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BiochemicalSystematics andEcology31 (2003)1221–1246 www.elsevier.com/locate/biochemsyseco Phenolics, fibre, alkaloids, saponins, and cyanogenic glycosides in a seasonal cloud forest in India S. Mali a, R.M. Borges b,∗ aNational Innovation Foundation,Vastrapur, Ahmedabad380 015,India bCentre forEcological Sciences,IndianInstitute ofScience,Bangalore560 012, India Received18 June2001; accepted3 February2003 Abstract We investigated secondary compounds in ephemeral and non-ephemeral parts of trees and lianas of a seasonal cloud forest in the Western Ghats of India. We measured astringency, phenolic content, condensed tannins, gallotannins, ellagitannins, and fibre, and also screened for alkaloids, saponins and cyanogenic glycosides in 271 plant parts across 33 tree and 10 liana species which constituted more than 90% of the tree and liana species of this species- poor forest. Cyanogenic glycosides occurred only in the young leaves of Bridelia retusa (Euphorbiaceae), i.e. in 2.3% of species examined. Alkaloids were absent from petioles, ripe fruit and mature seeds examined. Saponins were found in all types of plant parts. Condensed tannins occurred in almost all plant parts examined (93.6%), while hydrolysable tanninswere less ubiquitous (gallotannins in 31.2% of samples, and ellagitannins in 18.9%). Astringency levels were significantly correlated with total phenolic, condensed tannin, and hydrolysable tannincontents.Condensedtanninandhydrolysabletannincontentswerenotrelated.Immature leaves, flowers, and petioles had high astringency while lower levels were found in fruit. Flowersandfruithadthelowestfibrelevels.Therewasnorelationshipbetweenrelativedomi- nanceofaspeciesintheforestandthefibreorphenoliccontentsofitsmatureleaves.Ineach plant part category, the frequency of species containing tannins together with alkaloids or saponinswassignificantlylowerthanthefrequencyofspeciescontainingtanninsalone.There was, however, no segregation between alkaloids and saponins.  2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords:Condensedtannins;Hydrolysabletannins;Plantdefences;Plantsecondarycompounds;Ratufa indica; WesternGhats ∗ Corresponding author.Tel.:+91-80-3602972;fax: +91-80-3601428. E-mailaddress: [email protected](R.M.Borges). 0305-1978/03/$-seefrontmatter2003PublishedbyElsevierScienceLtd. doi:10.1016/S0305-1978(03)00079-6 1222 S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 1. Introduction Data on community-level distribution of secondary compounds (mainly phenolics andalkaloids)areavailableforonlyafewtropicalforestsinAfricaandAsia(McKey et al., 1978; Gartlan et al., 1980; McKey et al., 1981; Davies et al., 1988; Waterman et al., 1988; Kool, 1992). Especially with regard to phenolics, most of these studies have focused on only a few estimation methods. For example, most studies have not examined hydrolysable tannins or the relationship between condensed and hydrolys- able tannins in plant parts. In this paper, we report on a quantitative analysis of phenolics, condensed tannins, hydrolysable tannins (gallotannins and ellagitannins), bovine serum albumin (BSA) assays for tannin astringency, digestibility reducers such as acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) for 271 ephemeral and non-ephemeral parts of 33 tree and 10 liana species within aseasonal cloudforestcommunity inthe WesternGhatsof India. We also provide qualitative data on saponins, alkaloids, and cyanogenic glycosides for these resources. The sampled tree and liana species constituted more than 90% of the species at the site, and the samples were collected as part of a larger study on the foraging strategy of the Malabar giant squirrel Ratufa indica. We restricted our analysis to those compounds that have been found to affect the foraging strategy of arboreal mammalian herbivores such as primates (e.g. Oates et al., 1980; McKey et al., 1981;Watermanand Choo,1981;Watermanand Kool,1994)andgiantsquirrels (Borges, 1989; Borges, 1992). Data on the macro- and micro-nutrients within these plantpartswill bepresentedelsewhere. Becauseofthe enormousstructural diversity and lack of general techniques, we restricted our analysis to the qualitative analysis of toxins. Owing to the structural diversity of tannins and the procedural difficulties involved in their quantitative analysis (Martin and Martin, 1982; Mole and Water- man, 1987a,b; Mole et al., 1989; Waterman and Mole, 1989), we employed only standard and improved methods recommended by Waterman and Mole (1994). We also used a combination of chemical and protein-precipitating methods to determine the biological activity of tannins. Therefore, our results are comparable with studies of other forest communities done elsewhere. Despite the limitations of our data set, in terms of missing analyses for some metabolites in some plant parts, owing to factors such as lack of adequate sample, insignificance in the giant squirrel diet or other logistic constraints, we also attempt in this paper to examine the co-occurrence of metabolites such as tannins, alkaloids andsaponinsinvariousplantpartsinordertoexaminepredictionsaboutthepossible synergisms or negative interactions between these metabolites. For example, since alkaloids and tannins react to form insoluble alkaloid-tannates in herbivore guts pre- venting reactions between tannins and proteins (Freeland and Janzen, 1974), and because the surfactant properties of saponins negate the anti-digestibility effects of tannins (Martin and Martin, 1984; Freeland et al., 1985), tannins are expected not to co-occur with either alkaloids or saponins in plant parts. Since alkaloids and sap- onins may have synergistic effects (e.g. Kerharo and Adam, 1974), they may be expected to co-occur to enhance herbivore deterrence. In this paper we therefore primarily report on the distribution of secondary com- S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 1223 pounds in various plant parts and secondarily attempt to test a few predictions relat- ing to the co-occurrence of tannins, alkaloids and saponins in these resources. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study site The study area was within the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary in Maharashtra State, India (19°21(cid:1)–19°11(cid:1)N, 73°31(cid:1)–73°37(cid:1)E, altitude 900 m, annual precipitation 3000 mm). This is a species-poor forest where only eight tree species contribute to 85.4% ofrelativedominancevalues,and thethreemostcommonspecies(Mangifera indica [Anacardiaceae], Memecylon umbellatum [Melastomataceae] and Olea dioica [Oleaceae])contribute to64.1%ofrelativedominance(Table1).Theforestishighly fragmented; our study site was situated in the largest and best protected fragment constituting a temple sacred grove (see Borges, 1990, 1993 for further descriptions). 2.2. Sample collection and processing Samples represented 25 families and 13 orders of plants (Table 1), and thus covered a wide spectrum of species within the cloud forest. All analysed species with only two exceptions (Terminalia bellerica and Terminalia chebula) were part of the natural evergreen community of the cloud forest. As these chemical analyses wereperformedaspartofalargerstudyontheforagingecologyofthegiantsquirrel R. indica(Mali, 1998), our samplingand choiceof chemicalanalyses weredesigned to understand food preference and food avoidance, and were also influenced by the availability of adequate sample and other logistic constraints. Samples of both ephemeral and non-ephemeral items were collected at the time of year when they featured most in the diet of the giant squirrel (to control for seasonal variation in phytochemistry, if any) and were dried at 40–50 °C in the field in kerosene ovens. 2.3. Qualitative field tests on fresh material for alkaloids, saponins and cyanogenic glycosides We field-tested for alkaloids using Dragendorff’s and Mayer’s reagents, and later performed confirmatory tests on dried material (Gartlan et al., 1980). For saponin detection, we vigorously agitated small aqueous extracts with distilled water and took a substantial and long-lasting lather formation to indicate the presence of sap- onins (Trease and Evans, 1972). Some seeds and fruit pulp were difficult to hom- ogeniseadequatelyforsaponinextractionandremaineduntested.Weusedthepicrate test to detect cyanogenic glycosides (Conn, 1979). 2.4. Quantitative phytochemical analysis The results of the chemical analyses presented here are single values estimated from samples pooled across several plant individuals (Appendix A, Table A1). 1224 S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 Table 1 Orders,familiesandspeciesoftreesandlianasforwhichphytochemicaldatawereobtainedandrelative dominance oftreesinthestudy site Order Family Species Relativedominance Trees Celastrales Celastraceae Cassinepaniculata (Wt.and 1.4 Arn.) Cassinesp. –a Maytenusrothiana (Walp.) – Lobreau-Cal. Ericales Ebenaceae DiospyrosmontanaRoxb. – DiospyrossylvaticaRoxb. 1.5 Sapotaceae Vangueiraspinosa Roxb. – Xantolistomentosa(Roxb.)Raf. 7.0 Symplocaceae Symplocosbeddomei Clarke – Gentianales Rubiaceae Brideliaretusa(L.)Sprengel 0.2 Canthiumdicoccum (Gaert.)T. – andB.b Randiadumetorum(Retz.)Poirb 0.04 Lamiales Oleaceae OleadioicaRoxb.b 14.3 Laurales Lauraceae Actinodaphneangustifolia 0.2 (Blume) LitseastocksiiHook. 1.0 Malphigiales Clusiaceae GarciniatalbotiiRaizadaex. 2.1 Sant. Euphorbiaceae Macarangapeltata (Roxb.). 0.1 Muell.-Arg. Mallotusphilippensis (Lam.) 1.4 Muell.-Arg. Salicaceae Flacourtiaindica(Burman) 0.05 Merrill Myrtales Combretaceae Terminaliabellerica(Gaert.) – Roxb. TerminaliachebulaRetz. 0.04 Melastomataceae Memecylonumbellatum N. 15.5 Burman Myrtaceae Syzygiumcumini (L.)Skeels 6.5 Syzygiumgardneri Thw. 2.5 Rosales Moraceae ArtocarpusheterophyllusLam. 0.02 FicuscallosaWilld. 3.1 Ficusracemosa L. 0.5 Ficusreligiosa L. 0.09 Ficustsjahela Burman – Sapindales Anacardiaceae MangiferaindicaL. 34.3 Meliaceae Amooralawii(Wt.) Bedd. 1.8 Dysoxylumbinectariferum 0.4 (Roxb.)Bedd. Rutaceae AtalantiaracemosaWt. andArn. 0.4 Sapindaceae Lepisanthestetraphylla (Vahl) 1.7 Radlk. Lianas Ericales Myrsinaceae Embeliaribes Burman (continuedon nextpage) S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 1225 Table 1(continued) Order Family Species Relativedominance Fabales Fabaceae Acaciaconcinna(Willd.). DC. Acaciasp. Mezoneuroncucullatum(Roxb.) Wt.andArn. Gentianales Rubiaceae Randiarugulosa(Thw.)Hk.b Gnetales Gnetaceae Gnetumula Brongn. Oxalidales Connaraceae Roureasantaloides Dalz.and Gibs. Ranunculales Menispermaceae Diploclisiaglaucescens(Blume) Diels. Rosales Elaeagnaceae ElaeagnusconfertaRoxb. Rhamnaceae VentilagobombaiensisDalz. aIntherelativedominancecolumn,–indicatesthatthespeciesoccurredinsuchsmallnumbersinthe study plotthat dominancevalues werebelow0.001.Dominancevalues werenotobtained forlianas. b Species authority citation from Saldanha and Nicolson (1976);for the rest read as Saldanha (1984, 1986). Owing to the large number of different plant resources involved, it was not possible toexamineseasonalvariation,ifany,inthechemistryoftheresources.Weestimated total phenolic content by the Folin–Ciocalteu method (modified by Singleton and Rossi, 1965; detailed in Waterman and Mole, 1994) using extracts in 50% aqueous methanol (Martin and Martin, 1982) and tannic acid to construct the standard curve. We used the proanthocyanidin method to estimate condensed tannins (Porter et al., 1986;detailedinWatermanandMole,1994)usingextractsin50%aqueousmethanol (Martin and Martin, 1982) and quebracho tannin (supplied by Anne Hagerman, Miami University) to construct the standard curve. For hydrolysable tannins, we prepared the sample extracts in 70% acetone. We used the rhodanine method for gallotannins (Inoue and Hagerman, 1988), and constructed the standard curve using gallic acid. For ellagitannins we used the method of Wilson and Hagerman (1990), and constructed the standard curve using ellagic acid. We estimated the astringency of tannins using the BSA assay (Hagerman and Butler, 1978; Asquith and Butler, 1985) with Remazol brilliant blue and used tannic acid to construct the standard curve. We determined fibre content (ADF, NDF and ADL) according to Goering and van Soest (1970). 2.5. Independence of data points In our analysis of patterns, we have treated each species as an independent data point and we have not conducted phylogenetically independent contrasts (PIC). This is because our data are from 42 angiosperm and one gymnosperm species within 25 families and 13 orders (Table 1; mean number of species per family = 1.75 ± 1.06SD;mode=1;meannumberofgeneraperfamily=1.36±0.57SD).Therefore, 1226 S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 in almost all cases, we were examining only one species per genus, and one genus per family. 3. Results 3.1. Occurrence of alkaloids, saponins, cyanogenic glycosides and phenolics Cyanogenic glycosides were not found in any of the plant tissues examined (N = 54 bark items, N = 108 reproductive parts, N = 109 leaf items) except for the flushleavesofB.retusa(Euphorbiaceae).Therefore,onlyoneoutof43plantspecies (2.3%) exhibited cyanogenesis. Summaries of the species-wise occurrence of the different compounds in the various plant parts are given in Table 2. Alkaloids were notfoundinpetioles,semi-ripeandripefruit,andmatureseedsexamined(Appendix A, Table A1). Saponins were found in all types of plant parts (Appendix A, Table A1). Condensed tannins were found in all immature leaves, as well as all petioles andflowersexamined.Hydrolysabletanninswerefoundin68%ofspecies,and38% of plant samples. Gallotannins were found in only 31% of the samples examined whileellagitanninswerefoundinstillfewersamples(only19%).Fewerplantspecies contained condensed or hydrolysable tannins in their bark and stems than in other plant parts. 3.2. Relative concentrations of secondary compounds in plant parts Immature leaves, flowers, and petioles had high astringency while lower levels were found in fruit (Table 3). Tree twigs had low levels of astringency, condensed andhydrolysabletanninsbuthighlevelsoffibre(Table3).Innerbarkhadastringency and condensed tannin levels comparable to that of mature leaves while fibre levels were lower than those found in twigs (Table 3). Flowers and fruit had low fibre levels (Table 3). After Bonferroni’s correction (P (cid:2) 0.001), only immature leaves werefoundtohavesignificantlyhigherastringency,gallotanninandellagitannincon- tentthantreetwigs,flowerswerefoundtohavesignificantlyhighergallotanninlevels than immature leaves, and tree twigs were found to have significantly higher ADF levels than mature seeds. 3.3. The quantitative relationship between various measures of phenolics Astringency levels were strongly positively correlated with total phenolic, con- densed tannin, gallotannin and ellagitanin contents (Table 4). Condensed tannin values were notcorrelated with gallotannin or ellagitannincontents. Gallotannin and ellagitannin contents were strongly positively correlated with each other (Table 4). Of the fibre components, since ADF, NDF and ADL are all highly correlated with each other, we used only ADF values in the correlations. We found no significant relation between any measure of phenolics and fibre after Bonferroni’s correction, except for the negative relationship between gallotannins and ADF (Table 4). S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 1227 esof mpler b ns sam Ellagitanni 41.7(12)43.7(16) 37.3(16)33.3(6)29.4(17)20.0(10)16.7(12)16.7(6) 6.7(15)12.5(16)0(5)7.1(14)18.9(111) dicatepercentdicatetotalnu nn ii Gallotannins 38.5(13)37.3(17) 36.4(11)50.0(6)41.8(17)50.0(10)50.0(12)16.7(6) 20.0(15)31.2(16)0(5)14.3(14)31.2(112) wheretheywherethey yy oror gg ee drolysablenins 5(13)8(17) 5(11)0(6)2(17)0(10)0(12)3(6) 0(15)2(16)5)3(14)5(112) pooled’catpooled’cat Hytan 61.58. 20.31.0(14.37. AllAll ‘‘ ee hh tt variousplantpartcategories TotalCondensedphenolicstannins 100(12)100(12)100(16)100(16) 100(11)72.7(11)100(5)100(5)100(17)81.2(16)100(10)100(10)100(13)100(13)83.3(6)66.7(6) 100(15)93.3(15)88.9(18)72.2(18)100(8)75.0(8)100(16)75.0(16)98.3(118)86.3(117) dthecompoundexceptforpeciesexaminedexceptforoledfortreesandlianas. eso Table2Percentspeciescontainingalkaloids,saponinsandphenolicsin CategoryAlkaloidsSaponinsAstringency ImmatureleavesTrees15.4(13)54.5(11)100(13)Treesandlianas23.5(17)53.3(15)100(17)MatureleavesTrees15.4(26)30.0(20)91.7(12)Lianas14.3(7)20.0(5)100(5)Treesandlianas15.1(33)28.0(25)94.2(17)Petioles0(11)60.0(5)100(9)Flowers7.1(14)33.3(9)100(14)Semi-ripefruit0(7)0(1)83.3(6)pulpRipefruitpulp0(15)42.8(7)100(14)Matureseeds0(21)33.3(9)85.7(21)Treetwigs30.0(10)11.1(9)90.0(10)Innerbark15.0(20)43.7(16)82.3(17)Allpooled10.8(148)36.5(96)93.6(125) Valuesareexpressedaspercentspeciesexaminedthatcontainanalysedacrossspecies.Valuesinparenthesesarenumberofsamplesanalysedacrossspecies.Unlessspecified,valuesarep 1228 S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 n, ni n a hotN). 6(17) 2(17) (9)9(13)0(14) 0(21) 7(10)7(17) uebracecies( 9 1 533 9 60 qp 15. 10. 2.312.14. 11. 20.14. entofs ADF ±33.98 ±33.18 ±35.27±25.93±27.00 ±16.10 ±49.70±38.48 aspercnumber SD) tanninssesare ±antparts(mean Ellagitannins ±0.240.38(16) ±0.050.14(20) ±0.090.21(10)±0.220.53(13)±0.010.04(16) ±0.050.13(17) ±0.0010.001(8)±0.030.09(16) cacid,condensedValuesinparenthe olics,condensedtannins,gallotannins,ellagitanninsandADFinpl TotalphenolicsCondensedtanninsGallotannins ±±±2.703.59(16)16.8519.02(16)0.561.00(17) ±±±1.050.74(16)13.1420.29(16)0.280.65(16) ±±±3.014.19(10)20.3720.57(10)0.100.16(10)±±±1.992.04(13)18.8221.56(13)2.705.34(13)±±±1.131.58(15)6.547.76(15)0.050.14(15) ±±±1.001.25(18)8.7820.49(18)0.721.58(18) ±±±0.290.23(8)3.184.34(8)0.0010.001(5)±±±0.870.76(16)16.6120.65(15)0.060.19(16) lianas.Astringencyandtotalphenolicsexpressedaspercenttannidandellagitanninsaspercentellagicacidintermsofdryweight. Table3Levelsofastringency,totalphen CategoryAstringency ±Immature11.3710.54(17)leaves±Mature7.567.31(17)leaves±Petioles10.427.52(9)±Flowers9.517.30(14)±Ripefruit4.575.43(14)pulp±Mature4.136.41(21)seeds±Treetwigs1.952.77(10)±Innerbark6.357.11(17) Valuesarepooledfortreesandgallotanninsaspercentgallicaci S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 1229 Table 4 Correlatesofvariousmeasuresofphenolic compoundsandfibre Total Condensed Gallotannin Ellagitannin ADF phenolics tannin Astringency 0.48 (119)∗∗∗ 0.37 (118)∗∗∗ 0.20(116)∗∗ 0.22(115)∗∗ 0.13(129)∗ Totalphenolics 0.28 (121)∗∗∗ 0.36(116)∗∗∗ 0.17(114)∗ (cid:3)0.08(119) Condensedtannin 0.14(115) 0.02(113) 0.13(118)∗ Gallotannin 0.32(113)∗∗∗ (cid:3)0.2(116)∗∗ Ellagitannin (cid:3)0.02(114) Values are Kendall’s correlation coefficients. Values in parentheses are sample sizes (N). ∗P (cid:2) 0.05; ∗∗P(cid:2)0.01; ∗∗∗P (cid:2)0.001(∗∗is significantafterBonferroni’s correctionformultipletests). Although correlations were performed between these phenolic measures separately for each plant part type, e.g. mature leaves, the results were not significant after Bonferroni’scorrectionformultipletests,exceptforthepositivecorrelationsbetween astringency and total phenolics in mature leaves of trees (Kendall’s t = 0.4, N = 17, P (cid:2) 0.01) and between astringency and total phenolics (Kendall’s t = 0.61 N = 16, P (cid:2) 0.01), as well as total phenolics and condensed tannins (Kendall’s t = 0.58, N = 16, P (cid:2) 0.01) in inner bark. 3.4. Co-occurrence of condensed and hydrolysable tannins Sincealmostallplantpartscontainedcondensedtannins(Table2),wewereunable to examine the segregation between hydrolysable and condensed tannins in plant parts. Within each plant part we, therefore, compared the frequency of species con- taining both hydrolysable and condensed tannins to those containing condensed tan- nins alone using binomial probabilities, and we found that only in ripe fruit pulp was there a significantly higher frequency of samples that contained condensed tan- nins but also did not contain hydrolysable tannins (N = 15, P (cid:2) 0.02). Since there were samples that did not contain gallotannins, we examined the independence of occurrence of gallotannins and ellagitannins using a 2 × 2 contingency test, with Yates’ correction, and found that there was nosegregation between gallotannins and ellagitannins in any plant part. 3.5. Co-occurrence of alkaloids, saponins and phenolics Since tannins occurred in almost all plant parts examined, we were unable to examine whether the occurrence of tannins and alkaloids or tannins and saponins wereindependentofeachother.We,therefore,examinedwhethersignificantlyfewer numbers of plant parts of the different species contained both tannins and alkaloids or both tannins and saponins than those that contained tannins alone. We did this for each plant part category by calculating exact probabilities of the binomial since 1230 S.Mali,R.M.Borges/BiochemicalSystematicsandEcology31(2003)1221–1246 our sample sizes for each plant part category were less than 25 (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981, 708 pp.). Since all samples that gave positive results for phenolics with the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent were also astringent, and since astringency was measured foragreaternumberofsamples(astringencyisbiologicallymorerelevanttosquirrel foraging as it is a measure of protein precipitation by tannins), we used astringency as an indication of the presence of phenolics in the samples. Except for tree twigs (N = 10) for which non-significant results were obtained, there were significantly morespeciesthatcontainedonlytanninscomparedtothosethatcontainedbothalka- loids and tannins in their different parts. For immature leaves: N = 17 species, P (cid:2) 0.02; mature leaves: N = 18, P (cid:2) 0.001; petiole: N = 9, P (cid:2) 0.002; flowers: N = 14, P (cid:2) 0.001; ripe fruit pulp: N = 14, P (cid:2) 0.0001; mature seeds: N = 21, P (cid:2) 0.0001; inner bark: N = 17, P (cid:2) 0.02. However, with the exception of mature leaves (N = 16, P (cid:2) 0.002) and tree twigs (N = 9, P (cid:2) 0.05), the number of species containing both saponins and phenolics in all other categories was not significantly different from those containing phenolics alone. Since there were samples that did not contain alkaloids, we used a 2 × 2 contingency test, with Yates’ correction, to examine thepatternof co-occurrenceof alkaloidsand saponinsand foundnosignifi- cant pattern of segregation between them. Furthermore, many samples contained neither alkaloids nor saponins (Table 2; Appendix A, Table A1). 3.6. Tree dominance and secondary metabolites We examined the relationship between the relative dominance of tree species and the fibre and phenolic contents of their mature leaves, since it may be expected that dominant trees may have higher values of these compounds owing to their higher apparency(sensuRhoadesandCates,1976).Howeverwedidnotfindanysignificant relationship (Kendall’s correlation coefficients, P (cid:4) 0.05). 4. Discussion 4.1. Distribution and content of secondary compounds in plant parts 4.1.1. Phenolics and fibre Almost all plant species in each plant part category we examined contained con- densed tannins,while hydrolysabletanninswerepresentin asfewas 0%(treetwigs) to61%(immatureleavesoftrees)ofthespeciesineachcategory.Condensedtannins are phylogenetically ancient secondary compounds while hydrolysable tannins are largely restricted to the dicots and are of more recent origin (Kubitzki and Gottlieb, 1984; Gottlieb et al., 1995). The lack of a strong detrimental effect of condensed tannins on insect and mammalian herbivores (Waterman and Kool, 1994; Ayres et al., 1997) has led to the belief that condensed tannins have evolved primarily in defence against microbes and fungi owing to their anti-microbial and fungistatic effects (Azaizeh et al., 1990). In the seasonal cloud forest of Bhimashankar, dense cloudsettlesonthestuntedforestcanopies,withoutlifting,forfourmonsoonmonths

and lack of general techniques, we restricted our analysis to the qualitative We field-tested for alkaloids using Dragendorff's and Mayer's reagents, and later.
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