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Preview phase relations in transitional and alkali basaltic glasses from iceland

NORR NA ELDf JALLASTQStN NORDIC VOLCANOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 8202 UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND PHASE RELATIONS IN TRANSITIONAL AND ALKALI BASALTIC GLASSES FROM ICELAND by Peter Thy Nordic Volcanological Institute Reykjavik, Iceland 1 9 8 2 NORDIVCO LCANOLOGIICNASLT ITUT8E2 02 UNIVERSOIFT Y !CELANO PHASREE LATIOINNTS R ANSITIONAL ANDA LKALBIA SALTGILCA SSES FROMI CELAND by PetTehry NordViocl canolIongsitciatlu te ReykjaIvciekl,a nd 1 9 8 2 PHASREE LATIIONNT SR ANSITAINOONA ALLK ABLAIS ALTIC GLASSFERSOI MC ELAND Abstract Basaltgilca ssefsr omt he threael kalairce aosf I celand: SnaefellsVnoelsc anZiocn e,S udurleVnodl canZiocn ea nd VestmannaeVyojlacra nAirce ac ontapilna giocloalsiev,i ne, clinopyroxcehnreo,m iasnp ineta nd titanomagnetite as phenocrypshta sesT.h eg lassaerse n ephelitnohe y persthene normatailvek albia saltwiict hF eO/MgrOa tiobse twee1n. 4- 4.7. Olivinrea ngei n compositfiroonm F ogto Fo , 0 55 plag1oclafsreo m An toA n and clinopyroxefnreo m 90 50 En Fs wo to En Fs7wo• Clinopyroxerneev eals 45 10 45 40 1 43 systemaTtii:cA mLe tastacbrlyes talliztarteinodrnse latteod thec ompositoifo nt he enclosignlga ss.T wo typeso f phenocrayrsetp reseinntm osgtl asssehso winag bimodality in sizaen dc ompositiMoinc.r ophenocirsyt shteps h asmeo st Likeltyoh ave crystaflrloimtz heeed n closignlga ssw,h ile macrophenocmrayys htasv ec rystallifzreodma liquiodf a slightlleys se volved compoTshietg iloans.s sehso wc omplex phenocryst-grlealsast ionwsh ichc anb e relatetdo a polybareifcf ect.T hen ormatigvlea ssc ompostioanrse relatetdo divariasnutr facienst heb asaltte trahedarnodn definteh ep ositioofnt hef ourp hasec otectiLci ne.I n generawli thi ncreasFienOg/ MignOt heg lastsh ep henocryst assemblavgaersfy r omc linopyrooxleinvei,an ned p lagioclase alonga clinopyroxene-osluirvfiancteeo olivinaen d plagioclaasleo nga olivine-plagiosculrafsaec e.A deflectiiosn s eeni nt hen ormatiglvaes cso mpotsiionfsr om clinopyroxceonnet ainignlga sses ctloi nopyroxferneee glasses.T he appearanocfe p lagiocltaosgee thewrit h clinopyroaxnedon lei vicnaen b ee xplainiend t heL ighto f experimenitnavle stigatoifo nst heef fecotf p ressuorne phasree lationTsh.em ajoerl emevnatr iatiooft nh eg lasses is interpreatser de presenmtainntgld ee rivmeadg mbaa tches B-1 ofp rimarLyi quidmso difietdo varioudse grebey high, intermediaantde L owp ressucrrey stfarla ctionattoiwoanr ds equilibrpihuamsr ee latiodnusr inags cenatn dr esidenicne magmac hambersT.h e bimodaliints yi zea ndc ompositoifo n plagioclaansdoe l ivipnhee nocrycsatnbs e r elatteodh ight o intermedpiraetses ucrrey stfarla ctionaitnit ohnem elt.T he relativeevloyl vegdl assc ompositifornosm V estmannaeyjar (mugeariatned) F e-Tib asalgtl assefsr omS udurlaanred belivetdo be quenchehidg hp ressur(ew itho r without volatilecso)m positioonnlsy w ithm inorL owerp ressure crystfarla ctionation. O Tholeiitic --=5 0k m § Alkalic jarIIlllllJ Transitional Figur1e. Samplleo calit(ireesf etroT abl1e) a nd generoault lionfet hea ctivveo lcanziocn eosf I celand simplififerdo m Palmaso&n Saemundss(o1n9 74). Petrochemidciavli siboent wetehno leiitailck,a laincd transitiaolnkaall biacs albtass eodn J akobss(o1n9 72). Thet ransitizoonnaselh owas c omplienxt errelationship betwetehno leiitaelsk,a lain dF e-Tbia salt(sJ akobsson 19721,9 79I;m sla1n9d7 8)T.h eF e-Tbia salhtasv eb een referrteoda sa trantsiionaall kalsiecr ie(sJ akobsson 1979)S.n .V.-Z.S naefellVsonlecsa nZiocn eR;. V.Z-. ReykjaVnoelsc aniZco ne;S .V.Z-.S udurlaVnodl canic Zone. B-2 INTRODUCTION Alkalbia salptlsa ya ni mportarnotl e aibny sspaelt rogenesis ins pitoef t heilro wa bundan(cGea s1t9 68)A.l kalbia salts, togethewri tht holeiibtaisca lwtist hv ariabelner ichmienn t incompateilbelmee ntasp,p eatro b ec onfinetdo topographic highsa,b normcarlu sttahli cknessefsr aacntduz roen e(se .g. Shibateat al. 1979a).T hec loses patiraell ationship betwetehno leiietnidca lkalbia salitns interplaotcee anic islanhdass b een interipnrt eetremdos f d ifferecnotn ditions andg reatdeerp thosf a lkalmia gmgae nerat(ieo.ng .M cBirney & Gass1 967;G ast 19F6r8e;ey t a l. 1978)c,o mpositional variatiiontn h eimra ntlseo urc(eS u&n Hanso1n9 75o)r high pressufrrea ctionatfiroonmt holeii(tee. gM.a cdona1l9d6 8; MaalD&e P eters1e9n7 6). Thes ystemarteigci onaell ementvaalr iatiaonnd the, relativteo primitiMvied -OceRaind gbea saltusn,d epleted naturoef m ostt holeiitbiacs altisn thea ctivveo lcanic zoneso f Icelanadn d associaHtiedd- Ocaeraen ahsa veb een explainiend t he lighto f a mantlpel umet heory( e.g. Sigvalda1s9o7n4 )A. binarmya ntlseo urchea sb eena dvocated (Schilli1n9g7 3). Varioudse greeosf heterogeneties, previoduesp letieovne ntasn dm ixinign t hes ourcree gioann d int heo ceancircu sste emh,o wevetro,b ep referrbeads edo n tracee lemenatn d isotopset udie(se .g.O 'Nioentsa l. 1976W;o ode ta l. 1979Z;i ndleetra l. 1979).T he alkali basalthsa veb eena ttributteod a lowd egreoef p artial meltionfga relativuenldye pletmeadn tle( O'Nioents al. 1973;O 'Nion&s Granvo1l9d7 3a)n dm ayb er elatteodd eep­ seatefdr actuzroen ecsu ttitnhgi cckr ustpaill e[sS igurdsson 1970a)O.s karssetoa nl . (1982)h,o wever, proposed that alkalbia salitnsI celacnodu lhda veor iginaftreodmp artial meltionfga hydratoecde ancircu sats a resulotf a thermal impacftr oman a ctivrei ftz one. In the activveo lcanziocn eosf I celaanldk ali basalts arer estricttoet dh reaer ea(sF ig1.) , whichi n perta re separatfreodm t hem aint holeiirtiifctz one[ Jakobs1s9o7n2 ; Imslan1d9 78).A lkalbia saltasr e founidn t hew estward extendSinnage fellVsonlecsa niZco ne( Fig1.) . Them agma productihoans beenr elatteoda flanpko sitiroenl atitvoe thet holeiitriicf tz one( Jakobss1o9n7 2),d igressive spreadionfg p latet rappevdo lcanciecn tefrrso ma former rifste gmen(tO skarsestoa nl . 1982)a, transcurrfeanutl t zone (Sigurdss1o9n7 0a)o,r to en extincrti ftz one (Johanne1s9s8o0n) T.h eS udurleVnodl canZiocn e iisn, the southerpna rt, geinne rtarla nsititoona allk alibcu,ts hows a complreexl ationbsehtiwpe en tholaelikiatliaicnc,d Fe-Ti basaltty pes.T heF e-Ti bashaalvtebs e enr eferrteoda sa transitiaolnkaall sie rie(sJ akobs1s9o7n9 ).T heS udurland VolcanZiocn ec anb ev ieweads a southwaorfdf shforto mt he mainr iftz one( Jakobs1s9o7n2 S;a emunds1s9o7n8 )o,r m ay be a transgresvsoilvcea nziocn weh erveo lcaniissrm e generated ina coolipnlga tdeu et ot hermiamlp acftr oma na ctivrei ft zone[ Oskersesotan l . 1982)T.h eV estmannaeVyojlacra nic Areias d ominatbeyad l kalbia saltasn,dh asb eenv ieweads a southweaxrdt ensiooftn h eS udurlaVnodl canic (ZJoankeo bsson 1972a)n dt hed eepersetg eneraotfim oang mian transgressive volcani(sOms karsestoa nl . 1982). B-3 Petrogenemtoidce lfso ra lkalbia salhtasv em ainlbye en baseodn w holreo ckl avag eochemiswthreyr,ae c cumulatoifo n phenocrystcsa n restrict detcaoimlpeadr iswoint h experimepnhtaaslee q uilibrium stundaiteusr abloa ns altic systemsD.e tailaenda lysoefsr apidqluye nchmeadg mawsi th relativehliyg hp ropoorntsi of glassw illa llowl iquid variatiaonnd crystal-Lirqeuliadt iotnobs e s tudieTdh.e presecnotn triburteipoonr tthse resultosf majore lement analyseosfc oexistgilnags asn dp henocrpyhsats eisn a lkali basaltgilca ssferso mI celanTdh.e t ermg lasiss , following Bryan( 1979)u,s edt od enoteei thear r ocko ra phaseT.h e actuamle anisnhgo ulhdo,w evebre,c learf romt he context. The aim of the studyi s to examinteo w hate xtentth e phenocrayssste mbliasgi en e quilibrium thwei etnhc losing glassa,n d toc ompatrhee g lass compoasnidte iqouni librium phenocrywsittshe xperimepnhtaaslre e latioinns t he basalt system.T he ultimataei m is tos eet ow hate xtent is it possibtloee xplopreet rologciocn straionnt sp etrogenesis ande volutioofan l kalbia saltmiacg maisn I celand. PETROGRAPHY A totaolf 3 5s amploefsb asaltgilca ssferso m1 7l ocalities were stu(dFiiegd1. ) . Localitaineds p etrograpdheitca ils of thea nalysseadm plaerse g iveinn T abl1e. Them ajority oft hes ample(s3 1a)r eP leistocgelnaec iaolr subaquatic quenchegdl assesF.o urs amplefsr omV estmannaeayrjea r tephrfar omt her ecenStu rtseayn d Heimaeye ruptions (Thorarinsson 1916986;5T ,h orarinsesto anl . 1973; Jakobsestoa nl . 1973). All sampalreesh ighlvye siculaarn d fragmental, containindgi fferenatm ountso f phenocrystbsr,o wn translucseindte romegllaans so,p aquet achylitgel ass, palagonitigzleads s,h olocrystalblaisnael tiacn d rare silicgilca sfsr agments. stTuhdiiyss concernweidt ht he non-oxidisziedde romegllaans saensd t heiprh anocrysts. The relatiavmeo unotfsp henocryvsatrsi efsr omt racaem ounttso moret han2 5v ol.c%r ystalasnd,n oc orrelatbieotnw etehne amountosf phenocryasntds c hemistorfy theg lassi s observedA. morede tailsetdu doyf t hem odavla riatieonnd wholer ockm ajora nd tracee lemengte ochemisitsr iyn progress. All analyserse portewde rep erformed aw iftuhl ly automatAiRcL -SEmMiQc roprowbiet ho n-lindea tar eduction usinga standaarldp ha-faccotrorre ctpiroonc edurAe t.o tal ofo ver2 00p0o inatn alysweesr ceo mpilaenddu sed.A lli ron isc alculaatseF de Oe xcepwth ereo therwisstea ted.Th e precisiaonnda ccuraocfyt hem icropraonbael ysiessg iveinn Tabl2e. One standardde viatioonrn e plicaatnea lysaerse generalbleyl o0w. 50f orm ajoerl ementasn d0 .10f or minor elements. B-4 TABLE 1 Petrologidceatla ilosf thes amplesan d samplel ocalitiesT.h et ablien dicattehse m ineral assamblagperse senwti thitnh eg lasisn individusaalm ples Samplneo . macroehenoCElSCS micro�henoc�sts Locality COllllllents pl cpx ol pl cpx ol chr mt Snaefellsnes ICE x x x x KerlingarfJall hysloclasti1ee l(E x x x x KerlingarfJall hyaloclast1te I l KE )A x x x x Kerlingarfjall hysloclastite 1 ICE: 38 x x x x Kerlingarfjall hyalloacs!:it)e KE 4A x x x x Kelri ngfaj r l 11l hy11locl11s2t1 1ce 2 KE 48 x x x x Kerlingarfjall hyaloclast>i te GR x x x x Grettisbaeli hyllloclastite CR tr x x x x Grettisbaeli hyaloclast:ite RI x x xx x 1Uifsg1lll,i tarvatn hyalocLastite HI2 f x x xx x KlifagiBli,t arvatn hyaloc-laa3t) ite SI2 c x x xx x K.lifsgill!,i tarvatn hyalcclas3t) ite " EN x x xx xx x x EnniO,l afsvik hyaloclastite EN s x " xx x x x x EnniO,l afsvik hyaloclastite " S1'I x x xx x x StapafelSlu,p i hysloclastite ST 2 x x x xx x x x StapafelSlt,ap i hyaloclas4t1 ite Vestmannae�jar 4 VE 20 x x xx x Ellidaey hyaloclastli te VE 46 xx x l( x Brandur hyaloclastite " VE 49 x x x Hallisey hyaloclastite " 4 V£ 16 xx xx xx x SaefelBle,i maey hyaloclast)i te VE 112 xx x x EldfelRle,i .maey teph5r1a VE 156 xx x x Eldfel!lle,i .maey teph6r1a SU1 9 x ,ex xx xx x NE Surtsey teph7r1a SY x xx x x x Syrtlingur teph8r1a Sudurlar.d LA x x SW ofL aufafell hyaloclas9t1 ite LA x x SW cfL aufafel.l hyaloclastite RE x x x x tr Reidskard hyaloclastite RE 2 x x x eungurfiRte,l dskard hyaloclastite RE 4 x x x x x tr KerlingafjRaelild.s lcardh yaloclas1t01i te BA 1 x x x Bagafelslc ,f L aufafelhly aloclastit.e HA 2 )( x )( li&gafelsl o,f La ufafellh yaloclastite BA 3 tr x x x Sagafelslo, f L au.ffae ll hyaloclas4t1 ite HA 4A tr !iagafells,o fL aufafelhly aloclaset4i11t11 SA 4B tr x x BagafelSl o,f L aufafelhly aloclas1t11i te IIA s tr x " x Bagafelslo, ! L &ufafelhly aloclatset i " BA6 x x x Hagafelsl o,f L aufa!elhly aloclllstite B-5 pl- plagiocclpax-s ec,l inopyrool-x oelniev,i cnher-, c hromsipainn amlt-, t it.anomagnetite x -pre.se#n txx- abundantt,r -t.race.. 1)KE 3Ai sa coarse-rgerlaaitnuienvdce o nsolliadyaeatrboe dv ea fine-grmai.nienreadl l-aryiec(rhKE 3 8). 2)KE 4Ai sa coarse-grroacifknr eodtm h es amleo calaistKE y 4 8w hicihsa fine-grained rock. 3)B I2 ci sa coarse-gparratif nreodtm h es ames amplaes B I2 fw hicihsf roam f ine-grained layer. 4)S ampplaer tallyt erbeypd a lagonitization. 5)T epbfraal Jla n2.3 ,1 973. 61T ephfraal Mla y2 -31,9 73. 7)T ephfraal Nlo v1.9 6-3J an1.9 64. 6)T ephfraal Jlu n6e, 1 965. 9)Xenocryosfts si licgilca sasr eo ccasiopnraelsleyn t. 10Tw)o typeosfg lasasn dr arxee nocroyfsa tlsb ite. 11l H A4 Ai sf r0a1D l ighatn dB A4 8f roam d arcko louvraerdi etTyh.ed iffereinsdc uee t oh igcho ncentroaft ion cu.bicz eol!(taensa lcimient? hlel atter. Alls amplefsr oVme st:mannaareeyf jraotrmh ec ollectaitMo unsse oumf N aturHails toRrye,y kjavik. T A 8 2L. E Precisainodan c curoafcm yi croparnoabley ses WRAB-4 VG-A99 2 3 4 l 2 3 4 Sio 47.944 7.950 .5) 0.0 50.905 0.90 0.47 0.0 2 Tio 0.69 0.64 0.07 7.2 4.06 3.79 0.15 6.7 2 Alo 17.751 7.910 .24 0.9 12.971 2.260 .15 5.5 23 FeO 8.58 8.46 0.19 1.4 131.8 13.280 .25 0,6 MnO 0.1 2 0.17 0.034 17. 0.19 0.20 0.03 5.3 MgO 9.95 9.83 0.08 1.2 5.18 4.82 0.05 6.9 CaO 11.521 1.590 .11 0.6 9.38 9.41 o·.100.3 Nao 2.442.46 0.04 0.8 2.73 2.59 0.1 0 5.1 2 Ko 0.1 1 0.09 0.031 8.2 0.80 0.76 0.04 5.0 2 P0 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.0 0.41 0.46 0.051 2.2 25 Total 99.169 9.16 99.809 8.47 1. Accepatneadl yosfiW sR AB(-B4.E vanpse,r sc.o mm.a)n dV G-A(9J9a rosewich eta l.1 979b)a salgtliacs ses. 2. Averaogf5e 0 m icropanraolbyes es. 3.Ones tanddaervdi ation. 4.Percendteavgiea tfiroonam c cepantaeldy sis. B-6 Typeosf phenocrysts The termp henocriyssu ts edt o denaoltlec rystaflosu nidn theg lasssa mplreesg ardloefst sh eiorr iginT.h eo rigionf the varioutsy peso fp henocrywsitlslo nt heo thehra ndb e cruciianlo rdetro i nterprpehta sree lationTso.f acilitate thed iscussai doins tinctbieotnw eveanr iopuhse nocrtyyspte s isu sedt hroughtohuetp aper. Xenocryissa ts u seda true non-comagmatic crystal (i.e. likeltyo h avec rystallfirzoemad significadnitflfye reonrt moree volvleidq uicdo mposittihoentn h ato f thee nclosing glass).M icroa-nd macrophenocrysts were preliminarily classifaicecdo rditnosg i ze( 0.3m0m ).M ecrophenocrysts ere likeltyo b ec omagmapthiacs ebsu,t m ighth avec rystallized froma liquiodf a slightllye sse volvecdo mposition. Microphenocarryets htesp hasetsh atm ostl ikelcyr ystallized fromt hee nclosignlga ssM.i croliatreeos n lyp resenitn a few sampleasn d haveg eneralbleye na voideddu et ot he posisbiliotfym etastagbrloew tohr m oree volvesdt ageosf liquicdo mpositioMnasc.r ophenocarnydxs etnso cryasrtesi n genereaulh edrtaols ubhedreenld, msahyo wr esorptiwoint h embayegdr ainm arginesn d slighzto natioorno vergrowth. Microphenoctreynsdtt so be compositionhaolmloyg eneous, euhedreolr sometimsekse letalA.l l typeso ccasionally contaiinnc lusioofng sl ass. Ordeorf n ucleation Determinaotfio ornd ero f nucleatiaosn r ecordeidn the mutuailn tergroowft ht he minerpahla seiss i mportafnotr understanpdhiansge equialnidbp reitar ogeneBsoitsh.m i cro­ andm acrophenocorcycsuitrns g eneraals discretcrey stals inidcatingh omogeneounsu cleatiofnr om the melt. Monominercalluisct erinpga,r ticularolfy olivineo r clinyorpoxenea,n d morer arelpyo lymineraclliucs tering betweemna ficp haseasn d plagiclasies, occasionally observedA. few exampleosf 'bow-tiaen'd radiating intergrobwetthw ecelni nopyrooxreo nlei vine and plagioclase are seeni n the Sudurlegnlda ssebsu t rareliyn the Snaefellsanneds V estmannaegyljaasrs es.T hesel etetr texturecasn be interpreetser de sultifnrogm s imultaneous nucleatainodnc rystgarlo wtfhr oma commonnu cleu(sB ryan 1979),w hereasg lomerocrymsatys indicatsee condary nucleatuipoonne arlipehre nocrpyhsats e(sD owt1y9 80).I n somes amplepsl agiocloacsceu rass r arem inutlea thosn ly CKET,a bl1e) . Thism ay indicatae Laten ucleatioofn plagioclesree lativet o olivine{ Jekobss1o9n7 9). Corresponcdoinnsgi deratciaonn bse appltioe dt he rare occurrenocfe o livinien theF e-Tgil assferso mS udurland (HA). A clossep atiraell ationship cbhertowmeiseepnni nealn d olivine ptooia n dtesp endennuctl eatoifo nc hromiasnp inal on olivinger owth.V eroyf tecnh romisapni neils fouinnd clusteirnsc ludiend o r closelayt tachetdo the olivine phenocrystTsi.t anomagneotcictuer ass primardyi screte phenocryisntt sh eg lasbsu ta lsoa s inclusioinns o livine and occasionailnlp yl agioclaTshees. p ineplh asies h ence ane arlnyu cleatpihnags beu tw itha dependent nucleation of chromisapni naoln o livignreo wt(hT h1y9 82). B-7 Phenocrayssste mblages Systematriecg ionaclh angeasr er ecordiendt hep henocryst assemblawgietsh iann db etwetehne v arioussu barea(sT able 1). Thes malsli zeo fa thin section qmuaeksetsi ointa ble whethtehre m acrophenoacsrsyesmtb laigne sT abl1e canb e takena s representaftoirv teh es amplaen,d t hef ollowing discussiwoinl lf or thisr easonb e limitedt o the microphenocarsyssetm blageAsl.s ot he smalln umbeorf samplesr estricttsh e representatiavnidt yf urther investigatmiaoynv se ryw ellc hangteh e generpaalt tern outlinbeedl ow. SneefellVsonlecsa nZiocn eO.l ivisnter ongldyo minatoevse r plagioclaisne m osts amplefsr omS naefellsnwehse,r eas clinopyroixseo nnel yf ounidn a fews ample(sT abl1e) . Four samplefsr omt he westerpna rt( STE,N ; Fig.1 ) contain microphenocorfy sotlsi vinpel,a gioclaansdce l inopyroxene. Chromisapni naalr e presenats euhedrailn clusioinns olivineb,u t are alsof ounads d iscrectrey stailnsg lass adjacetnoto livineF.u rtheears twarCdKsE c)l inopyroixse ne notf ounads a microphenoactra ylslt anpdl agiocloacsceu r onlya sa subordinmaitcer ophenocryst.d omOilniavtaiennsde chromiasnp inails stillp resentF.u rtheears tC HIG,A ) plagiocliassa en a bundapnhte nocrtyosgte ther owliitvhi ne, andc hromisapni nails o nlyp reseinntt heG Rs amples. Previoupse trograpahnidcm ineralogiwcoarlko nt he alkali basraolctkioscf t heS naefellVsonelsc aniZco neh as mainlbye enc oncernweidt ht hee volutioofvn o lcanciecn ters froml ateT ertiary, during tQou Raetceernntat riym es (Sigurds1s9o7n0 bJ;o hannes1s9e7n5 }.S igurds(s1o9n7 0b) describaeldk albia saltfsr omt heS etberagr eas howing evolutitoon benmoritaensd possailbklaylr ih yoliteIsn. theb asaltosf thisse riepsh enocryasrtes o livinaen d plagioclbauste c linopyrooxcecnuer s ionna l fy ews amples. Apatei toccurass phenocryisnt rockso f mugearitic composition,r araenC da -poor pyroaxreefn oeusn idn the groundmaJsosh.a nnes(s1e9n7 5d1e scribterda nsitioannadl alkalib asaltsf romt he extremeea sterpna rto f the SnaefenlelsVs olcanZiocn ec ontainpihnegn ocryosft osl ivine and plagioclaCslei.n opyropxheenneo crywsetrsen otetdo b e raree xcepitn h awaiitliacv asA.d ditiognraolu ndmpahsass es areF e-Toix idecsl,i nopyroaxnedn rea reC a-poor pyroxene. The findingisn thisst udayr ei na ccordawnicteht hosoef Sigurds(s1o9n7 0abn)d J ohannes(s1e9n7 5). SudurlaVnodl caniZco ne.T he Sudurlagnlda ssessh owt wo difefrentt ypeso fp henocrayssste mbla(gTeasb l1e)r elated tot hec ompositoifot nh e glassesA. Fe-Tib asalgtl ass containpsl agioclacslei,n opyroxaennde r areloyl ivine. Titanomagniesto intleyf ounads a phenocriynst tw oo ft hese samplesA.n alkalbia salgtl assc ontainpsl agioclase, olivinaen d sometimcelsi nopynreo.x Oenltyr acaem ounotfs chromisapni naalr ef oun(dT abl1e} . TheS udurland VoZlocnaewn aisic n vestigaitne dde tail by Jakobsso(n1 979)w,h od istinguissheevde raRle cent volcaniscy stemwsi the ithetrh oleiitoirc t ransitional alkalcio mpositioTnhse. l attesre rieiss r eferrteodi n thipsa pears F e-Tbia saltsT.h em icrophenoacsrsyesmtb lages

Basaltic glasses from the three alkalic areas of Iceland: Snaefellsnes 10420 C. The thermometer calibrated by Fisk et al. (1978) for Icelandic
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