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Preview Phenomena Issue 022 2011 02 February

The mystery of the stones The jones abduction My first paranormal experience Foo history The fire lantern menace POLTERGEIST ELECTROMAGNETiC FEAR Mysterious animal deaths LATEST NEWS AND MUCH MORE Life’s Little Mysteries SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE: SPIRITUALISM & FEEMASONRY EDITORIAL Contents Well, its certainly been an interesting month. 2011 so far Page 2: Reflections: Paranormal Experiences. has been very productive with several phone calls re- garding paranormal disturbances. Investigations are Many people report having strange paranormal type experiences underway and we hope to publish some details in the whilst in their bedrooms, often waking up and finding themselves near future. Filming for a (Channel 4 UK) TV show contin- totally paralysed, and in the presence of some type of ghostly mani- ues and Dave Sadler has also been filming with the (BBC) festation. Abagael Macaskill is one of those people that has had such for a TV show called Inside Out. Once again, this issue features a variety of articles and interesting news. We an experience. In this article, she recounts her first paranormal experi- hope you enjoy it. ence. SUB-EDITORIAL Page 3: Foo History: The Story so far... Andy Roberts is one of the UK’s leading investigative researchers of So the New Year is out of the way, but media driven the UFO phenomena. He also has a keen interest in the paranormal, daftness has begun unabated. Mass bird and fish deaths, big cat sightings, earth mysteries and is author of several books on the Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, Biblical floods and the world economic crisis have begun ‘end of day’s’ believers subject. In this article Andy delves into the mystery of the Foo Fighter bandwagon jumping. Floods of new books and high pro- sightings of the 1940’s. Strange balls of light that were reported to file people, are earning a fair whack for their assump- follow military aircraft during the second world war. tions of what’s happening. Page 7: Life’s Little Mysteries. In truth – UPIA’s Kirst D’Raven has sifted through thousands of pages of data and statistically there is no difference in now and Sometimes, now and again, you experience something that you find previous years. But those who prey on the public’s belief are again difficult to understand or rationalise. Such experiences are difficult to driving the whole ‘end of day’s’ concept a little further. investigate, leaving you perplexed and confused. There have been Over the past few months in the UFO world, from my eyes, the UK many strange reports of weird and odd incidents. Steve Mera recounts weather has distracted the eyes from the skies, other than the high number of Chinese lanterns above us over the New Year and proba- four such incidents that have left him scratching his head. Without bly more to come over the Chinese New Year. In response the UPIA, explanation, Steve calls such incidents, Life’s Little Mysteries. MAPIT and Phenomena Magazine will be running a campaign to regulate the lanterns, more to come on that. I have included some Page 11: The mystery of the Stones. details in this issue. Strange floating balls of light, the sighting of ghostly figures, people Cryptozoological and Paranormal reports also seem to have been reporting missing time. These are just a few of the reported paranor- quiet, probably due to the festive period and people concentrating mal incidents in the vicinity of the Bridestones, a Neolithic burial on their families. We have, post New Year, experienced a number of cairn that lies along the line of the Staffordshire / Cheshire border. reports from all areas of the Paranormal Sphere, Corporate and resi- The Bridestones, has been the focus of a long term investigation, dential reports of hauntings, several exotic cat reports, a number of UFO incidents and several images for Analysis. carried out by Dave Sadler of the UPIA. Updates will come when we can comment. Page 17: Mysterious Animal Deaths: What’s Going On? New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in Beebe, Arkansas. Carcasses littered the streets. Thousands of dead fish have also been found. The New South Wales government fisheries authorities have rule out natural causes, and are quite frankly… stumped’. Is there something going on, or is there a rational explanation? Wil Longbottom investigates. Page 19: The Lantern Boy. In the middle century sightings of the Lantern Boy were common and were seen almost every night. The last official sighting of the Lantern Boy was in 1945 but on occasional nights he has been spotted walk- http://www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk ing down the tracks of Stainforth & Hatfield Railway Station. James Whittaker pays a visit to the old station that was built in 1866 in hope of spotting the mysterious Lantern Boy. A special thanks to all our contributors. If you would like to contribute yourself, please contact the Phenomena Magazine at: [email protected] Page 21: Sir Arthur Cocan Doyle: Spiritualism & Freemasonry. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's name is synonymous with Sherlock THIS MONTHS CONTRIBUTORS Holmes. From the beginning of his career there was an element of Steve Mera, Dave Sadler, Kirst D’Raven, Abagael Macaskill, spiritualism that always intrigued Doyle and influenced his work. It Andy Roberts, Wil Longbottom, James Whittaker, Yasha Beresiner, may well have been this particular interest that aroused Doyle's some- John Pagan, Nick Redfern - Special Thanks to Rich Reynolds. what erratic interest in Freemasonry. Yasha Beresiner takes a closer (Paul Morgan & Paul Kennington - Images). look at Doyle’s connection with Spiritualism & Freemasonry. PHENOMENA MAGAZINE EDITOR: STEVE MERA - [email protected] Page 23: Poltergeist: Electromagnetic Fear. PHENOMENA MAGAZINE ASSISTANT EDITOR: DAVE SADLER - According to literature on the subject, poltergeist activity can be [email protected] traced all the way back beyond 530 AD, appearing over a large cross section of cultures and generally exhibiting the same characteristics. DISCLAIMER For many the word ‘Poltergeist’ was first heard when Steven Spiel- Due to UPIA and MAPIT protocols, personal or group promotion will berg released his hit movie by the same title. But what is the truth? not be accepted. All submitted articles to Phenomena Magazine must be 'Original Work'. MAPIT / UPIA are not responsible for Are there really such things? John Pagan investigates. articles that appear in the magazine which do not belong to the individuals submitting them. MAPIT / UPIA do everything in their Page 27: The Jones Abduction. power to credit individuals work and images. If you are aware of any It was summer of 1979. Lynda Jones a thirty six year old housewife material featured in Phenomena Magazine that is not credited cor- from Didsbury, Manchester UK and her two children were out walk- rectly, then please inform us as soon as possible. The MAPIT Copy- right covers only articles wrote by MAPIT & UPIA investigators and ing when suddenly they were confronted by a strange flying craft. group logos found throughout the magazine. The views and opinions Steve Mera has spent the best part of ten years looking into one of the expressed in any of the articles are those of the authors and do not UK’s most profound close encounters and finds many things suggest- necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UPIA, MAPIT or ing a cover-up, missing time and possible extraterrestrial contact. Phenomena Magazine. Phenomena Magazine is covered under the Creative Commons Latest News Items include: UFO Base on Mars?, A Haunted Hospital?, Psychic Pets?. Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives ‘Free License’. Mystery of the Crop Circles, New Zealand releases UFO Documents, Psychic Lottery http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 Win?, a Poltergeist in Wigan?, and Dave Sadler looks into Fire Lanterns - Menace of the Skies. Book Reviews consist of Strangely Strange, UFO Down - The Berwyn Mountain Page 1 UFO Crash & Haunted Skies. Plus… Featured Advertisements and much more... Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Reflections: Paranormal Experiences By Abagael Macaskill Reflections: Paranormal Experiences. The First Encounter... Laying down for the night, I switched off the lamp next to my bed and snug- gled down into my covers. Almost immediately I heard footsteps on the uncarpeted stairs next to my bedroom. I lived alone in a large old house so I slept on the main floor. The stairs led up to the unoccupied second floor. The footsteps continued down and were joined by a second set. They echoed loudly on the wood stairs and definitely brought an image of two men to my mind. I lay there, unmoving, under my covers. In the fear that was building within me those covers represented protection, though in hindsight that was patently foolish! The two "men" turned the corner walk- ing into my bedroom. It was at this point I realised I could not move, nor open my eyes. I was completely para- lysed. The two visitors stood by the side of the bed and I could feel them looking down at me. They spoke an unintelligible gibberish and somehow I knew they were discussing me. The discussion paused and I felt myself slowly raising off the bed. I was desper- moulded skull. The body was clothed in hanging, where I had a view of the wall ately trying to get something to move a full length white gown, reminiscent of in front of me about three feet away on my body. I managed to wiggle the a wedding gown. The thing was of a from the bed. In the next moment I fingertips on both hands. With these short human stature and did not walk, smashed into the wall at a high veloc- fingertips I was able to barely clasp but slid or glided. It was totally solid ity. I felt nothing of the impact, just saw some of the bottom sheet. I continued looking, not see through or indistinct in a bright splash of colour, then had a to float off the bed until the sheet be- any way. weird sucking sensation that instantly came taut in my fingers, maybe four to delivered me back to bed. six inches up. Then I simply settled My first reaction was to try to nudge back down into bed. my husband and call out his name. The paralysis broke, releasing the re- Then I realised I was once again com- straint on my arms that I was appar- The two men turned and walked away. pletely paralysed, except for my eyes ently still straining with, and my hus- Sleep paralysis has I listened to their retreating footsteps, this time. I was straining my crossed band awoke abruptly as I accidentally been linked to para- back up the stairs. As soon as they arms with all my might to try and break socked him in the gut. The creature was normal experiences for hundreds if not reached the top of the staircase the the hold, with no effect. gone. This time I did not go back to thousands of years. paralysis released. In what I later con- sleep but sat up and discussed what While witnesses sidered a totally inappropriate reaction, I returned my attention to the creature. happened with my husband. report ghostly en- I rolled over and went to sleep. Up to this point it had not looked at me. counters and the feeling of not being It stood at the foot of the bed, staring This was a truly terrifying experience... able to move, science The Second Encounter... down at my feet. Slowly it raised its explains away by head as it looked up the length of my reeling off medical conditions. About a year later I was in the same old body. Fear was welling up inside of me, Scientists describe such incidents as house, now married and sleeping on the dreading the moment it looked at my sleep paralysis, which is a condition Incidents of paralysis second floor. This time I was awakened face. As soon as we made eye contact, characterised by brief periods of pa- are common through- in the middle of the night. I was lying its countenance changed from neutral to ralysis as the patient falls to sleep or out the world of the paranormal as well as on my back with my arms oddly unbridled fury. As it looked at me I wakes up. It is usually associated with the alleged Alien crossed across my chest. I glanced over could feel rolling waves of anger pour- other sleep disorders, rather than Abduction experi- to the door which was near the foot of ing out of it. appearing on its own, and since it is ence. Many argue the point that such the bed and was startled to see a white often accompanied by hallucinations, encounters can figure glide into the bedroom. In the next moment I abruptly raised off usually those thought to be paranor- somehow utilise our the bed about a foot and a half and mal in nature. However, some of the capabilities of pa- This creature had a plastic skeletal look hung there suspended in the air. Slowly more profound incidents are hard to ralysis, or that the experience itself to it. The face looked like a smooth I was turned onto my side, still just explain... induces the affect... Page 2 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Foo History: The Story So Far By Andy Roberts Foo History The Story So Far... Andy Roberts is one of the UK’s leading investigative researchers of the UFO phenomena. He also has a keen interest in the paranormal, big cat sightings, earth mysteries and is author of several books on the subject. In this article Andy delves into the mystery of the Foo Fighter sightings of the 1940’s... The subject of Foo-Fighters, the myste- modern era and one which, if we are to Furthermore even the copied facts are rious aerial phenomenon seen by air- believe the more "enthusiastic" ufolo- often misquoted or conveniently crew during W.W.II, is probably the gists, was the start of the so-called "rearranged" to suit the author's particu- most neglected area of study in the field "Government Cover-Up". lar argument and all obviously done of ufology. Once ufologists realised without checking the salient facts at The Foo Fighter. that their world did not in fact begin on The history of foo-fighters as repre- source. It has been written that the June 24th 1947 with Arnold's infamous sented within the subject of ufology is term foo fighter was used by sighting, it has become fashionable to riddled with problems which have put For instance, if we constructed a Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe conduct research into "historical" foo fighters in the historical niche they "family tram" of foo-fighter material various UFOs or mysterious UFO's which has led to some useful occupy today. These problems need we would find, almost without excep- aerial phenomena seen in the insights into the nature of the UFO stating and dealing with before the foo- tion, that the "grand pappy of them all" skies over both the European phenomenon as a whole. fighter phenomenon can be seen in is the 1945 American Legion Maga- and Pacific Theatre of Op- erations. Though "foo anything approaching a clear perspec- zine article, written by Jo Chamberlin. fighter" initially described a Ignored. tive. For a start even the name `foo- This article forms the substance of al- type of UFO reported and fighter' is problematic; did it come from most every piece written on the subject named by the U.S. 415th The pre-Great War Airship and be- the old Smokey Stover cartoon charac- of foo-fighters. Fortunately this article Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly tween the wars Mystery Flier Waves ter saying "Where there's foo there's is based on accounts which can be (has used to mean any UFO plus the post-war Mystery Rocket fire"; or was it from the French word been) checked with squadron records sighting from that period. and appears largely correct but its in- Formally reported from November 1944 onwards, ‘The history of foo-fighters as represented cessant copying has precluded any witnesses often assumed that original work being done on the subject the foo fighters were secret within the subject of ufology is riddled with and has subsequently led to many writ- weapons employed by the enemy, but they remained ers extrapolating generalisation’s about problems which have put foo fighters in the unidentified post-war and the foo subject as a whole, most of were reported by both Allied which are demonstrably untrue. and Axis forces. historical niche they occupy today’. Examples of this armchair theorising are legion but for instance; many items Waves have all been admirably covered feu, meaning fire, or was it, according dealing with foo-fighters state almost as by researchers in the UK, USA and to one ex-B17 waist gunner I spoke to, an article of faith that foo-fighters only Sweden, but foo-fighters have been from "phooey". Needless to say, he appeared in the later stages of the war, virtually ignored. With this in mind I didn't believe they existed! Also, what specifically around the winter of began in 1987 to seek out all material exactly is the definition of a "foo- 1944/1945. extant relating to foo-fighters to try and fighter"? It usually depends on what put the subject into much-needed per- obscure theory a particular writer is spective and with the hopeful intention trying to prove. For the purposes of my of publishing the end results in book study I have used the criteria of any form as a reference tool for other ufolo- unexplained light source seen in con- gists. This is some way off yet and so I junction with an aircraft either from the think it may be worthwhile detailing the air or from the ground. This is deliber- progress made and the problems en- ately descriptive as to include all war- countered so far. time UFO's, which are as diverse as the ones we report nowadays, would need Neglected as an area of study they may many years research itself. be but every ufologist has at least heard of foo-fighters and almost every writer Re-arranged. on the subject has mentioned them. Therefore you would think a mass of Firstly, when considering the written information would exist on the subject. sources in the literature, it should be Unfortunately this is just not the case. made known that almost every author Look in any UFO book and you will who has mentioned the subject, in a find that foo-fighters are just given a book or a magazine article, has literally few lines, at most in some rare cases a stolen his or her material from someone few pages and in only one or two in- else and invariably left it unreferenced stances a whole chapter. This is pa- to create, no doubt, the illusion that the thetic really for an area of UFO activity author in question discovered the facts which immediately proceeded the themselves. Page 3 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Foo History: The Story So Far By Andy Roberts Secret Weapon. further verification. Axis aircrew was in hoaxes await discovery. I could go on fact seeing unexplained aerial phenom- listing mistake after mistake and mis- This is a direct result of Chamberlin's ena but as yet most of their accounts quote after misquote from which we article and has led to further speculation await translation. have drawn the current idea of foo- that perhaps they were Nazi secret fighters. The quality of research and weapons pulled out of the hat at the last Hoax. writing on the subject of foo-fighters minute, or even perhaps that the foo has been truly appalling. Once these were extraterrestrials keeping an eye on We have at least one outright hoax too primary problems were realised I found us before we used the atomic bomb. in foo-fighter lore. For years rumours trying to research the subject from This time scaling is false and the first had been flying round that the Germans within the UFO literature was pointless record I have of a foo-fighter being had been fully aware of the foo-fighter seen comes from 1940 and they were phenomenon (perhaps that's where the seen often throughout all the war years. above canard originated) and that they ‘They were not hallu- had a special study group formed to Another false fact of the foo-fanciers look into the problem under the name cinations, being in faith is that the phenomena were mainly of "Project Uranus," backed by a shad- some cases seen by seen over the European theatre of war owy group by the name of Sonderburo and just occasionally over the Pacific. 13 (reminds you of Majestic 12 doesn't the entire crew of a This is again false and the product of it?). This was first detailed in La Livres sloppy research. So far I have accounts Noir De Soucupes Volantes (The Black Lancaster bomber, of foo- fighters being seen over Nor- Book of Flying Saucers- 1970) by way, Germany, France, Italy, Sicily, French ufologist Henry Durrant. The and were not reflec- Andy Roberts, author of The Pacific, Burma, Tunisia, and all the rumour spread in Europe and eventu- "Out of the Shadows" says tions as they were that foo-fighter sightings sea areas adjoining these countries. It ally took physical form in the English were described as tiny was clearly an international phenome- language in Tim Good's acclaimed seen from many dif- balls of light about the size non. Still another mistake is the state- book ‘Above Top Secret’ where it is of a beach ball as com- pared to the full size, ment made by many authors that the used to help substantiate further vague ferent angles or from larger UFO sightings of axis pilots also were seeing the phe- rumours of an Anglo/American foo- today. Interviews with the nomena and that they thought, just as fighter study. Good had not checked his two `planes at once’. bomber aircrews show that our pilots did, that it was an allied se- facts and had in fact just copied the they didn't make official reports for fear of being cret weapon. information direct from Durrant's book. grounded or worse, that they would be suspected of This may yet be proved true but I have When I checked this out with Durrant and incestuous and so attempted to get having a lack of moral so far to find an original reference he informed me that the whole "Project back to the source material - the pilots fibre and wanted to be grounded. The last thing made by an axis pilot, or authority, that Uranus" affair was a hoax which he had and crew themselves and the official the aircrews wanted was to this was the case. The statement seems inserted in his book precisely to see records. be accused of inventing to be ufological canard employed on who would copy it without checking. stories in order to get themselves grounded. the basis of `well if our boys saw them The hoax apparently had been revealed Fresh Reports. they must have too', and again has been in France some years before but hadn't . used to support the ETH argument. The percolated its way through to English With this in mind I wrote to every air- facts behind the rumour must await speaking ufologists. Perhaps other foo related magazine in the UK with a re- quest for information from ex-aircrew. To date I have had some thirty replies from pilots and crew detailing their experiences with strange balls of light (incidentally not one of them knew them by the name "foo-fighters," or any other name for that matter). I will be repeating the procedure again, both in the UK and the US to draw in more fresh reports. None of these respon- dents connected their sighting in any way with the modern idea of UFO's and their information is so much the better and clearer for that. In many cases I have copies of entries made in log- books immediately after the flight which details what took place. Balls of Light. In the main, the descriptions are similar to the many already portrayed in the literature. Balls of light of varying col- our (mainly orange) and a number would appear from nowhere and play tag with aircraft for up to forty minutes. They were not hallucinations, being in some cases seen by the entire crew of a Lancaster bomber, and were not reflec- tions as they were seen from many different angles or from two `planes at once. Evasive action to shake them off was of no use... Page 4 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Foo History: The Story So Far By Andy Roberts In one case a Lancaster almost burnt its untraceable Massey in the UK and Ei- The reports are too widely spaced engine out, going "through the gate," a senhower in the US. Although my sam- throughout the war and come from too slang term used by pilots to denote ple of respondents is small it seems odd many differing theatres for them to be a pushing the engine to its limits, in an that only one crew out of thirty or more secret weapon of any kind. Certainly effort to lose its incandescent follower, were actually de-briefed at length spe- the German’s were experimenting with Andy Roberts but to no avail. cifically on the subject. saucer-shaped craft, flying wings, etc; but they had not got very far beyond the None of my respondents had fired on This was more than likely to be con- drawing board and model stage. In the phenomena, in some cases fearing it cerned with the possibility that the crew addition, if foo-fighters were a weapon to be a secret weapon which would had seen one of the new German jets they were clearly ineffective as one. explode when fired upon and in others than anything else. In view of the The GSWH can be seen in the same amount of time, effort and expertise light Vis a Vis Foo-fighters as the way ‘Clearly something needed it seems unlikely that any nation many people relate modern UFO sight- during the hard pressed times of ings to alien craft. It is a cultural or, in was being seen. A few W.W.II took the time out to study what the case of foo-fighters, an occupational was essentially an ephemeral, elusive artifact which when seen in retrospect pilots and crew chose and ultimately harmless phenomenon. (as will the ETH no doubt) can be iden- not to report their ex- This will not please cover-up aficiona- tified and discounted. dos but it seems to be the case on cur- perience at the time rent evidence. My research so far with Conclusion. the RAF/MOD/PRO in the UK has for fear of ridicule or drawn a total blank regarding official Out of all this some clear facts are ap- Andy Roberts is one of the documentation and investigation of the parent. Hundreds of aircrew saw and UK’s leading investigative for fear of being researchers of the UFO subject, as have preliminary investiga- recorded what we now call foo-fighters phenomena and author of grounded for having tions in the USA. UFO skeptic’s will of during W.W.II. There must be many several books. He has course say that this is because it doesn't thousands of ex-aircrew who have sto- appeared on numerous TV hallucinations’. exist, proponents, especially cover-up ries to tell. The problem is finding them shows and is also a free- lance journalist. buffs, will say it is because it is being and the odd add; or article is only going kept secret. to draw a few out and I have yet to To find out more about just attempting to evade it on the basis attempt to get to American information Andy and his books, visit that as long as it wasn't firing at them The simple facts are that if documenta- from squadron survivors, units etc. The the following website they weren't going to antagonise it. tion does exist in the UK, I am unlikely situation regarding German information http://www.uk-ufo.org/condign/bioar.htm Having said this I have heard an unsub- to be able to get at it easily because of is further complicated by a language stantiated tape of an interview with an our archaic procedures for obtaining barrier but it is only a matter of time. American gunner which cites a case in any government documents. We are not which a foo was fired on ... and the blessed by a FOI Act as is the USA, I firmly believe that foo-fighters were a shells went straight through it! Interest- and obtaining any document depends real, although non-solid phenomena ing and supportive of the unexplained on whether a department can be both- and I reject the hallucination/ atmospheric phenomenon theory. Al- ered to answer your letters or if so, can misperception hypothesis almost en- though some books note the be bothered to undertake a meaningful tirely. These people's lives depended on (unreferenced!) fact that some foo's search of their records. The situation is being able to see and identify aerial appeared inside the planes or affected further complicated by the fact that objects very quickly. One mistake and the electrics etc. I have found no record many records in our Public Records it was their last. Some crew have admit- of that taking place. Nor is there any Office are hard to locate due to how it ted misperceiving Venus etc; but realis- verified account of foo-fighters show- is organised and furthermore are sub- ing it in seconds, and certainly not a ing up on ground radar. The phenom- ject to "rules" such as the 30 year rule whole crew being fooled for any length ena whatever it was, clearly distin- whereby information is not available of time. guished by the aircrew from common for 30 years from date of classification. natural phenomena such as St. Elmo's Worse still many W.W.II records are Foo-fighter reports give us a "genuine" Fire, and was a separate entity from the languishing under a 75 year rule for UFO report, uncluttered by contempo- plane they were in. It appears to have reasons I have not yet fathomed! In rary ideas about aliens, saucers and the been totally independent and able to addition to this fact I have spoken to like and which, as appear to be many change shape, speed and position at some ex-wartime RAF intelligence `genuine' UFO reports when they are will. people in the UK and they claim no stripped of cultural bias, consists basi- knowledge of the phenomena. This area cally of rudimentary light sources per- Lack of Interest. is clearly a matter for further study but, forming odd maneuvers in the sky. My as with contemporary UFO research it research has a long way to go yet but I Clearly something was being seen. A should be borne in mind that whilst would offer the suggestion that foo- few pilots and crew chose not to report there any many rumours of government fighters and their pre and antecedents their experience at the time for fear of interest and intervention regarding foo- which are still being seen today by ridicule or for fear of being grounded fighters the actual hard evidence cannot people both pilots and ground observers for having hallucinations. Many though be found. I do not think this points to a are a type of natural phenomena, possi- did record and report what they saw ’cover-up’ in any way. The situation in bly related to ball or bead lightning, but however and the response of the intelli- the US may yet turn out to be different equally possibly not. gence de-briefing staff varied consid- as regards obtaining official documen- erably from total disinterest or hilarity tation and I would welcome help from They may be something as yet totally to, in one case only, great interest and a any US readers who have an interest in undiscovered. They are also the stimu- further interview by intelligence offi- the foo-phenomenon. lus for many of today's UFO reports cers. This apparent lack of interest on which are subsequently overlaid by the the part of the intelligence services begs Not Valid. prevailing cultural perceptions, i.e. the question of whether any official alien craft. Mystery Airships, Ghost RAF or US 8th AF study was ever The German secret weapon hypothesis Fliers, Foo-Fighters, Flying Saucers - actually undertaken. It vas certainly (GSWH) promoted by such writers as they may well all turn out to be differ- claimed to have, instigated by the Renato Vesco is unlikely to be valid. ent facets of the same phenomena... Page 5 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk The Secret UFO Reports – Project Blue Book: The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects” is a 184 page book written originally by the former Head of the Air Force Project Blue Book and contains a huge amount of fascinating ‘inside’ information which would be of huge interest to any UFO follower. or- dering and more information. Please visit Cosmic Conspiracies at: ufos-aliens.co.uk PARANORMAL NEWS ON FACEBOOK VISIT PARANORMAL NEWS ON FACEBOOK TO GET THE LATEST NEWS A group chronicling all news from within the paranormal world. Ghosts, UFO's, Cryptozoological, Weird and much more will be added in its particular area. Due to Facebook rules and regulations and copyright protection, all news will be added as a link with a header explaining the link. Please add all links in the correct discussion group. Feel free to invite those you feel may find this tool of use or add links themselves. inner calling In the knowledge that we humans see things in different ways and with such a large topic to capture it was indeed a challenge for us all but if it helps confirm to others that there is a much wider community longing to unite, then our efforts have been worthwhile. Inner calling explores the concepts of human consciousness and awakening... INNER CALLING research documentary is free-to-view at the following link: PROBE INTER NATIONAL UK http://www.innercalling.org/INNER%20CALLING.html DVD orders can be placed by visiting the following link: A 2 DAY UFO / PARANORMAL SPRING CONFERENCE http://www.richtv.co.uk/innercalling.htm 26th & 27th March 2011. The Venue: The Y.M.C.A. St. Albans Road, St. Annes, Blackpool, Lancs, FY8 1XD. A fascinating exploration of human consciousness and exceptionally knowledgeable Doors open at 9.30am, Introduction at 10.15am. concepts in spirituality. A well presented DVD with a music score that gives it a real mystic feeling. This enlightenment or inner calling really does pose questions in Saturday Speakers. regards human perception, innate abilities and the expansion of consciousness. It Jeff Moran MA: Times ahead are Changing. Miles Johnston: UFO Researcher & Documentary Film Maker. would seem that us humans are on the verge of great change and many are taking Pauline Howfield: Earth Energies, UFOs & Crop Circles –The changing face of Consciousness. their first steps in this new and revealing development. Evidence grows in support of Charles James: USA Author of 5 Books. human abilities being limitless. Sunday Speakers. The subject of psychology really does need to open new doors in regards the multi- Vitaly Safarov: Light manifested through other levels of Reality. tude of profound human experiences now more commonly reported. The evolution of Neil Sanders: Mind Control Projects. Jane McCarthy: My Close Encounters with UFOs. human consciousness is now quickening its pace… Charles James Hall: The Norwegians with 24 Teeth. An exceptional DVD... Tickets £16.00 per day: Top Book, contact: 01253 691301 or E-Mail: [email protected] Steve Mera BSc. UPIA MAPIT Don’t Believe, Don’t Disbelieve, Think! MACHESTER’S ASSOCIATION OF PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION & TRAINING The Other Sides of UNKNOWN PHENOMENA INVESTIGATION ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHED IN 1998, THE UPIA ARE ONE OF THE LEADING ORGANISATIONS IN THE UK AND ARE AT THE FOREFRONT OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF THE UNEXPLAINED. TO LEARN MORE, FEEL FREE TO VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE BELOW Paul Kimball is one of Canada’s leading UFO and paranormal researchers, both through his work as an award-winning documentary filmmaker (2005 EBE Awards for Best UFO Film and Best Historical Documentary for Aztec: 1948, 2007 EBE award for Best Historical Documentary for Best Evidence; nominated for a total of seven other EBEs from 2005 to 2007), and as a re- searcher, writer, and speaker. He has appeared on television, radio (Coast to Coast, CBC Morningside, Binnall of America, Strange Days Indeed, The Paracast) and in person at confer- INVESTIGATIONS, ANALYSIS, RESEARCH MATERIAL ences and symposiums in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to discuss the PHOTOGRAPHS, DOCUMENTS, VIDEOS, COURSES UFO phenomenon and the paranormal. Paul also stars with Holly Steven's in the TV series AND MUCH MORE 'Ghost Cases', assisted by UPIA. Visits Paul’s Amazing Blog Spot at: http://redstarfilms.blogspot.com UPIA ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON FACEBOOK GROUPS Life’s Little Mysteries By Steve Mera Have you ever experienced one of those strange occurrences that you just cannot explain? Steve Mera reveals four such incidents that have left him baffled... Page 7 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Life’s Little Mysteries By Steve Mera Investigating UFOs and the paranormal equipment and headed off to meet up that year he had been given a small can sometimes be a little mumdane, with them. I had hardly got half a mile parcel to deliver to a company in however there is a set protocol for most when suddenly my accelerator peddle Devon. Martin had been a motorcycle investigators to follow. Interviewing dropped to the floor and my car engine courier for around 6 years and was witnesses, analysing evidence and roared. I tried lifting it off the floor familiar with all the major UK motor- attempting to capture alleged phenom- with my foot, but this made no differ- ways. Over the years he had delivered ena yourself on camera of video. That ence. I abruptly stopped and parked. It in all weathers and was aware of many seems to be the general rule of thumb. was clear to me that something had short cuts, so to miss out roadworks But what about the odd things you broken, maybe my accelerator cable. and known congested areas. Martin had come across from time to time that There was nothing I could do. I locked worked out his route and realised the leaves you dumbfounded, giving you up my car and put the alarm on. I ran round trip to Devon and back would set no idea what the hell to do or how to back home, but when I got there I was him back around 7 and a half hours. investigate it. These are just a few of like a drowned rat. I quickly picked up (Pretty good going for a trip to Devon the strange things I have come across the phone and rang one of the officers and back). Martin's motorcycle was that baffles me to date… to tell him I was not going to be able to equipped with a sophisticated taco make it. Another appointment was meter so he could accurately work out Mystery Mechanics. arranged to take place in a couple of mileage and fuel consumption. He left On February 2nd 1996 I was travelling days. is home in Wigan around 8.30pm tell- home from a friends in Stretford, Man- ing his wife not to stay up, as he would chester UK. It was around 1.30am as I The following morning I planned to not be back until around 4.00am. She approached Stretford train station telephone the AA breakdown service agreed and waved as Martin set off on bridge. As I sat waiting for the traffic from a telephone box near where my his long journey. Martin had made lights to change, something caught my car was and wait for them to turn up, good time as he arrived at his destina- eye. Up in the sky to my right were but when I got there I noticed some- tion at 11.43pm. The company security three bright red lights that seemed to be thing quite odd. I unlocked my car team signed for the package and Martin moving. As I looked more intensely I turning the alarm off, just as I have started off on his journey back. could make out a dark shaped triangu- done every day. I looked down at my lar object. The red lights seemed to be accelerator and paused..... It was now situated at its apexes. It was odd, I'd back in its normal position and on never seen anything like it. Suddenly starting the car, was working fine. the car behind me bibbed its horn, Strange, the night before the accelera- dragging me back to reality. The lights tor peddle had no tension in it and had were on green. I watched it out of my just dropped to the floor, yet now... it window for as long as I could. Eventu- was all fine. I started the car and drove ally losing sight of it near Sale, Chesh- back home without any problem. How ire, I carried on home, excited at what I had my car been mysteriously fixed? had seen. I rushed in to tell my partner When I turn my car alarm off it bleeps what I had seen, but before I could get twice to let me know if it had gone off Around 12.45am, Martin decided to a word out, she told me that she had in the night, but no... It bleeped only take a slightly different journey back. been listening to a radio show discuss- the once. Someone or something had A short cut that should save 20 odd ing UFOs, and that three guys had corrected the problem without leaving minutes off his journey. He thought telephoned in to say that they were any evidence of how they had done it. I he'd make use of the quiet country watching a UFO in the sky. A live was totally baffled. On further inspec- roads. The night was cold and still, the interview you could say. Interestingly, tion, the accelerator was fine and didn't moonlight scattered itself across the these guys claiming to be students were even show any signs or wearing or fields. Even though the small unlit in the vicinity of Stetford. The same sticking… I had no explanation. country roads were a little difficult to place I had seen the strange object in navigate, not a single vehicle was in the sky. For me, being an investigator, As it happens, the police officers had sight. It was now almost 1.00am. As coincidence flew out of the window. contacted my friend and told her that Martin turned onto a larger road he Something strange had been going on they no longer wanted to be inter- noticed two lights in the distance. At in the skies over Manchester. viewed as they had clearly broken pro- first, he thought it was just a car travel- tocol by ringing the radio station and ling towards him. He was now driving The following day, my telephone was had also been warned not to talk to parallel to open fields and it seemed ringing constantly from witnesses anyone about it by high officials. All in that the two lights were getting closer. claiming to have watched a large silent all there were over 40 witnesses to the Martin kept glancing to his left. It was triangular UFO move slowly over Lan- strange UFO seen in the skies over strange, the lights seemed to be in the cashire County cricket club in Stret- Stretford and I was lucky enough to field and getting nearer all the time. ford. In the evening of February 5th I have seen it myself. However, it would They were quite brilliant, difficult to got a telephone call from a fellow in- seem that I was not supposed to meet look directly at... What was it? Was it a vestigator who told me that the three up with the officers that morning. plane or helicopter of some sort? Mar- guys claiming to be students on the Maybe the whole investigation may tin started to slow down a little, in hope radio were in fact three night duty po- have been different if I had. I kept my of getting a better look. The lights were lice officers from Old Trafford Police car for a further 4 years before selling getting nearer and larger. Martin de- Station and that she had set up an inter- it and in all that time, never did I ever cided to pull over. He sat on his bike view with them. The following day I have a problem with that accelerator… watching the bright lights. It was only If you have experienced something strange or un- talked with two of the three officers on when he switched his engine off, he usual that you find difficult the phone and arranged to meet up with Time Trip Home. realised something was not quite right. to explain, Phenomena them the following morning. I remem- During October of 1997 I was con- There was no noise. It was perfectly Magazine would love to hear from you. Feel free to ber the morning of February 7th 1996 tacted by Martin Lewis, a courier from quiet, the only sound being the breeze drop us an e-mail at: very well. It was absolutely hammering Wigan, UK who had a very interesting blowing through the fields. Martin down in rain. I gathered my interview story to tell. During late September of suddenly felt a little unnerved. [email protected] Page 8 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk Life’s Little Mysteries By Steve Mera The lights were now only a few hun- Then, something strange happened. I does it seem to come knocking at your dred yards away, they were lighting the watched as a woman past in front of own door, well… that is… until I vis- whole field. There were two of them my car, her handbag had slipped off ited my aunt who lives just around the side by side about 30 feet in air. Martin her shoulder and almost fell on the corner. She had moved into her house now starting to panic a little quickly floor. She had grabbed it just in time. in 2004 and it didn’t take too long starting his motorbike. It was at this In doing so she glanced to her left and before she had made it her home. point Martin remembers being hit by looked directly at me... I just smiled. Whilst visiting one night I was sat in some kind of floodlight. Everything She flung her bag strap over her shoul- the lounge chatting when suddenly our went extremely bright.... The next der and carried on just as a red Ferrari conversation was interrupted by a dark thing... Martin was pulling up his drive drove past. Yep... I'm a guy! Trans- shape moving about the lounge floor in Wigan with no knowledge how he fixed on the gleaming red sports car as before disappearing. This was not got there. it cruised past effortlessly. I remember something I had seen out of the corner thinking what it would be like to drive of my eye. We both followed it with He was puzzled to see the lights still one... I looked down to grab a cigarette our eyes around the room. Dark, on. His wife had obviously stayed up and when I looked up again, there was slightly smaller than cat sized and there waiting for him, but... when he looked the same woman walking past in the was no noise either. It moved as if it at his watch it was 1.56am. He sat there same direction. I immediately thought was taking a designed path. I couldn’t on his bike, perplexed as to how he got that she must have somehow turned believe my eyes. What had I just seen? home so quickly. Martin looked down back and then come past again... but at the mileage on his motorbike, it had this was within seconds, and how did I I paused in shock and looked over at done almost 560 miles. The correct not see her do that? I watched as she my aunt, who was also watching the mileage to expect. Yet, he was home passed in front of my car, then... as if strange shape move about. She turned before 2.00am. Martin couldn't under- watching a replay, her bag strap her head to me and said; ‘Oh… don’t stand how he had got home sooner than slipped off her shoulder. She quickly worry, that happens all the time’, and he should of, yet the motorbike had grabbed it before it fell to the floor. giggled. I couldn’t believe it. I had done the mileage. Martin had contacted been an investigator of the strange and me a couple of weeks later after getting I couldn't believe it, I had just seen this profound for more than 20 years, and my number from a friend. On visiting happen! I was waiting.... waiting for she never thought to mention it to me. him I was shown the taco meter and the her to glance left and look directly at Unbelievable! logged 560.3 mile trip. After calculat- me. I remember talking to myself in ing I worked out that the taco meter that car saying ' Go on then, look at But what was it I had seen? I couldn’t and logged mileage did confirm a full me, go on'. and then... There it was! help myself. I sat for another hour, trip to Devon and back. There was She looked directly at me. Once again I questioning her as to what she thought confirmation when his journey started just smiled. She flung her bag strap the dark shape was and how often she and a signed receipt at around 11.45pm over her shoulder and carried on, but I had seen it. It turns out, she see’s them by the company security officers in remembered... I quickly turned my almost every other day, sometimes Devon, so if he had made the full jour- head to the right waiting to see the red very small, the size of a large spider, ney back home to Wigan at a steady 60 Ferrari, and within 1 or 2 seconds it sometimes larger, the size of a dog. mph using direct motorways, his jour- came into view. The car had past by They never make any noise as they ney should have got him home for just as it had done before. I was move about the floors and even the around 3.35am at the earliest. For him amazed. Did I have some form of pre- walls. I guess the strangest thing was to have arrived at 1.56am, his motor- cognitive event or did the world some- that she had not experienced things she bike would have had to exceed its ca- how just jump, like a record on a would refer to as paranormal. No un- pabilities. All Martin could do was player. Everything I had seen I usual sounds, no unusual odours, no frown. He had no idea how he got watched twice. sightings of apparitions or figures. In home so fast and had no recollection of fact, the house was just a normal envi- making the journey. The last thing he A replay of a 1 minute event in my life. ronment, well… that is accept for the remembered was being flooded in I couldn't make any sense of it. It was dark shapes that move about. light. weird, a strange feeling came over me. When my partner and aunt returned to Since my first sighting of the dark Martins UFO sighting was logged and the car, I explained what had happened. shape, I have seen several others, all after performing three months of ex- All they could say is, 'Oh Yeh! I've smaller in size. On one occasion I hausting research, nothing was ever heard of those things happening, It’s watched a golf ball sized dark shape found nor reported by anyone else. Weird in it!' The sentence rolled off move up the lounge door before fading Whatever happened to Martin remains their tongues so easily, but for me, it away. I have conducted some research a mystery. A mystery that has forced was much more significant. I had never and all I can find on the subject is what Martin never to take short cuts using experienced anything like that, and is referred to as ‘Shadow Phenomena’, quiet country roads. He now sticks to have never since. During my research I but… there does not seem to be any the busy motorways… have come across quite a few stories of evidence of a haunting or anything else people experiencing similar things, but for that matter. I am aware that many A Double Take. ten years on, and I'm no nearer to ex- people claim to have seen such things, In August of 1999 I was visiting Al- plaining how and why that happened… most of the time, out of the corner of Thousands upon thousands trincham, Cheshire with my partner their eye, of which I often discount. of people world wide often and aunt. I had parked up a side street The Shadows. But now and again, small dark shapes talk of experiencing allowing them to jump out of my car During my time as an investigator I’ve have been reported to have been seen strange little oddities that and whip into a near by shop. I sat come across some very odd stuff. Most and watched as they move about. they cannot explain... there eyes pealed for a traffic warden. of the time I can usually explain away Some incidents are really Clearly I should not have been parking a lot of alleged paranormal distur- I’m still unsure as to what exactly they perplexing, others... people where I did; (so I'll apologise now for bances. A huge amount of time is ap- are. There are many theories but very just refer to them as LIFE’S LITTLE that one). I sat there watching people plied to hunting down reported inci- few facts. I will continue to carry out MYSTERIES... and cars go past... dents of the paranormal, and never research in hope of finding an answer... Page 9 Phenomena Magazine: February 2011 - issue 22: www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk

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