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Persistence of coherent quantum dynamics at strong dissipation Denis Kast and Joachim Ankerhold Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 11, 89069 Ulm, Germany (Dated: January 10, 2013) The quantum dynamics of a two state system coupled to a bosonic reservoir with sub-Ohmic spectral density is investigated for strong friction. Numerically exact path integral Monte Carlo methodsrevealthatachangeoverfromcoherenttoincoherentrelaxationdoesnotoccurforabroad class of spectral distributions. In non-equilibrium coherences associated with substantial system- 3 reservoir entanglement exist even when strong dissipation forces the thermodynamic state of the 1 systemtobehavealmost classical. Thismaybeofrelevanceforcurrentexperimentswithnanoscale 0 devices. 2 n PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.67.-a,73.63.-b,05.10.Ln a J 9 Introduction–The impact of dissipative environments restricted to the regime of weak to moderate dissipation on the dynamics of quantumsystems has regainedinter- [12, 19]. The goal of this Letter is to attack this lat- ] est due to the boost of activities to tailor atomic, molec- ter regime via real-time path integral Monte Carlo tech- h ular and solid state structures with growing complex- niques (PIMC) [20, 21] which cover also strong friction. c e ity [1–3]. Common wisdom is that quantum coherence We verify that coherences persist in non-equilibrium for m is inevitably destroyed at sufficiently strong coupling to arbitrarycouplingstrengthtoaheatbathevenwhenthe - broadband reservoirs. A paradigmatic model is a two- thermal state is essentially classical. Our results shed t a state system interacting with a reservoir of bosonic de- new light on our understanding of the quantum-classical t greesoffreedom(spin-bosonmodel)whichplaysafunda- crossoverand may be accessible experimentally. s . mentalroleinavarietyofapplications[4–6]. Atlowtem- Reduced dynamics – We consider a symmetric SB t a peratures and weak coupling, an initial non-equilibrium model m state evolves via damped coherent oscillations, while at ¯h∆ 1 d- stronger dissipation it displays an incoherent decay to- HSB =− 2 σx− 2σzE + ¯hωαb†αbα (1) wards thermal equilibrium. This is often understood as Xα n o aquantumtoclassicalchangeover. Thequestionwepose with a two state system (TSS) which interacts bi- c here is whether this picture always applies. linearly with a harmonic reservoir H via the bath [ B The spin-boson (SB) model has recently gained re- force E = αλα(bα + b†α). All relevant observ- 4 newedattentionforreservoirswithsub-Ohmicmodedis- ables are obtPained from the reduced density operator 9v tributions Js(ω)∝αωs where α denotes a coupling con- ρ(t) = TrB{exp(−iHSBt/¯h)W(0)exp(iHSBt/¯h)}, where stant and 0 < s < 1. This class of reservoirs constitutes the initial state has the form 2 0 adominantnoisesourceinsolidstatedevicesatlowtem- W(0)=ρ (0)e−β(HB−E)/Z . (2) 4 peratures such as superconducting qubits [7] and quan- S B 4. tum dots [8] with the spectralexponents determined by Here,accordingtotypicalexperimentalsituations[5]the 0 the microscopic nature of environmental degrees of free- bath distribution is equilibrated to the initial state of 2 dom. Italsoappearsinthecontextofultraslowglassdy- the TSS which is ρ (0) = |+1ih+1| (the eigenstates of S 1 namics[9],quantumimpuritysystems[10],andnanome- σ are|±1iwiththebaretunnelingamplitude∆between : z v chanical oscillators [11]. Advanced numerical techniques them); the partition function is denoted by Z . We are B i [12–15] have revealedthat at zero temperature the equi- interested in the real-time dynamics of the observables X librium state exhibits at a critical coupling strength α r c P (t)≡hσ (t)i=Tr{σ ρ(t)} , ν =x,y,z, a a quantum phase transition (QPT) from a delocalized ν ν ν phase with tunneling between the two spin orientations where P describes the population difference (polariza- z (weak friction) to a localized one with almost classical tion) and P the coherence between the sites |±1i. x behavior (stronger friction)[16]. A non-perturbative treatment is obtained within the The time evolution of the polarization towards path integral formulation. The Pν is expressed along a these asymptotic phases shows coherent oscillations or Keldysh contour with forward σ and backward σ′ paths classical-like monotone decay. It has been argued that [5]. The impact of the environment appears as an influ- with increasing friction the relaxation dynamics always encefunctionalintroducingarbitrarilylong-rangedinter- turns from coherent to incoherent [17]. Indeed, numeri- actions between the paths. Switching to η/ξ = σ ±σ′ cal studies [18] confirmed this picture for reservoirswith one arrives at 1/2≤s<1, but the situation for 0<s<1/2 remained P (t)= D[η]D[ξ]A e−Φ[η,ξ] (3) unclear, mainly because approaches used previously are ν Z ν 2 0.5 1 0.4 incoherent 0.8 g 0.3 0.6 n upli 0.2 coherent P(t)z 0.4 αα==00..3305 o α=0.26 c 0.1 0.2 α=0.22 α=0.20 α=0.18 0.0 0 α=0.16 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 α=0.14 exponents 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ω t c FIG.1: Domainsofcoherent(white)andincoherent(shaded) FIG.2: DynamicsofPz(t)atT =0and∆/ωc =0.1according dynamics of the SB model for a sub-Ohmic environment (4) toPIMCfors=0.75andcouplingsαwithαc ≈0.3>αCI ≈ at zero temperature. Above (below) the solid line αc(s) the 0.22 (purpleline). Blue(red) lines refer tocoherent α<αCI systemasymptoticallyreachesathermalequilibriumwhichis (incoherentα>αCI)dynamics(cf. Fig.1). Statisticalerrors localized(delocalized)[22]. Acoherent-incoherentchangeover are of the size of thesymbols. only occurs along the dashed line αCI(s) (7). Dotted lines refer to results in Figs. 2, 3, respectively. For vanishing friction P (t) = cos(∆t), while finite cou- z pling leads asymptotically to a thermalequilibrium with with the contribution A in absence of dissipation and ν P (t → ∞) → 0 (delocalized) or P (t → ∞) 6= 0 (local- the influence functional z z ized) as shown previously [12, 13]. t u Φ[η,ξ]= du dvξ˙(u)[Q′(u−v)ξ˙(v)+iQ′′(u−v)η˙(v)]. Toanalyzethedynamicalfeaturesindetail(cf.Fig.1), Z0 Z0 we consider the case of zero temperature and ωc ≫ ∆, andstartinFig.2withP (t)intherange1/2≤s≤1of According to (2) one sums over all paths with |η(0)| = z spectral exponents. For s fixed, PIMC simulations dis- 1,ξ(0) = 0 and η(t) = 1,ξ(t) = 0 for P and η(t) = z playwithincreasingcouplingαachangeoverfromcoher- 0,|ξ(t)|=1forP ,respectively. ThekernelQ=Q′+iQ′′ x is related to the bath correlation Q¨(t) = hE(t)E(0)i/¯h2 ent to incoherent motion, i.e., from damped oscillations to overdamped decay [18]. It appears in that domain and is thus completely determined by the spectral func- in parameter space where the thermal state is delocal- tion J(ω)=π λ2δ(ω−ω ). For sub-Ohmic spectral α α α ized (Fig. 1). Accordingly, the critical coupling strength distributions P for the coherent-incoherent turnover α (s) is always CI Js(ω)=2παωc1−sωse−ω/ωc , 0<s<1, (4) smaller than the critical coupling αc(s) for the QPT. In limiting cases one finds α (s = 0.5) ≈ α (s = 0.5), c CI one has at zero temperature [5] while for an Ohmic bath (s = 1) the known result is Q (t)=2αΓ(s−1)[1−(1+iω t)1−s]. confirmed αc(s=1)≈1>αCI(s=1)≈0.5. 0 c Incontrast,simulationsintherange0<s<1/2reveal In the Ohmic case s → 1 the coupling α coincides with adifferentscenario. Oscillatorypatternssurviveevenfor theKondoparameterK. Thecut-offω correspondse.g. coupling strengths far beyond the critical coupling α (s) c c to a Debye frequency [5] or to a parameter of an electro- for the QPT (see Figs. 1, 3). PIMC data up to ultra- magnetic environment [8]. strongcouplingsα=30α donotshowachangeovertoa c Adirectevaluationof(3)is extremelychallengingdue classical-likedecayforexponentsuptos=0.49. Theos- totheretardationintheinfluencefunctionalwhichgrows cillationfrequenciesΩ (α)inP (t)increasewithincreas- s z with decreasing temperature. In this situation PIMC ing coupling and exhibit a scale invariance according to methods are very powerful means to explore the non- Ω (κα) = κΩ (α) (inset Fig. 3 and [23]). Two observa- s s perturbative range including strong coupling [20, 21]. tionsareintriguing: (i) evenintheregimewherefriction Here, we extend this formulation to simulate not only issostrongthatthe thermalstateresidesinthe classical populations P but also coherences P (see [23]). phase [13, 15] (spin almost frozen with P ∼ 1 ≫ P ), z x z x Population dynamics– The dynamics of P (t) directly does the non-equilibrium dynamics of the TSS preserve z displays the impact of decoherence as the bare two quantum coherence and (ii) the domain where these co- state system is completely quantum and has no classi- herences survive, covers a broad range of spectral distri- cal limit. The expectation is that finite friction induces butions up to exponents s close to s=0.5 (see Fig. 1). dampedoscillationsonatransienttime scaleofthe form To gain analytical insight, an approximate treatment P (t) ∼ e−γtcos(Ωt). As long as Ω 6= 0 the system dy- is provided by the non-interacting blip approximation z namics is said to be coherent, otherwise it is incoherent. (NIBA) [5]. The starting point are exact equations of 3 1 and decay rate γ1(α) = α∆π ωc/4∆. There is no 2 0.8 pole with λ = 0 meaning thatpPz(t → ∞) → 0 (de- localization). Apparently, the oscillation frequency de- 0.6 creases with growing coupling α while the damping rate 0.4 increases. Thisindicatesachangeoverfromcoherentmo- P(t)z 0.2 0.9 19 αα==00..2300 tfoiornlawrgitehrΩα.12/γ21 > 1 to incoherent motion with Ω12 = 0 0 0.98 α=0.15 0.97 α=0.10 (ii) In the domain s ≪ 1 one may use the expan- -0.2 0.96 α=0.05 sion Q0(t) ≈ Λstexp[iπ(1−s)/2] with coefficient Λs = 0.95 α=0.04 ∞dωJ (ω)/(πω)=2αω |Γ(s−1)|. Then, Pˆ(λ)has one -0.4 0.94 0 5 10 15 20 α=0.03 0 s c 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Rpole at λ = 0 so that Pz(t) relaxes towards an asymp- ω t totic limit P (t →∞) >0 (localization). The other two c z poles are complex conjugate where the imaginary part FIG.3: SameasinFig.2butfors=0.25andvaluesα>αc ≈ describes oscillations in P (t) with frequency 0.022. The inset shows a blow-up for very large couplings. z 2αω motion that can be derived from (3) [5], i.e., Ω (α)≈Λ sin[(1−s)π/2]≈ c . (8) s s s t P˙ (t)=− duK (t−u)P (u). (5) Therealpartcorrespondstoadampingrateγs(α)≈sΛs z z z Z which saturates for s → 0 at γ = 2αω . Hence, for 0 0 c fixeds,both rateandfrequencyincrease withincreasing WithinNIBAthekernelisevaluatedasK ≈K where z N,z α such that the dynamics of the TSS is always under- K (t)=∆2e−Q′(t)cos[Q′′(t)]. (6) damped Ωs/γs =1/s≫1. Quantum coherent dynamics N,z persists up to arbitrarily large couplings in accordance Let us now analyze how incoherent decay for P (t) may with the numerical data (cf. Fig. 3). Further, the above z appear out of (5). In KN,z(t) the correlation Q′0(t) result confirms the scaling property of Ωs(α) found al- induces damping while Q′′(t) is responsible for oscilla- ready in the PIMC. Note that details of the cut-off pro- 0 tory motion. Both functions are positive and monoton- cedure may enter via Λs only. Since it is determined ically increase in time leading to damped oscillations in by the low frequency behavior of J(ω), the dynamics is KN,z(t). Ifthisdampingissufficientlystrongonthetime independent of the cut-off scheme for ωc ≫ ∆ as also scale of the bare dynamics 1/∆, i.e. if the kernel is suffi- seen in the PIMC (not shown). Similarly, the bare fre- cientlyshort-rangedintime,thepopulationP (t)decays quency of the TSS has disappeared. It only governs the z incoherently. We estimate this to be the case if at the dynamics for ultra-short times t ≪ 1/ωc before reser- first zero t = t of the kernel where Q′′(t ) = π/2, the voir modes can respond. There, the bare Schr¨odinger ∗ 0 ∗ damping obeys Q′(t ) > 1. One finds this condition to dynamics predicts the universal quadratic time depen- 0 ∗ be fulfilled only for s > 1/2. There, the borderline be- dence Pz(t) ≈ 1−∆2t2/2. After this initial delocaliza- tween the two dynamical regimes is determined by that tion process, the reservoir tends to prevail with the low coupling strength at which t =1/∆, i.e., frequency modes in E [see (1)] acting on the TSS effec- ∗ tively asa static energybiasof strength−¯hΛ according s π ∆ 1−s to the coupling −σ E/2. This is in agreement with the z α (s)≈ . (7) CI 4|Γ(s−1)|cos(sπ/2)(cid:18)ωc(cid:19) observation that ¯hΛs corresponds to the energy needed tore-organizethereservoironcethespinhasflipped[24]. This expression includes the known Ohmic result Coherences and entanglement– To further verify the αCI(s=1)=0.5andcapturesaccuratelynumericaldata quantum nature of the oscillatory population dynamics, from our PIMC. Further, it confirms our numericalfind- we also monitor P (t) (Fig. 4). Indeed, one observes x ing that αc(s) ≥ αCI(s) (see Fig. 1). For fixed s > 0.5, substantialquantumnonlocalitywhichalsosuggestssub- increasingfrictionfirstdestroyscoherentdynamicsbefore stantialentanglementbetweentheTSSanditssurround- it asymptotically induces also localization. In contrast, ings. At T = 0 this entanglement can be extracted for spectral functions 0 < s < 0.5 a coherent-incoherent fromthevonNeumannentropyS(t)/k =−w ln(w )− B + + changeover never appears. w ln(w ) with w = 1[1± P (t)2+P (t)2+P (t)2] − − ± 2 x y z In principle, the oscillation frequency Ωs and the (cf. Fig. 4). PIMC simulatiopns reveal strong entangle- damping γs of Pz(t) can be extracted as complex-valued ment well in the regime α > αc (localization) on time poles from the Laplace-transform of (5), i.e., Pˆ(λ) = scaleswhereoscillatorypatternsinP (t)andP (t)occur. z x 1/[λ+KˆN,z(λ)]. However, specific results can be found Forlongertimesandstrongercoupling,entanglementde- only for (i) s=0.5 and (ii) s≪1 (for details see [23]). cays montonically. This is in agreement with previous (i) In the regime α ≪ ∆/ωc, the poles are given findings in thermal equilibrium: entanglement tends to by λ±1 = ±iΩ1 −γ1 withpfrequency Ω1(α) ≈ ∆−γ1 zerointhelocalizedphaseforcouplingssomewhatabove 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 0.6 0.3 0.9 0.5 Px, α=0.04 0.25 0.8 0.4 0.2 P(t)x 0.3 S/kB, α=0.04 0.15S(t)/kB P(t)z 00..67 0.2 0.1 0.5 µ=1.0 P, α=0.10 µ=0.8 0.1 S/kx, α=0.10 0.05 0.4 µ=0.5 B µ=0.0 0 0 0.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ωt ω t c c FIG. 4: Coherences Px(t) (left axis) and entropy S(t) (right FIG. 5: Pz(t) at s=0.25,α=0.1 for various initial prepara- axis) for s=0.25 (αc ≈0.022) at T =0 according to PIMC. tions of the reservoir with ωc/∆=10. Seetext for details. α [15]. in engineering local environments for Cooper pair boxes c Initial preparation– Persistence of coherence is associ- may allow to study cases with s < 1/2 [26]. Reservoirs ated with a strong dependence on initial preparations. with s → 0 have been proposed as models for 1/f noise Of particular interest for experimental realizations are in superconducting circuits where temperature enters as preparations, where the reservoir is out of equilibrium an effective parameter [7]. While in this latter case de- with respect to the initial state of the TSS. This means tails need to be investigated, a promising alternative are that in (2) one must replace E → µE with µ 6= 1. The trapped ion systems as shown in [27]. cloudofbathmodesisshiftedtotheleft(right)forµ<1 WethankC.Escher,R.Bulla,A.Chin,H.Grabertand (µ > 1) with µ = 0 being the equilibrium orientation of M. Grifoni for valuable discussions. Financial support the bare bath. 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