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BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154, 502–521 &2008NaturePublishingGroup Allrightsreserved 0007–1188/08 $30.00 www.brjpharmacol.org REVIEW Pharmacology of anabolic steroids AT Kicman King’sCollegeLondon,DrugControlCentre,DepartmentofForensicScienceandDrugMonitoring,London,UK Athletesandbodybuildershaverecognizedforseveraldecadesthattheuseofanabolicsteroidscanpromotemusclegrowth and strength but it is only relatively recently that these agents are beingrevisited for clinical purposes. Anabolic steroids are beingconsideredforthetreatmentofcachexiaassociatedwithchronicdiseasestates,andtoaddresslossofmusclemassinthe elderly,butneverthelesstheirefficacystillneedstobedemonstratedintermsofimprovedphysicalfunctionandqualityoflife. Insport,theseagentsareperformanceenhancers,thisbeingparticularlyapparentinwomen,althoughthereisahighriskof virilization despite the favourable myotrophic–androgenic dissociation that many xenobiotic steroids confer. Modulation of androgen receptor expression appears to be key to partial dissociation, with consideration of both intracellular steroid metabolism and the topology of the bound androgen receptor interacting with co-activators. An anticatabolic effect, by interfering with glucocorticoid receptor expression, remains an attractive hypothesis. Behavioural changes by non-genomic andgenomicpathwaysprobablyhelpmotivatetraining.Anabolicsteroidscontinuetobethemostcommonadversefindingin sport and, although apparently rare, designer steroids have been synthesized in an attempt to circumvent the dope test. Doping with anabolic steroids can result in damage to health, as recorded meticulously in the former German Democratic Republic. Even so, it is important not to exaggerate the medical risks associated with their administration for sporting or bodybuildingpurposesbuttoemphasizetousersthatanattitudeofpersonalinvulnerabilitytotheiradverseeffectsiscertainly misguided. British Journal of Pharmacology (2008) 154, 502–521; doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.165 Keywords: anabolic steroids; clinical; designer; health; mechanism; performance; receptor; SARMs;sport Abbreviations: AF,activationfunction;BALCO,BayAreaLaboratoryCo-operative;DHEA,dehydroepiandrosterone;DHT,5a- dihydrotestosterone; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; Hsp, heat-shock protein; LC–MS/MS, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry; MENT, 7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone; SARM, selective androgen receptor modulator; THG, tetrahydrogestrinone; UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles;WADA, World Anti-Doping Agency Introduction Androgens testicular steroidogenesis are manifested by growth of the Androgens exert their effects in many parts of the body, testes,externalgenitaliaandthemaleaccessoryreproductive includingreproductivetissues,muscle,bone,hairfolliclesin glands (prostate, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral), and the skin, the liver and kidneys, and the haematopoietic, secretory activity begins. Further, the secondary sexual immune and central nervous systems (Mooradian et al., characteristics manifested during puberty can be divided 1987). The androgenic effects of these hormones can be into those that are a result of androgenic and anabolic generally considered as those associated with masculaniza- effects. The androgenic effects are the enlargement of the tionandtheanaboliceffectsasthoseassociatedwithprotein larynx causing a deepening of the voice, the growth of buildinginskeletalmuscleandbone. terminal hair (in the pubic, axillary and facial regions; in Inthemalefoetus,androgensstimulatethedevelopment otherregionssuchgrowthdependsonanumberoffactors), oftheWolffianducts(epididymis,vasdeferens,theseminal an increase in sebaceous gland activity (can lead to acne), vesiclesandejaculatoryduct)andthemaleexternalgenitalia and CNS effects (libido and increased aggression). Anabolic (penis, urethra and scrotum) (Wilson et al., 1981). During effects are the growth of skeletal muscle and bone, the puberty, the androgenic effects resulting from increased stimulation of linear growth eventually ceasing due to the closureoftheepiphysis.Inmen,androgensareessentialfor sustaining reproductive function, and they play an impor- Correspondence:DrATKicman,King’sCollegeLondon,DrugControlCentre, tantroleinmaintainingskeletalmuscleandbone,cognitive DepartmentofForensicScienceandDrugMonitoring,DrugControlCentre, functionandasenseofwell-being. Franklin-WilkinsBuilding,150StamfordStreet,LondonSE19NH,UK. The most important androgen secreted is testosterone; in E-mail:[email protected] Received4February2008;revised27March2008;accepted7April2008 the eugonadal man, the Leydig cells in the testes produce Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids ATKicman 503 B95% of the testosterone in the body. The ovaries and the 1993), so testosterone itself is chiefly binding to the adrenal glands (in both sexes) produce very little testoster- androgenreceptor(assupportedalsobyanumberofanimal one but secrete weaker androgens; in particular, dehydroe- studies,mainlyintherat).Aromataseexpressionandactivity piandrosterone (DHEA; and its sulpho-conjugate) and issignificantinhumanskeletalmuscle(Larionovetal.,2003) androstenedione are of physiological importance in the but whether the conversion of androgens to oestrogens women, not least because they can undergo peripheral withinthistissueisphysiologicallyimportantformediating conversion to more potent androgens, for example to some of the myotrophic effect of androgens is yet to be testosterone and 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Another determined. weaker endogenous androgen, androstenediol, also binds Modulation of theeffects of androgens may also occur at tooestrogenreceptors. themolecular leveldue todifferencesin thedistributionof Theeffectsofandrogensaremodulatedatcellularlevelby androgen receptor coregulators in various tissues, these the steroid-converting enzymes within the particular target coregulators being proteins that affect the transcriptional tissue (Figure 1). In reproductive target tissues, testosterone activity of the androgen receptor (Heinlein and Chang, can be considered to be a prohormone, being readily 2002b;WolfandObendorf,2004).Thisisadevelopingfield converted by 5a-reductase to the more potent androgen and the comparative importance of many of these coregu- DHT.Inothertissues,suchasadiposetissueandpartsofthe latorsisyettobeestablishedforanyparticularcelltype,let brain, testosterone is converted by aromatase to the oestro- alone their relative in vivo importance in examining tissue gen, oestradiol. In bone, the mechanism of action of the differences in androgen action. It is envisaged that genetic anabolismofandrogenshasnotbeenentirelyelucidatedbut manipulation of the mouse will assist in elucidating their both a direct effect of testosterone and a mediated effect physiologicalrelevance. byaromatizationtooestradiolareimportant(Orwoll,1996; Withstructuralmodificationstotestosterone,theanabolic Zitzmann and Nieschlag, 2004). In the human skeletal effects of androgens can be enhanced but, even so, these muscle(collectedlessthan12hpost-mortem),5a-reductase cannot be divorced entirely from their androgenic effects. activity(eithertype1or2)isnotdetectable(Thigpenetal., Hence, a more accurate term for anabolic steroids is anabolic–androgenicsteroids,but,forsimplicity,theshorter termisusedwithinthispaper.Thedisassociationofanabolic from androgenic effects can be at cellular level, depending OH on the intracellular metabolism of the anabolic steroid in different tissues, with the activity of 5a-reductase being particularly important (see the section ‘Intracellular meta- ER bolism and the myotrophic–androgenic index’). An appeal- inghypothesisisthatanabolic–androgenic dissociationcan HO Oestradiol also occur as a result of anabolic steroids inducing specific conformational changes of the androgen receptorcomplex, Aromatase which then affects subsequent interaction with various coregulators in different tissues (see the section ‘Androgen OH receptor expression and the importance of coregulators’). Thereislittledata,asyet,tosupportsuchahypothesis,butit is known that the androgen co-activator FHL2 is expressed predominantly in the heart (Muller et al., 2000; Wolf and Obendorf, 2004), and it is possible that a number of O Testosterone otherandrogenreceptorcoregulatorscouldbetissuespecific. AR How an anabolic steroid may affect androgen receptor 5α-reductase conformation and interaction with particular coregulators OH is of obvious interest, as such knowledge may eventually offer an additional mechanism for anabolic–androgenic dissociation. Thedevelopmentofnonsteroidalselectiveandrogenreceptor modulators(SARMs)mayofferbetterdissociationofbiological O DHT effects than anabolic steroids and possibly even permit the H therapeutic targeting of specific tissues and organs. Potential Figure 1 Testosterone can bind directly with the androgen therapeutic modalities could then be specific agonists for receptor (AR). In target tissues where intracellular enzymes are restorationoffat-freemusclemassandstrengthinthosewith present, the action of testosterone is mediated by metabolism. chronic illnesses such as HIVand specific antagonists for the Testosteroneisirreversiblyconvertedbytheenzyme5a-reductaseto 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which binds with greater affinity to treatment of prostate cancer in men or hirsutism in women the androgen receptor (AR), or by aromatase to oestradiol, which (WolfandObendorf,2004;Bhasinetal.,2006).Inanticipation bindstotheoestrogenreceptor(ER).TestosteroneandDHTcanbe ofthepotentialofsuchagonistsforperformanceenhancement also converted to weaker androgens (not displayed), again being in sport, SARMs have been added to the World Anti-Doping dependentonwhetherthe targettissuehasthenecessaryenzyme activity,e.g.,3a-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase,17b-hydroxysteroid Agency’s(WADA’s)2008listofprohibitedsubstancesinsport, dehydrogenase. despitenoneyetbeingavailableonthemarket. BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids 504 ATKicman Controlofanabolicsteroids United Kingdom but these drugs are used on a nationwide Anabolic steroids are controlled substances in several basis, as discussed in depth by the report from the British countries, including Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, MedicalAssociation(BMA,2002).Similarsurveysindicatea theUnitedKingdomandtheUnitedStates.Evenso,thereis high prevalence of use in the United States (Yesalis et al., a readily available supply of steroids worldwide for non- 1993,1997;YesalisandBahrke,2000). medicinal purposes, because, in most countries, anabolic For drug control in sport, anabolic steroids are regarded steroidscanbesoldlegallywithoutaprescription(Hermansson, (correctly) as performance enhancers, as well as harmful to 2002; Cramer, 2005). Thus, many foreign distributors do not health.Ofthe198143urinesamplesanalysedin2006by34 violate the laws of their own country when they sell these WADA-accredited laboratories, 4332 (2%) were found to substancestocustomersoverseasviatheInternetandbye-mail contain a prohibited substance (‘A-sample’), of which 1966 orders.ThemajorityofthehormoneproductsintheEuropean (45% of all the adverse findings) were positive for anabolic market come fromcountrieswithin the European Union and steroids. Comparison of the adverse findings for worldwide Russia,butalsosometimesfromThailand,Turkey,Egypt,India testing for over a decade show that there has been little and Pakistan (Hermansson, 2002). In the United States, change year after year, the most common steroids being significant quantities of anabolic steroids come from Mexico, testosterone, nandrolone, stanozolol and methandienone. aswellasothercountriessuchasRussia,RomaniaandGreece Testosterone has an unfavourable anabolic–androgenic dis- (Cramer,2005). sociation compared with other anabolic steroids, but it is In the United Kingdom, anabolic steroids are controlled more difficult to prove its administration, as it is also underScheduleIVPart2oftheMisuseofDrugsAct;theAct produced endogenously. Some consider that the WADA includes most of the anabolic steroids, together with statistics do not reflect the real extent of doping with clenbuterol (adrenoreceptor stimulant) and human growth anabolic steroids, particularly within top-level athletics but hormone.Thereisnorestrictiononthepossessionof these fewwoulddisputethattheurgetosucceedandtherewards substanceswhentheyarepartofamedicinalproductandare of success, both financial and otherwise, have provided for self-administration. However, prosecutions of intent to powerful incentives to some competitors to look for every supplyhavebeenmadeofindividualsfoundinpossessionof possiblemeansofimprovingtheirperformance,despitethe large quantities of these substances without a prescription riskofdenunciationandpenalties. forthem.AHomeOfficelicenceisrequiredforimportation andexportationofanabolicsteroids,exceptincasesofsmall quantitiesforlegitimatepurposes. Chemical structures and activity As to doping control in human sport, the International OlympicCommittee(IOC)MedicalCommissionintroduced Commonanabolicsteroids anabolic steroids as a banned class in 1974 (Kicman and Some of the structural modifications that have been Gower,2003b).Thenameofthisbannedclasswasamended introducedintothetestosteroneinanattempttomaximize to anabolic agents in the 1990s to incorporate out-of- theanaboliceffectandminimizetheandrogenicareshown competition testing for clenbuterol and other b -agonists, in Figure 2, and examples of anabolic steroids are given in 2 whicharealsoconsideredtohaveanabolicactivity.In1999, Figure 3. Many of these steroids have been withdrawn as WADAwassetupasafoundationundertheinitiativeofthe licensedproductsinnumerouscountriesworldwidebutthey IOCwiththesupportandparticipationofintergovernmen- continue to be available as pharmaceutical preparations in talorganizations,governments,publicauthorities,andother others, for example, methandienone, methyltestosterone, publicandprivatebodiesfightingagainstdopinginhuman oxandrolone and stanozolol. The only preparations cur- sport. Under WADA, the rules and technical documents rently available as licensed products for human use within concerning anabolic steroids (and other drugs) are con- the United Kingdom are testosterone and its esters, stantly evolving and for up to date information the reader nandrolone (as the decanoate ester), mesterolone and is strongly advised to access the WADA web site (http:// oxymetholone (named patient basis only). Boldenone and www.wada-ama.org/en/). trenbolonearerestrictedtoveterinarypurposesonlyinsome countries, but, nonetheless, sports competitors and body- builders have been known to administer these anabolic Misuseofanabolicsteroidsinsportandsociety steroids. The use of anabolic steroids for cosmetic benefits among Oralactivitycanbeconferredbysubstitutionofthe17a-H both adults and adolescents in society may be incorrectly onthesteroidnucleuswithamethylorethylgrouptomake regarded as a comparatively harmless pharmacological the 17a-alkylated anabolic steroids. Alkyl substitution pre- manipulation that can aid the development of bulging ventsdeactivationofthesteroidbyfirst-passmetabolismby musclesandawell-tonedfigure.Surveysofanabolicsteroid sterically hinderingoxidation of the17b-hydroxyl group. A abusebygymnasiausersfoundthat,overall,around5%were methylgroupattachedtoC-1canalsoconferoralactivity,as using such drugs (Korkia and Stimson, 1993), whereas in methenolone or mesterolone, but these two anabolic among people attending gyms equipped for competitive steroidsareconsideredtoberelativelyweakinpharmacolo- bodybuilding, the proportion of current or previous users gicalactivity. was around 25–50% (Lenehan et al., 1996; Korkia and Parenteral preparations do not require a 17a-alkyl group Stimson, 1997). Nevertheless, it is difficult to estimate the butusuallythe17b-hydroxylgroupisesterifiedwithanacid true number of anabolic steroid users in the whole of the moiety(vanderVies,1993)topreventrapidabsorptionfrom BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids ATKicman 505 Removal of the Esterification confers depot angular methyl group activity for i.m. administration Introduction of double bond Attachment of methyl group OH Attachment of various groups at C-2 Attachment of 17 α-alkyl group confers oral activity 17 D C 1 Attachment of pyrazole 2 A B ring to the A-ring 3 4 7 O Attachment of 7 α-methyl group Attachment of chlorine or hydroxyl group Figure2 StructuralmodificationstotheA-andB-ringsoftestosteronethatincreaseanabolicactivity;substitutionatC-17confersoralor depotactivity(i.m.).FigurefromKicmanandGower(2003b),acommissionedarticlebytheAnalyticalInvestigationsStandingCommittee, reproducedwithpermissionfromtheAssociationofClinicalBiochemists. the oily vehicle, usually arachis oil plus a small amount of a daily basis. Other short-acting testosterone preparations benzyl alcohol. Once in the circulation, hydrolysis rapidly include those that are designed to be administered by the occurs by the action of blood esterases to yield the active sublingual or buccal route. Such short-acting formulations compound.Theestersincludecyclohexylpropionate,decan- areofparticularconcerninsport,astheexogenoussourceof oate,laurateandphenylpropionatefornandrolone;acetate, testosterone is rapidly eliminated following cessation of cypionate, decanoate, enanthate, isocaproate, phenylpro- treatment. Increased out-of-competition testing helps to pionate, propionate and undecanoate for testosterone, combat the cheat who is using short-acting preparations undecylenate for boldenone and acetate for trenbolone. andceasingadministrationpriortocompetitioninanticipa- Themechanismofactionofthenandroloneestersandother tion of testing. It is of interest that an illicit preparation anabolicsteroids,andtheeffectofdrugdeliverysystemson called‘TheCream’wasdesignedfortransdermalapplication their biological activity have been studied by van der Vies (seethesection‘Designersteroids’). (1993). The duration of action of the esters depends upon therateofabsorptionfromthesiteofadministration.Thisis dependent onthe chainlengthof theacid moiety andalso Steroiddietarysupplements theformulation,beingrelatedtothepartitioncoefficientof A current cause for concern is the recent manufacture of thederivativesbetweentheoilusedintheformulationand analogues of established anabolic steroids to tap into the plasma. In general, the longer the chain length, the more bodybuilding market. To avoid the statutory controls of slowly the preparation is released into circulation, thus countries regarding the manufacture and supply of drugs, prolongingthedurationofaction.Furthermore,testosterone these compounds are often widely marketed as nutritional/ undecanoate is also orally active, the 11 carbon chain ester dietary supplements, examples being DHEA, androstene- making the molecule so lipophilic that its route of absorp- dione, androstenediol, and their 19-nor equivalents (these tion is partially shifted from the hepatic portal vein to the steroids are prohormones), and analogues of testosterone lymphsystem,thusbypassingfirst-passmetabolismtosome and stanozolol called 1-testosterone and prostanozolol, extent,itbeingreleasedintothecirculationviathethoracic respectively (Figure 4). It is a consequence of their wide- duct(Coertetal.,1975;Horstetal.,1976). spread availability that a minority of athletes will also use Non-pharmaceuticalwater-basedtestosteronesuspensions these steroids in an attempt to improve sporting perfor- for injection are advertised on bodybuilding web sites and mance, and because they are structurally related to main- cheatsinsportmayfindtheseattractiveas,intheory,these stream anabolic steroids, sports antidoping laboratories are shouldberelativelyshortacting.Non-pharmaceutical-based madetoincorporatesuchcompoundsintotheirdrugscreens preparations,whetheroilorwaterbased,maybeaparticular under the WADA rules. These steroids are supplied for oral hazardtohealthasthecontentsmaynothavebeenprepared administration, and are therefore subject to first-pass understerileconditions. metabolism, a very important factor as to the extent the Transdermal formulations are invariably testosterone steroid is deactivated or converted to a more active form. based, legitimately designed for replacement therapy, and Some of the putative metabolites of dietary supplements includethe‘patch’andhydroalcoholicgels,tobeappliedon havebeenidentifiedbymassspectrometry,butnotbyother BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids 506 ATKicman Parent Trade Names Parent Trade Names Parent Trade Names Parent Trade Names (examples) (examples) (examples) (examples) OH OH OH OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 N O HN N N O CH3 H O H Bolasterone Myagen Furazabol Frazalon Methyltestosterone Android Stanozolol Stromba Methosarb Miotolon Metandren Winstrol OH OH CH3 OH OH H3C O H O O H Boldenone Boldane1 Madol7 Nandrolone Deca-Durabolin5 Stenbolone Anatrofin2 Equipoise1 (Desoxymethyltestosterone) Anabolicus3 Stenobolone2 OH OH OH OH CH3 CH3 C2H5 O CH3 O H O O Calusterone Methosarb Mestanolone Andoron Norbolethone7 (Genabol) Testosterone Primoteston4 Riedemil Notandron Testogel OHCH3 CH3 OH OHCH2CH3 OHC2H5 O Cl O H O O Chlorodehydromethyl- Oral-Turanibol Mesterolone Proviron Norethandrolone7 Nilevar Tetrahydrogestrinone7 'The Clear' testosterone Mestoranum OH OH OH OH CH3 CH3 O O O O O Cl Steranabol2 H Clostebol Test-Anabol2 Methandienone Dianabol Oxandrolone Anavar Trenbolone Finajet2 (methandrostenelone) Danabol Lonavar Parabolan6 OH OH OH OH H3C CH3 CH3 O H HO O O CH3 OH Drostanolone Drolban3 Methandriol Diandren Oxymesterone Oranabol Trestolone2 (MENT) not yet Methalone Crestabolic3 Theranabol marketed OH OH OH HO CH3 CH3 CH3 HOHC F O O H O H Fluoxymesterone Ultandren Methenolone Primobolan2 Oxymetholone Anapolon Halotestin (Metenolone) Nibal4 Adroyd Figure 3 Structures of anabolic–androgenic steroids with corresponding diagnostic metabolites and examples of registered trade names. Superscripts (1–6) refer to 17b-hydroxyl-esterified preparations: 1undecylenoate; 2acetate; 3propionate; 4heptanoate; 5decanoate; 6hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.Superscript7—seethesectionon‘Designersteroids’. analytical techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance primarily mitigated through peripheral conversion to testo- spectroscopy to confirm configuration of the structure; the sterone. Ingestion of DHEA can result in an increase in interested reader is referred to the extensive review by Van circulatingDHEAandandrostenedione,butitisnotresolved EenooandDelbeke(2006). astowhetherthereisanincreaseinplasmatestosterone,see Withrespecttoprohormonesupplementsoftestosterone, for example Brown et al. (1999). This is not surprising as recently reviewed by Brown et al. (2006), these are becauseintheadultmentheoverallperipheralcontribution modelled on steroids that are endogenously produced, that of these precursor steroids to circulating testosterone is is, androstenedione, androstenediol and DHEA. However, small.AnycontributionfromexogenousDHEAorandroste- supplementsoftheweakerandrogensDHEAorandrostene- nedione will be largely moderated by the large amount of dione may be of little or no benefit to healthy young men testosteronecontributedbythetestis.Inwomen,anincrease who wish to improve their strength and sporting perfor- inperformancemaybepossiblefollowingingestionofthese mance if, as would be expected, any anabolic effect is supplements, as circulating testosterone would be expected BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids ATKicman 507 O Drug Administration), as part of its public health mission, sent warning letters to 23 companies in the United States requesting them to cease distributing androstenedione as dietarysupplements(FDA,2004). HO I Designersteroids O O Designer anabolic steroids are considered as ones that are manufactured specifically to circumvent doping tests in human sport, and, therefore, for obvious reasons, they are suppliedinaclandestinefashion.Therearefewexamplesto O II O draw on. Classified documents (Franke and Berendonk, III 1997) saved after the collapse of the German Democratic Republic revealed that, since 1983, a pharmaceutical com- OH OH pany had produced preparations of epitestosterone propio- nate exclusively for the governmental doping programme. Epitestosterone, an epimer of testosterone, is a steroid with noanabolicactivitybutitsadministrationwithtestosterone HO HO simultaneouslyorsequentiallyenablesanathletetomanip- IV V ulate the test for testosterone administration if the test is O based solely on determination of the urinary testosterone/ OH epitestosterone(T/E)ratio.Recently,acompanyinCalifornia calledBALCO(BayAreaLaboratoryCo-operative;Burlingame, CA, USA) attracted much media attention due to the high profileoftheathletesinvolved,notleastbecauseofthesupply O O ofatransdermalpreparationcodedas‘TheCream’containing VI H VII testosterone and epitestosterone, as well as a sublingual O preparation of a new anabolic steroid coded as ‘The Clear’, O O which was identified from the contents of a spent syringe as tetrahydrogestrinone (THG) by the WADA-accredited labora- tory within the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) O H N (Catlinetal.,2004). VIII N Tetrahydrogestrinone can be easily manufactured by the H IX catalytic hydrogenation of the ethynyl group of the progestogen gestrinone (Figure 5). This relatively simple Figure 4 The ‘supplements’ (I) dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), (II)and(III)androstenedione(D4and5,versionsrespectively),(IV) synthetic step hides the thinking that probably lay behind and (V) androstenediol (D4 and 5 versions, respectively), (VI) 19- the design of THG. Given the close homology of their norandrostenedione (only D4 version displayed), (VII) 1-testoster- receptors, there is an overlap between the activity of one,(VIII)boldioneand(IX)prostanozolol. progestogens and androgens, especially those xenobiotic steroidsthatlacktheC-19methylgroup,butwhichactivity predominates depends on whether the alkyl substituent at to increase. The plasma concentration of endogenous carbon-17isethynylorethyl.Substitutionofthe17a-Hwith testosterone is approximately 1/10th that found in men an ethynyl group on nandrolone, a 19-nor anabolic steroid and the relative proportion arising from peripheral conver- with some progestational activity, will result in a potent sionofweakerandrogensismuchgreater.Eventhoughonly orally active progestogen, this being called norethisterone 12–14% of androstenedione is converted peripherally to (norethindrone), a steroid that is still used in some contra- testosterone (Horton and Tait, 1966; Bardin and Lipsett, ceptivestoday.Thesyntheticrouteisdescribedinaseminal 1967), this amount accounts for about half the circulating paperbyDjerassietal.(1954).However,substitutionwithan testosteroneinthewomen.Astheperipheralcontributionto ethylgrouponnandroloneratherthanethynylgroupresults blood testosterone is far greater in the young adult women in another anabolic steroid known as norethandrolone, thanthe men,ingestionofmodest amounts of androstene- which also has oral activity. Gestrinone, is a pharmaceuti- dione,DHEAorandrostenediol(thenaturalsteroidortheD cally available progestogen that lacks the C-19 angular 4 analogue)islikelytosignificantlyraisecirculatingtestoster- methyl group but has a 17a-ethynyl group, and it follows one. There are modest-to-large increases in circulating that reduction of this ethynyl group to the tetrahydro testosterone following androstenedione administration to product should make THG a ‘potent’ androgen. This is women (Leder et al., 2002; Kicman et al., 2003a; Bassindale indeed the case, as subsequently THG was found to be a et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2004). Women who chronically highly potent androgen (and progestogen) in an in vitro administer large doses of weaker androgens that can be bioassay system expressing human steroid receptors (Death converted to more potent steroids would be expected to et al., 2004), and it promotes muscle accretion in orchidec- suffer from virilizing effects. In 2004, the FDA (Food and tomized male rats (Jasuja et al., 2005). Despite the presence BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids 508 ATKicman 18α-homo OH OH 18 CH C 17 H 2 ethynyl group reduced Pd/C to ethyl group O O Gestrinone Tetrahydrogestrinone Figure5 Catalytichydrogenationofgestrinonetoformtetrahydrogestrinone(THG).Anexampleofacatalystispalladiumoncarbon(Pd/C), asdescribedinaprocedureemployedbyCatlinetal.(2004). of the 17a-alkyl function, which should make the steroid As an adjunct, much of the physiological importance of resistant to first-pass metabolism, it is of interest that the non-genomic actions of androgens is still to be elucidated, instructions from BALCO Laboratories were to place a few not least with respect to androgen-induced cell-cycle drops of the liquid preparation under the tongue, that is, a progression. The induction of second messenger signal sublingual route of administration. THG was invisible on transduction cascades by steroids commonly occurs within the routine gas chromatography–mass spectrometry screen secondstoafewminutes,incontrasttogenomicactivityof employedbytheWADA-accreditedlaboratoriesandnecessi- theclassicsteroidreceptorsthattakes30–60min.Regarding tated the development of a liquid chromatography–mass androgens, several non-genomic mechanisms appear to be spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) screen for its involved, including mediation by the membrane-bound detection;foracurrentanddetailedreviewontheanalysisof sex hormone-binding globulin receptor and also a putative anabolicsteroidsseeKicmanetal.(2008). G-protein-coupled receptor that androgens directly bind Underground chemists appear also to be accessing infor- with,aswellasthroughstimulationofnonreceptortyrosine mation concerning other steroids that were synthesized kinase c-SRC. The complexity of these mechanisms is several decades ago by pharmaceutical companies but were described in detail elsewhere (Cato et al., 2002; Heinlein nevermarketed.Suchsteroidsthathavebeendetecteduntil and Chang, 2002a; Losel et al., 2003). Ultimately, gene recently are norbolethone (Catlin et al., 2002), which was transcription may be modulated by these ‘non-genomic’ reputed to have been the active ingredient of ‘The Clear’ pathways but a well-recognized exception is the rapid before being replaced by THG, and madol (Sekera et al., elevationofcalciumioninfluxbyapathwaythatisconfined 2005),whichisalsoreferredtoasdesoxymethyltestosterone to the cytoplasm. It is not currently known whether non- (by the WADA-accredited laboratory in Montreal, who genomic actions of androgens at physiological concentra- identifiedthissteroidaroundthesametimeastheaccredited tionsareimportantinskeletalmusclegrowth,letalonewhat laboratory at UCLA). Although the extent of this activity the non-genomic effects may be evoked by the administra- appears to be limited, as screening procedures rely on tionofanabolicsteroids.Forthesakeofbrevity,thisreview targeting selecting ions for monitoring by mass spectro- willonlyverybrieflytouchagainonnon-genomicpathways metry, unknown steroids may escape detection. To demon- under ‘Behavioural Effects’ (see the section ‘Behavioural strate how this problem may be addressed, Thevis et al. mechanisms’). (2005)developedanLC–MS/MSscreeningmethodbasedon common fragmentation pathways and Nielen et al. (2006) used a combination of androgen bioassay detection and Intracellularmetabolismandthemyotrophic–androgenicindex electrospray quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectometric Thestructuralchangestotestosteronebymedicinalchemists identification. weredesignedtoenhancetheproteinanaboliceffectrelative totheandrogeniceffect.Unfortunately,theanaboliceffects could not be divorced entirely from the androgenic effects, Mechanisms of action although some synthetic steroids present a remarkable dissociation, at least based on the myotrophic–androgenic Anabolicsteroidsarethoughttoexerttheiractionsbyseveral index.Itmaybearguedthatbytoday’sstandardsthisinvivo different mechanisms. These mechanisms include modulat- approach, which was developed over 50 years ago, is ing androgen receptor expression as a consequence of (i) unsophisticated given the huge developments in molecular intracellular metabolism and by (ii) directly affecting the biology since that time. Despite the criticism that this topology of the androgen receptor and thus subsequent approach has attracted, it is of note that anabolic steroids interaction with co-activators and transcriptional activity. with high myotrophic activity and favourable index Other mechanisms include (iii) an anticatabolic effect by values,forexample,nandrolone(esterified),oxymetholone, interferingwithglucocorticoidreceptorexpression;and(iv) methandienone and stanozolol are still available as bynon-genomic,aswellasbygenomicpathways,intheCNS medicines in many countries. These steroids remain resulting in behavioural changes. These mechanisms are desirableasadopingagenttoenhancesportingperformance discussedherein. (as evident by the statistics collated by WADA) and for BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids ATKicman 509 bodybuilding purposes. For this reason, it is logical to modificationstoit,andothersstillusedtheseminalvesicles summarize this approach, based on growth of a particular asabioassayofandrogenicity. skeletal muscle called the levator ani relative to that of Liketheindexvalue,themyotrophicorandrogeniceffects androgenic target tissue, usually the prostate gland, and were themselves expressed as ratios to other reference attempt to explain the underlying mechanism of dissocia- steroids, for example, 17a-methyl testosterone or testoster- tion of the growth of the two tissues (compared with one for oral routes and testosterone propionate for parent- controls). eral routes. A comprehensive comparison of the anabolic Eisenberg and Gordan (1950) proposed the use of the rat andandrogenicactivitiesofmanyanabolicsteroidsandtheir levatoranimuscleasabioassayofproteinanabolicactivity; dissociationindexisgivenelsewhere(Pottsetal.,1976)but theanatomicaldrawingsfromthedissectionofthemalerat, someexamplesaredisplayedinTable1. displaying the location of this muscle, the prostate and Kruskemper (1968) discusses the many failings of the seminal vesicles are displayed in this paper. The rat levator procedures used for determining the myotrophic–andro- animuscleispartoftheperinealcomplexofstriatedmuscles genic index, for example, the seminal vesicles react more that envelope the rectum. This muscle was chosen because slowly to certain androgens, so that with short test admin- previous workers had reported that testosterone propionate istration, distortions can arise in favour of the myotrophic stimulated the growth of the perineal complex in infantile effect. The harshest criticism of this index was given by rats, and, additionally, this complex was easily separated NimniandGeiger(1957),ScowandHagan(1957)andHayes from other tissues. Eisenberg et al. demonstrated that the (1965). Testosterone administration for 56 days to young levator ani muscle in castrated, immature rats responded gonadectomizedrats(castratedat20–23daysofage)hadno well to the administration of various steroids such as effect on the growth of the thigh muscle compared with testosterone propionate, 17a-methyltestosterone and controls, yet there was considerable growth in the perineal pituitary growth hormone (extracted from the anterior musculature(Scow,1952;ScowandHagan,1957).Testoster- lobes of ox pituitaries). In contrast, there was a much one propionate or norethandrolone (17a-ethyl-19-nortesto- smaller unparalleled increase in the weight of the seminal sterone; also an anabolic steroid) administration promoted vesicles. thegrowthofthelevatoranimuscleeveninyoungnormal The foundation of the commonly used procedure of the or castrated rats on a protein-free diet, that is, a local myotrophic–androgenic index was based on a modification anabolic effect proceeding at the expense of catabolic of the Eisenberg and Gordan method by Hershberger et al. processes in other organs. Hayes (1965) stated that the rat (1953). Hershbergerandco-workerspreferredtheuseofthe levatoranimuscleisnothomologoustothismuscleinother ventral part ofthe prostate rather thanthe seminalvesicles species,thatis,itisnotatypicalsphinctermuscleanddoes as a measure of tissue androgenic response in immature not lift the anus in rodents but is part of the male gonadectomizedrats.Theyproposedameasureofhormonal reproductive system. Thus, Hayes renamed the levator ani myotrophic-to-androgenicactivityusingthefollowingratio: muscle, calling it the dorsal bulbocavernosus. All three Index ratio¼(experimental levator ani weight(cid:2)control groupsofworkersshowedthatthelevatoranimusclereflects levator ani weight)/(experimental ventral prostate ageneralgenitomyotrophicresponseratherthananoverall weight(cid:2)control ventral prostate weight) ¼increase in responsetoandrogens.Later,Hervey(1982)claimedthatthe levatoraniweight/increaseinventralprostateweight male rat’s characteristics are determined shortly after birth Many investigators employed the approach proposed by (duetoabriefsecretionoftestosterone),and,thereafter,any Hershberger et al. (1953), but some made their own increaseinbodymassisnotaffectedbyandrogens. Table1 Comparisonofmyotrophicandandrogenicactivitiesofanabolicsteroids—examplesweredrawnfromamuchmorecomprehensivetable (withreferencedpapers)presentedbyPottsetal.(1976) Steroid Route Referencesteroid Activity Indexvalue Myotrophic Androgenic ChloromethylT p.o. 17a-MeT 0.5 0.10–0.15 3–5 Methandienone p.o. 17a-MeT 0.60 0.20 3 Methenoloneacetate p.o. 17a-MeT 0.86 0.12 7 Nandrolonedecanoate par. Tpropionate 3.29–4.92 0.41–0.31 12.1–10.6 Norbolethonea par. Tpropionate 3.44 0.15–0.17 20 Norethandrolone par. Tpropionate 0.77–1.0 0.06–0.38 2–16 Oxandroloneb par. 17a-MeT 3.22 0.24 13 Oxymesterone p.o. 17a-MeT 1.34 0.42–0.61 2.2–3.2 Oxymetholone p.o. 17a-MeT 3.20 0.45 7.1 Stanozolol p.o. 17a-MeT 2.0–3.7 0.33–0.52 6–10.6 T p.o. 17a-MeT 0.36 0.28–0.50 0.7–1.3 Abbreviations:par.,parenteral;T,testosterone. aNorbolethonewasdevelopedin1966butitwasnevercommerciallymarketed.Itwasdetectedintwourinesamplesfromanathlete(August2001,March2002) byCatlinetal.(2002).AUSGovernmentInvestigationrevealedthatachemistbasedinChampaign(IL,USA)synthesizedthissteroidanditwasdistributedbya companycalledBALCOLaboratories(seealsothesection‘Designersteroids’). bOnlytheactivityfortheparenteralrouteavailable. BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids 510 ATKicman Contrary to the opinions described above, there is none- readily in androgenic tissue but is negligible in skeletal theless biochemical evidence that suggests that the genito- muscle, this explains why 19-nortestosterone has a greater myotrophicresponseofthelevatoranimusclemayserveas myotrophic-to-androgenic ratio when compared with tes- an indicator of the general myotrophic responses in the tosterone (Figure 6). If the model is correct, such a developing rat for the following reasons. The same classic diminishmentinandrogenicactivityshouldnotbeconfined androgen receptor can be characterized in the prostate, the to the accessory reproductive tissues in the human such as bulbocavernosus/levator ani muscle and typical skeletal theprostate,butalsoinnon-genitaltargettissueswhereclear musclesoftherat(KriegandVoigt,1977).Nandrolone(19- rolesforthemetabolismtoDHThavebeendefinedsuchas nortestosterone)and5a-DHThaveahigherbindingaffinity the male patterns of facial and body hair growth, thus thantestosteronewiththereceptor.Theprostatehas7times allowing more muscle per whisker. Moreover, even where the concentration of androgen receptors than the bulboca- testosterone rather than DHT appears to stimulate other vernosus/levator ani muscles which in turn has 10 times secondary sexual characteristics, such as voice deepening, more than other skeletal muscle. In vitro studies by Gloyna with the discovery of two isozymes of 5a-reductase (for and Wilson (1969) and Massa and Martini (1974) have reviewseeRussellandWilson,1994),itcannotberuledout shown that 5a-reductase activity is very high in rat sexual thatsomeoftheseactionsattributedtotestosteroneneedto tissue such as the prostate and seminal vesicles but be re-evaluated,the results of whichmay haverelevance to negligible, if at all, in skeletal muscle such as the levator the applicability of anabolic steroids with a high myo- aniandthighmuscle.IntracellularDHTis,therefore,lowin trophic–androgenic index. Much of the knowledge of the skeletalmuscle,anditisworthemphasizingthatitspresence separate roles of testosterone and DHT came from 5a- is further diminished because of the high activity of the reductase deficiency syndrome, but these effects are all enzyme3a-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenaseinthistissue(and ascribed to mutations in the type 2 isoenzyme (Randall, cardiac tissue as well), the enzyme that converts DHT 1994) and the biological role of the 5a-reductase type 1 is irreversibly to 3a-androstanediol (Massa and Martini, 1974; harder to ascertain as there is no recognized type 1 Smith et al., 1980). The very low activity of 5a-reductase in deficiency. For example, type 2 5a-reductase appears not to skeletal(andcardiac)musclewassubsequentlyconfirmedby benecessaryforthesebaceousglandresponsetoandrogens other investigators (Krieg et al., 1976; Bartsch et al., 1980), andthedevelopmentofacne,butitisnowknownthatthe and although the enzymatic activity within the levator ani principal isoenzyme in this gland is the type 1 form appearstobesignificantlyhigher,itstillrepresentsonly5% (Thiboutot et al., 1995; Sato et al., 1998). As an adjunct, of that within the prostate. The rat levator ani may be a dutasteride (Avodart; manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline), somewhat atypical striated muscle because of its greater which inhibits both type 1 and type 2 5a-reductases and is concentrationofandrogenreceptors,but,duetoitsverylow usedinthetreatmentofbenignprostatichyperplasia(Clark 5a-reductase activity, it can also be argued that it is not a et al., 2004) and male pattern hair loss (Olsen et al., 2006), typicalpartoftargettissuesassociatedwiththereproductive appearsnottobehelpfulinthetreatmentforacnevulgaris system. Celotti and Cesi (1992), in their review of possible (Leyden et al., 2004). This suggests that further work at the mechanisms of action of anabolic steroids, discuss that the molecularlevelisrequiredtobetterunderstandtheactionof peculiar androgen sensitivity of this muscle is intermediate androgensonsebaceousglandfunction. betweenthatpresentintheskeletalmusclesandthatofthe This mechanism of myotrophic–androgenic dissociation prostate.Themyotrophiceffectofanabolicsteroidsmaybe does not explain why other anabolic steroids that do not reflectedbytheamplifiedresponseofthelevatoranimuscle undergo 5a-reduction, for example, those with an extra due to its higher concentration of androgen receptors, an double bond in the A-ring, such as chlorodehydromethyl- effect that is not apparently sufficient in other (typical) rat testosterone and methandienone (Schanzer, 1996), have a skeletal muscles to be observed using differences in weight favourable mytotrophic–androgenic index. Even so, it is (comparedwithcontrols)asthemeasurand. possible that that myotrophic–androgenic dissociation may A possible basis for increasing the myotrophic-to-andro- occur, simply because the effect of the particular steroid genicratiomaybebyexploitingthefundamentaldifference cannot be amplified by 5a-reduction in androgenic target between the 5a-reductase concentrations in skeletal muscle tissues, in common with the hypothesis proposed for the andandrogenictissue.Onewayofincreasing theanabolic– differential action of a steroidal SARM (see the section androgenicdissociationistoadministerasteroidthathasa ‘Selectiveandrogenreceptormodulators’foranexplanation greaterbindingaffinityfortheandrogenreceptorbutupon of the term) called MENT (7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone; reductiontoa5a-metabolitehasalesseraffinity.Amongthe trestolone)(AgarwalandMonder,1988;Kumaretal.,1992), anabolic steroids, 19-nortestosterone (nandrolone) was one asreviewedbySundaramandKumar(2000). ofthefirstsynthesized,themostusedandprobablythebest Recently, as part of investigations to assess whether the studied. Although DHT has a greater binding affinity for designersteroidTHGhadanabolicandandrogenicproperties the androgen receptor than its parent steroid testosterone, (see also next section), three papers report the effects of its by contrast the 5a-reduced form of 19-nortestosterone, 5a- administration on the growth of the levator ani, prostate dihydro-19-nortestosterone, has a lesser binding affinity and seminal vesicles compared with control steroids (Jasuja than its parent steroid 19-nortestosterone (Toth and Zakar, etal.,2005;Labrieetal.,2005;Friedeletal.,2006a).Notwith- 1982).Hence,inandrogenictissue,testosteroneisconverted standing the possible differences in pharmacokinetics and to a more potent metabolite, whereas 19-nortestosterone is bioavailability between THG and the control steroids admi- converted to a less potent one. As 5a-reduction occurs nistered, there appeared to be little myotrophic–androgenic BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521 Pharmacologyofanabolicsteroids ATKicman 511 Skeletal Muscle OH OH O Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) 5 4 O Androgenic Tissue OH Nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) 5α-reductase O H 5α-dihydro-19-nortestosterone Further Metabolism Figure 6 In androgenic tissues, nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) is readily converted by the enzyme 5a-reductase into 5a-dihydro-19- nortestosterone,i.e.,thedoublebondbetweenC4andC5isreduced.Thismetabolitebindswithweakeraffinitytotheandrogenreceptor comparedwiththeparentsteroid.Furthermetabolismcanoccurbecauseofthehighactivityoftheenzyme3a-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase (whichreducesthe3-oxogroup)inandrogenictissue.Inskeletalmuscle,5a-reductaseactivityisnegligibleand,therefore,theparentsteroid itselfbindswithstrongaffinitytotheandrogenreceptor.Itfollowsthatthereisafavourabledisassociationofthemyotrophiceffectsfromthe androgeniceffectsofnandroloneandalsothatthereisagreatermyotrophic-to-androgenicratiowhencomparedwithtestosterone. dissociation, but, nonetheless, the bioassays clearly demon- transcription. A DNA-binding domain, a ligand-binding stratedthatTHGhadanabolicandandrogenicactivityinvivo, domainandatleasttwotranscriptionalactivationdomains, and, therefore, belonged within the banned doping class of characterize these receptors. Apart from binding with the anabolicagentsinsport,asdefinedbyWADA. steroid, the ligand-binding domain also functions in dimer As a final and very important point, it is of note that formation and mediates transcriptional activation. The complete dissociation has not been achieved with any DNA-binding domain targets the receptor to specific DNA anabolic steroid synthesized, and, therefore, the chronic sequencesknownassteroid(orhormone)responseelements. administration of these drugs, even those with a very high On the receptor, the DNA-binding domain consists of two myotrophic–androgenic index value, such as found with subdomains called ‘zinc-fingers’; each subdomain contains nandrolone (19-nortestosterone), will result in hirsutism fourcysteineresiduesthatcoordinatewithazincatom,thus, and,eventually,virilizationofwomenandchildren. stabilizingthe‘finger’structure.Thezinc-fingersareinserted between specific grooves of the DNA helix, thus, allowing maintenanceofDNA-bindingactivity. Androgenreceptorexpressionandtheimportanceofcoregulators A general model of steroid receptor action isdisplayed in The androgen receptor belongs to the family of nuclear Figure 7. In the absence of hormone, it is by and large receptor superfamily (Mangelsdorf et al., 1995), these acceptedthatsteroidreceptorsexistasaninactiveoligomeric intracellular receptors eliciting so-called ‘classical’ or geno- complex,beingsequesteredbytheheat-shockprotein(Hsp), mic, actions by interacting with DNA and modulating Hsp90, which acts as a molecular chaperone. Hsps are BritishJournalofPharmacology(2008)154502–521

Anabolic steroids continue to be the most common adverse finding in sport and the steroid-converting enzymes within the particular target tissue (Figure 1).
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