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Personal Evangelism 101 PDF

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Fencing Lessons Special Acknowledgements How to do Personal Evangelism Table of Contents How Do I Feel About Personal Evangelism...............1 A Recent Survey..........................................................2 The Greatest Need.......................................................3-6 Parable Lighthouse......................................................7 Fishing.........................................................................8 More To The Game Than Huddle...............................9 Foot Soldiers................................................................10 Hot Advice..................................................................11 Tell Them of my Way..................................................12-13 Finding Prospects........................................................14-15 Personal Prospect List.................................................16 85 Years Later..............................................................17 Betrayed.......................................................................18 Acres of Diamonds......................................................19 Religious Survey.........................................................20 Sample Letter..............................................................21 Small Groups...............................................................22 Different Types of Prospects.......................................23-30 Why the Bible Was Written.........................................31-35 Counting the Cost........................................................36-39 God Man & the Cross..................................................40-51 Biblical Significance of Baptism.................................52 Where Did All Denominations Come From?..............53-56 Chart #1.......................................................................67 Chart #2.......................................................................68 The Restoration Plea...................................................69-71 The Silence of Scripture..............................................72-76 Bible Baptism..............................................................77-79 Beatitudes in Conversion.............................................80-84 Nathan Principle..........................................................85-91 Biblical & Psychological Principals............................92-94 Asking for a Decision..................................................95-98 Answering Objection...................................................99-111 Overcoming Fear.........................................................112-118 Making the Approach..................................................119-124 Sample Letter..............................................................125 Be Fruitful & Multiply................................................126-131 Personal Work Card.....................................................132-135 Eternal Revenue Service.............................................136 Staying With Baggage.................................................137 1 Personal Evangelism 101 Fencing lessons in how to wield the sword of the Spirit properly By Brent Hunter NOTE: This material is not copyrighted. Please feel free to buy one copy and use it as a Master and run-off as many as you desire to use in teaching and training brethren how to be more effective soul winners. To God be the glory! Additional copies can be purchased at: The Florida College Bookstore, 119 Glen Arven, Temple Terrace, Fla 33617 where the author has served as a Bible, Communications, and Marriage and Family instructor since 1978. PHONE: 1-800-423-1648 / 1-800-922-2390 (Fla Residents only) You may FAX your order in at: 1-813-899-6788 Another booklet by the same author will soon be available again at the F.C. Bookstore entitled: "A Church Member’s Guide To Greater Spirituality." Any questions, suggestions, criticisms or requests for the author to present the highlights of this material in a weekend meeting as time permits, should be sent to: 9425 Alanbrooke St, Tampa, Fla 33637 Phone: 813-988-8756 REVISED: 7/95 2 Personal Evangelism 101 Special Acknowledgments: THIS BOOKLET IS Affectionately DEDICATED TO.... Walt Hunter, my father, who as an elder in the church since 1964, and throughout my upbringing, has constantly been a tremendous example to me, and to so many others, as to how important the work of soul winning really is. He knows what effective personal evangelism is all about because he has lived it so well. His life is a wonderful illustration of the adage, "It is better to see a sermon, than to hear one." Thanks for the sermon Dad! I EXPRESS SPECIAL THANKS TO... The Eastside church in Bowling Green, Kentucky where this material first began in its "embryonic form" in 1976-1977, and to the North Street church in Tampa, Florida where this has been taught on a regular basis to all our new members and converts since 1979. I have counted it a blessing to be used by the Lord in His service. The support and feedback from the brethren at these two places has been invaluable to me. Bob Buchanan, whose enthusiasm for lost souls, and whose influence and encouragement for me to preach the gospel as a young man, helped me to dedicate myself to His service instead of to worldly pursuits. Harold Comer, who guided me during my time at the University of North Alabama where I spent 12 hours a day in the dorms learning how to be a "foot soldier" for the Lord, the hard way, under his able tutelage. I have gleaned much from his wisdom. The many brethren, who by their comments and letters over the years, have helped with this most needed revision. Their suggestions have enabled me to clarify, correct, and elaborate numerous points that have helped make this material more useful and Biblical. My heartfelt thanks also goes out to Roger Hillis, Linda Vickers and Tom and Laura Burch who generously gave of their time to help with the typesetting, and wording of various editions of this workbook. REVISED 7/95 3 HOW TO DO PERSONAL EVANGELISM THE "NUTS AND BOLTS" by Brent Hunter Course Description - This is a practical "how to" approach to evangelism. It is designed to deal with "what to say and how to say it." If you have not been exposed to this training at least once, please give yourself the opportunity to see how every Christian can and should be a soul winner. Once one has taken the class, it may be worthwhile to take it again every four or five years or so to refresh the student's memory and just as importantly, to renew one's motivation and inspiration for this, the greatest of all works! The author's recommendation is that the entire congregation go through this course at the very beginning. It then should be a part of the regular curriculum of a local congregation and be offered on a rotating basis regularly during the regular Bible class period. The reason it needs to be offered regularly is so that all new converts and new members can receive this training as they come into the congregation. To work, it must become a part of the on-going training program of the congregation. The author has designed this material with that in mind. Find a teacher that has had some successful experience in evangelism if at all possible, so he has some personal credibility to teach this class. Class discussion is encouraged and desired. Most classes deal with what the truth is; this class deals with how to share the truth the class members probably already know. I can say this, because we are dealing primarily with teaching first principles only. However, even though this is so, the class is not designed for non-Christians or to be taught in a class with first time visitors. They will most likely find talking about them and how we are going to reach them, with them in the audience as embarrassing and offensive. It is in short, designed to be a series of "fencing lessons" to help Christians wield the "Sword of the Spirit" more effectively! It is time we stop just talking about the battle, and start fighting it. But to do that we need sort of a "spiritual boot camp." This is it! Format - Most sessions will be lecture-discussion; however, occasional role-playing will be utilized. This builds competence and confidence. Purposes of this course are as follows: 1. To help each individual to be more effective in setting up and teaching Bible studies. 2. To equip the student with some methods of teaching the Bible that have proven effective as well as with P.W. tools to make finding and using key scriptures easier. 3. To explain the congregation's Personal Evangelism Program so each member of the congregation will be more understanding and supportive of its aims and goals. 4. To give the student confidence in teaching so they personally can become a more effective soul winner! 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS How Do I Feel About Personal Evangelism?........................................................................ 1 The Greatest Need................................................................................................................... 3 Appendix #1: “A Parable of a Lighthouse”....................................................................... 7 Appendix #2: “Fishing: Theory vs. Practice”................................................................... 8 Appendix #3: “There's More to the Game than Just the Huddle”..................................... 9 Appendix #4: “Foot Soldiers”........................................................................................... 10 Appendix #5: “Some Hot Advice for Cold Christians”.................................................... 11 Appendix #6: “Tell Them of My Way”............................................................................. 12 Finding Prospects.................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix #1: “Eighty - Five Years Later”........................................................................ 17 Appendix #2: “Betrayed”.................................................................................................. 18 Appendix #3: “Acres of Diamonds”................................................................................. 19 Appendix #4: “Religious Survey”..................................................................................... 20 Appendix #5: “A Sample Letter to New Residents in Nearby Zip Codes”....................... 21 Appendix #6: “Small Group Bible Studies For Non - Christians”.................................... 22 Different Types of Prospects & Suggested Bible Study Approaches 23 Suggested Bible Studies: Why the Bible was Written.............................................................................................. 31 Counting the Cost of Discipleship..................................................................................... 36 God, Man and the Cross.................................................................................................... 40 The Biblical Significance of Baptism............................................................................... 52 Undenominational Christianity Series: Lesson #1: “Where Did All the Denominations Come From?”........................................ 53 Lesson #2: “The Restoration Plea”................................................................................... 69 Lesson #3: “The Silence of Scripture”.............................................................................. 72 Lesson #4: “Bible Baptism”.............................................................................................. 77 Beatitudes in Conversion.......................................................................................................... 80 The Nathan Principle.............................................................................................................. 85 Biblical and Psychological Principles to Remember in Teaching....................................... 92 Asking for a Decision: 3 Sample Requests............................................................................ 95 Answering Objections............................................................................................................. 99 Overcoming the Fear of Rejection and Steps for Developing Courage.............................112 Making the Approach, the Set-up, and Suggestions for the Members, Local Preacher and Congregation.......................................................119 Appendix #1: A Sample "Written Approach" Letter.........................................................125 Appendix #2: The “Personal Work Card”.........................................................................126 Appendix #3: Personal Work Scriptures...........................................................................128 Appendix #4: Track Man!.................................................................................................130 Bonus Feature Section: #1 - Extra Motivational Lesson-”Be Fruitful and Multiply”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 #2 - Food For Thought on Achieving Balance - “Staying with the Baggage”. . . . . 137 #3 - A Final Challenge -”The Eternal Revenue Service Form No. 0002".........................138 5 HOW DO I FEEL ABOUT PERSONAL EVANGELISM? How many people have I helped lead to Christ? ___ How many people do I NOW have my heart set on to win to Christ? _______ To what extent have I gone to try to win these people? ____________ Approximately how many hours (or minutes) per week do I average talking to people about the Lord? _________________ How often do I pray for certain individuals to obey the Lord, or to be restored to faithful Christian duty? __________________ Do I ever pray FERVENTLY that I might become a better soul winner? _____ DO I SINCERELY TRY to help that prayer be answered? _________ Am I generally embarrassed to converse with people about Christ? _____ Do I know enough Scripture to help one become a Christian? __________ Do I honestly feel that I am my brother's keeper, and that his salvation may depend LARGELY upon me? __________________ Have I offered the excuse, "I DON'T KNOW HOW," for not doing personal work? _______ Do I think I can ever really learn how until I try? ________ When do I plan to begin? __________________________________ Has it ever occurred to me that many will die and go to God unprepared while I'm wasting time thinking I don't know how? _____________ Am I interested enough in Heaven, and does it mean enough to me that I earnestly desire others to go with me? ___________ Does a checkup list like this help me to do better? _______ REMEMBER: 1. God knows what I really CAN or CAN'T do! 2. I can't deceive God! 3. I will be held responsible for not making some attempt! Dear Personal Evangelism 101 student: AFTER PONDERING YOUR ANSWERS TO THE ABOVE, THINK ABOUT THE OBSERVATIONS THAT FOLLOW. Then move on to the first lesson, "The Greatest Need." I think you will have to agree that the title for lesson one is a correct and accurate one. If you do not feel that you are a part of the solution, will you begin praying with me, every night before you go to bed, "Lord, revive the church, beginning with me?" I have added that short petition to my prayers for a number of years now and it really makes a difference! It helps one to not focus on them and what they are to do but on me and what I ought to do. Obviously, if each person would focus on himself or herself, the "they" would take care of itself! Don't ever forget that the best way to build unity and help the "they" to be more active is for them to see you doing it! Pray and be compassionate towards those that are not as active as they should be. It is the best way to help them. Brent Hunter 6 A RECENT SURVEY... INDICATES THAT THE AVERAGE CONGREGATION baptizes only 5% of its membership annually...If children of members are deducted; the figures drop to 2%.... Elders, deacons, teachers in 184 congregations averaged only one visit to an outsider per week, per congregation!..Less than one-third of the congregations (288) had any kind of systematic program of visitation...The same number of congregations had no working program for working with new converts..Less than 10% had an active prospect file...The number of personal classes that members had with non-Christians averaged less than 1% of the membership... Members gave less than 4% of their estimated income to the church and all works related to Christianity...And here is the SHOCKING FACT, less than 5% of us won a soul to Christ last year (See Proverbs 11:30). EVERY MINUTE 156 PEOPLE IN THE WORLD DIE WITHOUT HOPE! It would appear obvious from these STARTLING STATISTICS that we need all of the "stirring up" we can get. The Mormons of Salt Lake City surpassed us in total membership in the late 1970's for the first time in history. WE HAVE REACHED A SORRY HOUR INDEED when people do a better job of selling Joe Smith that we are doing in presenting Jesus Christ as THE SAVIOR OF OUR SOULS AND THE LORD OF OUR LIVES! WHAT IS TRUE SUCCESS? Please remember, success is not always determined by the response of the people to the message. For example, Noah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and often even Jesus, taught truth and yet found few receptive hearts. However, even Isaiah said in Isaiah 55:11 that his word as it goes forth from his mouth "shall not" return to me void but that "it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." I am convinced that if you sow enough seed, in enough hearts, that God will produce an increase (I Corinthians 3:6)! Aren't you? Remember: WE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO TEACH, WON TO WIN, AND SAVED TO SERVE! 7 THE GREATEST NEED INTRODUCTION: 1. "A Parable of a Lighthouse"\"Fishing: Theory vs. Practice" (See appendix 1 & 2) 2. Illustration -"Too Much Time in the Huddle" (See appendix 3) 3. The greatest need today is for the church to get back to its mission and "seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10)! 1. God could have done anything he wanted with His Son but He made Him a soul- winner! 2. The first twelve men Christ chose were soul winners except Judas -- and he was a traitor to the cause. 4. The church has many capable workers in the huddle but is in desperate need of personal workers out in the field (Luke 10:1-2). 1. Christ needs you. He is the head but you are His hands and feet (Ephesians 1) 1. He can't get His work done unless you do! 2. Let's not betray that coveted trust He gives us --to teach the lost (Hebrews 5:12). 2. We are to be the light and salt of the world (Matthew 5:13-14) 1. Salt both seasons and preserves. 2. We need personal contact. How can we preserve anything sitting on a shelf? 5. What we all need is more genuine concern for the lost. 1. Paul's heart had "great grief and unceasing sorrow" over those lost (Romans 9:1-3). 2. Illustration -- If everyone had a terminal illness and you found the cure, would you share it or keep it to yourself? 3. Walk down the street in your neighborhood and look at the houses. How many are lost (Jude 22; Matthew 7:12)? 1. The Need is fulfilled through the Lord's Plan of Evangelism. 1. The early church carried out the great commission in 29 years! 1. Jesus spoke Mark 16:16 in A.D. 33 2. Paul wrote Colossians 1:23 in A.D. 62 2. The Lord's plan is most effective. 1. Obviously, the Lord adds people to His church as they are saved (Acts 2:41; 47), but in regards to church growth (as those who are converted teach others, who teach others, who teach others, etc.) the Lord's plan is multiplicative. 2. If just one individual converted five per year, and after a year each of his converts did the same, at the end of the second year there would be 25, the third 125, the fourth 625, the fifth 3,125, the sixth 15,625, and so on until the fourteenth year when SIX BILLION people would be reached. Since the whole world has less than 5 Billion people, in just 14 years the whole world would be Christian. 3. If every member of the church converted just one a year, (assuming we begin with @ 2,000,000) and he or she in turn converted just one, in just 18 years the whole world could be converted. 1. Teaching is the second half of Christianity 2. Evangelism is not complete until the evangelized become the evangelist (II Timothy 2:2)! 4. This is only a theoretical example of course, (Matthew 5:13-14) shows that since not all have honest hearts, in actuality many will reject the gospel 8 message! However, if more had an opportunity to hear, no doubt countless more would respond! 2. The Scope of the Need -- the Field is the World (Matthew 13:38). 1. Red and yellow, black and white; they are all precious in His sight! 1. We are to teach every creature (Matthew 13:38). 2. Opportunities are unlimited (John 4:35-38). 1. The Great Commission did not limit whom we were to teach. 2. When Jesus said, "the fields are white unto the harvest," he was not referring to white and middle class! 2. We will discuss this more under the lesson entitled "Finding Prospects." 3. Eight Reasons Why "I"-You- Need to be a Personal Worker. 1. It is a direct command (Matthew 28:18-20). 1. We'd never dream of forsaking the Lord's supper or lying or stealing, yet we think very little of disregarding our Savior's last words to go teach. It is not an optional thing (See Hebrews 5:12). 2. The Great Commission stipulates all who hear and believe are to be baptized and then tell others. (Though originally given to the twelve this is certainly implied.) 3. Let's not make the great commission, the great omission (Acts 4:19-20)! 1. "Go ye" means "go me". 2. Christ said "go" not "invite". Instead of an outreach we have an indrag! 4. Remember, all of us, male and female, are priests. We are part of a "royal priesthood." (I Peter 2:8). What did the priest do? They studied the law and taught (blessed) the people! If we are to be more than priests in name only, we must study God's word, and bless people with the gospel so they can receive the forgiveness of their sins! 5. Is our model physical Israel (which had a national focus, mainly concerned about keeping the lineage pure so Christ could come) or spiritual Israel, the church, (which had an international focus, and looked outward as well as inward)? 6. The very reason why we are not taken by the Lord right away once we come to Him, is so that once we have been called out, we can go back into the world and call others out as well! 2. It is necessary for self-preservation (John 15:16). 1. Like the barren fig tree we must produce -- or be cut down (Luke 13:6-9)! 1. Ex. Employer-Employee. If employee was not doing his job right --"but they're not causing any trouble" -- how long would you keep him! 2. Personal evangelism is one of the best means of personal growth. 2. If we don't teach their blood is on our heads (Acts 18:6, Ezekiel 3:18)! 1. People won't listen? Maybe so, but at least you are no longer responsible. 2. We are called to faithfulness -- not results (Rom 5:1, I Cor 3:6) 3. Noah preached 120 years -- no results -- yet he never quit. If he had, do you think it would have pleased God? 3. Illustration -- "Some hot advice for cold Christians" (See Appendix #5) 3. It should be a natural result of our Love for others. 1. What greater gift could you give to someone you love than to help him save his soul? 2. If we really loved our fellow man we wouldn't keep the gospel to ourselves. 1. We love to share our favorite health remedy with all who have the ailment. 9 2. Yet, we too often rarely share the greatest remedy on earth -- the gospel (James 5:20, Romans 1:16)! 4. Because of the value of a soul. 1. We will never really consider the lost until we stop and count the cost! 2. In this day and age man knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Our soul is our most valuable possession (Matt 16:26, I Pet 1:18-20). 5. Because we need to be like the early church. 1. The church is said to have a two-fold purpose - gather the saved and scatter the seed. 2. The early church went everywhere preaching (Acts 8:4, 26:20)! 3. This is what they lived for -- it was the impelling force of their lives. 6. Because of the terror of the Lord (II Corinthians 5:11). 1. Do we really believe in Hell and that our friends are going there (Mark 16:16)? 2. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31). 7. Because we are a Debtor. 1. Paul was a debtor to teach (Romans 1:14-17). 2. With all Christ has done for us, this is the least we can do for Him -- share the gospel with others (II Corinthians 5:14-15). 8. Because of the Joy of Being a Personal Worker. 1. First, there is the joy you give your heavenly Father. 1. You can cause the angels to rejoice (Luke 15:7). 2. You can make God smile and have a joyous effect on Deity! 2. Second, there is the personal joy you experience. 1. Paul referred to his "joy and crown" (Philippians 4:1) 2. John states he had "no greater joy than to hear of my children walking in the truth" (III John 4). 3. There isn't a more satisfying feeling than to see someone you've taught obey the truth and then continue to witness a transformed life! 4. You in one sense become immortal and live through others...shine as the stars even after you die (Daniel 12:3). (1) We need to have more vision in the church! (2) "It doesn't take much vision to see how many seeds are in each apple -- but it does take vision to see how many apples are in each seed!" 4. You Must Fulfill this Need or the Church will decline and suffer greatly. 1. The "lifeblood" of any congregation is its teaching program. 2. If a church becomes apathetic about this they are doomed (Rev. 3:15-16). 1. The church would not edify as it should and would soon lose its influence. 2. Internal problems always arise when we look inward instead of outward. 3. Without personal workers the church will stagnate and die!! 3. What Have You Been Doing For the Lord in Regards to Saving Lost Souls? 1. Are you wise (Prov. 11:30)? Do you have beautiful feet (Rom. 10:14-15)? 2. Are you following Christ and His mission (I Corinthians 11:1)? 4. A Few Objections considered 1. "Not enough talent?" Consider Matt. 25:14-30 the parable of the Talents. 1. They all had some talent...what are you doing with what you have? 2. Everyone can be involved in some way. 2. "Afraid"? So was the one talent man and He was called into judgment. 1. The gospel is the power -- it works!! 2. Just let it shine through you. 3. "Don't know much"- Share what you do know. (Best way to learn truth is to practice it as you learn it.) 10

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