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DOCUMENT RESUME CS 202 073 ED 106 865 Zeigler, Sherilyn K., Ed. AUTHOR Perspectives on Advertising Education: Curricula, TITLE Research--Descriptive, Research--Experimental, Industry /Educators' Cooperation, Special Interest Areas, and Instruction; Proceedings of the 1974 National Conference for University Professors of Advertising at the Univ. of Rhode Island. American Academy of Advertising, Knoxville, Tenn. INSTITUTION 74 PUB DATE 537p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal NOTE egibility of original document MF-$ 0.92HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE EDRS PRICE Communication (Thought Transf r); Conference Reports; DESCRIPTORS Curriculum Development; Educational Research; *Journalism; Managcment Development; *Publicize; *Public Relations ABSTRACT This document contains all of the presentations given at the 1974 National American Academy of Advertising Conference in Newport, Rhode Island. The theme of the conference was "Perspectives on Pdvertising" and the areas of focus were curricula and instruction, descriptive and experimental research, cooperation > between educators and the advertising industry, and special area public concerns of public policy, international advertising, and relations. Among the presentations included here are the following: "How Advertising Is Really Used: Success and Failure" by Norman Levy and B. Michael Moore; "The Introductory Course in Advertising" by E. S. Lorimor; "Some Observations on Closing the Communications Gap Between Teachers and Practitioners" by Melvin S. Hattvick; "Truth in Retail Newspaper Advertising" by James R. Krum; "An Empirical Analysis of Commercial Message Credibility" by Ross L. Goble, John Lillibridge, and Harold Pazer; "How to Evaluate Your Advertising" by Harry Wayne McMahon; "Television Viewing, Sleeping Habits, and Energy Conservation" by Donald Hendon; and "Communication with Middle-class Blacks: A Public Relations Perspective" by Jacob M. Duker. (TS) US OEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH. EOUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCE° EXACTLY AS RECEIVE° FROIS THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGI% A TiND IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STA EC) DO NOT NECESSARILY REPE PERSPECTIVES ON ADVERTISING EDUCATION SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of COUFATiON POSITION OR POLICY CURRICULA RESEARCH - DESCRIPTIVE' RESEARCH - EXPERIMENTAL INDUSTRY/EDUCATORS' COOPERATION SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS Public Policy International Advertising Public Relations INSTRUCTION Management Curriculum Creative Curriculum Research Curriculum THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ADVETTISING PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1974 NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS OF ADVERTISING AT THE ulawksTy OF RHODE ISLAND C°Y T.'s I PuOtfur I ....CS.004 70 (00YW.1.1(() PlArf fOlAt fly TMCRO FICHE OILY 1145 (III TI (lotoof-0 By Sherilyn K. Zeigler Edited BY (07 Vhi Try I WIC 6110 ()VG:04VA I .4A ojr, iNtlf ml ' 10`,TiT0TE 0 I OW AT 03,j Sherilyn K. Zeigler, Ph.D. 1,40011( T101.1 0.11t.or ift0 T of N 10 flq CUIC SYSr f PI Pf 00141 S Pf Pills Associate Professor of Advertising 5.011 01 TOW (01.Y1+1,04T 0/1011+ Knoxville The University of Tennessee, 1974 2 FOREIORD The American Academy of Advertising is the national association of Its more than 250 members teach advertising at all advertising educators. academic levels and in colleges and universities with orientations in communications, journalism, and marketing management. The following set of Presentations represents the written record of the 1974 national AAA Conference, held April 28 -30., in Newport, Rhode The Conference was divided into eight sessions and each has been Island. identified within this set of Proceedings with its respective papers immediately following; all presentations made before the Conference appear herein in the order in which they were given. Educators' papers have been reproduced in their entireties, except Some footnotes and tables were placed within for illustrative materials. Presentations the context of their papers in an effort to save space. and panel discussions given by non-educators were summarized by the editor and have been included. Sherilyn K. Zeigler Editor The University of Tennessee Knoxville Copyright ©1974, American Academy of Advertising, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 3 CONFERENCE PROGRAM Sunday, April 28 Noon Check-In and Registration Meeting of Executive Committee, A.A.A. 5:00 p.m. Social Hour 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Welcome Dean Richard R. Weeks, College of Business, University of Rhode Island PAGE Stephen A. Greyser, President, A.A.A. 1 Success and Failure How Advertising is Really Used: Norman Levy and B. Michael Moore Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati SESSION I - PERSPECTIVES ON ADVFRTISING CURRICULA 8:30 p.m. E. S. Lorimor, East Texas State University Chairman: 2 The Introductory Course in Advertising E. S. Lorimor, East Texas State University Tommy Thomason, Southern State College The Teaching of Advertising in Business Schools and 16 A Comparison Journalism /Communication Schools: Barbara J. Coe, New York University 22 A Real World Client/Competitive Model Advertising Education: Thomas E. Barry, Southern Methodist University Robert L. Anderson, University of South Florida 33 Evolution of an Emphasis Fenton E. Calhoun, California State University Some Observations on Closing the Communications Gap Between 15 Teachers and Practitioners Melvin S. Hattwick, Colorado State University S. Bernard Rosenblatt, Texas Tech. University Discussants: Lilyan M. Alspaugh, Central Michigan University Curc.1 Curtis, Arizona State University Harry Ainsworth, University of Arkansas ii 4 Monday, April 29 PAGE 7:30 a.m. Breakfast Meeting: Board of Directors, Journal of Advertising Arnold Barban, University of Illinois, Chairman I Daniel Stewart, Northern Illinois University, Editor 8:30 a.m. SESSION II - PERSPECTIVES ON RESEARCH: DESCRIPTIVE Chairman: Leonard W. Lanfranco, University of South Carolina Unanticipated Effects of Pogramming Content on Advertising. Awareness and General Attitudes Toward Advertising h8 Dean Krugman, Illinois State University Bruce L. Stern, Illinois State University Advertising Changes and Stock Price Movements Anthony F. McGann, University of Wyoming Frank K. Reilly, University of Wyoming Raymond A. Marquardt, University of Wyoming Store Brands and the National Advertiser: A Historical Perspective with Contemporary Options 75 Kim B. Rotzoll, University of Illinois Charles H. Patti, University of Illinois Advertising Vignettes or How Much Have We Learned Since" the Days of P. T. Barnum? 311 John E. Mertes, Eastern Illinois University John S. Wright, Georgia State University Considerations in the Use of Comparative Advertising Harry Ainsworth, University of Arkansas Nutritional Labelling: Do Consumers Read It? An Edmonton Pilot -Study l')2 . R. H. D. McCormick, University of Alberta, Canada M. H. Hawkins, University of Alberta, Canada Truth in Retail Newspaper Advertising 110 James R. Krum, University of Delaware The Dysfunctional Consequences of Client Centered Advertising 116 Pat L. Burr, University of Texas Richard M. Burr, University of Texas Some Consequences of Personalizing Mail Surveys 120 Robert W. Jefferson, Western Illinois University Michael J. Houston, Western Illinois University A Study of Readability Levels for Editorial and Advertising Material in Six Selected Magazines 126 S. Bernard Rosenblatt, Texas Tech. University Ronal P. Lentz, The Anderson (S. Car.) Independent iii 5 Monday, April 29 (Continued) PAGE 133 Sunday Shopper Fsychographics and Promotion Possibilities . . Dale L. Varble, Western Michigan University Discussants: Alan D. Fletcher, University of Tennessee Donald W. Jugenheimer, University of Kansas 10:15 a.m. Coffee Break 10:30 a.m. EXPERIMENTAL SESSION III - PERSPECTIVES ON RESEARCH: Chairman: Donald W. Hendon, Columbus College, Georgia An Empirical Perceptions of Children's Television Advertising: Investigation of the Beliefs and Attitudes of'Consumer, 144 Industry, and Government Respondents James D. Cul ley, University of Delaware 154 Evaluating Research Projects - A Ba esian Solution Irving Roshwalb, Vice President, Audits & Surveys, Inc. The Effectiveness of tLe FTC's "Corrective Advertising" 166 Policy: flew Empirical Insights Robert F. Dyer, George Washington University Philip G. Kuehl, University of Maryland 178 A New Perspective Advertising Budget Allocation Models: . R. Eugene Klippel, University of Florida Robert L. Anderson, University of South Florida .185 . An Empirical Analysis of Commercial Message Credibility - Ross L. Goble, Clarkson College, New York John R. Lillibridge, State University of New York Harold L. Pazer, State University of New York The Perceived Credibility of Advertisements and Other 193 Channels of Information Among Women Thomas L. Parkinson, University of Delaware 199 Some_Exsples The Cumulative Effects of Advertising: Harvey A. Maertin, University of Toledo Robert D. Mason, University of Toledo Donald K. Wedding, University of Toledo to Enterin Its Relationshi The Authoritarian Personalit : the Advertising Field and Socially Responsible Advertising Behavior 203 H. Surlin, University of Georgia John D. Leckeriby, University of Georgia iv 0 Monday, April 29 (Continued) PAGE A Statistical Appraisal of the Potential Interaction Process 217 Analysis for Communication Research Charles H. Martin, University of Texas A Subjective Investigation of Motorcycle Advertising. 225 Richard A. Schreiber, Northern 'Illinois University The Effects of Integrated Advertising on Selected Dimensions and Elements of Department Store Image 233 John B. Gifford, Miami University, Ohio An Analysis of Psychological Shift Paradigms for Advertising 243 David R. Wheeler, University of North Dakota D1-cussants: Zane Cannon, Western Michigan University Franklin S. Houston, University of Missouri 12:15 p.m. Luncheon Pilot Program for Working with Educators 251 Herbert Zeitner, Senior Vice President, Kenyon & Eckhardt 1:45 p.m. SESSION IV - PERSPECTIVES ON INDUSTRY/EDUCATORS' COOPERATION 252 Chairman: Stephen A. Greyser, Harvard University Panel: John Del Mar, American Association of Advertising Agenciei Jonah Gitlitz, Amerilan Advertising Federation Herbert Ahlgren, Association of National Advertisers 3:30 p.m. Coffee Break 3:45 p.m. SESSION V - ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING American Academy of Advertising Stephen A. rreysers Presiding Social Hour 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Dinner How to Evaluate Your Advertising 253 Harry Wayne McMahan, International TV Consultant 9:00 p.m. SESSION VI - PERSPECTIVES ON EMPLOYMENT 254 Chairman: S. Watson Dunn, University of Illinois Panel: Herbert Ahlgren, Association of National Advertisers Leo Bogart, Newspaper Advertising Bureau. Blake Byrne, WJAR-TV, Providence Elias Buchwald, Burson-Marsteler Douglas Johnson, McCann- Erickson J. Carroll Bateman, Insurance Information Institute 7 Tuesday, April 30 PAGE 7:30 a.m. Ex-Presidents, A.A.A. Breakfast Meeting: SESSION VII - PERSPECTIVES ON SPECIAL INTEREST AREAS 8:30 a.m. . . . . (Concurrent Roundtable Sessions) ROUUDTAKE A - Public Policy Steven Permut, Yale University Chairman: An Evaluation of Recent FTC Aegulations Under the Fair 255 Packaging and Labeling Act ("Cents -Off" Representations) . . F. Robert Shoaf, New York University Edward L. Melnick, New York University 262 Television Viewing, Sleeping Habits, and Energy Conservation Donald W. Hendon, Colinas College, Georgia Application of Advertising Techniques in the Solution of 270 Social Problems Barbara J. Coe, New York University A Study of Seals and Certifications of Approval and Their Results and Implications Role in Consumer Information Processing: 290 for Public Policy Thomas L. Parkinson, University of Delaware 295 Prime-Time Access: Economics and Advertising John D. Leckenby, University of Georgia John T. Russell, University of Georgia Applications of Belief Measures to Specific and Overall 311 A Program for Research Advertising Claims: James E. Haefner, University of Illinois Melinda T. Birchmore, University of Illinois Steven E. Permut, Yale University 318 The Wonder Bread Case and Implief4 Uniqueness Claims . . . . Laird Landon, Jr., Consultant, FTC Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation H. Keith Hunt, Consultant, FTC Office of Policy Planning and Evaluation ROUNDTABLE B - International Advertising 8:30 a.m. William Mindak, University of Texas Chairman: A Two-Nation Comparison of Advertising Law and Regulation: Norway and the United States of America 323 Gordon E. Miracle, Michigan State University vi Tuesday, April 30 (Continued) PAGE Standardization...Localization: A Pro sed Alternative Methodolo SO for the Development of Multinational Promotional Campaigns 334 . Michael Harvey, Southern Methodist University Roger A. Kerin, Southern Methodist University U.S. Marketers in West Germany: Do They Use Standardized Advertising? ACross-Cultural Study of Sixteen Cases in International Advertising Claus D. Anderson, University of Texas, Norman, Craig & Kummel Penetration Analysis Within a "Confined International Market" 344 Pat L. Burr, University of Texas Richard M. Burr, Trinity University Donald W. Hendon, Columbus College, Georgia Discussants: S. Watson Dunn, University of Illinois Roland Hicks, Ferris State College 8:30 a.m. ROUNDTABLE C - Public Relations Chairman: Frazier Moore, University of Georgia Journalism Enrollment Study 348 John T. Russell, University of Georgia Frazier Moore, University of Georgia Communication with Middle-Class Blacks: A Public Relations Perspective 350 Jacob M. Duker, University of Connecticut We Huff and We Puff, But Can We Really Pump the Candidate Up? 361 Fact and Fancy_ in Political Campaign Television Noel L. Griese, University of Georgia Current Emphasis on Corporate Public Relations Advertising 393 . Lilyan M. Alspaugh, Central Michigan University 401 9:40 a.m. Public Relations Education in Colleges and Universities . J. Carroll Bateman, President, Insurance Information Institute and fOrmer Chairman of the Board, PRSA 405 Speech Writing a Major Public Relations Activity? Otis Baskin, Texas Lutheran College Coffee Break 10:30 a.m. SESSION VIII - PERSPECTIVES ON INSTRUCTION 10:45 a.m. (Concurrent Roundtable Sessions) ROUNDTABLE A - Management Curriculum David Furse, Michigan State University Chairman: vii -9 PAGE Tuesday, April 30 (Continued) 411 A Pedagogical Interpretation Buyer Behavior: Richard H. Evans, Syracuse'University Definitional, Conceptual, and Measurement and Attitudes: 418 Methodological Considerations Jeffrey A. Lowenhar, University of Connecticut . 432 The Teaching of Advertising for non-Marketing Majors . . . Barbara J. Coe, New York University The Advertising Cooperative Training Program at Baruch 439 College, CUNY Stanley M. Ulanoff, City University of New York Some.Frustrations in the Teaching._ Field Consulting in Promotion: 44-8 of a New Course in Advertising J. Patrick Kelly, Virginia Commonwealth University Lilyan M. Alspaugh, Central Michigan University Discussants: John T. Russell, University of Georgia ROUNDTABLE B - Creative Curriculum 10:45 a.m. Edward Stephens, Northwestern University Chairman: 2tocoitij 456 Ex erimentai Approaches John T. Russell, University of Georgia W. Ronald Lane, University of Georgia Background Behavioral Science and Television Commercials: 466 for Creativity Sherilyn K. Zeigler, University of Tennessee 473 Theatrical Devices in the Classroom That New Ghost: . . Phillip A. Sinclair, University of Toledo Campaigns 484 Adding a Professional Touch to Your Advertising . Donald R. Holland, University of Florida 488 The Creative Class as Ad Agency Jim R. Morris, Kansas State University ROUNDTABLE C - Research Curriculum 10:45 a.m. Wilma Crumley, University of Nebraska Chairman- 493 Humor Appeals and Advertising Strategy Charles E. Treas, University of Mississippi Ronald F. Bush, University of Mississippi Joseph F. Hair, Jr., University of Mississippi viii

Communication (Thought Transf r); Conference Reports;. Curriculum Development; Educational Research;. *Journalism; Managcment Development; *Publicize;. *Public Relations. ABSTRACT. This document contains all of the presentations given at the 1974 National American Academy of Advertising
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