Cover Artwork By Richard T. Cole EDITORIAL CONTENTS I’m pleased to announce that Phenomena is now being circulated and distributed throughout Australia and Greece thanks to new Page 2: The Black-Man Cometh. distributors coming on board. It would seem there has been a lot of UFO stories in the media this month, in regards the UK Ministry On first seeing him, my initial reaction was one of ‘what charity shop of Defence releasing yet more government UFO Files. If you have- did you wander out of?’ However, his apparel was not World War II n’t already seen them, then pop along to the UFO National Ar- chives and download them ASAP. They will be free to download surplus, and quite the reverse. It simply looked old fashioned. In this, for around a month, so don’t dilly dally in getting them. They do the first part of a two part article, Richard T Cole reveals the unnerv- make an interesting read… ing events that occurred when he started constructing a highly un- For those that are unaware there are two new UFO Ezines on the scene. The first usual device... produced by Gary Heseltine called UFO Truth Magazine. Issue one is available to download for free. Details can be found in this issue. Also, Philip Mantle, long time ufologist is also to bring his Ezine to the internet in UFO Today Magazine. Page 5: Oscar Magocsi - UFO Contactee Extraordinaire. Release date is still unknown, so keep a lookout for it. Finally, numerous confer- ences and events are to take place this September and October. For those who His is an old-fashioned UFO story in the same vein as George Adamski wish to pop along to the Probe International Conference in October, Phenomena and Daniel Fry. He was not abducted by grey aliens, but communi- Magazine will be covering the two day event. Details included in this issue... cated face-to-face with blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nordic types. In this SUB-EDITORIAL article, American UFO researcher Sean Casteel shines some light on Oscar Magocsi, one of the lesser known icons in the small group of First a bit of news: I decided it was time to move on and have now parted company with Paranormal Magazine, but I wish both people who started the ‘contactee’ movement... the magazine and its owners all good fortune for the future; however I can now devote even more time to Phenomena. Now for some chin-stroking, a question that sometimes gets Page 13: Investigating Rhodes Hall, A Real American Castle. asked by those with a slightly more thoughtful approach to the It’s not every day that a paranormal investigator has the opportunity paranormal is this, ‘How do poltergeists actually move the items that get flung around’? It’s a good point. to explore a castle in the United States. So when I got the invitation to visit Rhodes Hall I immediately placed a date on my calendar. In this Well, while no answer is going to be definitive there is one that might just pro- vide part of the answer…and it’s heat! This is something that occurred to me article, Pat Bussard from the USA reveals what occurred when she years ago when pondering on another frequently encountered anomaly i.e. ‘cold visited the highly atmospheric and extremely ornate Rhodes Hall in spots’. Why would the presence of a ‘spirit’, (a word I don’t really like using, but it’s less clumsy than ‘disembodied intelligence’) cause spontaneous cooling in a Atlanta, Georgia, USA... localised area? Some say that it only gives an indication that a spirit is present, fair enough, but why, what does it signify about the process? For me it comes down to the laws of thermodynamics and the fact that there is no such thing as Page 17: The Spell Against Hitler. a free lunch, ever, either here or when we have passed over. I don’t pretend to Modern historians prefer to steer clear from such things involving understand the mechanics of it, but if energy is expended viz-a-vie movement or noise it has to come from somewhere, so why not heat? Hitler and the Occult but a new book by Jonathan Tapsell uncovers an unorthodox tale involving Hitler, Royalty and a Wiccan Master of a Thermal energy is converted by some (as yet unknown) method into kinetic or sonic energy and gives the ‘spirit’ the means to either manifest or move some- secret tradition. Wars have been fought with some strange weapons, thing around, this satisfies the laws of physics as we understand them. The and in this remarkable article Jon Tapsell lifts the lid on a little known other interesting this is this, the same question was asked of a spirit, unbe- known to me, by another researcher via an EVP and the answer came back, and aspect of the occultism and magic that was used during WWII... it was unequivocal: ‘Heat’! But the mechanism that does it; ah…there’s the rub! If I ever find out I’ll tell you... Page 21: Premonitions: Making Money with the Mind. If people have the ability to sense the future, why aren't they rich? This is one of the most frequent questions I've been asked by readers of my book ‘The Power of Premonitions’. The fact is, some are very rich, and they attribute their wealth in part to their ability to sense the future. As Bill Gates says, "Sometimes, you have to rely on intui- tion." Larry Dossey M.D. Explains... Page 23: MoD Releases Final UFO Files. The British MoD have yet again released more UFO Files to the gen- eral public. Some of which spark interests with UFO investigators and researchers worldwide. The latest files are the last on UFOs to be released by the National Archives. They state, "In over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the W WW.PHENOMENAMAGAZINE.CO.UK United Kingdom," Richard Norton-Taylor takes a closer look... Editorial Contact: Steve Mera - [email protected] Sub-Editorial Contact: Brian Allan - [email protected] Page 31: Alien Abduction Reports: Memories of secret medical exams? Columnist: Richard Holland - [email protected] In some decades people over the whole world have been telling about being abducted by alien beings, often travelling in strange THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS discoid aerial vehicles. During the abduction the beings examine the Steve Mera, Brian Allan, Richard Holland, Richard T. Cole, Gary Heseltine, Philip Mantle, victim and experiment on him, both physically and psychologically, Knut Holt, Richard Norton-Taylor, Larry Dossey M.D. Jon Tapsell, Pat Bussard, Sean Casteel, Sam Wright, Harry Hawkins, Harry Haydon, David Woode, Pete Samson, Sam Webb, Paul Sims, and often in a very intimate way. Knut Holt explores the possibilities Norma Costello & KTPF. of such rational explanations... The Team: Sotiris at STRANGEFILES.ME, Danial Verdon at UREI, Randy at UFOSTORE.COM, Tim at UFOTV, Richard Holland at UNCANNYUK.COM, Main Distribution Brian Allan, Reporter Jackie Heighway, Reporter / Photographer Rodney Howarth. Cover Artwork Richard T. Cole. AAAAllllssssoooo FFFFeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeedddd:::: PHENOMENA MAGAZINE HEAD OFFICE Latest paranormal news from around the 17, Redburn Road, Baguley, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M23 1AH World... Book and dvd reviews. United Kingdom Tel: 0161 998 2315 / Mob Tel: 07866 685835 Events and Conferences. Astronomical news, Advertisements DISCLAIMER and much more... Due to MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will not always be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / Phenomena Magazine are not responsible for articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT / Phenomena Magazine do everything in their power to credit If you have an interesting article, we would love to hear from you. Please contact individuals work and images. If you are aware of any material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited correctly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copyright Phenomena Magazine Editor Steve Mera: [email protected] covers only articles wrote by MAPIT investigators, construction and group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions expressed in any of the articles are those of or Phenomena Magazine Sub-Editor Brian Allan: [email protected] the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of MAPIT or Phenomena Magazine. Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. Page 1 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: The Black-Man Cometh: Part 1 By Richard T Cole Prior to the winter of 2012, my awareness of ‘Men In Black’ was marginal. I’d seen the movie and was familiar with the archetypal story in which sinister figures claiming to be agents of a ‘top secret’ government depart- ment visit individuals who reported a UFO encounter. The message delivered is usually quite emphatic: “Keep your mouth shut, or else!” Aside from this I’d never given the subject much thought. Indeed, it seemed to me that such covert operations were a waste of resources and time. I’d never heard of anyone mysteriously vanishing after ignoring a warning from MIB. If any- thing, visitations tend to serve only as an enigmatic garnish to ‘the forthcoming book.’ However, on Sunday 21st October, my incre- dulity underwent a complete overhaul when a man in black called at my home! On return from a few days away, I shuffled Then, and without any opening pleasantry, With that, I turned and headed upstairs, Men in Black. briskly up the drive with a single thought in he spoke: perusing his mysterious offering as I mind – A pressing need for the toilet. I walked. Those who claim to have had MIB dumped my bags at the door and immedi- “Mr Cole. I require a moment of your encounters often ately noticed an unpleasant odour. Over the time.” The document formed part of an article recall how they seemed almost weekend, discarded foodstuff had gone-off relating to astrology, beginning with robotic. Some in my bin and the smell was vile. I hurriedly Excuse me? “continued from page 55.” Set in three report them to be extracted the plastic liner, tied this securely columns, a large advert dominated most of tall with very pale complexions. and opened a window. The air soon cleared “It is important that we speak.” a page numbered ‘71.’ The article contin- Some claim that and I headed downstairs to dump the offen- ued to a conclusion on the reverse, with they have myste- sive rubbish in my wheelie-bin. As its cum- Sorry… Speak, about what? May I ask who two small adverts filling the remaining riously appeared and disappeared bersome lid swung open, a male voice star- you are? space of a page numbered ‘72.’ Somewhat in a flash. tled the life out of me. I turned sharply to bewildered, I flipped the page again and see what I initially assumed was a neighbour “To our mutual benefit, Mr Cole. Permit me took a closer look at the large advertise- stood on the path close behind me. The to illustrate my point.” ment. What I saw stopped me dead in my man was short, around five feet six inches, tracks. I felt the ground open beneath me mid-forties, lean and athletic. His hair was He fumbled in his jacket’s breast pocket and, dark and immaculately groomed. His skin for a brief moment, I thought he was reach- was pale and a distinct blue tinge shadowed ing for a weapon! Much to my relief he his clean-shaven features. The man’s cloth- retrieved a folded sheet of brown paper. ing was odd. On first seeing him, my initial This was plain, save for three words typed at reaction was one of ‘what charity shop did the centre. With a deft flick, he extracted a you wander out of?’ However, his apparel sheet of yellowed paper from its wrapper wasn’t WWII surplus, and quite the reverse. and extended his arm towards me, indicat- It simply looked old fashioned. Cut from ing that I should take it. With some sense of densely-woven, thick cloth, a curious silver foreboding, I did. Sized at approximately ten sheen danced across his jacket, pants and by seven inches and printed on both sides, tie. His starched shirt appeared unnaturally the document appeared to be a leaf ripped white, with shoes polished to an impossibly from an old magazine. I failed to see its high, glass-like finish. Even the man’s black relevance, and the biting winter air brought sunglasses possessed a distinctive retro a now-urgent requirement for a wee to look. sharp focus. This faced me with a dilemma. On one hand, I was curious and didn’t want Having recently moved to the property I to close my door abruptly in the man’s face. didn’t recognise my caller as a neighbour, On the other, I was cautious and didn’t and wondered if he was a door-to-door really want to let him in. I spluttered out a hawker. Although his appearance and fea- vague compromise: tures were unremarkable, ‘something’ about the man struck me as being ‘not quite right,’ “Look, hang on for a minute. I’ll be back I could not figure out what. shortly.” Page 2 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: T he Black-Man Cometh: Part 1 By Richard T Cole Men in Black as I gaped, slack-jawed, at an illustration The diagram below illustrates the difficulty However, whilst replying to Brian’s e-mail I that could not possibly exist! of Mr. Black’s disappearance. suddenly realised that, in fact, I was! (MIB), in Ameri- can popular The caller’s voice shocked me back to real- culture and in UFO conspiracy ity. He had followed me up the stairs and theories, are men hovered menacingly over my left shoulder. dressed in black In a terse whisper, he said: suits who claim to be government agents who “What do you know about this, Mr. Cole?” harass or threaten UFO It’s… erm… it’s a… No, it’s… witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have “That is the correct answer, Mr. Cole. You seen. It is some- know absolutely nothing about this, do times implied you!” that they may be aliens them- selves. The term Wait… wait a minute. What is this? I don’t is also frequently understand… Where did you get it? used to describe mysterious men working for “Remember, Mr. Cole, you know nothing unknown organi- about this, nothing at all. Is that… crystal zations, as well as clear!” various branches of government allegedly de- At this point, confusion mutated into over- Assuming he retreated at the instant I closed From childhood, into my late-twenties, I signed to protect whelming claustrophobia. The walls closed my bathroom door, it takes approximately regularly experienced paranormal occur- secrets or per- form other in around me as the sheer impossibility of twenty-five seconds to walk down my stairs rences. With advancing years, these epi- strange activities. my circumstances paralysed all rational and along the yellow line (I) onto the road- sodes dwindled to almost extinction. Nev- The term is thought processes. Desperate for breathing side pavement. Even had a vehicle awaited ertheless, and since I unable to dismiss a generic, used for space, my need for the toilet offered a tem- his return, I would have seen this drive notion that the various manifestations I’ve any unusual, threatening or porary respite. Thrusting the page back into away. A five-foot high wall surrounds the witnessed were ‘figments of my imagina- strangely be- his hand, I gesticulated towards the bath- property, on all sides (the red line). A rea- tion,’ how could I be sure of Mr. Black’s haved individual room, and gushed: sonably fit person could scramble over this, physical reality? When considered from an whose appear- ance on the scene but why would they? Similarly, he could objective perspective, my account defies can be linked in “Please, hang on a second…” have slipped through a gap in the fence (B), belief – ‘A man, seemingly plucked from a some fashion ran up a neighbour’s driveway (C, G & H), or 1950s movie, appeared then disappeared, with a UFO Before the hurried apology left my lips, a made his getaway down a narrow path onto virtually in front of my eyes, remaining for sighting. locked door separated us. On the safe side, I the heath beyond (D), but, again, to what just long enough to show me an impossible wondered what to do next and scanned the end? Whilst I am not suggesting that the advertisement!’ My account is patently bathroom in search of a weapon - To no mysterious caller simply dematerialised, his absurd, yet… that is exactly what hap- avail. However, the thought of rushing at departure was exceedingly perplexing and pened! Suddenly, a most intriguing thought him brandishing a toilet brush (the most swift. flashed across my mind: “Are MIB a con- dangerous item to hand) did much to lighten temporary form of ghost?” my mood. Nevertheless, I emerged with a Over the following weeks, my encounter great deal of trepidation. Fair enough, the with ‘Mr. Black’ increasingly played on my man didn’t appear overtly threatening, or mind. Eventually, I raised the issue with a likely to assassinate me. Nevertheless, the good friend and colleague, Brian Allan. sheer absurdity of this situation, plus its Brian’s extensive knowledge and ‘hands-on’ uncertain outcome, left me reeling. I ex- experience of all things paranormal placed pected to find the caller waiting in my hall, him in an ideal position to discuss this trou- but he wasn’t. I glanced along the passage bling matter. Being honest, I also hoped to and into the kitchen beyond, then jogged gain some reassurance that I wasn’t simply into my living room and looked through its ‘going round the twist!’ Never one to shy window. The man had simply vanished. I away from difficult questions, Brian asked if quickly searched the entire premises, then I’d considered a possibility that the episode the garden, but he was long gone. may have been “a figment” of my imagina- tion. Not surprisingly, I’d given a great deal I remained in the bathroom for approxi- of thought to precisely that scenario, though mately twenty seconds. Two or three sec- dismissed it on grounds that I do not con- onds later, I stood at my living room window sider myself prone to random, spontaneous Wikipedia surveying a deserted street. hallucinations. Page 3 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: The Black-Man Cometh: Part 1 By Richard T Cole The longer I considered this notion, the mired in a sense of stalemate and frustra- the potential to revolutionise our under- Men in Black more sense it made. Categorising MIB with tion. I had wasted most of the previous standing of the paranormal. At that mo- poltergeists, apparitions and similar mani- week experimenting with individual links in ment, a terrifying scenario jumped into my According to the festations of the supernatural negated any my experimental device’s sensory chain. mind. Mr. Black was not a top secret agent accounts of those encountering requirement for top secret, possibly extra- These resulted in nothing of interest and dispatched to deter me from finishing my them, Men in terrestrial intervention, and ludicrous plots. concluded abruptly on Thursday 18 October, paranormal device. He was a consequence Black always Of course, this leaves the vexing question of when I accidentally spilled a mug of hot of its first test-run. The recent surge of seem to have ‘what is a ghost?’ hanging in the air. Never- coffee over myself, threw a childish tantrum paranormal activity was set in motion when detailed informa- tion on the per- theless, the suggestion that MIB may be a and contemptuously abandoned the whole I inadvertently exposed myself to a fraction sons they con- paranormal phenomenon was intriguing, project. of its power. My theory suggested that the tact, as if the and hinted towards a staggering revelation individuals had been under in connection with a device I had been tink- surveillance for a ering with for months. significant period of time. They The collective weight of my research in- have occasionally been described as clined towards a conclusion that all paranor- seeming confused mal occurrences are different facets of the by the nature of same general ‘engine.’ To use a simile – A everyday items such as pens, hair-dryer, television and car are fundamen- eating utensils or tally different in form and function, though food, as well as all are physical manifestations of an ‘entity’ using outdated called electricity. Similarly, UFOs, weeping slang, old cars or vintage styles of statues and headless phantoms are physical clothing. Reports expressions of a process collectively known indicate that they as the paranormal. My hypothesis also sug- often claim to be from an agency gested that a convergence of six distinct collecting infor- ‘factors’ is required to precipitate a super- mation on the natural incident. Sure as I was of five cogs in unexplained the paranormal machine, the sixth eluded phenomenon their subject has me – A trigger! Then, in 2012, whilst shel- encountered. In tering from a storm beneath a large tree, I On 21 January 2013, I experienced a horrific device’s functionality relied on the interac- other accounts, made a connection between two events nightmare. Shaken by this, I got up and tion of five components and a trigger, but they seem to be trying to suppress separated by twenty-five years. In that in- reached for my cigarettes. Yet again, the this was wrong. On 18 October, I acciden- information by stant, the identity of the critical ‘trigger’ packet was not where I expected. In fact, tally tripped the circuit with just two, in trying to convince flashed across my mind. My sense of excite- and as I had frequently noted to friends of conjunction with an entirely unanticipated their target that ment bordered on ecstatic! Whirling around late, my television, keys and glasses had fuse. Not only does my invention work, it the event in question did not in my head was the blueprint for a unique developed a life of their own - As had lights, does so with a simplistic efficiency I could happen. They and unprecedented appliance – A device electrical appliances, my car, computer and not possibly have predicted. In short, I had have been de- that opens a temporary gateway into the laptop. A dishcloth inexplicably relocated discovered a 21st century Ouija Board, scribed as behav- ing in either an supernatural. from the kitchen sink, to a cooker hob, A gadget that not merely enables communi- exceedingly which, equally mysteriously, switched itself cation with discarnate spirits, but which furtive manner or If MIB are contemporary ghosts, then my on. Thankfully, a smoke-alarm alerted me to opens a temporary gateway into the para- a completely encounter was a paranormal experience. the danger. It suddenly occurred to me that normal. My story is fantastical, perhaps outgoing one, with wide grins My theory dictated that a fusion of six dis- my home had become ‘infested’ with low- even ‘beyond belief.’ Nevertheless, it is and disconcerting tinct factors preceded the manifestation (of level paranormal activity. ‘When did it true - Though I do not ask that you take my giggles. This Mr. Black). If I looked closely, it should be start?’ The onset of incidents coincided with word for it. The concluding part of this observation might suggest possible to pinpoint the moment at which the visit of Mr. Black – Interesting! article features an explanation of the ‘trick’ that the this singularity happened. I trawled through I stumbled upon, plus a brief encapsulation "gigglers" were my memories, but couldn’t find a match. MIB are almost exclusively associated with of the theoretical model underpinning its possibly, though After giving up on Sunday, I widened the net an alleged government conspiracy to silence operation. For good measure, I also pro- not necessarily, pranksters, as to include recollections of Saturday, Friday, eye-witnesses of UFO-related incidents. I vide a simple blueprint from which to con- various forms of Thursday, and back to Monday. On numer- had not seen a UFO, though did receive a struct a basic, functional device - Test-drive unexpected, ous occasions, I hit on a combination of very specific warning. Mr. Black ‘advised’ the 21st century Ouija Board yourself! I inappropriate, or even bizarre (as three, four and even five of the requisite that I forget about a paranormal device I had close with an intriguing ‘thought for today,’ in robotic) behav- parameters. Alas, I was unable to remem- been developing for several months. More- which is this. If a door into the unknown iour seem to be ber any incident capable of acting as a trig- over, my visitor presented his message in a materialised before your eyes, would you hallmarks of ger. My inability to isolate what must surely form that only I could understand. Because cross its threshold?’ Does the allure of these mysterious have been a reasonably noticeable instance the advert he produced depicted both a unknown wonders beyond outweigh the beings. disheartened me greatly. Indeed, events in uniquely personal moment in my life, and risk of a one-way ticket, or worse... to be Wikipedia the days prior to Mr. Black’s visitation were my idealised visualisation of a device with continued… Page 4 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: The Many Worlds & Other Dimensions of Oscar Magocsi By Sean Casteel His is an old-fashioned UFO story in the same vein as George Adamski and Daniel Fry. He was not abducted by grey aliens, but communicated face-to-face with blonde- haired, blue-eyed Nordic types. It’s a pretty much “nuts-and-bolts” encounter with a couple of junkets to other planets and another dimension or two. Nothing out of the ordinary... Page 5 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: The Many Worlds & Other Dimensions of Oscar Magocsi By Sean Casteel Ever heard the name Oscar Magocsi? Magocsi had something to do with He was youngish, early 30s. He was a Oscar Magocsi No? Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, enough UFOs, that he could see an orange aura very good-looking fellow, like some with the “trick” comments and ques- around Magocsi that was an unmistak- kind of a super movie star, with a high A Canadian 'Contactee', tions already. We would all have to able sign that he was linked or con- forehead. I guess that’s how one would passed on 8th September 2002, peacefully, at home. agree that Oscar Magocsi is a little nected to the phenomenon. depict an intelligent alien. Good vibes, known and forgotten contactee whose friendly, and he spoke good English.” Oscar was born in Hungary, experiences are recounted in Timothy “I just smiled,” Magocsi said, “because I immigrated to Canada and Green Beckley’s “The Authentic Book of wanted to hear about his experiences. MORE CURIOUS THAN AFRAID worked at CBC TV Toronto Ultra-Terrestrial Contacts.” Beckley He told me that something happened as a camera man. He be- heard Magocsi’s stories both by phone to him in the 1960s in California. There Whether he believed the stranger or came involved in UFO re- search in after a 21 Sept. as well as later during an in-person had been a major earthquake there, not, Magocsi did return to his vacation 1974, experience outside meeting some years ago and considers and he was driving to Los Angeles at property that next July. The first couple Huntsville, Ontario. He it to be among the wilder encounter the time and he saw a UFO in the sky.” of nights, nothing happened, but on claimed to have been aboard craft flying over Lake tales he has ever come across. But the third night, the UFO showed up, Ontario, taken by his friends, Beckley adds that Magocsi seemed The stranger told Magocsi that as he landing behind the nearby hill. Magocsi The Psycheans, and then sincere and did not strike him as the looked up at the UFO, his car stalled took his flashlight and took off on foot. transported to other worlds. type of individual to be making all this just in front of a bridge spanning a He found the ship in a forest clearing, He recounted his experi- ences in 'My Space Odyssey up. Magocsi told Beckley, “Before my valley. Within a few seconds of the car hovering about 60 feet off the ground. In UFOs', (1980) and in encounter, I had never been a believer stalling, the bridge collapsed in the He stopped about 50 feet from the 'Beyond My Space Odyssey in UFOs whatsoever. And I believe now aftermath of the earthquake. “He told object, which then slowly came down In UFOs', (1985). that my first encounter was more or me that the UFOnauts saved his life,” and landed noiselessly. He approached less accidental, and from then on, I had Magocsi said. “From that time on, he the craft and saw three portholes with become deeply interested in the UFO was deeply hooked. I didn’t really take a yellow light emanating from them, phenomenon.” him seriously. He talked of a blonde but he couldn’t see inside because they stranger, tall, somewhat unusual look- were higher than his eye level. The first of Magocsi’s encounters took ing. He felt this individual was an alien. place in 1975 on vacation property he At the time, I didn’t have any comment “Then I heard a sound,” he said, “kind owned in Canada, north of Toronto to make.” of like an air-braking sound like you and near a small town called Hunts- hear on trucks or buses. This made me ville. It was night-time, and Magocsi A few days later, Magocsi decided he rush back into the trees. Then I saw a was sitting outside by his campfire. He wanted to see a movie. On the way to door opening slowly, like the iris of a was alone, and began to have the feel- the theater, as he was proceeding camera. A ramp was lowered as I ing that something was watching him. down one of the main streets, he waited and watched. I figured aliens stopped to look at a poster on a wall would be coming out, but nobody ap- “I looked up,” Magocsi said, “and about advertising a psychic fair being held at peared. Finally I said to myself that 400 yards away I saw this strange ob- the Sheraton Hotel. He considered the since nobody was coming out, why ject hovering above the tree line. It was possibility of attending the psychic fair, don’t I go and take a look and see a UFO – a flying saucer. After hovering but decided to stick to his plan for a what’s going on? So I just walked in. I there for a while, it took off, making no trip to the movies. “So I flagged down was scared, frightened, but I felt that if sound at all. It was kind of disc-shaped; a cab,” he recalled, “and told the driver I walked away I’d never know, I’d never it was changing colors, from a yellow- where I wanted to go. He didn’t take learn anything.” green to orange, and then it started to me to the movies. Instead, he took me fluctuate. As it was fluctuating, I felt as down to the psychic fair, to the UFO Curiosity overpowered Magocsi’s fear though someone or something was section. I was surprised. I told him, and he went inside. There was no one probing me, trying to read my ‘Didn’t I tell you I wanted to go to the there, “no human being or any other thoughts. It was almost physical, the movies?’ He turned around and kind of individual. I saw these benches, feeling. I knew somehow that it was grinned. I was suspicious of him. It was vertical, semicircular in shape. There probing into my brain.” obvious to me that he was an ‘agent’ was also this tubing or shaft that was on a mission.” flickering with lights. My impression was that it was some kind of super Since he was already there, Magocsi brain. It was biological. It wasn’t just a decided to check out the psychic fair. A mass of jelly or flesh, yet it wasn’t elec- tall, blonde stranger seemed to pick trical either. Perhaps it was something him out of the crowd and approached in-between; sometimes I thought it was Magocsi. They conversed about Ma- a great eye. Or a great brain. It’s al- gocsi’s sighting the previous summer most impossible to describe, but it was and the UFO subject in general. Ma- flickering with all kinds of light pat- The experience left Magocsi more curi- gocsi allowed as how he would like to terns. I figured it must be the center of ous than frightened. During the next have a more direct experience with the intelligence as it was the only light in few days, he asked his neighbours, UFO occupants, something beyond just the craft.” casually, if they had ever seen anything seeing one of their ships. The blonde strange in the area. They all replied stranger advised Magocsi to return to As detailed in Beckley’s book on Ultra- that they had not. He also made inquir- his vacation property the next summer Terrestrials, the room Magocsi found ies in the Toronto area and began to when the time would be right for the himself in was circular, about 25 feet in attend lectures about UFOs there, kind of encounter Magocsi wanted. diameter with a ten-foot-high ceiling, having developed an intense interest in providing him just enough headroom. the subject. After one particular UFO “I didn’t take him seriously,” Magocsi As he stood inside the craft, the door lecture, Magocsi was approached by a said, “although I had positive feelings closed behind him and he feared he fellow who told him he knew that about him. He had lots of charisma. was trapped. UFOUpdates Page 6 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: T he Many Worlds & Other Dimensions of Oscar Magocsi By Sean Casteel Contactees are persons who The door had sealed itself seamlessly, pyramids next, though he cannot say Whether or not that is the case, the claim to have experienced and there was a vertical, pencil-thin whether the thought was his own or desert incident does sound similar to contact with extraterrestri- als. Contactees have typi- shaft of light visible. He tried putting implanted by the aliens. He dozed off, other encounters between a UFO and cally reported that they the flashlight he was carrying through and when he awakened the ship was an earthly military agency, whether were given messages or the light and the door opened. directly over the great pyramids in Arab or Russian or American. The profound wisdom by extra- Egypt. There was a perfect alignment scrambling of jets and the useless at- terrestrial beings. These claimed encounters are He walked out and then walked back in at that moment with the sun and the tempts to fire on the unidentified craft often described as ongoing, again, repeating the maneuver several apex of the Great Pyramid, and some are familiar from many previous ac- but some contactees claim times to reassure himself that he could form of energy from the pyramids counts that have entered the lore of to have had as few as a single encounter. open the door and leave at will. The seemed to be sucked up as though UFOlogy and never been completely vertical light then started to through a vacuum cleaner into the disproved. Even if the aliens were in As a cultural phenomenon, “energize,” almost like streams of wa- ship. Magocsi next journeyed to an- fact “showing off” for Magocsi, the contactees perhaps had ter, like a multicolored energy dis- other Middle Eastern country which he typical military engagement scenario their greatest notoriety from the late 1940s to the late charge. The light began to glow more thought might be Syria or somewhere has definitely repeated itself here. 1950s, but individuals con- intensely and to grow thicker. At that like it. tinue to make similar claims point, Magocis panicked and fled the The ship flew Magocsi on to the Hima- in the present. Some have ship. Afterwards, the ship “closed up After waiting there for a while, Ma- layas of Tibet, where they landed high shared their messages with small groups of followers, and went away. That was that for the gocsi stepped outside the ship and saw in the mountains, near the peaks. He and many have issued night.” what he thought was an approaching and the ship sat there in idleness for a newsletters or spoken at dust storm. long while. Then he saw a line of peo- UFO conventions. ‘THEY’ RETURNED ple approaching, carrying torches. “It turned out it wasn’t a dust storm,” “They looked like monks,” Magocsi The ship returned a couple of nights he said, “but a column of tanks. As they said, “who live in the mountains.” One later, but Magocsi stayed home, still got closer, they started to shoot real of the monks approached the saucer fearful of the sudden burst of light he heavy artillery. The shells were explod- and opened the door, which he some- had experienced. But the next night, ing while I was away a little distant how knew how to do. He threw a pair his courage returned, and he felt his from the saucer, but we were in some of “funny boots” at Magocsi and mo- earlier fright and flight had been stu- kind of force field that kept the shells tioned for him to put them on. The pid. He promised himself that the next out.” monk and his fellows then escorted time he was inside the craft, he would Magocsi from the saucer into the stay. When the ship landed that night, Seeking to escape the furnace-like heat mountains through underground caves he went onboard again. of the desert, Magocsi went back in- and into an underground monastery. side the ship and the ship lifted itself The faces of the monks were not only “I began to study everything in greater up and out of the fray. When they had Asian; there were also white, black and detail,” he said. “I was inside for about reached an altitude of about 10,000 red Indian faces, and it seemed like an hour. I said to myself, ‘This time, if it feet, three jetfighters appeared that every race in the world was repre- starts to energize, I won’t run away Magocis believes were Arabian, but he sented. because I’d like to go for a ride.” can’t be sure because they flew by too quickly for him to read their insignia. The monks began to chant and burn His wish was soon granted. The ship The lead plane fired two missiles at the incense while they scrutinised Magocsi. began to ascend to an altitude of about ship, which the saucer dodged by lift- He fell asleep, and when he awakened 1,000 feet and he could see through ing up so suddenly that Magocsi felt his he saw the head monk, an old man, the portholes that the whole landscape stomach was still back there in the seated opposite him. “And as I was beneath him was almost fully lit in desert. The saucer fired something like looking at him,” Magocsi said, “he was spite of the fact that it was pitch black a “laser cannon” at the missiles and rising up from his chair – levitating. nighttime. The ship first took him to they exploded harmlessly a half mile Then the whole area just opened up so Toronto, 120 miles away, in about two away. “I felt somehow this was all that I could see the whole valley and to three minutes. Ten minutes later done purposely,” Magocsi said, “the the saucer hovering nearby, with its they were flying over New York City. saucer wanting to show its defense orange glow.” Magocsi felt a mental urge to see the capabilities.” AROUND THE WORLD IN 23 HOURS Magocsi next recalled that he was standing with the head monk again on a balcony or terrace in extreme cold. After this dream-like moment, he was escorted back to the saucer, which lifted up and flew him this time to South America, where it seemed some- one was shooting green lightning bolts at the ship. From there, the next desti- nation was Northern California, specifi- cally a place Magocsi thought must have been Mount Shasta. He could see three campfires below him, with men seated around the campfires, soon after which the ship discharged some form of energy into the mountain’s Wikipedia peak. Page 7 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: The Many Worlds & Other Dimensions of Oscar Magocsi By Sean Casteel Mount Shasta has for centuries been the city and the surrounding country- They have aura detectors. They’re in- RECOMMENDED known as the scene of many a UFO side. The city was built inside a domed terested in what kind of an attitude you READING sighting and numerous other paranor- area and had structures similar to have socially, spiritually, psychically.” mal events, so it is a fitting place for earthly skyscrapers. The Authentic Book Of Ultra- Terrestrial Contacts: From Magocsi to end his trip around the The Secret Alien Files of UFO world onboard a flying saucer. Researcher Timothy Green Beckley. After leaving Mount Shasta, Magocsi was returned to the same spot where Authentic-Book-Ultra- he was originally picked up. “The entire Terrestrial-Contacts- experience lasted 23 hours,” he said. Researcher/ dp/1606111213/ref=sr_1_2? “Insofar as being tired from the trip is s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363 concerned, I was. And insofar as the 160681&sr=1- food, I found a cubicle which I man- 2&keywords=ultra- terrestrials+timothy+beckley aged to open and found storage-cubes, condensed food. And I found water. Pioneers Of Space: The Lost That was my first trip. I was happy Books Of George Adamski – after that. So, a few days later, the The entire planet was a recreation The lucky chosen ones would be taken A Trip To The Moon Mars And Venus saucer comes again to the same spot center and was populated by thou- on “space arks” to an artificial planet and lands, and I got into it and went on sands of people of varying skin colors already prepared to house the survi- another trip.” and wearing different style clothes. vors. Magocsi has no idea how many Pioneers-Space-George- Adamski Venus/ Some of them facially resembled a cat would be saved, but that an effort to dp/1606110357/ This time, the trip would not be a jour- or dog and spoke a language similar to educate some portion of the world to ref=sr_1_33? ney around the physical planet as a Chinese kind of singsong. People the situation has been underway for a s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363 know it. Magocsi called this second trip from various dimensions were there on long time. He feels he was chosen by 161151&sr=1-33 an “inter-dimensional” one, though he a common mission: to be trained in the aliens because they were seeking was still required to put on a silvery Earth mannerisms, languages and cul- an “Average Joe,” a typical human “spacesuit,” similar to a skin diver’s tures so they could go to Earth and specimen, in order to test how he feels outfit, with a wide belt and something carry out some purpose that required about things, how he reacts to various resembling a motorcycle helmet. The them to pass for normal human beings. situations. ship hovered for a short time over Lake Ontario then suddenly Magocsi was in “They had common names like George After undergoing intensive testing on deep space, which he also felt w or Joe,” Magocsi said, “and were said Argona, Magocsi concluded that the to be from Japan or China. One woman aliens are advanced millions of years He recalled being told by someone he said she was from New York City, but in beyond Earthlings and that we will had met at the Psychic Fair the previ- reality she had never even been to never catch up with their level of de- ous winter that, “They are from an- Earth before. Before she was set to velopment. He was told that open other dimension altogether. They acci- come to Earth, she knew already all the contact would have to be made at dentally stumbled onto ours, and there mannerisms, even played the piano. It’s some point in order to foil the evil are quite a number of other dimensions not very likely that any of these people designs of more negative beings from that are interconnected. The person at would ever be detected,” he continued, other parts of the universe that could the fair claimed to be a “psychician” “except by psychic means. But they dupe mankind and use us as a weapon and a member of the Psychician Fed- looked much nicer, more handsome against the friendlier races. eration of Worlds.” than we are. They looked more intelli- gent. There were subtle things about Magocsi believes these negative beings After fading back into Earth’s dimen- them. Small things. It’s very likely that are manifested on Earth as the Men-In- sion, the ship entered a vortex and this girl I met there, who knew New Black, creatures he has encountered came to a place where a mother ship York – she called herself Melody – she himself. sat waiting with seven smaller ships could be here right now. She was a nearby, which Magocsi called “baby gorgeous looking redhead. And she “Once I found a note,” he said. “It was ships.” A door opened and he walked sings.” a cutout from a newspaper about out into an idyllic scene similar to a someone who published a book on rock garden or pleasant jungle area, a THEIR REASON FOR BEING HERE UFOs and who disappeared. I found space intended for recreation. He sur- this cutout in my locked car – on the mised that there were other people Magocsi said the influx of human- inside. I don’t know how the hell they there who had also been brought by looking aliens is intended to help us got in to put it there, but I feel that was one of the other smaller ships, and that overcome the psychic contamination a hint. But I wouldn’t let myself worry they were supposed to “seek each of our atmosphere, a contamination about that.” other out.” that could lead to nuclear war and the complete destruction of life on Earth. Meanwhile, the friendly creatures Ma- Magocsi found himself on a planet gocsi met on his journey are governed called Argona, a member of the Psychi- “It seems they are greatly concerned,” by higher beings that aren’t flesh and cian Federation of Worlds. He came to he said. “They wouldn’t stop us from blood but consist of energy and are a reception area where he met human- wiping ourselves out. That’s a no-no. If spiritual in nature. When he asked looking people, including the cab driver we want to blow ourselves up, that’s about the existence of God, he was who had taken him to the Psychic Fair fine. But should that happen, they are told that was a mystery that no one instead of to the movies, as Magocsi willing to rescue quite a few people could answer because the cosmos is so had intended. The cab driver became from here. Selections will be done vast. “Everyone has to find their own Magocsi’s host, taking him on a tour of through aura. answer,” the aliens said. Page 8 Phenomena Magazine: June 2013 - Issue 50: T he Many Worlds & Other Dimensions of Oscar Magocsi By Sean Casteel ALSO… LOOK OUT The experiences changed him, Magocsi An amazing story? Indeed! But just “I met the man face to face,” Beckley FOR THE FOLLOWING said, making him more psychically because he published it in his work says, “and I can see no reason why he BOOK aware and causing him to realize there would have made up the whole thing is more to life than eating, sleeping and “The Authentic Book Of Ultra- as he never received any sort of finan- making merry. Terrestrial Contact,” author Timothy cial gain or much in the way of notori- Green Beckley says he doesn’t neces- ety either. He still has a following in He related a conversation he had had sarily have to take Oscar’s account at some parts of the world, people who with some spiritualists who maintained face value. “It’s really one of the more believe in him and want to keep his that their source of inspiration was the elaborate contactee stories of recent story alive.” spirit of someone’s deceased grand- vintage, but there is little we can do in mother. When Magocsi demonstrated lieu of a follow-up since Oscar passed If you enjoyed this article, his own psychic abilities, they asked away some time ago.” visit Sean Casteel’s where his information was coming from. “I said, ‘I haven’t got any bloody Beckley says it sounds more like an out “UFO Journalist” website at proof. But it’s not important. I just pick -of-body experience than an actual, these things up.’” physical trip onboard a flying saucer. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Now working on our new issue, Phenomena Magazine has gone from strength to strength. 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