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Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/perspectives2008caso This Book Is a Gift of Carol Colvard Cason and the Class of 1958 OLIVIA RANEY LIBRARY 4016 Carya Drive Raleigh, NC 27610 Mr. and Miss Needham Broughton Henry Newton and Jane Jordan On the Cover: Class Wits Sue Ellen Upchurch and Johnny Miller Timeline On(Em 1928:Jan. 10So- vietUnionexilesLeon TrotskyMay31 Is" Trans-Pacificflight• June4SupremeCourt JusticeLouisBrandeis gavea dissentingopinion intheOlmsteadvs. US caseinwhichthecourt upheldtheuseofwire- tapsinaninvestigation ofbootlegging. "Our governmentisthepotent, theomnipresentteacher. Forgoodorforill, it teachesthewholepeople byitsexample... Ifthe governmentbecomes alawbreaker, it breeds contemptforthelaw; itinviteseverymanto becomealawuntohim- self; itinvitesanarchy... Todeclarethatinthe administrationofcrimi- nallawtheendjustifies themeans—todeclare thatthe governmentmay commitcrimesinorderto securetheconvictionofa privatecriminal—would bringterribleretribu- tion."Thiswasquotedby TimothyMcVeighdur- inghisformalsentence todeathin 1997forthe bombingofthefederal Tlie Opening Day of Needham B. Broughton •buJiulld.i3n1giCnolOokrlamhovoimeas V •Sep.21 MyWeekly Hign Sckool Reader•Oct2OpusDei founded•Oct. 15Graf Zeppelintransatlantic Early Tuesday morning, September 3, 1929, a school bell heralded the official commercial flight•Nov. opening of the new Raleigh high school. One of the city's most beautiful pieces 18SteamboatWillie, of architecture, this new school was situated on the crest of a hill, overlooking starringMickeyMouse• Nov.22Ravel'sBolero the city of Raleigh. The morning sun fell upon its high turrets as countless •Dec.13Clip-ontie• students and teachers hurried about inside the building. In 1928: ComingofAge Confusion reigned supreme. Girls in short, long-waisted dresses and boys in MineSaadm•oAaHbyouMsaergaatrPeotoh starched, high-collared shirts (typical "first day of school" outfits) searched CornerbyA.A. Milne• for their classrooms. They wandered down the long corridors that still reeked OxfordEnglishDiction- with the odors of wax and fresh paint. ary•DowJonesexpands to30stocks•Rutherford No classes met on this eventful opening day; however, the faculty was given bombardsauraniumtar- the "once over" by the students, and everyone was satisfied with their new getwithveryfastalpha "educators-to-be." With Mr. Paul S. Daniel, the former principal of the Junior particlesemittedbypolo- High School, as the new principal, everything seemed to be in very competent nium-214•Chryslerbuys Dodge, introducesPlym- hands. outh•Cadillacintro- Landscaping and grading were still badly needed on the grounds; and inside, ducessafetyglass•The no linoleum protected the floors. The clock tower had no clock, only a cavernous Shadowdebutsonradio• WaltDisney'sSteamboat hole which was intended to hold the timepiece. No desks, books, chairs, or Willie•Construction typewriters were available. beginsonanewRaleigh highschool In spite of the many inconveniences and the confusion of this opening day, no one seemed to lose the enthusiasm and the school spirit which pervaded 1929:Jan.7Tarzan throughout the new building. This same spirit has lasted throughout its comicstrip•Jan13 twenty-five years. WyattEarpdies•Jan. 2 29 Is'seeing-eyeDog Guideschool•Feb. 14St. ValentinesDay Massacre•Mar. 4 •HerbertHoover ridestoinauguration inconvertibleand drenchingrain•pMar. 11MajorSeagraves 111 1928 construction was begun on a building, designed by William Henley averages223.2mphat Dietrick, an adaptation of Renaissance architecture, occupying a ten-acre DaytonaBeach•Apr. knoll on the Smallwood property on Saint Mary's Street. 1Yo-yo•May16 lsl AcademyAwards•July Because of various delays during the year of construction, the school was R1uPtohpehiytes5•0A0u'"g.•A1u1gB.abe not ready for occupancy when the fall term began in 1929. There was no 19Amos'nAndy•Sep. linoleum on the floors and only a hole in the tower for 'Aic clock. Work was 3NewRaleighhigh necessary during school hours in order to complete the building and students schoolopenswithout were always ready with various comments. "When do we eat?" was heard when linoleum,cafeteria, the cafeteria was flooded, but food was served in the unfinished auditorium. On clockintower,or December 13, the auditorium, with seating capacity of 1,500, was ready for name•Oct 24Black student assembly. In 1930 the building was completed. Thursday;Stock Marketcrash•Oct29 Not until the close of the first year was the school known other than the BlackTuesday;Great Depressionbegins.The New High School of West Raleigh. At this time the building was named in Dowdropped 11.7%. memory of Needham B. Broughton. The name was suggested by Mr. C. B. "BlackTuesday"wasthe Edwards, a business associate in Edwards and Broughton Printing Company. worstdayofthemarket Mr. Edwards wrote, "I respectfully suggest that it be named the Broughton crash, aspanicked High School for Needham B. Broughton who served on the school committee survivorsdumped for many years and who did faithful work as long as he was on it. I know him 16millionshareson and associated with him in boyhood and was in business with him for about themarket. Prices forty years. I do not think there is a man in Raleigh who helped more young collapsedamidpanic people and did more for the upbuilding of our city and its public institutions selling, andthousands ofinvestorswerewiped according to his means." Mr. Edwards' suggestion was accepted by the public outasAmerica'sGreat thus naming one of the South's most beautiful schools, Needham B. Broughton Depressionbegan. High School. OnWall Streetprices plunged$14million. Bymid-November, $30billionofthe$80 billionworthofstocks listedinSeptemberwere beenwipedout. Stocks continuedtoslideuntil 1932,butthefearcaused bythecrashmade Americansunwilling tobuyorinvest, and theeconomyslowly worsenedintotheGreat Depression. By 1994 dailytradesaverage 200-300millionshares •Dec.13Broughton auditoriumfinally finished•In 1929: Look HomewardAngelby ThomasWolfe•Stephen VincentBenetwins PulitzerPrizeforJohn Brown'sBody•7-Up debuts•AT&TBellLabs inventartificial larynx• The year 1929 was a year of beginnings. For many of the citizens of the NeonlightscometoLas United States it was the beginning of a period of great despair and poverty, the Vegas•Miesvander beginning of the worst depression in American history. For us 1929 marks RoheandLillyReich another beginning: the birth of our school. In September of that year Needham designBarcelonachair. Broughton High School opened its doors, and for the first time heard echoing 1930:Jan.22Adm. tsthurdoeungths iotfs Nceoerrdihdaorms BtrhoeuglhatuognhteHrighanSdchvoooilceasrcofpabuosyisngatnodlogiorkls.baTckodaatytthhaet RichardByrdcharts year, and the years that followed in commemoration of our school's 25th Antarctica•Feb. 18 anniversary. PlanetPlutodiscovered• — from TheSilverAnniversaryprogram 3 Mar.8Ghandistartscivil disobedience inIndia• Mar. 28Constantinople becomesIstanbul•Apr. 28 Pnightbaseball• Apr.6HostessTwinkies •Apr. 10Synthetic rubber*May15 1" airlinestewardess• May26U.S. Supreme Courtrulesbuying liquordoesnotviolate Constitution•May27 Maskingtape•June6 1*talkienewsreel•June 6Commercialfrozen foods•June17Smoot- HawleyTariffBill•June 24Radardetectionof planes•July21Veterans Administrationformed• Aug. 18EasternAirlines takesoff•Sep.8Scotch Tape•Sep21 Flashbulbs •Nov.2HaileSelassie crownedemperorof Ethiopia•Nov.5Sinclair Lewis'sBabbit•Nov.22 ElijahMohammadforms NationofIslam•Dec4 Vaticanapprovesrhythm method•In 1930: Raleighpopulationis 37,379•GrantWood paintsAmericanGothic Class of 1958 Reunion Events •Cartoonswithsound •LegionofDecency Friday, September 19,2008 threatsinspireMotion PictureProductionCode 7:00 p.m., Pool party atthe hotel. •USGAsetsgolfball standards• Is'World Saturday, September20,2008 Cup•AIDSvirusenters 9:30 a.m.,TourofBroughton. humanpopulation• WallaceCarothers 11:30-3 p.m.. Picnic atthe home ofTedandLindaHoffmann. inventsnylon. 6:30 p.m., Classpicture. 7:00 p.m.. Cocktails, buffet, dancing. 1931:Jan. 13George WashingtonBridgein Sunday, September21, 2008 NmoYvi•eFe•bF.eb1.52I0s'ODraakclualnad Informalbreakfastgathering inthe hoteldining room. BayBridge* Feb.21 AlkaSeltzer•Mar.3 StarSpangledBanner 50th Reunion Committee becomesnationalanthem •Mar. 18Schickmarkets Grady Ferrell. Jr. Sally Hayes Stevens 1Is51eRloecytrWiiclrkaiznosrj•oiAnusg. NAACP•Aug.21Babe Patty CooperAsher Dare Powell Johnstonand sonDavid Ruthhits600,hhome Ginny Sears Byrd Bobby Lilley run•Oct4DickTracy •Oct 19AlCapone Lars Boslrom Vicky MartinLangley convictedoftaxevasion Carol Colvard Cason BrendaPayne andAllenMillar •Oct 26EugeneO'Neill Susan StephensonCrotts Sharon GatesNorton stages Mourning Betsy Dupree BetsyAnne Lambe and Wallace Price BecomesElectro•Nov.7 MaoTseTungproclaims Elaine Goodwin Sylvia NashRedwine People'sRepublicof RichardHendrickson SandraWall Rodden China'Dec.24 Is' Ted Hoffmann TomTarrant MetropolitanOperaradio Jane Jordan and Billy Hubbard RogerWilliams broadcast•In 1931: RaymondJames Becky Fuqua and GrahamYates TheJoyofCooking• lsl electricguitar•Jehovah's HelenNeblettJohnson Witnessesnameadopted Special thanks go tothe Class of 1957 fortheirinvaluable help inplanning ourreunion. 4 1 •50millionthU.S.auto •LastModelA•Allstate Insurance•Arecord2 hurricanes•Inspired by bothheavenlybodies andcircuses,artist AlexanderCalderbegins creatingmobiles. 1932:Mar. 1 Lindbergh babykidnapped; Hope diamondhockedtoget ransomcash•Mar23 DARbansblacksfrom ConstitutionHall•Mar. 29JackBennyradio In the Begining 2 debut•May2Pearl Class of 1958 Reunion 4 BuckPulitzerPrize forTheGoodEarth Classmate Perspectives,arrangedalphabetically by high school surname . .6 •May29WWIVets Who Is It? 10,97, 110 BonusArmymarches onWashington•Sep. The Play's theThing 16 20Ghandihungerstrike SalutingOurServicemen 18 overuntouchables •In1932: Georgia Queens ofOur Hearts 23 O'KeefepaintsJimson 9thGrade PartyTime 30 Weed•Picassopaints TheMirror•Laura School Days atMyrtle Underwood 32 IngallsWilderwrites GoodTimes 34 LittleHouseintheBig Student-Faculty Game 42 Woods•EdnaFerber andGeorgeS. Kaufman Musical Memory 47 stageDinneratEight• Things F Remember 52 BobHoperadioshow• 11 Zippolighters•Revlon 4thGrade,Wiley School 63 founded•Antimatter Welcome toDog Patch 69 confirmed•Positrons andneutronsdiscovered JuniorClass Officers 70 •Particleaccelerator Memory Medley 71 invented* Is'bloodbank opensinLeningrad. SeniorAthletes 80 Enchanted Evening 86 1933:Jan30Hitler madechancellor•Feb. SeniorPicnic 94 10Singingtelegrams City Hall 97 •Feb.20 21st Amendmentrepeals Football Friday Night 97 Prohibition•Mar. 3 Daddy Barnes, the Music Man 104 KFrianngklKionnRgoo•sMeavre.lt4 I Saw Itin the Paper 110 inaugurated•Mar9 PictureThis Ill NewDeallegislation My Dad&Joe 116 •Mar. 28Nazisban Jewsinprofessions, SeniorSong 138 businessesandschools FavoriteTeachers 139 •May18TVA•July 15WileyPostmakes 1SI Graduation 142 soloflightaroundthe Latipac SeniorSection 150 world•Oct 10Dreft, 1stsyntheticdetergent Scrapbook 193 • Dec.5Prohibition Sunny Days 194 repealed•In1933: TheStoryofBabar Sleepless Nights 195 •AlleyOop•James Who's YourAge? 195 Hilton, Shangri-La• Memory Mix 196 GertrudeStein, The AutobiographyofAlice Reunion Snapshots 197 BO.'NTeoiklll,asA•hEWuigledneerness InMemoriam 198 •BillieHoliday's Is' LastBell 200 record•Roosevelt createsNRA, CCC, TVA,AAA•Stereo 5 recording•Gallowine• Lacostealligatorshirts (actuallyit'sacrocodile) •MerceCunningham. WillemdeKooning, BuckminsterFuller amongBlackMountain Collegefaculty• AndrewsSisters•The LoneRangerridesthe radiowaves. 1934:Jan. 1FDIC• Feb. 22ItHappened oneNight•May18 TWAtakesoff•May 28Dionnequintuplets born•June9Donald Duck•June19FCC• Jane30Hitlerbegins purgeofGermanleaders •July4MarieCurie diesofleukemia•Jnly 16U.S. 1stgeneralstrike •Aug.7U.S. Courtof Appealsbans Ulysses• Aug 13Li'lAbner•Aug. 19Hitlerassumessole power•Oct16Mao TseTungbeginsLong March•Oct 22Pretty BoyFloydshot•Nov. 20LillianHellman. The Children'sHour•In 1934:SalvadorDali. The PersistenceofMemory From left: son Brian, wifeLinda,son Michael, and Charles •JamesM.Cain, The PostmanAlwaysRings Charles Amirk Twice•HenryMiller TropicofCancer• MUZAK Technicolor• Charles BurkeAmick Wehave five grandchildren whom I enjoy •seScwriecsys.setupbanking Selma, North Carolina spending time with. Ilove to fishand attendNC Statefootball games withmy 1935:Jan.8Elvis Spouse: LindaGoodwinAmick son, Michael. Presleyborn•Jan. ParkerBrotherslaunches Children: Sous Brianand Michael; Monopoly•Feb.8Nylon five grandchildren. FavoriteTeacher: Mrs. Osborne fabricated•Mar.28 BestClass: Math Goddardcontrolsrockets Education: "Quality College"—all WorstClass: Geometry WwiPthAg•yArpors.co1p6eF•iAbpbre.r8 types ofmanager training. FavoriteActivity: Baseball McGeeandMolly•Apr. 20YourHitParade• Career: U.S. Navy, 2 years. Accounting Memories: Havinglunchwith Raymond May25JesseOwens supervisor, Unicard Insurance. Hatchery James. His dad was inmy dad's band sets6worldrecordsin lessthananhour•June manager, consultant, ,GreenValley Soya, when they were younger. 2AmeliaEarhartmakes Perdue Farms, Inc., 30years. Selfem- aparachutejumpfroma ployed consultant. Going tofootball games. towerconstructedbyher Semi-retired. husbandandhisbusiness WhatIHaveLearned: WhenI eutered cparrotwnedr;ofwirtepnoerstseerdsbaynda Hobbiesand Interests: Fishing, boating, the Navyafterhighschool, I found I had officialsfromtheArmy chickenhatcheries and "new"processing much more to learn. Every'day is an op- andNavy,shedescribed equipment. portunity tolearn. tohfefudne!s"c"e«ntJuanse"l1o0adAsA founded•Jun16House Along the Way: I acceptedJesus Christ GuidingPhilosophy: Treatall people passesNewDeal•JuL as my savioratage30and am adeacon withrespect. 30 1"Penguinpaperback at Selma Baptist Church. Weraised two •Aug. 14SocialSecurity Act•Sep.10Huey sons whograduated from ECU. I devel- In the 60s... I becamemore aware. "Kingfish' Longshot oped 100acres into Holly Berry Farm, The 60s are alittle fuzzy—what was the with all 22 large lots sold. questionagain?

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