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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) 1 0 0 2 Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantum n a magnets J 9 2 Alessandro Cuccoli1, Tommaso Roscilde2, Valerio Tognetti1, Ruggero Vaia3, and Paola Verrucchi1 ] 1 Dipartimento diFisica dell’Universit`a di Firenze and Istituto Nazionale diFisica della Materia (INFM), h Largo E. Fermi 2, I-50125 Firenze, Italy c 2 Dipartimento diFisica “A.Volta” dell’Universit`a di Pavia and Istituto Nazionale diFisica della Materia (INFM), e m via Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, Italy 3 Istituto diElettronica Quantistica del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, via Panciatichi 56/30, I-50127 Firenze, Italy, - t and Istituto Nazionale diFisica della Materia (INFM) a t s February 6, 2008 . t a m Abstract. WeconsiderquantumHeisenbergferro-andantiferromagnetsonthesquarelatticewithexchange anisotropy of easy-plane or easy-axis type.The thermodynamics and thecritical behaviour of themodels - arestudiedbythepure-quantumself-consistentharmonicapproximation,inordertoevaluatethespinand d n anisotropydependenceofthecriticaltemperatures.Resultsforthermodynamicquantitiesarereportedand o comparison with experimental and numerical simulation data is made. The obtained results allow us to c draw a general picture of the subject and, in particular, to estimate the value of the critical temperature [ for any model belonging to theconsidered class. 1 PACS. 75.10.Jm Quantized spin models – 75.10.-b General theory and models of magnetic ordering – v 75.40.Cx Static properties 0 3 4 1 1 Introduction tures,antiferromagneticmodels areless affectedby quan- 0 tum fluctuations than ferromagnetic ones, as quantum 1 In this paper we examine the class of magnetic models renormalizationsaresensiblystrongerinthe latter,what- 0 described by the Hamiltonian ever the approach used to evaluate them. / t In this paper, the anisotropy parameters µ and λ are a m Hˆ =−J µ SˆixSˆjx+SˆiySˆjy +λSˆizSˆjz (1) cselatstsoesraonfgmeoidnetlshearientheernvacel [c−o1n,s1id],eraendd:the following sub- - <Xij> h (cid:16) (cid:17) i d (i) Isotropic: µ = λ, λ = 1, ferro- and antiferromag- | | n where i (i1,i2), j (j1,j2) are sites on a square lattice, netic (λ>0 and λ<0, respectively). ≡ ≡ o and the sum runs over the pairs of nearest neighbours; (ii) Easy-plane: µ= 1, λ ( 1,1), ferro- and antifer- c the spin degrees of freedom are described by the quan- romagnetic (λ>0 and λ<0∈, re−spectively). v: tumoperatorsSˆi ≡(Sˆix,Sˆiy,Sˆiz),obeyingthe angularmo- (iii) Easy-axis: µ ∈ (−1,1), λ = sign(µ), ferro- and Xi mentumcommutationrelations[Sˆiα,Sˆjβ]=ǫαβγδijSˆiγ with antiferromagnetic (µ>0 and µ<0, respectively). r Sˆ 2 =S(S+1). Models belonging to these sub-classes have the com- a | |For positive λ and µ, the sign of the exchange inte- monfeatureofdisplaying,asthetemperaturedecreases,a phase-transitiontowardsa more orderedphase;this tran- gralJ setstheferro-orantiferromagneticcharacterofthe sitiongenericallyoccursatacriticaltemperaturewhichis model,J >0orJ <0respectively;forthe sakeofamore a function of both the spin value and the anisotropy pa- compact notation, however,we will hereafter take a posi- rameters,andwill be hereafterindicated byt (ν,S),with tive J and properly change the sign of µ and λ to obtain c ν = µ,λ depending on the specific class considered, and the required antiferromagnetic Hamiltonian. the reduced temperature t defined by t T/JS2 with At a classical level, i.e. when S , ferro- and anti- ≡ →∞ ferromagnets have the same static properties and can be S S+1/2. ≡ simultaneously studied as far as their thermodynamics is (i) The isotropic model, both ferro-and antifereromag- concerned.Ontheotherhand,whenquantumfluctuations neetic,hasthefullrotationalO(3)symmetryanditishence are taken into account, the two types of models display inaparamagneticphasedowntot=0,asrequiredbythe substantially different features. It is worthwhile noticing Mermin-Wagner theorem [1]. Its ground state, however that,despitedisplayingthemostinterestingquantumfea- and at variance with the one-dimensionalcase, is ordered 2 Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets for all spin values also in the antiferromagnetic case [2], spin fluctuations out of the easy plane or the easy axis, andthemodelcanhencebethoughttohaveaphasetran- and inducing a lowering of the critical temperature. To sition at a critical temperature t ( 1,S)=0 S. this respect it is to be noticed that most real compounds c ± ∀ (ii) In the easy plane case, the Mermin-Wagner the- have very weak anisotropies [6], i.e. values of λ or µ very orem still holds and no finite temperature transition to- closetounity:thisistheregionwherequantitativepredic- wards a phase with a finite order parameter, may occur. tionsaremoredifficulttoobtain,asthemodel’scharacter However,aBerezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless(BKT)transi- is not well defined and fluctuations are large. tion [3,4], related with the existence of vortex-like topo- Aim ofthis paper is to provide a quantitative descrip- logical excitations, is known to characterize the class of tion of the model (1) when S and λ, or µ, are varied. the easy-plane models and may occur at a critical tem- We will mainly concentrate on the values of the criti- perature t (λ,S)>0. cal temperatures, but also give expressions and results BKT Thereferencesystemfortheeasy-planeclassisthepla- for other thermodynamic quantities. The method used nar, or XY, model, defined by Eq.(1) with λ=0, µ=1. is the pure-quantum self-consistent harmonic approxima- ItsBKTcriticaltemperaturehasbeenseentobefinitefor tion (PQSCHA), extensively described in Ref. [7] and al- all spin values: abovet the system is disordered,with readyappliedto many magneticsystems (see forinstance BKT exponentiallydecayingcorrelationfunctions.Inthewhole Refs. [8,9]). Its implementation is markedly different de- region0<t<t the system is in a critical phase with pending on the specific class of models considered, as ex- BKT vanishing magnetization: its correlation functions decay plained in Section 2, and the easy-plane and easy-axis according to a power law, testifying to the existence of cases will be hence considered separately (in Section 3 quasi-long-range order; at t = 0 the magnetization gets a and 4,respectively). In Section 5 we will comment on the finitevalueandthesystemisordered.TheXY modelmay resulting global picture and compare our results with all be thought to display two phase-transitions: a BKT one theavailableexperimentalandnumericalsimulationdata. at a finite temperature, followed by one towards a fully Conclusionsaboutthecriticalbehaviourofthemodelswill ordered phase at t=0. be finally drawn in Section 6. (iii)Intheeasy-axiscase,theMermin-Wagnertheorem does not hold, and the easy-axis models may undergo a transitionofthe Ising (I)type towardsaphase withlong- 2 Method and spin-boson transformations range order, at a critical temperature t (µ,S)>0. I The reference system for this class of models will be hereafter called the Z model, described by Eq.(1) with The PQSCHA is a semiclassical method based on the µ = 0, λ = 1; such model has a transition temperature path-integral formulation of quantum statistical mechan- t (0,S) > 0 for all spin values. Above t the system is in ics: the main peculiarity of the method is that of defin- I I a paramagnetic phase, with exponentially decaying cor- ing an analytical separation between classical and pure- relation functions; below t the system is ordered with a quantumcontributionstothethermodynamicsofthe sys- I finite magnetization along the easy axis. The Z model tem [10], thus allowing the possible exact treatment of with S = 1/2 is the Ising model, representing an impor- the former, while requiring a self-consistent harmonic ap- tant sourceof informationfor the whole class ofthe easy- proximation of the latter. This means that the only ap- axismodels,notonlybecauseoftheexistingexactresults proximated contribution is the non-linear pure-quantum by Onsager [5], but also because of its fundamental role one,whichis in fact consideredat the one-looplevel. The in the renormalization-group approach and in conformal valueofsuchresultisevidentifoneconsidersthatmostof field theory. the peculiar features of magnetic systems, including their criticalbehaviour,aredetermined by long-wavelengthex- The information on the reference models, as well as citations, whose character is essentially classical;the pos- thegeneralconsiderationsbasedonthesymmetriesofthe sibility to fully take into account their non-linearity at Hamiltonian,aresurelyvaluable,butnotsufficienttofully the classical level, together with the fact that harmonic appreciate the richness of features contained in Eq.(1), pure-quantum fluctuations are exactly considered, justi- andtoproperlyunderstandthe thermodynamicandcriti- fies the success of the PQSCHA in predicting most ther- calbehaviourofthe manyexistingrealcompounds whose modynamicpropertiesofmagneticsystemsinalargetem- magnetic behaviouris described by such Hamiltonian. To perature range. accomplish this goal one has to study how the specific values of λ, µ, and S may determine the behaviour of the Without going into the details of the derivationof the system. PQSCHA, we report here the essential formulas, and dis- cuss the scheme of implementation to magnetic systems, At a qualitative level, we know that quantum fluctu- where differences between the sub-classes of models be- ations, whose strength is measured by the quantum cou- come essential. pling 1/S, introduce a disordering agent in the classical (S )picture:asaconsequence,weexpectthepossible Consideraquantumspinsystemonalatticedescribed crit→ica∞l temperatures to decrease with decreasing S. The by the Hamiltonian ˆ(Sˆ) with Sˆ (Sˆ1,...SˆN) and N H ≡ sameeffectisobtainedbyincreasing λ (easy-planecase), numberof lattice sites;if Oˆ is the quantum operatorrela- | | or µ (easy-axis case): this in fact means to weaken the tive to a physical observable of the system, the PQSCHA | | anisotropic character of the system, thus allowing larger expressionof its quantum statistical averagehas the clas- Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets 3 sical-like form the symmetry properties of the original Hamiltonian and of its ground state. Oˆ = 1 dNs Oeff(s) e−βHeff(s) (2) Inmarkedlyeasy-planecases(|λ|≪1)weuse,foreach h i spin operator, the Villain transformation (VT) [12] eff Z Z where β = t−1, = dNse β eff, and s (s ,...s ) 1 2 Zeff − H ≡ 1 N Sˆ+ =eiqˆ S2 pˆ+ , Sˆ− =(Sˆ+)†, Sˆz =pˆ; (3) with si classical unit vectors. The effective Hamiltonian s − 2 (s;t,S), is a classicRal-like function, depending on the (cid:18) (cid:19) eff Hparameters of the original Hamiltonian, and determined this transformeation keeps the O(2) symmetry in the easy bythePQSCHArenormalizationprocedure;asimilarpro- plane,meanwhile allowing to deal with the square rootin cedure,whenappliedtothequantumoperatorOˆ,leadsto terms of a physically sound small-pˆapproximation. the function eff(s;t,S) Inthe easy-axiscase,itmakesnosensetouseEqs.(3), O The phase-space integral in Eq. (2) may be evaluated astheexpectationvalueofthez-componentofeachspinis by any classical technique, such as the classical Monte now substantially different from zero. On the other hand, Carlo (MC) simulation. Eq. (2), on the other hand, con- the Holstein-Primakofftransformation (HPT) [13] tains quantum renormalizationsembodied in the temper- ature and spin dependence of Heff and Oeff; such depen- √2Sˆ+ = S+S zˆ2 (qˆ+ipˆ) , dence causes the effective classical model to change for − each temperature point, so that ad hoc simulations must Sˆ− =(Sˆ+q)† , Sˆz =S zˆ2 , (4) e − be performed, and only in very peculiar cases one can di- rectly use existing MC data (see for instance the case of and the Dyson-Maleev one (DMT)e[14] the isotropic model in Ref. [9]). The PQSCHA naturally applies to bosonic systems, √2Sˆ+ =qˆ+ipˆ, Sˆ− =(qˆ ipˆ)(S+S zˆ2) , − − whose Hamiltonian is written in terms of conjugate oper- Sˆz =S zˆ2 , (5) ators qˆ (qˆ ,...qˆ ), pˆ (pˆ ,...pˆ ) such that [qˆ ,pˆ ] = − e 1 N 1 N m n ≡ ≡ isδtamnnd;atrhde,mi.ee.thwoitdh,hseopwaervaetre,qduoaedsrnaotticrkeqinueitriecHpˆˆ-(dpˆe,pqˆe)ntdoebnet twoitbhezˆt2he≡p(rqˆeiv2i+legpˆe2d)/o2n,edfoorbaoltihgnsmugegnets,tththues zfi-tctoinmgptoontehnet andpotentialqˆ-dependent terms,and its applicationmay µ <1 case. | | beextendedalsotomagneticsystems,accordingtothefol- The isotropic,or nearlyisotropic,case is the mostdif- lowingscheme[10]:ThespinHamiltonian ˆ(S)ismapped ficulttobetreated,asnopartofthesphericalphase-space to ˆ(pˆ,qˆ) by a suitable spin-boson transHformation; once maybegenericallychosentobe describedbetterthanan- H other;nevertheless,whenthegroundstateisatleastchar- thecorrespondingWeylsymbol (p,q),withp (p ,...p ) H ≡ 1 N acterizedby long-rangeorder with an alignment axis, the and q (q ,...q ) classical phase-space variables, has 1 N HP and DM transformations are both seen to work well ≡ beendetermined[11],thePQSCHArenormalizationsmay in the PQSCHA scheme. The reason is that the boson be evaluated and eff(p,q) and eff(p,q) follow. Finally picture only serves to derive the pure-quantum renormal- H O Hclaeffss(isc)alanandaOloegffu(es)ofartehecosnpsitnr-ubcotseodnbtyratnhsefoirnmveartsieonofusthede sizoatthioants,itwihsisleuffithceiesnytmtmoeatsrsyumisethaelroecaaftlearlirgenstmoerendt ainxiHs.eff at the beginning. In order to succesfully carry out such renormalization scheme,theWeylsymbolofthebosonicHamiltonianmust 3 The easy-plane case beawell-behavedfunctioninthewholephasespace.Spin- boson transformations, on the other hand, can introduce The Hamiltonian Eq. (1) in the easy-plane case takes the singularities as a consequence of the topological impossi- form bility of a global mapping of a spherical phase space into a flat one.The choice of the transformationmust then be ˆ = J SˆxSˆx+SˆySˆy +λSˆzSˆz (6) such that the singularities occur for configurations which H − i j i j i j are not thermodynamically relevant, and whose contri- <Xij>h(cid:16) (cid:17) i bution may be hence approximated. Most of the meth- with λ ( 1,1). The antiferromagneticsector is mapped ods for studying magnetic systems do in fact share this intheλ∈ −( 1,0]regionofEq.(6)bythecanonicaltrans- problem with the PQSCHA; what makes the difference formatio∈n (−Sˆx,Sˆy,Sˆz) ( 1)iSˆx,( 1)iSˆy,Sˆz where is that by using the PQSCHA one separates the classical i i i → − i − i i from the pure-quantum contribution to the thermal fluc- ( 1)i ( 1)i1+i2; ferro- (cid:16)and antiferromagnets(cid:17)may be − ≡ − tuations, and the approximation only regards the latter, thus simultaneously studied. being the former exactly taken into account when the ef- The effective Hamiltonian relative to Eq. (6) is fective Hamiltonian is cast in the form of a classical spin Hamiltonian. = JS2 j sxsx+sysy +λ szsz + , Heff − eff i j i j eff i j G The spin-boson transformation which constitutes the <Xij>h(cid:16) (cid:17) i firststepofthemagneticPQSCHAischosenaccordingto e (7) 4 Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets where the renormalization parameters j (t,λ,S), eff λ (t,λ,S), and (t,λ,S) have different expressions de- eff G pending on the λ-region considered. Intheλ 1case,theVTEqs.(3)maybesafelyused, ≪ and give [15] 1 jeVff =(1− 2D⊥)2 e−Dk/2 , (8) 1 λVeff =λ(1− 2D⊥)−1 eDk/2 , (9) t 1 V =JS2N tΓ ln 1 D ΘV , (10) ⊥ G − 2 − 2 − (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) where the renoermalization coefficients D and repre- ⊥ k D senttheeffectsofin-planeandout-of-planepure-quantum fluctuations, respectively, and have the form 1 b k D = , (11) ⊥ k 2SN akL k X 1 ak Fig. 1. Renormalization parameterjeff vstfortheeasy-plane Dk = 2SeN (1−γk)bkLk , (12) modelwithλ=0(fullcurve),0.5(dashed),0.7(long-dashed), Xk 0.9 (dash-dotted), and S =1/2, 1, 5/2. The dotted line is jeff for S =1, λ=0.5, as obtained by theHPT. with e a2k =4e−Dk/2(1−λeffγk) , (13) with dimensionless frequencies 1 b2k =4(1− 2D⊥)2e−Dk/2(1−γk) , (14) a2 =4θ2(1 λ γ ) , (20) Lk =(cothfk−1/fk), Γ =N−1 kln(sinhfk/fk), fk = bk2k =4θ2(1−−γkeff) .k (21) a b /(2St), γ = cos(k d)/4, d = ( 1, 1), and k iskakwave vectkor in thde first·BrillPouin zon±e. T±he uniform The uniform coefficient ΘHP is coefficienet ΘV is P ΘHP =Dqq(1 3Dq Dp)+λDpp(3 3Dp Dq)+ ΘV =e−Dk/2 2D⊥+(1−D⊥)Dk . +2(Dqq)−2+2(D−pp)2 (Dq+Dp−)2+2(−Dq+Dp) , − Close to the isotropi(cid:0)c limit, λ . 1, the H(cid:1)PT must be used: because of the residual easy-plane character of the with model, the privilegedaxis,i.e.the quantizationone,must 1 a 1 b bechosenintheeasyplane;inparticular,wechoosethey Dp = k , Dq = k . k k direction as the local alignment one. A quite complicated 2SN k bkL 2SN k akL X X PQSCHA implementation finally leads to the following expressions [16]: Therenoremalizationoftheexchangeeenergybythefac- torj <1,andtheweakeningoftheeasy-planeanisotropy eff jHP =θ4 , (15) (λ λ ), are seen to be, both for strong and weak eff eff | | ≤ | | d Dpp anisotropy,the result of the cooperative effect of in-plane λHeffP =λ+ θ2(1−λ)+ θ2 (1−λ)2 , (16) and out-of plane pure-quantum fluctuations. It is worth- while noticing that, in the isotropic limit λ = 1, the θ2 | | HP =JS2N tΓ + a b ΘHP , (17) effective Hamiltonian (7), determined by the HPT, coin- k k k G " NS L − # cides with the one found directly for the isotropic model k X by the DMT. e where the temperature andespin dependent renormaliza- In Fig. 1 we show the renormalization parameters jeff tion coefficients are defined as follows: vs. t, for different values of S and λ; the two most (least) 1 1 1 anisotropiccasesaretreatedbytheVT(HPT).ForS =1 θ2 =1 + d , d= (Dqq λ Dpp) , (18) eff and λ = 0.5, j as obtained by the HPT is also shown − 2D 2 2 − eff 1 a (dotted line): the difference with the VT result (dashed k = (1 γk) k , (19) line) is remarkable, testifying that both transformations D NS k − bkL cannot give very accurate results in such intermediate re- X gion. However, as we will see in Section 5, this does not and e dramatically affect the critical temperature estimation. 1 a 1 b Dpp = kγ , Dqq = kγ , Thedifference(λeff λ)isshowninFig.2asafunction k k k k − 2SN bk L 2SN ak L of λ, for different values of S and t. For eachcouple (t,S) k k X X e e Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets 5 where −1 dNs( )e−βHeff istheclassical-like eff h · i ≡Z · statistical averagedefined by the effective Hamiltonian. R When the VT is used, i.e. in the strongly easy-plane case, Eq. (23) holds for all values of r, with 1 ∆VrT =(1− 2D⊥)2e−Dk/2e−Dr , (24) and 1 a D = k cos(k r) . r k SN bk · L k X Inthenearlyisotropicregion,theuseoftheHPTleads e to a much more complicated general expression for G(r), that nonetheless goes to expression (23) with coefficient 1 1 ∆HP 1 (Dq+Dp) 1 (5Dq+3Dp) , r → − 2 − 8 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (25) Fig.2.Difference(λeff−λ)vsλfortheeasy-planemodelwith for larger . FromEqs.(24) and(25), the renormalization S =1/2 (thin) and 1 (thick), at t=0.5 (full) and 1 (dashed). coefficient ∆ is seen to converge to a finite value when ForeachtandS,boththeHP(curvespassingthrough(±1,0)) r r ; this property, as we will see in Section 5, is of and the V ( curves passing through the origin) results are → ∞ fundamental importance when the critical behaviour of shown. the model is under investigation. In particular it means thatthecorrelationlengthofthequantummodelisrelated the curves passing through the originare obtained by the with that of its classical counterpart by the relation VT,whilethosepassingthroughthepoint( 1,0)or(1,0) areobtainedbytheHPTintheantiferro-or−ferromagnetic ξ(t,λ,S)=ξcl(teff,λeff) (26) case,respectively;thetwotypesofresultsdonotsmoothly connect to each other, but nevertheless cover the whole with teff t/jeff. This relation allows us to evaluate the ≡ [ 1,1] interval and show a behaviour of the same type correlation length of a quantum model with spin S, at a o−f that found in the easy-axis case (see Fig.5), where the given temperature t, by performing a classical MC sim- problemofusingtwodifferentspinbosontransformations ulation on a model with anisotropy λeff, at the effective is not present. As expected, the HP curves display the temperature teff; a particularly simple case is that of the cseoernretcot |bλe|p→ro1pobrethioanvaiolutro(λi.,ew. |hλeenff|λHP →0.1), while λVeff is bXeYdimreocdtleyl λdet=ermλeiffne=d i0n, twehrmosseocfortrheelactliaosnsilceanlgothnem, bayy → a simple temperature scaling. Fig. 3 shows the correla- AsmentionedintheIntroduction,theeasy-planemod- tion length versus t, for S = 1 and λ = 0, 0.5, 0.999, els are characterized by a critical phase, with vanishing − − and 1. The classical MC data for λ = 0 and λ = 0.999, magnetizationanddivergingcorrelationlength,extending − Refs. [17] and [16] respectively, are also shown. in the temperature region 0 < t < t ; thermodynamic BKT quantities that maybe significantlystudied in suchphase are,for instance,the free energy andthe specific heat.To thisrespect,noticethattheuniformterm ,Eqs.(10)and 4 The easy-axis case G (17), not entering the statistical averages’ calculation, is essential in the evaluation of the partition function . Z The Hamiltonian Eq. (1) in the easy-axis case takes the In the paramagnetic phase t > t , one of the fun- BKT form damentalthermodynamic quantities to be investigated,is the in-plane correlation length defined by the asymptotic ˆ = J µ λSˆxSˆx+SˆySˆy +SˆzSˆz (27) behaviour of the correlationfunctions H − i j i j i j η <Xij>h (cid:16) (cid:17) i G(r)≡ Sr2hSˆixSˆix+r+SˆiySˆiy+rir→∼∞e−rξ (22) with µ ( 1,1) and λ = sign(µ). The antiferromagnetic ∈ − sector is mapped in the µ ( 1,0] region of Eq. (27) by ∈ − with r= (r1,r2) eany vector on the square lattice, r r the canonical transformation acansde.ηr =1or(−1)r1+r2 inthe ferro-orantiferromag≡net|ic| (Sˆix,Sˆiy,Sˆiz) → (−1)iSˆix,Sˆiy,(−1)iSˆiz . Because of the easy-axis charact(cid:16)er of the model, the H(cid:17)P and DM trans- By using Eq. (2) the following PQSCHA expressionis formationsmaybesafelyused,andactuallygivethesame found results; the latter, however, may be preferred because of G(r)=∆ sxsx +sysy , (23) its simpler structure. rh i i+r i i+rieff 6 Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets Fig.3. Correlationlengthξvstfortheeasy-planemodelwith Fig. 4. Renormalization parameter jeff vs t for the easy-axis S = 1 and λ=0 (full), −0.5 (dashed), −0.999 (dash-dotted), model with µ = 0 (full), 0.5 (dashed), 0.9 (dashed), and S = and−1(long-dashed).SymbolsareclassicalMCdataforλ=0 1/2, 1, 5/2. (squares [17]) and λ=0.999 (triangles [16]). ThePQSCHAeffectiveHamiltonianrelativetoEq.(27) is found to be [18] = JS2 j µ λsxsx+sysy +szsz + , Heff − eff eff i j i j i j G <Xij>h (cid:16) (cid:17) i e (28) where j (t,µ,S), µ (t,µ,S), and (t,µ,S) are eff eff G θ2 j =θ4 , µ =µ ⊥ , (29) eff k eff θ2 k =2JS2(1 θ4)+JS2Γ , (30) G − k with e e θ2 =1 Dk , θ2 =1 D⊥ , (31) k − 2 ⊥ − 2 sinhf k Γ =t ln , (32) k (cid:18) θ⊥2fk (cid:19) Fig. 5. Difference(µeff−µ) vsµfor theeasy-axismodelwith X S =1/2 (thin) and 1 (thick),at t=0.5 (full) and 1 (dashed). and the coefficients 1 a k Dk = NS Xk bk (1−µλγk)Lk , (r|aµmeffet|e>rjeµff).vsIn.tFfoigr.d4iffwereensthovwalutehseorfeSnoarnmdaµli.zaIntioFnigp.a5-, ⊥ = 1e ak 1 γk k (33) wseheetrheatth,eadtivffaerrieanncceeµweifft−hµthiesesahsoyw-nplaasneacfuansect(isoeneoFfiµg.,2w)e, D NS k bk (cid:18) − µλ(cid:19)L the almost isotropic regime is smoothly connected with X thestronglyaxialone,testifyingtothesuitablenessofthe are self-consistently determined by solving Eqs. (31) and e DMT in treating the whole easy-axis subclass of models. (33), with dimensionless frequencies When µ vanishes the renormalization coefficient ⊥ D a2 =4 θ2 µθ2γ , (34) may be shown to keep finite, so that µeff 0, and the k k− ⊥ k Z model, with a single optical mode a2 =→b2 = 4θ2, k, (cid:16) (cid:17) k k k ∀ b2 =4 θ2 µλθ2γ . (35) is recovered; for S = 1/2 such model coincides with the k k− ⊥ k Ising one. (cid:16) (cid:17) Asintheeasy-planecase,quantumrenormalizationswea- The easy-axis case is characterized by a finite tem- ken both the energy scale (j < 1) and the anisotropy perature phase-transition towards a fully ordered phase; eff Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets 7 many thermodynamic properties may be hence studied both above and below the critical temperature t , and, in I particular,thePQSCHAexpressionforthemagnetization along the easy axis m η Sˆz /NS is ≡ i ih ii m=Pθ2 sz . (36) kh iieff e Themostsignificantquantityintheparamagneticphase t>t isthecorrelationlength,heredefinedbytheasymp- I totic behaviour of the isotropic correlation functions η G(r) r Sˆi Sˆi+r e−ξr ; (37) ≡ S2h · ir→∼∞ the PQSCHA expression for G(r) is e G(r)=θ4 s s , (38) rh i· i+rieff where θ2 =1 /2 and r −Dr 1 a = k (1 cos(kr)) Dr NS Xk bk − · Lk (Ffuigll.),61.(Mdaasghneedt)iz,a5t/i2on(dcausrhv-edsotfoterdt)h,eanZdm∞od(deoltwteitdh);Ssy=mb1o/l2s are ourclassical MC data. isafurthersite-dependentrenormalizationcoefficient.For e increasing r, as in the easy-plane case, the coefficient θ4 r keeps finite and rapidly converges to a uniform term: the asymptoticbehaviourofG(r)ishencedeterminedbythat of the classical-like correlation functions s s , and i i+r eff h · i the relation ξ(t,µ,S)=ξcl(t ,µ ) (39) eff eff may be used. As in the easy-plane case, results for the quantum reference (Z) model are obtained by a simple temperature scaling of the classical data; we have hence performed MC simulations on the classical Z model, and produced results for the quantum model with S =1/2, 1 and5/2.Thecorrespondingmagnetizationandcorrelation- length curves are shown in Figs.6 and 7, respectively. As for the latter, notice the much sharper divergence with respect to the XY model (compare the dashed curve in Fig.7 with the full curve of Fig.3). 5 Transition temperatures Fig. 7. Correlation length for the Z model with S = 1/2, 1, The PQSCHA expressions for the effective Hamiltonian 5/2, and ∞ (curves and symbols as in previous figure). and the correlation functions contain two essential pieces of information: (a) the effective Hamiltonian keeps the symmetry properties of the original quantum model; (b) the easy-plane nor in the easy-axis case; we have hence the quantum correlation functions share the asymptotic collected a set of classical MC data properly distributed behaviourwiththeirclassicalcounterpart.Thesetwostate- inthe [0,1)interval,inorderto determinea preciseinter- ments not only leadus to the relations (26) and (39), but polating function τcl(ν). c also allow us to assert that the critical behaviour of the In the easy-plane case, classical MC data have been quantum model is that of its effective classical counter- taken from Ref. [17] and interpolated by the function part, and that, for the critical temperature, the relation τcl (λ)=a 1+bλ2+cλ4 dln(1 λ2) −1 , (41) tc(ν,S)=jeff(tc,ν,S) tccl(νeff(tc,ν,S)) (40) BKT − − a=0.695 , b= 0.012 , c=0.032 , d=0.0648 , (cid:0) − (cid:1) holds. Due to the temperature dependence of j and ν , where the λ λ invariance has been imposed. eff eff →− Eq. (40) is quite involute; it may be nonetheless numeri- In the easy-axiscase, sourcesof the classicalMC data cally solved if an analytical expression for tcl(ν) is avail- have been Refs. [19] and [20], as well as our new data c able. Such expression does not actually exist, neither in tcl(0.5) = 0.88 0.01 and tcl(0.8) = 0.81 0.01; the re- I ± I ± 8 Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets sulting interpolating function is τcl(µ)=a 1+bµ2+cµ4 dln(1 µ2) −1 , (42) I − − a=0.917 , b=0.068 , c=0.097 , d=0.0636 , (cid:0) (cid:1) where, again, the constraint tcl(µ) = tcl( µ) has been I I − imposed. Equations (41) and (42) should only be considered as reasonable interpolating functions of the available data; in particular, they do not reproduce the correct asymp- totic behaviour in the ν 1 isotropic limit. Such asymp- → totic behaviours, on the other hand, are not accessible by numerical techniques and are actually determined by Renormalization-Group approaches. However, all of the numericalandexperimentaldataareintheν-regionwhere t (ν) is sensibly differentfromzero,asseenin Figs.8and c 9, i.e. where the above mentioned asymptotic behaviours have not set in yet. Once tcl(ν) τcl(ν) has been determined, Eq. (40) c ≃ c may be numerically solved thus giving the value of the Fig. 8. BKT critical temperature vs λ for the easy-plane quantum critical temperature, for any value of ν and S, model with S = 1/2, 1, 5/2. Symbols are the quantum MC in a few seconds on a standard PC. data for S = 1/2 (circles [21,22]), and the classical MC data In Fig. 8 we show the resulting curves for S = 1/2, (squares[17])usedtoconstructτBclKT(λ),shownasdottedline. 1, 5/2, and in the easy-plane case: for each spin, the ∞ whole ( 1,1) interval is coveredby two different types of curves,−corresponding to the use of jV,λV and jHP,λHP eff eff eff eff in the strongly easy-plane and nearly isotropic regions, respectively. The available quantum MC data [21,22] are also shown, and agree very well with our results, despite being in the region where, because of the strong quan- tum fluctuations, the use of the PQSCHA becomes more delicate; unfortunately no experimentaldata exist, to our knowledge, for t . BKT In Fig. 9 the transition temperature t (µ,S) is shown I forS =1/2,1,5/2,and ;inthiscase,thereexistseveral ∞ experimental data, for the real compounds K NiF (µ = 2 4 0.996, S = 1, texp = 0.416) [23,24], Rb NiF (µ = −0.982,S =1, texpI =0.477) [25], K MnF (2µ= 40.995, S−= 5/2, texp =I0.553) [23,26], Rb M2 nCl4(µ = −0.997, S = 5/2, teIxp = 0.558) [27], and Rb2 MnF4 (µ=−0.994, S = 5/2, Itexp = 0.575) [23,28], wh2ose a4greeme−nt with I ourresultsisverygood,despitebeinginthemostdifficult region to be studied, i.e. in the nearly isotropic one. TheS =1/2easy-axisantiferromagneticcasedeserves Fig. 9. Isingcriticaltemperaturevsµfortheeasy-axismodel a few more comments, as a quite well distributed scan of with S = 1/2, 1, 5/2. Symbols are quantum MC data [29] the µ [ 1,0) region may be performed by putting to- ∈ − for S =1/2 (open circles), experimental data (filled symbols) gethertheexactresultfortheIsingmodel[5],t (0,1/2)= I for several real compounds (see Fig.10 for details), and the 0.567, the quantum MC data by Ding [29], t (0.5,1/2)= I classical MC data (upwards triangles [20], downwards trian- 0.5, t (0.99,1/2) = 0.298, and the experimental data for I gles [19], circles from our new simulations) used to construct ttehxepr=ea0l.3c1o0m)po[3u0n].dAYsBfoar2Cthue3OPQ6.1SC(µHA≃,w0.e99k2n,owS t=ha1t/it2s, τIcl(µ), shown as dotted line; the open diamond is the exact I result for theIsing model; see text for thedashed line. resultsarequantitativelyreliableifquantumrenormaliza- tions are not too strong: a reasonable criterion to check whether such condition is fullfilled or not is to require j &0.5,meaningaquantumrenormalizationsoftheen- obtained by using the PQSCHA with the modified Low eff ergyscaleofabout50%.Suchcriterion,asseeninFig.4,is Coupling Approximation,as defined in Ref. [9], whose re- not satisfied for S =1/2 and t 0.5: our t (µ,1/2) curve sults are shown by the dashed line. This modified version I ≤ does in fact underestimate the most anisotropic numeri- ofthemethodhasthedisadvantage,however,ofnotbeing cal and experimental data, despite displaying the correct capable to cover the whole ( 1,1) µ-interval, because of − qualitative behaviour. A significant improvement may be the loss of solution of its self-consistent equations when Alessandro Cuccoli et al.: Phase transitions in two-dimensional anisotropic quantummagnets 9 Fig. 10. Ising critical temperature for the antiferromagnetic Fig. 11. Critical temperature vs λ/µ for the class of models easy-axis model, near the isotropic limit. Curves and open describedbyEq.1,withS =1/2,1,5/2, and∞;symbolsand symbols are as in Fig.9; Filled symbols are experimental curvesas in Figs.8 and 9. data for the compounds YBa2Cu3O6.1 (downwards triangle), K2NiF4 (cross),Rb2NiF4 (upwardstriangle),Rb2MnCl4 (cir- cle), Rb2MnF4 (diamond); see text for references. pletely agrees with that proposed by Ding in Ref. [29] on the basis of quantum MC data. In the antiferromagnetic S = 1/2 easy-axis case, on the other hand, Branco and moving towardsthe isotropic limit (reasonfor the dashed De Sousa [31] predict, from a real space renormalization curve in Fig. 9 to be interrupted). group analysis, the existence of a critical µ (1/2) 0.8 c ≃ − On the other hand, the almost isotropic region,which at which t should vanish, and detect a reentrance in the I is the most interesting from the experimental point of µ dependence of such temperature; they found no such view, is well described by our results, even for S = 1/2, anomaly in the ferromagnetic sector. This scenario is in as seen in Fig. 10. contrast not only with ours and Ding’s results, but also with experimental data. Finally, from the experimental point of view, our re- 6 Conclusions sults show that anisotropies, even if as small as those measured in most real compounds, are fundamental in- gredients in determining the low-temperature behaviour The results found by the PQSCHA for the 2d Heisenberg of the materials; it is hence essential, in order to per- antiferromagnets with easy-plane or easy-axis anisotropy, form a meaningful analysis of the experimental data, to show that quantum fluctuations introduce temperature, have at least an estimate of the temperature at which a anisotropy, and spin dependent renormalizations of both possible BKT or Ising-like phase transition should occur. the energy scale and the anisotropy of the model, conse- Ourapproachallowsadeterminationofsuchtemperature quently reducing the temperature at which a phase tran- for any given value of S and ν, therefore representing an sition, of the BKT or Ising type, is expected. Such reduc- important tool in the experimental investigation of two- tion, however, is never seen to push the critical temper- dimensional Heisenberg magnets. ature down to zero, so that the whole class of quantum modelsdescribedbyEq.(1)with µ = λ turnsouttobe | |6 | | characterizedby a finite temperature transition. 7 Acknowledgements In Fig.11 a globalpicture ofthe situationis visualized by the t curves for different spin values, versus the ra- c tio λ/µ: the central region corresponds to the easy-plane TheauthorswishtothankDr.LucaCapriottiforhiscon- case,while the two externalbranchesrepresentsthe easy- tributioninthe earlystageofthe work.This researchhas axis ferro- and antiferromagnetic cases. 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