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Preview Pharmacy in History 1992 - 1994: Vol 34-36 Index

Cumulative Index to Volumes 34, 35, 36 (1992-1994) This index covers Pharmacy in History, Volumes 34, 35, 36. The index is published triennially; the last index (for Volumes 31, 32, 33) was published in Volume 33, No. 4. “(I)” following an entry refers to an illustration; “(R)” refers to a book review or book note that has appeared in the “Bookshelf” or “In the Literature” section. All entries include a volume number followed by a page number. See the entry “Book Reviews” for an author and title list of books that have been reviewed. (Index compiled by Rosemary Zurlo-Cuva.) AUTHOR INDEX OF ARTICLES Andrews, Theodora A. and Varro E. Tyler, “Taking the Modig, Margareta, Uniforms, Caps, and Cuff-links for Phar- Waters” in Indiana, 35:55-64 macists in Sweden, 34:196-198 Bardell, Eunice B., A Famous Prescription Incompatibility, Montagne, Michael, LSD at 50: Albert Hofmann and His 36:169-173 Discovery, 35:70-73 Basom, A.M., Anna Karenina and Opiate Addiction, 36:132- Moore, Steven R. and Frederick J. Abramek, The U.S. Public 140 Health Service Commissioned Corps Pharmacist: The Evo- Bean, Anita, Aconitum: Genus of Powerful and Sensational lution of Professional Practice, 34:110-115 Plants, 34:35-38 Miiller-Jahncke, W.-D., Portraits of American Pharmacy in Beauregard, Erving E., The Beals: A Father and Son Devoted German Pharmacy Journals from 1880 to 1950, 34:146- to Pharmacy, 35:25-29 150 Carlson, A.M. and A.I. Wertheimer, Occupational Inheritance Moran, Bruce T., The Herbarius of Paracelsus, 35:99-127 in American Pharmacy, 34:26-30 Muzzin, Linda and Roy Hornosty, The Effect of the Great Cowen, David L., Pharmacists and Physicians: An Uneasy Depression on Ontario Men and Women Pharmacists, Relationship, 34:3-16 36:160-168 Ekiert, Leszek and Anna Stabrawa, New Exposition in the Muzzin, Linda J. and Roy W. Hornosty, Formal and Informal Museum of Pharmacy at the Medical Academy of Cracow, Training in Pharmacy, Ontario, Canada, 1917-1927, 34:166-169 36:71-84 Estes, J. Worth, ““‘Shaker-Made” Remedies, 34:63-73 Parascandola, J., Pharmacology and Public Health: The Ja- Foust, Clifford M., Mysteries of Rhubarb: Chinese Medicinal maica Ginger Paralysis Episode of the 1930s, 36:123-131 Rhubarb through the Ages, 36:155-159 Rogers, Mark, The ‘Medicine Show” in Ecuador: Notes on Gerald, Michael C., Agatha Christie’s Drugs and Disease, an Itinerant Herbalist’s Performance, 36:38-43 34:95-107 Sonnedecker, Glenn, The Founding Period of the U.S. Phar- Getz, Faye Marie, The Pharmaceutical Writings of Gilbertus macopeia: I. European Antecedents, 35:151-162; II. A Na- Anglicus, 34:17-25 tional Movement Emerges, 36:3-25; III. The First Edition, Griffenhagen, George and James Harvey Young, Old English 36:103-122 Patent Medicines in America, 34:199-228 Sonnedecker, Glenn and Myrna Williamson, The Personal Pa- Griffenhagen, George B., The Materia Medica of Christopher pers of Robert P. Fischelis, 35:83-85 Columbus, 34:131-145 Sonnedecker, Glenn, Papers of the American Institute of the Heifand, William H., Historical Images of the Drug Market: History of Pharmacy, 34:151-152 XXXIII, 34:48-49; XXXIV, 34:120; XXXV, 34:170; XXXVI, Stallings, Shirley and Michael Montagne, A Chronicle of Anes- 34:194-195; XXXVII, 35:42-43; XXXVIII, 35:82; XXXIX, thesia Discovery in New England, 35:77-80 35:140-141; XXXX, 35:176; XXXXI, 36:46; XLII, 36:92- Stewart, Gloria P., The Dolan Brothers’ Prescription Book: 93; XLIII, 36:146; XLIV, 36:180 A Late Nineteenth-Century Treasury, 35:129-133 Helfand, William H., The Design of American Pharmacies, Swann, John P., FDA and the Practice of Pharmacy: Pre- 1865-1885, 36:26-37 scription Drug Regulation Before the Durham-Humphrey Historical Literature of American Pharmacy, The, A Panel Amendment of 1951, 36:55-70 Discussion (November 1991), 34:74-94 Tyler, Varro E., A History of Pharmacy: Future Opportun- Hobbs, Christopher, Garlic—the Pungent Panacea, 34:152- ities, 35:163-168 157 Valuck, Robert J., Suzanne Poirier and Robert G. Mrtek, Pat- Johnson, H. Douglas, /talian Renaissance Drug Jars in ent Medicine Muckraking: Influences on American Phar- Southern Collections, 34:40-43 macy, Social Reform, and Foreign Authors, 34:183-192 Klevstrand, Rolf, Immigrant Pharmacists in Minnesota, Whorton, James C., The Phenolphthalein Follies: Purgation 1885-1910, 36:85-86 and the Pleasure Principle in the Early Twentieth Cen- Levy, Bernard, Conical Graduates with Replaceable Bodies tury, 35:3-24 or Bases, 35:34-38 Young, James Harvey, Sex Fraud, 35:65-69 Vol. 36 (1994) No. 4 GENERAL INDEX A Archambault, G. F., as Pharmacist Director, USPHS, 1955 (1), 34:113 Abel, John J., and American pharmacology (R), 35:142-143; Art and pharmacy, American Druggist cover, 1934, (I), (I), 35:143 36:101-102 Abortifacients, Europe in 16th and 17th centuries (R), 35:74- Aspirin, history of (R), 35:44-—46 75 Axelrod, J.. and biochemical research (R), 36:181-182 Aconitum, history and uses, 34:35-38; (I), 34:36 B Advertisements: Bakers Liver Pills (I), 34:170; Cascarets (I), 35:5; Damiana Wafers (I), 35:67; Feen-a-Mint (I), 35:8; G.G. Bandages and Dressings, history from 1870 (R), 34:177 Green Co. (I), 34:194-195; Kennedy’s Extract of Pinus Can- Beal, James Hartley, pharmacist/scientist, 35:25-29; (I), adensis (I), 35:82; Liebig’s Extract of Meat (I), 35:75; Lydia 35:26 E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (I), 35:42-43; Parson’s Purgative Beal, George Denton. pharmacist/scientist, 35:25-29; (I), Pills (I), 35:176; Pluto Water (I), 35:57, 60; Radam’s Mi- 35:27 crobe Killer (I), 34:186; T.W. Dyott Drug Warehouse (I), Bigelow, J., and founding of U.S. Pharmacopeia, 36:103-122, 34:218; Vogeler Company (I), 36:53-54, 92-938, 100; Cur- (I), 36:108 rier and Ives for O.A. Manville, pharmacist (I), 34:120; Bookplates: foxglove (I), 36:1-2; of pharmaceutical firms (I), Jayne’s Carminitive Balsam (I), 36:180; St. Jacob’s Oil (1), 36:46; of pharmacists (R), 36:49-50 36:146; Seven Barks (I), 34:70 Pharmaceutical Society of Switzerland, (I), 36:95 Advertising, of hygiene products (R), 35:48 ATHP: advisory committee on women in pharmacy (I), 34:242; Book Reviews Business Meeting: 1992, 34:236-238; 1993, 35:187-190; 1994, 36:186-188; Committee reports: 1992, 34:236-238; Adams, D.P., “The Greatest Good to the Greatest Number”: 1998, 35:187-190; 1994, 36:187-188; Council minutes: Penicillin Rationing on the American Home Front, 1940- 1992, 34:235-236; 1998, 35:185-186; 1994, 36:185-186; 1945, 34:54-55 exhibit booth (I), 35:186, 195; historical marker at Stabler- Aftalion, F., A History of the International Chemical Indus- Leadbeater Apothecary Shop, 34:193-194; Pharmaceutical try, 34:175-176 Labels workshop (I), 34:240; Report of Executive Secretary: Benes, P., Medicine and Healing: The Dublin Seminar for 1992, 34:241-242; 1998, 35:194-195; 1994, 36:191-192; New England Folklife Annuai Proceedings 1990, 35:146 Report of Treasurer: 1992, 34:243; 19938, 35:196-197; Bennion, E., Antique Hearing Devices, 3€:182 1994, 36:194-195; Report of Council Chair: 1992, 34:238; Boyle, W., Official Herbs: Botanical Substances in the United 1993, 35:191; 1994, 36:189; Report of Director: 1992, States Pharmacopoeias, 1820-1990, 34:177 34:239-241; 1993, 35:192-193; 1994, 36:190-191; Roster: Congdon-Martin, D., Drugstore & Soda Fountain Antiques, 1992, 34:244; 1993, 35:198; 1994, 36:196; 50th anniversary 34:172-173 meeting in conjunction with HSS and SHOT, 34:44-46; Cooke, M.C., The Seven Sisters of Sleep, 34:125 manuscripts collection, 34:151-152 Cordasco, F., Homoeopathy in the United States: A Bibli- Albertus Magnus, and medicinal botany (R), 35:170-171 ography of Homoeopathic Medical Imprints, 1825-1925, Alchemy: bibliography (R), 34:158-159; Rosarium Philoso- 34:173 phorum (R), 35:138 Debus, A.G., The French Paracelsians: The Chemical Chal- Alcohol, exhibition on (R), 35:91-92 lenge to Medical and Scientific Traditions in Early Modern American Pharmaceutical Association: and prescription reg- France, 35:86-87 ulation, 36:55-70; and patent medicine fraud, 34:183-192 Dilg, P. and H. Rudolph, eds., Resultate und Desiderate der Anesthesia: and surgery (R), 35:182; discovery in New En- Paracelsus-Forschung, 36:183 gland, 35:77-80 Dillemann, G., H. Bonnemain and A. Bourcherle, La Phar- Anna Karenina. and opiate addiction, 36:132-140 macie Frangaise, ses origines, son histoire, son évolution, Antimony, and Basil Valentine (R), 34:122-123 35:144-145 Apothecary, 18th-century France (I), 34:81 Foust, C.M., Rhubarb: The Wondrous Drug, 34:232-233 Apprenticeships, in Ontario, 1917-1927, 36:71-84 Gerald, M.C., The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie, 36:96- 198 Pharmacy in History 97 (1945-1956) im Spannungsfeld der Kontroversen um die Getz, F.M., Healing and Society in Medieval England: A Heilberufskammern: Unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung Middle English Translation of the Pharmaceutical Writ- von Niedersachsen und Kurhessen-Kassel, 35:87-88 ings of Gilbertus Anglicus, 34:171-172 Richards, E., Vitamin C and Cancer: Medicine or Politics?, Gonzalez, R. J., El Albarelo, 34:56 34:124-125 Hancher, L., Regulating for Competition: Government, Law Ridder, P., Chirurgie und Andsthesie. Vom Handwerk zur and the Pharmaceutical Industry in the United Kingdom Wissenschaft, 35:182 and France, 34:174-175 Ridder, P., Im Spiegel der Arznei: Sozialgeschichte der Med- Hein, W.-H., Christus als Apotheker, 35:145-146 izin, 34:54 Hein, W.-H. and D.A. Wittop Koning, Pharmazie und Gra- Riddle, J.M., Quid pro quo: Studies in the History of Drugs, phik, 34:176 35:180-182 Higby, G.J., In Service to American Pharmacy: The Profes- Riddle, J.M., Contraception and Abortion from the Ancient sional Life of William Procter, Jr., 35:89-91 World to the Renaissance, 35:88-89 Holloway, S.W.F., Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Ripinsky-Naxon, M., The Nature of Shamanism: Substance Britain, 34:52-54 and Function of a Religious Metaphor, 35:182-183 Jacob, Irene and Walter, eds., The Healing Past: Pharma- Robertson, W.H., An Illustrated History of Contraception, ceuticals in the Biblical and Rabbinic World, 36:97-98 34: 57-58 Jarcho, S., Quinine’s Predecessor: Francesco Torti and the Scho-Backes, Preussische Apothekenverwaltung: Die En- Early History of Cinchona, 36:48-49 twicklung des Apothekenwesens im Regierungsbezirk Kob- Jarcho, S., A Plain Treatise on the Peruvian Bark (“The lenz (1816-1914), 36:150 Stanitz Manuscript”): A Late Seventeenth or Early Eigh- Schultes, R.E. and R.F. Raffauf, The Healing Forest—Medic- teenth Century Anonymous Manuscript Account of the Jes- inal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia, 34:56- uits’ Bark Published in its Original Latin Text with a 57 Translation, Introduction, and Notes, 35:143-144 Silverman, M., Lydecker, M. and P.R. Lee, Bad Medicine; The Kanigel, R., Apprentice to Genius: The Making of a Scientific Prescription Drug Industry in the Third World, 35:177 Dynasty, 36:181-182 Singh, H., Pharmacopoeias and Formularies, 36:149-150 Kelly, L.G., Basil Valentine: His Triumphant Chariot of An- Smith, M., S. Strauss, H. J. Baldwin and K.T. Alberts, eds., timony, with Annotations of Theodore Kirkringius (1678), Pharmacy Ethics, 34:123-124 34:122-123 Snyder, S.H., Brainstorming: The Science and Politics of Kirkland, J., H.F. Matthews, C.W. Sullivan III and K. Baldwin, Opiate Research, 34:51-52 eds., Herbal and Magical Medicine: Traditional Healing Stoll, U., Das ‘Lorscher Arzneibuch’. Ein medizinisches Kom- Today, 35:178 pendium des 8. Jahrhunderts (Codex Bambergensis med- Ledermann, F., ed., Festschrift zum 150 Jahrhundert Bes- icinalis 1), 35:180 tehen des Schweizerischen Apothekervereins, 36:94-95 Tallis, N., and K. Arnold-Forster, Pharmacy History: A Pic- Ledermann, F., et. al., Pharmacy im Umbruch Die Schweizer torial Record, 34:173-174 Apotheker im 19. Jahrhundert, 35:4748 Tate, L.G., Centennial: A History of the University of Okla- Leimkugel, F., Wege jiidischer Apotheker: Die Geschichte homa College of Pharmacy, 1893-1993, 36:96 deutscher und ésterreichisch-ungarischer Pharmazeuten, Tice, P.M., Altered States: Alcohol and Other Drugs in Amer- 35:178-180 ica, 35:91-92 Mann, C.C. and M.L. Plummer, The Aspirin Wars: Money, Travis, A.S., The Rainbow Makers: The Origins of the Syn- Medicine and 100 Years of Rampant Competition, 35:44- thetic Dyestuffs Industry in Western Europe, 36:148-149 46 Vinikas, V., Soft Soap, Hard Sell: American Hygiene in an Modig, M., Farmaceutiska exlibris; Pharmaceutical Ex Li- Age of Advertisement, 35:48 bris Book Plates, 36:49-50 Weatherall, M., In Search of a Cure, 34:233-234 Monnich, M., Tommaso Campanella. Sein Beitrag zur Med- Wittop Koning, D.A., Apothekerspotten uit de Nederlanden, izin und Pharmazie der Renaissance, 34:231-232 35:49 Moran, B.T., The Alchemical World of the German Court: Wittop Koning, D.A., Nederlandse Vijzels, 34:55 Occult Philosophy and Chemical Medicine in the Circle of Wittop Koning, D.A., Apothekerskalender 1992, 34:58 Moritz of Hessen (1572-1632), 35:46-47 Young, J.H., American Health Quackery, 35:92 Parascandola, J., The Development of American Pharmacol- ogy: John J. Abel and the Shaping of a Discipline, 35:142- 143 Botanical medicine: in the Bible (R), 36:97-98; in HerbalGram Picture of Health: Images of Medicine and Pharmacy from (R), 35:31; in Ecuadorian medicine show, 36:38-43; of Par- the William H. Helfand Collection, 34:121-122 acelsus, 35:99-127 Plehn, M., Verbandstoff-Geschichte. Die Anfange eines neuen Bowers, R.A., obit., 34:164-165; (I) 34:165 Industriezweiges, 34:177 Brodie, B., and biochemical research (R), 36:181-182 Puteanus, U., Die Apothekerkammern in Westdeutschiand Budde, A., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 36:188 Vol. 36 (1994) No. 4 C F Campanella, Tommaso, writings of (R), 34:231-232 FDA: and Jamaica Ginger paralysis episode, 36:123-131; in- Canada: community pharmacy in Newfoundland (R), 34:32- spectors, 1954 (I), 36:64-65; prescription regulation before 33; education and practice, 1917-1927, 36:71-84; phar- 1951, 36:55-70 macy practice in Ontario during Depression, 36:160-168 Fioravanti, L., and medical primitivism (R), 36:175 Chemical industry: and synthetic dyestuffs (R), 36:148-149; Fischelis, Robert P.: and prescription regulation, 36:55-70; (I), Germany (1572-1632) (R), 35:46-47; in France (R), 35:86- 36:63; papers of, 35:83-85 87 Folk Medicine, and traditional healing (R), 35:178 Chemical Industry, international history of (R), 34:175-176 Food and Drug Law, casebook (R), 34:116-117 China, and medicinal rhubarb trade, 36:155-159 Foust, C.M., receives 1992 Kremers Award (I), 36:157 Christ as Apothecary, (R), 35:145-146 Foxglove, line cut (I), 36:1 Christie, Agatha, and poisons (R), 36:96-97; drugs used in France: 18th-century apothecary (I), 34:81; Paracelsians in writing, 34:95-107 (R), 35:86-87; pharmacy history (R), 35:144-145 Cinchona: “‘Stanitz Manuscript” (R), 35:143-144; early his- G tory (R), 36:48-49 Classification, development (R), 36:87-88 Garlic, history of use, 34:152-157 Cobb, R.D., installed as AIHP Councilor, 1993 (I), 36:187 Germany: chemical medicine in (1572-1632)(R), 35:46-47; Columbus, Christopher, New World botanical discoveries, Jewish pharmacists in (R), 35:178-180; journalism in, 34:131-145 1880-1950, 34:146-150; Lorsch manuscript (R), 34:31-32; Contraception: early, oral (R), 34:117; herbal (R), 35:88-89; Lorscher manuscript (R), 35:180; professional pharmacy or- history of (R), 34:57-58; in antiquity (R), 36:142-143 ganizations (R), 35:87-88; regulation in 19th century (R), Cowen, D. L.: at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:188; 36:150; social history of medicine (R), 34:54; spagyric med- 36:189; honored at Rutgers, 34:163 icine in, 35:32-33 Gilbertus Anglicus, pharmaceutical writings of, 34:17-25; (R) D 34:171-172 Ginger, toxicity from fluidextracts in 1930s, 36:123-131 DeButts, E., and founding of U.S. Pharmacopeia, 36:103-122; (I), 36:109 Glassware: Bateman’s Pectoral Drops bottles (I), 34:209; Brit- ish Oil bottles (I), 34:213; conical graduates, 35:34-38; (I), Design of pharmacies, 19th century, 36:26-37 35:34-38; Dalby’s Carminative bottles (I), 34:214; God- Dispensatorium, Valerius Cordus (I), 35:157 frey’s Cordial bottles, 34:215, 216; Opodeldoc bottles (I), Drug Jars: Castelli, 16th-century Italian (I), 34:1-2; Dutch 34:199, 221; Turlington’s Balsam bottles (I), 34:208, 223 (R), 35:49; Italian Renaissance, 34:40-41, (I), 34: 1,41-48, Great Britain: patent medicines, 34:199-228; pharmacy in the 60; Spanish (R), 34:56 1840s (R), 34:116; pharmacy in c. 1200-1450, 34:17-25; Drug use, history (R), 36:87 history of Royal Pharmaceutical Society (R), 34:52-54; im- Drug Discovery, history (R), 34:233-234 ages of pharmacy history (R), 34:173-174; Pharmaceutical Journal history (R), 34:33 E Griffenhagen, G.: at 1993 Annual Meeting (I), 36:185; 35:194 Education: in Canada, 1917-1927, 36:71-84; in Oklahoma H (R), 36:96 Eli Lilly and Company: elixir production at, 1940 (I), 34:82; Hall, G., received 1993 Certificate of Commendation (I), rotary die machines, 1919 (I), 34:61-62 36:188 Elvove, E., NIH chemist investigating Jamaica ginger poison- Harris, M.R., at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (I), 34:45 ings, 36:123-131; (I), 36:129 Hearing devices, history of (R), 36:182 England: see Great Britain Helfand, William H., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:188 Equipment: pill machine (I), 34:30; manufacturing Shaker Herbal Medicine, (R), 35:169 remedies (I), 34:64-65 Hewson, T.T., and founding of U.S. Pharmacopeia, 36:103- Estes, J. W., gives 1993 Cowen Lecture, 35:174 122; (I), 36:109 Ethies, text (R), 34:123-124 Higby, G. J.: at 1993 AIHP annual meeting, 35:192; (I), Ethnobotany, in Northwest Amazonia (R), 34:56-57 36:190; at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (I), 34:45, Exteriors: Dr. John Calhoun Book and Drug Store, 19th cen- 46; to present 1994 Cowen Lecture, 36:178 tury (I), 36:37; F. Brown Druggist, 1870 (I), 36:32; Ham- Historiography, American history of pharmacy literature, ilton’s Drug Store, 19th century (I), 36:45; J.D. Meek, 19th 34:74-94 century (I), 36:32; Kennedy’s United States Pharmacy, History of medicine: calendar marking events in (R), 36:141- 1878 (I), 36:27; S.N. White, Devon, England (I), 35:96; 142; historical encyclopedia of (R), 36:142 Spencer Dalton’s, Ontario (I), 36:73; Taylor & Hulshizer, Hofmann, A., interview, 35:70-73; (I), 35:71 1876 (I), 36:36 Homeopathy, bibliography (R), 34:173 200 Pharmacy in History I Minnesota, pharmacists immigrating to, 36:85-86 Immigration, of pharmacists to Minnesota, 36:85-86 Mitchill, S.L., and pharmacopeia movement, 36:3-25; (I), 36:5 Modig, M., bookplate of (I), 36:49, 50 India: medicine and pharmacy in (R), 35:49; pharmacopeias in (R), 36:149-150 Mortars, Dutch (R), 34:55 Industry, in third world (R), 35:177 Morton, W.T., and early use of anesthesia, 35:77-80 Interiors: Allen & Chapman’s Drug Store, 19th century (I), Museums: Historical Museum of Medicine and Dentistry, Hart- 36:29; back parlor of apothecary shop, 1886 (I), 36:34; Do- ford, CT (I), 35:78; Medical Academy of Cracow, 34:166- lan Brothers Pharmacy (I), 35:131; G.G. Elmore Wholesale 169; (I), 167-169; Pharmuseum at Wayne State, 35:174- and Retail Druggist, 1876 (I), 36:33; Gilsey House Drug 175; (I), 35:175; Spanish Museum of Pharmacy guidebook Store, 1880 (I), 36:34; Inloes & Co. Wholesale and Retail (R), 36:142; University of Buffalo-North (I), 36:91 Drug Store, 1876 (I), 36:28; Magee Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, N PA, 1930s (I), 36:161; Patton & Co. City Drug Store, 1876 (I), 36:31; Quackenbush’s Drug Store, 1876 (I), 36:30; Reiss Narcotics, history (R), 34:125 Bros., Pueblo, CO, 1901 (I), 34:147 National Institutes of Health, and role in Jamaica Ginger pa- International Societies, listing, 34:38-39 ralysis episode, 36:123-131 International Congress for the History of Pharmacy, May National Association of Retail Druggists, public information 1998, 35:173-174 placard, 1950s (I), 36:67 Italy, Renaissance drug jars, 34:40-43, (I), 34: 1,41-43, 60 Near East, ancient drug use (R), 36:97-98 Ives, E., and founding of U.S. Pharmacopeia, 36:103-122; (I), Netherlands, mortars in (R), 34:55 36:109 O J Oklahoma, U. of, College of Pharmacy, history (R), 36:96; (I), Jamaica ginger, and toxicity episode, 36:123-131 36:96 Jewish Pharmacists, in Germany and Austria (R), 35:178-180 Ontario College of Pharmacy1920s, 36:71-84; (I), 36:80 Journalism: German, 1880-1950, 34:146-150; patent medi- Opium: addiction in Anna Karenina, 36:132-140; politics of cine muckraking, 34:183-192 research (R), 34:51-52 Julian, P., commemorative stamp (I), 35:165 P K Paracelsians, in early modern France (R), 35:86-87 Kremers, E., c. 1900 (I), 36:172 Paracelsus: (I), 35:97-98, 100, 127; symposium papers (R), 36:183; translation of Herbarius, 35:99-127 L Parascandola, J.: at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:191; Labels, for Opodeldoe (I), 34:229 36:189; at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (I), 34:45, 46; to receive 1994 Urdang Medal, 36:144; (I), 36:144 Laxatives: Aga-Rex (I), 35:1-2; use in early 20th century, Patent Medicine: See Proprietary Medicine 35:3-24 Penicillin, rationing, 1940-45 (R), 34:54-55 Legislation, Food and Drug Law casebook (R), 34:116 Pert, C., and biochemical research (R), 36:181-182 Liebig, extract of meat (R), 35:75 Pharmacies: design of, 19th century, 36:26-33; Henry E. Pe- Lloyd, J.U., career (R), 35:169-170 ters & Co., 1909-1910 (I), 34:49 LSD, retrospective look, 35:70-73 Pharmacist: in U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Luminal, packaging (I), 36:61 Corps, 34:110-115; uniforms in Sweden, 34:196-198; re- M lationship with physicians, 34:3-16 Pharmacology: Division of in Public Health Service, 36:123- Manufacturing: corking bottles, 1881 (I), 36:53-54; elixir pro- 131; history of (R), 35:142-143 duction at Eli Lilly (I), 34:82; pill coating machine (I), Pharmacopeia: First edition, titlepage (I), 36:105; Florentine 34:181-182; rotary die machines (I), 34:61-62 (R), 36:175-176; Pan-European (R), 36:174-175; U.S., Marketing: Hamlin’s Wizard Oil (I), 35:140-141; of aspirin early history of, 35:151-162; 36:3-25; 36:103-122; U.S., (R), 35:44-46 founding period of, 36:103-122; in India (R), 36:149-150 Materia medica: and first U.S. Pharmacopeia, 36:103-122; of Pharmacopoeia Augustana, frontispiece (I), 35.154 Christopher Columbus, 34:131-145 Pharmacopoeia Hagana, frontispiece (I), 35:150-151 Matthews, L. medal created for, 35:39-40 Pharmacy: American as seen through German press, 34:146- Medicine: American folk (R), 35:146; history of (R), 36:44; 150; England 1840s (R), 34:116; future opportunities, images of (R), 34:121-122 35:163-168; graphic images of (R), 34:176; images of (R), Medicine show, in Ecuador, 36:38-43 34:121-122; England ¢c. 1200-1450, 34:17-25; occupa- Medicine Chests, marine (I), 35:53-54 tional inheritance in U.S., 34:26-30; professional develop- Mineral waters, in Indiana, 35:55-64 ment U.S., 34:3-16 Vol. 36 (1994) No. 4 Phenolphthalein, use in early 20th century, 35:3-24 Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Shop, commemorates 200 Phlogiston, theories (R), 36:44-45 years, 34:193-194; (I), 34:193 Plantain, (I), 34:19 Stieb, E., at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (I), 34:45 Pluto Water, use in Indiana, 35:55-64 Stroud, E., at 1993 ATHP annual meeting (I), 35:195 Practice: late nineteenth century, 35:129-133; Ontario, during Strychnine, and bromide incompatibility, 36:169-173 Depression, 36:160-168; Ontario, 1917-1927, 36:71-84; Sturchio, J., at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (I), 34:45, social and behavioral aspects (R), 34:158 46 Prescription: fake (I), 36:66; form, 1926 (I), 36:58; incom- Surgery, Medieval illustrations of (R), 36:143 patibility, 36:169-173; regulation before 1951, 36:55-70 Swann, J.P.: at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 36:189; in- Procter, William Jr., professional life (R), 35:89-90; (I), 35:90 stalled as AIHP Councilor 1993 (I), 36:187 Proprietary Medicines: and sex fraud, 35:65-69; Bateman’s Sweden, pharmacist uniforms in, 34:196-198 Pectoral Drops, 34:199-228; Godfrey’s Cordial, 34:199- Switzerland: 19th-century pharmacy in (R), 35:47-38; biog- 228; Hooper’s Female Pills, 34:199-228; (I), 34:199, 217, raphies of pharmacists (R), 36:94-95 220; muckraking journalism on, 34:183-192; Old English, Symbol: in Germany (R), 34:159-160; French (I), 35:145 in America, 34:199-228; Shaker remedies, 34:63-73; Tur- T lington’s Balsam, 34:199-228 Q Therapeutics: essays on history of (R), 35:75-76; in 19th- century medical practice (R), 36:88; in U.S. Pharmacopeia, Quackery: and sex fraud, 35:65-69; essays on (R), 35:92; in 35:151-162; studies (R), 35:180-182 Ecuadorian medicine show, 36:38-43 Tobacco, (I), 34:134 Torti, Francesco, and cinchona (R), 36:48-49 R Trade Cards: Ayer’s Sarsaparilla (I), 34:132; Jamaica Ginger (I). 36:131 Radam, W., markets “microbe killer,” 34:183-192; (I), 34:187 Tranquilizers, social history of (R), 34:158 Regulation: before 1951, 36:55-70; in 19th-century Germany Tyler, V.E.: installed as AIHP President, 35:190; (I), 35:188, (R), 36:150; in UK and France (R), 34:174 189; presents 1992 Kremers Award (I), 36:157 Rhubarb: history of use and trade, 36:155-159; history of use (R), 34:232-233 U Riddle, J., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 36:189 Roeske, Wojciech: (I), 35:29; to receive 1992 Urdang Medal, U.S. Pharmacopeia: European antecedents, 35:151-162; first 35:39 edition of, 36:103-122; founding period, 36:3-25 Rogan, J.: at Pharmuseum (I), 35:175; receives 1993 AIHP U.S. Public Health Service, history of Pharmacy Service in, Certificate of Commendation (I), 36:179 34:110-115 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, history of, 34:52-54 Uniforms, for Swedish pharmacists, 34:196-198 Rutgers College of Pharmacy, pharmacy exam at, 1956 (1), V 34:78 S Valentine, Basil, and antimony (R), 34:122-123 Vitamin C, and cancer (R), 34:124-125 Sertiirner, F. W., and cholera (R), 34:117 Volwiler, E., (I), 35:166 Shakers: corking, labeling, wrapping bottles (I), 34:67; home von Polen, Nikolaus, empirica of (R), 36:141 remedies made by, 34:63-73; packing and shipping Extract Vottero, L.D., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:190, 196; of Roots (I), 34:69 36:194 Shannon, J., and biochemical research (R), 36:181-182 W Smith, Maurice, NIH pharmacologist, 36:123-131; (I), 36:127 Snyder, S., and biochemical research (R), 36:181-182 Weaver, L., installed as AIHP Councilor 1993 (I), 36:187 Social aspects of pharmacy, essays (R), 34:158 Wells, H., and use of anesthesia, 35:77-80 Soda Fountain: antiques (R), 34:172-173; apparatus (I), White, E. V., papers of, 34:163 34:129-130 Whorton, J., at 1993 AITHP annual meeting (I), 36:193 Sonnedecker, G.: at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:186, Wiley, H., and patent medicine fraud, 34:183-192 188; 36:189; at 1991 AIHP-HSS-SHOT symposium (1), Y 34:45; receives AFPE award, 36:90 Spagyric Medicine, in 19th-century Heidelberg (R), 35:32-33 Young, J.H., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 36:189 Spain, ceramic drug jars in (R), 34:56 Spalding, L., and pharmacopeia movement, 36:3-25; (I), 36:6; Z 36:103-122; (I), 36:108 Spices, found by Columbus in New World, 34:131-145 Zellmer, W., at 1993 AIHP annual meeting (I), 35:189 Pharmacy in History

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