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Persistent Homology analysis of Phase Transitions Irene Donato,∗ Matteo Gori,† and Marco Pettini‡ Aix-Marseille University, CNRS Centre de Physique Th´eorique UMR 7332, Campus de Luminy, Case 907, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France Giovanni Petri§ ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy Sarah De Nigris¶ 6 NaXys, D´epartement de Math´ematique, Universit´e de Namur, 8 repart de la Vierge, 5000 Namur, Belgique 1 0 Roberto Franzosi∗∗ 2 Qstar, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze, Italy n a Francesco Vaccarino†† J Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche ”G.L.Lagrange”, Politecnico di Torino, 4 C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, and ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy 1 (Dated: January 15, 2016) ] Persistent homology analysis, a recently developed computational method in algebraic topology, h isappliedtothestudyofthephasetransitionsundergonebytheso-calledXY-meanfieldmodeland c by the φ4 lattice model, respectively. For both models the relationship between phase transitions e and the topological properties of certain submanifolds of configuration space are exactly known. It m turns out that these a-priori known facts are clearly retrieved by persistent homology analysis of - dynamically sampled submanifolds of configuration space. t a t PACSnumbers: 02.40.Re,05.20.-y,05.70.Fh s Keywords: StatisticalMechanics,PhaseTransitions,AlgebraicTopology . t a m I. INTRODUCTION. transition phenomena occur in nature as dramatic qual- - itative changes of some physical property also very far d n Topological methods lie at the base of many success- fromthermodynamiclimit. LetusthinkofBose-Einstein o ful physical theories [1], with fields of applications rang- condensation, of Dicke’s superradiance in ”microlasers”, c ing from dynamical systems and quantum computation of superconductive transitions in very small metallic ob- [ to the theory of phase transitions and topological field jects,ofthefilament-globuletransitioninhomopolymers, 1 theories. In recent years, it has been investigated [2] of the folding transition in proteins, of a microscopic v the possibility that at least for a broad class of physical snowflake melting into a droplet of liquid water, to men- 1 systems the deep origin of phase transitions be a major tion just some examples. 4 topological change of some submanifolds of phase space Thequestionwas: canwethinkofadifferentmathemati- 6 or, equivalently, of configuration space. calapproachunifyingthedescriptionofphasetransitions 3 The central idea is that the singular energy dependence in finite, small N systems with the standard description 0 . displayed by the thermodynamic observables at a phase resorting to the thermodynamic limit dogma? At least 1 transitionistheshadowofsuchmajortopologicalchange. for a broad class of physical potentials the answer was 0 This new point of view about the deep origin of phase in the affirmative as can be seen in Refs. [2] and [3, 4]. 6 1 transitions was originally proposed for theoretical rea- However, in some sense similarly to the Yang-Lee the- : sons, in fact, after the Yang-Lee theorem the mathemat- ory for which analytically finding the zeros of the grand v ical description of phase transitions requires the ther- partition function is in practice possible only for a few i X modynamic limit (N → ∞) in order to break the an- models (essentially given by the Lee-Yang ”circle theo- r alyticity of thermodynamic observables. However, phase rem”), also the topological approach suffers of compu- a tational difficulties, and analytic topological information can be obtained only for a very few models. Also the direct numerical measurement of topological properties ∗ irene.irened@gmail.com of the configuration space of physical systems faces seri- † gori6matteo@gmail.com ous computational issues because of the high dimension- ‡ pettini@cpt.univ-mrs.fr ality of the associated manifolds. The idea that some § giovanni.petri@isi.it of the mentioned computational obstacles could be over- ¶ denigris.sarah@gmail.com come comes from the observation of the existence ofnew ∗∗ bob.franzosi@gmail.com computationaltoolsinthefieldsofdiscretegeometryand †† francesco.vaccarino@gmail.com 2 topology. These new methods have already been devel- v is the potential energy per degree of freedom, and oped for analysing data in high-dimensional spaces [5]. the µ (M ) are the Morse indexes (in one-to-one corre- i v Hence,weexpectthattheycouldbeusefultoinvestigate spondence with topology changes) of the submanifolds topological changes also in physical configuration spaces {Mv = VN−1((−∞,v])}v∈R of configuration space; in by identifying their homology from random samples. square brackets: the first term is the result of the ex- In the present paper we resort to persistent homol- cision of certain neighborhoods of the critical points of ogy analysis. Persistent homology [6–8], a particular the interaction potential from M ; the second term is a v sampling-based technique from algebraic topology, was weighed sum of the Morse indexes, and the third term is originally introduced in 2002 [9] by Edelsbrunner et al a smooth function of N and v. It is evident that sharp with the aim of extracting coarse topological informa- changes in the potential energy pattern of at least some tion from high-dimensional datasets [5]. In a nutshell, of the µ (M ) (thus of the way topology changes with v) i v while homology detects the connected components, tun- affect S(v) and its derivatives. It can be proved that the nels,voidsofagiventopologicalspace,persistenthomol- occurrence of phase transitions necessarily stems from ogy computes multi-scale homological features obtained this topological part of thermodynamic entropy [3, 4]. from a discrete sample of a topological space X by foli- ating it appropriately. Hitherto, the study of persistent homology has already proved useful in various fields like II.1. The Mean-Field XY Model. biological and medical data analysis, neuroscience [10], sensor network coverage problems [11], to quote just a The mean-field XY model is defined by the Hamilto- few of them. nian [12, 13] Herepersistenthomologyisappliedtothestudyofequi- libriumphasetransitions. Twomodelsareconsideredfor (cid:88)N p2 J (cid:88)N (cid:88)N which we rigorously know what to expect: the so-called H(p,ϕ)= 2i+2N [1−cos(ϕi−ϕj)]−h cosϕi. Mean-Field XY model (MFXY) and the classical lattice i=1 i,j=1 i=1 φ4 model. For the MFXY model both the thermody- Here ϕ ∈ [0,2π] is the rotation angle of the ith rota- namics and the configuration space topology are exactly i tor and h is an external field. Defining at each site i a known, whence the topological origin of phase transition is rigorously ascertained; while for the φ4 model it is an- classical spin vector mi = (cosϕi,sinϕi), the model de- scribes a planar (XY) Heisenberg system with interac- alytically known that the phase transition does not cor- tions of equal strength among all the spins. We consider respond to any topology change in configuration space the ferromagnetic case J = 1. The equilibrium statis- at any finite N (see Section II.2 for a discussion on this tical mechanics of this system is exactly described, in model). the thermodynamic limit, by mean-field theory. In the The benchmarking so performed gave sharp and unam- limit h → 0, the system has a continuous phase tran- biguous results in the good direction. This could open sition, with classical critical exponents, at the critical new interesting perspectives for practical applications of temperature T = 1/2, or at the critical energy density the above mentioned topological theory of phase transi- c E /N =3/4 [12]. tions. c The entire configuration space M of the model is an N-dimensional torus, parametrized by N angles. The submanifolds M ⊂M are defined by II. PHASE TRANSITIONS AND TOPOLOGY v M =V−1(−∞,v] Apart from several studies on specific models [2], two v theorems state that the unbounded growth with N of ={(ϕ ,...,ϕ )∈M :V(ϕ ,...,ϕ )≤v} , (1) 1 N 1 N certain thermodynamic quantities, eventually leading to singularities in the N → ∞ limit - the hallmark of an i.e., defined by the constraint that the potential energy equilibrium phase transition - is necessarily due to ap- per particle V =V/N does not exceed a given value v. propriate topological transitions in configuration space Morse theory [14] states that topology changes of the [3, 4]. The following exact formula M occurincorrespondencewithcriticalpointsofV,i.e., v those points where ∇V = 0. This implies [2] that there (cid:20)(cid:90) (cid:21) S (v)=(k /N)log dNq are no topological changes for V > 1/2+h2/2, i.e., all N B the M with V > 1/2+h2/2 are diffeomorphic to the Mv v whole M. The Euler characteristic, a topological invariant of the   = kNB logvol[Mv\N(cid:91)(v)Γ(x(ci))] +(cid:88)N wi µi(Mv)+R, misadneififonleddsbMyv which is exactly computed in Ref.[15, 16], i=1 i=0 N makes explicit the relation between thermodynamics χ(M )=(cid:88)(−1)kµ (M ) , (2) v k v and topology, where S is the configurational entropy, k=0 3 where the Morse number µ is the number of critical energy level sets are no longer metrically transitive, that k points of V that have index k [14]. is Σ = ΣA ∪ΣB with ϕH(ΣA ) = ΣA and E,N E,N E,N t E,N E,N After a monotonic growth with v, a sharp, discontin- ϕH(ΣB )=ΣB such that ΣA ∩ΣB =∅. t E,N E,N E,N E,N uous jump to zero of χ(Mv) is found at the phase tran- The dimension of the the 0-th De Rham’s cohomology sition point, that is, at vc = 1/2 + 0+. However, as groupcountsthenumberofconnectedcomponents. This alreadyshownin[15,16],itisjustthismajortopological means that an effective topological change can be seen change occurring at vc that is related to the thermody- through the Hamiltonian flow on any arbitrary observa- namic phase transition of the Mean Field XY model. tional timescale, provided that N is chosen accordingly. Ofcourse,thiskindofasymptoticchangeoftopologyhas nothing to do with the existence or the absence of crit- II.2. The φ4 model. ical points of the potential function. Moreover, as the microcanonical measure is the invariant measure of the The lattice φ4 model is defined by the Hamiltonian Hamiltonian flow, this also means that as N increases the measure of the region bridging two disjoint subsets (cid:88)(cid:34)p2 J (cid:88)d 1 λ (cid:35) oftheΣN goestozero. Ofcoursetheasymptoticchange H(p,ϕ)= i + (ϕ −ϕ )2− m2ϕ2+ ϕ4 E 2 2 i+eµ i 2 i 4 i oftopologyoftheenergylevelsetsentailsalsotheasymp- i µ=1 totic change of topology of the potential level sets. where e is the unit vector in the µth direction of the Consequently, the hypotheses of the theorems in [3, 4] µ d-dimensional lattice. At equilibrium and for d≥2, this must be extended by assuming that the equipotential model - representing a set of linearly coupled nonlinear level sets ΣNv = VN−1(v) beside being diffeomorphic at oscillators - shows a second order phase transition with any finite N must be also asymptotically diffeomorphic, nonzero critical temperature. This phase transition is that is, for N →∞. due to a spontaneous breaking of the discrete O(1), or Insodoingtheφ4 modelcannotbelogicallyacounterex- Z , symmetry. ample of the topological theory because its phase transi- 2 Recentlythismodelhasbeenproposedasacounterex- tionactuallycorrespondstoamajorasymptotictopolog- ample of the topological theory [17] of phase transitions. ical change of the submanifolds ΣNv of the configuration Infact,thephasetransitionofthed≥2latticeφ4-model space which corresponds to an asymptotic loss of diffeo- occurs at a critical value vc of the potential energy den- morphicity among the ΣNv<vc and the ΣNv>vc occurring in sity which belongs to a broad interval of v-values void of the absence of critical points. Hence the φ4 model is no criticalpointsofthepotentialfunction. Thismeansthat longer a counterexample of the theory and this fixes the tthheat{ΣnoNv<tvocp}ovl∈oRgiacrael dchiffaenogmeosrepehmics ttootchoerr{eΣspNvo>nvdc}vt∈oRthsoe pNrootbicleemt.hat, at variance with the MFXY model for phase transition. which a sharp topological signature of the phase tran- Since then, it is commonly believed that this result un- sitionshowsupatrathersmallN values,thephasetran- dermines the value of the topological theory. However, sition of the d≥2 lattice φ4-model is more akin to what thismodelundergoesa”mild”phasetransition: beingof is required by the Yang-Lee theory (that is, asymptotic- the same universality class of the Ising model, also the ity), even if tackled from the topological point of view. specific heat of the φ4-model diverges logarithmically at Now,takingadvantageoftheabovementionedresultsin the transition temperature both for d=2 [18] and d=3 a reverse form, if the phase space sampling through the [19], moreover, the microcanonical caloric curve (tem- Hamiltoniandynamicsoftheφ4-modelisperformedata peratureversusenergy)showsamarkedlysofttransition given N(cid:101) for a sufficiently long time t (cid:29) τ˜(N(cid:101)), then also pattern [20, 21] if compared to other models undergoing forE <E itisdimH0(ΣN;R)=1. Inotherwords,this c t E a continuous phase transition [2]. model is a good candidate for a negative check against This ”mild” transition is in fact associated with a topo- the MFXY model. logical change of phase space and configuration space submanifoldswhichalsois,looselyspeaking,”mild”: itis anasymptoticchangeofthenumberofconnectedcompo- III. TOPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS nentsinphaseandconfigurationspaces. Itcanbeshown [22]thatforanytimeτ ∈R thereexistsavalueN (τ ) In the following we report on the topological analysis ∗ + ∗ ∗ of the number of degrees of freedom of the system such whichbeginsbysamplingtheconfigurationspaceofeach that for any N > N we have dimH0 (ΣN;R) = 2 for system at different energies. Then we apply persistent ∗ τ∗ E E <E thatisbelowthephasetransitionpoint,whereas homology analysis. c for E >E , that is above the phase transition point, for c any τ ∈R and for any N we have dimH0(ΣN;R)=1; + τ E with H0(ΣN;R) we denote the 0-th De Rham’s coho- III.1. Samples of the configuration space x E mology group of the energy surfaces ΣN = H−1(E) E N spanned by the Hamiltonian flow ϕH for a time dura- Webeginbyconstructingsamplesoftheconfiguration t tion t ≤ x. In other words, for E < E and t ≤ x the spacestobestudied. FortheMFXY model, thisisdone c 4 by numerically integrating the equations of motion de- III.3. Simplicial Complexes in configuration space rived from Hamiltonian (1) with the external field set to h = 0 for a system of N spins, with N up to 6000. The In most applications of persistent homology, the pa- numerical integration is performed by means of a fifth- rameter ρ is taken to represent the Euclidean distance orderoptimalsymplecticalgorithm[23]. Wesampledthe between points in S. In the case of physical configu- configurationspaceforthefollowingvaluesoftheenergy ration spaces we replace it by a Riemannian one. In density ε = E/N = 0.6,0.75,0.88, that is, below, at, fact, the configuration space M of a standard Hamil- and above the critical energy, respectively. The system tonian systems (that is with quadratic kinetic energy) is initialized with a Gaussian distribution for both con- equipped with the Jacobi metric [2], is a complete Rie- jugated variables {ϕi,pi}. The total angular momentum mannian manifold, which means that given any two (cid:88) (P = p = 0) is imposed to vanish. Given the initial pointsthereexistsalength-minimizinggeodesicconnect- i i ing them (Hopf-Rinow theorem). Of course this is also conditions for the aforementioned energies, the system the case of the mean-field XY and φ4 models, thus the dynamics is evolved for a T =1.26·107 time steps, with distance among two points P and P in M is: 1 2 an integration step of ∆t = 0.05. 6000 snapshots are uFnorifothrmeφly4smamodpellewdeinsettimJe=af1t,emr a2 =vir2ia,ldiz=at3ioanntdraλn=sie0n.t1. d(P ,P )=(cid:90) P2(cid:32)[E−V(q ,...,q )](cid:88)N (dqk)2(cid:33)21 1 2 1 N in the Hamiltonian (3). We consider a 3D cubic lattice P1 k=1 with 83 sites, periodic boundary conditions, and an in- (3) tegration time step ∆t = 0.05. With these parameters, In other words, computing this distance requires solv- the use of a third order symplectic algorithm [24] kept ing the equations of motion with assigned initial and fi- the relative energy fluctuations at ∆E/E (cid:39)10−9. Then nal conditions. In practice this is computationally very the Hamiltonian dynamics is numerically simulated at heavy. We therefore take advantage of the robustness two different values of the energy density, that is, ε=25 of topological information with respect to metrical de- wellbelowthetransitionenergydensityεc (cid:39)31[21],and formations and observe that the integral contains a non ε=35 well above εc. constantfactormultiplyingtheEuclideanarclength. We then choose to approximate d(P ,P ) by replacing the 1 2 factor by its mean among the initial and final values: 1 (cid:112) (cid:112) d(p ,p )= ( E−V(p )+ E−V(p ))d (p ,p ) 1 2 2 1 2 eucl 1 2 III.2. Persistent Homology (4) (cid:118) (cid:117) N (cid:117)(cid:88) Themainideaofpersistenthomologyistobuildanin- d (p ,p )=(cid:116) (qk(p )−qk(p ))2 (5) eucl 1 2 2 1 creasing sequence of simplicial complexes, called a filtra- k=1 tion(see[7]),fromapointcloud,i.e. setofpointsembed- dedinametricspace. Wereportadetailedmathematical An important computational issue lies in the size of description of persistent homology in the supplementary the produced simplicial complexes. Indeed, already for material and refer the interested reader to [7]. Here we a sample of the configuration space S with cardinality streamline the topological analysis. The standard way N = 6000 points, the set of complexes will contain a to obtain a simplicial complex from a set of points S huge number of simplices hindering efficient computa- is to construct its ρ-Rips-Vietoris complex [7], an ab- tion, since the number of all simplices for all dimensions stract simplicial complex that can be defined on any set uptoN−1scalesasnumberofsubsetsofN,thatis2N. of points in a given metric space M. The n simplices of So,wefirstrestrictourselvestothestudyofthefirsttwo theρ-Rips-Vietoriscomplexaredeterminedbysubsetsof homology groups, H and H , which allows us to con- 0 1 n+1points{p ,...,p }suchthatD(p ,ρ)∩D(p ,ρ)(cid:54)=∅ sider only simplices up to dimension 2 and then adopt a 0 n i j foralli(cid:54)=j ∈{0,...,n},whereD(p,ρ)isballofradiusρ sub-samplingstrategywhichallowstoreducethedimen- centered at p. Persistent homology is a powerful instru- sion of the problem by choosing a representative subset mentinthatitdoesnotselectjustanρvalue,butrather of points L ⊂ S without losing important topological studieshow the homologyofthespace, andinparticular features of the configuration space. The sub-sampling is oftheρ-Rips-Vietoriscomplexes,changesasρvaries. As basedonagreedyselectionoflandmarkpointscalledse- ρisincreased,simplexesareaddedintheρ-Rips-Vietoris quentialmaxmin [25,26]. Insequentialmaxmin,thefirst simplicialcomplex. Anewsimplicialcomplexisaddedto landmarkispickedrandomlyfromS. Inductively,ifL i−1 the filtration only when a new simplex is born along the is the set of the first i−1 landmarks, then let the i-th (continuous) parameter ρ. i.e., the ρ-Rips-Vietoris com- landmarkbethepointofS whichmaximizesthedistance plex has changed. Thus the filtration is discrete: it can (4) from all the points of L . Since the starting node i−1 be indexed by integers, useful to characterize the topo- is chosen at random, the resulting L subsets will change logical features of the space. if the algorithm is iterated. In our case, this allows us to 5 FIG. 1. (Color online) Persistence diagram for the MFXY FIG.2. (Coloronline)Persistencediagramfortheφ4 model. model. H1 persistence distributions below (ε=0.6), at (ε= H1 persistence distributions below (ε = 25) and above (ε = 0.75), and above (ε=0.88) the phase transition. 35) the phase transition. perform a bootstrap-like procedure, by repeatedly sub- low and above the transition energy in order to look for sampling the full point clouds and then aggregating the topologicalsignaturesofaphasetransition. Weshowthe homological signatures detected. The results we present distributions of δ for the H generators of the MFXY g 0 areobtainedfrom20differentsub-samples,eachcontain- model (Fig. 3) and of the φ4 model (Fig. 4). In the for- ing 300 points. mercase,astheenergyisincreased,thepeakofthedistri- butionδ ofH becomesprogressivelynarrowerandcen- g 0 tredatlargerρ-values. Tothecontrary,inthelattercase IV. RESULTS the peak of the distribution shifts to larger ρ values at higherenergies,butitdoesnotbroaden. Inordertoshow Persistent homology computes the generators of topo- that this behaviour is genuinely due to topological fea- logical features (homology groups) persisting across dif- turesandnotduetothedifferentgeometricalsizesofthe ferent scales and assigns them birth and death values pointclouds,wetakethepointcloudatthelowestenergy related to their points of appearance and disappearance andaffinelyrescalethepointcloudsathigherenergiesas along the filtration. That is, when the radius ρ of the to make them comparable i.e. (d (ε) → (cid:104)d(ε0(cid:105)d (ε) ballsvaries,foranypersistentgeneratorg (seeAppendix ij (cid:104)d(ε)(cid:105) ij for the formal definition) we have the value of the pa- where dij(ε) is the distance between points i and j for rameter ρ of the filtration where g first appears (birth the pointcloud at energy density ε.). In this way, we indexindicatedbyβ )andthevaluewhereitdisappears can meaningfully compare the persistences of generators g (death index indicated by δ ). In this way, connected belonging to clouds of different size. Below the transi- g components, one-dimensional cycles, three-dimensional tionoftheMFXYmodel, thedistributionoftheH0 per- voidsandsimilarhigherorderstructuresofthetopologi- sistences of configuration space covers more scales than cal space M acquire a weight proportional to the length it does at and above the transition energy, respectively. of their persistence interval, π = δ − β . Note that This broader distribution means that the corresponding g g g for H , π = δ , because all (dis)connected components point cloud is heterogeneously distributed in the embed- 0 g g are already present at the beginning. For higher order ding space M compared to the distributions, definitely homology groups H the generators can instead appear more homogeneous, in the other two cases. No variation k and disappear freely along the filtration. of the peak widths of the H0 persistence distributions is In Figures 1 and 2 the basic descriptors of persistent observed in the case of the φ4 model. homology,thatis,persistencediagrams,aredisplayedfor Figures 3 and 4 display the raw (inset) and rescaled the H generators of the MFXY model and of the φ4 (main plot) distributions of deaths for the generators of 1 model, respectively. the first homology group H . The rescaling is necessary 0 Usually one considers important topological features to make the point clouds, sampled at different energies, to be those associated with generators of H such that comparable. In fact, the death and birth indexes are n their π is large with respect to some meaningful length. the values of the radius of the balls where the generators g In our case we do not have a given reference scale. We appear and disappear. Thus, without the rescaling, β g canhowevercomparetheresultsobtainedatenergiesbe- and π would reflect the size of the underlying manifold. g 6 0.06 100 0.06 10-1 0.05 0.05 0.04 10-2 -1 0.04 0.03 10 ) 0.02 ) 10-3 δ 0.03 0.01 π p( 0.020200 2300 2400 2500 p( 10-2 10-40 20 40 60 80 0.02 ε=0.6 ε =0.75 0.01 c ε=0.88 10-3 0.00 2200 2250 2300 2350 2400 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 δ π FIG. 3. (Color online) Homological features of the MFXY FIG. 5. (Color online) Distributions of persistences for the model. Raw (inset) and rescaled (main plot) distributions generators of the homology group H in the case of the 1 of deaths for the generators of the first homology group H . MFXY model. Inthiscasethedifferenceinfunctionalforms 0 Note that the width and shape of the distributions change fortheH persistencedistributionbelowandabovethetran- 1 acrossthetransition,becomingmoreandmorenarrowasthe sition is even clearer. energy is increased 0 10 0.011 0.46 0.0045 0.008 0.0034 10-1 ) 0.345 0.005 δ 0.0022 ) ( π 0.002 p 0.23 0.0011 p( 10-2 0 100 200 300 400 2 0.0000 − 6000 10000 14000 0 1 0.115 10-3 ε<ε c ε>ε c 0 100 200 300 400 0.0 5500 6125 6750 7375 8000 π δ FIG. 6. (Color online) Distributions of persistences for the FIG.4. (Coloronline)Homologicalfeaturesoftheφ4 model. generators of the homology group H1 in the case of the φ4 Raw (inset) and rescaled (main plot) distributions of deaths model. In this case no difference is found in functional form forthegeneratorsofthefirsthomologygroupH0. Atvariance fortheH1persistencedistributionsbelowandabovethetran- withtheMFXY model,herethereisnoappreciablechangein sition. thewidthandshapeofthedistributionsacrossthetransition. Thegreenpointsrefertoε=25<ε . Thevelvetpointsrefer c to ε=35>ε . c the H homology group. For what concerns the MFXY 1 model, below the phase transition energy, the H persis- 1 tence distribution displays a long tail which disappears Note that for the MFXY model the width and shape of at and above the transition (Fig. 5). We observe that the distributions change across the transition, becoming the three sets of points superpose for values of π less more and more narrow as the energy is increased, while then approximately 25, this range of π values, in the there is no appreciable change in the φ4 case. The dif- present context, can be attributed to what is commonly ferent topological signatures highlight the presence of a referred to as noise, whereas larger π-values are usually topological change in the case of the MFXY model, that considered as bringing about meaningful topological in- isabsentintheφ4model. InFigures5and6thedistribu- formation. Thus, the stronger persistence of meaningful tions of persistences for the generators of the homology cycles,whichcorrespondstothelongtailobservedbelow group H1 confirm what is found for H0. In this case the thephasetransitionpointoftheMFXYmodel,certainly difference in functional forms for the H1 persistence dis- probes a change of “shape” of configuration space. And tributionbelowandabovetheMFXY transitioniseven thischangeofshapecanbeinterpretedasthesignatureof clearer, while, again, we find no differences for the φ4 achangeofthedimensionofhighorderhomologygroups. model. Let us remark that the performed samplings of configu- Nowletuscommentaboutthehollowness detectedby ration space submanifolds are definitely sparse and they 7 could not be other then sparse had we taken billions 50 of points. Not to speak of the huge total number of simplexes, growing as 2N with N the number of sam- ε=0.66 > 40 ple points. This notwithstanding, the results shown in ε =0.75 c Fig. 5 clearly tell us that the MFXY phase transition ρ) 30 ε=0.88 corresponds to a change of the topology of the configu- ( rationspacesubmanifolds,inperfectagreementwiththe p20 available theoretical knowledge. The same concordance Λ isfoundinthecaseoftheφ4 modelwhereweseethatthe < 10 differenceinH persistencesdisappears,inperfectagree- 1 ment with a-priori known absence of topological changes 0 of the underlying configuration space in correspondence 2000 2175 2350 2525 2700 with the phase transition. ρ Finally, in Figures 7 and 8 we show the outcomes of a different method of getting insight to the ”shape” of data obtained by sampling the configuration space of the MFXY and φ4 models, respectively. This is the FIG. 7. (Color online) Average persistence landscape of the H homology for the MFXY model. Λ is the average func- so called persistence landscape which combines the main 1 p tion (see text) reported as a function of the radius ρ of the tool of persistent homology method, that is, persistence balls used to construct the Rips-Vietoris simplicial complex. diagram,withstatistics[27]. Withrespecttothebarcode The ”shadows” around solid lines are 95% confidence band. or persistence diagram this descriptor has the technical advantage of being a function, thus allowing the use of thevectorspacestructureofitsunderlyingfunctionspace 200 to apply the theory of random variables with values in ε<ε this space. Theory and details of this method can be c > found in Refs. [27] and [28]. In practice, one proceeds 150 ε>εc by computing the H homology for a subsample of the ) 1 ρ original dataset, then one associates to each generator a ( 100 symmetrictent-shapedfunctionpeakinginthemiddleof p Λ the persistence interval of the corresponding generators andfinallyoneconsiderstheenvelopeofthefunctionsde- < 50 fined in this way over all the generators. Informally, one can think of the persistence landscape as the envelope of 0 theπ/4-clockwiserotatedpersistencediagram(operation 6000 6875 7750 8625 9500 thatcanbegivenapropermathematicaldefinition)thus ρ associatingacurveΛ (ρ)toeachpersistencediagram. In p ourcase,weiteratedthisprocedureforthedifferentsub- samples, in our case 20 subsamples, obtaining the curve FIG. 8. (Color online) Average persistence landscape of the (cid:104)Λ (ρ)(cid:105) averaged over the samples. Each curve reported p H homology for the φ4 model. Λ is the average function in Figure 7 reports the results for different energy val- 1 p (see text) reported as a function of the radius ρ of the balls ues: below, at, and above the phase transition point. A used to construct the Rips-Vietoris simplicial complex. The marked difference is again obtained above and below the ”shadows” around solid lines are 95% confidence band. phasetransitioninthecaseoftheMFXY model,andno relevantdifferencebetweenthepatternsbelowandabove the phase transition in the case of the φ4 model, apart ory of phase transitions stems from the combined effect from a meaningless translation. of the investigation of the Hamiltonian dynamical coun- terpart of phase transitions on one side, and of the ge- ometrization of Hamiltonian flows seen as geodesic flows V. CONCLUDING REMARKS on suitably defined Riemannian manifolds on the other side. In fact, it has been observed that the peculiar dy- The results reported for each model in the Figures namical changes occurring at a phase transition corre- shown in the preceding Section, and especially the com- spond to special geometrical changes of the mechanical parison with those reported in Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8 are manifolds. Then it turned out that these special geo- strongly supportive of the validity of the application of metrical changes had to be due to more fundamental persistent homology to probe major topological changes changes of topological kind. In other words, this the- in the configuration spaces of physical systems undergo- ory has deep roots and rather compelling motivations ing phase transitions. [2]. Moreover, developing this unconventional viewpoint Letusremarkthattheformulationofthetopologicalthe- on phase transitions was of prospective interest to tackle 8 phase transition phenomena in finite/small N systems (meso and nanoscopic systems), in the microcanonical ensemble (especially when this is not equivalent to the canonical ensemble), in the absence of order parameters (for example in gauge models, i.e. with local symme- tries), in amorphous and disordered materials, in poly- mers and proteins, in biophysical systems, in strongly inhomogeneous systems. However, as mentioned in the Introduction, computational difficulties have frustrated these expectations. Now the results reported in the present work show that persistent homology, by providing handy computational FIG.9. (Coloronline)Agraphicrepresentationofasimplicial tools (which are presently available as open access soft- complex ware packages), can lend new credit to the prospective practicalinterestofthetopologicaltheoryofphasetran- sitions. And, especially, since improvements of the nu- asimplicialcomplexisthehighestdimensionofthefaces merical algorithms are continuously underway. in the complex. Moreover,thisopensmanyfascinatingandchallenging questions related with the mentioned necessarily sparse sampling of high dimensional manifolds. It is not out VI.2. Simplicial Homology of place to mention that this situation is reminiscent of Montecarlo methods which typically allow efficient esti- mates of multiple integrals in high dimensional spaces Let us fix a field k. In the following, by vector space with very sparse samplings. Montecarlo methods owe we intend k−vector space. Given a simplicial complex their efficacy to the so called importance sampling tech- X of dimension d, for any n such that 0 ≤ n ≤ d nique, suggesting that further developments in the pro- consider the vector space C := C (X) of all the linear n n posed application of the persistent homology could be combinations of n-faces of X with coefficients in k. found in a somewhat similar direction. Elements in C are called n-chains. n The boundary operators are the linear maps sending a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS n-face to the alternate sum of its (n−1)-faces, i.e., This work was supported by the Seventh Framework ∂n :Cn −→Cn−1 Programme for Research of the European Commission n (cid:88) under FET-Open grant TOPDRIM (Grant No. FP7- [p0,...,pn] → (−1)i[p0,...,pj−1,pj+1,...,pn]. ICT-318121). j=0 They share the property ∂ ◦∂ = 0. The subspace VI. APPENDIX n−1 n ker∂ of C is called the vector space of n-cycles and n n denoted by Z := Z (X), with by convention Z = ∅. n n 0 VI.1. Simplicial Complexes The subspace Im∂ of C , is called the vector space n+1 n of n-boundaries and denoted by B := B (X), with by n n We can see a simplicial complex X as a set of poly- convention B = ∅. The property ∂ ◦∂ = 0 is then d n−1 n hedrons (convex hulls of linearly independent points: equivalent to B ⊆Z for all n. n n points,lines,triangles,tetrahedra,andhigerdimensional equivalents) in RN attached in a good way, i.e., the in- Definition VI.2 For 0 (cid:54) n (cid:54) d, the n−th simplicial tersection of two polyhedrons is empty or a face of the homology space of X, with coefficients in k, is the vector two and all the faces ofa polyhedron of X is also apoly- space H := H (X) := Z /B . We denote by β := n n n n n hedron of X. We can also think of simplicial complexes β (X) the dimension of H which is usually called the n n as abstract sets, with the definition: n-th Betti number of X. Definition VI.1 An (abstract) simplicial complex is a Let us see two examples. First, let us con- non empty family X of finite subsets, called faces, of a sider the simplicial complex X consisting of a tri- vertex set V such that σ ⊂τ ∈X implies that σ ∈X. angle [p p p ] and all its edges and vertices (i.e., 1 2 3 We assume that the vertex set is finite and totally or- X = {[p p p ],[p p ],[p p ],[p p ],[p ],[p ],[p ]}). The 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 dered. A face of n+1 vertices is called n−face, denoted boundary of the 2-simplex [p p p ] is 1 2 3 by [p ,...,p ], and n is its dimension. We set, as usual, 0 n the dimension of the empty set as -1. The dimension of ∂ ([p p p ])=[p p ]−[p p ]+[p p ] 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 9 that is a one-chain whose boundary is Y. Then f determines a linear map between the homol- ogy groups H (f):H (X)→H (Y) for all i. i i i ∂ ([p p ]−[p p ]+[p p ])=[p ]−[p ]+ 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 +[p ]−[p ]+[p ]−[p ]=0. From which it makes sense the following. 1 3 2 1 Therefore Z1 = B1 is the vector space generated by Definition VI.4 The persistent homology module of a [p2p3]−[p1p3]+[p1p2], so H1 =∅ and β1 =0. filtrationisgivenbythedirectsumofthehomologygroups After let us consider the simplicial complex X(cid:48) con- sisting of all the edges and vertices of the triangle but without the face [p p p ] (i.e., X(cid:48) =X/[p p p ]). There- 1 2 3 1 2 3 fore Z(cid:48) is generated by [p p ]−[p p ]+[p p ] whereas 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 B(cid:48) =∅. SoH(cid:48) =Z(cid:48) andβ(cid:48) =1. Comparingthetwoex- 1 1 1 1 amples, we see that by eliminating the two-face from X (roughlyspeaking,punchingholeinthetriangle)agener- atorofH iscreated. Inconclusion,thehomologyspaces 1 characterizethepresenceofholesinsimplicialcomplexes. Indeed,the0-thBettinumberisthenumberofconnected components of X, the first Betti number is the number of generators of two dimensional (poligonal) holes, the third Betti number is the number of generator of three dimensional holes (convex polyhedron), etc. VI.3. Persistent Homology FIG.10. (Coloronline)RipsComplexFiltration. Reproduced with owner’s permission from: Ghrist, Robert. ”Barcodes: the persistent topology of data.” Bulletin of the American The starting point in persistent homology is a filtra- Mathematical Society 45.1 (2008): 61-75. tion. As in [7], we call a simplicial complex X filtered if we are given a family of subspaces {X } parametrized v by N, such that X ⊆ X whenever v ≤ w and X is a v w v of the simplicial complexes H (X ) and the linear maps simplicialcomplex. Thefamily{X }iscalledafiltration. n v v i : H (X ) → H (X ) induced in homology by the There are many ways to construct a filtration from a v,w n v n w inclusions X (cid:44)→X for all v ≤w. pointcloudoranetwork. Themostpopularfiltrationfor v w data analysis is the Rips-Vietoris filtration [7]. Following [7], this system is called a module because The Rips-Vietoris complex is a simplicial complex as- the direct sum of vector spaces H = ⊕ H (X ) has a sociated to a set of points in a metric space in the fol- n v n v k[x]−module structure via an algebraic action given by lowing way: every point p is the center of a radius ρ ball x·m := i (m) for m ∈ H (X ). The linear maps D(p,ρ)andn+1points{p ,...,p }determinean−face v,v+1 n v 0 n i are not always injective. A persistent homology in the Rips-Vietoris complex if the corresponding radius v,v+1 generator is a generator of H as k[x]−module, i.e an el- ρballsintersecttwobytwo,i.eD(p ,ρ)∩D(p ,ρ)(cid:54)=∅for n i j ement g ∈H (X ) such that there is no h∈H (X ) for all i (cid:54)= j ∈ {0...n}. Clearly the Rips-Vietoris complex n v n w w < v with the property that xv−wh = g. By the struc- depends on the parameter ρ and if ρ < ρ the complex 1 2 ture theorem on modules over principal ideal domains, with ρ radius balls is contained in the complex with ρ 1 2 the isomorphism class of a k[x]−module is completely radius balls. To the growth of ρ we obtain an increasing determined by the degree of each generator g (birth of sequence of simplicial complexes, a filtration, the Rips- the generator β ) and the degree in which the generator Vietoris filtration. In this context persistent topological g is annihilated by the module action (death of the gen- features of the filtration are considered as features of the erator δ ). The persistence (lifetime) of a generator is point cloud. g measured by p :=δ −β . The following basic properties of the algebraic struc- g g g Persistent homology modules can be computed using ture of persistent homology hold: libraries like javaPlex (Java) or Dionysus (C++), which Proposition VI.3 Let X and Y be two simplicial com- are both available from the Stanford’s CompTop group plexes, a simplicial map f : X → Y is a map sending website (http://comptop.stanford.edu/). vertices of X to vertices of Y and faces of X to faces of [1] M. Nakahara. Geometry, Topology and Physics. Adam [2] M. Pettini. Geometry and Topology in Hamiltonian Dy- Hilger, Bristol, 1991. namics and Statistical Mechanics. IAM Series n. 33. 10 Springer-Verlag New York, 2007. [16] L. Casetti, M. Pettini, and E. G. D. Cohen. Geometric [3] R. 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