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Mineralogy and Petrology (1999) 65:249-275 ygolareniM dna ygolorteP © Springer-Verlag 9991 Printed in Austria Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt W. Frisch 1 and A. M. Abdel-Rahman 2 ~Institut ffir Geologie und Pal~iontologie, University of Tfibingen, Federal Republic of Germany 2 Department of Geology, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon With 31 Figures Received January 7, 1998; revised version accepted February 9, 1999 Summary The Wadi Dib magmatic complex is the oldest known alkaline ring complex in the Egyptian part of the Pan-African orogenic belt. Rb-Sr isotope data for seven samples suggest a Vendian age of 578=k16 Ma, and a rS6S/rS78 initial ratio of 0.7048±0.0010. The igneous complex has a diameter of 2 km and was emplaced within granodioritic Pan-African host rocks at the intersection of two faults. It shows distinct concentric compositional zoning with several syenitic outer ring sheets, a mainly trachytic intermediate ring sheet, and a quartz syenite inner ring sheet with a granitic core; relative ages decrease from margin to core. The mineralogical and chemical features are characteristic of within-plate (A-type) magmatic complexes. Major and trace element patterns underline the co-magmatic origin of the suite but indicate three stages of evolution with several pulses of emplacement. A common feature of element distribution patterns is the small systematic change in the early lithologies, but a distinct evolution trend in the late quartz-bearing rocks. We propose that an alkali-basaltic parent magma was emplaced within deep or middle levels of the juvenile Pan-African crust. Differentiation mainly occurred by fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyro×ene, plagioclase, and apatite. During the late stages of evolution, limited assimilation of island-arc magmatic rocks may have occurred. Emplacement took place along ring fractures at a subvolcanic level and was probably related with formation of a caldera during emplacement of the trachytic lithologies. The anorogenic character of the magmatic suite indicates consolidation of the Pan-African crust of NE Africa at the time of emplacement of the alkaline body. 250 .W Frisch and A. M. Abdel-Rahman gnussafnemmasuZ esenegorteP sed alkalischen Wadi Dib Ringkomplexes, Ostliche Wiiste snetpyg Der Wadi Dib-Komplex ist die filteste bekannte Ringstruktur im figyptischen Teil des Panafrikanischen Orogengfirtels. Rb-Sr Isotopendaten yon sieben Proben ergeben ein vendisches Alter von 578±16 Ma und ein initiales 87Sr/86Sr-Verhfiltnis yon 0,7048±0,0010. Der magmatische Komplex besitzt einen Durchmesser von 2 km und hat am Schnittpunkt zweier St6rungen innerhalb panafrikanischer Granodiorite Platz genommen. Er weist eine konzentrische Zonierung mit mehreren syenitischen/iul3eren Ringen, einem vorwiegend trachytischen mittleren Ring und einem quarzsyenitischen inneren Ring mit einem granitischen Kern auf; die relativen Alter der Gesteine nehmen vom Rand zum Kern hin ab. Mineralogische und chemische Charakteristika sind die von Intraplatten- (A-Typ-) Komplexen. Haupt- und Spurenelementmuster weisen auf eine ko-magmatische Entstehung hin, zeigen aber eine Entwicklung in drei Stadien mit mehreren magmatischen Pulsen auf. Charakteristika der Elementverteilungen sind wenig systematische Anderung in den ~ilteren Lithologien, aber ein gerichteter Entwicklungstrend in den spfiten, quarzfiihrenden Lithologien. Wir schliegen, dab ein alkali-basaltisches Magma in ein tiefes oder mittleres Niveau der jungen panafrikanischen Kruste intrudierte. Differentiation erfolgte im wesent- lichen durch fraktionierte Kristallisation yon Olivin, Klinopyroxen, Plagioklas und Apatit. Wfihrend spfiter Entwicklungsstadien gab es vermutlich begrenzte Assimilation yon Inselbogen-ga-uste. Die Platznahme erfolgte entlang von Ringbrfichen in einem subvulkanischen Stockwerk und war vermutlich mit der Bildung einer Caldera w~ihrend der Platznahme der trachytischen Lithologien verbunden. Der anorogene Charakter der magmatischen Folge zeigt an, dab die panafrikanische Kruste Nordost-Afrikas zur Zeit der Platznahme der alkalischen Intrusion bereits konsolidiert war. Introduction Several hundred, mostly circular alkaline complexes (e.g., El-Ramly and Hussein, 1985; Harris, 1985; Vail, 1985a) were emplaced in an intracontinental setting within the Arabian-Nubian Shield, which had been consolidated during the Pan- African orogeny. Emplacement of the post-orogenic or anorogenic complexes in NE Africa took place during an extended period of time spanning almost the entire Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras (Vail, 1990). The location of many of the alkaline ring complexes is controlled by faults and shear zones. The occurrence and tectonic environments of the Egyptian alkaline ring com- plexes have been reviewed by several workers (e.g., deGruyter and Vogel, 1981; Serencsits et al., 1981; E1-Ramly and Hussein, 1985). However, only a few detailed petrological studies have been carried out on individual complexes. These include the Mount Gharib A-type complex of NE Egypt (Abdel-Rahman and Martin, 1990a) and the Abu Khruq ring complex of SE Egypt (Landoll et al., 1994). Since the introduction of the term "A-type granite" (Loiselle and Wones, 1979; Collins et al., 1982) and "within-plate granite" (Pearce et al., 1984), the sources of such felsic magmas have been studied by several authors (e.g., Bonin and Giret, 1984; Bonin, 1990; Skjerlie and Johnston, 1992; Landoll et al., 1994; Nedelec et al., 1995). Kerr and Fryer (1993) concluded that the formation of A-type magmas commonly involves a complex interplay of crustal and mantle components. Eby Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt 152 (1992) subdivided the A-type granitoids into two groups: the 1A group represents differentiates of mantle-derived alkaline basalt emplaced in an intraplate or rift zone setting, and the A2 group represents crust-derived magmas of post-orogenic settings. The aim of this study is to describe the mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Wadi Dib ring complex and to evaluate the magma source, the role of magma differentiation processes, and the tectonic setting of the complex. The paper is based on field work carried out by the senior author, which included detailed mapping on the basis of an aerial photograph. General geology The Wadi Dib ring complex (Fig. ,)1 located in the northern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt (latitude 27035 ', longitude 32°56'), is emplaced within Pan- African granodioritic rocks. These host rocks are calc-alkaline and exhibit geo- chemical and mineralogical traits of volcanic-arc granitoids. They were interpreted to have been formed in an active continental margin setting during the late stages of the Late Proterozoic (Vendian) Pan-African orogeny (e.g., Gass, 1982; Hussein et al., 1982; Abdel-Rahman and Martin, 1987). The Pan-African crust of the Arabian-Nubian Shield is considered to have developed by the welding of a series of oceanic island arcs and, finally, a continental margin (e.g., Frisch and Al-Shanti, 1977; Gass, 1977; Engel et al., 1980; Vail, 1985b). Francis (1972) was the first to note the occurrence of the Wadi Dib ring complex, and described it as an alkaline syenitic-granosyenitic body. He considered this complex to be of similar age (Late Mesozoic) as the Abu Khruq ring complex of southeastern Egypt. Sabet et al. (1978) proposed that the Wadi Dib complex evolved during several Late Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic stages of igneous activity. The first radiometric age came from Serencsits et al. (1981), who analysed biotite from quartz syenite and umptekite (syenite) and obtained ages of 549-t-11, 5534-11, and 5584-11 Ma. Rb/Sr isotope data indicate an emplacement age of 5784-16 Ma (Frisch, 1982; see below). The Wadi Dib ring complex is a circular structure about 2 km in diameter, consisting of several ring sheets (Fig. .)1 These comprise syenite and pegmatitic syenite outer rings, a trachytic intermediate ring (including early porphyritic syenite), which is incomplete, and a quartz syenite inner ring, which encloses an off-centered, roughly elliptical granitic core with a long axis measuring 0.8 km. A number of generally NNW-trending, post-intrusive, mafic to felsic dikes cut across the ring structure and its Pan-African host rocks (Fig. .)1 This dike swarm is parallel to the Red Sea rift. Therefore, its emplacement is probably related to crustal extension in the course of the Tertiary rifting process. The Wadi Dib complex was emplaced at the intersection of an ENE-trending fault and a fault belonging to the ESE-trending, late- to post-Pan-African Najd fault system. The contacts of the outermost rings of the intrusive body dip away from the centre with intermediate angles. The contacts between the individual ring sheets within the complex steepen from the margin towards the trachytic unit, where they are almost vertical. The inner part of the complex shows contacts which steeply dip towards the centre. 252 .W Frisch and A. M. Abdel-Rahman Dikes Granite A x x Red quartz syenite Grey quartz syenite o Younger trachyte Q Older trachyte Q Porphyritic syenite r~ ° °" Pegmatitic syenite • ::-- Syenite. Shield rocks Granodiorite (Pan-African) : o 1000 rr Fig. .1 Geological map of the Wadi Dib ring complex. Numbers indicate samples used for Rb-Sr age determination (Fig. 4). Symbols on left side of legend are same as used in the diagrams of Fig. 2 to .31 Inset map shows location of the complex Lithologic units and their sequence of emplacement The oldest rock of the Wadi Dib complex is syenite intruded by pegmatitic syenite, which forms several ring sheets in the outer zone of the complex (Fig. 1). These lithologies are followed by a porphyritic syenite, dikes of which radiate into the syenitic outer ring sheets. The porphyritic syenite has a fine-grained matrix and is Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt 352 texturally transitional to the trachyte. Only small bodies of the porphyritic syenite are present; larger parts probably have been replaced by the trachyte. The trachyte forms an incomplete ring sheet and contains small pegmatitic syenite and map- sized porphyritic syenite inclusions. It occurs in several textural varieties including rocks with trachytic texture ("older trachyte") and originally probably glassy rocks ("younger trachyte"; see below). This plutonic-volcanic association is suggestive of a very shallow, subvolcanic level of emplacement. Quartz syenite followed the trachyte in the sequence of emplacement, asymmetrically replacing the trachyte. It occurs as two varieties. A grey quartz syenite variety embraces large, mappable blocks of trachyte (Fig. )1 and forms a ring sheet, which displays transitional boundaries towards a younger, red quartz syenite variety, which takes a more internal position within the ring complex. The red quartz syenite lacks direct trachyte inclusions but encloses xenoliths of the grey quartz syenite which, in turn, carry trachyte inclusions (Fig. .)1 The content of quartz gradually increases from the grey towards the red quartz syenite. The youngest rock encountered is a dark red, fine-grained alkali-feldspar granite (>20 vol-% modal quartz) forming the core of the ring complex. The contacts between the quartz syenite and the granite are transitional. Rare granite dikes radiate out into the red quartz syenite. Within the granite mass, the highest quartz content (about 30 vol-%) occurs in its centre. The sequence of emplacement from the lithologies at the margins of the ring complex towards those in its centre is reflected by the concentric compositional zonation and consistent crosscutting relationships. lacitylanA seuqinhcet For radiometric age determinations, ca. 200 mg of whole rock samples were spiked with a highly enriched S7Rb and 84Sr spike. The overall blank of the whole chemical treatment is less than 2 ng .rS The determination of the isotope ratios was carried out using a V.G. "Micromass M 30" mass spectrometer at University of Vienna. 10-11 × 1.42 a-1 was used as decay constant. The rS68/rS78 isotope ratios of the samples are relative to rS68/rS78 = 0.71014 in NBS987. Data are normalized to 86Sr/SSSr= 0.1194. The estimated analytical error (2o-) for individual analysis of the 87Rb/s6sr ratio is 1%, and for the rS6S/rS78 ratio 0.1%. The regression line was calculated using the program of Faure (1977). Mineral analyses were carried out on the electron microprobe at University of Ttibingen. Major and trace element (Rb, Sr and partly Zr and Y) concentrations were obtained on fused lithium-metaborate discs and pressed pellets by X-ray spectrometry at University of Ttibingen. Loss on ignition (LOI) was determined by heating sample powders for 50 minutes at 1000 °, and Fe203 was determined by the titration method. Concentrations of the rare earth elements as well as Ba, ,Y Nb, Zr, Hf, Ta and Th were determined by the ICP-MS sintering techniques at Memorial University (Newfoundland). The advantage of the sintering technique is that it practically ensures complete digestion of resistant REE-bearing accessory phases (e.g., zircon, fluorite), which may not dissolve during an acid digestion (for full details of the procedure, see Longerich et al., 1990). The chondrite values used for normalization are those of Taylor and McLennan (1985). 254 W. Frisch and A. M. Abdel-Rahman 1~.~ P. ~D c~ © ~ d ~ d M d M ~ d d ~ d d ~ d d °~ ~,~ ',D c~ tt3 .~%~ ~ ~ , ~~ do d od do d~ d od d~ o ~ tt3 Z~ 3e~ -~ ,"a N ~ m Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt 552 Petrography and mineral chemistry Most lithologies of the Wadi Dib ring complex show a single feldspar phase (mesoperthite) and are therefore hypersolvus. Rare, early-formed oligoclase crystals are found only in a limited number of samples from the oldest, least evolved syenite or the trachyte. The plutonic members of the complex consist of variable amounts of alkali feldspar (60-93 vol-%), quartz (0-30 vol-%), amphibole (5-20 vol-%), biotite (2-10 vol-%), clinopyroxene (0-4 vol-%), and ubiquitous opaque Fe-Ti oxides. Mesoperthite shows Carlsbad and Baveno twinning with some chessboard albite. Patch and string perthite are most common. Graphic intergl-owth of quartz and alkali feldspar is observed in some of the granitic samples. The compositions of representative alkali feldspars and one plagioclase (oligoclase) are given in Table .1 The pyroxenes (for nomenclature, see ,otomiroM 1989) are calcic (Na <0.25 cations per formula unit). They vary in composition from augite to hedenbergite and contain an acmitic component, especially in the pegmatitic syenite sample 73 (Table ,1 Fig. 2). Amphibole is represented mostly by bluish- to brownish-green varieties. The composition of the amphibole ranges from hastingsite (Si < 6.50 cations p.f.u.) in syenite and trachyte, to ferro-edenite (Si > 6.50 cations p.f.u.) in porphyritic syenite, quartz syenite and granite (Table ,1 Fig. 3). Most amphiboles are titanian and/or potassic amphiboles, which underlines the alkaline character of the rocks. Biotite forms large, mostly reddish-brown crystals (5-8 mm long), and contains inclusions of mesoperthite, zircon, and apatite. It ranges from biotite with Mg/ (Mg+Fe) --- 0.44 to annitic biotite with Mg/(Mg+Fe) ---- 0.16 (Table ,)1 which is typical of anorogenic alkaline suites ,namhaR-ledbA( 1994). Zircon, apatite, astrophyllite and fluorite are the main accessory phases, among those zircon is the o2=sgMoc 6 S)~oer~oON(aC ~ C a .oaN( 5 Fe;i 5) Si206 gM z Oz/S l ,II MaC ~ 0 CaFeSi206 \, Mg2Si206 Fe2Si206 Fig. .2 Tetrahedron showing pyroxene compositions. Symbols show different rock types (see Figs. 1 and .)5 For results from microprobe analysis, see Table 1 256 .W Frisch and .A .M Abdel-Rahman 6.00 6.50 7.00 0.5 Mg 0.4- Mg + Fe • ferro-edenite l - 0.3- • AA Q II 0.2- II II 0.1- hastingsite nlr si O0 6.00 ~50 ~00 Fig. .3 Si Mg/(Mg+Fe) diagram showing amphibole compositions after (1997). vs. Leake Diagram parameters: BaC >_ 1.50, (Na÷K)A >_ 0.50, iT < 0.50 per formula unit. Symbols show different rock types (see Figs. 1 and .)5 For results from microprobe analysis, see Table 1 most common. It occurs as minute inclusions in mesoperthite and ferromagnesian minerals, as large zoned crystals, and occasionally as hopper-shaped grains. The early syenites (syenite und syenite pegmatite; Fig. )1 exhibit medium to coarse-grained and pegmatitic textures. Bluish-green hastingsite is the main ferromagnesian phase and is much more abundant than biotite or clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene is commonly rimmed by amphibole. Anhydrous conditions during the early phases of crystallization (pyroxene, alkali feldspar) were replaced by hydrous conditions during late stages of crystallization (amphibole, biotite). This is also suggested by the pegmatitic rocks, which intrude the non-pegmatitic syenites. Oligoclase (< 5 vol-%) occurs as inclusions in large alkali feldspars, thus indicating its early crystallization. Small (0.1 ram) grains of nepheline are only present (< 1 vol-%) in sample 56, forming inclusions in hastingsitic amphibole crystals. The general absence of both quartz and nepheline indicates that these rocks are silica-saturated in the strict sense. The porphyritic syenite is a precursor of the trachytic lithologies. With its fine- grained groundmass, it is texturally transitional between the early syenites and the trachytes. The phenocrysts are alkali feldspar, abundant bluish-green ferro-edenite, and minor hedenbergitic pyroxene. The trachyte shows several textural varieties. Older, porphyritic trachyte shows phenocrysts, often with a rounded shape, embedded in a microcrystalline groundmass of aligned feldspar laths representing a trachytic flow texture. Younger, partly aphyric trachyte contains a groundmass made up of a fine-grained, equigranular mosaic of alkali feldspar and some amphibole with no or only minor microphenocrysts. Layered textures may suggest formation of part of these rocks as tufts. Among these younger trachytes is a quartz trachyte (sample 57), which consists of a mosaic of minute alkali feldspar and quartz grains. We interpret these textures to have resulted from devitrification. Trachyte breccia contains fragments of the porphyritic and fine-grained trachyte within devitrified groundmass material. The quartz syenite is texturally similar to the early syenite but differs from it by the high degree of transformation of its mafic minerals (mostly amphibole) to Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt 257 Table 2. Rb-Sr analytical data for whole rock samples of Wadi Dib complex. rS68/rS78 values era normalized ot the NBS standard 987 value of .O .41017 For sample localities, see .giF 1 sample 87Rb/86Sr rS68/rS78 Rb (ppm) Sr(ppm) 54 33.1 0.7155 7.88 264 56 0.728 0.7106 9.88 482 76 0.788 0.7104 5.09 453 73 3.23 1559.0 721 9.51 59 54.1 0.7169 221 133 57 2.94 0.7308 277 373 70 9.17 0.7805 971 77.6 17 30.7 0.7619 951 7.98 opaque iron oxides. In the alkali-feldspar granite, the amount of the reddish-brown biotite (annite) is about the same as the ferro-edenitic amphibole. Astrophyllite commonly replaces amphibole and may reach 4 vol-% of the rock. The granite is leucocratic and contains only accessory or no ferromagnesian minerals. Graphic intergrowth of quartz and alkali feldspar as well as fluorite as an accessory phase are observed in some samples in the central part of the intrusion. Radiometric age Rb-Sr isotopes (Table 2) have been determined for eight samples selected from the various lithologies of the Wadi Dib ring complex (syenite, pegmatitic syenite, trachyte, and granite; for locations of the samples, see Fig. .)1 Sample 73, which is a syenite pegmatite, was collected near the margin of the ring complex, and displays evidence of weathering. It is characterized by obvious loss of radiogenic Sr and plots far below the data regression line. It was therefore not used for the age calculation. The regression line for the seven remaining samples (Fig. 4) yields an age of 5784-16 (2a) Ma (Vendian age according to the time table of Bowring and Erwin, 1998), and a S7Sr/S6Sr initial ratio of 0.70484-0.0010, which is consistent with a mantle origin. The regression line has an MSWD of 2.6, therefore it is not an isochron in the strict sense. Major and trace element geochemistry Major and trace element abundances and the calculated CIPW norms are given in Table 3 and in Fig. 5. The rocks classify as syenites and alkali granites in the alkalis vs. silica diagram after Cox et al. (1979) (Fig. 6). All rock types plot into the alkaline field according to the subdivision of Miyashiro (1978; Fig. 6). The granite, however, shows less pronounced alkalinity, due to its lower total-alkali content at higher SiO2 values as compared to the other lithologies. The SiO2 vs. Zr/TiO2 systematics (Floyd and Winchester, 1978) lead to the same result (Fig. 7). In this diagram, most granites and the (quartz-bearing) trachyte sample 57 plot outside the fields of alkaline suites, whereas all the other lithologies plot well within the alkaline field. 852 .W Frisch and A. M. Abdel-Rahman .790 / 87Sr / 8~Sr .7BO - 077. ,760 .750 .740 - 57~ (8'Sr / o)rS68 = 0.7048 + 0.0010 .730 - ,720 .710 87Rb / 86Sr 65 .700 r i i i t I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 Fig. 4. Whole-rock Rb-Sr isotope data regression line for the Wadi Dib complex (MSWD -- 2.6). Lithologies are syenites (samples ,45 56, 76), trachytes (57, 59), and granites (70, 71). Locations of samples are shown in Fig. .1 See also Table 2 The concentration patterns of the different elements through time, i.e., from the older, marginal to the younger, central lithologies show various trends of evolution (Fig. 5). Three groups of rocks can be distinguished, which are separated by sharp boundaries in the field and indicate distinct stages of magma influx and/or differentiation in the magma chamber. These groups, in turn, are subdivided into sub-units representing separate magmatic pulses of emplacement. The first group is represented by the syenite and shows an evolution trend towards higher silica, alumina, and differentiation index values and towards lower contents in mafic minerals (shown as normative colour index in Fig. 5), MgO and FeO. Most of the syenite samples are slightly nepheline normative. The syenite pegmatite (sample 73), according to the field relations a late phase of the early syenite but emplaced in a separate pulse, shows deviations from the syenite trend, which may be due to hydrothermal alteration. We already stated that sample 73 shows strong deviation in the Rb-Sr isotope data. The second group contains the porphyritic syenite and the trachytes. The element concentrations of these rocks scatter, but the colour index generally decreases, coupled with a decrease in total iron (Fig. 5). This rock group is silica saturated and practically shows no normative nepheline or quartz. The silica content is generally between 58 and 61 wt-%. Only sample 57 (quartz trachyte) shows an abnormally high silica content but also deviating concentrations of other elements (Table 3, Fig. 5), which may indicate contamination by wall rocks during ascent of the magma. This rock contains quartz in its microcrystalline groundmass and, according to its chemical characteristics, shows similarities with the group three rocks.

Petrogenesis of the Wadi Dib alkaline ring complex, Eastern Desert of Egypt. Authors; Authors and affiliations. W. Frisch; A. M. Abdel-Rahman. Article.
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