Phase Description of Stochastic Oscillations ∗ Justus T. C. Schwabedal and Arkady Pikovsky Department of Physics and Astronomy, Potsdam University, 14476 Potsdam, Germany Weintroduceaninvariantphasedescription ofstochastic oscillations bygeneralizing theconcept of standard isophases. The average isophases are constructed as sections in thestate space, having a constant mean first return time. The approach allows to obtain a global phase variable of noisy oscillations, even in the cases where the phase is ill-defined in the deterministic limit. A simple numerical method for finding the isophases is illustrated for noise-induced switching between two coexistinglimitcycles,andfornoise-inducedoscillationinanexcitablesystem. Wealsodiscusshow to determine the isophases for experimentally observed irregular oscillations, providing a basis for a refined phasedescription of observed oscillatory dynamics. 3 1 PACSnumbers: 05.40.Ca,05.45.Xt,05.10.-a 0 2 Phase reduction is the basic tool in the characteri- surface equals T for all points on it. Thus, to find an n zation of self-sustained, autonomous oscillators. With isophase surface is equivalent to find a Poincar´e surface a J a reasonably defined phase variable, one obtains a one- of section with the constant return time T. 9 dimensional representation of the oscillator, allowing to For a noisy system we define the isophase surface J 2 describe important aspects of its dynamics, such as reg- as a Poincar´esurface of section, for whichthe meanfirst ularity, sensitivity to forcing and noise, etc [1–3]. Fur- return time J J, after performing one full oscillation, ] → D thermore, the concept of phase reduction is substantial is a constant T, having a meaning of the average oscil- for the data analysis of oscillatory processes in physics, lation period. In order for isophases to be well-defined, C chemistry,biology,andtechnicalapplications,wherevar- oscillations have to be well-defined as well: amplitudes . n ious approaches exist for extracting phases from oscilla- should always remain positive (so that one can reliably i l tory time series [4–8]. recognize a “full oscillation”). Otherwise the concept of n To understand many properties of oscillating systems, phase is not well-defined for a random process, and the [ such as their phase resetting and synchronizability, it is isophases are not meaningful. 1 important to define the phases not only for the purely Analytical calculations of the mean first return time v periodic motion, but for the whole state space. In the (MFRT) is a complex problem in dimensions larger 2 5 theory of deterministic oscillations this is done via so- than one, therefore below we apply a simple numer- 8 called isochrones [9], by attributing to a state with an ical algorithm for construction of the isophases: an 6 arbitraryamplitude the phase ofa pointonthe limit cy- initial Poincar´e section is iteratively altered until all 1. cle, to which this state asymptotically converges. In this mean return times are approximately equal. In two- 0 letter we generalizethis concept to irregular,noisy oscil- dimensional systems for which isophases are lines, we 3 lators. The main idea is based on the definition of the represent Poincar´e sections by a linear interpolation in 1 isophases by virtue of the mean first passage time con- between a set of knots. For each knot x , the average : j v cept. We will first apply our method to noise-perturbed return time T is computed via the Monte Carlo simu- j i deterministic oscillators for which the isophases can be lation. According to the mismatch of T and the mean X j compared with deterministic isochrones. Furthermore, period T , the knot x is advanced or retarded. The r h i j a we will consider examples for which the isochrones and procedure is repeated with all knots, until it converges even the oscillations themselves disappear in the deter- and all return times T are nearly equal to T . j h i ministic limit. The method will be also applied to noise- Before proceedingto different applications ofthis pro- perturbed chaotic oscillations. Finally, we will demon- cedure, we discuss the importance of knowing isophases strate its applicability to experimentally observed time for noisy oscillations. The first important application series. is that of phase resetting. Phase resetting curve deter- We start by reminding the standard definition of mineshowanoscillatorrespondstoanexternalkick,this isophases (which in this case are also isochrones) in de- response determines synchronization properties of oscil- terministic systems with a stable limit cycle x0(t) = lator [10, 11]. For deterministic oscillators the phase re- x0(t+T)havingperiodT. First,onedefinesthephaseon sponse curve is determined just from the isochrone to the limit cycle ϕ(x0). Then, being observedstroboscopi- which the kick shifts the state of the system from the cally with time interval T,all the points x that converge limitcycle. Forirregularoscillatorsthe properdefinition to a particular point on the cycle x0 having the phase of the phase response curve is based on the first passage ϕ(x0). These points form a Poincar´e surface of section time [12], so to determine it one has to find to which J(ϕ(x0)) for the trajectories of the dynamical system, isophase, as defined above, the system is shifted by the with the special property that the return time to this kick (note that in the limit of small noise, perturbative 2 approaches for the phase dynamics do the job [13, 14]). arbitrary The secondapplicationisinthe analysisofexperimental analytic 0.4 dataofcoupledoscillators(cf.[4–8]). Thereoneneedsto numeric determine the phase dynamics from the time series, this taskisrelativelysimpletoaccomplishifthevariationsof 0.2Te j6.4 the amplitudes are very small so that the definition of a ) m6.3 phase-like variable along the observed limit cycle is un- n(θ 0.0n ti ambiguous. However, in the presence of large irregular rsi tur6.2 amplitude variations, the phase characterization of the re6.1 0.9 1.0 1.1 oscillations is not unique (cf. Fig. 6 below). Proceeding −0.2 radius rj according to the given above definition of the isophases −0.4 asthe linesonthe two-dimensionalembeddingplane,for which the mean return times do not depend on the am- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 rcos(θ) plitudes, allows us to get rid of the ambiguity and to determine the phase in a consistent way. We stress here that in our definition of the isophases FIG. 1. (color online) The average isophase for noise-driven we do not assume Markovian property of the process, if oscillator [Eq. 1] with ω = 1,κ=1,σ = 0.15,γ =1 in carte- sian coordinates. The inset shows the reduction of the vari- the dynamics is non-Markovian, then the definition of ations of the MFRT compared to an arbitrary cross-section. the MFRT includes averaging over the “prehistory” or The numerically-derived isophase shows minor differences to hidden variables as well. To illustrate this we consider theanalytic approximation [Eq. 2]. as the first example a simple Stuart-Landau oscillator (variablesr,θ)perturbedbyanOrnstein-Uhlenbecknoise (OUN) ζ(t): new,globalisophases. Tothisendweanalyzethefollow- ing modeloftwocoexistingstable limitcycles,drivenby r˙ =r(1 r2)+σrζ(t), θ˙ =ω κ(r2 1), white noise: − − − (1) γζ˙ = ζ+√γξ(t) , − r˙ =r(1 r)(3 r)(c r)+σξ(t) , − − − (3) where ξ(t) denotes a δ-correlated white noise, γ is the θ˙ =ω+δ(r 2) (1 r)(3 r) . − − − − correlation time of the OUN, ω is the frequency of the noise-freelimit cycle,andκ is anonisochronicityparam- Without noise, the system shows two limit cycles rI = eter. In the state space r,θ,ζ the process is Markovian, 1,rII = 3 (which have the same frequency if δ = 0), but on the two-dimensional plane r,θ it is not. Nev- separated by an unstable cycle at r = c. Each of the ertheless, by the method described we obtain numer- stable cycles has its own isophases, which meet singu- ical isophase for which the MFRT is nearly constant larly (as infinitely rotating spirals) at the basin bound- (Fig. 1). This isophase can be obtained also from the ary r = c. With noise, trajectory switches between the following analytic approximation. First, we introduce a basins,sothatcombinedmixed-modeoscillationsinvolv- “corrected” phase variable ψ = θ κlnr which obeys ing both cycles occur. By applying our method, we find ψ˙ =ω+σκ(γζ˙ √γξ(t)). Averagin−gthis expressionand the isophases of these oscillations in the whole range of identifyingω =−ϕ˙ whereϕisthecorrectuniformlyrotat- theamplitudes,asshowninFig.2. While forsmallnoise ingphase,weobtainϕ=ψ σκγζ. Inthisexpressionwe amplitudearesidueofthesingularityatthebasinbound- haveto accountfor correlat−ionsofζ andr, to obtainthe ary is clearly seen, for a strong noise the isophases are isophases on the plane (θ,r). Assuming that r follows rather smooth curves. ζ(t) adiabatically, we obtain σζ r2 1, what leads to Another example where otherwise singular isophases ≈ − the following expression for the isophases aresmearedbynoiseisthatofchaoticoscillations. Many chaotic attractorsallow a representationin terms of am- ϕ=θ κlnr κγ(cid:0)r2 1(cid:1) . (2) plitudes and phases [3, 15, 16], but because the phase − − − generally performs a chaos-induced diffusion, isophases Isophase following from this formula is compared with in the strict sense do not exist. Recently, description of numerical one in Fig. 1. Interestingly, the noise-induced chaoticoscillationsintermsofapproximateisophaseshas correction (last term in (2)) does not contain parameter been suggested [17]. With noise, the return times to a σ,butthe rangewherethis correctionisvalid r 1 .σ Poincar´esurface of a strange attractor can be defined in | − | shrinks with the noise amplitude. the averaged sense only, and in this respect there is no Whileinthesimplestexampleabovetheeffectofnoise difference between chaotic and regular deterministic os- is in the correction of the deterministic isochrones only, cillators. Thus, the procedure of finding isophases based we consider now a situation where local isophases of dif- ontheconstancyoftheMFRTscanbeappliedtochaotic ferentperiodicmotionsare“mixed”bynoiseresultingin systemsaswell,asisillustratedinFig.3fortheRoessler 3 3 For 0<ω κ <1 there is a stable state at r0 =1,θ0 = − σ=0.2 π arccos(ω κ) and an unstable state at r1 = 1,θ1 = − − σ=0.3 π+arccos(ω κ)(atω κ=1theygiverisetoaperiodic 2 σ=0.4 oscillation v−ia a SNIP−ER bifurcation). Noise (σ = 0) 6 ) 1 excites the state r0,θ0 beyond r1,θ1 and produces noise- θ n( induced oscillations (Fig. 4). For strong excitability and rsi 0 small noise, the phase is well- defined, and the isophases can be introduced as curves with constant MFRTs. We −1 show ten isophases in Fig. 5 (examples Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 have been rotationally symmetric, so one drawing of one −2 isophase was sufficient, here the rotational symmetry is −1 0 1 2 3 4 rcos(θ) broken). Theeffectofthenoiseintensityontheisophases is maximal at θ π, i.e. in the region of excitability ≈ FIG.2. (coloronline)Isophasesofbistableoscillationsmixed where the oscillations spend most of the time; in the bynoise,inmodel(3)withω=3,c=1.8,δ=0anddifferent “deterministic” region θ < π/2 the isochrones are less | | noiseintensities. Solidredcurvesarestablecycles,thedashed sensitive to noise. curveis theunstable cycle representing thebasin boundary. 1.5 model 1.0 0.5 x˙ = y z+σξ1(t) , x(t) 0.0 − − −0.5 y˙ =x+0.16y+σξ2(t) , (4) −1.0 −1.5 z˙ =0.2+z(x 10) , 2π200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 − 3π/2 withuncorrelatedGaussianwhitenoisesinxandy com- ponents. θ π π/2 0 0 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 σ=0.1 time t −2 σ=0.05 −4 σ=0.01 FIG. 4. At ω =1.99, κ=1, and σ =0.6, system (5) shows seemingly self-sustained oscillations (with some rather noisy −6 patches as well), where indeed oscillations are noise-induced. y −8 Top panel: variable x(t)=rcosθ, bottom panel: θ(t). −10 −12 1.5 σ=0.2 −14 σ=0.4 1.0 σ=0.6 −16 −12 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 x 0.5 FIG.3. (color online)Isophases ofthenoise-drivenRoessler y chaotic system (4), for different noise intensities σ. Smaller 0.0 noise leads to less smooth curves. Grey dots show the deter- ministic Roessler attractor. −0.5 −1.0 Our final example are noise-induced oscillations in an excitable system, which without noise has just a stable −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 x steady state, so deterministic isophases do not exist in anysense. Withnoise,suchasystemdemonstratesoscil- FIG. 5. (color online). Average isophases of Eq. (5) at lations which may be quite regular in the case of coher- ω =1.99 and κ=1 vary with noise intensity σ as indicated. ence resonance [18]. To build the model, we modify the Largernoiseintensitymakesthesystemlessisochronous,let- noisy Stuart-Landau oscillator, with y- polarized noise, tingaverageisophasesshowstrongercurvature. (Background to perform noise-induced oscillations: trajectoryofnoise-inducedoscillations(greyline)corresponds to thestrong noise case σ=0.6.) 2 r˙ =r(1 r )+σrcosθ ξ(t) , − (5) θ˙ =ω+rcosθ κr2+σsinθ ξ(t) . A practical definition of the isophases for which the − 4 MFRTisconstant,isstraightforwardfornumericalmod- Furthermore, we have demonstrated applicability of the els ofirregularoscillatorsas illustratedabove,but it can methodtoirregularexperimentaldata. Thedefinitionof be used for experimentally observed signals as well. For isophases in noisy systems has two potential application this purpose one needs a two-dimensional embedding of fields: in the data analysis, where it allows one to per- observedoscillations, which can be, e.g., achievedby us- form a consistent phase reduction for signals with large ingtheHilberttransformofthesignalasthesecondvari- amplitude variations, and in the synchronization theory, able. In Fig. 6 we present such a representation of mea- serving at a determining of phase responses to external surements of human respiration, taken from the Phys- kicks. ionet database [19]. One can see that the oscillations J. 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