1521-0081/65/3/1053–1090$25.00 http://dx.doi.org/10.1124/pr.111.005769 PHARMACOLOGICALREVIEWS PharmacolRev65:1053–1090,July2013 Copyright©2013byTheAmericanSocietyforPharmacologyandExperimentalTherapeutics ASSOCIATEEDITOR:DANANDERSSON Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Antibacterial Drugs ElisabetI.NielsenandLenaE.Friberg DepartmentofPharmaceuticalBiosciences,UppsalaUniversity,Uppsala,Sweden Abstract..................................................................................1054 I. Introduction..............................................................................1055 II. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Development..........1056 A. Pharmacokinetics.....................................................................1056 B. Pharmacodynamics....................................................................1057 C. Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling........1058 D. Simulations...........................................................................1058 E. Modeling and Simulation in Drug Development........................................1059 III. Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics of Antibiotics .......................................1059 A. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration....................................................1059 D o B. Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Indices............................................1060 w n C. Probability of Target Attainment......................................................1062 loa d D. Clinical Breakpoints ..................................................................1063 e d E. Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics and the Resistance Problem.....................1063 fro m F. Drug Development of Antibiotics ......................................................1064 b IV. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of In Vitro Data.............................1065 y g u A. Experimental In Vitro Systems........................................................1065 e s 1. Static Systems.....................................................................1065 t o n 2. Dynamic Systems..................................................................1066 N o a. Dilution methods...............................................................1066 ve m i. Open Systems ...............................................................1066 b e ii. Closed Systems..............................................................1066 r 1 8 b. Diffusion/dialysis methods......................................................1066 , 2 c. Hollow fiber system ............................................................1067 01 8 3. Experimental Conduct.............................................................1067 a. Experimental conditions and study design ......................................1067 b. Combination therapy...........................................................1067 c. Quantification of bacterial count................................................1067 d. Quantification of drug concentration ............................................1068 B. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models Based on In Vitro Data....................1068 1. Bacterial Submodel................................................................1068 2. Pharmacokinetic Model............................................................1069 3. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Model .........................................1069 a. Inoculum effect.................................................................1070 4. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models Describing Antibiotic Resistance........1071 a. Pre-existing resistant bacterial subpopulation...................................1071 ThisworkwasfundedbytheSwedishFoundationforStrategicResearchandtheDrugDiseaseModelResources(DDMoRe)consortium, which is an Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115156, resources of which are composed of a financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) and the European Federation of PharmaceuticalIndustriesandAssociations(EFPIA)companies’in-kindcontributions.TheDDMoReprojectisalsosupportedbyafinancial contribution fromacademicand smallandmediumenterprises (SME)partners.Thisworkdoesnotnecessarilyrepresenttheviewsofall DDMoRepartners. Addresscorrespondenceto:Dr.ElisabetNielsen,DepartmentofPharmaceuticalBiosciences,UppsalaUniversity,SE-75124Uppsala, Sweden.E-mail:[email protected] dx.doi.org/10.1124/pr.111.005769 1053 1054 NielsenandFriberg b. Appearance of new mutants ....................................................1071 c. Persistent bacteria .............................................................1072 d. Adaptive resistance.............................................................1073 5. Predictions Based on Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models...................1073 V. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Animal Data .............................1075 A. Experimental Infections in Animals ...................................................1075 1. Pharmacokinetics in Animals ......................................................1075 2. Methods to Mimic Human Pharmacokinetics .......................................1075 3. Pharmacodynamic Endpoint .......................................................1076 4. Immune Response .................................................................1076 5. Different Animal Models...........................................................1076 a. Thigh infection model ..........................................................1076 b. Pneumonia models .............................................................1077 c. Peritonitis/bacteremia models...................................................1077 d. Meningitis models..............................................................1077 e. Endocarditis models............................................................1077 f. Skin and soft tissue infection models............................................1077 B. Models of Summary Pharmacodynamic Endpoints .....................................1077 C. Models Characterizing Full Pharmacodynamic Time Courses...........................1078 1. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models Without Antibiotic Resistance..........1078 2. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models Describing Antibiotic Resistance........1079 3. Models Including the Immune System..............................................1079 VI. Clinical Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics.............................................1080 A. Pharmacokinetics in Bacterial Infections ..............................................1080 1. Pharmacokinetics in Patients ......................................................1080 2. Pharmacokinetics in Target Tissue.................................................1081 B. Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics of Antibacterial Drug Effects in Patients.........1081 1. Pharmacodynamic Endpoints in Clinical Studies ...................................1081 2. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Efficacy............................1081 3. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Resistance .........................1082 4. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Side Effects........................1082 a. Reversible nephrotoxicity.......................................................1082 b. Thrombocytopenia..............................................................1083 VII. Some Practical Aspects of Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling...................1083 A. Mechanism-Based Versus Empirical Models ...........................................1083 B. Software and Technical Aspects .......................................................1084 C. Model Evaluation .....................................................................1084 VIII. Future Perspectives.......................................................................1085 IX. Conclusions and Standpoints..............................................................1086 References................................................................................1086 Abstract——Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic antibiotics and immune system, and selection of (PKPD) modeling and simulation has evolved as an resistance can provide valuable information on the importanttoolforrationaldrugdevelopmentanddrug interactions between antibiotics, bacteria, and host. use, where developed models characterize both the Simulationsfromdevelopedmodelsallowforoutcome typical trendsin the data and quantify the variability predictions of untested scenarios, improved study in relationships between dose, concentration, and designs, and optimized dosing regimens. Today, desired effects and side effects. In parallel, rapid much quantitative information on antibiotic PKPD is emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria imposes thrownawaybysummarizingdataintovariableswith new challenges on modern health care. Models that limited possibilities for extrapolation to different cancharacterizebacterialgrowth,bacterialkillingby dosing regimens and study populations. In vitro ABBREVIATIONS: AUC,areaundertheconcentration-timecurve;CART,classificationandregressiontree;CFU,colony-formingunits; CL, clearance; CL , creatinine clearance; C , maximum concentration during a dosing interval; E , maximum effect; f , fraction CR max max u unbound;IIV,interindividualvariability;IOV,interoccasionvariability;LOD,limitofdetection;MDR,multidrugresistant;MIC,minimum inhibitory concentration; MSW, mutant selection window; MTT, mean transit time; MU, million units; PK, pharmacokinetics; PD, pharmacodynamics; PTA,probability of target attainment; t1/2, half-life;T.MIC, time aboveMIC; Vd, volumeof distribution; VPC, visual predictivecheck. PKPD-ModelingofAntibiotics 1055 studies allow for flexible study designs and valuable effects in animals and patients. We promote more information on time courses of antibiotic drug action. extensiveuseofmodelingandsimulationtospeedup Such experiments have formed the basis for devel- development of new antibiotics and promising anti- opment of a variety of PKPD models that primarily biotic drug combinations. This review summarizes differ in how antibiotic drug exposure induces ampli- the value of PKPD modeling and provides an over- fication of resistant bacteria. The models have shown view of the characteristics of available PKPD models promise for efficacy predictions in patients, but few of antibiotics based on in vitro, animal, and patient PKPDmodelsdescribetimecoursesofantibioticdrug data. I. Introduction can integrate the time courses of the relationships between dose and concentration, between PK and Theworldisfacinganalarmingscenarioinwhichwe antibacterial effect and side effects, between PK and are rapidly losing treatment options due to resistance resistancedevelopment,aswellasthehostresponseto against multiple currently available antibiotics. At the infection would be very valuable for rational drug the same time, the pharmaceutical industry is losing development. interest in developing new antibiotics because of their Thepurposesofmodelingaretodescribethegeneral expectedlimitedreturnontheinvestment.Thedemand trend and variability in the observed data at hand but for new antibiotics and optimized treatments makes also to better understand underlying mechanisms of quantitative approaches to predictions of bacterial drug action and the interaction on the physiologic killing a valuable asset for rational drug development system; to predict tested and untested doses and and drug usage. In pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic dosing regimens; to simulate outcomes of new studies; (PKPD) modeling, the relationship between dose, and to be a tool for design of new studies. A model concentration, and desired effects and side effects is should be built for its purpose and capture the crucial described and quantitated. Pharmacometricshasbeendefinedas“thescienceof aspects of the processes. PKPD modeling and simula- tion is currently applied in all larger pharmaceutical developing and applying mathematical and statistical companies to quantitatively characterize the observed methods to characterize, understand, and predict a drug’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic behav- drugresponsesandmechanismsofdrugaction,aswell ior” (Ette and Williams, 2007). Pharmacometrics has as variability, and to supportdecision making. For the been promoted as a methodology to rationalize and in- last three decades, PKPD modeling has also been form drug development and is widely appreciated by applied to improve dosing regimens of approved drugs thepharmaceuticalindustry,academia,andregulators and to individualize therapy. in general. Developed models have been described as AnestablishedPKPDmodelcanbeveryvaluablefor “powerfulplatformsthatregulatorsmayusetocompile early predictions of a drug effect, where the informa- and analyze data in order to support approval and tiononoutcomeislimited.Onthebasisofanavailable labeling” (Manolis and Herold, 2011). Pharmacomet- model that possesses a generic structure with model rics is a bridging discipline, as the field includes phar- parameters that describe the underlying system, maceutical sciences, clinical pharmacology, medicine, limited data are needed to describe the drug’s effect computational science, programming, and statistics. on the system. An example of such a model that has PKPD models are typically illustrated by compart- been shown to be applicable across drugs and various ments and schematic boxes, including representations phases of drug development is a PKPD model for of transfer of amounts and relationships between the myelosuppression(Fribergetal.,2002;Karlssonetal., compartments.Thechangeinamountsinthecompart- 2005). A similar mechanism-based model could be ments over time are typically described by differential usefulforpredictingthetime-courseofbacteriagrowth equations(Fig.1)withtheparametersoftheequations and kill in patients, based on in vitro and/or in vivo being estimated based on available data through an information. Much of a model structure can be shared iterativesearch.Onceamodelhasbeenbuilt,basedon across bacterial strains, and parameters describing differenttypeofinformationforthesystemofinterest, growthcharacteristicsintheabsenceofdrugshouldbe it can be used in computer simulation to describe, drug-independent. It follows that the requirement of explain,andinvestigatedifferentscenarios(Mouldand experimentaldataoncandidatedrugscanberelatively Upton, 2012). PKPD modeling and simulation can be sparseand stillallowforthedrug-effect parametersto atoolintheselectionofdosingregimensthatresult in be successfully estimated. the antibiotic concentration-time profile that will This review provides an overview of available achieve the desired outcome. However, we believe pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models of antibac- PKPD modeling is an underused approach in the terial drugs that are based on in vitro, animal, and development and improvement of antibiotic dosing patient data, and we discuss why and how such regimens. To date, much focus has been on summary models can be more efficiently applied to optimize the endpoints for drug exposure and efficacy. Models that use of currently available antibiotics and to facilitate 1056 NielsenandFriberg dC ¼ 2k (cid:2)C ð2Þ e dt wherek istheparametertobeestimatedbasedonthe e data, e.g., through an iterative process in a designated software. The half-life (t ) is inversely related to k 1/2 e (t = ln(2)/k ). From eqs. 1 and 2, it follows that once 1/2 e k isknown, the drugconcentrationcan bepredicted at e any time point for a given C . The shape of the PK 0 profile will however depend on the dose, the adminis- tration route and formulation, the dosing frequency, as well as the disposition of the drug (Fig. 2). Fig.1. APKmodel,includingonecompartmentforcentraldistribution k is determined by the apparent volume of distri- and one compartment for peripheral distribution. Ac and Ap are the e amountsincentralandperipheralcompartments,respectively.VcandVp bution(Vd)aswellasclearance(CL)thatdescribesthe are the distribution volumes in the respective compartments. Q is the elimination capacity, which is typically governed by intercompartmentalclearance,andCListheeliminationclearance.The concentration in plasma, C = A/V, which is included in the central liver and kidney function. For a drug with immediate c c compartment, is linked here to the drug effect model defined by distribution and a CL value independent of concentra- a maximum effect (E ), the concentration resulting in half of the maximumdrugeffect(mEaCx50),andthesigmoidicityfactor(g). tion, ke can be described as CL k ¼ ð3Þ e V developmentofnewantibiotics.Thefocusofthereview d will be on data-driven models where parameters are Often, the drug disposition is more complex be- estimated, and we will also provide a general back- cause the distribution is not immediate and the ground on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and concentration-time course will be better described PKPD modeling and simulation (pharmacometrics). by two or more compartments (Fig. 1). The differential equations for a two-compartment model can be written II. Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacokinetics- as Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Development dA CL Q Q c ¼ 2 (cid:2)A 2 (cid:2)A þ (cid:2)A ð4Þ WhilePKhasbeendefinedas“howthebodyhandles dt V c V c V p c c p thedrug,”PDhasbeendefinedas“howthedrugaffects the body” (Rowland and Tozer, 2011). PK and PD are dAp ¼ 2 Q (cid:2)A þ Q (cid:2)A ð5Þ keycomponentsinmoderndrugdevelopment.OncePK dt V p V c p c and PKPD are characterized, the concentration that where A and A are the amounts in the central and leads to the desired effect and limited side effects can c p peripheral compartments, and V and V are the beidentified,andthedosingregimenthatwillresultin c p corresponding volumes of distribution. Q represents the target concentration range can be computed. the intercompartmental clearance. An intravenously A. Pharmacokinetics administered dose would be given into the central compartment. PK is a central part of clinical pharmacology and The total exposure is often described as the area pharmacometrics. PK describes the relationship be- under the concentration-time curve (AUC). AUC is tween drug dosing and the drug concentration-time obtained by integrating the drug concentration-time profile in the body. The drug concentration is typically profile and can also be computed as the systemically determined in plasma, and the change over time (C) available dose over CL. The bioavailability, F, deter- can in the simplest case be approximated to decline minesthefractionofanextravasculardosethatreaches from an initial concentration (C ) with time (t) by an 0 thesystemiccirculationandistherebyameasureofthe exponential function extent of absorption. The rate of absorption is often CðtÞ¼C0(cid:2)e2ke(cid:2)t ð1Þ characterized by a first-order rate constant, ka. For a detailed introduction to PK and PD, see, e.g., the Equation1representsaone-compartmentPKmodel, textbook by Rowland and Tozer (2011) and the tutorial i.e.,onedistributionalphaseissufficienttodescribethe on PK modeling by Mould and Upton (2013). declineinconcentration.Theeliminationrateconstant, Many drugs are bound to proteins (primarily to k ,isoffirstorder,i.e.,ithastheunitof“pertime”(e.g., albumin and/or a-1-acid-glycoprotein) in plasma, and e hour21),whichmeansthattheeliminationatanygiven the binding in both plasma and tissue will have time point is proportional to the concentration or consequences on the drug disposition. It is the free, amount remaining in the system. The corresponding unbound concentration of the drug that is able to differential equation can be written as distribute, to be eliminated, and to interact with PKPD-ModelingofAntibiotics 1057 Fig.2. Concentration-timeprofilesfollowingdifferentdosingregimensforaone-compartmentPKmodel.Allprofilesarecreatedbasedonthesame tdootsailndgorseegi(m50e0nmang)datnhdeMreIsCulvtainluteh.ePsKampaeratomtaelteArUsuCs.eTdhfeorptehaekpcroendciecntitornastiowner(eCmCaLx)=d7eclr/hea,Vses=w2h0elnatnhdetrate=o2fhinopuurst.dkecwreaasse4sa.nTd.M0.I5Chisouser–n1sfiotirvfeatsot c 1/2 a andslowabsorption,respectively. receptor and other effector sites. Therefore, the free stimulation or inhibition by a drug on a system. fraction (f ) rather than total (free + bound) should be However, often there are situations when sufficiently u used to drive a PKPD model. high concentrations cannot be achieved to estimate E , and simplifications can be made where fewer max B. Pharmacodynamics parameters are estimated. When C « EC , the E 50 max PDdescribestherelationshipbetweenconcentration model collapses to a linear model (g = 1) or a power and both the wanted and unwanted effects. In PKPD function(g (cid:2)1)withcoefficientSlopeasshownineq.7. modeling, a link between the PK and its influence on EðtÞ¼E þSlope(cid:2)CðtÞg ð7Þ an effect variable is established by a mathematical 0 function (see example in Fig. 1). The effect variable The underlying E is not always constant over the may be a measurement such as glucose or blood pres- 0 studyperiod.Forexample,theeffectvariablemayvary sure, a composite score such as an outcome describing because of an underlying disease, such as fluctuations success or failure or a time to an event or cure. The in glucose in theevent of diabetes ora diurnalrhythm effectmeasurementatanygiventimeisdeterminedby inbloodpressure.Theobservedeffectishencethesum a function of its value without drug (E ) and the drug 0 oftheunderlyingeffectvariableintheabsenceofdrug concentration (C). Frequently the mathematical func- andtheinfluenceofthedrugontheeffectvariable.The tion describing the PKPD relationship is a sigmoidal model complexity can increase with increased avail- E model (eq. 6). max abilityofdataandknowledgeoftheunderlyingsystem. E (cid:2)CðtÞg For example, there may be feedback mechanisms that EðtÞ¼E þ max ð6Þ 0 ECy þCðtÞg regulate the measured variable, such as the influence 50 ofinsulinonglucoselevels.Inaddition,delaysbetween where E is the maximum effect that can be concentrationandeffectarefrequentlyobserved.When max achieved by the drug in the investigated system and In addition, delays between concentration and effect EC is the drug concentration that results in half of are frequently observed. A delay could be due to slow 50 the maximum effect. EC is inversely related to the distribution to the effect site, (unmeasured) active 50 potency. g is the Hill or sigmoidicity factor that metabolite formation, turnover of responses, signal determines the steepness of the relationship but is in transduction, and other mechanisms that result in many cases not statistically significant from 1. As g ashiftintimefromthedruginteractionuntiltheeffect increases, the relationship becomes steeper and will is observed. eventually approach a step-function or an all-or-none Often data are not continuous but categorical (e.g., effect. One reason forthepopularity ofthe E model cure/not cure, or none, mild, moderate, and severe) or max is that the function asymptotes to an upper limit of the analysis variable is time-to-event data. In those 1058 NielsenandFriberg cases logistic regression models and survival analysis, difficulttocaptureunlessstudiesaredesignedforthat respectively, are applied to describe the probability of purpose. Variability day-to-day or between occasions the events. The principle for evaluating PKPD rela- oftenappearsasifitisrandomnature,andIOVshould tionships however is often the same as for continuous be estimated in the modeling to not bias parameter typedata.Therelationshipbetweenconcentrationand estimates (Karlsson and Sheiner, 1993). In addition, the logit of the probability of the event is typically the larger the IOV is in relation to IIV, the less is the modeledasalinearorE function.Foradichotomous value of feedback adaptation based on a measurement max longitudinalvariabletheprobabilityofanoutcome(P ) variable (e.g., plasma drug concentration) and a pop- 1 may be estimated based on eqs. 8 and 9 ulation model. In therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) or target concentration intervention (TCI) (Holford, LðtÞ¼E0þSlope(cid:2)CðtÞ ð8Þ 1999),apatient’sPKparametersaredeterminedbased on an available population-PK model, the patient’s eLðtÞ P ðtÞ¼ ð9Þ characteristics and dosing history, and a limited 1 1þeLðtÞ number of drug concentration measurements. On the basisoftheestimatedsubject’sparametersandatarget whereL(t)andE arethetotalandunderlyingeffectson 0 concentration (or target concentration range), an in- thelogisticscale,respectively(EtteandWilliams,2007). dividualized dose is computed for the next dosing interval. The same methodology can be extended to C. Population Pharmacokinetics and biomarkers. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling Another goal with population modeling is to search As indicated in the introduction, population PK and for covariates that can explain at least part of the PKPD models are frequently developed and applied to variability.Asanexample,creatinineclearance(CL ) CR characterize drug concentration and effects over time, is often a significant covariate for CL of renally and to optimize dosing regimens. A population model excreted drugs, and incorporation of a relationship typically includes 1) a structural model describing the between this covariate and CL will likely reduce the typical concentration-time and/or effect variable-time unexplained variability between patients. CL can CR profiles in the population, 2) a statistical model thereby provide guidance in the individualization and quantifying and separating different types of variabil- choice ofdosesothatpatients with alow CL receive CR ity, and, 3) a covariate model. alower dose in accordance with their reduced capacity The variability between patients (interindividual to eliminate the drug. For PD variables, severity of variability, IIV), between occasions (interoccasion, disease,studydifferences,sex,andprevioustreatment IOV), and the residual error can be quantified in are common covariates. The relative decrease in the a population-PK(PD) model. For example, variability IIV upon inclusion of the covariate relationship can be can often be considerably higher in patients than in computed to investigate the importance of the cova- healthy volunteers. The residual error includes mea- riate in explaining variability (Matthews et al., 2004). surementerrorintimeandmagnitude,intraindividual A population-PK(PD) model can serve as a tool for variability within an occasion, model misspecification, compiling different types of available information. As etc. The IIV (and IOV) are most often assumed to be new findings and study data come along, these can be derived from a parametric log-normal distribution, integrated into the model structure and/or parameters with the difference in the individual value of the can be re-estimated to improve and extend the pre- parameter(P)andthepopulationparametervalue(P) i dictive capacity. A pharmacometric model can there- described by h (eq. 10). fore be viewed as a pool of existing information that is P ¼P(cid:2)en ð10Þ continuously being updated during drug development. i D. Simulations P represents a parameter such as CL or EC ; h is 50 generally assumed to arise from a normal distribution When a PKPD model has been developed, the withameanofzeroandanestimatedvariance.InPD, outcome of different inputs to the model, i.e., different variability in parameters such as the underlying dosing regimens, can be investigated and predicted. baseline E may be better described with an additive Since the administration schedule and route of admin- 0 hormoreskeweddistributions(Peterssonetal.,2009). istration affects the shape of the concentration-time Parameters may also be assumed to arise from a non- profile (Fig. 2), the predicted effect will also be de- parametric distribution using support points and an pendent on the input dosing regimen. Because of the associated probability (Jelliffe, 1991). variability components, different individuals will have ItshouldalsobeacknowledgedthatPKandPDmay different PK profiles and different concentration-effect change within a patient from one day to another and relationships. The outcome in a population can there- because of change in the disease (see section VI.A.1). fore be seen as a distribution of effects in the popula- Systematic changes in parameters may, however, be tion. The variability in the effect will depend on the PKPD-ModelingofAntibiotics 1059 variability in the population-PK and -PKPD parame- innovative designs, maximizing informativeness, and ters, which are estimated in a population model as study power. Drop out can be handled adequately, re- described above. Based on a developed model, the sulting in limited bias in conclusions. variability in an outcome can be simulated. Full integration of the pharmacometrics approach Within the area of population PKPD modeling, into drug development procedures has been called stochastic(MonteCarlo)simulationshavebeenapplied “model-based” drug development, and it has been for over 3 decades. In stochastic simulations, samples suggested that modeling and simulation can reduce fromavariabilitydistributionofhvaluesarerandomly attrition rates, improve on chances to reach scientific drawn to create individual parameter values (eq. 10) goals, and provide support for early go/no-go decisions for patients in a simulated study population (Bonate, (Mould and Upton, 2012). Pharmacometrics has been 2011). The individual parameters will construct the recognized by the FDA in the Critical Path Initiative concentration- and effect-time profiles for each simu- document (Woodcock and Woosley, 2008), which aims latedpatient,andtheresultscanbeinformativeonthe to make drug development faster at a lower cost. likely outcome for a group of patients given a certain There is in general a growing emphasis on the use of dosing regimen. modeling and simulation also in regulatory decision In 1981, D’Argenio performed simulations for trial making. Examples where PKPD modeling has sup- design (D’Argenio, 1981), and in 1989, Sheiner and ported regulatory decisions are in the selection of Beal presented the application of stochastic simula- dosing regimens, approval of regimens that have not tions for a dose-ranging study to explore different beendirectlystudiedinclinicaltrials,anduseofsuch assumptions and scenarios (Sheiner et al., 1989). The data to support a single pivotal (Mould and Upton, conceptofclinicaltrialsimulationwasextendedinthe 2012). 1990s to include different aspects of the trial design, the aim being to integrate relevant information before III. Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics conducting the trial and thereby reduce the risk of of Antibiotics a trial to fail because of poor design. The history and power of clinical trial simulation have been nicely The PKPD of antibiotics differ from other drugs in reviewed by Holford et al. (2000, 2010). Simulations thatthetargetedspeciesisdifferentfrom itshost, and can also be applied retrospectively to explain why an ideal antibiotic would not directly affect the host trials failed and learn from them, for example, why and cause side effects (although the gut flora is a trial did not show a statistically significant effect frequently affected by antibiotic therapy). For the despite a significant concentration-effect relationship relationship between drug concentration and efficacy (Fribergetal.,2009).Simulationsarealsovaluablefor intermsofbacterialkillingthePDdefinition“howthe model evaluation (Yano et al., 2001) by comparing the drug affects the body” would be more adequately trends and distribution of the observed data to the phrased as “how the drug affects the bacteria.” model-predicted distribution of simulated data (see Thefirstexampleofthefactthatthedosingschedule section VII.C). can affect the outcome, showing the relevance ofPKPD relationships for antibiotics, was demonstrated already E. Modeling and Simulation in Drug Development in 1950 when Eagle et al. demonstrated antibacterial ac- Clinical drug development has traditionally been tivitytobetime-dependentforpenicillinandconcentration- divided into three phases. In Phase I trials escalating dependent for streptomycin (Eagle et al., 1950). The doses of single and multiple doses are administered, PKPD relationships of antibiotics are now routinely typically to healthy volunteers, and the goal is to being searched for to help establish dosing guidelines. determinePKandsideeffects.InPhaseIItheaimisto However, the relationships for dose optimization are confirm signs of efficacy and evaluate different doses still being based on summary variables despite that and schedules. In Phase III efficacy of the drug is thereisincreasedknowledgeonbacteriadynamicsand compared with currently used therapy or placebo. the limitation of using summary variables in predict- Clinical development has become more extensive and ing development of drug resistance. In this section, we complex over the last decade as regulatory demands will present and discuss some of the commonly used PD increase, and consequently development has become variablesforantibiotics—theminimuminhibitoryconcen- more expensive, although development times have not tration (MIC), PK/PD indices, and clinical breakpoints— increased (DiMasi et al., 2010). and provide some reflections on PKPD of antibiotics in With increasing cost, fewer trials can be performed, drug development. andthereby,therewillbefewerchancestoshowefficacy A. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration in trials for a single drug. It is therefore vital to study informativedosingregimenstobeabletodrawtheright Minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC, has been conclusions from the trials. With modeling and simula- the major parameter for quantifying bacterial suscep- tion, competing trial designs can be explored, including tibilityagainstanantibiotic.TheMICtestisrelatively 1060 NielsenandFriberg simpletoperformandtherebycanbeappliedeasilyby The notation of the three PK/PD indices have been academic and clinical laboratories. Several techniques standardized (Mouton et al., 2005) into fAUC/MIC, areusedtodeterminetheMIC,withthebrothdilution fCmax/MIC and fT.MIC. AUC is the area under the and agar diffusion methods being the most common. concentration-time curve, C is the highest concen- max Broth dilution methods use liquid medium in which trationreached(thepeak),andT.MICisthecumulative a specified bacterial inoculum [5 (cid:2) 105 colony-forming percentageofa24-hourperiodthattheconcentrationis units (CFU)/ml] is exposed to a constant antibiotic above MIC. The prefix, f, is introduced to indicate that concentration during an incubation period of 16–20 the free, unbound fraction of the drug was used in the hours. The MIC is defined as the lowest drug con- calculations.Iftherearenosubscriptsindicatingatime centration that during these conditions completely interval,itisassumedthatthecalculationsofAUCand inhibitsvisiblegrowthofthemicroorganism.Thestatic T.MIC were based on a 24-hour interval at pharmaco- antibiotic concentrations chosen for MIC determina- kinetic steady-state conditions. tions, using dilution techniques, are typically based on The best PK/PD index for a certain drug-bacteria 2-fold dilutions (e.g., 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 concentration combination is determined by plotting the value of an units). Depending on the total volumeusedthe method efficacy endpoint (typically log CFU/ml after 24 hours 10 is either termed macrodilution (1–2 ml) or micro- of treatment) versus the magnitude of each of the three dilution (#500 ml). For agar diffusion methods, an PK/PD indices (see Fig. 3). The best PK/PD index for agarplateisinoculatedandtheantibioticdiffusesfrom the drug-bacteria combination is determined by fitting a disk or a strip into the agar. One example of an agar a sigmoidal E model (eq. 6, redefined with PK/PD max diffusion method is the E-test, in which the bacterial index–related notation in eq. 11) to the summary PD growth around a strip impregnated with an exponen- endpointandthethreePK/PDindices.Theindexwiththe tial gradient of the antibiotic, is assessed after in- bestfit(highestcoefficientofdetermination,R2)ischosen. cubation for24hours.TheE-testislesslabor-intensive PD (cid:2)Xg than the broth dilution technique; however, its use is E¼E 2 max ð11Þ 0 EXg þXg restricted to those antibiotics that are supplied by the 50 E-test manufacturer. The MIC value is a measure of the net effect on E is the summary PD endpoint, and E is the effect 0 growth and antibiotic-induced bacterial killing over the representing the value of the PD endpoint without incubationperiod,evaluatedata“snapshot”timeandat drug treatment (i.e., the value of the summary afixedconcentration,andthedilutionapproachinduces endpoint when the PK/PD index is 0). Because the an up to 2-fold error compared with the actual MIC. bacteria population grows during the 24 hours in the MICishenceacrude,monodimensionalthresholdvalue absence of antibiotics, E is several log higher than 0 10 that neglects measurement error and any dynamic the starting inocula (Fig. 3). X is one of the three PK/ changes in growth and susceptibility over the studied PD indices as defined above, PD is the maximum max time period. In addition, MIC tests are based on ocular effect(inrelationtoE )indicatedbytheplateauwhere 0 inspection and are thus associated with a subjective increased exposures result in no further kill. EX is 50 error. Therefore, MIC is not a good PD parameter to the magnitude of X that is needed to achieve 50% of characterize the concentration-effect relationships. An- PD , and g is the sigmoidicity factor. max other problem is that the MIC is often thought of as AUC and Cmax, and sometimes T.MIC, are often a threshold value for drug effect, i.e., the MIC value is highly correlated, making it important to have data interpreted as: there is no bacterial killing at all when from several different dosing regimens to be able to concentrations are below its value. distinguish between them. Dose-fractionation studies are performed in animals for this purpose (see section B. Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Indices V). The specific value of the PK/PD index that is During the last two decades PKPD relationships of neededtoresultinapronouncedreductioninCFU/ml, antibioticshavebeenclassifiedintothreedifferentPK/ compared with untreated animals, is determined from PD indices based on a summary measure of drug the estimated relationship and defined as a target exposure that is linked to the MIC of the bacteria magnitudeofthePK/PDindex.Commontargetsare2- (Vogelmanetal., 1988; Craig, 1998).The PK/PD index or3-logkill,butthePK/PDindexmagnitudeat90%of approach has become the gold standard for evaluating E has also been applied as target. The steepness of max PKPD of antibiotics and to guide establishment of the relationship (i.e., the value of g) determines the dosingregimens,andtheapproachhasbeenappliedto difference in the magnitude of the PK/PD index a wide range of infection types, patient groups, and resulting in this value (Fig. 3). It has been suggested antibiotics. However, the PK/PD indices have several that the magnitude of the PK/PD index determined in drawbacks associated with assumptions made when mice is similar to that needed for clinical effectiveness neglecting information on the time-course of PK and (Ambrose et al., 2007), and a correspondence has also PD. been found when predicting PK/PD indices using a PKPD-ModelingofAntibiotics 1061 Fig.3. IllustrationofrelationshipsforP.aeruginosaforthigh(left)andlung(right)betweenlog CFUandeachofthethreePK/PDindices.Each 10 symbolrepresentsoneobservationdatapoint.ThelinesrepresentthefitofsigmoidE functions,andthevarianceoftheregression(R2)ispresented max foreachPK/PDindex.Thedashedlinesindicatethemeanbacterialburdenatstartoftreatment.ThevariabilityforagivenmagnitudeofaPK/PD indexillustratestheuncertaintyintheendpointextractedfromthesetypesofexperiments.ReproducedfromDudhaniRV,TurnidgeJD,CoulthardK, Milne RW, Rayner CR, Li J, and Nation RL (2010) Elucidation of the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic determinant of colistin activity against Pseudomonasaeruginosainmurinethighandlunginfectionmodels.AntimicrobAgentsChemother54:1117–1124,withpermissionfromAmerican SocietyforMicrobiology. mechanism-based model developed on in vitro data dosing regimens resulting in the same PK/PD index (Nielsenetal.,2011a).ThePK/PDindexdeterminedfrom valuemayberelatedtoamultiplelogvariabilityinCFU nonclinical studies is used today in combination with at24hours,avariabilitythatistypicallynotconsidered clinical information to determine the optimal dose and when the PK/PD index targets are determined. The dosing regimens as discussed below and in sectionVI.B. figurealsoshowsthattwoormoreofthePK/PDindices AlthoughtheapplicationofthePK/PDindexapproach can show similar R2 values, despite fundamental may appear to be relatively intuitive for optimization of differences in their implications when used in the dosing regimens, it needs to be acknowledged that the selection of optimal dosing regimens. indices are simplifications of the PKPD relationship. All indices rely on MIC, and drawbacks described Figure3illustratesthatdespitewell-performedstudies, above for MIC are thus propagated into the PK/PD none of the indices results in a perfect fit. Different indices, and it is also assumed that MIC will stay 1062 NielsenandFriberg constant during a treatment period. Furthermore, AUC by integrating a population-PK model with the PK/PD dependence indicates independence on rate of drug ad- index defining microbiological susceptibility (Drusano ministration, e.g., that a high spike concentration with et al., 2001). The individual PK parameters simulated a very rapid elimination will result in the same bacterial from the population PK model will create, based on killingasacontinuousinfusionaslongasthetotalAUCis a given dosing regimen, concentration-time profiles the same. A C /MIC relationship indicates that the from which a PK/PD index magnitude is computed for max effect is only dependent on the highest concentration eachindividual.Basedonthedistributionofindividual achieved and independent of drug half-life. A C - PK/PD index magnitudes, the likelihood of achieving max dependent drug is thus very sensitive to infusion length, a certain target or therapeutic outcome in the popula- witha15-minuteinfusionresultinginalowereffectthan tion is predicted from the distribution. abolusinjection(Fig.2).T.MICdependenceindicatesthat In the example by Drusano et al. (2001) on ever- theantibacterialeffectisatitsmaximumjustaboveMIC nimicin, different types of fAUC /MIC target values 24 and that there is no further killing by increasing the were evaluated based on the experimental findings in concentration. It has been recognized however that the aneutropenicmurinethighinfectionmodel:stasisat24 maximumisreachedatconcentrationsaroundfourtofive hours, 1- to 3-log killing, and 90% of maximal killing times MIC (Craig, 1998). Most often there is no “correct” effect. The probabilities of achieving the targets were PK/PDindex,althoughapproximationsmayworkwellfor comparedfortwodoselevelsondifferentbacteriatypes. somesubstances.Karlssonetal.havesuggestedageneral During the last decade, this Monte Carlo simulation model for time-dissociated effects where AUC-dependent methodology has been used to determine the currently and time-dependent relationships are specific cases useddosingregimensfornumerousantibiotics,bacteria (Karlsson et al., 1998). However, as already emphasized, types, and indications. thebestunderstandingofthePKPDrelationshipisgained To investigate the probability of target attainment by modeling the full time-course of bacterial growth and (PTA), a large population (n = 1000–10,000) is simu- killing. latedandtheproportionofsimulatedsubjectsabovean A PK/PD index also relies on that the summary PK identified target (e.g., the fAUC /MIC required for 2- 24 variables in the experiments are correctly determined log kill determined from animal experiments, i.e., an 10 anditisgenerallyassumedthataPKPDindexidentified in vivo static effect) is computed for a range of MIC in one population (or in preclinical studies) can be values and dosing regimens. The proportion of subjects directlyappliedonanotherpatientpopulation.However, with values of the PK/PD index above the target it has been illustrated that the best fitted PK/PD index constitutes the PTA at each MIC. PTA is plotted or can depend on the half-life of the antibiotic (Nielsen tabulated as a function of MIC, given a dosing regimen etal.,2011a)andthusdiffersamongpatientpopulations and a PK/PD index target value (Fig. 4A), preferably with varying elimination capacity. For drugs like the with information added regarding an observed MIC b-lactams where the efficacy generally have been found distribution(Owensetal.,2005).Itisstillunderdebate to be correlated to T.MIC, the best PK/PD index shifts which probability level, e.g., 90, 95, or 99%, should be towardAUC/MICdependenceasthehalf-lifeincrease,as regarded as acceptable to ensure a high probability of seen in patients with a reduced renal function e.g., success for microbiological cure (Mouton et al., 2012). elderly or neonates. Similarly, for an AUC/MIC de- Because the choice of target is subjective in nature, pendent drug a decrease in half-life will lead to a shift plotting the relationship between the “best” PK/PD into a T.MIC relationship, requiring more frequent index and the MIC (Fig. 4B) also has been suggested. dosing. It should also be acknowledged that the shape The reader/user then can determine the PTA based on of the concentration-time profile can differ in the target anytargetsizeofthePK/PDindexandMICforagiven tissuecomparedwithplasma.Thedifferentshapesofthe dosing regimen. E models shown for thigh and lung in Fig. 3 may be Differences in PK parameter estimates (typical or max due at least partly to differences in distribution. variability estimates) between healthy volunteers and As indicated, more informative measures are needed patients,orbetweendifferentpatientpopulations,will when extrapolating to different patient populations, influence the shape of the PTA curve. Initial PK when several drugs are used in combination and when studies are often performed in small, homogeneous consideringresistancedevelopment.Determinationand populations. Increasing the PK variability in the application of PK/PD indices in the context of animal simulations to better reflect a true patient population data and in relation to clinical outcomes are further willresultinalesssteepPTAcurve,with lowertarget described in sections V.B and VI.B, respectively. attainment in the region of interest (Mouton et al., 2012). In general, simulations of PTA are performed using a fixed PD target, assuming that the PK/PD C. Probability of Target Attainment target is determined without error or uncertainty and In2001,Drusanoandcolleaguesintroducedstochas- that the target is the same for all patient populations tic (Monte Carlo) simulations in the field of antibiotics and bacterial strains. Recently, an example was