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PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION OF VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF A THERMAL POWER PLANT A THESIS Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in MECHANICAL ENGINEERING By SORABH GUPTA Regn. No. 2K06-NITK-1108M DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (INSTITUTION OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE) KURUKSHETRA - 136 119 (INDIA) APRIL, 2010 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Performance Evaluation and Resource Allocation of Various Systems of a Thermal Power Plant”, being submitted by Sorabh Gupta (Regn. No. 2K06-NITK-1108M) to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra for the award of Degree of ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ in Mechanical Engineering, is a bonafide research work carried out by him under my supervision and guidance. His thesis has reached the standard of fulfilling the requirements of regulations relating to degree. The thesis is an original piece of research work and embodies the findings made by the research scholar himself. The results presented have not been submitted in part or in full to any other University/ Institute for the award of any degree or diploma. (Dr. P. C. Tewari) Date: Supervisor Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering N.I.T. Kurukshetra The Ph.D. Viva-Voce examination of Mr. Sorabh Gupta, Research Scholar, has been held on ________________. Supervisor External Examiner i CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the thesis, entitled “Performance Evaluation and Resource Allocation of Various Systems of a Thermal Power Plant”, in the fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and submitted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, is an authentic record of my own work carried out under supervision of Dr. P. C. Tewari, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana), India. The matter presented in this thesis has not been submitted by me for the award of any degree of this or any other University/Institute. (Sorabh Gupta) Date: ii PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research work presented in this Ph.D. thesis has been carried out at National Institute of Technology, under the supervision of Dr. P.C. Tewari, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, during the period July 2006 to March 2010. I wish to express sincere thanks to my supervisor Dr. P.C. Tewari for introducing me to the subject area of reliability, availability, maintainability and resource allocation, for his thoughtful supervision, constant inspiration, steady support, guidance and for making available critical facilities throughout the course of this work. I would like to thank complete faculty and specially Dr. S. S. Rattan and Dr. K.S. Kasana of Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra for their support and guidance during my research. I am grateful to the management of Haryana Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kaithal (Haryana), INDIA to provide me permission and support to undertake this research work. I would also like to thank my colleagues in HCTM and HIET. They encouraged me through discussions and valuable advice. I am also thankful to authorities of Panipat Thermal Power Plant for providing me the opportunities to carryout my research. I would like to express my thanks to my wife Shipra and son Shaurya, for their endless support and patience. I take this opportunity to express my deep and heartfelt gratitude to my mother Smt. Rani Devi and my father Sh. P.D. Gupta. They have unselfishly given so much to create the opportunity for me both to grow as a person and to be able to secure an outstanding education. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to all my family members, especially my brother and my sister for their support, kindness and encouragement. Sorabh Gupta April, 2010 NIT Kurukshetra, India iii ABSTRACT Today, all the industries face high customer expectations for quality and reliability of products but in contraposition with severe cost constraints and with the pressure for shorter product cycle time. The fundamental operating feature of the power system is that the electrical energy production and consumption are simultaneous. Therefore, the reliability requirement within the thermal industry is very high. The maintenance of power system equipment and especially the maintenance of generating units are implicitly related to thermal power system reliability and have a tremendous bearing on the operation of the thermal power system. Hence, the maintenance problem has always been investigated together with system reliability engineering research. The importance of obtaining a highly reliable system has recently been recognized with increasing automation and use of highly complex systems. Reliability characteristics such as: availability, probability of survival, mean time to system failure, mean down time and frequency of failures are some of the measures of system effectiveness, which provide the necessary criteria for alternative design policies to be compared, judged and selected to give the best results. Manufacturing process involves a continuous flow of raw material through a series of sequential operations. These operations transform the raw material into final product. Examples of process industries are thermal, chemical, fertilizer, sugar, paper, oil refinery and textile etc. Such industries have continuous operation and hazardous work environment. Accomplishment of goal of high productivity with least number of standby units, minimum storage capacity, reduction in losses and least cost of failures, in these industries is not an easy task. In multipurpose process plants, which are characterized by sharing different resources (equipment, manpower etc.) for production, unplanned equipment shutdown could affect the timely production of products and hence process profitability. Thus, the importance of reliable operation has also been realized in such plants of complex configurations. The ability to improve continually is desirable. In recent years, reliability, availability, maintainability, performance evaluation as well as resource allocation have become big issues in the power industries. Major causes of customer dissatisfaction often result from unexpected failures, which lead to unanticipated cost in the thermal power plant. However, with proper integration of reliability, availability, maintainability, performance evaluation as well as resource allocation in the thermal power plant, the frequency of iv failures can be reduced and their consequences can be diminished. The scientific approach of performance evaluation is to develop availability models, which are in mathematical form and used to evaluate the performance of various systems of thermal power plant and hence to take the appropriate maintenance decisions. Complex repairable systems present scenarios wherein operating and maintenance activities take place and multiple entities (persons, machines and environment) interact in a complex manner. Dynamic changes usually occur in the entities themselves. The behaviour of such systems can be studied in terms of their reliability, availability and maintainability, if the real system is modeled mathematically and analyzed in real working environment. In many practical system design situations, the overall system is partitioned into a specific number of subsystems, according to the function requirements of the system. For each subsystem, there are different component types available with varying reliability, cost, weight, volume and other characteristics. The system reliability depends on the reliability of each subsystem. In real situations, in a process plant the raw material is processed through various equipment to achieve the final product. Various subsystems of a system are subjected to random failures and these critical failures associated with production systems, can result in huge environmental, health and financial losses. To achieve the goal of maximum power generation, it is required to run the various units of the thermal power plant failure free for a long duration. The failed systems can be brought back to working states in minimum down time through effective maintenance planning and decisions. The plant operating conditions and the repair strategies play an important role in maintaining the systems operative for maximum duration i.e. optimal system availability. This can be accomplished only through performance evaluation and analysis of each operating system of the plant. For thermal power plant, which comprises of complex systems, research efforts have largely focused on performance evaluation of various systems of thermal power plant followed by efficient resource allocation. Thus, this report deals with the opportunities for the availability modeling and resource allocation in a thermal power plant. These opportunities are identified by evaluation of availability models developed for the various systems of Panipat Thermal Power Plant. For this purpose simple probabilistic approach and Markov birth death process have been used. The differential equations associated with the various operating systems of thermal power plant have been developed. These equations have been solved recursively and reduced to steady state condition (condition v for long run availability of the process plant). The steady state availability expressions have been derived, indicating the interrelation of states of nature (f ) and courses of action (l ) for various operating systems of the thermal power plant. The study has been conducted in thermal power plant at Panipat (North India). Thermal power plant is a complex engineering process consisting of various systems like Coal Handling, Coal Crushing, Feed Water, Steam and Water, Condensate, Flue Gas and Air, Power Generation and Ash Handling System. The states of nature (f ) and courses of action (l ) for various operating systems of the thermal power plant have been recorded for making the performance evaluation. The relative performance of each operating system of the thermal power plant has been analyzed and critical subsystems have been located. The availability of each operating system (in operation) has been tabulated in the form of availability matrices and analyzed in different situations of working environment. The performance level has been predicted and utilized in determining the various feasible ranges of states of nature and courses of action values for various operating systems of the thermal power plant. The availability level for each system of the thermal power plant has been calculated and used for allocating the resources. For the purpose of resource allocation, the plant has been modeled as n stage system and the recursive equation has been developed. The objective function is to maximize the profit subject to resource constraints. Dynamic programming method has been used to solve the multi stage decision problem. Lagrange’s multiplier has been used to reduce the dimension of the problem (from multi constraint function into single constraint function). Allocation of resources for each operating system of the thermal power plant has been worked out. The break even points have also been indicated. Break even analysis helps the plant management in deciding the availability level and allocation of resources for a desired level of profit. vi LIST OF CONTENTS Title Page No. Certificate.......................................................................................................................i Candidate’s Declaration.................................................................................................ii Preface and Acknowledgements....................................................................................iii Abstract .........................................................................................................................iv List of Contents .............................................................................................................vii List of Figures................................................................................................................x List of Tables ...............................................................................................................xiii Notations and Abbreviations..........................................................................................xv List of Research Papers .................................................................................................xvii Some Basic Definitions ................................................................................................xx CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-30 1.1 Theory ………………………………………………………………………….....1 1.2 Maintenance in Process Industry ………………………………………………....3 1.2.1 Stages of Maturity for Maintenance Policies …………………………….4 1.2.2 Maintenance Economics…………………………………………………..5 1.3 Availability in Process Industry……………………………………………….......6 1.3.1 Types of Availability ……………………………………………………10 1.3.2 Factors Influencing the Availability……………………………………...11 1.3.3 How can Reliability, Maintainability and thus Availability be Improved.13 1.4 Status of Thermal Energy in India………………………………………..……...16 1.5 Modeling ………………………………………………………………………...18 1.5.1 General Modeling and Simulation Modeling …………………………...18 1.5.2 Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)…………………………………….....18 1.5.3 Markov Modeling………………………………………………………..20 1.5.4 Availability Modeling……………………………………………………21 1.6 Performance Evaluation and Analysis…………………………………………...23 1.7 Resource Allocation……………………………………………………………...25 1.8 Research Problem and Approach………………………………………………...26 1.9 Architecture of the Thesis………………………………………………………..28 vii CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 31-50 2.1 Brief History and Need of Reliability ………………………………………….. 31 2.2 Maintenance of Repairable Systems…………………………………………….34 2.3 Markovian Theory...…..………..………………………………………………..35 2.4 Monte Carlo Simulation Modeling…..……………………………………...….. 37 2.5 Common Cause Failures in Systems…………………………………….. ……..39 2.6 Availability Analysis Using Redundancy Allocation …………………….……..40 2.7 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability…………………………………….41 2.8 Performance Evaluation and Analysis in Process Industries……………… … 44 2.9 Resource Allocation in Process Industries……………………………………… 46 2.10 Present Scenario………………………………………………………………….47 2.11 Summary…………………………………………………………………………49 CHAPTER 3: DEVELOPMENT AND FORMULATION OF AVAILABILITY MODELS 51-105 3.1 Importance of Reliable System…………………………………..…………….. 51 3.2 General Layout and Description of the Plant………………………………..…..65 3.3 Assumptions ……………………………………..……………………… ……. 67 3.4 Summary of Notations Used For Modeling and Performance Evaluation….…..67 3.5 Thermal Power Plant Description…………………………… …………………69 3.5.1 Coal Handling System……………………………………………..…….69 3.5.2 Coal Crushing System …………………………………………………..70 3.5.3 Feed Water System……………………………………………………... 70 3.5.4 Steam and Water System ………………………………………………..71 3.5.5 Condensate System……………………………………………….……...71 3.5.6 Power Generation System………………………………………….. …...72 3.5.7 Flue Gas and Air System ………………………………………………..72 3.5.8 Ash Handling System…………………………………………………....73 3.6 Probabilistic Mathematical Modeling ……………………………………..…… 73 3.6.1 Generation of Differential Equations………………………………….... 74 3.6.2 Steady State Availability Using Normalizing Condition……………..... .93 viii 4. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 106-189 4.1 Importance of Performance Evaluation……………………………………… 106 4.2 Availability Matrices ………………………………………………………….107 4.2.1 Development of availability matrix…………………………………….107 4.3 Performance Evaluation of Systems………………………………………….. .109 4.3.1 Performance evaluation of Coal Handling System………………. ….131 4.3.2 Performance evaluation of Coal Crushing System………………… ….132 4.3.3 Performance evaluation of Feed Water System …………………… ….134 4.3.4 Performance evaluation of Steam and Water System ………………….136 4.3.5 Performance evaluation of Condensate System……………………… .138 4.3.6 Performance evaluation of Power Generation System…………… …..140 4.3.7 Performance evaluation of Flue Gas and Air System ………………….142 4.3.8 Performance evaluation of Ash Handling System……………………..143 4.4 Feasible Combinations of States of Nature and Courses of Action………........183 4.5 Performance Analysis of Systems…………………………………………. ….186 5 RESOURCE ALLOCATION AND PROFIT ANALYSIS 189-225 5.1 Importance and Need of Resource Allocation …………………………………189 5.1.1 Dynamic Programming Technique ………………………………….....190 5.2. Development of Resource Allocation Model……………………………….….191 5.3 Allocation of Resources to Systems ………………………………………….194 5.4 Profit Analysis………………………………………………………………… 221 6. CONCLUSIONS 226-228 SCOPE FOR FUTURE RESEARCH WORK 229 APPENDICES 230-231 Appendix 1 Feasible combinations of states of nature and courses of action ………230 Appendix 2 Optimal values of stage allocation (e ) and state function f(e )……. …231 0 0 REFERENCES 232-250 ix

investigated together with system reliability engineering research. and maintainability analysis are Ushakov (1994) and Lamb (1995). Saintis, L., Hugues, E., Bes, C. and Mongeau, M. (2009), “Computing in service . Ushakov, I.A. (1994), “Handbook of reliability engineering”, Wiley, New York.
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