Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys This book is dedicated 0/ to the memory Kenneth E. Easterling Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys SECOND EDITION D.A. Porter Rautaruukki Oy Research Centre Raahe Finland K.E. Easterling Formerly School ojEngineering University oj Exeter Exeter UK I~nl Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y. First edition 1981 Reprinted 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Second edition 1992 © 1981, 1992 D.A. Porter and K.E. Easterling Originally pub1ished by Chapman & Hall in 1992. Typcsct in 1O/12pt Times by Best-set Typesetter LId, Hong Kong ISBN 978-0-442-31638-9 ISBN 978-1-4899-3051-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-3051-4 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may not be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographie reproduction only in accordance with the terms of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organization outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here shou1d be sent to the publishers at the London address printed on this page. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. A catalogue re cord for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data available Contents Preface to the second edition xi Preface to the first edition XII 1 Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams 1 1.1 Equilibrium 1 1.2 Single Component Systems 4 1.2.1 Gibbs Free Energy as a Function of Temperature 4 1.2.2 Pressure Effects 7 1.2.3 The Driving Force for Solidification 10 1.3 Binary Solutions 11 1.3.1 The Gibbs Free Energy of Binary Solutions 11 1.3.2 Ideal Solutions 13 1.3.3 Chemical Potential 16 1.3.4 Regular Solutions 18 1.3.5 Activity 21 1.3.6 Real Solutions 23 1.3.7 Ordered Phases 24 1.3.8 Intermediate Phases 26 1.4 Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Systems 28 1.5 Binary Phase Diagrams 33 1.5.1 A Simple Phase Diagram 33 1.5.2 Systems with a Miscibility Gap 33 1.5.3 Ordered Alloys 35 1.5.4 Simple Eutectic Systems 36 1.5.5 Phase Diagrams Containing Intermediate Phases 36 1.5.6 The Gibbs Phase Rule 36 1.5.7 The Effect of Temperature on Solid Solubility 41 1.5.8 Equilibrium Vacancy Concentration 43 1.6 The Influence of Interfaces on Equilibrium 44 1.7 Ternary Equilibrium 49 1.8 Additional Thermodynamic Relationships for Binary Solutions 52 1.9 The Kinetics of Phase Transformations 55 References 56 Further Reading 56 Exercises 57 vi Contents 2 Diffusion 60 2.1 Atomic Mechanisms of Diffusion 61 2.2 Interstitial Diffusion 63 2.2.1 Interstitial Diffusion as a Random Jump Process 63 2.2.2 Effect of Temperature-Thermal Activation 66 2.2.3 Steady-State Diffusion 69 2.2.4 Nonsteady-State Diffusion 69 2.2.5 Solutions to the Diffusion Equation 71 Homogenization 71 The Carburization of Steel 73 2.3 Substitutional Diffusion 75 2.3.1 Self-Diffusion 75 2.3.2 Vacancy Diffusion 79 2.3.3 Diffusion in Substitution al Alloys 82 2.3.4 Diffusion in Dilute Substitutional Alloys 91 2.4 Atomic Mobility 92 2.5 Tracer Diffusion in Binary Alloys 94 2.6 Diffusion in Ternary Alloys 96 2.7 High-Diffusivity Paths 98 2.7.1 Diffusion along Grain Boundaries and Free Surfaces 98 2.7.2 Diffusion along Dislocations 102 2.8 Diffusion in Multiphase Binary Systems 103 References 106 Further Reading 106 Exercises 106 3 Crystal Interfaces and Microstructure 110 3.1 Interfacial Free Energy 110 3.2 Solid/Vapour Interfaces 112 3.3 Boundaries in Single-Phase Solids 116 3.3.1 Low-Angle and High-Angle Boundaries 116 3.3.2 Special High-Angle Grain Boundaries 122 3.3.3 Equilibrium in Polycrystalline Materials 124 3.3.4 Thermally Activated Migration of Grain Boundaries 130 3.3.5 The Kinetics of Grain Growth 139 3.4 Interphase Interfaces in Solids 142 3.4.1 Interface Coherence 143 Fully Coherent Interfaces 143 Semicoherent Interfaces 145 Incoherent Interfaces 147 Complex Semicoherent Interfaces 148 3.4.2 Second-Phase Shape: Interfacial Energy Effects 149 Fully Coherent Precipitates 149 Partially Coherent Precipitates 151 Incoherent Precipitates 152 Precipitates on Grain Boundaries 153 Contents Vll 3.4.3 Second-Phase Shape: Misfit Strain Effects 154 Fully Coherent Precipitates 154 Incoherent Inclusions 158 Plate-Like Precipitates 160 3.4.4 Coherency Loss 160 3.4.5 Glissile Interfaces 163 3.4.6 Solid/Liquid Interfaces 168 3.5 Interface Migration 171 3.5.1 Diffusion-Controlled and Interface-Controlled Growth 175 References 180 Further Reading 182 Exercises 182 4 Solidification 185 4.1 Nucleation in Pure Metals 185 4.1.1 Homogeneous Nucleation 186 4.1.2 The Homogeneous Nucleation Rate 190 4.1.3 Heterogeneous Nucleation 192 4.1.4 Nucleation of Melting 197 4.2 Growth of a Pure Solid 197 4.2.1 Continuous Growth 198 4.2.2 Lateral Growth 198 Surface Nucleation 200 Spiral Growth 201 Growth from Twin Intersections 202 4.2.3 Heat Flow and Interface Stability 203 4.3 Alloy Solidification 207 4.3.1 Solidification of Single-Phase Alloys 208 Equilibrium Solidification 208 No Diffusion in Solid, Perfect Mixing in Liquid 208 No Diffusion in Solid, Diffusional Mixing in Liquid 212 Cellular and Dendritic Solidification 214 4.3.2 Eutectic Solidification 222 Growth of Lamellar Eutectics 223 4.3.3 Off-Eutectic Alloys 229 4.3.4 Peritectic Solidification 231 4.4 Solidification of Ingots and Castings 233 4.4.1 Ingot Structure 233 ChilI Zone 234 Columnar Zone 235 Equiaxed Zone 236 Shrinkage Effects 236 4.4.2 Segregation in Ingots and Castings 237 4.4.3 Continuous Casting 238 Heat Flow in Welding and Continuous Casting 239 viii Contents 4.5 Solidification of Fusion Welds 243 Inftuence of Welding Speed 245 Geometry of Crystal Growth 248 4.6 Solidification during Quenching from the Melt 249 4.7 Case Studies of some Practical Castings and Welds 249 4.7.1 Casting of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels 249 4.7.2 Casting of High-Speed Steels 251 4.7.3 Stainless Steel WeId Metal 256 References 259 Further Reading 260 Exercises 260 5 DitTusional Transformations in Solids 263 5.1 Homogeneous Nucleation in Solids 265 5.2 Heterogeneous Nucleation 271 Nucleation on Grain Boundaries 271 Dislocations 274 Excess Vacancies 275 5.2.1 Rate of Heterogeneous Nucleation 276 5.3 Precipitate Growth 279 5.3.1 Growth behind Planar Incoherent Interfaces 279 5.3.2 Diffusion-Controlled Lengthening of Plates or Needles 283 5.3.3 Thickening of Plate-like Precipitates 285 5.4 Overall Transformation Kinetics-TIT Diagrams 287 5.5 Precipitation in Age-Hardening Alloys 291 5.5.1 Precipitation in Aluminium-Copper Alloys 291 GP Zones 291 Transition Phases 292 5.5.2 Precipitation in Aluminium-Silver Alloys 302 5.5.3 Quenched-in Vacancies 303 5.5.4 Age Hardening 304 5.5.5 Spin odal Decomposition 308 5.5.6 Particle Coarsening 314 Lowy 316 LowX 316 e LowD 317 5.6 The Precipitation of Ferrite from Austenite 317 5.7 Cellular Precipitation 322 5.8 Eutectoid Transformations 326 5.8.1 The Pearlite Reaction in Fe-C Alloys 326 Nucleation of Pearlite 327 Pearlite Growth 330 Pearlite in Off-Eutectoid Fe-C Alloys 333 5.8.2 The Bainite Transformation 334 Contents IX Upper Bainite 334 Lower Bainite 337 Transformation'Shears 337 5.8.3 The Effeet of Alloying Elements on Hardenability 338 5.8.4 Continuous Cooling Diagrams 344 5.8.5 Fibrous and Interphase Preeipitation in Alloy Steels 349 5.9 Massive Transformations 349 5.10 Ordering Transformations 358 5.11 Case Studies 366 5.11.1 Titanium Forging Alloys 366 5.11.2 The WeIdability of Low-Carbon and Mieroalloyed Rolled Steels 372 References 377 Further Reading 378 Exercises 379 6 Ditl"usionless Transformations 382 6.1 Characteristies of Diffusionless Transformations 383 6.1.1 The Solid Solution of Carbon in Iron 385 6.2 Martensite Crystallography 389 6.2.1 The Bain Model of the fec ~ bct Transformation 391 6.2.2 Comparison of Crystallographic Theory with Experimental Results 396 6.3 Theories of Martensite Nucleation 397 6.3.1 Formation of Coherent Nuclei of Martensite 398 6.3.2 Role of Dislocations in Martensite Nucleation 401 6.3.3 Disloeation Strain Energy Assisted Transformation 406 6.4 Martensite Growth 409 6.4.1 Growth of Lath Martensite 410 6.4.2 Plate Martensite 412 6.4.3 Stabilization 415 6.4.4 Effeet of External Stresses 415 6.4.5 Role of Grain Size 416 6.5 Pre-martensite Phenomena 416 6.6 Tempering of Ferrous Martensites 417 Carbon Segregation 420 €-Carbide 421 Cementite 422 Alloy Carbides 422 Effect of Retained Austenite 426 Recovery, Recrystallization and Grain Growth 426 Temper Embrittlement 427 6.7 Case Studies 428 6.7.1 Carbon and Low-Alloy Quenched and Tempered Steels 428 6.7.2 Controlled Transformation Steels 430