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Perverse sheaves and graphs on surfaces 6 1 0 Mikhail Kapranov, Vadim Schechtman 2 n January 11, 2016 a J 8 ] 1 Introduction T A . The aim of this note is to propose a combinatorial description of the cate- h t gories Perv(S,N) of perverse sheaves on a Riemann surface S with possible a m singularities at a finite set of points N. Here we consider the sheaves with [ values in the category of vector spaces over a fixed base field k. We al- low (in fact, require) the surface S to have a boundary. Categories of the 1 v type Perv(S,N) can be used as inductive building blocks in the study of any 9 category of perverse sheaves, see [GMV]. Therefore explicit combinatorial 8 7 descriptions of them are desirable. 1 0 We proceed in a manner similar to [KS1]. To define a combinatorial . 1 data we need to fix a Lagrangian skeleton of S. In our case it will be a 0 spanning graph K ⊂ S with the set of vertices Vert(K) = N (for the precise 6 1 meaning of the word ”spanning” see Section 3B). (In the case of a hyperplane v: arrangement inCn discussed in [KS1] theLagrangianskeleton was Rn ⊂ Cn.) i We denote by Ed(K) the set of edges of K. We suppose for simplicity in this X Introduction that K has no loops. As any graph embedded into an oriented r a surface, K is naturally a ribbon graph, i.e., it is equipped with a cyclic order on the set of edges incident to any vertex. To any ribbon graph K we associate a category A whose objects are K collections {E ,E ∈ Vect(k), x ∈ Vert(K),e ∈ Ed(K)} together with linear x e maps γ // E oo E . x e δ given for each couple (x,e) with x being a vertex of an edge e. Here Vect(k) denotes the category of finite dimensional k-vector spaces. These maps must 1 satisfy the relations which use the ribbon structure on K and are listed in Section 3C below,. IfK ⊂ S isaspanning graphasabove, thenourmainresult (seeTheorem 3.6) establishes an equivalence of categories ∼ Q : Perv(S,N) −→ A K K For F ∈ Perv(S,N) the vector spaces Q (F) ,Q (F) are the stalks of K x K v the constructible complex R (F) = Ri! (F)[1] on K which, as we prove, is K K identified with a constructible sheaf in degree 0. A crucial particular case is S = the unit disc D ⊂ C, N = {0}. Take for the skeleton a corolla K with center at 0 and n branches. Thus, the n same category Perv(D,0) has infinitely many incarnations, being equivalent to A := A , n ≥ 1. n Kn The corresponding equivalence Q is described in Section 2, see Theorem n 2.1. The special cases of this equivalence are: ∼ (i) Q : Perv(D,0) −→ A : this is a classical theorem, in the form given 1 1 in [GGM]. ∼ (ii) Q : Perv(D,0) −→ A is a particular case of the main result of [KS1], 2 2 see op. cit., §9A. In loc. cit. we have also described the resulting equivalence ∼ A −→ A 1 2 explicitely. In a way, objects of A are ”square roots” of objects of 2 A , in the same manner as the Dirac operator is a square root of the 1 Schro¨dingeroperator. ThatiswhywecallA a”1/n-spin(parafermionic) n incarnation” of Perv(D,0). Finally, in Section 3D we give (as an easy corollary of the previous discus- sion) a combinatorial description of the category PolPerv(S,N) of polarized perverse sheaves, cf. [S]. These objects arise ”in nature” as decategorified perverse Schobers, cf. [KS2], the polarization being induced by the Euler form (X,Y) 7→ χ(RHom(X,Y)). The idea of localization on a Lagrangian skeleton was proposed by M. Kontsevich in the context of Fukaya categories. The fact that it is also applicable to the problem of classifying perverse sheaves (the constructions of [GGM] and [KS1] can be seen, in retrospect, as manifestations of this 2 idea) is a remarkable phenomenon. It indicates a deep connection between Fukaya categories and perversity. A similar approach will be used in [DKSS] to construct the Fukaya category of a surface with coefficients in a perverse Schober. The work of M.K. was supported by World Premier International Re- search Center Initiative (WPI Initiative), MEXT, Japan. 2 The “fractional spin” description of perverse sheaves on the disk A. Statement of the result. Let X be a complex manifold. By a perverse sheaf on X we mean a C-constructible complex F of sheaves of k-vector spaces on X, which satisfies the middle perversity condition, normalized so that a local system in degree 0 is perverse. Thus, if k = C and M is a holonomic D -module, then RHom (M,O ) is a perverse sheaf. X DX X Let D = {|z| < 1} ⊂ C be the unit disk. Let k be a field. We denote by Perv(D,0) the abelian category of perverse shaves of k-vector spaces on D which are smooth (i.e., reduce to a local system in degree 0) outside 0 ∈ D. Let n ≥ 1 be an integer. Let A be the category of diagrams of finite- n dimensional k-vector spaces (quivers) Q , consisting of spaces E ,E ,··· ,E 0 1 n and linear maps γi // E oo E , i = 1,··· ,n, 0 i δi satisfying the conditions (for n ≥ 2): (C1) γ δ = Id . i i Ei (C2) TheoperatorT := γ δ : E → E (where i+1 isconsidered modulo i i+1 i i i+1 n), is an isomorphism for each i = 1,··· ,n. (C3) For i 6= j,j +1 mod n, we have γ δ = 0. i j For n = 1 we impose the standard relation: (C) The operator T = Id −γ δ : E → E is an isomorphism. E1 1 1 1 1 Theorem 2.1. For each n ≥ 1, the category Perv(D,0) is equivalent to A . n 3 For n = 1 this is the standard (Φ,Ψ) description of perverse sheaves on the disk [GGM], [Be]. For n = 2 this is a particular case of the description in [KS1] (§9 there). B. Method of the proof. For the proof we consider a star shaped graph R 3 K = K ⊂ D obtained by drawing n n R 2 radii R ,...,R from 0 in the counter- 1 n U clockwise order, see Fig. 1. Then D−K 2 U is the union of n open sectors U ,··· ,U 1 1 n R numbered so that Uν is bordered by Rν 0 1 U and Rν+1. ... n Proposition2.2. ForanyF ∈ Perv(D,0) we have Hi (F) = 0 for i 6= 1. Therefore R K n the functor Figure 1: The graph K = K . n R : Perv(D,0) −→ Sh , F 7→ R(F) = R (F) := H1 (F) K K K is an exact functor of abelian categories. Proof: Near a point x ∈ K other than 0, the graph K is a real codimension 1 submanifold in D, and F is a local system in degree 0, so the statement is obvious (“local Poincar´e duality”). So we really need only to prove that the space Hj (F) = Hj (D,F) vanishes for j 6= 1. The case n = 0 is Kn 0 Kn known, H1 (D,F) being identified with Φ(F), see [GGM]. The general case K1 is proved by induction on n. We consider an embedding of K into K so n n+1 that the new radius R subdivides the sector U into two. This leads to a n+1 n morphism between the long exact sequences relating hypercohomology with and without support in K and K : n n+1 ··· //Hj(D −K ,F) //Hj+1(D,F) //Hj+1(D,F) //··· n Kn αj βj = (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ··· //Hj(D −K ,F) // Hj+1 (D,F) //Hj+1(D,F) //··· n+1 Kn+1 For j 6= 0 the map α is an isomorphism because its source and target are 0. j Indeed, D−K as well as D−K is the union of contractible sectors, and n n+1 F is a local system in degree 0 outside 0, so the higher cohomology of each sector with coefficients in F vanishes. This means that Hj+1 (D,F) = Hj+1(D,F) = 0, j 6= 0 Kn+1 Kn 4 and so by induction all these spaces are equal to 0. Remark 2.3.An alternative proof of the vanishing of H6=1(F) can be ob- Kn 0 tainedby noticing that RΓ (F) [1] canbe identified with Φ (F), the space Kn 0 zn of vanishing cycles with respect to the function zn. It is known that form- ing the sheaf of vanishing cycles with respect to any holomorphic function preserves perversity. The graph K = K is a regular cellular space with cells being {0} and n the open rays R ,··· ,R . For F ∈ Perv(D,0) the sheaf R(F) is a cellular 1 n sheaf on K and as such is completely determined by the linear algebra data of: (1) Stalks at the (generic point of the) cells, which we denote: E = E (F ) := R(F) = stalk at 0; 0 0 n 0 E = E (F) = R(F) = stalk at R , i = 1,··· ,n. i i Ri i (2) Generalizationmaps corresponding to inclusions of closures of the cells, which we denote γ : E −→ E , i = 1,··· ,n. i 0 i This gives “one half” of the quiver we want to associate to F. C. Cousin complex. In order to get the second half of the maps (the δ ), i we introduce, by analogy with [KS1], a canonical “Cousin-type” resolution of any F ∈ Perv(D,0). Denote by i : K ֒→ D, j : D −K ֒→ D the embeddings of the closed subset K and of its complement D − K = n U . For any complex of sheaves F on D (perverse or not) we have a ν=1 ν cFanonical distinguished triangle in DbShD: (2.4) i i!F −→ F −→ j j∗F −→δ i i!F[1] ∗ ∗ ∗ (here and elsewhere j means the full derived direct image). Recalling that ∗ i! has the meaning of cohomology with support, and denoting j : U ֒→ D ν ν the embeddings of the connected components of D −K, we conclude, from Proposition 2.2: 5 Corollary 2.5. Let F ∈ Perv(D,0). Then F is quasi-isomorphic (i.e., can be thought of as represented by) the following 2-term complex of sheaves on D: n E•(F) = j F| −→δ R(F) . (cid:26) ν∗ Uν (cid:27) Mν=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Here the grading of the complex is in degrees 0,1 and the map δ is induced by the boundary morphism δ from (2.4). We further identify F| ≃ E = constant sheaf on U with stalk E Uν νUν ν ν as follows. As F is locally constant (hence constant) on U , it is enough to ν specify an isomorphism H0(U ,F) −α→ν E = H1 (F) , ν ν K x where x is any point on R . Taking a small disk V around x, we have ν E = H1 (V,F). This hypercohomology with support is identified, via the ν V∩K coboundary map of the standard long exact sequence relating cohomology with and without support), with the cokernel of the map H0(V,F) −→ H0(V ∩U ,F)⊕H0(V ∩U ,F) = H0(V −K,F) ν ν−1 SinceF isconstant onV, theprojectionofH0(V ∩U ,F) = H0(U ,F)tothe ν ν cokernel, i.e., to E , is an isomorphism. We define α to be this projection. ν ν We now assume n ≥ 2. Then the closure of U is a proper closed sector ν U , and so we can rewrite the complex E•(F) as ν n E•(F) = E −→δ R(F) . (cid:26) νUν (cid:27) Mν=1 Indeed, j (F| = j (E ) = E . ν∗ Uν ν∗ νUν νUν D. Analysis of the morphism δ. We now analyze the maps of stalks over various points induced by δ. Since the target of δ is supported on K, it is enough to consider two cases: 6 Stalks over 0. We get maps of vector spaces δ : E = E −→ R(F) = E , ν = 1,··· ,n. ν νUν 0 ν 0 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) These maps, together with the generalization maps γ , form the quiver ν γi // Q = Q(F) = E oo E , i = 1,··· ,n 0 i (cid:8) δi (cid:9) which we associate to F. Stalks over a generic point x ∈ R . As x lies in two closed subsets U and ν ν U , we have two maps ν−1 δ : E = E −→ R(F) = E , Uν,Rν νUν x ν x ν (cid:0) (cid:1) δ : E = E −→ R(F) = E . Uν−1,Rν ν−1Uν−1 x ν−1 x ν (cid:0) (cid:1) Proposition 2.6. We have the following relations: δ = Id , δ = −T , Uν,Rν Eν Uν−1,Rν ν−1 where T : E = h0(U ,F) −→ E = H0(U ,F) ν−1 ν−1 ν−1 ν ν is the counterclockwise monodromy map for the local system F| . D−{0} Proof: We start with the first relation. Recal that the identification α : ν H0(U ,F) → E was defined in terms of representation of E as a quotient, ν ν ν i.e., in terms of the coboundary map in the LES relating hypercohomology with and without support. So the differential δ in E•(F), applied to a section s ∈ H0(U ,F), gives precisely α (s), so after the identification by α , the ν ν ν map on stalks over x ∈ R , becomes the identity. ν We now prove the second relation. Representing e ∈ E by a section ν−1 s ∈ H0(U ,F), we see that δ (e) is represented by the image of ν−1 Uν−1,Rν (0,s) ∈ H0(U ,F)⊕H0(U ,F) ν ν−1 in the quotient H0(U ,F)⊕H0(U ,F) H0(V,F). ν ν−1 (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:14) ButtheidentificationofthisquotientwithE isviatheprojectiontothefirst, ν notsecond, summand, i.e., toH0(V ∩U ,F) = H0(U ,F). The element (t,0) ν ν projecting to the same element of the quotient as (0,s), has t = −T (s) = ν−1 minus the analytic continuation of s to U . ν 7 Proposition 2.7. The maps γ ,δ in the diagram Q(F) satisfy the condi- ν ν tions (C1)-(C3), i.e., Q(F) is an object of the category A . n Proof:| We spell out the conditions that the differential δ in the Cousin com- plex E•(F) is a morphism of sheaves. More precisely, both terms of the complex are cellular sheaves on D with respect to the regular cell decompo- sition given by 0,R ,··· ,R ,U ,··· ,U . So the maps of the stalks induced 1 n 1 n by δ, must commute with the generalization maps. Consider the generalization maps from 0 to R . In thje following diagram ν the top row is the stalk of the complex E•(F) over 0, the bottom row is the stalk over R , and the vertical arrows are the generalization maps: ν n E Pδµ //E µ=1 µ 0 L pν,ν−1 γν (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) E ⊕E // E , ν ν−1 ν Id−Tν−1 the lower horizontal arrow having been described in Proposition 2.6. We now spell out the condition of commutativity on each summand E inside µ n E . µ=1 µ L Commutativity on E : this means γ δ = Id. ν ν ν Commutativity on E : this means γ δ = −T , in particular, this ν−1 ν ν−1 ν−1 composition is an isomorphism. Commutativity on E for µ 6= ν,ν −1: This means that γ δ = 0, since µ ν µ the projection p annihilates E . The proposition is proved. ν,ν−1 µ E. Q(F) and duality. Recall that the category Perv(D,0) has a perfect duality (2.8) F 7→ F⋆ = D(F)[2], i.e., the shifted Verdier duality normalized so that for F being a local system (in our case, constant sheaf) in degree 0, we have that F⋆ is the dual local system in degree 0. We will use the notation (2.8) also for more general complexes of sheaves on D. On the other hand, the category A also has a perfect duality n Q = E oo γν //E n 7→ Q∗ = E∗ oo δν∗ //E∗ n . (cid:8) 0 δν ν (cid:9)ν=1 (cid:8) 0 γν∗ ν (cid:9)ν=1 8 Proposition 2.9. The functor Q : Perv(D,0) → A commutes with duality, n i.e., we have canonical identifications Q(F⋆) ≃ Q(F)∗. Proof: We modify the argument of [KS1], Prop. 4.6. That is, we think of K as consisting of n “equidistant” rays R , joining 0 with ν ζν−1, ζ = e2πi/n, ν = 1,2,··· ,n. We consider another star-shaped graph K′ formed by the radii R′,··· ,R′ 1 n so that R′ is in the middle of the sector U . Thus, the rotation by eiπ/n ν ν identifies R with R′ and K′ with K. ν ν We can use K′ instead of K to define R(F) and R(F⋆).We will denote the corresponding sheaves R (F) = H1 (F), and similarly for R (F⋆). K′ K′ K′ The sheaves defined using K, will be denoted by R (F) and so on. K Since Verdier duality interchanges i! and i∗ (for i : K′ → D being the embedding), we have ⋆ ⋆ R (F ) ≃ F| K′ K′ (usual restriction). To calculate this restriction, we use the Cousin resolution of F defined by using K and the U : ν n F ≃ E• = E −→δ R (F) . (cid:26) νUν K (cid:27) Mν=1 So we restrict E• to K′. SInce K′∩K = {0} and R (F) is supported on K, K the restriction R (F)| = E is the skyscraper sheaf at 0 with stalk E . K K′ 00 0 So n F| ∼ (E ) δ′|K−′=→Pδν (E ) . K′ (cid:26) ν R′ν 0 0(cid:27) Mν=1 On the other hand, the shifted Verdier dual to R (F⋆), as a sheaf on K′ is K′ identified by, e.g., [KS1], Prop. 1.11 with the complex of sheaves ⋆ P(γF )∗ E (F⋆)∗ ⊗or(C) −C→′C E (F⋆)∗ ⊗or(C) . C C (cid:26) C C (cid:27) CM⊂K′ CM⊂K′ codim(C)=0 codim(C)=1 Here C runs over all cells of the cell complex K′, and E (F⋆) is the stalk of C the cellular sheaf R (F⋆) at the cell C. Explicitly, C is either 0 or one of K′ the R′, so ν n ⋆ P(γF )∗ R (F⋆)⋆ = E (F⋆)∗ −C→′C E (F⋆)∗ . K′ ν 0 (cid:26)Mν=1 Rν 0(cid:27) 9 By the above, this complex is quasi-isomorphic to n PδF F| = E (F) −→ν E (F) . K′ ν 0 (cid:26)Mν=1 Rν 0(cid:27) So we conclude that E (F⋆) = E (F)∗, γF⋆ = (δF)∗. ν ν ν ν This proves the proposition. Proof of Theorem 2.1. We already have the functor Q : Perv(D,0) −→ A , F 7→ Q(F). n Let us define a functor E : A → DbSh . Suppose we are given n D γν // n Q = E oo E ∈ A . (cid:8) 0 δν ν (cid:9)ν=1 n We associate to it the Cousin complex n E•(Q) = E −→δ R(Q) . (cid:26) νUν (cid:27) Mν=1 Here R(Q) is the cellular sheaf on K with stalk E at 0, stalk E at R and 0 ν ν the generalization map from 0 to R given by γ . The map ulδ is defined on ν ν the stalks as follows: Over 0: the map (E ) = E −→ R(Q) = E νUν 0 ν 0 0 is given by δ : E → E . ν ν 0 Over R : The map ν n E = E ⊕E −→ R(Q) = E µ ν ν−1 Rnu ν (cid:18)Mµ=1 Uµ(cid:19)Rν | is given by Id−T : E ⊕E −→ E . ν−1 ν ν−1 ν Reading the proof of Proposition 2.6 backwards, we see that the conditions (C1)-(C3) mean that in this way we get a morphism δ of cellular sheaves on D, so E•(Q) is an object of DbSh . D Further, similarly to Proposition 2.9, we see that E•(Q∗) ≃ E(Q)⋆. 10

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