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Preview Perspectives in Theoretical Physics. The Collected Papers of E. M. Lifshitz

Ε. Μ. LIFSHITZ Perspectives in Theoretical Physics THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF Ε. M. LIFSHITZ Edited by L. P. PITAEVSKM PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK SEOUL · TOKYO U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 0X3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press, Inc., 395 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. KOREA Pergamon Press Korea, KPO Box 315, Seoul 110-603, Korea JAPAN Pergamon Press, Japan, Tsunashima Building Annex, 3-20-12 Yushima, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113, Japan Copyright © 1992 Pergamon Press pic All Rights Reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1992 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lifshits, Ε. M. (Evgenii Mikhailovich) [Selections. English. 1991 ] Perspectives in theoretical physics: the collected papers of Ε. M. Lifshitz/edited by L. P. Pitaevskii p. cm. 1. Physics. I. Pitaevskii, L. P. (Lev Petrovich) II. Title. QC71.L532513 1991 90-46224 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Lifshitz, Ε. M. (Evgeni Mikhailovich) Perspectives in theoretical physics: the collected papers of Ε. M. Lifshitz. 1. Theoretical physics I. Title II. Pitaevski, L. P. 530.1 ISBN 0-08-036364-4 Printed in Great Britain by BPCC Wheatons Ltd., Exeter Introduction Evgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz was born on 21 February 1915 in Kharkov, which at that time was the capital of the Ukraine. His father was a gastro- enterologist and a professor at the Institute of Medicine. His younger brother was Ilya Mikhailovich Lifshitz, the theoretical solid state physicist-like his brother an Academician and a Lenin Prize winner. Ε. M. Lifshitz studied at the Chemical College in Kharkov from 1929 to 1931 and after that from 1931 to 1933 in the Physics and Mechanics Faculty of the Kharkov Mechanics and Machine Building Institute. From 1933 to 1938 he worked, first as a graduate student under L. D. Landau until his Ph.D. examination in 1934, and then as a senior research assistant in the Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute. From February to May 1938 he worked in Moscow at the Ail-Union Leather Institute, returning to Kharkov to the Chemical Technology Institute, where he stayed from September 1938 to June 1939. This period of rapid changes of places of work coincided with Landau's move from Kharkov to Moscow, Landau's unjust arrest, and his fortunate release-due to Kapitza's inter­ vention with the authorities-a year later. These difficulties also explain the gap of three months when Lifshitz lived in the Crimea with his first wife, Elena Konstantinovna Berezovskaya. In 1939 Lifshitz's D.Sc. thesis was accepted by the Leningrad State University and apart from a period during the war, when the whole Institute of Physical Problems was evacuated to Kazan, he spent the rest of his life from September 1939 in Moscow at the Institute of Physical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Until 1956, when he switched all his activities to his work on the Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (JETP) and the Course of Theoretical Physics, he taught at several institutes: Kharkov University, Kharkov Mechanics and Machine Building Institute, Kharkov Chemical Technology Institute, Moscow State University, and the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lifshitz received many honours. In 1945 he received the Order of the Red Star for his work for the army, and in 1954 the Order of the Red Banner of Labour and also a State Prize; in 1958 the Lomonosov Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1962, jointly with Landau, the Lenin Prize. In 1966 he was elected a Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he was awarded the Landau Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1974 and elected an Academician in 1979; in 1983 he was elected a 1 2 Perspectives in Theoretical Physics Foreign Member of the Royal Society, and in 1985 he received an honorary doctorate from Budapest University. Lifshitz had a son from his first marriage who is a pathological anatomist, and Lifshitz is survived by his second wife, Zinaida Ivanovna. He died on 29 October 1985 after a heart operation. When one comes to Lifshitz's scientific career, one must distinguish three important parts: his work - originally with Landau-on the classical Course of Theoretical Physics, his work as editor of JETP, and his scientific papers. JETP is for Soviet physics what the Physical Review is for the USA - the main physics journal. Lifshitz for about 30 years dealt with all aspects of all the papers submitted to JETP, and its excellence as a primary physics journal is largely due to Lifshitz's work. Lifshitz will probably be mostly remembered for having been the second part of'Landau and Lifshitz', the masterly 10-volume textbook of theoretical physics. A large part of Lifshitz's scientific output can be found in the Course of Theoretical Physics. After Landau's accident in January 1962, from which he did not recover, Lifshitz alone was responsible not only for preparing new editions of the volumes which had already appeared, but also for writing-with new collaborators, all from the Landau school-the volumes which were still needed to complete the set. Many of Lifshitz's papers provided sections for the various volumes of the Course of Theoretical Physics. Many generations of physicists-not only in the USSR-have used 'Landau and Lifshitz' in their daily (creative and educational) activity. The complete course, which was completed in 1979, consists of 10 volumes: Mechanics, Theory of Fields, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics (Classical and Quantum Statistics and Theory of the Con­ densed State), Fluid Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity, Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, and Physical Kinetics. The idea for this course was conceived in the early 1930s when Landau was in Kharkov, and the early chapters were based on lecture notes. The guiding idea of the course consists of arriving by the shortest path to the solution of specific problems without getting bogged down in arguments and the laying of foundations. It is, however, not just a handbook of mathematical methods. The whole exposition is based on physical concepts, either general ones-such as conservation laws-or model ones-such as a collisionless plasma or a perfect gas. The course has been internationally acclaimed: it has been translated in its entirety into English, German, French, Japanese, Italian, and Hungarian, while parts have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Rumanian, Polish, Bulgarian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Greek, Hindi, and Slovak. In the light of Lifshitz's activities for JETP and the Course of Theoretical Physical it is not surprising that a feature of Lifshitz's work as a scientist is the Introduction 3 relatively small number of papers he published. The present volume contains 1 7 , 23713 2 , 3 41, 4 1 only 48 items, and of those six are review articles. ' ' Most of Lifshitz's papers deal with specific problems in theoretical physics rather than with general theories. This is a consequence of the fact that in working on the Course of Theoretical Physics he came upon as yet unsolved points which he felt should be incorporated in the volume he was working on. This has as a consequence that most papers are quite extensive, and one finds 21 only two short notes among the papers. The first one is a brief paper 3 showing that the chemical potential of liquid He can, over a fairly wide 2 temperature range, be represented as a power series in T \ this paper was a precursor of the Fermi liquid theory devised by Landau several years later. We quote an interesting-prophetic-sentence from this paper: Theoret­ ically, liquid helium-3 should have a specific heat proportional to the temperature as it is probably a quantum liquid with a "Fermi-type" energy 39 spectrum like that of the "electron liquid" in a metal.' The second brief note reports briefly more extensive work given in detail in several other papers. 172732 Of the review papers, three ' ' deal with the behaviour of liquid helium 3 134 at low temperatures, and especially with its superfluid properties. Two ' deal with forces between condensed bodies, a topic on which he published 41 extensively (see below), while the last review paper dealt with cosmological problems to which he devoted so much time towards the end of his life. 1 A number of his earlier papers were written with Landau. His first paper dealt with pair production during a collision of two particles, a topic he 2 returned to in his second paper which he wrote by himself. In these papers, which appeared only a few years after the discovery of the positron, he discussed electron-positron pair formation in heavy-particle collisions. In the first paper Landau and he study the ultra-relativistic limit, that is, the case where the relative velocity of the two colliding bodies is close to the velocity of light. In this case one must use second-order perturbation theory, as first- order perturbation theory gives an effect which in the ultra-relativistic limit is much smaller than the second-order effect. We can then neglect the difference between the particle trajectories and straight lines; that is, neglect the interactions between the two colliding particles, and the effect is due merely to the superposed fields of these particles. In this case the pair-production cross-section varies as the cube of the logarithm of the energy of the colliding particles. In the follow-up of this paper Lifshitz considered the case where the relative velocity of the two colliding particles is small as compared to the velocity of light. In this case one must distinguish several regions. The first region is the one where the velocity is so small that the inverse time of 2 collision is much less than mc /ft, where m is the electron mass and c the speed of light; in that case the pair-production cross-section is small and decreases The numbers refer to the order of papers in this volume. 4 Perspectives in Theoretical Physics exponentially with decreasing velocity. That region is therefore of no further interest. For larger velocities one should distinguish the case where the motion of the colliding particles can be treated classically and the case where we need quantum theory to describe it. It turns out, however, that the pair- production cross-section is the same in these two cases. For these cases Lifshitz first of all repeated the calculations from the earlier paper; that is, he calculated the second-order cross-section, in order to be able to compare it with the first-order effect, where the wavefunctions of the colliding particles are perturbed by their interaction. The results of the calculations of both the first- and the second-order cross-sections show (1) that the first-order cross- section is now proportional to the cube of the logarithm of the relative velocity of the two colliding particles, but (2) that in this case the second- order cross-section is proportional to the tenth power of that velocity, and (3) that the first-order effect dominates over the second-order one as soon as the relative velocity falls below 0.3c. Lifshitz returned a few years later to problems in nuclear physics and 7-9 discussed nuclear reactions involving deuterons, such as the disinteg­ ration of the deuteron. In 1936 Lifshitz wrote two papers on the photoelectromotive force in semiconductors. The first one was with Landau and the second one by 4 Lifshitz alone. In the first paper they calculate the electromotive force arising in a circuit which includes a semiconductor when one of its contacts is illuminated, both when there are no holes and when there are holes present. 5 In the second paper the same calculations are repeated for the case when there is an external magnetic field present. Possibly the most important one of the papers Lifshitz published with 3 Landau as coauthor is the one which contains the so-called Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion for the magnetisation in ferromagnets. This paper dis­ cusses also the domain structure of ferromagnets and the problem of ferro­ magnetic resonance. It is well known that a ferromagnetic crystal above the Curie point will consist of domains, each of which is practically magnetised to saturation, but in such a way that the total magnetic moment of the crystal is zero. The shape of the domains-which was the concern of the discussion by Landau and Lifshitz-is determined by the requirement of minimum energy of the system as a whole. If the ferromagnetic crystal has one axis of easy magnetisation, there are three sources of energy: 1. the magnetic energy, partly inside and partly outside the crystal; 2. the anisotropy energy, deriving from the fact that not all magnetic moments in the crystal will be along the axis of easy magnetisation; and 3. the exchange energy, deriving from the fact that not all magnetic moments will be parallel to one another. Introduction 5 Writing down expressions for these three energies Landau and Lifshitz and find (1) the width of the Bloch wall, (2) the width of the domains, and (3) the shape of the closure domains. They also show that the domains have a layer rather than a needle structure. They next considered what would happen to the magnetisation if an external magnetic field is applied to the ferromagnet. By considering not only the precession of the magnetisation due to this field, but also possible damping forces due to spin-spin interactions which will tend to align the magnetisation with the external field, they find the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion, which can be used to find the frequency of ferromag­ netic resonance. Landau and Lifshitz, in fact, discuss, the case of a har­ monically varying magnetic field without, however, discussing resonance phenomena. 6 In 1937 Lifshitz published a paper on the properties of an electron gas in a magnetic field. In that paper he introduced the so-called drift approximation and also derived an expression for the collision integral in a magnetised plasma. 1011 During the war Lifshitz published two important papers ' on the theory of second-order phase transitions, which supplement Landau's classical work on the subject. There have been radical changes in this- theory and in the theory of critical phenomena in the years which followed the publication of these papers. The elucidation of the decisive role played by fluctuations in the immediate vicinity of the critical point, the discovery of similarity properties, and the possibility of calculating critical indices, have made the theory of these phase transitions quite different from the Landau theory. However, the principal points have not only been preserved, but have acquired greater importance. They relate to the connection between the nature of the trans­ ition and the change in symmetry of the system. The geometrical symmetry approach has been retained, and this is the reason why Lifshitz's work in this field has not lost its value. Before briefly discussing this, we want to stress one other fact. Lifshitz's paper is based on the use of group theory, and one should realise that a thorough knowledge of group theory in those days was a rarity, and showed a more than usually profound mastery of mathematical techniques. In his original papers Landau had indicated only one reason for a transition ceasing to be a second-order one-the presence of cubic terms in the expansion of the thermodynamic potential. In that case the transition becomes first-order. However, Lifshitz pointed out that, in fact, there is only a limited number of possible second-order phase transitions. This is related to the fact that a second-order phase transition is possible only between phases possessing different symmetries where the elements of the symmetry group of the second phase form a subgroup of the symmetry group of the first phase. The number of possible second-order phase transitions is thus limited by the 6 Perspectives in Theoretical Physics total number of space groups. Lifshitz in his first paper enumerates all possible transitions for the case of Bravais lattices. The following general theorems illustrate the kind of transitions which are possible: 1. A second-order phase transition can occur for any change in structure which halves the number of symmetry transformations; such a change may occur either by a doubling of the unit cell for a given crystal class or by a halving of the number of rotations and reflections for a given unit cell. 2. Second-order phase transitions cannot occur for changes in structure which reduce to one-third the number of symmetry transformations, as this would imply the presence of cubic terms in the thermodynamic potential. In the second paper Lifshitz considers second-order phase transitions in substitutional alloys. He shows that Landau's thermodynamic theory im­ poses restrictions which are not always realised in order-disorder theories such as those by Bethe and Peierls. He poses a question similar to the one in his first paper: For what types of order in alloys can a Curie point exist; that is, can a second-order phase transition take place. He considers body- centred-cubic, face-centred-cubic, and hexagonal-close-packed lattices, as superstructures are known to occur in those lattices. Using the same tech­ nique as in his first paper he then lists all possible transitions. In Landau's theory of the superfluidity of helium II he devotes a short section to the propagation of sound in helium II. He finds that there are two sound velocities, but does not comment any further on this. A few years later 12 in 1944 Lifshitz discussed sound in helium II in much more detail. In this paper he also coins the terms first and second sound. He discusses in some details how these two kinds of sound can be generated, and points out that it is very difficult to produce second sound by the usual means of producing sound, that is by a vibrating body. He then suggests that it may be generated by having a surface with a temperature which fluctuates periodically in time, and points out that in second sound the temperature vibrations are much stronger than the pressure vibrations. These predictions were verified by Peshkov's experiments after the war. 2 228 Apart from some papers on miscellaneous topics, including two ' on hydrodynamical subjects with Landau, the remainder of Lifshitz's scientific ceuvre was devoted to two topics: the forces between solid objects and cosmological problems. In 1948 Casimir, in a paper with Polder the aim of which was to account for anomalous experimental results for forces between colloid particles, had pointed out that retardation effects would modify the forces between molecules and between solid bodies, increasing the index of the attractive London-van der Waals forces by unity. This idea was taken up by Lifshitz-together with Dzyaloshinskii, Pitaevskii, Abrikosova, and 2 3 , 2 5 , 2 6 , 3 14 , 3 3 , 3 Deryagin-in a number of papers. Lifshitz's idea was that the interaction between the bodies is transmitted through a fluctuating electro- Introduction 7 magnetic field. Because of thermodynamic fluctuations this field is always present in the interior of a material medium and also extends beyond its boundaries. Of course, at very low temperatures the fluctuations are of a purely quantum nature. The theory was also used to consider properties of thin liquid films on the surface of a solid body, as well as forces between bodies separated by a dielectric. 1535 48 The last group of papers ' " deals with various cosmological prob­ lems. With Belinskii, Khalatnikov, and various other collaborators he con­ sidered mostly the general problem of singularities in cosmological solutions. Another topic he investigated was the question of the gravitational stability of the isotropic model, as this model seems to give an adequate description of the present-day state of the universe, considered on a large scale. He found that the situation is quite satisfactory for an expanding universe, but not so satisfactory for a contracting universe. His studies were all based on the Einstein equations in their classical form without a cosmological term. D. TER HAAR

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