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PHENOMENAL WORLD Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, Apparitions, Extraterrestrials, Lucid Dreams and Other Forms of Intelligent Contact in the Magical Kingdom of Mind-at-Large by Joan d’Arc The Book Tree Escondido, California ©2000 Joan d’Arc All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or may be entered or posted on any com­ puter network, or into any present or future information storage or retrieval sys­ tem, without written permission from the author. Phenomenal World: Remote Viewing, Astral Travel, Apparitions, Extraterrestrials, Lucid Dreams and Other Forms of Intelligent Contact in the Magical Kingdom of Mind-at-Large ISBN 1-58509-128-6 This is Volume Two in this Series: Volume One: Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form ISBN 1-58509-127-8 Layout and Design Tedd St. Rain Cover Art: M57, The Ring Nebula, Hubble Space Telescope (January 1999) Printed on Acid-Free Paper Published by The Boole Tb-oo Post Office Box 724 Escondido, 92033 We provide controversial and educational products to help awaken the public to new ideas and information that would not be available otherwise. We carry over 1000 Books, Booklets, Audio, Video, and other products on AIDS, Alchemy, Aliens, Alternative Medicine, Ancient America, Ancient Astronauts, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Religion and Worship, Angels, Anthropology Anti-Gravity, Archaeology, Area 51, Assyria, Astrology, Atlantis, Babylonia, Biow'arfare, Townsend Brown, Chemical Warfare, Christianity, CIA, Cold Fusion, Colloidal Silver. Comparative Religions, Conspiracies, Crop Circles, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Drug War, Early History, Electromagnetics, Electro-Gravity, ELFs, Egypt, EMAG Smog. ET Archaeology, Extraterrestrials. Fascism. Michael Faraday, Fatima, The Federal Reserve, Fluoride, Flying Saucers, Forfeiture Laws, Free Energy, Freemasonry, Global Manipulation, The Gnostics, God, Gravity, The Great Pyramid, Gyroscopic Anti-Gravity, Healing EMAG, Health Issues, Hinduism, Hollow Earth, Human Origins, Implantable Microchips, Jehovah, Jesus, Jordan Maxwell, John Kcely, Lemuria, Lost Cities, Lost Continents, Magic, Masonry, Mercury Poisoning, Metaphysics, Microwaves, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, Monetary Systems, Mythology, NWO, Occultism, OKC, Paganism, Pesticide Pollution, Personal Growth, The Philadelphia Experiement, Philosophy, Population Control, Powerlines, Prophecy, Psychic Research, Pyramids. Rare Books, Religion, Religious Controversy, Roswell, Walter Russell, Scalar Waves, SDI, John Searle, Secret Societies, Sex Worship, Sitchin Studies, Smart Cards, Joseph Smith, Solar Power, Sovereignty, Space Travel, Spirituality, Stonehenge, Sumeria, Sun Myths, Symbolism, Tachyon Fields, Templars, Tesla. Theology, Time Travel, The Treasury, UFOs, Underground Bases, World Control, The World Grid, Zero Point Energy, and much more. Call 1 (800) 700-TREE for our FREE BOOK TREECATALOG or visit our website at www.thebooktree.comfor more information. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.............................................................................. 5 Chapter One ............................................................................ 9 A Science of Experience: Phenomenology and “Strange” Phenomena 25 Chapter Two ............................................................................ Universe and Mind: Models of Consciousness Chapter Three.......................................................................... 45 Thoughtrons and Thought Forms: Is Thought a Particle or Wave? Chapter Four .......................................................................... .63 The Animistic Cosmos Chapter Five ............................................................................ 71 Archetypes and Electromagnetic Spectrum Manifestation Chapter Six .............................................................................. 83 Mana, Magic and Mind Chapter Seven........................................................................ 95 Shamen in Army Boots: Remote Viewing: Human “Use” or Human “Potential”? Chapter Eight .......................................................................... 111 LSD and the Psychic Arms Race Chapter Nine.......................................................................... 117 The Search for Superman Chapter Ten .......................................................................... 129 Mind, Mana and the Speed of Thought Chapter Eleven ...................................................................... 141 Psychology, Magic and the Time Track Chapter Twelve...................................................................... 157 The Biological and the Silicon: Modifying Humans for Space Travel Chapter Thirteen................................................................. 173 Mind Control, Ritual Cults and the Illuminati Bloodline Chapter Fourteen ............................................................... 191 The Secret of the Fifth Force: Science and the Secret Society Bibliography ........................................................................ 201 Index ............................................................................ 203 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Grateful acknowledgements to the iconoclasts: David Abram, David Bohm, Trevor Constable, Michael Cremo, Bob Dobbs, Amit Goswami, Martin Gray, William Gray, Nick Herbert, L. Ron Hubbard, David Icke, L. Kin, Thomas Kuhn, Paul Laffoley, Gregory Little, John Mack, Harold McGowan, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Dean Radin, Israel Regardie, Dan Russell, Elisabet Sahtouris, Jack Sarfatti, Ingo Swann, Michael Talbot, Charles Tart, Colin Wilson, Fred Alan Wolf; and to those iconoclasts on whose shoulders they stand, the philoso­ phers: G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau- Ponty, Martin Heidegger, Rupert Sheldrake, and Jean Paul Sartre; the occultists: Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, Helena Blavatsky, Max Heindel, C.W. Leadbetter; and the inventors: Wilhelm Reich, Nikola Tesla and Marcel Vogel. Special gratitude to artist Paul Laffoley for reading my manuscript and pro­ viding the encouragement to pursue this research, and for making the provoca­ tive assertion which avalanched into this book: that “Magic is the wave of the future.” Gratis to my publisher, The Book Tree, for giving these works a fight­ ing chance. This book is dedicated to mind control victims and ritually-abused children, whose pain should remain our pain and whose battle should remain our battle until human beings learn to create only free energy and white magic. Volume one in this series, Space Travelers and the Genesis oj the Human Form, (ISBN 1-58509-127-8, available from The Book Tree) leaves off where this book picks up. INTRODUCTION Phenomenal World is Volume II of an investigation into the materialist sci­ entific world view and how that mindset informs us that physically measurable phenomena are all that exist. Phenomenal World illustrates that the nature of human existence is to be stuck in a historical freeze frame which imposes the captivating belief system that the reality currently presenting itself from ‘out there’ represents the ultimate truth. But if quantum physics is correct, this real­ ity is more like a shimmering holographic mirage teetering from moment to moment on the cusp of panoramic potential, and we, the participants, are hold­ ing it all in place by an agreement known as ‘consensus reality? This investigation began with Volume I, the book Space Travelers and the Genesis of the Human Form, which explores the possibility that the earth and human consciousness is a ‘construct.’ In Volume I, the author explored the Space Travel Argument Against the Existence of ETI. This argument is shown to be dependent on three factors: (1) the persistent imposition of Earth-centered technological constraints (specifically, rocket technology and radio signals) implying an anthropocentric ‘you can’t get here from there’attitude; (2) mathe­ matical logic deduced from the faulty linear notions of Darwinian evolution, which only serve to put the ‘cart before the horse’; and (3) a circular and untestable hypothesis which essentially states ‘they aren’t here because they aren’t here.’ In Volume I, the author also illustrated that Darwinian evolution is actually not an empirically predictable or testable scientific paradigm, but is a highly touted philosophy of Western materialism. The author deduced that Darwinian evolution is a circular argument which serves to keep Earth humans earthbound, since it keeps us from potentially adding up 2+2 with regard to our true ances­ try from the “sky” rather than from the “water.” Furthermore, the author illus­ trated that ancient anthropomorphic artifacts on Mars and the Moon may be evi­ dence of “Game Wardens” in our own solar system; suggesting that the Earth is a controlled DNA repository for the ongoing creation and dissemination of life forms, including humans. It is in this sense that the world of our perception, the phenomenal world, can be considered a ‘construct.’ Volume II of this continued investigation, Phenomenal World, revisits the Science of Experience propounded by the existentialist and phenomenological philosophers Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger, Sartre ana others as a basis for understanding the role of such ‘constructs’in the development of a shared personal world view. We are reminded in these pages that ‘reality’is a provision of social consensus; reality is ‘brought to you oy’an historically-bound scien­ tific construct. Our modern reality construct is the materialist world view. In this sense, the second book is an introduction to the first book, but, at the same time, it completes the message of the first book; that message being: all is not as it seems. Research into psychic phenomena has a long and distinguished history of which we are largely unaware due to our current materialist bias which sees the individual, isolated brain as the source and control center of intelligent commu­ nication. There is a large body of research into psychic phenomena which can­ not be sufficiently covered here, and which the reader is encouraged to examine if sufficiently interested. Arguments against the existence of a psychic force or human ‘X-Factor’ have generally been based on the inability to locate, measure, quantity or qualify an energy or medium capable of canying ‘thought’ emana­ tions across time and space: a ‘nonlocal’ causal connection. However, because this unknown factor or energy is not recognized by mainstream science, and most experimental research in this area has a tendency to be ‘non-repeatable,’ should we automatically deny the existence of a ‘nonlocal’ psychic force capa­ ble of distance communication and influence? 5 u After publication of Space Travelers in 2000 I received feedback from all points of view. As the cojtublisher since 1992 of the well known conspiracy magazine Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader, and as a well known author in the conspiracy genre, I received many questions regarding the ultimate ‘conspira­ cy; that of the totalitarian invasion of the human soul by non-human entities. The ultimate question on everybody’s lips seemed to be ‘is there a conspiracy or cover-up concerning the ‘true’nature of reality?’ One might suspect that in order for there to be a conspiracy in this regard, at least some human beings would have to have information that the general populace doesn’t have with regard to the true nature of reality. In this case, this assumption might be suspect, since no human being could actually know the answer to the ultimate question: ‘what is reality?’ Yet, on the other hand, could there be a conspiracy or cover-up by persons who think they know the true nature of reality, or who believe they hold a defining or at least controlling key, or who carry on as though they can manipulate reality to their own ends? Also, could there be a cover-up by non-human entities who feel it is in the best inter­ est of Earth humans to be unaware of the existence of other human types in the universe, and/or could certain elite world leaders have convinced such Visitors that this is necessary to avoid societal chaos? Furthermore, might the Earth and all life upon it in the three-dimensional world be an experimental construct? Or, conversely, might the nature of three-dimensional reality be simply an illusion, as ancient religious doctrines teach? Phenomenal World explores all these pos­ sibilities. DDuuee ttoo ssppaaccee ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss,, iitt iiss nnoott ppoossssiibbllee iinn tthhiiis work to include a siz­ able overview of the mind control literature, although it will touch upon some of the basics, aXnZd* LtUhX*e 1r(1e1*a1Xd4e Vr Vi1sI Uu Xr/g1 e1d11 VtIo U IeUx1 pWly oLr4eI HthIVeK p0"e r- t-i * n■ en t i nf_o rmart i~o n _ c~on­ ttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee bbiibblliiooggrraapphhyy aanndd ssuuggggeesstteedd rreeaaddiinngg lliisstt.. IInn tthhiiss rreeggaarrdd,, tthhiiss bbooookk is mmeeaanntt ttoo ccoommpplleemmeenntt wwoorrkkss iinn tthhee mmiinndd ccoonnttrrooll ggeennrree,, aanndd ttoo ccoonnttrriibbuuttee iinnffoo r- mation pertaining to how the development of mind control programming is rreellaatteedd ttoo bbootthh mmaaggiiccaall ssyysstteemmss aanndd ttoo ddeevveelloopp)ments in theoretical physics. It goes wi-t.ih o. ut. sayi. ng ^buutt mmuusstt be nnoottee(dj nnoonneetthheelleess that the vast mihtary/corpo- rate intelligence apparatus is not only well aware of these relations but has manipulated and funded physics research toward this end since World War II. As this book illustrates, the information management of these two ele­ ments—magic and physics—have created a totalitarian regime comprising a modern day secret society of sorts. This information is kept secret in order to keep power in the hands of the few; for, as we must readily admit, knowledge IS power, and the more secretive the nature of the knowledge, the more power­ ful it is. The aim of this book is to explore the principles of magic and physics in order to get to the bottom of the intelligence community’s fascination with psy­ chic phenomena—i.e., the ‘supernatural’—including the reasons for UFO secrecy and what that might have to do with issues of mind control and psy­ chological warfare. The fact that new developments in physics are being uti­ lized to manipulate, control and contain human consciousness can no longer be denied. It is the purpose of these heinous machinations and their trials on plan­ etary citizens that is beyond human ability to comprehend. This is directly due to the fact that the information pertaining to current developments in theoretical physics is in the ownership of the hands of an elite faction of society—a global military intelligence ‘Beast’ which can be considered, for all practical purpos­ es, a secret society. This information is also kept hidden under the pernicious cover of the out­ moded scientific paradigm of materialist cause and effect. This hegemony essentially comprises a cover-up of the potential for cause on the material plane . effected from another platform: the unseen dimensions of space-time, what this means is that the purpose we are all looking for, the inexplicable rea­ son tor the tortures and power-plays of a covert mind control apparatus, may be a hidden effect of fourth dimensional phenomena, the very existence of which the materialist mindset miscomprehends as a matter of course and, therefore, fully denies. This point of view necessarily opens up a can of worms regarding the nature of‘evil.’What is evil? Can evil planetary machinations be simply chalked up to ‘greed’ on the part of an elite global faction? Are concepts of class, money, power and greed enough to explain the drive toward total Earth population con­ trol? Or does there quite simply have to be more to it than that? Is evil on a grand scale something that can be attributed to unseen, perhaps inter-dimen­ sional, forces? Does the tail wag the dog? These are questions for which, perhaps, there is no readily identifiable answer, but, as we embark on our odyssey into the 21st Century, a shift toward open discussion of the following concepts may become inevitable: Who is pulling the invisible strings? Is magic simply hocus-pocus, or is there more to it? Have magicians and occultists actually been in contact with entities, intelli­ gences or powers from higher dimensions? Is there a telepathic war of the worlds being fought on planet Earth for planetary bounty, i.e., souls and/or human ‘containers’in which to put them? Unfortunately, these are questions we no longer have the luxury of placing in a category with other ideas attributable to fringe fundamentalist theological politics. The other problem that necessarily arises in connection with this explo­ ration is the concept of good vs. evil. Since human beings are accustomed to equate concepts of good and evil to behaviors and actions, it is difficult to shed this programming, particularly as it regards an unbiased appraisal of the con­ cepts ofmagic and the occult (occult meaning ‘hidden knowledge’). This book attempts to keep an open mind about subject matter which may normally elicit an emotional reaction from those with certain religious leanings. However, I am not an occultist and I do not claim to have detailed knowledge of any secret magical rituals. I have simply tried to expose the very general atti­ tudes and teachings of certain schools of both Eastern and Western esoteric knowledge, and how these concepts are related to a physics of consciousness which has been under study by the intelligence community over the past forty plus years. We must also be aware, with regard to the intelligence/national defense community’s interest in physics and UFO propulsion, that this interest is two-fold. The most obvious question physics has to answer regarding UFOs might come under the heading ‘mode of travel,’ or how do they get here? What type of science and technology might be utilized by an advanced spacefaring ET1 and how can developments in theoretical physics help us to acnieve the same spacefaring status? However, we must realize that — going beyond the obvious — the presence of UFOs in our skies has forced a reappraisal of the nature of time, space and reality. Therefore, a perhaps less obvious question which arises might be: What kind of world allows visitors from time and what would be the implications of this paradigm-shattering news on human beings accustomed to cause and effect linear explanations for events occurring in the material world? This analysis carries us back to the infamous Brookings Report of 1961, wherein our government was advised by a think tank called the Brookings Institute that human beings could not handle this type of information. This book explores the idea that the potential threat of sucn a dangerous paradigm shift causing chaos to Earth’s social institutions (i.e. science, religion and other dogma) is at the bottom of the intelligence community’s interest in UFO phe­ nomena, and is also one of the main reasons for UFO secrecy in general. Phenomenal World explores the correlations between physics, magic and existential philosophy. Yet, readers must realize that in order to fully explore this enigma, we must delve into the sometimes ‘dark’ abyss of obscure occult/arcane knowledge: of that which is considered ‘supernatural’ within our current materialist scientific confines. As this book will illustrate, the supernat- o ural becomes a natural matter when you utilize a Science of Experience, a sci­ ence which returns to full and complete trust of the sensory experience of the human being, to that which ‘seems’ to be real according to the qualities of sen­ sations, rather than that which is ‘proven’ to be real according to scientifically accepted quantitative measurements. Phenomenal World explores the human experience of such things as out-of- body experience, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, the LSD experience, psy­ chic-machine interface, spirit manifestation and ETI contact, and will also attempt to understand why the intelligence community might be interested in such 'supernatural’ phenomena. Why are U.S. intelligence agencies interested in such things as LSD, remote viewing, lucid dreaming and mind control tech­ nology? What is the connection between arcane/occult precepts, the ‘new’ physics of consciousness and the vast intelligence apparatus? Phenomenal World digs into these connections to find the common denominator: occult mind control. From P.D. Ouspensky’s Tertium Organwn, this book borrows the following proposition: We may say—not as a supposition but as a definite affirmation;—that the world of physical phenomena represents as it were a section of another world, which also exists here, and the events of which take place here, but invisibly to us. Nothing is more miraculous and super, natural than life.... We have every right to regard the visible phenome­ nal world as a section of some other world, infinitely more complex, which at a given moment is manifesting itself for us in the first one. The phenomenal aspect of the world is limited and finite, embracing those properties of a given thing which we can generally know as phe­ nomena; the noumenal aspect of the world is unlimited. ... This world of noumena is infinite and incomprehensible for us, just as the three- dimensional world in all variety of its functions is incomprehensible for the two-dimensional being. The nearest approximation to ‘truth’possi- ble for man is contained in the formulation: each thing has an infinite variety of meanings, and to know all these meanings is impossible. In other words, truth as we understand it, i.e. the finite definition, is pos­ sible only in a finite series of phenomena. In an infinite series it is bound somewhere to become is own opposite. We must remember that the world as we know it does not represent any­ thing stable. It must change with the slightest change in the forms of our perception. Phenomena which appear to us totally unrelated may be seen by another, wider consciousness as parts of one whole. Phenomena which appear to us completely identical may look totally different. ... And everything together may form one whole, but in a category quite incomprehensible to us. Therefore, side by side with our view of things, another view is possible—a view as it were from another world, from ‘over there’, from ‘that which lies on the other side.’ But ‘over there’signifies not another place, but another method of per­ ception, a new understanding. And we shall begin to look not from here but from over there if we regard a phenomenon not as something iso­ lated, but in conjunction with all the chains intersecting in it. The phenomenal world is truly a remarkable place, and even more so if we attempt to see it without the prejudices and practicalities we have learned to impose upon it. What is the meaning of mankind’s existence, with the phenom­ enal world as background and human existence as foreground? Is it, as Sartre insists, there for our own ends, to make of it an existential and meaningful chal­ lenge? What is our relationship with everything we see, as well as everything we don’t see? Phenomenal World attempts to answer these questions from the point of view of strange ‘unexplainable’phenomena, and how these events may be explainable if we look at them from 'over there.’ —Joan d’Arc CHAPTER ONE A Science of Experience: Phenomenology and “Strange” Phenomena Suddenly my feet are feet of mud It all goes slo-mo, I don’t know why I 'm crying Am I suspended in Gaffa? Kate Bush Now, it was an ordinary day, Sir. I love being in the Bush, I love the smell of the animals, the smell of the trees, the sound of the birds. I was just thinking, and all of a sudden I was aware of a strange silence all around me. This lasted a few moments when all around me there was a blue smoke, a sort of vapor which obscured the landscape. I could no longer see the trees, hear the birds, or feel the heat of the sun. I was standing there looking stupid and feeling even stupider, when I was suddenly in a place made of iron, looking like a water tank lying on its side. I’m inside this thing, the thing has a floor, and I’m lying on a table, Sir, looking like a working table and around it was a blue stuff like a plastic curtain. I had no clothes on. I said, T want to get off this table.’ It made no sense. Why was I lying here? Where was ‘here’? Then through the curtain I saw these dolls looking at me, like tribal dolls, you know, they looked stupid, with faces like white clay and those eyes which are like nothing on Earth. What scared me so was that they were alive. They were coming from somewhere. They were coming towards me, but the way they walked was ridiculous. They walked as if they had no bones, like chickens with broken legs. They were coming, but not saying anything, and I was just lying there like a stupid, thinking where am I? Am I in the hospital? Am I dead? What’s going on? And what is this terrible stink? There was light but not like electric lights. They came all around me, about six of them, all wearing a kind of silvery gray, crinkley, shiny uniform. They were about two and a half feet talk This alien abduction story was reported by a 73-year old South African medicine man and artist named Credo Mutwa. Mutwa is a scholar and histori­ an, and is the author of several books on the history of the Zulu tribe; among them: My People: Writings of a Zulu Witchdoctor and Indaba, My Children. This profoundly disturbing experience occurred during the 1970s while Mr. Mutwa was working for a mining company in the African Bush. While on a South African public television program called Agenda in late November of 1994, Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. John Mack, interviewed the shaman, who had appeared on the program to talk about his experiences with what he calls “shapeshifting” entities. His sculptures of the abducting entities remarkably _r e_s_e__m___b__l_e_ t__h__e image of the alien ‘og ray.” Dr. Mack has UshIIoVw’IUn »tahaiaws v• i• deo~-t3appeedd iinntteerrvviieeww wwiitthh tthhee sshhaammaann dduurriinngg ppuubblliicc ttaallkkss bbeeffoorree aauuddiieenncceess iinntteerreesstteedd iinn these phenomena. Let us return to this profoundly existential happening. The shaman reports: “Their eyes were like plastic, no mouth, no lips, just a little cut, like a razor cut pierced on an angry body.” When you look into tne eyes, Credo reports, you see no detail, “just an empty eternity, a void, no expression.” Using his own native expressions, as well as comparisons from his native culture, Credo depicts 9 humanoids with no hair and no ears, and with an extra joint on their fingers. He — ' .---------------------Ui.M TV1I.11 1*11 V/VUUJV1HI Vll LllV-U llllgfcJO. UC ddeessccrriibbeess tthhee sskkiinn aass ““rreeppttiilliiaann,, lliikkee hhuummaann bbuutt wwiitthh nnoo hhaaiirr..”” TThheeyy mmoovveedd lliikkee flowing water, 1li.1k e a lb-al"le—ri na, very silo. wly.” CCrreeddoo’’ss bbooddyy wwaass aallmmoosstt ccoomm-­ pletely paralyzed; and he could not speak. Thlee eennttiittiieess wweerree nnoott hhoollddiinngg hhiimm aanndd had not tied him down, but somehow he could not move anything but his eyes. Credo ^explains that one of the entities was different, and that he “‘if elt strongly” from the beginning that she was a woman. S he was bigger t..h.»an th~e others but, he felt, she was not the leader. Later, he recounts, t“4tthhiics rmrteonnrdliinnoa (spelled phonetically), the female, came uupp ttoo mmee..”” HHee rreeccaallllss cceerrttaaiinn aabbnnoorr-­ malities about her physical nature. Speaking “as an artist for many years” he insists, “her arms were too short for her body, she looked even more like a doll than those other creatures looked like dolls. Her skin looked as if it was pol­ ished.” We can imagine the incredible chill Credo experienced when the “mendina” put her hands on his face. He explains, “this was a living hand, but this creature felt utterly unnatural. She was not warm like a human being. She felt like a dead body.” Although the skin of this entity appeared lifelike, there seemed to be “no beating of blood in the veins.” Then, he recounts, she climbed on him “like a crazy Zulu girl” and had sexual intercourse with him. She moved “like a machine” and there was no “woman’s smell.” Then Credo explains, embar­ rassed, “I ejaculated too much” and another creature put something over him to collect the sperm. He recounts, “I was very ashamed and my man-thing was burning, as if put in scalding water.” When he returned from this first abduction experience, Credo reports that he smelled like “rotting fish,” although he had not been near a river. In addition, his skin was covered with a “gray dust.” He wandered lost in the Bush until he saw human footprints and came to a small village where people recognized him as the man who had been missing for three days. He recalls, “every dog was so excited it came and pulled me down.” Credo claims he was elated to see his fel­ low human beings, but apparently the feeling wasn’t mutual. The people who found him could only grimace in disgust. They wanted to know why he smelled so bad. In immense pain all over his body, Credo fell to the ground and was trans­ ported to a house by wheelbarrow. He tells Dr. Mack: ‘ Sir, I have had many experiences in my life,” including being attacked by lions and crocodiles. But, he adds, “my experience with the mendina was something else.” Credo has con­ tinued to have abduction experiences throughout his life, as relayed in his book Indaba My Children. At a meeting of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Rhode Island in 1995, Dr. Mack stated that he is hopeful that such cross-cultural field studies will eventually help to support the reality of the visitor contact experience, since UFO debunkers rationalize that a psychological preoccupation with modern aerospace culture is behind the upsurge of reports of this nature. Mack argues that the international cases he has investigated, among them the South African shaman and several young girls who had a contact experience in a school yard in Zimbabwe, are “relatively independent of western cultural influence,” and “maintain structures of the third world realm.” He believes these studies might eventually establish the reality of this bizarre and scientifically unexplainable experience, and perhaps find “That place where everybody agrees this is real.” Identifying Flying Objects Thousands of books have been written on the subject of flying saucers and the phenomenon of alien abductions since pilot Kenneth Arnold first gave the discs their appropriate name as they flew in formation over Mount Ranier in 1947. These books describe in detail an array of activities involving the obser­ vance of futuristic ‘chariots in the sky’ and the off-beat behavior of the occu­ pants thereof.

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