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Peterson Field Guide to Animal Tracks: 2nd ed. PDF

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A FielGdu idet o AnimaTrla cks J , THE PETERSONF IELDG UIDES ERIES® Editebdy R ogerT ory Peterson 1B.i rd(se asteRr.T.n lP-eterson 1A.B irdS ong(se asteCronrln-eLlalb oratoofryO rnithology 2W.e steBrinr ds-T.R P.e terson 2A.W esteBrinr dS ongsCo-rneLlalb oratoofrO yr nithology 3 .Sh ellosfth eA tlanatniGdcu lCfo asW.t sI,n dies-Morris 4.B utter(fleiaesst eOrpnllea-rn dM alikul 5M.a mmal-Bsurta ndG rossenheider 6P.a cifiCco asShte l(lisn cluHdaiwnagi il-Morris 7R.o ckasn Mdi neraPlosu-gh 8B.i rdosBf r itaainnEd u rpoe-PetersMoonu,n tfoHrotl,l om AnimaTrlac ks-Murie 190..F ern(sn ea.n dc eNn..A merical-Cobb 11.E asteTrrene s-Petrides 11ATr. ees aSnhdr ubs-Petrides 12.R eptilaensAd m phibia(nesa. ndc eNn..A merical-Conant andC ollins 13.B irdosTf e xaasn Add jaceSntta st-eR.PT.e terson 14.R ockMyt .W ilfldowerCsr-aigheCarda,i gheaandd,D avis 15S.t arasn Pdl anetPsas-achoafnfdM enzel 16.W esteRrenp tilaensAd m phibianStse-bbins 17.W ildflow(enresa. n dn .-cNe.An m.e rical-PRe.teT.r saonnd McKenney 18.B irdosft h eW esItn dies-Bond 19.I nse(cAtmse rincoahr toMfe xicoBlo-rroarn dW hite 20M.e xicBainr ds-T.R P.e terns aondC halif 21.B irdNse's t(se asoMtf i ssippsiRs iiverl-Harrison 22P. acifiSct atWeislfl dowerNsi-ehausa ndR ipper 23.E dibWliel Pdl an(tesa. n dc eNn..A mericalP-eLte.r son 24A.t lantSiecah osre-Gosner 25.W esteBrinr dNses't s-Harrison 26.A tmopsher-eSchafeera ndD ay 27.C orRaele f(sC aribbaenaFdnl oridKaalp-lan 28.P acifiCco aFsiths es-schmer,yHe eraladn,d H ammann Beet-leshite E 2309M.o ths-CoWvell 31.. S ouhtwestearnnTed x asW ilfldowersN-iehauRsi,p pear,n d Savage 32A.t lantCiocaF siths es-oRbinRsa,y ,a ndD ouglass J WesteBrunt terflTiiledse-ann dS mith , 3334.M. u shroomsMc-Knighatn dM cKnight 35.H awks-Clarakn dW heeler 36.S ouhteastearnndC aribbSeeaasnh ores-Kaplan 37.E coloogEfya steFronr estKrsi-chaenrd M orrison 38.B irdibnyEg a rE:a stearnnd C entrWaall-toann dL awson AdvancBeidr dinKgau-fman 3490M..e diciPnlaaln tFso-stearn dD uke 41B.i rdibnyEg a rW:e stern-WalatnodnL awson 42.F rehswateFrih ses(N .A mericnaoh r toMf exicPoalg-ea ndB urr 43.B ackayrBdi rdS ongW-altoann dL awson 44W.e steTrrene s-Petrides 45E.c oloogWfye steFronr e-sKtrsichera ndM orrison 46V.e nomoAunsi malasnP do isonPoluasn tFso-setra ndC aras THE PETERSONF IELDG UIDE SERIES® A FielGdu idteo AnimaTrla cks OlauJs. M urie , � I ... .. , , ' " ,� '��\ SecoEnddi tion Sponsobyr tehNdea tioAnuadlu bSoonc iety andt hNea tioWnialld Fleidfeer ation HOUGHTON MIFFILNC OMPANY BostoNne wY ork EditoNro'tsce o pyrig1h97t4b yR oge'furry Peterson Copyrig1h©9t4 5 b yO lausM urie Copyrigrhetn e©w e1d9 82b yM aJr.g arEe.Mt u rie SecoEnddi ticoonp y©r i©g 1h9t7b 4y M argarEe.Mt u rie Allr ighrtess er.v ed Fori nformaatbiooupnte rmistsoir oenp rodsueclee ctfrioomn s thibso ok, toP ermissHiooungsh,tM oinffi iCno mpa,n y 215P awrirteAk v enuSeo utNhe,w Y orNke,w Y or1k0 003 and PETERaSrOerFN eI gEiLsDGt tUerIraDedEdeS m aoPrfEHk TosEu RgShOtMFNoiI nffiE iLCnDGo UmIpDaEnS yE.R IES LibraroyfC ongreCsast alogiinnP gu blicatDiaotna MurieO,l auJso han1,8 89-1963. A fieldg uidteo a nimatlr acks. (TheP etersfieenl dg uidsee rie9s), Bibliograpp.h3 y5:9 1.A nimalt racks2..Z oology-NorAtmhe rica. 3.Z oology--CentrAamle rica4.. A nimalHsa,b its andb ehavioofr. I .T itle. QL768.M871 974 591.5 74-6294 ISBN0 -395-19978-6I SBN0 -395-18323-5 pbk. Printeidnt heU niteSdt ateosfA merica 24 23 22 21 20 � EditorN'ost e WILD ANIMALSs harey a,n dt ryt oa voiuds . laAr pgeer centage ofm ammalasr en octurvneanlt,u ring frdoemno snt lhayef itre r darknheassfs a llWeen s.o metismeetesh eeiyre shiinnt eh eg lare oft heh eadliagshw tesd rivdeo wnc ountry arton aidgshb tu,t int hed aytitmheem osftr equseington fst hepirre seanrcteeh eir trac-kisn t hes nowi,ns ando,ri nt hes ofmtu d.S ometimwees findt hesicra tIsti. si mporttaon tab bel teor ecogntihzeets rea ils ando thetrr acoefts h epirre sence. Thivso lumfiet sw eliln ttoh eFi elGdu idsee rifeosir,t supple­ menttsh ev olumoenm ammalasn dt oa certaeixnt etnhteo nes onb irdpsr,o vidtihneag m atenuart uralisatl st(oha epn rdo fes­ sionwaill dltiefceh niacnidab ni ologwiistthm) e aa nosf i dentify­ intgh wei ldlairfoeu hnidm e vewnh enh ec annsoetie t M.o reover, iti sa bridge betthwee eonf i dentificaantdti hoens cience art ofe coloTghye.ri esa s tobreyh itnhdte r aciknts h sen oowr a long theri veerd'gsae n ds tudmya yr evemaulc ha boutth e animal in relattioio tnhs a bitat. Thibso okt,h eo nlcyo mprehenosnieiv nie t csa tegocroyv,e rs everym ammalf orw hicthr achkasv eb eeno btainienNd o rth AmericMae,x icaon,dC entrAamle ri-can oto nltyh ec ommon onesI.ta lso inclutdheisrb tioyrv dessro, m er eptialnedas f,e w insectthse;ri esa sectioontn w igasn dl imbs anodn b oonnee andh ornc hewinTgh.ea bundainltl ustraarteii nol nisn cee;r ­ taincloyl iosrn otn eescsary, becautsrea cakrsen otc olorNeodt. onlayr et het racaknsd t raiplisc tuwrietdmh e asuremebnutts , scatarse s hownw,i tvha riatainodni sn, additioinsa tpheenr e andi ndkr awionfeg a ch aniinim tahsla bit-aWth.e rpee CUliarities oft het racakr en oto bvioiunts h ed rawitnhge ayr ed iscussed int het ext. OlauMsu riree minudssv ery mucho fa n earlimears ter, ErnestT hompsoSne tonL.i keS etohne wasn oto nlya n eminennatt uraalnidas nta ccolmipshweodo dsmbaunt aalfi snoe artiasbtlt,eo i nteripnrp eetna ndi nk tthhien hgehs adw itnessed. Dr.M uried'rsa winignts h is bwoeormkea dei nt hefi el,ed xcept wherietw asi mpossihbeul see;md a teriinam lu seums zaonods onlwyh enfi elsdp ecimweenrsue n obtainable. DrM.u riwea sm ost haotm ei nt he wildaerrenoaesftss h Wee st. TheR edR iverw i-tiht asn imawloso,d asn,d w ate-rsw ast he v vi EDITOR'NSO TE bakcgruondo fh icsh ildhAofotdec.ro mplehtiiusnn gi verwsoirtky inO regohnew entto H udsoBna yf otrw oy earasn dl atsepre nt siyxe arisnA lasksat udyicnagr ibAoruc,t wiact erfaonwdlt ,h e bioloogfty h eA laskPae ninsaunldta h e AleuItni1a 9n2sh7.e movedt oJ ackson Hole, wWhyeortmehi ene gl,kb ecamteh e subejcotf i ntenssitvuedR ye.s ignfirnogtm h eU nitSetda tFeiss h andW ildlSiefrev iinc1 e94 6h eb ecamdei recotfTo hreW ilderness Socieatnydl atietrps r esidMeondte.s atn dv ergyi ftOelda,u s Muridee dicated thoti hse i dleioafflew ildernpersse servation. Int hiFsi elGdu idhees harweidt oht hesrosm eo fh iksn owledge andl ovoef t hen aturwaolr ld. Int het wentyye arssi ntchee fi rsetd itiwoansp ublisthheedr e havbee emn anyc hangiensn omenculraeTt.h isse coenddi tion, comlpeterleys ehta,sa ttempttoeb dr inbgo tshc ienatnidfiv ce r­ naculnaarm eisn l inwei tchu rrepnrta ctiIcnae d.d ittihoenri,es an ewi ndeaxn,d some minohra vcbehe aenng emsta hdreo ughout thet extW.e arger atetfotu hle a uthowri'dso Mwa,r garMeutr ie, fohre ra ssistainn acnes werqiunegs tiaonndis nr eadipnrgo oafn,d tot hea uthobrr'ost hAedro,l pMhu rifeo,r khiinshd e lipns olving probleomfns o menclature. ROGERT ORYP ETERSON 1974 Acknowledgments THISF IEDL GUIDEi sb aseadl mosetn tiroenlm yy ownfi eld observaatnidot nhsec ollecotfpi loans ctaesrat nsd o themra terial thahta sb eeans sembsliendc1 e92 1. HoweveIrh ,a vael ssot uditehdee xtensmiavmem alilaint era­ turweh,i chha sb eeonf g reavta luaen,da bibliogroafsp ohmye oft hilsi teraitsgu irveea ntt heen do ft hbe ookM.o reovIeh ra,v e hadt hea ssistoafan n cuem beorfp ersonasn,dw ithotuhte hierl p therweo ulhda vbee egna pisn m y information. DrH.a rtlHe.Ty . J ackswoint,h whowma so In caes sociiant ed theU niteSdt atFeiss ahn dW ildlSiefrev imcaen,y y earasg o suggesttheadIt w rite as huacnhd boaonkd,I b egainna small waya tt hatti me. Mr.E rnesPt. W alkeArs,s istDainrte cotfot rh eN ationZaol­ ologiPcaarlik n W ashingDto.nCt,.o ,g etwhietrmh e mberosfh is staaffn dt hes taofff t heW oodlaPnadr kZ ooi nS eattleo fa nd the FleishhaocfSk aenFr r aZnocoih sacvaoel ble eonf m uchh elp. With htehleop fa ttendaatnt thsle ast-nazmoemody s onM,a rtin Murieo,b tainterda cokfst hej aguawrh,i cIh c ould hnaovte obtaiontehde rwise. Thee ntomoldoegpya rtmoefnt th eN ationMauls eumt,h e UnitSetda tFeiss ahn dW ildlSiefrev iacnedt, h es taafft S equoia NatioPnaarlhk a vael gli vemne a ssainscte. Manyi ndividhuaavlfesu rnisvhaeldu ambaltee ritahlel: a te FrancHi.As l leonfC ambridMgaes,s achusDertE.t. Ls .C; heatum oft heN ewY orCk onservaDteipoanr tmeDnrt.C; . H. D. Clarke, DepartmoefnL ta ndasn dF oresOtnst,a rAinot;o odneV osO,n ­ tariCoo lleogfeA gricultLuireeu;t enaanndt MrHs..H .J . CochranCean,a Zlo neD;r J.a meZse teiknc, h arogfet here search statiaotBn a rrCoo loraIdsol anCda,n aZlo n;e WarreGna rst, DouglWayso,m inLgu;t hCe.rG oldmaTne,x aJso;h Kn. H oward, whow,i thc o-orpaetioofnT heA mericMauns eumo fN atural HistoorfNy e wY orkm,a dea vailtaobm leefi lmo nA rcthiacr es; DrW.i lliam J. oHfaC moirlnteUolnnli vers;iW tiylliHaamn dley oft heN ationMauls eumW;i lliNaamn carrAolwak,sa ;I vaRn. TompkinGse,o rgiDar;. RobRearuts cohf t heP ublHieca lth ServiAclea,s kEar;w iVne riotfyt heW altD isneSyt udiaonsd; Dr.F ranNk. Y ounogf I ndiaUnnai versity. My sonD onalldi ve-trcaeprptemadai mnm alfso srt udoyft heir vii x CONTENTS WeaseFla mliyM:u stelidae 46 Shortt(aEmirlin e)L,o ngtaainldL, e asWte asels 46 Mink 53 Marten 57 Fisher 60 Tayra 62 Blacoko-tfeFde rret 63 Wolverine 65 RiverO tter 69 SeaO tter 74 StripSekdu nkSst:r ipHeodo,d eadn,dH ognose 77 SpotteSdk unk 80 Badegr 82 DogF amil:yC anidae 85 Dog 85 Wolf 91 Coyote 94 RedF ox 99 GrayF ox 103 Kito rS wifFto x 104 ArctFiocx 106 CatF ami:lF yelidae 109 DomestCiact 109 Bobcaotr W ildcat 113 Lynx 161 MountaLiino onr P uma 181 Jaguar 121 Ocelot 123 JaguarunCdatio rE yra 124 Sea:lP sinnipedia 125 HairS ea:lH sarboSre al EaredS eal:sS eaL ion Rodesn:tR odnetia 127 WoodcuhckY;e llowbaenldHl oya rMya rmots 127 PrairDioeg 137 GroundS quirrels 139 Chipmunk 144 RedS quirarnedlC hickaorreP ei nSeq uirrel 147 GrayF,o xa,n d TasselS-qeuairrerde ls 154 FlynigS quirrel 160 PockeGto pher 163 PockeMtou se 167 KangarRoaot a ndK angarMooou se 168 CONTENTS xi Beaver 171 Muskrat 175 FloriWdaat eRra t 187 Porcupine 180 Aplodontia 187 Agouti 189 Paca 191 NorwaRya t 193 HousMeo use 193 JumpiMnogu se 196 Woodrat 199 White-foMootuesdoe r D eeMro use 202 GrasshopMpoeurs e 206 HarveMsotu se 207 Ricaen dC ottRoant s 209 MeadoVwo loer F ielMdo use 211 PinVeo lSea,g ebrVuoslhBe ,o gL emminagn,d R edback Vole 219 Treea ndM ountaPihne nacomys 221 CollaarneddB rowLne mmings 225 Rabbaintd P ikFaa miliLeesp:o ridaOec haontdo nida2e3 1 ArctHiacr oer T undrHaa re 233 WhitetJaaiclk rabbit 235 BlacktaanidAl n teloJpaec krabbits 239 EuropeHaanr e 241 SnowshHoaer e 243 Cottontail 245 Marsahn dS wampR abbits 247 PygmyR abbit 249 Pikoar C ony 251 HoofeAdn imalUsn:g ulata 255 WhitetDaeielr 257 MuleD eer 263 BlacktDaeielr 268 Elk orW apiti 271 Moose 278 CaribaonudR eindeer 284 DomestPiicga ndW ilBdo ar 289 PeccaorrJy a velina 294 PronghoornrA ntelope 296 MountaSihne ep 300 DomestSihce ep 303 MountaGiona t 305 DomestGioca t 307 BisoonrB uffalo 308 xii CONTENTS Muskox 312 DomestCiact tle 314 Horsae ndB urro 314 BairdT'asp ir 317 Birds 320 AmphibiaannsdR eptiles 337 Insecatns dO theIrn vertebrates 343 Twigs and Limbs 349 Bonea nd Horn Chewing 355 Biblriaopghy 359 Index 369

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