HindawiPublishingCorporation Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine Volume2013,ArticleID412851,12pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/412851 Research Article Peroxidase as the Major Protein Constituent in Areca Nut and Identification of Its Natural Substrates Yu-ChingLiu,1,2Chao-JungChen,3,4Miau-RongLee,5MiLi,6Wen-TsongHsieh,7 Jing-GungChung,8,9andHeng-ChienHo5 1DepartmentofMedicalResearch,ChinaMedicalUniversityHospital,Taichung40402,Taiwan 2DepartmentofVeterinaryMedicine,NationalChungHsingUniversity,Taichung40227,Taiwan 3GraduateInstituteofIntegratedMedicine,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung40402,Taiwan 4ProteomicsResearchCoreLab,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung40402,Taiwan 5DepartmentofBiochemistry,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung40402,Taiwan 6WholesalerEnterpriseCompany,Taipei23941,Taiwan 7DepartmentofPharmacology,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung40402,Taiwan 8DepartmentofBiologicalScienceandTechnology,ChinaMedicalUniversity,Taichung40402,Taiwan 9DepartmentofBiotechnology,AsiaUniversity,Taichung41354,Taiwan CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoJing-GungChung;[email protected] andHeng-ChienHo;[email protected] Received6June2013;Accepted4September2013 AcademicEditor:Jen-HweyChiu Copyright©2013Yu-ChingLiuetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Numerous reports illustrate the diverse effects of chewing the areca nut, most of which are harmful and have been shown to beassociatedwithoralcancer.Nearlyallofthestudiesarefocusedontheextractand/orlowmolecularweightingredientsin thearecanut.Thepurposeofthisreportistoidentifythemajorproteincomponentinthearecanut.Afterammoniumsulfate fractionation,theconcentratedarecanutextractissubjectedtoDEAE-cellulosechromatography.Acoloredproteiniselutedat lowNaClconcentrationandtheapparentlyhomogeneouseluentrepresentsthemajorproteincomponentcomparedtotheareca nutextract.Thecoloredproteinsharespartialsequenceidentitywiththeroyalpalmtreeperoxidaseanditsperoxidaseactivity is confirmed using an established assay. In the study, the natural substrates of areca nut peroxidase are identified as catechin, epicatechin,andprocyanidinB1.Thetwoformersubstratesaresimilarlyoxidizedtoforma576Daproductwithconcomitant removaloffourhydrogenatoms.Interestingly,oxidationofprocyanidinB1occursonlyinthepresenceofcatechinorepicatechin andanadditionalproductwithan864Damolecularmass.Inaddition,procyanidinB1isidentifiedasaperoxidasesubstratefor thefirsttime. 1.Introduction primarycauseofdeathandoccurredatanaverageageof55 years.Epidemiologicalstudiesandstatisticalanalysesclearly According to the Taiwan Cancer Registry annual report demonstratedthatthedevelopmentoforalcancerinTaiwan (DepartmentofHealth,ExecutiveYuan,Taiwan)in2009,the washighlyassociatedwithchewingthearecanut,smoking, annualincidenceoforalmalignancywas6,480caseswitha andwineconsumption[1].Chewingthearecanutwrapped medianageof53years,anincreaseof699casesfrom2008. in the Piper betle leaf, which is coated with slaked lime, is Oralcancerhadbecomethefifthleadingcauseoftumorsin popular in Taiwan, especially in the southeastern region. It Taiwan, preceded by malignancies of the colon, liver, lung, hasbeenestimatedthattherewereatleasttwomillionoutof andbreast.Morethan90%ofthenewincidences(5927cases) 23millionresidentsinTaiwanwhowerearecanutchewers. in2009wereinmales,whoengageinchewingthearecanut. Approximately 90% of oral cancer patients in Taiwan have FormalesinTaiwan,thismalignancyrepresentedthefourth participatedinthispractice. 2 Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine ThearecanutistheseedofthepalmplantArecacatechuL. MALDI-TOF-TOFMS(UltraflexIIITOF/TOF,BrukerDal- and is rich in alkaloids, including arecoline, arecaidine, tonics, Inc.) equipped with a smartbeam laser. For digested guvacine, and guvacoline. Sundqvist et al. demonstrated peptideanalysis,aCHCAmatrix(1mg/mLin50%acetoni- that the aqueous extract and the above four alkaloids from trilecontaining0.1%TFA)wasmixedwithanequalvolume the areca nut are highly cytotoxic and genotoxic to human ofpeptidesampleontheMALDIsampleplateandthenair- cultured cells and have the potential to induce tumors [2]. dried.Thespectrawererecordedinreflectormodeusingan Additionally, several reports have shown the association of accelerationvoltageof+20kVanda20nsdelaytime.Intense chewing areca nuts with the development of various disor- MSpeakswereselectedforMS/MSanalysisandpeptidemass ders,suchascardiovasculardisease[3],metabolicsyndrome fingerprinting (PMF). The precursor mass window was set [4], and hypertension [5]. In spite of these various harmful at±0.45%oftheprecursormass.ThepeaklistfromtheMS properties, the areca nut is still used in traditional Chinese spectrawasprocessedbyFlexAnalysisv.3.0software(Bruker medicineandinIndia.Itwasfoundtobeahighlyeffective Daltonics, Inc.). The extracted peak list was compared treatmentforhumantaeniasis[6]andincreasedmemoryand againsttheNCBInrdatabase(release20101220)usingMAS- learninginaratmodel[7]. COTv.2.2.04(MatrixScience,UK).Searchparameterswere Apart from the numerous studies on small-molecule selected as follows: taxonomy-Viridiplantae (green plants); ingredientsinthearecanut,littleisknownabouttheprotein enzyme-trypsin; fixed modification-carbamidomethyl (C); components,whichisthefocusofthisreport.Themajorpro- variablemodification-oxidation(M,H,W);peptidemasstol- teincomponentinthearecanutwaspurifiedasanapparently erance±100ppm;MS/MStolerance±0.5Da;andsignificant homogeneousproductandfoundtobeaperoxidase,whose threshold𝑃<0.05. activitywassubsequentlyrevealed.Thenaturalsubstratesfor The molecular mass of the purified protein was deter- thearecanut(AN)peroxidasewerealsodemonstratedinthis mined in linear mode. Equal volumes (0.5𝜇L) of protein study. sample and SA matrix (saturated in 30% acetonitrile and 0.1% TFA) were mixed on a ground MALDI plate (Bruker Daltonics, Inc.). Protein mass calibration was performed 2.MaterialsandMethods using a protein mixture kit II consisting of protein A 2+ + + 2.1. Reagents. Arecanut was obtainedfroma local supplier [M+2H] ,trypsinogen[M+2H] ,andproteinA[M+2H] in northern Taiwan. DEAE- (diethylaminoethyl-) cellulose (BrukerDaltonics,Inc.). waspurchasedfromWhatman,Inc.(Clifton,NJ).Prestained proteinmarkerwasobtainedfromFermentas(St.Leon-Rot, 2.4.ActivityAssayandZymogramofANPeroxidase. Activity Germany).Guaiacol,(+)-catechin,and(−)-epicatechinwere ofANperoxidasewasassayedbymeasuringtheabsorbanceat obtainedfromSigma-AldrichCorp.(St.Louis,MO).PNGase 470nmin20mMguaiacoland5mMH2O2in0.1Mcitrate- FwaspurchasedfromNewEnglandBioLabs(Ipswich,UK). phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). For peroxidase zymography, a Procyanidins B1 and B2 were obtained from Extrasynthese native gel was used to analyze the purified protein without (Genay, France), and sinapinic acid (SA) and 𝛼-cyano-4- heatingandadditionofareducingagent.Afterelectrophore- hydroxycinnamicacid(CHCA)werepurchasedfromBruker sis, the gel was rinsed with water and immersed in 20mM Daltonics,Inc.(Bremen,Germany). guaiacoland5mMH2O2 inwater.Abrowncolorappeared shortly after the addition and indicated the presence of 2.2.Single-ColumnPurificationoftheMajorProteinCompo- peroxidase. nentintheArecaNut. Thefollowingprotocolwasperformed at room temperature. Areca nut (330g) was homogenized 2.5.DigestionofGlycosylatedANPeroxidasewithPNGaseF. with 1 liter of buffer A (20mM Tris/HCl, pH 7.0). The The purified peroxidase (13𝜇L) was mixed with 2𝜇L of homogenate was filtered and centrifuged at 13,000rpm for ∘ denaturation buffer (10X) and heated in boiling water for 20min at 4 C, and the clear supernatant was filtered again. 10min. The following components were then added to the Proteins in the areca nut (AN) extract were fractionated mixture: 2𝜇L of G7 reaction buffer (10X), 2𝜇L of NP-40 with 80% ammonium sulfate and centrifuged. The protein (10%), and 1𝜇L of PNGase F (500U/𝜇L). The mixture was precipitatewas redissolved in buffer A and dialyzed against ∘ incubatedat37 CovernightorlongerandanalyzedbySDS- buffer A overnight. The dialysis step was repeated once, PAGE. The bands of interest were excised and analyzed by andthedialyzedsamplewasloadedontoaDEAE-cellulose MALDI-TOF-TOFMSasmentionedabove. column preequilibrated with buffer A. After loading, the columnwaswashedwith100mLofbufferA,andtheproteins inthecolumnwereelutedwithalineargradientof1MNaCl 2.6.DetectionofPeroxidaseSubstrate(s)inArecaNutExtract buffer A. A brown-colored protein was eluted at a low byLC-MS/MS. Wavelengthscanningwasinitiallyemployed concentrationofNaCl. todeterminewhetherperoxidasesubstrate(s)existedinareca nut extract. In a 500𝜇L reaction vessel, 50𝜇L of areca 2.3.ProteinIdentificationbyMALDI-TOF-TOFMS. Thepro- nut extract was mixed with 5𝜇L of H2O, H2O2(0.5M), or teinbandontheSDS-PAGEgelwasexcised,followedbyin- guaiacol (2M), in 0.1M citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 5.5). geldigestionandpeptideextractionaccordingtotheprotocol Theabsorbanceofthewholemixturewasthenmeasuredat described previously [8]. MS spectra were acquired with 380∼600nm. Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 3 AnAtlantisT3C18column(5𝜇m,2.1×150mm)(Waters 470nm using guaiacol as the substrate in the presence of Corp.,Milford,MA)wasusedtoanalyzetheabovearecanut hydrogenperoxide(Figure2(d)). extractusingalineargradientataflowrateof0.25mL/min. The mobile phases consisted of ddH2O (solvent A) and 3.2. Dimerization and Glycosylation of AN Peroxidase. acetonitrile(solventB),bothofwhichcontained0.1%formic When performing peroxidase zymography, unexpectedly acid (v/v). HPLC separation was performed on a Dionex slow migration of active peroxidase was observed (Fig- Ultimate 3000 HPLC system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, ure 3(a)), but it showed much higher activity at a higher Waltham,MA)equippedwithapump(DGP3600M)andan pH(2inFigure3(a)).ComparedtotheCoomassiestaining autosampler (WPS-3000T). An ion trap mass spectrometer pattern,itclearlyshowedthatloweractivityatneutralpHwas withanESIsource(HCTultraPTMDiscoverySystem,Bruker the result of nearly complete dissociation of the peroxidase Daltonics,Inc.)wasusedforLC-MSfullscanmeasurements subunitsintoinactivemonomers(1inFigure3(b)),whereas andLC-MS/MSexperiments.TheESIsourcewasoperatedin theinteractionbetweensubunitswasstableathigherpH(2 positiveionmodewithnitrogenasanebulizing(50psi)and in Figure 3(b)). Therefore, the two identical subunits were ∘ dryinggas(10L/min,350 C).MSandMS/MSweredonein noncovalently associated to form an intact AN peroxidase ultrascanmodeinthemassrangesm/z100–800andm/z50– withfullactivity. 1000,respectively. AN peroxidase was structurally similar to RPT peroxi- dase,whichhasnineN-glycosylationsites[9].Thesmearing patterninthegelofANperoxidasewasmostlikelythecon- 2.7. Oxidation of Catechin, Epicatechin, and Procyanidin B1 sequence of high glycosylation. To confirm this hypothesis, by AN Peroxidase. The following oxidation reaction was ANperoxidasewasdigestedtoformproductswithpartialor performedin0.1Mcitrate-phosphatebuffer(pH5.5)atroom complete removal of N-linked oligosaccharides through 24 temperature.Ina200𝜇Lreactionvessel,finalconcentrations and48htreatmentswithPNGaseF(2and3inFigure3(c)). of 2mM H2O2 and 0.5mM catechin or epicatechin were Two separate tryptic peptides in the intermediate and ung- mixedwithANperoxidaseforwavelengthandtimescanning lycosylated products were identified (Figure 3(d)) with the andHPLCanalysismonitoredat280or475nm.ALiChro- same sequences as those in Figures 2(a) and 2(b). Clearly, CARTcolumn(4×250mm)(Merck&Co.,Inc.,Whitehouse different extents ofAN peroxidase glycosylation resulted in Station,NJ)wasusedforseparationwithalineargradientat a broad spectrum of molecular masses, especially because a flow rate of 1mL/min. The above mobile phases (ddH2O theglycanmoietywasestimatedtobemorethanhalfofthe and acetonitrile) were used; however, no formic acid was glycoprotein. added.Foroxidationanalysisofthethirdsubstrate,0.1mM procyanidinB1wasusedinthepresenceorabsenceof0.2mM 3.3.Catechin,Epicatechin,andProcyanidinB1AreArecaNut catechinorepicatechin. Peroxidase Substrates. When hydrogen peroxide was added tothecolorlessextractofthearecanut,aslowcolorchange from yellow to orange was observed, whereas addition of 3.Results guaiacol or water had no such effect. Wavelength scanning indicatedamaximumabsorbanceforthemixtureat440nm 3.1. Identification of Peroxidase as the Major Protein Com- (Figure4(a)),andtheabsorbanceincreasesatthesamewave- ponent in the Areca Nut. As illustrated in Figure 1(a), SDS- length were similar to those observed in the time scanning PAGE analysis revealed a major protein product with a molecular mass of ∼55kD in areca nut extract. A brown- (Figure4(b)).ComparisonoftheLCchromatogramsclearly indicated that the differences in the two components were colored protein was eluted early at a low concentration completely removed in the presence of hydrogen peroxide ofNaClwhenperformingDEAE-cellulosechromatography. (lowerpanelinFigure4(c)).Thesetwocandidatesubstrates The colored eluent consisted of the major protein product elutedat7.4and8.3minandshowedmolecularmassesof578 characterized by severe smearing in the SDS-PAGE gel and290Da,respectively(upperpanelinFigure4(c)). (Figure 1(b)). The homogeneity of the purified protein was Furthermore,theMS/MSspectrumofthesubstratewitha further confirmed using PMF to analyze the upper and 290Damolecularmass(Figure5(a))showedittobecatechin lowerbandsinthegel(Figure1(b)).Thesamepatternswere and epicatechin, both of which displayed indistinguishable obtained for both bands (Figure 1(c)). The colored protein spectra(Figures5(b)and5(c)).Ontheotherhand,fragment exhibitedamaximumabsorbancenear405nm(Figure1(d)), ionsintheMS/MSspectrumofthesubstratewitha578Da andMALDI-TOFanalysisalsodisplayedasmearingpattern molecular mass (Figure 5(d)) were very similar to those of witha49kDmolecularmass(Figure1(e)). procyanidinB1(Figure5(e)).Thesethreecomponentswere MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometric analysis led to recognizedasthenaturalsubstratesforANperoxidase.The the identification of two tryptic peptides with molecular structuresofcatechin,epicatechin,andprocyanidinB1were masses of 2308.131 and 1248.57Da (Figure 1(c)). Sequences showninFigure5(f). of bothtrypticpeptides (Figures2(a) and 2(b)) were found to be identical with the amino terminus region of royal palmtree(RPT)peroxidase,asshownbytheunderliningin 3.4.OxidationofCatechinandEpicatechinbyANPeroxidase. Figure 2(c). Peroxidase activity of the purified protein was Whenperformingtheoxidationofcatechinandepicatechin further illustrated by measuring an absorbance increase at with hydrogen peroxide, a color change was immediately 4 Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine M AN M 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 170 170 130 130 100 100 70 70 55 55 40 40 35 35 25 25 (a) (b) ×104 PMF 2308.131 Upper band y nsit 1 nte 1248.558 1632.853 2878.388 I 2131.031 0 ×104 Lower band 2308.147 y 1.0 nsit e nt 0.5 I 1248.570 1632.864 2878.413 3225.814 0.0 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 m/z (c) 0.2 3000 [M+H]+ 48997.1 e banc nsity 2000 Absor Inte [M+H]2+ 1000 24452.7 0 0 400 440 480 520 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 Wavelength (nm) m/z (d) (e) Figure1:Purificationofthemajorproteincomponentinthearecanut.(a)SDS-PAGEanalysisoftheconcentratedextract.M,prestained protein marker with the molecular weights indicated on the left. AN, areca nut extract. (b) SDS-PAGE analysis of the collected brown- coloredfractionsfromDEAE-cellulosechromatography.Thecollectedfractionnumberisindicatedatthetop.Theupperandlowerbands werebracketedforidentificationpurposes.(c)PMFfortheupperandlowerbands.Themolecularmassofeachtrypticpeptideisindicated atthetop.(d)Wavelengthscanningofthepurifiedbrown-coloredprotein.(e)Determinationofthemolecularmassforthepurifiedprotein byMALDI-TOF. Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 5 ×104 y20 y19 y18 y17 y16 y15 y14 y13 y12 y11 y10 y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y7 2.0 761.421 S A V E A A C P Q T V S C A D I L A F A A R b4 b5 b6 b7 b10 b11 1.5 u.) 457b.5981 b10 a. b7 1015.587 y ( 689.186 b11 ntensit 1.0 b4 y5 876y.4843 1114.501 I 386.934 535.121 y17 y20 y2 y4 y10 y12 1851.069 2149.983 0.5 246.072 y3 464.072 1107.587 1293.662 112.019705y.0174 317.034 529b.6004 648y.2634 947y.5928 119y41.6125 139y4.17335152y21.6431461y9.18569 178y01.0631 192y21.8056205y11.1927 2200.43523[M08+.1H3]1+ 0.0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 m/z (a) ×104 y8 y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y4 1.2 581.329 M H F H D C F V R 1.0 b6 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 y3 828.380 y2 421.260 u.) 0.8 274.179 a. nsity ( 0.6 b3 668b.3501 980y.5745 nte 416.183 I 0.4 b2 b4 b7 0.2 110.110 175y.1139 241.122679.113708.094 385.142 532.525336.277 696.y3566 833.y1649 975.402 b8117y78.549 1[2M48+.H57]0+ 72.097 332.102 450.196 631.325 737.352 1074.499 0.0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 m/z (b) 0.6 m n 0 7 4 at e c 1 DLQIGFYNTSCPTAESLVQQAVAAAFANNS an b 31 GIAPGLIRMHFHDCFVRGCDASVLLDSTAN bsor A 61 NTAEKDAIPNNPSLRGFEVITAAKSAVEAA 91 CPQTVSCADILAFAARDSANLAGNITYQVP 0 40 80 120 160 200 Time (s) (c) (d) Figure2:Identificationofperoxidaseasthemajorproteincomponent.(a)and(b)MS/MSanalysisoftwotrypticpeptideswiththesequences atthetopofeachpanel.(c)SequencealignmentoftwotrypticpeptideswiththeN-terminal120residuesofRPTperoxidase.Thesequence identityis underlined,and thenumbersonthe leftindicate theresiduenumberingofRPTperoxidase. (d)Spectrophotometric assayof peroxidaseactivityforthepurifiedprotein. 6 Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 130 170 100 170 70 130 130 55 Purified peroxidase 100 100 40 Intermediate 70 70 35 PNGase F 55 55 25 40 Unglycosylated 40 peroxidase 35 35 15 (a) (b) (c) ×104 Intermediate 2878.388 1.0 nsity 1194.615 1632.861 1856.901 2308.130 nte 0.5 VEAACPQTVSCADILAFAAR I 1063.316 1994.001 1475.787 2705.177 3026.366 0.0 ×104 1248.562 Unglycosylatedperoxidase y MHFHDCFVR nsit 1.0 Inte 0.5 1080.550 1994.000 2308.126 1475.788 1765.757 2705.177 0.0 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 m/z (d) Figure3:DimerizationandglycosylationoftheintactANperoxidase.(a)Zymogramassayand(b)Coomassiestaining.Theenzymewas desaltedwithTris/HClbuffer(20mM,pH7)(1)andHEPESbuffer(20mM,pH7.9)(2).(c)TreatmentofdenaturedANperoxidasewith PNGaseFfor24(2)and48h(3).Thedigestedproducts,accompaniedbytheuntreatedcontrol(1)andPNGaseFitself(4),areindicated byarrowheadsattheright.(d)PMFforthepartiallyglycosylatedintermediate(upperpanel)andunglycosylatedform(lowerpanel).Two trypticpeptidessubjectedtoanalysisareindicatedbyarrowheadswiththesequencesshownineachpanel. observed after AN peroxidase addition. The spectra of conditions,thesubstrateswerespontaneouslyoxidized,and wavelength scanning for both reactions were similar to ANperoxidaseacceleratedtheoxidationprocess. thatobservedforthearecanutextract(Figure4(a)).HPLC examinationoftheoxidationreactionsrevealedthatcatechin 3.5. Occurrence of Procyanidin B1 Oxidation in the Presence and epicatechin were oxidized to a major product with a of Catechin or Epicatechin. Unlike catechin or epicatechin, distinct retention time (Figures 6(a) and 6(b)). The major therewasnocolorchangeorspectrophotometricabsorbance oxidizedproducts,withthesamemolecularmassof576Da increase when using procyanidin B1 alone as a substrate. for both substrates, were undoubtedly the consequence of condensation of two catechin or epicatechin molecules HPLC examination also indicated the lack of oxidation of with the concomitant removal of four hydrogen atoms. procyanidin B1 alone (data not shown). The most striking While chewing the areca nut along with the Piper betle featureofprocyanidinB1oxidationwasthatitoccurredonly leaf in slaked lime in the oral cavity, the pH value of the in the presence of catechin or epicatechin. In contrast to collected oral extracts usually fell between 8 and 9, in our spectra from conditions without enzyme (Figures 7(a) and experience.ANperoxidasestillretainedtheabilitytooxidize 7(c)),theHPLCchromatogramsclearlyindicatedprocyani- catechinandepicatechinatpH10,althoughtoalesserextent din B1 oxidation with the formation of additional products than at neutral pH (Figures 6(c) and 6(d)). Under these (Figures7(b)and7(d)).Inadditiontotheabove-mentioned Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 7 0.4 0.45 H2O2 m n 0 e 4 c 4 an at Absorb Guaiacol orbance H2O Abs 0 0 400 500 600 400 800 1200 Wavelength (nm) Time (s) (a) (b) ×107 1.5 NoH2O2 nsity 1.0 579[M+H]+ 290.97[M+H]+ e nt I 0.5 ×107 1.5 +H2O2 y nsit1.0 e nt I 0.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Time (min) (c) Figure4:Detectionofthenaturalsubstrate(s)inthearecanut.(a)Wavelengthscanningbetween380and600nmaftermixingtheAN extractwithhydrogenperoxide,guaiacol,orwater.(b)Measurementofabsorbanceincreaseat440nmfortheANextractinthepresenceof hydrogenperoxide.(c)LC/MSanalysisoftheANextractinthepresenceofwater(upperpanel)orhydrogenperoxide(lowerpanel). catechin homodimer, a product with an 864Da molecular hemegroupwasshowntoexistinRPTperoxidase[10],which masswasformedinthepresenceofsmallamountsofcatechin has a sequence similar to AN peroxidase (Figure 2(c)). The (Figure7(b)).Thisproductresultedfromthecondensationof same prosthetic group, most likely resulting in the brown procyanidinB1withcatechinwiththeconcomitantremoval colorwithamaximumabsorbancenear405nm(Figure1(d)), offourhydrogenatoms. wasfoundinANperoxidaseandthereforeshouldbeclassi- Inthepresenceofepicatechin,similarreactionsoccurred, fiedunderthefamilyofhemeperoxidases. that is, production of an epicatechin homodimer and AN peroxidase existed mainly as an inactive monomer an epicatechin-procyanidin B1 heterodimer (Figure 7(d)). at neutral pH (Figure 3(b)), while a small increase in pH, Clearly, procyanidin B1 oxidation occurred through the to 7.9, led to a dramatic structural change in which two condensationofonemoleculeofcatechinorepicatechinwith identical subunits associated to form a fully active, intact procyanidin B1 in place of the second molecule of catechin protein(Figures3(a)and3(b)).Suchobservationssuggested or epicatechin. However, a condensation reaction between thattheactivesiteofANperoxidasewascreatedonlywhen twomoleculesofprocyanidinB1wasnotobservedineither two subunits were closely associated; that is, the active site cases.Thus,thefollowingreactionswereindicated:catechin islocatedatthesubunitinterface.Itwasplausiblethatwhen (or epicatechin) + procyanidin B1 + 2H2O2 → catechin- chewingarecanutintheoralcavity,ANperoxidaseisafully procyanidinB1dimer(orepicatechin-procyanidinB1dimer) activedimerintheoralextractatalkalinepH.SimilartoRPT +4H2O. peroxidase, secretory AN peroxidase belongs to the family of class III plant peroxidases. However, AN peroxidase is 4.Discussion structurallydistinctfrommembersofthisclass,whichareall knownasmonomericglycoproteins[9]. Mostproteinsinthearecanutwerefoundintraceamounts,as Peroxidasestabilityapparentlydependsonthepresence determinedbySDS-PAGE,withtheexceptionofperoxidase, ofacarbohydratemoiety,asshowninstudiesoftherecombi- whichwasidentifiedasthemajorproteincomponentinthe nantprotein[11,12].TheextremestabilityofANperoxidase experiment. In addition to multiple N-glycosylation sites, a atroomtemperaturewasattributedtothesamefactorinthe 8 Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine ×106 3.0 123 139 291[M+H]+ 2.5 ensity 21..05 Int 1.0 147 165 0.5 273 0 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 m/z (a) ×107 2.0 139 Catechin 1.5 y ensit 1.0 123 165 nt I 147 0.5 273 169 0 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 m/z (b) ×107 139 Epicatechin 2.0 nsity 1.5 123 165 nte 1.0 I 151 0.5 273 169 249 0 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 m/z (c) ×105 8.0 409 579[M+H]+ 427 291 6.0 y ensit 4.0 301 nt 247 I 2.0 271 201 229 439453 543 561 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 m/z (d) ×107 427 Procyanidin B1 409 1.5 291 y nsit 1.0 e Int 0.5 247 275 301 229 453 561 0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 m/z (e) Figure5:Continued. Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 9 OH OH OH OH OH OH HO O OH HO O OH HO O OH OH OH O OH HO OH OH OH OH (+)-catechin (−)-epicatechin Procyanidin B1 (f) Figure5:Identificationofthenaturalsubstratesinthearecanut.(a),(b),and(c)ComparisonoftheMS/MSspectrumofthe290Dasubstrate withthoseofcatechinandepicatechin.(d)and(e)SimilarityoftheMS/MSspectrabetweenthe578DasubstrateandprocyanidinB1.(f)The structuresofcatechin,epicatechin,andprocyanidinB1. 0.125 0.125 C-C EC-EC MW576 MW576 S S F F U U A A 0 0 0 15 0 15 Retention time (min) Retention time (min) (a) (b) 0.15 0.15 Catechin, pH10 Epicatechin, pH10 m m n n 0 0 4 4 4 4nt at ant at Peroxidase a b bsorb Peroxidase No enzyme Absor No enzyme A 0 0 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 Time (s) Time (s) (c) (d) Figure 6: Oxidation of catechin and epicatechin. (a) and (b) HPLC analysis of AN peroxidase-mediated oxidation of catechin (a) and epicatechin(b).ThedimerizedproductswiththesamemolecularmassareidentifiedasC-CandEC-EC.(c)and(d)Spectrophotometric activityassayofANperoxidaseathigherpHusingcatechin(c)andepicatechin(d)assubstrates.Thespontaneousoxidationofbothsubstrates intheabsenceofenzymeisalsoincluded. 10 Evidence-BasedComplementaryandAlternativeMedicine 0.125 0.125 NNoo eennzzyymmee PPeerrooxxiiddaassee FS FS BB11--CC U U MMWW886644 A A CC--CC MMWW557766 0 0 0 15 0 15 Retention time (min) Retention time (min) (a) (b) 0.125 0.125 No enzyme PPeerrooxxiiddaassee BB11--EECC MMWW886644 EECC--EECC FS FS MMMMMMMMMWW557766 U U A A 0 0 0 15 0 15 Retention time (min) Retention time (min) (c) (d) Figure7:ProcyanidinB1oxidationinthepresenceofcatechinandepicatechin.HPLCchromatogramswereobtainedintheabsence((a)and (c))orpresence((b)and(d))ofANperoxidase.ProductsderivedfromcondensationofprocyanidinB1withcatechinorepicatechinwere indicatedasB1-C(b)andB1-EC(d),respectively. PNGaseFdigestionexperiment.Theglycanmoietyalonehad through condensation of an A ring from one unit and a B amolecularmassgreaterthantheunglycosylatedapoenzyme ringfromtheother[13].Twocatechindimerswerereported itself(Figure3(c)),suggestingdistributionofglycansacross to be the main products: colored dehydrodicatechin A and the surface of the whole holoenzyme molecule. The glycan colorlessdehydrodicatechinB4,withmolecularmassesof576 moiety affected not only the enzymatic activity of the AN and578Da,respectively[14,15].Comparisonofthefragment peroxidasebutalsoitsconformationalrigidity.Withoutheat ions in positive mode revealed obvious differences in the treatment,ANperoxidaseremainedintact,evenafterlonger MS/MS spectra between the observed catechin dimer (see exposuretoPNGaseF(datanotshown). Figure S1A in supplementary Material available online at Peroxidase-mediatedoxidationofcatechinsledtothefor- http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/412851)anddehydrodicatechin mationofproductswithdifferentdegreesofpolymerization A(FigureS1C).