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Personality: Roger Fotso Rowena Quantrill Thisisthefirstinanoccasionalseries builds mud nestson the walls of (Conservation and Sustainable Utilisa- ofarticles introducingAfrican shallow caves and overhangs, Roger tion ofForest Ecosystems in Central ornithologists, conservationists and spenthourswatching itandnoting its Africa) programme. His main area of researchers. Contributions and behaviour, gaining a depth ofknowl- research wasthe Dja Reservewhere he suggestionsforfuture ‘personalities’ edgewhich has madehimoneofthe discovered nesting coloniesof arewelcomeandshouldbesentto the world's leadingexperts on the bird. Picatharteslargerthan any he had yet editorialaddressontheinside comeacross. In 19—98 hetook backcoveroftheBulletin. up his present job Co- DirectorCameroon WhenRogerFotsowasyoung Biodiversity Programme, his parents’ ambitionwasto initiated and implemented by seehimbecome adoctor. theWildlife Conservation Theymayhave beensur- Society(founded in 1895 as prisedwhen Rogerfulfilled the NewYork Zoological theirambitionnotas a Society). medical doctorbutwitha A long list ofpublications PhD in ornithology. Yet it beartestimonytothe value was Roger’s father, a school- and weightofRoger's teacherand artist, who first research but just as important inspired his son’s interestin istheparthehasplayed in the naturalworldwhichhe encouraging an interest in taughthimto observe and birds and in conservation respect. among Cameroonians. To this Roger Corneille Fotsowas RogerandJeanette Fotso (Rowena Quantrill) end he helpedfound the borninBaham, near Cameroon Ornithological Bafoussam in theWestProvince of Between 1990 and 1991 Roger Society(COC) in 1995 and is now its Cameroon. He attended local primary experienced a veiy differentforest actingPresident. He is alsothe BirdLife andsecondaryschools, specialisingin environmentwhen hebecame the International representative in biologyandmaths atthe latter. Hewas ecologist on the BirdLife International Cameroon, and a memberofboth the always interestedinbirds in a general projectforthe conservation ofthe Pan-African Ornithological Congress waybutitwaswhen he continuedto montane forestecosystem ofMt. and CARPE (Central African Regional theUniversityofYaounde to study Kilum intheNorth-WestProvince of Programme forthe Environment) biologyandanimal physiologythat his Cameroon. Here he spent 11 months advisory board. interestwas.strengthened, encouraged studying Bannerman’s Turaco Tauraco In 1996 RogermarriedJeanette byhis practical classes and the bannermani and Banded Wattle-eye Nguiedem, who now works with him enthusiasmofone ofhis lecturers, Platysteira latycincta and helping to andsaysshe is learningfastabout Jean-Paul Ducoux, whobecame his train local birders. An,yone visitingthe birds! Rogersti—llfinds timeforhis “birdmentor”. areawill realisethe debttheyowe other interests soccer (watching As partofhisfirstdegree Roger Rogerwhen theyare takenup the more than playing thesedays) and madeastudyofthebirdsonthe mountainbyone ofthe localguides, dancing. He isalsoatalentedartistand Yaounde University campus, an such as Ernest, whose interestand superb photographeras his photo- unexpected highlight ofwhich was love forthebirds hasbeeninspiredby graphs ofBannerman’sTuraco and when anAfrican PittaPittaangolensis Roger. Grey-necked Picathartes hanging on wandered into his laboratory! Continu- BynowRogerwasreadyto thewallofourhouse inEngland ingwith hisstudies, Rogergainedhis continue his academic studies and-he demonstrate. maitrise inzoologyin 1986 andhis spentthe nextfouryearsworkingfor Anyone who attended the sympo- Diplomes d’Etudes Approfondies in his PhD at the Zoological Institute, sium on indigenous knowledge (to 1987. Faculty ofScience, Catholic University whichRogerwasacontributorandco- From 1987 Roger lectured part-time ofLeuven, Belgium, with frequent convenor) atthe International attheuniversitybutatthesametime trips homeforresearchasthe subject Ornithological Congress in Durban, beganto deepenhis knowledge and ofhis thesiswas theDynamiquedes will have heard testimonyto the need understanding ofbirds by camping peuplements d’oiseaux dans lesseries totapintothewealthoflocal knowl- aloneforweeksatatime intheKala ecologiquesde la region de Yaounde edgeofbirdswhichexists. Itispeople andEloumdenforests. Itwas here that (Sud Cameroun). likeRogerwhoarebestplacedtouse he cameacrossthatstrangebird, the In 1994 Rogergainedhis doctorate this knowledge andtotakethelead, as Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes and returnedto Cameroontoworkas heisdoing, inthe conservationofthe oreas. Fascinatedby the bizarre research co-ordinator and scientific naturalresourcesofhiscountry. (f> lifestyle ofa birdwhichboundsacross adviserforthe Cameroon elementof theforestfloorin ungainlyhopsyet the EuropeanUnion’s ECOFAC 66-BullABC Vol6No 1 Personality:RogerFotso

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