We ± have used α = 1/128 and sin2θ = 0.23. The SM running of strong coupling constant W (with α = 0.1 at a scale of 1 TeV) has been used. Yukawa couplings for all light quarks s (u, d, c, s) have been neglected. Top and bottom quark Yukawa couplings are taken to be 6 ˜ 1 and 0.02 respectively. For quarks the resulting values of ξ parameters at a scale about ˜ ˜ ˜ 0.5 TeV are ξ = 6.82, ξ = 6.02 and ξ = 5.89. qL uR dR Following the same algorithm in Appendix-B, one can obtain dimension-6 operators in- volving two spinless adjoints and a gauge boson of the form: A ∂µB(1,1)∂νW3(1,1) +Tr G ∂µB(1,1)∂νG(1,1) µν H H µν H H + Tr G ∂µG(1,1)∂νW3(1,1) +h Z ∂µB(1,1)∂νW3(1i,1) (11) µν H H µν H H h i However, first, second and the third operator vanish identically if we use equation of motion 3(1,1) (1,1) for photon and gluon respectively. Moreover the decay of W to a B (can take place H H via the last one) and a massive SM gauge boson is kinematically forbidden for R 1 values − upto 1.5 TeV. 4 Decays of (1,1)-mode spinless adjoints Until now the discussions about the couplings of the adoint scalars were more or less general about any (j,k) mode adjoint. However, from this section we will focus specifically on the phenomenology of the (1,1) mode adjoints. (1,1)-mode spinless adjoint can decay into a lighter (1,1)-mode particle (kinematically possible only for SU(3) and SU(2) spinless adjoints) and one or two SM particles via the KK-number conserving couplings. This can also decay to a pair of SM fermions/gauge bosons via the KK-number violating interactions. In this section we compute the all such decay branching fractions of (1,1)- mode spinless adjoints using the interactions derived in the previous section. (1,1) 4.1 Decays of G H (1,1) As discussed, G can decay to the SM quarks via loop induced operators. The amplitude H (1,1) for G q¯q is given by H → g = i s u¯(p )p/ C˜qRP +CqLP u(p ) (12) M − M 1 j,k R j,k L 2 j,k (cid:16) (cid:17) Applying Dirac equation it is easy to see that the amplitude is proportional to quark mass. So G(1,1) predominantly decays into tt¯for M > 2m . However, there are other H G(1,1) t H (1,1) dimension-5operatorswhichcoupleG withaSMgluonandanelectroweakgaugebosons. H Since these couplings arise from finite 1-loop diagrams (Fig.10), they are suppressed by a (1,1) (1,1) logarithm compared to the G qq¯ couplings. G being heavier than the U(1) gauge H H boson B(1,1), can decay into B(1,1) and a SM gluon. This coupling is also generated by finite µ µ 1-loop diagram and is thus suppressed. We first consider the decay into tt¯and b¯b. The widths can be computed in terms of the ˜ ˜ parameters ξ and ξ given in Eq.8. The decay width into qq¯is given by qL qR m 4m2 Γ(G(H1,1) → qq¯) = ΓG0H(ξ˜q2L +ξ˜q2R)(m q )2(1− m2 q )21 (13) G(H1,1) G(H1,1) 7 1 tt gz (1,1) Branching Ratio of G bb H 0.1 0.01 o ati R g 0.001 nchin 1e-04 dijet+BH(1,1) g gBγ(µ1,1) a Br ⇑ (1,1) 1e-05 3(1,1) dijet+Bµ dijet+W H 1e-06 1e-07 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 1/R [GeV] (1,1) Figure 2: Branching Ratios of G . M R = 10 has been assumed in the calculation H s Where, q can be t or b and ΓGH = αsm C˜2 0 4 G(1,1) 1,1 H ThedecaywidthtogB(1,1), gZ andgγ,inducedbyfinite1-loopeffect, areasthefollowing µ : Γ(G(1,1) B(1,1)g) = αs2α ( Yψσ AGBν(1,1)g)2f (m ) H → µ 32π2cos2θw Xψ± 2 ψ ψ G Bν(1,1) α2α Γ(G(1,1) gZ) = s f (m ) H → 32π2cos2θ sin2θ G z w w ( [I3 Q sin2θ ]σ AGgZ)2 × ψ − ψ w ψ ψ Xψ± α2α Γ(G(1,1) gγ) = s ( Q σ AGgγ)2f (0) (14) H → 32π2 ψ ψ ψ G Xψ± Where f (m) = [(m2 m2)/m ]3 and A ’s (in Eqs.14, 16 and 18) are defined G GH(1,1) − G(H1,1) ψ in Eqs.B.3. It important to notice that for M < 350 GeV the dominant decay mode G(1,1) H ¯ (1,1) ¯ is gZ rather than bb. Although the G bb couplings is logarithmically enhanced but it is H suppressed by b-quark mass. Beside those two body decays, G(1,1) undergoes tree-level 3-body decays to B(1,1), B(1,1) H H µ 3(1,1) or W and SM fermion anti-fermion pairs. Branching fractions of those decays are also H presented in the Fig.2 8 (1,1) 4.2 Decays of B H (1,1) (1,1) B is the lightest (1,1) mode KK particle. So, the decay B via KK number conserving H H ¯ interactions are not kinematically allowed. It can decay to ff via dimension-5 operator in (1,1) Eq.7. Since the coupling is proportional to the fermion mass, B decay predominantly to H tt¯for m > 2m . The decay modes b¯b and ττ¯ are suppressed due to fermion mass. B(1,1) B(1,1) t H H canalsodecay totwo SMgaugebosonsthroughdimension-5 operatorsEq.10, generatedfrom finite 1-loop contribution. However, these vertices are suppressed by a logarithm compared (1,1) ¯ to B ff vertex. H The decay width to tt¯, b¯b and ττ¯ are given by 1 m 4m2 Γ(BH(1,1) → tt¯) = 3ΓB0H(4ξ˜t2L +4ξ˜t2R)(m t )2(1− m2 t )12 BH(1,1) BH(1,1) 1 m 4m2 Γ(BH(1,1) → b¯b) = 3ΓB0H(4ξ˜b2L +ξ˜b2R)(m b )2(1− m2 b )12 BH(1,1) BH(1,1) 9 m 4m2 Γ(BH(1,1) → ττ¯) = ΓB0H(4ξ˜τ2L +9ξ˜τ2R)(m τ )2(1− m2 τ )21 (15) BH(1,1) BH(1,1) Where, ΓBH = α m C˜2 . The decay widths of B(1,1) into two SM gauge bosons are 0 18cos2θw BH(1,1) 1,1 H as follows: α2α Y Γ(B(1,1) gg) = s ( ψσ ABgg)2f (0) H → 8π2cos2θ 2 ψ ψ B w Xψ± α3 Y Γ(B(1,1) γγ) = ( ψQ2σ ABγγ)2f (0) H → 16π2cos2θ 2 ψ ψ ψ B w Xψ± α3 (1,1) Γ(B γZ) = f (m ) H → 8π2cos4θ sin2θ B Z w w Y ( ψ[I3 Q sin2θ ]Q σ ABγZ)2 2 ψ − ψ w ψ ψ ψ Xψ± α3 (1,1) Γ(B ZZ) = f (m ) H → 16π2cos6θ sin4θ B′ Z w w Y ( ψ[I3 Q sin2θ ]2σ A )2 2 ψ − ψ w ψ ψ Xψ± α3 Γ(B(1,1) W+W ) = f (m ) H → − 32π2cos2θ sin4θ B′ W w w Y ( ψσ A )2 (16) ψ ψ 2 Xψ± Where, f (m) = m3 [1 4m2/m2 ]3/2, and f (m) = [(m2 m2)/m ]3. For B′ BH(1,1) − BH(1,1) B BH(1,1)− BH(1,1) M < 2m , B dominantly decays to a pair of gluons. For M > 2m , beside tt¯, the B(1,1) t H B(1,1) t H H 9 - 1 gg tt (1,1) Branching Ratio of B - H 0.1 bb zγ 0.01 γγ o ati R w+w- g 0.001 n hi nc 1e-04 a r zz B 1e-05 ττ- 1e-06 1e-07 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 1/R [GeV] (1,1) Figure 3: Branching Ratios of B to pair of SM particles. M R = 10 has been assumed H s in the calculation next dominant decay mode is W+W . This is a consequence of large mass splitting of (1,0) − mode quarks and leptons as discussed in Appendix B. The different branching ratios of B H are presented in Fig.3. 3(1,1) 4.3 Decays of W H 3(1,1) 3(1,1) W is the next to the lightest (1,1) mode particle. W can decay only into a pair of H H SM particles via KK number violating interactions mentioned before. The dominant decay mode is again into tt¯for m > 2m . W3(1,1) can decay to other SM fermion anti-fermion W3(1,1) t H H pairs but such decays are suppressed by the respective fermion masses. The decay width of 3(1,1) ¯ W into ff is given by H Γ(WH3(1,1) → ff¯) = CFΓW0 H3ξ˜f2L(mmf )2(1− m42m2f )12 (17) WH3(1,1) WH3(1,1) Where, ΓWH3 = αI32 m C˜2 and C is the quadratic casimir. 0 2Sin2θw WH3(1,1) 1,1 F Apart from this decay, electrically neutral (1,1) mode SU(2) spinless adjoint can decay into two SM gauge bosons but these decays are again suppressed by a logarithm. The decay widths are given by α2α Γ(W3(1,1) gg) = s ( I3σ AWgg)2f (0) H → 8π2sin2θ ψ ψ ψ W w Xψ+ 10