PERFO~NCE,TALK,REFLECTION What is Going On in Clinical Ethics Consultation Edited by RICHARD M. ZANER Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, Nashville, Tennesee, U.S.A. SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 978-90-481-5222-3 ISBN 978-94-017-2556-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-2556-9 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved ©1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1999 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Table of Contents Richard M. Zaner, Introductory Remarks I Pertinent Roles and Experiences of All Authors 5 Mark J. Bliton, Ethics Talk; Talking Ethics: An Example of Clinical Ethics Consultation 7 Fran~oise Baylis, Health Care Ethics Consultation: 'Training in Virtue' 25 Tom Tomlinson, Ethics Consultant: Problem Solver or Spiritual Counselor? 43 Barry Hoffmaster, Anatomy of a Clinical Ethics Consultation 53 Mark J. Bliton & Stuart G. Finder, Strange, But Not Stranger: The Pecu- liar Visage of Philosophy in Clinical Ethics Consultation 69 Richard M. Zaner, Afterword 99 .... Human Studies 22: 1-3, 1999. IJIlif © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Introductory Remarks RICHARD M. ZANER Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, 319 Oxford House, Nashville, TN 37232-4350, U.S.A. In what follows, three sorts of reflective writing are presented. The first kind, by my colleague Mark J. Bliton, is a description of a clinical ethics con sultation, more generously detailed than most that have been published, yet obviously limited as a documentation of the experiences at its source. It is followed by three examples of a second kind in the probing commentaries by highly regarded figures in biomedical and clinical ethics - Fran~oise Baylis, Tom Tomlinson, and Barry Hoffmaster. Finally, these are followed by a third variety of reflection in the form of responses to those three commentaries, by Bliton and Stuart G. Finder, and my Afterword - a further reflection on some of the issues and questions. While the consultation was conducted by Bliton, Finder not only assisted at one point (he is the "colleague" mentioned in Bliton's manuscript) but frequently participated in the discussions that are invariably part of our clinical ethics consultative practice at Vanderbilt. It was thus natural for Finder to participate in the response. Each of these essays is fascinating and important on its own; together, however, they constitute a truly unusual and, we believe, very significant contribution that will hopefully figure prominently in subsequent discussions, and in shaping and deepening an endeavor - clinical ethics - still in much-needed search of its own discipline, method, rationale and place in the domain of clinical practice more generally. This group of essays is also quite unique, addressing as it does the coherence of a form of practice - and, it must be emphasized, several forms of writing about as well as theoretical proposals for understanding that practice - whose current and future character remains very much in contention. Because this kind of endeavor - writing about and publishing such reflections by different individuals on a single clinical situation - has not been attempted, or appreciated as more than of merely passing interest as regards clinical ethics consultation and practice, it seems appropriate to suggest, at least in a preliminary way, some of its peculiarities. While an introduction was of course part of the initial idea for this proj ect, as the essays evolved and eventually began to take final shape, it became ever more obvious that certain difficulties, even hazards, had to be addressed in 2 RICHARD M. ZANER order for the project to make sense to readers who may be as unaccustomed as were the authors to engaging such matters in a kind of sustained con versation. To help bring out a number of these intriguing matters, it was decided as well that I should write a reflective conclusion to the project. An initial version of Bliton's portrayal of his involvement in the clinical ethics consultation documented here served as an example of a clinical encounter in Bliton's doctoral dissertation (Bliton, 1994). For the present project, that version had to be somewhat shortened and rewritten so that it could stand on its own, independent of the specific context and emphasis in his dissertation. The version found in this Special Issue is the result, a version that is both unified and fragmentary: unified insofar as it has a clear beginning, middle, and end (pace Aristotle), and as such can be read as telling a certain story about Bliton and his involvements in a particular clinical situation; fragmentary insofar as the story told is limited to Bliton's documentary perspective. Moreover, his telling illustrates a selective emphasis on facets of the encounter which exemplify moments of moral experience in clinical ethics consultation. The current version here is thus quite different from the initial case report he, like any of the ethics consultants on our service, completed at the time of the consult simply as a part of our practice-protocol. But, in view of even these differences, Bliton and Finder perforce had to exercise considerable discipline in constructing their response to the three commentators, none of whom had access to the original version or the abbreviated and somewhat perfunctory formal Case Report, much less their frequent, ongoing conversations that are also part of our clinical practice. Since I was not involved in the consultation, nor as deeply as Finder in the conversations, I agreed to read Bliton's manuscript and his and Finder's response, paying particular attention to the dangers implicit to appeals to information about the encounter not also made available to the commentators. At the same time, I should note that I directed Bliton's doctoral studies and headed his dissertation committee. Thus, I have both known a good deal about the original situation, and had numerous occasions to discuss it with Bliton (and, to some extent, Finder). Finally, although the three of us discussed the present project many times and eventually together agreed to do it, the decision about which clinical situation to use was left to my two colleagues. The commentators were, it should also be emphasized, provided with an unusually detailed description of a consultative situation, along with Bliton' s ongoing reflections of what he was thinking about at the time and afterwards, as he reconstructed events and conversations while writing up the case for his dissertation and, later, rewriting it for this project. Additionally, each of the three commentators' contributions were treated to several careful readings by the three of us, separately and together, with an eye on helping the authors INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 3 express their views with as much clarity as possible. We are, I must say, deeply grateful to Professors Baylis, Tomlinson, and Hoffmaster, not merely for their patience in bearing with our labors, but even more for the uncommon candor, insight and rigorousness they each brought to the project. That situations like the one in Bliton' s manuscript often provoke strong and passionate responses will doubtless be no surprise - whether because of its relative novelty, its risky nature, the high stakes involved, or something else. It is in any event a striking feature of ethics consultations that the people directly or even indirectly involved tend at times to feel rather passionately about what is said (and not said), what is done (and not done), and what is then reported (or, it may be, left out). Even so, such energetic feelings, much less the candor of my colleagues' response to such passion, are rarely if ever apparent from published reports. For this reason alone, a considerable debt of gratitude is surely owed to our commentators - reflective and deliberative, yet passionate and forceful as each of them are. It is perhaps enough at this point merely to make note of these rather different types of writing and something at least of the vexations invariably provoked by situations like that reported by Bliton. Then, at the end of the discussions, it will be necessary to engage these matters more directly. Reference Bliton, Mark J. (1994). The Ethics o/Clinical Ethics Consultation: On the Way to Clinical Philosophy. Dissertation, Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms. .... Human Studies 22: 5--6, 1999. 5 ..... © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Pertinent Roles and Experiences of All Authors Fran~oise Baylis, in 1990, was awarded a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada on "Health Care Ethics Con sultation." The Health Care Ethics Consultant (Humana Press) was published in 1994 upon completion oft his project. The importance of character and virtue in ethics consultation is central to this work. A few years later, Baylis was named to the Society for Health and Human Values and the Society for Bioethics Consultation Task Force on Standards for Ethics Consultation. The Final Report of the U.S. Task Force, which revisited the issues of training, accreditation and certification, was published in the summer of 1998. In this Report the importance of character and virtue is contested. Throughout her career, Baylis has worked with a number of Ethics Committees in Canada and the United States. For a few years, she was a fulltime bioethicist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She now has a full-time academic appointment in the Medical School at Dalhousie University and most of her consulting with hospitals now focuses on policy issues rather than case consultations. Mark J. Bliton joined the Center for Clinical and Research in 1987 as the Senior Fellow primarily responsible for the Center's involvement in Vanderbilt University Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. With Dr. Zaner, he conceived and ran the Pilot Project in Clinical Ethics at Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville during 1990 and served as the Associate Director of the Clinical Ethics Program at Saint Thomas during 1991 and 1992. He served as the Chief oft he Clinical Ethics Consultation Service under the newly organized Clinical Ethics Center at Saint Thomas Hospital during 1994. Having been a Clinical Ethics Consultant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since 1991, he has been Chief of the Clinical Ethics Consultation Service at VUMC since 1994. He has also served on VUMC's Ethics Committee since 1990 and was a consultant to Saint Thomas' Ethics Committee during 1990--1994. Stuart G. Finder has served as a Clinical Ethics Consultant at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) since he arrived at the Center for Clinical and Research Ethics in 1991. In that capacity, Finder has been primarily responsible for clinical ethics consultations occurring in the areas of adult critical care medicine and surgery. During 1992 and 1993, Finder also served 6 PERTINENT ROLES AND EXPERIENCES OF ALL AUTHORS as a Clinical Ethics Consultant at Saint Thomas Hospital, splitting duties with Dr. Bliton. He has been a member of the VUMC Ethics Committee as well as VUMC's Liver Transplant Selection Committee since 1991, and has been a member oft he Heart Transplant Selection Committee at Saint Thomas Hospital since 1992. Barry Hoffmaster, while he was Director of the Westminster Institute for Ethics and Human Values from 1991-1996, worked as an ethics consultant for two acute care hospitals (primarily in adult and pediatric critical care) and for a long-term chronic care and rehabilitation hospital. He also has served as an ethics consultant for a short-term assessment and treatment facility for children with developmental delay. Tom Tomlinson is Clinical Ethics Consultant and co-chair of the Biomedical Ethics Committee of Sinai Hospital in Detroit, and also serves on the Ethics Committee ofIngham Regional Medical Center in Lansing. He has provided consultation on ethics policy and training for ethics committees for Henry Ford Hospital and Horizon Health Systems, among others. Richard M. Zaner began his career in biomedical ethics when he founded and served as the first Director for the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Health Sciences Center ofthe State University of New York at Stony Brook (1971-73). A year after arriving at Vanderbilt University in 1981, Zaner founded and became the Director of Vanderbilt's Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, out of which he coordinated all clinical ethics consultation, education and research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC). In 1984, Zaner formally launched Vanderbilt's Clinical Ethics Consultation Service, which he continues to Direct, and he has served as co-chair ofthe Vanderbilt University Medical Center Ethics Committee since 1990. After conceiving and running, with Dr. Bliton, the Pilot Project in Clinical Ethics at Saint Thomas Hospital in 1990, Zaner served as the Director of Saint Thomas' Clinical Ethics Program, overseeing its transition into the Clinical Ethics Center at Saint Thomas Hospital in 1993. Since 1985, Zaner has been a member oft he Advisory Board ofTennessee Donor Services, where he chairs its Committee on Ethics and Legislation. .... Human Studies 22: 7-24, 1999. 7 .... © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Ethics Talk; Talking Ethics: An Example of Clinical Ethics Consultationl MARK. J. BLITON Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Center for Clinical and Research Ethics, 319 Oxford House, Nashville, TN 37232-4350, U.S.A. Abstract. This written account of a clinical encounter - depicting fragments of a more extensive array of events - attempts to exemplify many facets and associated complexities of clinical ethics consultation. Within the general telling, I provide more detailed portrayals of several key events. In section I, I document briefly my initial interactions at the beginning of the consultation, focusing on the information gained - in the context of those interactions as I read the medical chart of Mrs. Rose. Next in section 2, I briefly describe my initial conversation with Mrs. Rose's three sons. Section 3 illustrates several questions raised in sections 1 and 2. Then section 4 presents my encounter with Paul, the youngest son, as he was carrying out his vigil at his mother's bedside in the hospital. Section 5 chronicles my interactions with several care providers involved in Mrs. Rose's situation, including two different meetings that occurred with Mrs. Rose's attending physician. I conclude in section 6 by telling about a conversation I had with Mrs. Rose's middle son, Russell, approximately one month after Mrs. Rose died. apophainesthai passes in & out of more difficult things and by so passing apophainesthai Charles Olson, The Maximus Poems 1. What's Going On? The beginning of this consultation had two features that were unusual. First, I received a call from one of the executive secretaries in the administrative suite at the hospital-suggesting administrative anxiety, concern, and expectations that were already focused as an urgent need for me to respond immediately. The other significant feature was that the request for ethics consultation came from the patient's son, Russell Rose, who was associated with and had knowledge about health care facilities. The secretary said that Russell knew hospitals such as this had ethics committees, and he wanted to talk with a representative about his mother's treatment. I agreed to meet with him as soon as I could and then asked where I could fmd his mother in the hospital. 8 MARK J. BLIrON Mrs. Rose was on the second floor, a complex that included forty critical care intensive care beds, and seventy-five step-down intensive care beds. Most of my consultations occurred in that area. I walked down the long, carpeted corridor busy with the hustle and bustle of respiratory technicians, dietitians, unit clerks, and nurses shuttling back and forth among the various rooms. While I was familiar to most of these people, my presence usually signaled that a certain kind of problem was occurring. Nurses, residents, and other physicians experience and immediately interpret the mere presence of other providers. I gathered Mrs. Rose's chart from the station facing out from her room, and my first clue to what was going on came when I asked a nurse who Mrs. Rose's nurse was. After pointing Molly out among the other nurses, she informed me that Molly had had a relative who had treatment withdrawn, thus "telling" me that Molly herself would surely be understanding of Mrs. Rose's situation. I went to Molly; we sat down and I tried to find out why I was called. She said she didn't know who had called, but she did know that the family was concerned that their mother "would not want to be hooked up to the ventilator. " Her words, their tone, and her demeanor - one of careful, descriptive speaking, but not engaged with their concern as a problem - suggested that she was not entirely in agreement with the family. So I asked her. "She's really sick," Molly said, "but she might get better. Besides, there's a No-code on the chart. It's too early to just let her die, at least that's what I think. You know what else, the residents really feel undermined by the family going down and calling you." It was revealing that in the time that Russell had gone down to the administrative offices and come back for a visiting hour, the residents and the nursing staff on the unit already knew that I had been called. "Undermined:" already intimated was a theme that, in their concern about the level of medical intervention, this family was thought to be circumventing the efforts and assessments of the residents. Molly asked, "Do you want me to find them?" While she went to get the residents I returned to reading the chart. Mrs. Rose, eighty-four-years-old, had a history of atherosclerotic heart disease, coronary insufficiency, cancer of the colon, and breast cancer. The latter had been surgically managed by a modified right radical mastectomy. She had been hospitalized for nine days before her son's request for ethics consultation. She had been admitted to the hospital to undergo a uterine suspension and bladder repair. However, the evening prior to her admission, she developed a temperature of I 02.3 and had "shaking chills." On the morning ofa dmission, her temperature remained over 100 and the surgery was postponed. Within two days, a mild pneumonia was diagnosed, which subsequently worsened dramatically.