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Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 12th International Conference, BIR 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 23-25, 2013. Proceedings PDF

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Preview Perspectives in Business Informatics Research: 12th International Conference, BIR 2013, Warsaw, Poland, September 23-25, 2013. Proceedings

Andrzej Kobylinski Andrzej Sobczak (Eds.) Perspectives in Business Informatics 8 5 1 P Research I B N L 12th International Conference, BIR 2013 Warsaw, Poland, September 2013 Proceedings 123 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 158 SeriesEditors WilvanderAalst EindhovenTechnicalUniversity,TheNetherlands JohnMylopoulos UniversityofTrento,Italy MichaelRosemann QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Brisbane,Qld,Australia MichaelJ.Shaw UniversityofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign,IL,USA ClemensSzyperski MicrosoftResearch,Redmond,WA,USA Andrzej Kobylin´ski Andrzej Sobczak (Eds.) Perspectives in Business Informatics Research 12th International Conference, BIR 2013 Warsaw, Poland, September 23-25, 2013 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors AndrzejKobylin´ski WarsawSchoolofEconomics DepartmentofBusinessInformatics Warsaw,Poland E-mail:[email protected] AndrzejSobczak WarsawSchoolofEconomics DepartmentofBusinessInformatics Warsaw,Poland E-mail:[email protected] ISSN1865-1348 e-ISSN1865-1356 ISBN978-3-642-40822-9 e-ISBN978-3-642-40823-6 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-40823-6 SpringerHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2013947536 ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthislegalreservationarebriefexcerptsinconnection withreviewsorscholarlyanalysisormaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeingenteredand executedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthework.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheCopyrightLawofthePublisher’slocation, inistcurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Permissionsforuse maybeobtainedthroughRightsLinkattheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Violationsareliabletoprosecution undertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Whiletheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication, neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityforanyerrorsor omissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothe materialcontainedherein. Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface Business Informatics is a discipline that combines Information and Communi- cation Technology (ICT) with the knowledge of management. It is concerned with the development, use, application, and the role of management informa- tionsystemsandotherICTsolutions.Itisanestablishedacademicandresearch discipline. This is evidenced by the fact that many universities offer degrees in business informatics. The academic teaching programs are not detached from the research. The area of research that lies in the focus of business informatics is constantly evolving. It is clearly visible when you look at the topics of subse- quent conferences under the eternal name Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR). The BIR conference series was established 13 years ago as the result of a collaboration of researchers from Swedish and German universities. The goal was to create a forum where researchers in business informatics, both seniorandjunior, couldmeetanddiscusswitheachother. Theconferenceseries has a Steering Committee, to which one or two persons from every appointed organizerareinvited.So far,BIRconferenceswereheldin: Rostock(Germany– in2000,2004,2010),Berlin(Germany–2003),Sk¨ovde(Sweden–2005),Kaunas (Lithuania – 2006), Tampere (Finland – 2007), Gdan´sk (Poland – 2008), Kris- tianstad (Sweden – 2009), Riga (Latvia – 2011) and Nizhny Novgorod (Russia – 2012). This year’s 12th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR) was held in Warsaw (Poland), during September 23rdand25th, 2013,atthe WarsawSchool ofEconomics(SGH), the oldestand most prestigious Polish university of economics and business. This year the BIR conference attracted 54 submissions from 14 countries: ranging from Taiwan to Peru, and from Sweden to Israel. They were rigorously reviewed by 41 members of the Program Committee representing 21 countries. As the result, 19 full papers (presenting novel research results) and 5 short pa- pers (reporting on preliminary results of ongoing research) from 12 countries have been selected for publication in this volume. The volume also includes invitedpapersbyWitoldAbramowiczandBernhardThalheim.Thepaperspre- sentedattheconferencecovermanyaspectsofthebusinessinformaticsresearch, and this year there is a particular emphasis on business process management, enterpriseandknowledgearchitecture,informationsystemsandservices,organi- zations and information systems development. Apart from the main conference satelliteevents:workshopsandadoctoralconsortiumtookplaceduringthefirst day of the conference. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the BIR 2013 confer- ence.Firstofallwethanktheauthorsforpresentingtheirresearch,weappreciate invaluablecontributionsfromthemembersoftheProgramCommitteeandexter- nal reviewersandwe thank allthe members ofthe local organizationteamfrom the Department of Business Informatics atthe WarsawSchool of Economicsfor VI Preface their help in the organizationof the conference. We acknowledgethe EasyChair developmentteam for providinga convenienttool for preparingthe proceedings and the Springer publishing team for their collaboration. Last but not least, we thank the Steering Committee and we hope that BIR 2013will be a memorable link in the BIR conference series. July 2013 Andrzej Kobylin´ski Andrzej Sobczak Conference Organization Program Co-chairs Andrzej Kobylin´ski Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Andrzej Sobczak Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Program Committee Jan Aidemark Linneaus University, Sweden Esma A¨ımeur University of Montreal, Canada Eduard Babkin Higher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod), Russia Per Backlund University of Sk¨ovde, Sweden Janis Barzdins University of Latvia, Latvia Rimantas Butleris Kaunas University of Technology,Lithuania Sven Carlsson Lund University, Sweden Witold Chmielarz Warsaw University, Poland Cristian Ciurea Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Horatiu Dragomirescu Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Peter Forbrig University of Rostock, Germany Bogdan Ghilic-Micu Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania J¯anis Grabis Riga Technical University, Latvia Michal Gregus Comenius Unniversity, Slovakia Horst Gu¨nther University of Rostock, Germany Markus Helfert Dublin City University, Ireland Bj¨orn Johansson Lund University, Sweden Kalinka Kaloyanova University of Sofia – FMI, Bulgaria Valeriy Kalyagin Higher School of Economics (Nizhny Novgorod), Russia Dimitris Karagiannis University of Vienna, Austria M¯ar¯ıte Kirikova Riga Technical University, Latvia Vladimir Krylov MeraLabs, Russia Yannis Manolopoulos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Lina Nemuraite Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Jacob Nørbjerg Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Jyrki Nummenmaa University of Tampere, Finland Enn O˜unapuu Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Toma´ˇs Pitner Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Nava Pliskin Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel VIII Conference Organization V´aclav Rˇepa University of Economics, Czech Republic Narcyz Roztocki State University of New York at New Paltz, USA Alessandro Ruggieri University of Tuscia, Italy Kurt Sandkuhl University of Rostock, Germany Chris Stary Johannes Kepler University, Austria Janis Stirna Stockholm University, Sweden Bernhard Thalheim Christian Albrechts University, Germany Benkt Wangler University of Sk¨ovde, Sweden Stanis(cid:3)law Wrycza University of Gdan´sk, Poland Jelena Zdravkovic Stockholm University, Sweden Iryna Zolotaryova Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine BIR Steering Committee Kurt Sandkuhl University of Rostock, Germany (Chair) Eduard Babkin State University - HSE, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Per Backlund University of Sk¨ovde, Sweden Rimantas Butleris Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Sven Carlsson Lund University, Sweden Peter Forbrig University of Rostock, Germany Horst Gu¨nther University of Rostock, Germany Ma¯r¯ıte Kirikova Riga Technical University, Latvia Harald Kjellin KristianstadUniversity College, Sweden Andrzej Kobylin´ski Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Lina Nemuraite Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Jyrki Nummenmaa University of Tampere, Finland Eva S¨oderstr¨om University of Sk¨ovde, Sweden Bernd Viehweger Humboldt University, Germany Benkt Wangler University of Sk¨ovde, Sweden Stanis(cid:3)law Wrycza University of Gdan´sk, Poland Additional Reviewers Kestutis Kapocius, Lithuania Skersys, Lithuania Sergejs Kozlovics, Latvia Dirk Stamer, Germany Edgars Rencis, Latvia Serhii Znakhur, Ukraine Edvinas Sinkevicius, Lithuania Tomas Table of Contents Keynotes Should Business Informatics Care about Linked Open Data? .......... 1 Witold Abramowicz and Krzysztof Wecel (cid:2) Open Problems of Information Systems Research and Technology ...... 10 Bernhard Thalheim Business Process Management Requirements Definition for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages: The ComVantage Case ........................................... 19 Robert Buchmann, Dimitris Karagiannis, and Niksa Visic Using Process Variants in Design of Flow Management Systems........ 34 J¯anis Grabis Visual Simulation for the BPM-BasedProcess Automation ............ 48 Silke Holzmu¨ller-Laue, Paul Schubert, Bernd G¨ode, and Kerstin Thurow Towards Completeness and Lawfulness of Business Process Models ..... 63 Ludmila Penicina and Marite Kirikova Cooperation of Business Processes – A Central Point of the Content, Technical, and Human Aspects of OrganizationManagement .......... 78 Va´clav Rˇepa Enterprise and Knowledge Architectures PatternUseinKnowledgeArchitectures:AnExamplefromInformation Logistics........................................................ 91 Kurt Sandkuhl Methods of the Assessment of Enterprise Architecture Practice Maturity in an Organization....................................... 104 Andrzej Sobczak Development of an Enterprise Architecture Management Capability Catalog......................................................... 112 Matthias Wißotzki, Hasan Ko¸c, Tino Weichert, and Kurt Sandkuhl X Table of Contents Organisations and Information Systems Development Developing Open Source ERP Systems for SMEs: Is That Still of Interest?...................................................... 127 Bj¨orn Johansson Relationships among Open Innovation Processes, Entrepreneurial Orientation,andOrganizationalPerformanceofSMEs:TheModerating Role of Technological Turbulence .................................. 140 Pei-Hung Ju, Deng-Neng Chen, Yu-Chun Yu, and Hsiao-Lan Wei The Relationships between Software Development Processes and Software Product Quality ......................................... 161 Andrzej Kobylin´ski Ontological Foundations of Multi-agent Framework for Organizational Diagnosis ....................................................... 170 Tatiana Poletaeva, Habib Abdulrab, and Eduard Babkin Verification of Models in Agent Based Computational Economics — Lessons from Software Engineering ................................. 185 Bogumi(cid:2)l Kamin´ski and Przemys(cid:2)law Szufel Information Systems and Services Towards Creating an Evolvable Semantic Platform for Formation of Research Teams ............................................... 200 Eduard Babkin, Nikolay Karpov, and Oleg Kozyrev The Value of E-Learning to the Lecturer ............................ 214 Ulrike Borchardt and Karsten Weidauer Conversion Method in Comparative Analysis of e-Banking Services in Poland ....................................................... 227 Witold Chmielarz and Marek Zborowski Selected Aspects of Information Society Measurement ................ 241 Micha(cid:2)l Golin´ski Developing a Data Quality Methodology in Service Oriented Context Using Design Science Approach.................................... 254 Plamen Petkov and Markus Helfert The Willingness to Pay for Information in Digital Marketplaces........ 267 Daphne R. Raban and Maya Mazor CapabilitiesandChallengesofContemporaryServiceBasedMonitoring Systems ........................................................ 278 Peteris Rudzajs, Marite Kirikova, and Renate Strazdina

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