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Phase behavior of colloidal suspensions with critical solvents in terms of effective interactions T. F. Mohry,1,2,a) A. Maciol ek,1,2,3,b) and S. Dietrich1,2,c) 1)Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Intelligente Systeme, Heisenbergstraße 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany 2)Universita¨t Stuttgart, Institut fu¨r Theoretische und Angewandte Physik, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany 3)Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52, PL-01-224 Warsaw, Poland (Dated: 30 January 2012) 2 We study the phase behaviorof colloidalsuspensions the solventsofwhich are consideredto be binary liquid 1 0 mixtures undergoing phase segregation. We focus on the thermodynamic region close to the critical point 2 of the accompanying miscibility gap. There, due to the colloidal particles acting as cavities in the critical medium, the spatial confinements of the critical fluctuations of the corresponding order parameter result n a in the effective, so-called critical Casimir forces between the colloids. Employing an approach in terms of J effective,one-componentcolloidalsystems,weexplorethepossibilityofphasecoexistencebetweentwophases 7 of colloidal suspensions, one being rich and the other being poor in colloidal particles. The reliability of this 2 effective approachis discussed. ] PACS numbers: 61.20.Gy, 64.60.fd, 64.70.pv,64.75.Xc,82.70.Dd t f o s . I. INTRODUCTION tional to the correlation length ξ which diverges upon t a approaching the critical point of the unconfined solvent m In colloidal suspensions the dissolved particles, typi- (without colloids) at the critical temperature Tc(s). Ex- - cally micrometer-sized,interact via effective interactions posing the near-critical fluid to boundaries, e.g., by in- d which are a combination of direct interactions, such as serting colloidalparticles acting as cavities,perturbs the n electrostatic or van der Waals interactions, and indirect, fluctuating order parameter near the surfaces of the col- o effective ones due to the presence of other, smaller so- loids on the scale of ξ and restricts the spectrum of its c [ lute particles or mediated by the solvent.1 For example, thermal fluctuations. Since these restrictions depend on by adding non-adsorbingpolymersto the solutiondeple- the spatial configuration of the colloids, they result6 in 2 tion interactions between colloidal particles can be in- an effective force between the particles which is called v 0 duced which are predominantly attractive.2 The range the critical Casimir force (CCF) fC. Accordingly the 4 and the strength of this entropy-driven attraction can range of the CCF is proportional to the bulk correla- 5 be manipulatedby varyingthe polymer-colloidsizeratio tion length ξ. Therefore it can be tuned continuously by 5 or the polymer concentration. The resulting phase dia- small changes of the temperature T. The range can also 1. grams of the colloids are very sensitive to changes in the be controlled by varying the conjugate ordering field hb 0 depletion-inducedpairpotentialbetweencolloids.1,3 Itis of the order parameter of the solvent such as the chemi- 2 also possible to induce such attractive depletion forces calpotential in the case ofa simple fluid or the chemical 1 by adding much smaller colloidal particles or by using potential difference of the two species forming a binary v: solvents with surfactants which form micelles acting as liquid mixture. The strength and the sign of fC can be i depletion agents.4 manipulatedaswell. Thiscanbeachievedbyvaryingthe X In contrast to depletion forces, solvent mediated in- temperature T or hb and by suitable surface treatments, r teractions between colloidal particles can depend sensi- respectively.7–9 Comparedwith other effective forces be- a tivelyonthethermodynamic stateofthesolvent.5Thisis tween colloid particles CCFs offer two distinct features. the case if the solvent exhibits fluctuations on large spa- First, due to the universality of critical phenomena, to tial scales such as the fluctuations near the surfaces of a large extent CCFs do not depend on the microscopic the colloidal particles associated with wetting phenom- details of the system. Second, whereas adding depletion ena near a first-order phase transition of the solvent or agents or ions changes effective forces irreversibly, the the thermal fluctuations of the solvent order parameter tuning of fC via T is fully and easily reversible. near a second-order phase transition. In the latter case, AlthoughtheCCFsbetweentwocolloidalparticlesde- criticalfluctuations arecorrelatedoverdistancespropor- pend on the (instantaneous) spatial configuration of all colloids,one canconsider dilute suspensions or tempera- tures sufficiently far awayfrom T(s), suchthat the range c a)Electronicmail: [email protected] 2R+ξofthecriticalCasimirinteractionbetweenthecol- b)Electronicmail: [email protected] loidsofradiusR ismuchsmallerthanthemeandistance c)Electronicmail: [email protected] betweenthem. Forthesecasestheassumptionofpairwise 2 additive CCFs is expected to be valid. Using this pair- tal data7–9,28,29 are available. Based on the Derjaguin wiseapproximationweareabletomaptheactualsystem approximation30 theknowledgeofthescalingfunctionof ofamixtureof(monodisperse)colloidalparticlesandsol- theCCFactingbetweentwoparallelsurfacescanbeused vent molecules to an effective, one-component system of toobtainthescalingfunctionforf betweentwospheres C colloidal particles, in which the presence and influence and between a sphere and a planar wall.17,18 The Der- of the other components of the mixture enter through jaguinapproximationassumesthatthesurface-to-surface the parameters of the effective pair potential. Adopt- distance D between two spheres is much smaller than ing this approach allows us to use standard liquid state their radius R. In many cases, however, this approxi- theory in order to determine the structure of an ensem- mation works surprisingly well8,31 even for D . R. We ble of colloidal particles immersed in a near-critical sol- shalluse this approximationfortemperatureswhichcor- ventandtostudyitssensitivitytochangesofthecritical respondtoξ .R,becauseunderthisconditiontheCCFs Casimir potential due to temperature variations. Since between the colloids act only at surface-to-surface dis- withinthiseffectiveapproachthefeedbackofthecolloids tances D small compared with R. In order to handle on the solvent and its critical behavior is neglected, this the dependence of the CCF on h within the Derjaguin b way the phase behavior of the full many-componentsys- approximation, we propose a suitable approximation for tem cannot be determined in all details. However, for the film scaling function of the CCF in d = 3. A neces- those parameters of the thermodynamic phase space for saryinputforthislatterapproximationisthe mean-field which this approach is applicable, we predict a colloidal scaling function for the CCF, which we have calculated “liquid”-“gas” phase coexistence, i.e., the coexistence of using the field-theoretical approach. two phases which differ with respect to their colloidal Experimentalstudiesofthephasebehaviorofcolloidal number densities. suspensions with phase separating solvents have encom- passedsilica spheres immersed in water-2-butoxyethanol The necessary input for the approach employed in (C E ) mixtures and in water-lutidine mixtures.32,33 In the present study is the CCF f between two spheri- 4 1 C Ref.34bothsilicaandpolystyreneparticlesimmersedin cal particles. It is known that at the bulk critical point these binary mixtures have been studied focusing on the f is long-ranged. In the so-called protein limit corre- C formationofcolloidalcrystalsanditsrelationtoaggrega- sponding to D/R, ξ/D ≫ 1, where R is the colloid ra- tionphenomena. Afew theoretical35 andsimulation36,37 dius and D the surface-to-surface distance between the attempts have been concerned with such kinds of col- colloids, the so-called small-sphere expansion10 renders loidal suspensions. fC(D;Tc(s),R)/ kBTc(s) ∼ Rd−2+ηD−(d−1+η), where d OurpaperisorganizedsuchthatinSect.IIwesumma- is the spatial dim(cid:16)ension(cid:17)and η is the standard bulk crit- rize the theoretical background of our analysis. In Sub- ical exponent for the two-point correlation function. In sect. IIA we discuss colloidal suspensions and the effec- the opposite, so-calledDerjaguin limit D ≪R one has10 tive model we use, whereas Subsect. IIB provides infor- f (D;T(s),R)/ k T(s) ∼ R(d−1)/2D−(d+1)/2. Thus mationconcerningcriticalphenomenaandthe CCF.For C c B c the parameters entering into the effective potential be- the CCF can in(cid:16)deed su(cid:17)ccessfully compete with direct tweenthe colloids,in Subsect. IIIA we discuss the range dispersion11orelectrostaticforcesindeterminingthesta- oftheirvaluescorrespondingtopossibleexperimentalre- bility and phase behavior of colloidal systems. Away alizations. In Subsect. IIIB the thermodynamics of the from the critical point, according to finite-size scaling considered colloidal suspensions is analyzed. A general theory (see, e.g., Ref. 12), the CCF exhibits scaling de- discussion of the phase diagram of the actual ternary scribed by a universal scaling function which is deter- mixturesconsistingofthecolloidsandthebinarysolvent mined solely by the so-called universality class (UC) of is given in Subsects. IIIB1 and IIIB2. The reliability the phase transition occurring in the bulk, the geome- and the limitations of the effective, one-component ap- try, and the surface universality classes of the confin- proach are discussed in Subsect. IIIB3. The results for ing surfaces.13–16 The relevant UC for the present study thephasediagramsemergingfromtheeffectiveapproach is the Ising UC with symmetry-breaking boundary con- aredescribedinSubsect.IIIB4. InSect.IVweconclude ditions. For spherical particles, theoretical predictions with a summary. for the universal scaling function ϑ of the CCF in the full range of parameters are available only within mean- field theory (MFT)17,18 (for h = 0 and ellipsoidal par- b II. THEORY ticles see Ref. 19). In contrast, for planar surfaces in d = 3 results beyond MFT are available. For a van- A. Colloidal suspensions ishing bulk ordering field h = 0 and symmetry break- b ing surface fields they are provided by field-theoretical studies,20theextendeddeGennes-Fisherlocal-functional 1. Interactions method,21,22 and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.20,23–26 Moreover,inRef.27resultsforthescalingfunctionofthe The effective interactions between colloidal particles CCF for h 6=0 are presented which are based on a den- arerich,subtle,andspecificduetothediversityofmate- b sityfunctionalapproach. Alsocorrespondingexperimen- rials and solvents which canbe used. Our goalis to pro- 3 vide ageneralviewofthe effects acriticalsolventhason surface distance D the effective interaction between the dissolved colloids due to the emerging universal CCFs. corresponding electrical double-layers at the colloid sur- Therefore we adopt a background interaction potential facesdominates;thisleadstoarepulsion. Therangeκ−1 betweenthecolloidswhichispresentalsoawayfromT(s) of the repulsion is associated with the Debye screening c and captures only the essential features of a stable sus- length in the case of electrostatic repulsionand with the pension on the relevant, i.e., mesoscopic, length scale. polymer length in the case of the steric repulsion. The These features are the hard core repulsion for center-to- strengthA ofthe repulsiondepends on the colloidalsur- centerdistancesr<2Randasoft,repulsivecontribution face charge density and on the polymer density, respec- tively. Forthe effective Coulombinteractionscreenedby counterions A is given by39 V (r)/(k T)=U (r) rep B rep =Aexp(−κD), D =r−2R>0, (1) A=(ǫǫ0)−1Υ2κ−2R/(kBT), (2) where ǫ is the permittivity of the solventrelative to vac- which prevents coagulationfavoredby effectively attrac- uum, ǫ is the permittivity of the vacuum, Υ is the sur- 0 tive dispersion forces. The main mechanisms providing face charge density of the colloid, and κ is the inverse U (r) areeither electrostaticor stericrepulsion,which Debye screening length. rep are both described by the generic functional form given In our present study we shall analyze the behavior of byEq.(1).38,39Thestericrepulsionisachievedbyapoly- monodispersecolloidsimmersedinanear-criticalsolvent. mercoverageofthecolloidalsurface. Iftwosuchcovered We treat the solvent in an effective way, i.e., we do not colloidscomeclosetoeachotherthepolymerlayersover- consider the full many component system but an effec- lap,whichleadstoadecreaseintheirconfigurationalen- tiveone-componentsystemofcolloidsforwhichthepres- tropy and thus to an effective repulsion. Concerning the ence of the solvent enters via the effective pair potential electrostatic repulsion, for large values of the surface-to- V (r =D+2R)/(k T)=U(r =D+2R) (see Eq. (1)): B ∞, D <0 U(r)= (3) (Urep+Uc(d=3) =Aexp(−κD)+(1/∆)θ(d=3)(Θ,∆,Σ), D >0. In Eq. (3) U(d=3) is the critical Casimir potential and a particular experimental realization A, κ, and R are c θ(d=3) is its universal scaling function in spatial dimen- material dependent constants. sion d = 3. For the present system, θ(d) is a function of the three scaling variables Θ = sgn(t)D/ξ, ∆ = D/R, and Σ = sgn(h )ξ/ξ(h). Here ξ(t≷0) = ξ±|t|−ν, b 0 with t = ±(T − T(s))/T(s) for an upper (+) and a c c lower (−) critical point, respectively, is the true corre- lation length governing the exponential decay of the sol- AsmentionedintheIntroduction,the scalingfunction vent bulk OP correlation function for t → 0± and for θ(d) ofthecriticalCasimirpotentialbetweentwospheres the ordering field, conjugated to the OP, hb = 0. The isnotknownbeyondMFTforthefullrangeofthescaling amplitudes ξ0± (± referring to the sign of t) are non- variablesΘ,∆, andΣ. Inorder to overcomethis restric- universal but their ratio ξ0+/ξ0− is universal. The corre- tion we shall use two approximations for θ(d=3). First, lationlengthξ(h) =ξ(h)|h |−ν/(βδ) governsthe exponen- we use the Derjaguin approximation (c.f., Eq. (23)) in 0 b tialdecayofthe solventbulk OPcorrelationfunctionfor order to express θ(d) in terms of the universal scaling t = 0 and h → 0, where ξ(h) is a non-universal ampli- function ϑ(d) of the CCF for the film geometry. The lat- b 0 k tude. (Note that ξ(h) has not the dimension of a length, ter is known rather accurately from MC simulations in 0 see Appendix A; ν, β, and δ are standard bulk critical d = 3 and for hb = 0; we shall use this knowledge in exponents.40)Thecriticalfinite-sizescalingandthescal- the presentstudy. Second,inorderto be ableto capture ing variables will be discussed in detail in Subsect. IIB. the dependence of CCFs on hb we propose an approxi- mation for ϑ(d) as a function of Σ. Our approximation We do not consider an additional interaction which k is constructed in such a way that for h → 0 the scal- b wouldaccountforeffectivelyattractivedispersionforces. ingfunctionreducesexactlytoϑ(d)(Σ=0)foralld,and Effectively,dispersionforcescanbeswitchedoffbyusing k index-matchedcolloidalsuspensions. Aswillbediscussed at T(s) its shape is the same as within MFT (see, c.f., c in Sect. III, the presence of attractive dispersion forces Eq. (24)). These two approximations will be discussed doesnotchangetheconclusionsofthepresentstudy. For extensively in Subsect. IIB. 4 2. Thermodynamics and stability whereas the HNC closure (Eq. (10)) leads to c (r)=exp{−U(r)+k(r)}−k(r)−1. (12) HNC Determining the thermodynamic properties of a sys- tem from the underlying pair potential V (r) of its con- Foramoredetaileddiscussionoftheapplicabilityandre- stituentsisacentralissueofstatisticalphysics.41Inprin- liabilityofthisintegralequationapproach(IEA)werefer ciple the thermodynamic properties of a system can be to Ref. 42. For comparison with MC simulations in the determinedfromitscorrelationfunctions.41,42 Forexam- caseofapotentialwithattractiveandrepulsivepartssee ple, the so-called virial equation provides the pressure p forexampleRef.46,whichdiscussesparticlesinteracting of the homogeneous system: with a pair potential containing attractive and repulsive Yukawa-likecontributionsǫ e−κir/r. TheIEAiscapable 2 ∞ i p/(ρk T)=1− πρ U′(r)g(r)r3 dr. (4) to reveal the rich phase behavior of such systems. B 3 There are further relations expressing thermodynamic Z0 quantitiesin termsofcorrelationfunctions whichareex- Theradialdistributionfunctiong(r)isrelatedtotheto- act from the formal point of view. However,because the tal correlationfunction (TCF) h(r) accordingto h(r)= bridgefunctionisnotknownexactly,thesetofequations g(r)−1. Theisothermalcompressibilityχ followsfrom T (7)and(8)mayhavenosolutioninthefullone-phasere- the sum rule41 gionofthethermodynamicphasespace;moreoverthere- sulting thermodynamic quantities depend on the scheme limS(q)=ρk Tχ , (5) B T q→0 taken. This is the well known thermodynamic inconsis- tencyofthisapproach(althoughtherearemoresophisti- where the structure factor catedschemestryingtocopewiththisproblem).42More- S(q)=1+ρhˆ(q)=1/(1−ρcˆ(q)) (6) over, for the kind of systems considered here, the deter- mination of phase equilibria is even more subtle because can be determined by scattering experiments. The duetotheadsorptionphenomena,whicharestatedepen- system becomes unstable for χ → ∞, correspond- dent,theeffectivepotentialbetweenthecolloidsdepends T ing to the critical point and, within MFT, to the onthe thermodynamicstate itself. Interaliathis implies spinodals in the phase diagram (see, e.g., Ref. 43). that the effective potential acting between the particles The TCF h(r) is related to the direct correlation should be different in coexisting phases. This feature function (DCF) c(r) and the number density ρ via is not captured by the effective potential approach pre- the Orstein-Zernicke equation:41,44 h(r) = c(r) + sented above. Therefore within the IEA only certain es- ρ h(r′)c(|r−r′|) d3r′. The correlation functions can timates for the coexistence curve can be obtained. For a be calculated iteratively.41,45 For a given approximate reliablephasediagramactuallythefullmanycomponent exRpression for c (r) one obtains h (r) in Fourier space: mixture (such as the binary solvent plus the colloidal i i particles) has to be considered. hˆ(q)=cˆ(q)/(1−ρcˆ(q)), (7) Another useful first insight into the collective behav- ior of attractive (spherical) particles is provided by the with hˆ(q) = eiqrh(r) ddr, analogously for cˆ(q), and second virial coefficient41 q =|q|. By choosing a bridge function b(r), the closure ∞ R B =2π (1−exp{−U(r)})r2 dr. (13) 2 h(r)+1=exp{−U(r)+h(r)−c(r)+b(r)} (8) Z0 Beyondtheidealgascontributionitdeterminesthelead- renders a DCF c which typically differs from c . This i+1 i ing non-trivial term in the expansion of the pressure procedure is continued until satisfactory convergence is p(ρ)/(k Tρ) = 1 + B ρ + ... in terms of powers of achieved. Theinitialguessc isguidedbytheshapeof B 2 i=1 the number density ρ. Measurements of B for colloids the direct interaction potential. For the bridge function 2 immersed in near-critical solvents have been reported in we use the so-called Percus-Yevick approximation (PY), Ref. 47. Vliegenthart and Lekkerkerker48 and Noro and b (r)=ln[h(r)−c(r)+1]−h(r)+c(r), (9) Frenkel49 (VLNF) proposed an extended law of corre- PY sponding states according to which the value of the re- and the so-called hypernetted-chain approximation duced second virial coefficient B∗ ≡ B /B(HS) at the 2 2 2 (HNC), critical point is the same for all systems composed of particles with short-rangedattractions, regardless of the b (r)=0. (10) HNC details of these interactions. B(HS) = 2πσ3 is the sec- 2 3 In terms of the DCF c(r) and of k(r) = h(r) − c(r) ond virial coefficient of a suitable reference system of (which is more useful than h(r) for handling the hard hard spheres (HS) with diameter σ. This (approximate) core U(r <2R) = ∞) the PY closure (Eq. (9)) can be empirical rule is supported by experimental data48 and written as by theoretical results.50 The critical value B2∗,c can be obtained in particular from the Baxter model for adhe- c (r)=[exp{−U(r)}−1](k(r)+1) (11) sive hard spheres,51 for which the interaction is givenby PY 5 exp{−U(r)} = H(r−σ)+ σ δ(r−σ) where H(r) is asgivenbyEqs.(15)and(16),the resultingvaluesofB 12S 2 theHeavisidefunctionandδ(r)isthedeltafunction. The are almost the same. reducedsecondvirialcoefficientisrelatedtotheso-called stickiness parameter S by 2π 1 B∗ ≡B / σ3 =1− . (14) 2 2 3 4S (cid:18) (cid:19) 3. Density functional theory This model exhibits a liquid-vapor phase transition as functionofS withthe criticalvalue52 S ≃0.113,sothat c Density functional theory (DFT) is based on the fact B∗ ≃−1.212. 2,c that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the AsdiscussedinSubsect.IIIAundertypicalexperimen- local equilibrium number density ρ(r) of a fluid and a talconditionsthebulkcorrelationlengthξ andtherefore spatially varying external potential acting on it. It fol- the range of the CCFs are smaller than the radius R of lows that there exists a unique functional F[ρ] which is the (micron-sized) colloids. Therefore the main attrac- minimized by the equilibrium one-particle number den- tive contribution to the resulting effective pair potential sity and that the equilibrium free energy of the sys- between the colloidal particles is localized at a range of tem is equal to the minimal value of the functional.55 distancesDwhicharesmallcomparedwithR. Therefore Since for static properties the absolute size of the par- forexperimentallyrealizableconditionstheeffectivepair ticles does not matter, DFT has turned out to be very potential can be considered to be short-rangedand thus successful not only in describing simple fluids but also matches the conditions described above for the approx- colloidal suspensions.56 While the ideal gas contribution imate VLNF conjecture. Accordingly, close to the cor- to the functional F is known exactly, F [ρ]/(k T) = responding value of B∗ the effectively one-component id B 2,c dr ρ(r) ln λ3ρ(r) −1 , where λ is the thermal systemofcolloidalparticles canbe expected to exhibit a wavelength, the expression for the excess contribution critical point terminating a “liquid”-“gas”phase separa- R (cid:8) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:9) F =F−F is known only approximately. tion line. ex id In order to obtain a suitable HS reference system, fol- As a first step, for a liquid in a volume v we consider lowing Weeks, Chandler, and Andersen53,54 we split the the simple functional pair potential U, as it is commonly done,41 into a purely attractive contribution F [ρ]= ex Ua(r)=(UU((rrm),in), rrm≤inrm<inr, (15) FHS([ρ];σ)+ kB2T d3r1d3r2 ρ(r1)Ua(r12)ρ(r2), ZZ v (18) where U has its minimum at r , and into an effective min HScore,exp{−U (r)}=H(r−σ),withthediameter HS σ defined by where r = |r −r |. For the attractive contribution 12 1 2 r0 Ua to the interaction potential entering into Eq. (18) we σ = (1−exp{−U(r)}) dr, (16) employ Eq. (15). F ([ρ];σ) is the excess functional HS Z0 for the HSsystem for whichwe considerthe effective HS where U(r =r0) = 0. We have checked that for the diameterσ asgivenbyEq.(16). ForFHS varioussophis- potential U considered here (c.f., Eq. (26)) and for its ticated functionals are available.57–59 For our purposes, split potential however, it is sufficient to determine the bulk free en- ergydensity. AccordingtoEq.(18)theso-calledrandom U (r)=U (r)+U (r), (17) phase approximation for F is given by s HS a πσ3/6 η 2−10η +5η2 1 F /(k T)=η ln σ − σ σ + η2U (19) v RPA B σ (cid:18)1−ησ(cid:19) 2(1−ησ)2 ! 2 σ a,0 e where for the HS-contribution in Eq. (19) the PY- packingfractionη usedinEq.(19)correspondstotheef- σ approximation(asobtainedviathecompressibilityequa- fectiveHSsystem,i.e.,η = πσ3ρ= σ 3η. InEq.(19) tUˆion()q)haass tbheeenFoaudroipertetdr;a41nsUfoar,m0 =of πthσ63eUˆpao(tqen=tia0l.) wTihthe Fid/(kBT) = vρ ln(ησσ)−l6n π6 (σ/(cid:0)λ2)R3(cid:1) −1 is incor- a (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) e 6 porated, except for the term vρln π (σ/λ)3 which ac- studied in detail for the film geometry in d = 3 by MC 6 simulations,25,26 in d = 2 by using exact solutions,60,61 counts only for a shift of F linea(cid:16)r in ρ an(cid:17)d therefore andind=4withinLandau-Ginzburgtheory.62 Inasys- is irrelevant for determining phase coexistence. For the tematic perturbation theory in terms of ǫ = 4−d (with free energy given in Eq. (19) the critical point is given d∗ =4 as the upper critical dimension for the bulk Ising implicitly by η(RPA) = 0.129 and U = −21.3. By σ,c a,0 UC) thermal fluctuations are captured with a statistical c choosing the PY-approximation we(cid:16)are (cid:17)able to compare weight13 ∼ exp(−H[φ]). MFT corresponds to the low- theresultsobtainedbyDFTandbyteheIEAonthesame est order (d=4) in this expansion and accordingly the footing. MFT-equilibrium configuration φ minimizes H[φ]. MFT B. Critical phenomena in confined geometries 2. The critical Casimir force In this subsection, within the field-theoretical frame- For the case of colloidal suspensions considered here, work we provide the relevant theoretical background for the colloids act as cavities in the critical medium and critical phenomena in confined geometries. We pay spe- thus in Eq. (20) the confining surface ∂v is the union of cialattentionto the caseofabinaryliquidmixture close the surfaces of all colloids in the system. Accordingly, to its demixing point. the OP profile for a given colloid configuration depends on the position of all colloids and therefore the CCFs which act on the confining surface ∂v are non-additive. 1. General concept Inordertocopewiththisverydemandingchallenge,here we restrict our analysis to such low number densities ρ The free energy F of a system (i.e., the solvent in the ofthe colloidsthat the meandistance ρ−1/d betweenthe caseconsideredhere,seebelow)closeto itscriticalpoint colloids is large compared with the range of the CCFs, T(s),c(s) is the sum of a regular, analytic background i.e., ρ−1/d > 2R+ξ. In this limit the approximation of c a,c pairwise additive CCFs is expected to be valid. (cid:16)contributio(cid:17)n Fr and a singular part Fs. Within the ap- For the pair potential V(d) = k TU(d) of the CCF proachofthefield-theoreticalrenormalizationgroupthe- c B c scaling theory predicts ory the leading behavior of the singular contribution F s for a confined system is captured by the (dimensionless) effective Landau-Ginzburg Hamiltonian Uc(d)(D;R,t,hb)=∆−1θ(d)(Θ,∆,Λ), (21) H[φ]= 1(∇φ)2+ τφ2+ gφ4−h φ ddr where θ(d) is a universal scalinggfunction and the scal- b 2 2 4! ing variables are Θ = sgn(t)D/ξ, ∆ = D/R, and Zv(cid:26) (cid:27) (20) + cφ2−h φ d(d−1)r, Λ = sggn(hb)D/ξ(h). Within MFT for the Hamilto- 2 s nian given in Eq. (20) one has18 ξ(t>0) = |τ|−1/2 and Z∂vn o −1/3 where v is the volume available to the critical medium ξ(h) = 3−1/2 g/6hb . Uc(d) depends on the sign of aφn(dr)∂ivsitshietsloccoanlfionridnegr(pda−ra1m)-edtiemre(nOsPio)nafilelsdurafsascoec.iaφte=d bΛrebaekcatuhseebtuh(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)lekpssuyrmfamcee(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)tfiryeldws.rh.ts.ihmbp→ose−dhbby. tFhoer ctholelofiodls- with the phase transition. For the case of binary liquid lowingstudyitisusefultointroduceanotherscalingvari- mixtures,whichintheirbulkbelongtotheIsingUC,the able Σ=Λ/|Θ|, which depends solely on the properties OP φ ∼ c −c(s) /c(s) is a scalar. The quartic term of the solvent but not on the surface-to-surface distance a a,c a,c D between the colloids. Therefore, U(d) is given by an- with the (cid:16)coupling c(cid:17)onstant g > 0 stabilizes the Hamil- c other, also universal scaling function (compare Eq. (3)) tonian for 0 > τ ∝ t (t = ± T/T(s)−1 , see the text c below Eq. (3)) and hb is a sym(cid:16)metry brea(cid:17)king bulk field Uc(d)(D;R,t,hb)=∆−1θ(d)(Θ,∆,Σ), (22) conjugate to φ. In Eq. (20) the surface couplings en- compass the so-calledsurface enhancement c(r) and the with the scaling variable Σ=sgn(h )ξ/ξ(h). b surface field h (r) with r ∈∂v. Equation(20) turns out In d = 3 the scaling function θ(d=3) is not known for s to capturethe fixed-pointHamiltonianofsurfacecritical the full range of the scaling variable ∆ and there are no phenomena.13 Forlaterallyinhomogeneoussubstratesh results concerning its dependence on Σ. However, if the s and c vary along ∂v.31 For colloids strongly preferring colloid radius is large compared to ξ only those surface- oneofthetwospeciesofthebinaryliquidmixturetheso- to-surface distances D matter which are smallcompared calledstrongadsorptionlimit applies,whichis described with R. This implies the validity of the Derjaguin ap- by the so-callednormalfixedpoint, i.e., (h =∞, c=0) proximation which allows us to express θ(d) in terms of s for all r ∈∂v. Corrections to the fixed-point behavior of the universalscalingfunction for the film geometry. The the CCF due to finite surface fields and the crossover latterisknownfromMCsimulations23,24ind=3andfor between various surface universality classes have been h = 0. In the opposite, so-called protein limit D ≫ R b 7 additional knowledge about the CCFs is available.17,18 h does not suffer from not knowing the amplitude of b For the configuration of a colloid near a planar wall it ϑ(d=4) within this approximation; for d < 4 on the rhs hasbeenfound7,8,31 thattheDerjaguinapproximationis k of Eq. (24) this amplitude drops out. Within the MFT valid up to ∆= D/R . 0.3. Concerning a discussion of expressions in Eq. (24) the scaling variables Θ (entering theDerjaguinapproximationforthesphere-spheregeom- via Eq.(23))and Σ aretakento involvethe criticalbulk etry see Ref. 17 and in the case of non-spherical objects exponents in spatialdimension d so that the approxima- near a wall see Ref. 19. For the configuration of two tionconcernsonlytheshapeofthescalingfunctionitself spheres as studied here one has8,17,30 which typically depends on d only mildly (see, e.g., the comparison of MFT results with corresponding results ∞ θ(d=3)(∆,Θ,Σ)=π x−2−x−3 ϑ(d=3)(xΘ,Σ) dx, obtained by MC simulations for d = 3 or with exact Derj k Z1 results for d = 2 in Refs. 23 and 62). Here we have cal- (cid:0) (cid:1) (23) culated ϑ(d=4) also for Σ 6= 0. For ϑ(d=3)(y,Σ=0) we where ϑ(d)(y,Σ) is the universal scaling func- k k k use the MC simulation results.23 The scaling functions tion of the CCF fC,k per kBTc(s) and per area resulting from Eq. (24) and from the local functional A for a slab of the thickness L: fC,k/A = method21,22 are comparable65 and in qualitative agree- k T(s)L−dϑ(d)(y =sgn(t)L/ξ,Σ). We point out ment with corresponding curves provided in Ref. 27. B c k that within the Derjaguin approximation the scaling It is most suitable to determine the CCF from φMFT function θ(d=3) does not depend on ∆, which therefore viatheso-calledstress-tensorT.66 TheCCFperareaina enters into Eq. (22) only as a prefactor. slab, which is confined along the z-direction, is given by There are experimental indications63,64 and theoreti- the(z,z)componentofthethermallyaveragedstressten- cal evidence18 for a pronounced dependence of CCFs on sor, fC(M,kFT)/A = kBTc(s)hTz,z[φMFT]−Tz,z[φb,MFT]i, the composition of the binary liquid mixture acting as a with solvent. As discussed in Appendix A this translates into 1 τ g the dependence onthe scalingvariable Σ. In orderto be T [φ]= (φ′)2− φ2− φ4+h φ, (25) z,z b able to capture this dependence to a certain extent on 2 2 4! the basis of presently available theoretical knowledge we where the OP φ = φ(z =z ) and its derivative φ′ = (d) 0 propose the following approximation for ϑ (y,Σ): (∂φ/∂z) areevaluatedatanarbitrarypoint−L/2≤ k z=z0 z ≤ L/2 within the slab and φ is the bulk OP. (The 0 b ϑ(d=4)(y,Σ) so-called “improvement“ term of the canonical stress- ϑ(d)(y,Σ)≃ϑ(d)(y,Σ=0) k . (24) tensor14 can be neglected because it does not contribute k k ϑ(d=4)(y,Σ=0) to the CCF.) k This approximationoffers three advantages: (i) For d→ 4, i.e., for MFT, the rhs of Eq. (24) reduces to the cor- III. RESULTS rect expression for the full ranges of all scaling vari- ables. (ii) For hb → 0 the rhs of Eq. (24) reduces ex- A. Range of parameters actly to ϑ(d)(y,Σ=0) for all d. In a certain sense the k MFT approximation is concentrated in the dependence Inourstudywe usethe followingpairpotential U (see on h . (iii) The MFT treatment of the dependence on Eqs. (3) and (23)): b ∞ x<0 U(r =D+2R)= (26) s aexp(−x)+(1/x)θ(d=3)(x/ζ,Σ) x>0, ( Derj n o where s = κR, a = A/s, ζ = sgn(t)κξ, and x = κD = a measure of the repulsion, while Σ (Eq. (22)) depends κr−2s. (The amplitude a should not be confused with solely on the thermodynamic state of the solvent. theacronymforthepreferentiallyadsorbedphase.) This In the following we discuss the ranges of the values parametrization has the advantage, that the shape of U of the parameters entering into the effective potential is determined by a, ζ, and Σ, while s tunes the overall (Eq. (26)) and of the scaling variable Σ which corre- strengthofthepotentialwithoutaffectingitsshape. The spond to possible experimental realizations. The radius ratio of the competing length scales of repulsion and of R of colloidal particles typically varies between 0.1µm the CCF are measured by ζ, which is typically varied and1µm. Intheexperimentsreportedinthepresentcon- experimentally; a is usually kept constant and provides text so far colloidal suspensions had been stabilized by 8 electrostaticrepulsion,withthevalueofthestrengthpa- cal exponents of the three-dimensional Ising universality rameterArangingoverseveralordersofmagnitudes,i.e., class:40 ν(d=3)=0.6301(4)and β(d=3)=0.3256(3). from A ≃ 102 up to 105...106 (see, e.g., Refs. 7, 8, and (Thecriticalcompositioncorrespondstom =±∞.) Ac- 0 47). The value of κ−1 can be tuned by salting the so- cordingly, for the temperature differences accessible in lution. Due to screening effects, an increased amount these experiments, i.e., for T −T(s) /T(s) ≈3×10−5, c c of ions in the solution leads to a decrease of κ−1. Al- onehasforthescalingvaria(cid:16)ble|X|≈(cid:17)0.26,corresponding though the coupling between the charge density and to |Σ|≈6.6. OP fluctuations is not yet fully understood, there is Asdiscussedbefore,theeffectivepairpotentialgivenin experimental67 and theoretical68,69 evidence that criti- Eq.(26) is applicable only for sufficiently largedistances cal adsorption and CCFs can be altered significantly by D & κ−1 because it takes only the interactions of the adding ions to the binary liquid mixture. Such subtle double-layers into account and neglects possible short- mechanisms are not taken into account within the effec- ranged contributions to effective van-der-Waals interac- tive potential discussed here (Eq. (26)). Therefore it is tions. Furthermore, the critical Casimir potential takes applicable only for not too small values of the screening its universal form (Eq. (22)) only in the scaling limit, length, i.e., for κ−1 &10nm. For binary liquid mixtures i.e.,fordistancesDwhicharesufficientlylargecompared the correlationlength amplitude ξ is of the orderof few ˚Angstrom. The relevant experime0nts have been carried with the correlation length amplitude ξ0+ ≈ 0.25nm. out at room temperature due to T(s) ≈ 300K. In those Analogously also ξ and ξ(h) must be sufficiently large c compared with microscopic scales. Later on, in or- experiments deviations from the critical temperature as der to circumvent the unphysical divergence ∼ x−1 in small as T −T(s) ∼ 10mK have been resolved,7,8 which c U(D →0) (see Eq. (26)) for small distances D we shall corresponds to a correlation length ξ of a couple of tens consider, as far as necessary, also a linear extrapolation: of nm. Itismoredifficulttoassesstheexperimentallyrelevant U(D <D )=Aexp(−κD)+U +(D−D )U′ , (28) 0 c,0 0 c,0 rangeofthescalingvariableΣ,whichisafunctionofthe bulk ordering field hb. Often the amplitude ξ0(h) of the where D0 ≃ ξ0, Uc,0 = Uc(D =D0), and Uc′,0 = correlation length ξ(h)(h ) is not known. However, one (∂U /∂D) . b c D=D0 may use the equation of state (Eq. (A4)) which relates Σ to the scaling variable X associated with the OP φ (see the textafter Eq.(A3)). In terms ofthe parameters B. Thermodynamics of the potential given in Eq. (26), for t > 0 one has X =m ζ−1/ν with (see Appendix A) 0 In this section, we consider pair potentials which are m =sgn(φ) ζ+ 1/ν|B/φ|1/β (27) repulsive at short distances (i.e., a is sufficiently large) 0 0 so that the suspension is stable. and ζ+ = κξ+. For examp(cid:0)le,(cid:1)in binary liquid mixtures 0 0 the orderparameterφ isproportionaltothe deviationof the concentration c of the component a from its criti- 1. General discussion a cal value c(s), φ = A(c −c(s)) (note that B is propor- a,c a a,c tional to A), which can be easily controlled by chang- In this Subsection we consider the thermodynamics of ing the mass or the volume fraction of one of the com- actually ternary colloidal suspensions with binary sol- ponents of the mixture. The experiments reported in vents such as water-lutidine mixtures which exhibit a Refs. 7 and 8 provide indications concerning the size of closed-loop two-phase region of demixed phases (each the critical region in the thermodynamic direction or- being rich in one of the two species). We focus on thogonal to the temperature axis for the binary liquid that region of this miscibility gap which is close to the mixture of water and lutidine near the consolute point lower critical point. For fixed pressure, their thermo- of its phase segregation. These measurements revealed dynamic states can be characterized by the tempera- the occurrence of CCFs within the range of the luti- ture T and the concentration ca of one of the species dine mass fraction ωL deviating from its critical value with the critical point Tc(s),c(as,c) and the liquid-liquid ω up to |ω −ω | ≃ 0.04. From the experimental daLt,ca in Refs.L70–7L2,cone finds73 for the water-lutidine phase coexistence curve(cid:16)Tc(xs)(ca)(cid:17)in the absence of col- loids. Upon adding colloidal particles to such a solvent, mixture B ≈ 1.0. The index ω refers to the spe- ω cific choice of the order parameter, i.e., φ (t→0−) ≡ forfixedpressurethethermodynamicspaceofthesystem ω ω −ω ≡ B |t|β. Fitting the experimentally deter- becomes three-dimensional spanned by T, ca, and, e.g., L L,c ω bythecolloidalnumberdensityρ(seeFig.1;onecanalso mined coexistence curve47,63 yields a somewhat smaller choose, instead, the fugacity of the colloids). Accord- valueB =0.765whichweadoptinthefollowing. There- fore theω difference |ωL−ωL,c| ≃ 0.04 corresponds to ingly, the closed-loop phase coexistence curve Tc(xs)(ca) |B/φ| = 19, which for, e.g., ζ+ = 0.02 translates into becomes a two-dimensional,tubelike manifold Tcx(ca,ρ) 0 |m | ≃ 17 (Eq. (27)), where we have used the criti- with T (c ,ρ=0) = T(s)(c ). It contains a line C 0 cx a cx a c 9 (a) (b) T two-phase region 1 − c ρ(2) a (s) (s) Tc ,ca,c 1−c(2),ρ(2) a (s) ∗ T (c ) cx a (cid:0) (cid:1) C t(cid:16)ie line (cid:17) c tie line ρ(1) T = const 1−c(1),ρ(1) a (cid:16) (cid:17) C (T) C (T) cx cx ρ c = const (eff) a T = const T (ρ|c ) cx a c = const a (c) T tie line (cid:16) (1) c 1 − c a a ρ(2) c(2) a ρ ρ(1) 1 − ca ρ h = (1−c (ρ),ρ) c a,c FIG. 1. Sketch of the phase diagram for colloids immersed in a binary liquid mixture, the latter exhibiting a closed-loop miscibility gap. We focus on the region around the lower critical point (cid:24) (T(s),c(s),ρ=0) (see the lavender phase separation c a,c curveT(s)(c )inthe(T,c ,ρ=0)plane). Forfixedpressurecorrespondingtoaliquidstateofthesystem,thethermodynamic cx a a (td) space of the pure solvent is two-dimensional; here we consider as variables the temperature T and the concentration c . Upon adding colloids at fixed pressure the td space becomes three-dimensional; we use the colloidal number density ρ as a additional td variable. The miscibility gap of the pure solvent in the (T,c ,ρ=0)-plane extends to a two-phase region in the a three-dimensional td space and is bounded by a two-dimensional manifold T (c ,ρ) of coexisting states (not shown). The cx a tube-like shape of T (c ,ρ) is not straight but bent and twisted. Its actual form is expected to depend sensitively on all cx a interactions(i.e.,thesolvent-solvent,thesolvent-colloid,andthecolloid-colloid interactions). EachstateonT (c ,ρ)coexists cx a withanotherone,bothbeingconnectedbyahorizontalandstraight, so-called tieline(greendash-dottedline). Thereisaline C (black curve) of critical points (some of which are shown as black squares) embedded in T (c ,ρ) which is the extension c cx a of the critical point T(s),c(s),ρ=0 . C is given by the states for which the tie line has zero length. The projections of C (cid:16) c a,c (cid:17) c c (with selected critical points ”) ontotheplanes (ρ,c ) and (T,c ) (with + as theprojection of ”) are indicated as red dashed a a curves. For ρ → 0 the bending of the curve C can be inferred from scaling arguments (Eq. (29)). For colloidal suspensions c interacting via an effective potential which consists of a soft repulsion and the critical Casimir attraction, the results of the effective approach suggest that, for intermediate values of ρ, C bends up again (see Subsect. IIIB4). This bending is due to c thespecificpropertiesofthecriticalCasimirforcesandisindicatedin(a). Effectivecolloidal modelsrendercoexistencecurves T(eff)(ρ|c )whichareexplicitfunctionsofρonlyanddependparametrically ontheoverallconcentrationc (see(a)forthree cx a a examples;thethreeverticalarrowsindicatethermodynamicpathsdescribingtheapproachofthecorrespondingcriticalpoint” uponraisingtemperature). Forsuitableeffectivemodelsandwithinacertainregionofthetdspace(seemaintext),thecritical points(×), T(eff)(c ),ρ (c ) ,ofthecoexistencecurvesT(eff)(ρ|c )areexpectedtoapproximatetheprojectionofC onto (cid:16) c a c a (cid:17) cx a c the (T,ρ)-plane. Within the effective approach a uniquevalue c is taken throughout the whole system. In contrast, all three a panelsshowthatingeneralforT =constthecoexistingphases(i.e.,thepointsconnectedbyatie-line)differbothinρandc . a Thus the effective approach has a limited applicability for determining the phase diagram. Experimentally, upon increasing temperatureoneis ableto determinea(in general nonplanar) coexistence curve(black line in (c))in thethree-dimensional td space. In(c),foraselectedcriticalvalueh =(1−c (ρ),ρ)(i.e.,h isapointonthereddashedlineinthe(ρ,c )-plane)such c a,c c a a curve (black line), its projection onto the (T,ρ)-plane (mustard line), as well as a selected tie line and its three projections are shown. Note that the tie line is not parallel to the ρ-axis. This means that the coexisting phases differ with respect to c , in contrast to the aforementioned assumption of an unique value of c for the effective one-component description. Thus a a the mustard curve in (c) will in general differ from the corresponding curve T(eff)(ρ|c ) in (a), even if the associated critical cx a points are thesame. 10 of critical points (T (ρ),c (ρ)) which is the exten- differ by a few orders of magnitude. This property dis- c a,c sion of the critical point of the solvent in the absence tinguishes them significantly from mixtures of molecu- of colloids, i.e., (T (ρ=0),c (ρ=0)) = T(s),c(s) . lar fluids. In contrast to molecular ternary mixtures, in c a,c c a,c colloidal suspensions the colloidal particles influence the For fixed temperature T = const, the s(cid:16)et of pai(cid:17)rs othertwocomponentsnotonlybydirectinteractionsbut c(a1),ρ(1) , c(a2),ρ(2) of coexisting states given by also via strong entropic effects. This is the case because hT(cid:16)=Tcx(ca(cid:17),ρ)(cid:16)forms a(cid:17)cuirve Ccx(T) in the (ca,ρ) plane, their surfaces act as confinements to fluctuations of the the shape of whichdepends onthe consideredvalue ofT concentration of the solvent and they also generate an (seeFigs.1(a)and(b)). Inthephasediagram,twocoex- excluded volume for the solvent particles. The impor- istingstatesareconnectedbyastraight,so-calledtieline tance of considering the colloidal suspension as a truely (see Fig. 1). (If one chooses the fugacity of the colloids ternarymixture has beenalreadypointed outin Ref.35. instead of ρ, one also obtains a tubelike manifold T of cx phase coexistence. However, in this case the horizontal tie lines lie in the plane ofconstantfugacity,i.e., parallel 2. Scaling of the critical point shift to the (T,c )-plane, because the coexisting phases share a a common fugacity of the colloids.) For dilute suspensions, i.e., for ρ → 0, the shape of As stated above, the two-phase loop of the pure sol- the line Cc of the critical points can be estimated by re- vent (i.e., for ρ = 0, bounded by T(s)(c )) extends into sortingtophenomenologicalscalingargumentssimilarto cx a the ones given by Fisher and Nakanishi80 for a critical the three-dimensional thermodynamic space of the ac- medium confined between two parallel plates separated tual colloidal suspension (ρ 6= 0). Due to the presence by a distance L. For a dilute suspension, the mean dis- ofadditionalinteractionsanddegreesoffreedomone ex- tance ρ−1/d between colloidalparticles plays a role anal- pects that the shape of this two-phase region (bounded ogous to L. Close to the critical point of the solvent, by T (c ,ρ))is nota straightbut a distortedtube. The cx a due to ξ ∼ |t|−ν one can identify the two relevant scal- actual shape of T (c ,ρ) is expected to depend sensi- cx a tively on all interactions present in the ternary mixture, ing variables w(1) ∝ |t|−∆hb and w(2) ∝ |t|νρ−1/d (for i.e., among the colloidal particles, between the colloidal the simplicity ofthe argument81 here we do notconsider and the solvent particles, and among the solvent parti- the influence of the scaling variable |t|νR) and propose cles. The relevance of the solvent-solvent interaction for the scaling property f(T,∆µ,ρ) ≃ |t|2−αK w(1),w(2) theeffectivepotentialand,accordingly,forthe phasebe- of the free energy density (where the difference ∆µ∼h b (cid:0) (cid:1) havior of the effective colloidal system has been demon- of the chemical potentials of the two components of the stratedrecently by MC studies in which various kinds of solvent acts as a symmetry breaking bulk field). The model solvents have been used.74 It is reasonable to ex- critical points are given by singularities in K occurring pectthatthisrelevancetransfersalsotothephasebehav- atcertainpoints w(1),w(2) . Thisimpliesthatthecrit- c c ior of the full multi-component system. Such distortions of the phase diagram relative to that of the underlying ical point (Tc(ρ)(cid:16),hb,c(ρ)) sh(cid:17)ifts according to binary mixture do occur for ternary mixtures of molecu- T (ρ)−T(s) ∼ρ1/(νd) and h (ρ)∼ρ∆/(νd) lar fluids. For example, in Ref. 75 experimental studies c c b,c (29a) ofmolecularternarymixturescontainingvariouskindsof so that lutidines are reported. These studies show that the up- perandlowercriticaltemperatureforaclosed-loopphase c (ρ)−c(s) ∼ρ∆/(dδν) (29b) a,c a,c diagramcan be tuned by varying only the concentration of the third component and that the two-phase loop can with(1/(νd)) ≃0.53and(∆/(dδν)) ≃0.17. This d=3 d=3 even disappear upon adding a third component. Similar states that in the presence of colloids the critical point experimental results are reported in Ref. 76. Such com- occurs when the bulk correlation lengths ξ and ξ(h) of plex phase diagrams can also be generated by adding the solvent become comparable with the mean distance colloidal particles to the binary solvent, as can be in- ρ−1/d between the colloids. ferred from corresponding experimental studies.32–34 In contrasttothemolecularternarymixtures,forthelatter kind of ternary mixtures a decrease of the lower critical 3. Effective one-component approach temperature upon adding colloids as a third component is reported. Integratingoutthe degreesoffreedomassociatedwith Theoreticalstudies ofbona fide ternarymixtures have the smallest components of the solution (here two) pro- sofarbeenconcernedwith,e.g.,latticegasmodels77 and vides a manageable effective description of colloidal sus- (additive ornon-additive)mixturesof hardspheres,nee- pensions. Thiskindofapproachiscommonlyused,forin- dles, andpolymers.78,79 In these studies the constituents stance, recently for studying large particles immersed in are of comparablesize, i.e., their size ratios are less than variouskindsofmodelsolvents74orinordertodescribea ten. The peculiarity of the kind of mixtures considered binarymixtureofcolloidsimmersedinaphaseseparating here lies in the fact that the sizes of their constituents solvent.82 However, this effective description has only a

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