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by  H. Oike
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Preview Phase-change memory function of correlated electrons in organic conductors

Phase-change memory function of correlated electrons in organic conductors H. Oike,1 F. Kagawa,1,2,∗ N. Ogawa,1 A. Ueda,3 H. Mori,3 M. Kawasaki,1,4 and Y. Tokura1,4 1RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako 351-0198, Japan 2CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Tokyo 102-0076, Japan 3Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan 4Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan (Dated: January 15, 2015) Phase-change memory (PCM), a promising candidatefor next-generation non-volatile memories, exploits quenched glassy and thermodynamically stable crystalline states as reversibly switchable 5 state variables. We demonstrate PCM functions emerging from a charge-configuration degree of 1 freedom in strongly correlated electron systems. Non-volatile reversible switching between a high- 0 resistivity charge-crystalline (or charge-ordered) state and a low-resistivity quenched state, charge 2 glass, is achieved experimentally via heat pulses supplied by optical or electrical means in organic n conductors θ-(BEDT-TTF)2X. Switching that is one order of magnitude faster is observed in a anotherisostructuralmaterialthatrequiresfastercoolingtokineticallyavoidchargecrystallization, J indicating that the material’s critical cooling rate can be useful guidelines for pursuing a faster 4 correlated-electron PCM function. 1 PACSnumbers: 71.27.+a,71.30.+h,42.79.Ta,84.32.Dd ] l e - When liquid crystallizes upon cooling, minute crystal- denotes bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene and X de- r t lites nucleate with a finite probability and subsequently notes an anion] [Fig. 1(a)]. The non-volatile switching s grow in size. Because these processes proceed in a lim- between a high-resistivity charge-crystalline state and a . t ited temperature range below the melting temperature low-resistivityquenchedchargeglassisachievedviaboth a m Tm [1], crystallization can be kinetically avoided when optical and electrical means. Our results indicate that the temperature range is quickly passed through, re- charge-ordering systems can be potential candidates for - d sulting in a metastable glassy state [2, 3]. Such crys- a new class of PCM. n tal/glass formation kinetics underlies the operation of o chalcogenidephase-changememory(PCM)[4–10],which FordemonstratingaPCMfunctionemergingfromcor- c is widely used for optical data storage and is currently related electrons, θ-(BEDT-TTF)2X appears to be a [ underdevelopmentfornext-generationnonvolatilemem- paradigmatic system. θ-(BEDT-TTF)2X is a layered 2 ory applications: in the crystal-to-glass transformation, material composed of the conducting BEDT-TTF layer v the local temperature is increased above the T using and the insulating anion X layer [Fig. 1(a)] [11]. The m 3 optical or electricalpulses, and subsequent rapidcooling transport properties for X = RbZn(SCN)4 (denoted as 7 leadstotheformationoftheglassystate;toswitchback, θ-RbZn) and the schematics of the electronic states [12– 8 2 a relatively long pulse with a moderate intensity is ap- 17]aresummarizedinFigs.1(b)and1(c),respectively;at 0 pliedtoannealtheglassy-formmaterialatatemperature hightemperatures,thecharges(holes)areitinerantinthe . above the glass transition temperature T (< T ), and BEDT-TTFlayer,and the molecular valence is spatially 1 g m the crystallizationproceeds while the pulse is exerted on uniform (+0.5). The charge state can therefore be re- 50 the material. Data processing is conducted on the basis ferredtoasliquid-like(“chargeliquid”). At≈195K,the 1 of a large difference in resistivity or optical reflectivity system undergoes a first-order transition into a Wigner- : between the two forms. typecharge-orderedstate,inwhichhole-rich(+0.85)and v hole-poor(+0.15)sitesarearrangedperiodically(crystal- i X An exotic class of PCM that does not rely on melt- like). This charge ordering, or “charge crystallization”, r ing of the crystal of atoms or molecules may be de- is accompanied by a structural change, and θ-RbZn can a signed if liquid-, crystal-, and glass-like electronic states therefore be viewed as a charge-lattice coupled system. are all incorporated in a single solid; however, the When θ-RbZn is cooled faster than the critical cooling unique memory concept that harnesses a quenched non- rate Rc (≈ 8×10−2 K/s), the charge crystallization is equilibrium state of matter as well as a thermodynam- kinetically avoided, and consequently, the charge liquid ically stable state has thus far been demonstrated ex- is frozen into a “charge glass” [16], in which the molec- clusively in an aggregation of atoms. In this Rapid ular valence is broadly distributed from site to site [17]. Communication, we demonstrate PCM functions emerg- Suchcooling-rate-dependentbifurcationofthechargeliq- ing from a charge-configurationdegree of freedom in or- uid is reminiscent of the situation in atomic/molecular ganicconductorsθ-(BEDT-TTF) X [whereBEDT-TTF liquids, including the chalcogenide PCM. Analogous to 2 the chalcogenide PCM, therefore, we can envisage that by applying heat pulses with appropriate intensity and period, the high-resistivity charge crystal can be trans- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] formed into a low-resistivity charge glass through the 2 (a) Rb/Tl/Cs Zn/Co (c) Charge crystal Conducting (b) Charge “θ-RbZn” +0.85 BEDT-TTF layer 104 crystal slow cooling Insulating m) anion layer c Ω 102 y ( +0.15 stivit Charge RESET S S esi 100 liquid R S S Charge Charge glass Charge liquid b S S glass rapid cooling SET +0.5 a S S 10-2 0 100 200 300 BEDT-TTF Temperature (K) c a FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) The crystal structure of θ-(BEDT-TTF)2X [X = RbZn(SCN)4, TlCo(SCN)4, and CsZn(SCN)4]. The conducting BEDT-TTF layer viewed from the b-axis is also shown. The room-temperature space group is I222, and the unit cells are indicated by rectangles. (b) The temperature dependence of the resistivity during cooling with different temperature-sweeping rates in θ-(BEDT-TTF)2RbZn(SCN)4 (denoted by θ-RbZn). (c) A scheme for therewritable switching ofthecorrelated-electronphase-changememoryimplementedusingθ-(BEDT-TTF)2X. Thechargestatesatthetemperatures indicated by closed dots in (b) are the charge liquid, the charge crystal, and the charge glass; their schematic structures are illustrated in (c). To verify the concept of the PCM function emerg- ing from correlated electrons, we performed two-probe resistance measurements under the irradiation of a cw laserdiode. Priortothis experiment, θ-RbZnwasslowly cooledto100Ksothattheentiresamplecouldturninto a high-resistivity charge crystal. Figure 2(a) shows the typical phase-change behavior, along with the deduced local-temperature protocol at a laser spot [Fig. 2(b)]. In the SET process, a laser with an average power density of 110 W/cm2 (1.4 mW on a 40-µmφ spot) was irradi- ated for one second. After the laser was turned off, the resistance was reduced by approximately two orders of magnitude,indicatingthataconductivepatchcomposed of the low-resistivity charge glass was created near the surface in the matrix of the charge crystal. The emer- gence of the metastable charge glass can be rationalized by postulatingthat inresponseto the activationandde- FIG.2: (Coloronline)(a,b)Single-cycleoperationoftheSET and RESET processes by optical means in θ-RbZn mounted activation of the SET laser, the local temperature was on a sample holder at 100 K. The two-probe resistance and heatedabovethecharge-orderingtemperatureTco(≈195 thededucedlocal temperatureat thelaser spot areshown in K) and subsequently rapidly cooled to the environmen- (a) and (b), respectively, as a function of time. The hatches tal (or sample holder) temperature, 100 K [Fig. 2(b), in denotethedurationoftheSETandRESETlaserirradiation. which inevitable temperature inhomogeneities due to a Theopticalmicroscopeimageofthesamplesetupisdisplayed Gaussian distribution of the laser intensity are ignored intheinsetto(a). (c)Repetitiveoperation ofthecorrelated- for simplicity]. In the RESET process, laser with a rel- electron phase-change memory function under the SET and atively weak intensity (80 W/cm2) was irradiated for a RESET laser irradiation. longerduration(200s). Duringtheirradiation,theresis- tance gradually increased with time, which corresponds to a phase conversion from the metastable charge glass charge liquid (“SET” process), and moreover, the pro- tothethermodynamicallystablechargecrystalatanele- duced charge glass reverts to the charge crystal (“RE- vatedtemperaturebelowT (seealsoSupplementalMa- co SET” process) [Fig. 1(c)]. 3 RbZn, the charge-glass-formingability is correlatedwith the anisotropy of the BEDT-TTF triangular lattice pa- rameters, c/p [Fig. 3(a), inset] [20]; as summarized in Fig. 3(a,b), a θ-RbZn analogue with a more anisotropic triangular lattice, θ-(BEDT-TTF) TlCo(SCN) (de- 2 4 noted by θ-TlCo), exhibits a higher T (≈ 245 K) and co a higher R (> 2.5 K/s)[20], whereas the more isotropic c one, θ-(BEDT-TTF) CsZn(SCN) (“θ-CsZn”), exhibits 2 4 no charge crystallization on the laboratory time scale [21–23], presumably owing to the extremely low R (< c 1.7×10−3 K/s). Therefore, in terms of R , θ-TlCo with c the most anisotropic triangular lattice appears to be a candidate material for the faster correlated-electron PCMfunction. Althoughthe relativelyhighR hasthus c far precluded kinetic avoidance of the charge crystalliza- tion in θ-TlCo experimentally, the present approach us- ingfocusedlaserirradiationproducesalocaltemperature variationatapproximately1×103K/s(seeSupplemental MaterialFig.S2[18]),whichwasfoundtosurpasstheR c ofθ-TlCo;thelow-resistancestatewascreatedinθ-TlCo after irradiation by laser light, analogous to the case in θ-RbZn (see Supplemental Material Fig. S1 [18]). FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) Generic phase diagram of θ- (BEDT-TTF)2X plotted with respect totheratio of thetwo Having achieved the SET process in the two different triangular lattice parameters, c/p. The definitions isostructural compounds, a comparison of the charge- ofthelatticeparameters, candp,areillustrated intheinset. crystallization time can be now made. Figures 3(c) (b)CriticalcoolingrateRcasafunctionofc/p. Highervalues and3(d) display the time evolutionof the charge-crystal ofRc indicatealowercharge-glass-formingability. (c,d)The growth in θ-RbZn and θ-TlCo, respectively, under the time evolutions of theresistance in thecharge-crystallization RESET laser irradiation,whose intensities were eachset process for θ-RbZn (c) and θ-TlCo (d) under irradiation by to the optimal value whereby the maximal ratio of the theRESET lasers. resistanceswitchingisproduced(seeSupplementalMate- rialFig.S3[18]). Notethatθ-TlCoexhibitsfastertrans- formation into the charge crystal; using a fit to a phe- terialFig.S1[18]). Whentheirradiationceased,thelocal nomenological relaxation equation (Supplemental Mate- temperature revertedto the environmentaltemperature, rialFig.S3[18]),the characteristicrelaxationtimeτ can andtheresistancethusreturnedtotheinitialvalue. The be estimated to be ≈11 s for θ-TlCo and ≈170 s for θ- write/erase operation of the low-resistivity charge-glass RbZn. The one order of magnitude faster τ in θ-TlCo is patch is repeatable [Fig. 2(c)], providing a proof of con- consistent with the working hypothesis, demonstrating cept for the rewritable and non-volatile PCM function thatfindingamaterialwithalowercharge-glass-forming emerging from correlated electrons. ability can be a guiding principle for developing a faster When considering the performance of the memory correlated-electronPCM. function, we found that the “chargecrystallization”pro- Finally, we demonstrate that the correlated-electron cess in θ-RbZn is rather slow, on the order of 102 s. PCM function is compatible with electrical operation, Nevertheless, the slow kinetics appears to be plausible in which the phase conversion is achieved by harness- given that the targeted compound θ-RbZn has a low Rc ing Joule heating. Figure 4(a) shows the current-voltage (≈8×10−2K/s)andgiventhatatomic/molecularliquids (I-V) characteristics of θ-TlCo connected in series to a with low Rc (or, equivalently, high glass-formingability) loadresistor(≈ 30 kΩ)that were measuredunder asym- generally tend to exhibit low crystallizationrates [1]; for metric triangular voltage pulses (for details, see Supple- instance, the crystallization requires more than 106 s in mental Material Fig. S4 [18]). In the SET process, the thearchetypalgoodglassformerSiO2withRc≈2×10−4 current through the circuit is initially small but steeply K/s [1], whereas the process requires less than 10−8 s in increases when the voltage exceeds some critical value, the chalcogenide-PCM [9, 10], of which Rc is typically indicating a switch to a low-resistance state, which per- ∼109-1011 K/s [19]. Such a qualitative understanding of sists even after the cessation of the SET pulse; the cre- the slow kinetics in θ-RbZn led to the working hypoth- ated low-resistance state can be subsequently initialized esis that a faster correlated-electron PCM function can byapplyinganasymmetrictriangularvoltagepulse with befoundinamaterialwithahigherRc (or,equivalently, a relatively weak intensity and a long duration (the RE- lower “charge-glass-formingability”). SET process). We also found that simple rectangular In pursuing the faster correlated-electron PCM func- voltage pulses are sufficient for such resistive switching tion, we noted that in the isostructural family of θ- if an appropriate magnitude and duration are chosen 4 Because the concept of correlated-electronPCM func- tion is based on the kinetic avoidance of a first-order charge-crystallization transition, various classes of com- pounds, including transition-metal oxides as well as or- ganic conductors, can be potential candidates for use in correlated-electronPCM.Giventhatcrystallizationrates in atomic/molecular liquids may vary by more than ten ordersofmagnitudeaccordingtotheirglass-formingabil- ity [1, 24], charge-crystallization rates should be signifi- cantly material dependent as well, although little is cur- rently known about this issue. In some materials, the charge-crystallization rate (or the critical cooling rate) maybequitehigh,andhence,acoolingratefarabove103 K/s may be required to reachquenched electronic states hiddenbehindlong-rangeorderedstates;conversely,such a situation hints at the possibility for a high-speed correlated-electron PCM function once quenched elec- tronic states are stabilized by applying hitherto-untried quenching rates. In summary, we have demonstrated PCM functions emerging from a charge-configuration degree of free- dom in organic conductors θ-(BEDT-TTF) X [X = 2 RbZn(SCN) and TlCo(SCN) ] . Repeatable switching FIG. 4: (Color online) (a) The current-voltage characteris- 4 4 tics of θ-TlCo connected in series toa load resistor of 30 kΩ, between a charge-crystalline state and quenched charge measured under asymmetric triangular voltage pulses. The glass is achieved via heat pulses supplied by optical or schematic of the electrical circuit is shown in the inset. (b, electrical means. θ-TlCo with critical cooling rate R c c) Single-cycle operation of the SET and RESET processes (2.5 K/s < R < 2×103 K/s) exhibits switching that is c underan application of rectangular voltage pulses. The time one order of magnitude faster than θ-RbZn with R ≈ c profilesofthetwo-proberesistanceandvoltageappliedtothe 8×10−2 K/s, indicating that the material’s critical cool- circuit are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. (d) Repeti- ing rate can be useful guidelines for pursuing a faster tive operation of the correlated-electron phase-change mem- correlated-electron PCM function. Our results establish ory function underthe SET and RESET rectangular voltage a clear case whereby practically stable glassy electronic pulses. In (a)-(d), θ-TlCo was mounted on a sample holder states hidden behind long-range ordered states can be at 100 K. uncovered by adopting hitherto-untried quenching rates and thus underlies a new class of PCM. [Fig. 4(b,c)]. 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