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Perspectives in Hydrogen in Metals. Collected Papers on the Effect of Hydrogen on the Properties of Metals and Alloys PDF

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Preview Perspectives in Hydrogen in Metals. Collected Papers on the Effect of Hydrogen on the Properties of Metals and Alloys

Other Pergamon Titles of Interest ASHBY and BROWN Perspectives in Creep Fracture ASHBY and JONES Engineering Materials 1 ASHBY and JONES Engineering Materials 2 ASHWORTH Ion Implantation into Metals COMINS and CLARK Specialty Steels and Hard Materials FULLENWIDER Hydrogen Entry and Action in Metals MCQUEEN Strength of Metals and Alloys (3 Volumes) VEZIROGLU Metal-Hydrogen Systems Pergamon Journals of Related Interest Acta Metallurgica Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly Corrosion Science Materials & Society Materials Research Bulletin Metals Forum Scripta Metallurgica The Physics of Metals & Metallography PERSPECTIVES IN HYDROGEN IN METALS Collected Papers on the Effect of Hydrogen on the Properties of Metals and Alloys Edited by M. F. ASHBY University Engineering Department, Cambridge, U. K. and J. P. HIRTH Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · NEW YORK · BEIJING · FRANKFURT SÄO PAULO · SYDNEY · TOKYO · TORONTO U.K. Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523, U.S.A. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Qianmen Hotel, Beijing, OF CHINA People's Republic of China FEDERAL REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Hammerweg 6, OF GERMANY D-6242 Kronberg, Federal Republic of Germany Pergamon Editora, Rua Eça de Queiros, 346, BRAZIL CEP 04011, Sâo Paulo, Brazil Pergamon Press Australia, P.O. Box 544, AUSTRALIA Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press, 8th Floor, Matsuoka Central Building, JAPAN 1-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan Pergamon Press Canada, Suite 104, CANADA 150 Consumers Road, Willowdale, Ontario M2J 1P9, Canada Copyright © 1986 Pergamon Books Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First edition 1986 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Perspectives on hydrogen in metals. "Previously published in various numbers of the journals Acta metallurgica and Scripta metallurgica, 1981-1985"—T.p. Verso. Includes index. I. Metals—Hydrogen content. I. Ashby, M. F. II. Hirth, John Price, 1930- TN690.2.P45 1986 669'.94 86-21228 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Perspectives on hydrogen in metals: collected papers on the effects of hydrogen on the properties of metals and alloys. 1. Metals—Hydrogen content I. Ashby, Michael F. II. Hirth, J. P. IH. Acta metallurgica IV. Scripta metallurgica 669'.92 TN690 ISBN 0-08-034813-0 Previously published in various numbers of the journals Acta Metallurgica and Scripta Metallurgica 1981-1985. Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co. Ltd., Exeter FOREWORD Over the past decade there has been a significant advance in our understanding of the effects of hydrogen on the physical and mechanical properties of metals and alloys. Work on the subject burgeoned in the same period, stimulated by interest in hydrogen as a fuel source and the longer term concern about hydrogen embrittlement. Many of these advances were reported in Acta Metallurgica and Scripta Metallurgica, in some cases as an extended series of papers on the same subject. Also, hydrogen was the topic o fa number of Overviews and of one Viewpoint Set. The contributions included work on hydrogen in amorphous materials, solubility and other thermo- dynamical properties, diffusi vity, stress induced diffusion, trapping, hydride formation, plastic deformation and embrittlement. Because of the cohesiveness of this body of work and in order to provide a convenient reference work in the subject, the recent papers are combined here in a single volume. February 1986 J. P. HIRTH M. F. ASHBY SOLID SOLUTIONS OF Pd CONTAINING HYDROGEN AND A NOBLE METAL SUBSTITUTIONAL COMPONENT—I. THERMODYNAMIC BEHAVIOR M. YOSHIHARA and R. B. McLELLAN Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Rice University, Houston, TX 77001, U.S.A. {Received 20 November 1980: in revised form 2 April 1981) Abstract—Elastic data have been measured for Pd-based solid solutions containing Cu, Au. and Ag in the concentration range 0-50 at.° of substitutional solute and in the temperature range 300-1200 K. 0 The elastic data have been used to evaluate a statistical mechanical model for solid solutions of hydrogen in Pd-based solutions containing noble metals. The elastic data are used to calculate that contribution to the partial thermodynamic functions of the dissolved interstitial atoms which arises due to the change in the specific volume of the metal lattice as the substitutional atom concentration is varied. Résumé—Nous avons mesuré les propriétés élastiques de solutions solides à base de Pd contenant une concentration en soluté substitutionnel Cu, Au et Ag comprise entre O et 50at.°o, dans le domaine de températures compris entre 300 et 1200 K. Nous avons utilisé ces mesures élastiques pour appliquer un modèle de mécanique statistique aux solutions solides de Thydrogène dans des solutions solides à base de Pd contenant des métaux nobles. Ces mesures d'élasticité servent à calculer la partie de la contribution des atomes interstitiels dissous aux fonctions thermodynamiques partielles, qui provient du changement du volume spécifique du réseau métallique lorsqu'on change la concentration en atomes substitutionnels. Zusammenfassung—Elastische Daten sind an einer Reihe Pd-reicher Mischkristalle mit Cu, Au, und Ag im Konzentrationsbereich 0-50 At. ° und im Temperaturbereich 300-1200 K gemessen worden. 0 Die elastischen Daten sind dazu verwendet worden, ein statistisch mechanisches Modell für Pd- Edelmetall-Mischkristalle, die auch Wasserstoff enthalten, auszuwerten. Die elastischen Daten ermögli­ chen die Berechung des Beitrages zu den partiellen thermodynamischen Funktionen der gelösten Zwis­ chengitteratome, der durch die als Folge der Änderung der Edelmetallkonzentration stattfindende Änderung des spezifischen Volumens des Metallgitters entsteht. INTRODUCTION The object of the present work is to make an exhaustive series of elastic measurements on the Pd- In a recent treatment [1] of the thermodynamic based alloys containing Au, Ag and Cu spanning the properties of solid solutions of an interstitial species i temperatures and composition ranges in which in a 'binary solvent* lattice with V and U substi­ thermodynamic data are available. This will enable a tutional atoms, the partial thermodynamic functions more rigorous evaluation of the statistical model to of the /-species was written in terms of a 'statistical be undertaken. contribution* which is derived from considering the The alloys Pd-(Ag, Cu>-H are also interesting in distributions of the /-atoms in the octahedral inter­ that the diffusivity of H in the V-U matrix is unaffec­ stitial sites (ceils) in the V-U lattice. The second part ted by the presence of large Ag concentrations, and of the thermodynamic functions is a "volume term* mildly depressed by Cu. In a second paper, diffusivi- which accounts for the change in specific volume of ties of H in Pd-Au solutions will be reported and the the V-U-solution as the U-concentration changes. relation between the thermodynamic and kinetic The exact forms of the relationships [1] will be given properties of the Pd-based alloys containing hydrogen in a later section. The evaluation of the validity of this will be discussed. model depends upon having available elastic data in the form of the variation of the bulk modulus of the EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE V-U binary system with both temperature and U-concentration. It has been shown [2] that for sol­ Sample preparation utions of hydrogen in Pd-Ag, Pd-Au, and Pd-Cu The wires needed for the thin-line ultrasonic elastic alloys the model is in reasonable accord with experi­ measurements were made by arc melting MARZ- mental measurements of the partial enthalpy of sol­ grade elements under a protective atmosphere of ution of H in the limit of infinite dilution of i and the argon. Wires were drawn from the bulk alloys and limited elastic data for the pure solvent metal (Pd). were ^0.1 m. in length and -3 x 10~Am. in diam- 3 4 M. Yoshihara and R. B. McLellan the shear wave were attenuated greatly at the higher temperatures and measurements could only be made near room temperature. Experimental results The measured data for the Young's modulus Ey of the three alloy systems are shown as functions of tem­ perature in Fig. 1 [U = Au], Fig. 2 [U = Ag], and Fig. 3 [U = Cu]. Each different symbol represents a different U concentration, as indicated on the dia­ gram and the common symbol (Δ) is used for the pure solvent metal (Pd). It will be noted that the data for all 4 pure metals involved show a non-linear vari­ ation of Ey with temperature. This phenomenon is also reflected in the alloys. A better pictorial idea of the variation of μ or Ey with 9 a given temperature is given in Fig. 4, which U shows the actual data points for Ey and μ measured at room temperature for all three alloy systems. In auxiliary experiments on the pure metals, the elastic properties (including μ) were investigated using samples of very different grain sizes and also using a copper single crystal wire to measure C and C in 44 u the [100] direction. All these measurements are in 0.5' ' ' ■ 1 1 1 i Ì 1 —NI good agreement with those shown in Figs 1, 2 and 3 20Û 400 600 800 1000 1200 and will be published separately on account of their T (K) relevance to self-diffusion in the noble metals. Fig. 1. Temperature variation of the Young's modulus of The actual number of data points represented by- Pd-Au solid solutions. Figs 1, 2 and 3 is very large. Assuming that the Pois- son's ratio is independent of temperature, the value of μ measured at room temperature can be used to cal- eter. Before making the elastic measurements, the wires were annealed at 900CC for 10 h under vacuum (^ 10~4 N/m2). The compositions of the wires varied ·'— Ας in the range 1-50 at% U. 0 — 75% * — 50 % Elastic measurements A —30% 2—20% The elastic measurements were made using the Φ — 10% thin-line ultrasonic technique in which the velocities of longitudinal and transverse waves in the wire are measured by introducing elastic waves into the wire using a magnetostrictive lead-in wire coupled to an electronic recording system. The details of the experi­ mental equipment, exact measurement of the wire- length and density, and details of the temperature control and measurement have been given in a pre­ vious publication [3]. The Young modulus Ey and the shear modulus μ can be obtained from the relations Ey = p V\ μ = ρν\ where V and V are the longitudinal and transverse i t wave velocities and p is the density. The ratio of the diameters of the lead-in wire to the sample wire was ^3:1, which yields a large amplitude of the end- T(K) reflection echoes for the longitudinal wave over the Fig. 2. Temperature variation of the Young's modulus of temperature range measured. However, the echoes for Pd-Ag solid solutions. Solid Solutions of Pd Containing Hydrogen — I 5 hedral sites in the f.c.c. V-U lattice (V - Pd solvent, U = substitutional solute metal), the variation of the partial molar enthalpy of the /-species at infinite dilu­ tion of i, H?\ as a function of the atom ratio of U, 0, U is given by r0u VAVB R?-m- | ^(i-«T)de u JO s V A€xz(l-e f-»9 u u Φ where ψ = χζ(1 -0 )(2-υ0 + (1 -0J* (3) Μ Μ In these equations V is the partial molar volume of { the i-atoms, AV = V° - V° (V° = molar volume of u v pure component), B is the bulk modulus of the sol­ ution, a its thermal expansivity, and Ae = 6e- - e\ is the difference between the energies needed to intro­ duce an i-atom into an octahedral %ceir with no U-atoms (€°) and one U atom (€*). The quantity x is exp (Αε/kT), V is the molar s volume of the V-U-solution, z is the number of lattice atoms in the shell of atoms surrounding a given site (6) and Hll is the partial enthalpy of the i-species in 7' ' ' I 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 the V-i binary system. 200 400 600 800 lOOO 1200 T(K) This expression for Hj° takes into account the dila­ tion of the 'binary solvent lattice' when B changes. u Fig. 3. Temperature variation of the Young's modulus of This 'volume correction' is the integral term in equa­ Pd-Cu solid solutions. tion (2). The integral term is a macroscopic quantity culate the bulk modulus B as a function of T and Pd-Cu U-concentration. In auxilliary experiments using only Cu, both μ and Ey were measured up to 1200 K and Poisson's ratio found to be constant. A least-squares programming technique was used to fit the data to the representational form B = B' + αθ„ - be T 0 u where 0 is the atom fraction of U and B, a, and b M 0 are constants. This formulation was shown, by differ­ ence techniques, to be valid in the range 0 = 0 - 0.1 U with an uncertainty of < 5%. The results found are as follows expressing B in units of N/m2 : B = (1.797 + 1.436 x 10~2 0 - 9.42 x 10"6 Cu M ej) io" B = (1.722 + 0.989 x 10"2 0 - 3.89 x HT6 [1] Au M 0 T) x 10" M B = (1.879 + 0.534 x 10~2 0„ - 4.24 x 10"6 Ag 0 T) x 10" U The compositions of some randomly selected wires were checked by microprobe analysis. In all cases the results were within 1% of the composition fixed nominally by the weights of materials. ' ' I l I I i i i \ I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 Au Pd Concentration (At. %) Jj DISCUSSION Fig. 4. Variation of the Young's modulus Ey and the shear In terms of a statistical model given recently [1] in modulus μ for Pd-based alloys containing Au, Ag, and Cu which the interstitial (i) atoms are distributed in octa­ at room temperature. 6 M. Yoshihara and R. B. McLellan derived from bulk thermodynamic reasoning [1] and calculated at T = 555 K and is indicated on Figs 5 does not depend on the details of the atomic distribu­ and 6. There is virtually no difference between σ for tion. The last term in this relation is the statistical Ag and Au. part of the enthalpy resulting from the distribution of Now Ag and Au act as antitrapping sites for the i-atoms between the various sites [1]. It should be H-atoms in palladium. This is implied by the diffusion noted that cells with more than one U-atom are not data for H in Pd containing Au or Ag [1] and implies considered and that Δε is strictly constant. The V-U that Ae < 0 (see paper II in this series). In this case φ lattice in this model is not held rigid whilst the i-atom is not sensitive to the numerical value of te/kT and φ is being introduced, but merely maintained at its for the two values -4 and -lOkJ/mole have been molar volume for which <9 = 0 prior to forming the included in Fig. 5. The dashed line represents Hf> U ternary solution. For Au and Ag the effect of the calculated from σ and φ (Δέ = -5kJ/mole). This is U-atoms is to dilate the metal lattice (AV - 1.35 and to be compared with the measured partial enthalpies. 1.4cm3/mole respectively) for the Cu there is a com­ The agreement is satisfactory, especially when it is pression of the lattice (ΔΚ = -1.71). remembered that^ the energy changes are very small. A limited discussion of the validity of equation (1) The measured Er changes only by -4kJ/mole on has been given in [2] based on the then available data going from 0 to 10% of Au or Ag, ie a change of less for B in the limit when 9 = 0. The current elastic than 0.05 eV. The case of copper is interesting. The U measurements on Pd-based solutions containing Au, measured data points (O) show a slight dip, and then Ag and Cu enable a more thorough evaluation of the an increase in H? with increasing ^-values. Recent solid solution model to be undertaken. diffusivity measurements [8] for H in Pd-Cu alloys at The elastic data represented in Figs 1, 2 and 3 have 300K indicate that Cu probably acts as a trap site in been condensed into the form Pd-Cu solutions. This point will be discussed in more detail in the second paper of this series. Thus the B = Bo - à9 u appropriate values of Ae are positive. In this case φ is by evaluating B from the equation [1] at the tempera­ very sensitive to the numerical value of Ae/kT as the ture of T = 555 K, at which temperature thermodyn­ family of φ-curves in Fig. 6 for Ae = 4, 5.6, and 6.0 kJ/ amic data are available. This formalism is valid up to mole show. These curves have been combined with about θ = 0.1. the σ calculated in equation (5) to yield the calculated ν For ease of discussion, let us write equation (2) in Er - curves shown in Fig. 6 concomitant to each Ae. the form It is interesting to note that the calculation_predicts an initial decrease and then an increase in H·30 as 0 H? = ff? - σ -φ (4) U increases. Again the general agreement is satisfactory, where φ represents the final term in equation (2) and a represents the elastic term. Combining equations (4) and (2) and using tables of standard integrals [4] and 210 the approximation 1 > zT yields the following ex­ pression for (j.t 214 V£V wl δθ« - B, -|,n„ ΨΘ )\ (5) + Μ 218}- where V- is the partial molar volume of i, and x φ = AV/V° . Since for the three L/-species considered, o V E ψ ^ 0.1 and we can consider 0-yalues up to only u about 6 ~ 0.1, since otherwise the statistical con­ 222 U siderations used in calculating φ fail[l], ln(l + φθ^ 8- IX can be replaced by ψθ„ and equation (5) becomes I 2261 σ= ν-^-Βφθ (6) 0 α Now Er has been measured by Kleppa and his co- 2301 workers. Their data, referring to 555 K, are given in Fig. 5 for Au (D symbols) [5] and for Ag (O symbols) [6], and for Cu in Fig. 6 [7]. For Au and Ag, H* 234 becomes more negative as 0 increases. The effect is 0.5 U reversed in the case of Cu. The quantity σ has been Fig. 5. Measured and calculated ( ) variation of the_par­ t In evaluating the integral note that σ depends on U0 tial molar enthalpy of Hydrogen at infinite dilution Er at only through B (i.e. B - B - δθ ) and V = V° 0 + V5°55 K in Pd-Au-H and Pd-Ag-H solid solutions as a 0 α s u U v d - eu) = K? + eu ΔΚ function of the atom fraction 0U of Au or Ag. Solid Solutions of Pd Containing Hydrogen — I 7 206 Hvi in the semi-rigid lattice model. This is the enthalpy change in introducing an i-atom into pure V (at con­ stant pressure). In the constant-pressure model for the ternary solution, cf can no longer be identified with Hvi since cf is now a function of 0„ due to the uniform dilation of the lattice. Thus let us replace €?, in the A€ · 4 kj/mof) semi-rigid lattice model, by e* q = €° in the constant- pressure situation. When Q = 0, q « i. Since Ae is u UC-5.6 kj/mol) also constant in this case since both types of cell are affected uniformly by the bulk concentration change we can write ..—C« Af«6.0kJ/mol) IX Thus comparing this equation with equation (4) yields €Γ(1-*)«σ. (8) Using the approximate value of σ given by equation (6) φ(Δ€»4 kj/mol) gives φ(Δ€·5.6 kJ/mol) VJAVBQII/Θ. 4 = 1- φ(Δ€«6.0 kJ/mel) 220, 0.1 0_.12_ 0.3 0.4 0.5 so that e. ,-4-S^M,]. (9) Fig. 6. Measured and calculated ( ) variation of the partial molar enthalpy of Hydrogen at infinite dilution H* Writing this in the form, 555 K for Pd-Cu-H solid solutions as a function of the atom fraction 6U of Cu. The three uppermost solid ( ) €?«€n;i-00j (10) curves are derived by combining a (the uppermost curve) with the corresponding values of φ (lower curves). and using the appropriate values of the constants K°„ V ΔΚ Bo, Ψ> and e?0 (=/??) for the three w-species h being considered yields the results: but it is clear that much more thermodynamic data in the region 0 = 0-0.15 are required. It must also be U U g pointed' out that for Ac > 0, the statistical model is reasonably valid only at very low values of 0 since in U Au -0.208 this case the i-atoms will tend to cluster in the sites Ag -0.191 with U-atoms in their metal atom shell so that ignor­ Cu 4-0.242 ing shells with more than one U-atoms becomes much more serious than in the case when Δε < 0. These considerations have shown that the thermo­ The partial enthalpy of the i-species at infinite dilu­ dynamics of Pd-(Cu, Au, Ag)-H solutions can be tion of i may now be written from equations (10 and understood in terms of a simple statistical cell model (4) in the form in which the V-U lattice is constrained to have a constant molar volume prior to inserting the i-atom. ΗΓ-Ηϊ(1-ρθη)-φ (11) The value of Ae includes a contribution arising from Substitution of the values of q given above and the the lattice dilation associated with inserting an /-atom calculated values of φ for given Ae-values into equa­ into an appropriate cell. Thus Ae is strictly a constant tion (11) results in H^-values close to those calculated in this semi-rigid lattice model and the term σ rep­ from equation (2) and presented in Figs 5 and 6. They resents a macroscopic Volume correction'. are not exactly equal since the approximate form (6) Let us now ask the following question: can the was used to calculate σ. measured elastic data be used to formulate a con­ stant-pressure model which may be compared directly to experimental data? In order to attempt an answer CONCLUSIONS to this question, let us assume that the addition of the U-species causes a uniform positive or negative dila­ 1. The elastic properties of Pd-(Cu, Au, Ag) solid tion of the metal lattice such that €? and e} are func­ solutions have been measured in the temperature tions of the U-concentration. Now in deriving [1] range (300-1200 K) and up to compositions of equation (2), the term €? was identified correctly with 0 = 0.5, using MARZ-grade polycrystalhne material. U 8 M. Yoshihara and R. B. McLellan 2. The measured elastic data enable the simple cell with T and 0M and' is not a relation derived a priori model for solutions consisting of an interstitial species from first principles. (i) in a substitutional 'solvent matrix' (V-U) to be 6. The conclusions reached in the current analysis tested using measured thermodynamic data for must, if they are correct, be consistent with the dif­ Pd-(Cu, Au, Ag)-H. fusion behavior of hydrogen in Pd-based noble metal 3. The model is compatible with the experimental alloys. This will be demonstrated in the second paper partial enthalpies of solution of hydrogen. Sites near­ of this series. est-neighbor to Au and Ag atoms are antitrapping Acknowledgement—The authors are grateful for the sup­ sites for H-atoms with a 'negative trapping depth'. port provided by the U.S. Army Research Office and the The thermodynamic properties of the solution are Robert A. Welch Foundation. relatively insensitive to Δε. 4. Sites nearest-neighbor to Cu atoms are trapping REFERENCES sites for H-atoms whose depth lie ~* 6.0 kJ/mole lower 1. R. B. McLellan and R. Kirchheim, Phvsics Chem. than those for H in pure Pd. In the case of U = Cu, Solids 41, 1281 (1980). the agreement must be regarded as somewhat fortui­ 2. R. B. McLellan, Scripta metali 14, 875 (1980). tous because of the high U-concentration. Since 3. W. J. Arnoult and R. B. McLellan, Acta metali 23, 51 Δ£ > 0, i-atom clustering at trapping sites renders the (1975). assumptions of the model questionable for θ„ > 0.05. 4. I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Tables of Integrals, Series and Products, Academic Press, New York (1965). 5. The measured elastic data can be used to formu- 5. M. Shamsuddin and O. J. Kleppa, J. chem. Phys. 71, * 5154 (1979). late an equation [ie equation (11)] giving the vari­ 6. C. Picard, O. J. Kleppa and G. Boureau, J. chem. Phvs. ation of the partial enthalpy of the interstitial solute 70, 2710 (1979). as a function of the measured elastic data. This re­ 7. O. J. Kleppa, S. Shamsuddin, and C. Picard, J. chem. Phys. 71, 1656 (1979). lation does not, however, represent an 'elastic theory 8. R. Kirchheim and R. B. McLellan, Acta metali 28, of solutions' since its form depends upon the experi­ 1549 (1980). mentally determined variation of the bulk modulus

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