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JournaloftheKoreanInstituteofIndustrialEngineers Vol.34,No.2,pp.122-139,June2008. Performance and Robustness of Control Charting Methods for Autocorrelated Data Chang-Ho Chin1 DanielW.Apley2 1SchoolofMechanicalandIndustrialSystemsEngineering,KyungHeeUniversity,446-701,RepublicofKorea 2DepartmentofIndustrialEngineeringandManagementSciences,NorthwesternUniversity,USA With the proliferation of in-process measurement technology, autocorrelated data are increasingly common in industrialSPCapplications.Anumberofhighperformancecontrolchartingtechniquesthattakeintoaccountthe specific characteristics of the autocorrelation through time series modeling have been proposed over the past decade. Wepresentasurveyofsuchmethodsandanalyzeandcomparetheirperformancesforarangeoftypical autocorrelated process models. One practical concern with these methods is that their performances are often stronglyaffectedbyerrorsinthetimeseriesmodelsusedtorepresenttheautocorrelation.Wealsoprovidesome analyticalresultscomparingtherobustnessofthevariousmethodswithrespecttotimeseriesmodelingerrors. * Keywords:ControlCharts,Autocorrelation,Robustness,AverageRunLength,SensitivityMeasure 1. Introduction time. With significant advances in measurement and data collection technology, however, measurements are taken at increasingly higher rates and are more Statisticalprocesscontrol(SPC)hasbeenusedtoach- likely to be autocorrelated (Montgomery and Woodall ieve and maintain control of various processes in in- 1997; Woodall and Montgomery 1999). This leads to dustry (Stoumbos, Reynolds, Ryan, and Woodall a significant deterioration of traditional control chart 2000).ThecontrolchartisaprimarySPCtooltomon- performance, a phenomenon that has been discussed itor process variability and promote quality improve- byJohnsonandBagshaw(1974),BagshawandJohnson mentbymeansofdetectingprocessshiftsrequiringcor- (1975),HarrisandRoss(1991),Alwan(1992),Woodall rective actions. As a graphical monitor, control charts andFaltin(1993),andmanyothers.Positiveautocorre- generallycontainacenterlineandtwootherhorizontal lation typically increases the variance of the charted lines called control limits, the width of which is often statisticsothatthecontrollimitsdeterminedunderthe proportional to the standard deviation of the charted independence assumption are too narrow, giving a statistic. If a point plots outside the control limits, the higher-than-expected number of false alarms. Gold- processisdeclarednottobeinastateofcontrol. smith and Whitefield (1961) revealed this relation be- Since the advent of Shewhart charts, many control tweenthenatureofautocorrelationandthefalsealarm charts have been developed to monitor, control, and rateforCUSUMcharts. improve processes. Traditional control charts such as Therearetwoprimaryclassesofapproachesforcon- x-bar charts, CUSUM (cumulative sum) charts, and trolchartinginthepresenceofautocorrelation:Apply- exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) ing traditional control charts to the original autocorre- charts assume the independence of observations over lated data with the control limits adjusted to account This research is supported by the Kyung Hee University Research Fund in 2005. (KHU-20051078). Corresponding author:Chang-Ho Chin, School of Mechanical and Industrial Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-701, Republic of Korea. Fax. +82-31-203-4004, E-mail: [email protected] Received March 2007; revision received April 2008; accepted May 2008. PerformanceandRobustnessofControlChartingMethodsforAutocorrelatedData 123 for the autocorrelation (Johnson and Bagshaw 1974; (Box,Jenkins,andReinsel1994) Vasilopoulos and Stamboulis 1978; Yashchin 1993; Wardell, Moskowitz, and Plante 1994; VanBrackle  and Reynolds 1997; Zhang 1998) and fitting a time-     series model to the process data and applying control whereBisthetime-seriesbackwardshift operator de- charts to the uncorrelated residuals of the model with fined such that   ;  is an independently normal control limits (Alwan and Roberts 1988    and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian process Wardell,Moskowitz,andPlante1992;Runger,Wille- withmean0andvariance  denoted  ~NID(0, ); main, and Prabhu 1995; Lin and Adams 1996; Apley       ⋯   and andShi1999).Moreover,manycontrolchartingtech-    niquesinthesecondcategoryaredesignedtotakeinto    ⋯  are the AR    account the specific characteristics of the autocorre- and MA polynomials of order p and q, respectively. lation through time series modeling (e.g., Box and   for all t for the in-control process and  ≠   Ramírez 1992; Luceño 1999; Apley and Shi 1999; fortheout-of-controlprocess.Weareassuming,with- ChinandApley2006;ApleyandChin2007). out lossofgenerality, thatthein-controlmeaniszero. Inlightofthefactthateffectivemethodsforcontrol The model residuals (i.e., the one-step-ahead pre- chartingautocorrelatedprocessesareofincreasingim- dictionerrors)aregeneratedviathelinearfilteringop- portance as data-rich environments such as in manu- eration(ApleyandShi1999). facturing and service industries proliferate, this paper surveysvariousmethodsandinvestigatestheirrelative      (1) performance and robustness. Here, robustness is with raerespuescetdtotoerreroprrsesienntththeefiatutetdoctoimrreelasteiorine.sMmaondyelosftthhaet   papers just cited have noted that lack of robustness to modeling errors is one of the most serious shortcom- where  isafilteredversionofthe   ingsofcontrolchartsforautocorrelateddata. Although deterministic mean shift  . The residuals are un-  for the performance comparison we primarily rely on correlated under the assumption that the fitted model simulation, for the robustness comparison we develop used to generate the residuals is a perfect representa- analytical results that provide insight into why some tion of reality. Because this is never the case in prac- chartsarerobustbutothersarenot. tice,alatersectionofthispaperisdevotedtoquantify- The format of the remainder of the paper is as ing the effect of modeling errors on the performance follows. Section 2 presents a survey of control chart- ofthecharts. Forthetimebeing, however, weassume ing techniques for autocorrelated data. In Section 3, thattherearenomodelingerrors. the performances of such methods are compared for a variety of autocorrelated processes that can be repre- 2.1ConventionalMethodsModifiedforAuto- sented as autoregressive moving average (ARMA) correlatedData timeseries models. Wederivesomeanalytical robust- Inthissection,wereviewShewhart,CUSUM(cum- ness results in Section 4 and verify these with simu- ulative sum), and EWMA charts applied either to the lationinSection4.Section5concludesthepaper. autocorrelateddatawithcontrollimitsmodifiedtotake intoaccounttheautocorrelationortotheresidualse. t VasilopoulosandStamboulis(1978)proposedmodi- 2.SurveyofControlChartingMethods fiedcontrollimitsforanx-barchartandanschartfor forAutocorrelatedData autocorrelateddatax thatfollowasecond-orderautor- t egressive[AR(2)]modelwithaconstantmeanshift Through this paper, the process data x (t is a time in-  dex or observation number) is assumetd to follow an        ARMA process model, plus (potentially) an additive deterministic mean shift,  , the form of which is The controllimitson  aregivenby  124 Chang-HoChin DanielW.Apley ±      (2) tistic is the EWMA statistic introduced by Roberts    (1959) wherenisthesubgroupsizeand      isa   correctionfactorthatwidens/narrowsthecontrollimits    , (3)    to take into account the autocorrelation (see the Appendix of Vasilopoulos and Stamboulis (1978) for where z0 = 0, and  is a constant (≺≤). The specificvalues).TheconstantLischosentoprovidea difference between the EWMAST and the conven- desiredin-control averagerunlength(ARL) or afalse tionalEWMAchartisthatthevarianceofEWMAsta- tisticz,uponwhichthecontrollimitsarebased,iscal- alarm rate. In the case of no serial correlation so that t   and  , the     , and the culated using the autocorrelation function of xt     (denotedbyρ(k)forlagk=1,2,3,…): control limits reduce to the traditional ±Lσcontrol limits.Forexample, controllimitsonuncorrelatedda-   (4) tagiveanin-controlARLof370.Asanexampleofauto-    correlated data, suppose that   and  .     In this case, the adjusted  control limits for sub- groupsofsizen=5are ±  whilethetraditional This reduces to the conventional EWMA variance  control limits ± are much narrower and (see Hunter, 1986), when no autocorrelation exists in  wouldresultinmanyfalsealarms. the data (i.e., ρ(k) = 0). As for the aforementioned JohnsonandBagshaw(1974)establishedatheoretical Shewhart and CUSUM charts, the control limits for the EWMAST chart are also established based on the basis for obtaining approximate thresholds h of one- varianceofchartstatistic,takingintoaccounttheauto- sidedCUSUMcharts toprovidedesiredperformances correlation. The objective is to provide a desired false forautocorrelateddata.Theyconsideredtheone-sided alarmrateofin-controlARL. CUSUM chart proposed by Page (1955) with a test Traditional control charts also can be applied di- statisticC =max[0, x - K+C ] for observationsx, i i i-1 i rectly to the model residuals in Equation (1) without whereE(x)=0,Var(x)= <∞,andKisareference i i  any modification of the control limits, as long as the value.ForautocorrelatedAR(1)andMA(1)processes, process model is accurate, in which case the residuals therunlengthdistributionanditsARL(≈h2/)were are uncorrelated. One common example of residual- approximated by establishing the convergence of the basedcontrol chartsisanEWMAcontrol chart onthe normalizedpartialsumstoaWienerprocessandusing residuals,whichisoftheform       theusualWienerprocessapproximation.Thethreshold withcontrollimits±σ ,where     h were defined with the estimate of the standard equals the steady-state (large t) version of  in  deviation  andathresholdh whichisbasedonthe Equation (4) when there is no autocorrelation. This  I assumption of zero correlation and unit variance for controlchartingschemeprovidesthesameARLasan theobservations.Iftheestimateofthestandarddevia- EWMA control chart on independent observations   tion,   is used for AR(1) autocorrelated withcontrollimits ± .Anotherver-   data x , x , x , …, x , the threshold h becomes sion of residual-based control charting scheme pro- 1 2 3 n    and the corresponding ARL posed by Jiang et al. (2002) is monitoring residuals    obtained by subtracting the proportional integral de- ≐  . Johnson and rtaiv:ative(PID)p.reRdiecstiodrufarlo-bmastehde ocoringtirnoallcphraorctessshadvae-    Bagshaw(1974)derivedsomeapproximateformulafor been broadly investigated (Berthouex, Hunter, and modifying(usuallywidening)thecontrollimitstotake Pallesen1978,AlwanandRoberts1988,Montgomery into account the autocorrelation. The correction factor and Mastrangelo 1991, Superville and Adams 1994, is a function of the parameters of the ARMA model Wardell, Moskowitz,andPlante1994, Runger,Wille- usedtorepresenttheautocorrelation. main,andPrabhu1995,LinandAdams,1996,Vander Zhang(1998)proposedtheEWMASTchart,anEWMA Wiel 1996, Apley and Shi 1999, Lu and Reynolds chartforstationaryprocesses, inwhichthechartedsta- 1999a,English,Lee,Martin,andTilmon2000). PerformanceandRobustnessofControlChartingMethodsforAutocorrelatedData 125 2.2Methods DevelopedforAutocorrelated the CUSCORE (Fisher 1925, Bagshaw and Johnson Data 1977, Box and Ramírez 1992, Box and Luceño 1997, Luceño 1999), the GLRT (Apley and Shi 1999), the Equation (1) implies that e is composed of random t optimal general linear filter (OGLF, Apley and Chin shock a and the filtered version of the deterministic t mean shift  . The  component experiences certain 2007), and the optimal second-order linear filter   (OSLF,ChinandApley2006). dynamics that depend on the ARMA process model, One of the various CUSCORE Charts based on the afterwhichitsettlesdowntoasteady-statevalueifthe efficientscorestatisticsofFisher(1925)wasproposed ARMAmodel is stable and invertible and  is a step  by Luceño (1999) and analyzed by Shu, Apley, and mean shift in the original process. To illustrate how a Tsung (2002), Runger and Testik (2003), and Luceño step mean shift in the original process can result in a (2004). The upper one-sided CUSCORE is calculated time-varying mean shift in the residuals, consider the recursivelyvia mechanicalvibratorysystemofPanditandWu(1983), an ARMA(2,1) model for which is given by (Jiang et ~ ~ al.2000), St =max[{St−1+(et −μt/2)μt};0] (5)  and sounds an alarm when St exceeds a pre-specified    threshold.TheGLRTstatisticofApleyandShi(1999) based on a likelihood ratio test also uses a feared re- where  . For a step mean shift defined as sidualmeanshiftastheamplifier    fort>0and0, otherwise, theresidualmean    oscillates about zero as shown in <Figure 1>, be- G(t)≡ max Tξ(t) , fore eventually converging to a small steady-state ξ=1,(cid:34),N value.Thispropertythatanysignificantinitialdynam- ics soon decay to a minor lasting effect on the re- where Tξ(t)=(σa2∑ξj=1μ~2j)−1/2∑ξj=1et−ξ+jμ~j. (6) siduals has been referred to as forecast recovery (Superville and Adams 1994; Apley and Shi 1999). TheGLRTstatistictestsformeanshiftsoccurringat Forecast recovery is detrimental to the detection per- eachtimet-ξ+1(ξ=1,2,…,N)withinamoving formanceoftraditionalcontrolcharts. windowoflengthN. inEquation(6)canbecon-  sidered as a measure of correlation between the re- siduals and a feared signal occurring at time t -ξ+ 1. The higher the correlation, the more likely it is that 44 a feared signal occurred at that specific time. The 33 GLRT signals when G(t) exceeds a pre-specified 22 threshold h chosen to provide a desired in-control 11 ARL. In situations that residual mean shift dynamics μμ(cid:4)(cid:4) 00 are pronounced (Apley and Shi 1999), the GLRTout- tt --11 performs traditional control charts such as the Shewhart and CUSUM charts applied to the residuals --22 which do not make use of the valuable information in --33 thedynamics. --44 We can view the Equations (5) and (6) for generat- 00 55 1100 tt ing the charted statistics as multiplying the residuals by a sequence of detector coefficients that are pre- Figure1. ResidualMean ciselytheelementsof .Theconceptualeffectofthis  In order to improve the charting performance in the is to amplify the presence of  in the residuals fol-  face of forecast recovery, a number of residual-based lowing a mean shift. Note that  is sometimes called  control charts have been proposed that specifically the feared signal, and the CUSCORE and GLRT are look for the presence of the dynamics or “patterns” viewedasmatchedfilters. TheOGLFandOSLFhave representedby intheresiduals.Suchchartsinclude a similar intent, except that their coefficients are only  126 Chang-HoChin DanielW.Apley µ t at Θ(B) ⊕ xt Prefilter : Φ(B) et Linear Filter : H(B) yt Φ(B) Θ(B) Figure2.BlockDiagramRepresentationofaControlChartStatistic GeneratedviaaLinearFilteringperation.  based on  and do not necessarily coincide with the stricted to the class of all second-order linear filters,  elementsof . which considerably simplifies its design and imple-  mentation. Specifically, the OSLF charted statistic is The OGLF was developed recognizing that many oftheform common control charts can be viewed as charting the output of a linear filter applied to process data (Apley asuncdhCahsitnhe20S0h7e)w.hTahretasntadtitshteicEsWofMmAancyhacrotsntarpopllciehdarttos  , (8) x can be represented in the form of   , t   where     ⋯ is some linear where , , ,andγaretheOSLFdesignparame-    terstobedeterminedandthecontrollimitsare±1due filterinimpulseresponseformand{h :j=0,1,2,…} j tothescalingconstantγ.Thedesignprocedureofthe are the impulse response coefficients of the filter (see OSLF uses the same ARL optimization criterion and Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel 1994 for basic background 1 ARL constraint as the OGLF. For certain autocorre- on linear filtering). For the EWMAin Equation (3), z 0 t =H(B)x =(λ(1-(1-λ)B)-1)x =(λ+λ(1-λ)B+ lated processes with prominent residual mean dynam- t t λ(1- λ)2B2 +…)x and h = λ(1-λ)j. The ics, the OGLF and OSLF coefficients tends to mimic t j the shape characteristic of the residual mean. In many Shewhartindividualchartwithstatistic   hasthe   examples (Chin and Apley 2006), the OSLF performs identity filter, H(B) = 1 (see Apley and Chin (2007) substantially better than an optimized EWMA and al- formoreexamples).Thisgeneralizationalsoappliesto mostasgoodastheOGLF. residual-basedcharts,whereonecanviewtheresidual generation as a linear pre-filter  applied tox,andthenthefilter isappliedto  .<Figure t  3. Performance Analysis 2>depictsthisgraphically. More specifically, the OGLF charted statistic pro- posedbyApleyandChin(2007)isoftheform 3.1SimulationStrategy  As discussed in Section 2, two primary methods to      , (7)     dealwiththeadverseeffectsofautocorrelationoncon-  trolchartsareadjustingthecontrollimitsaccordingto whereTrisasuitablylargetruncationtimeandcontrol the nature of the autocorrelation and control charting limitsarefixedat±1becausethefiltercoefficientscan theresiduals.Forthelatter,onecaneitherapplystand- be scaled accordingly. A gradient-based filter opti- ardcontrolchartsorcontrolchartsthataredesignedto mization strategy was also proposed for directly de- detect thedynamics of theresidual mean. For theper- termining the filter coefficients {h} to minimize the formancecomparison,wefocusonresidual-basedcon- j out-of-control ARL (denoted by ARL ) while con- trol charts because they generally perform better, are 1 straining the in-control ARL (denoted by ARL ) to more straightforward to design, and have more tract- 0 somedesiredvalue. Inthisrespect, theOGLFisauto- able ARL computation. Apley and Lee (2008) point- maticallytunedtobestdetectthepresenceof inthe ed out that the residual-based EWMA has a better  residuals. performance/robustnesstradeoffrelativetoanEWMA TheOSLFchart of Chin and Apley(2006) is a spe- onxt. cial case of the OGLF defined such that H(B) is re- Theperformanceofresidual-basedcontrolchartsde- PerformanceandRobustnessofControlChartingMethodsforAutocorrelatedData 127 Table1.Zero-stateARLComparisonfortheOGLF,theOSLF,theCUSCORE,andtheGLRT Tim Series Shift OGLF OSLF OPtimal CUSCORE GLRT Model EWMA No.   Type Size ARL0zs ARL1zs ARL0zs ARL1zs ARL0zs ARL1zs ARL0zs ARL1zs ARL0zs ARL1zs 1 0 0 Step 0.5 499.24 28.38 499.24 28.38 499.24 28.38 499.63 31.27 500.60 48.34 (3.05) (0.10) (3.05) (0.10) (3.05) (0.10) (3.18) (0.11) (3.11) (0.26) 2 0 0 Step 1.5 500.81 5.45 500.81 5.45 500.81 5.45 500.74 5.45 500.12 5.66 (3.15) (0.02) (3.15) (0.02) (3.15) (0.02) (3.17) (0.02) (3.14) (0.02) 3 0 0 Step 3 500.02 1.87 500.02 1.87 500.02 1.87 500.77 1.79 500.83 1.92 (3.14) (0.01) (3.14) (0.01) (3.14) (0.01) (3.16) (0.01) (3.18) (0.01) 4 0 0 Step 4 500.43 1.21 500.43 1.21 500.43 1.21 499.28 1.20 500.78 1.31 (3.16) (0.00) (3.16) (0.00) (3.16) (0.00) (3.15) (0.00) (3.13) (0.00) 5 0.9 0 Step 0.5 500.16 353.79 500.16 353.79 500.16 353.79 500.46 375.76 500.36 473.82 (2.71) (1.79) (2.71) (1.79) (2.71) (1.79) (2.62) (1.88) (3.14) (2.96) 6 0.9 0 Step 1.5 500.37 129.60 500.37 129.60 500.37 129.60 499.01 138.02 500.48 324.75 (2.86) (0.57) (2.86) (0.57) (2.86) (0.57) (3.01) (0.78) (3.13) (2.16) 7 0.9 0 Step 3 499.24 47.32 500.75 48.00 500.76 49.73 499.81 30.99 500.64 78.77 (3.03) (0.31) (3.07) (0.32) (3.00) (0.22) (3.11) (0.28) (3.15) (0.85) 8 0.9 0 Step 4 499.96 14.01 500.63 14.00 500.77 29.44 499.17 8.04 500.64 14.92 (3.11) (0.18) (3.10) (0.18) (3.06) (0.14) (3.08) (0.13) (3.15) (0.29) 9 0.9 0 Spike 0.5 499.14 490.17 500.43 493.43 500.55 500.13 500.18 491.94 (3.15) (3.12) (3.14) (3.11) (3.17) (3.15) (3.18) (3.11) 10 0.9 0 Spike 1.5 499.29 418.03 499.20 424.69 499.34 454.13 499.95 433.78 (3.14) (3.11) (3.12) (3.13) (3.15) (3.14) (3.15) (3.14) 11 0.9 0 Spike 3 499.98 84.12 500.13 88.45 499.01 176.54 499.23 97.98 (3.17) (1.76) (3.14) (1.81) (3.15) (2.38) (3.12) (1.87) 12 0.9 0 Spike 4 500.66 6.25 499.62 7.00 500.76 27.85 500.70 8.41 (3.13) (0.43) (3.19) (0.45) (3.14) (0.98) (3.14) (0.54) 13 0 0 Sinusoid S 499.22 15.78 499.22 15.78 500.56 122.56 499.62 15.82 499.33 19.64 1 (3.09) (0.05) (3.09) (0.05) (3.14) (1.31) (3.15) (0.06) (3.14) (0.09) 14 0 0 Sinusoid S 499.51 30.74 499.51 30.74 500.63 225.55 500.12 31.04 500.15 46.59 2 (3.08) (0.11) (3.08) (0.11) (3.18) (2.13) (3.10) (0.13) (3.14) (0.29) 15 0 0 Sinusoid S 499.12 33.34 500.17 43.47 499.44 177.91 499.50 33.86 500.84 48.45 3 (3.07) (0.14) (3.13) (0.25) (3.17) (1.78) (3.05) (0.16) (3.10) (0.31) 16 0 0 Sinusoid S 500.91 10.64 499.37 11.40 499.45 26.23 499.92 10.58 499.80 10.54 4 (3.10) (0.04) (3.11) (0.04) (3.16) (0.16) (3.13) (0.04) (3.16) (0.04) 17 0.9 -0.9 Step 0.5 499.80 446.77 499.80 446.77 499.80 446.77 499.61 343.69 499.14 475.79 (2.72) (2.37) (2.72) (2.37) (2.72) (2.37) (4.80) (3.70) (3.14) (3.10) 18 0.9 -0.9 Step 1.5 499.63 142.06 500.91 162.26 499.74 257.46 500.74 86.56 499.37 193.75 (2.93) (1.73) (3.10) (2.21) (2.73) (1.24) (3.97) (1.43) (3.13) (2.38) 19 0.9 -0.9 Step 2 500.86 41.78 500.03 42.21 500.93 194.06 500.01 29.02 499.19 55.60 (3.09) (1.12) (3.06) (1.14) (3.16) (0.91) (3.39) (0.77) (3.12) (1.36) 20 0.9 -0.9 Step 3 499.05 3.16 500.37 3.33 499.27 74.70 500.01 3.33 499.61 2.43 (3.09) (0.08) (3.17) (0.13) (3.14) (1.53) (3.14) (0.19) (3.15) (0.08) 21 0.9 0.5 Step 0.5 499.02 206.73 500.13 206.91 500.13 206.91 500.25 235.32 500.13 398.64 (2.73) (0.97) (2.81) (0.96) (2.81) (0.96) (2.75) (1.12) (3.09) (2.52) 22 0.9 0.5 Step 1.5 499.72 50.82 499.72 50.82 499.72 50.82 499.15 54.34 500.95 113.86 (3.00) (0.22) (3.00) (0.22) (3.00) (0.22) (3.07) (0.29) (3.16) (0.79) 23 0.9 0.5 Step 3 500.08 10.73 500.08 10.73 499.27 10.69 500.45 6.88 500.11 7.96 (3.12) (0.08) (3.12) (0.08) (3.11) (0.08) (3.11) (0.07) (3.15) (0.09) 24 0.9 0.5 Step 4 500.62 2.77 500.40 2.85 500.36 2.83 499.21 1.85 499.56 1.68 (3.15) (0.03) (3.12) (0.04) (3.14) (0.04) (3.16) (0.03) (3.15) (0.01) 25 0.9 0.5 Spike 0.5 499.70 497.13 499.46 497.88 500.83 499.58 499.30 496.52 (3.11) (3.15) (3.13) (3.14) (3.19) (3.17) (3.15) (3.16) 26 0.9 0.5 Spike 1.5 499.55 457.83 500.84 466.37 499.25 467.66 499.40 463.13 (3.10) (3.08) (3.17) (3.14) (3.17) (3.13) (3.15) (3.13) 27 0.9 0.5 Spike 3 500.99 207.74 500.57 258.83 499.10 260.10 499.41 213.92 (3.13) (2.52) (3.15) (2.75) (3.15) (2.78) (3.12) (2.56) 28 0.9 0.5 Spike 4 500.47 50.40 499.38 83.39 500.16 84.60 500.15 54.04 (3.16) (1.30) (3.17) (1.75) (3.19) (1.76) (3.14) (1.45) 29 0 0 Ramp 0.5 499.18 33.28 499.18 33.28 499.83 33.33 500.09 35.94 499.88 59.15 (3.08) (0.11) (3.08) (0.11) (3.07) (0.11) (3.08) (0.12) (3.14) (0.31) 30 0 0 Ramp 1.5 500.09 10.50 500.09 10.50 500.04 10.51 499.56 10.96 500.61 11.17 (3.12) (0.02) (3.12) (0.02) (3.14) (0.02) (3.11) (0.02) (3.11) (0.02) 31 0 0 Ramp 3 500.82 6.60 500.82 6.60 499.78 6.60 500.94 6.82 499.50 6.88 (3.13) (0.01) (3.13) (0.01) (3.17) (0.01) (3.16) (0.01) (3.14) (0.01) 32 0 0 Ramp 4 499.16 5.49 499.16 5.49 500.84 5.50 500.54 5.64 500.12 5.74 (3.14) (0.01) (3.14) (0.01) (3.13) (0.01) (3.17) (0.01) (3.15) (0.01) 128 Chang-HoChin DanielW.Apley pends strongly on the characteristics of the residual amplitude0.75andperiodsof2,4,and8timesteps,re- mean,whichdependonthecharacteristicsoftheproc- spectively. S has amplitude 1.5 and period 8 time- 4 ess as represented by the ARMA model and the form steps.Therampmeanshiftisdefinedas   fort<  and magnitude of the mean shift. Thus, we consider a 1,   for 1 ≤ t < 10 and   for t ≥ 10.   broad combination of scenarios in the 32 examples <Figure3>showstheresidualmeansofExamples4,8, listed in <Table 1>. All processes for comparison are 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32. For different magnitude modeled as ARMA(1,1) plus possibly a deterministic meanshifts, the residual means have exactly the same meanshift shapesbutarescaleddifferently. We compare EWMA, OGLF, OSLF, CUSCORE,   and GLRT charts in terms of their ARL performance.     , The EWMA chart is one of the most popular control  charting methods and is often recommended for mon- which includes, as special cases, AR(1) when  = 0, itoringtheresidualsofautocorrelateddata.Infact,the  MA(1) when  = 0, and i.i.d. when  =  = 0. EWMA chart is revealed to be optimal in several sit-    Without loss of generality,  is assumed to be 1 for uationsunderconsiderationinthispaper.Notethatthe  theremainderofthepaper.Step,spike,sinusoidal,and EWMA reduces to a Shewhart individual chart in the ramp mean shifts are considered with a wide range of limit(asλapproaches1.0)suchasinExamples9~12 magnitudes from 0 to 4 . The step mean shift is de- and25~28,whichisknowntobeeffectiveatdetecting  finedas  =0for t <1and  =  for t ≥ 1andthe spikes. Although it will be shown that the CUSCORE   spike mean shift is defined as  =  and  = 0 for outperformstheEWMAfortheexamplesinwhichthe   ≠. The sinusoidal shifts are denoted S -S in residual mean has pronounced dynamics, there are 1 4 <Table1>.S ,S ,andS aresinusoidalfunctionswith quite a few examples in which the EWMA outper- 1 2 3 00 1155 3300 44 00 ((aa)) EExx.. 44 --44 44 ((bb)) EExx.. 88 00 --44 44 00 ((cc)) EExx.. 1122 --44 nn 44 eaea 00 ((dd)) EExx.. 1166 mm --44 ual ual μμ(cid:4)(cid:4)tt 44 sidsid 00 ((ee)) EExx.. 2200 ee --44 RR 44 ((ff)) EExx.. 2244 00 --44 44 00 ((gg)) EExx.. 2288 --44 44 ((hh)) EExx.. 3322 00 --44 00 1155 3300tt Figure3. IllustrationofresidualmeanshiftsforARMA(1,1)processes:(a)i.i.d.process( = =0)withastep   meanshiftofsize4;(b)AR(1)process( =0.9)withastepmeanshiftofsize4;(c)AR(1)process(   =0.9)withaspikemeanshiftofsize4(d)i.i.d.process( = =0)withasinusoidalmeanshiftofperiod   8andamplitude1.5;(e)ARMA(1,1)process( =0.9,  =-0.9)withastepmeanshiftofsize3;(f)   ARMA(1,1)process( =0.9, =0.5)withastepmeanshiftofsize4;(g)ARMA(1,1)process( =    0.9, =0.5)withaspikemeanshiftofsize4;(h)i.i.d.process( = =0)witharampmeanshiftof    size4. PerformanceandRobustnessofControlChartingMethodsforAutocorrelatedData 129 formstheCUSCOREorperformsquitecomparablyto en proportional to the feared signal (e.g.,  ) as  it (e.g., the common, practical scenarios of Examples shown in Equation (5). For the GLRT chart, we used 1~4and29~30,inwhichthereisasustainedstepand the same windowlength N(= 20) as recommended in adriftingrampshiftini.i.d.data).ThePIDchartisnot ApleyandShi(1999).Lucen˜o(1999)proposedthetwo included into the comparison. We had compared the versionsoftheCUSCOREchart,dependingonwhether PID chart to the OGLF and OSLF charts in Chin and or not the in Equation (5) is reinitialized whenever  Apley (2006) and Apley and Chin (2007) and found thestatisticreachesitszerolimit.TheCUSCOREwith- thatwhenoneusedthedesignguidelinessuggestedby out reinitialization is excluded from comparison be- Jiang et al. (2002), the performance of the PID chart cause of its significant ineffectiveness in the steady wasnotcompetitivewiththeothercharts. state (Runger and Testik 2003; Chin and Apley 2006; We calculated the zero-state ARL for each example ApleyandChin2007). based on Monte Carlo simulation with 25,000 repli- cates. The zero-state ARL refers to the ARL of which 3.2Performance Comparisonbasedonthe theevaluationstartswiththeinitialobservation.Because zero-stateARL the EWMA, OGLF, and OSLF charts are inherently two-sidedandtheabsolutevalueinEquation(6)makes The EWMA and OSLF charts are special cases of the GLRT chart two-sided, the two-sided versions of the OGLF and thus, cannot perform better than the theCUSCOREchartisconsideredforcomparison.The OGLF. However, the EWMA is included to represent lower-sided CUSCORE statistic would be constructed control charts which do not take advantage of the in- substituting- for inEquation(5),andthetwo-sid- formation on the residual mean dynamics and show   ed version consists of the two one-sided versions the performance difference from control charts devel- together. The CUSUM chart is not included in this oped for a time-varying mean shift. As expected, the comparison because the EWMA chart performance is OGLF, CUSCORE, and GLRT charts outperform the virtuallyidentical(VanderWiel1996,YangandMakis EWMA chart by a wide margin, except for the i.i.d. 1997,Montgomery2005).Theresidual-basedEWMA processes with a step mean shift and other processes chartforcomparisonisdefinedas withameanshiftofsize0.5whichdonothaveprom- inentresidualmeandynamics.     (9) Forthe32examplesunderanalysis,<Table1>shows    the zero-state ARLs denoted by ARL and ARL , 0zs 1zs where ≺≤ istheEWMAparameterand ζisa respectively. The standard errors are in parentheses. scaling constant. The Shewhart individual chart is in- Theminimumout-of-controlARLforeachexampleis directlyconsideredforcomparisonbecauseitisaspe- indicated by bold font in each row of <Table 1>. In cialcaseoftheEWMAchartwhen.TheEWMA, general, the OGLF or CUSOCRE chart performs best OGLF, OSLF charts are optimally designed to mini- for examples listed in <Table 1>. The superiority of mizethezero-stateout-of-controlARLwhileconstrain- one over the other chart is determined depending on ingthezero-statein-controlARLtobe500.Theout-of- whether the initial dynamics plays a larger role than controlARLminimizationisforanassumedmeanshift the lasting effects of the residual mean. The OGLF shape and magnitude and a shift time-of-occurrence performsbetterthantheCUSCOREinExamples5, 6, that coincides with the initial observation. Chin and 20, 21, and22wheretheresidualmeanhasprominent Apley(2006) andApley and Chin (2007) plot the im- dynamicsandrapidlyconvergestozerooraverysmall pulseresponsecoefficientsforalloftheexamplesthat steadystateshiftandthecontrolchartsareexpectedto weconsiderhere.FortheEWMAchart,thevalueof  rely primarily on the initial dynamics. The opposite is is chosen using the same constrained optimization true for Examples 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 23 and 24 where criterion.ThethresholdsoftheCUSCOREandGLRT theresidualmeanconvergestozeroveryslowlyorhas chartsaredeterminedtoprovidethedesiredin-control a small but considerable steady state shift compared ARLusingMonteCarlosimulationsandforthedesign to the significance of initial dynamics. The OGLF parameters of two, the values that Luceño(1999) and chart performs slightly better than the CUSCORE Apley and Shi (1999) recommended are respectively andGLRTforExamples29~32withrampmeanshifts, taken.ThehandicapfortheCUSCOREchartwaschos- but nearly identically tothe OSLFcharts andtheopti- 130 Chang-HoChin DanielW.Apley TTiimmee--rreevveerrsseedd RReessiidduuaall MMeeaann ((••)) OOGGLLFF (()) 33 00 --33 --88 --44 00 44 88 1122 1166 2200 2244 2288 3322 tt Figure4. TheOGLFforExample20appliedtotheResidualMeanThreeTimestepsaftertheOccurrenceoftheShift mized EWMAs. For the others, they perform com- whicharereminiscentofthematchedfilterofthecor- parably. As a simplified version of the OGLF, the respondingGLRTchart,asillustratedinthefollowing. OSLF combines the design and implementation effi- Forprocesseswithpronounceddynamicpatternsofre- ciency with performance that is substantially better sidualmeanshiftsasinExamples9~16and18~20,the than an optimized EWMA and as good as the OGLF matched filters of the OGLF, OSLF, CUSCORE, and inanumberofexamples. GLRTcharts areusedtoincreasethedetectionproba- NotethattheCUSOCREchartscannot beset upfor bilities by fostering the correlation with the residual Examples 9~12 and 25~28. Chin (2008) showed that means. The chart statistics in Equations (5), (6), (7), the CUSCORE chart statistic of Luceño (1999) might and(8)includethesummationoftheproductofthere- totally lose the detection capability. It was illustrated siduals and the matched filter coefficients. The sum- with Examples 9~12 and25~28. Examples 9~12 have mation can be viewed as a measure of the correlation spike mean shifts which have only two non-zero co- between the residuals and the matched filter. Hence, efficients at the first two timesteps and the remaining the higher the correlation between two signals, the zero coefficients as shown in <Figure 3(c)>. Once the larger the magnitude of chart statistic. <Figure 4> il- CUSUCOREstatisticislessthanthethresholdatt=3, lustrates how the impulse response coefficients of the it would continue taking the same value afterward be- OGLFchartstatisticforExample20formsthecorrela- causetheterminthebracket of Equation(5) becomes tion with the residual means. The time-reversed co- zeroandwillnothaveachancetosignal. efficients are superimposed on the residual means be- For the i.i.d. processes with a step mean shifts causetheinitialcoefficientsareappliedtothemostre- (Examples1~4), CUSUMchartsareoptimal(Mousta- centobservations.Astimegoeson,theOGLFhashigh kides 1986). As a result, the impulse response of positive correlation and negative correlation by turns, OGLFandOSLFchartsaretunedtobevirtuallyiden- resulting in a large magnitude of the OGLF statistic tical to those of the optimized EWMA, because an and a high probability of exceeding its control limits. EWMA chart can be designed to approximately per- An analogous mechanism applies to the OSLF, CUS- form comparable to any (two-sided) CUSUM chart. CORE, and GLRT charts. Due to this characteristic, ThegoodperformanceoftheCUSCOREchartcanal- theOGLF(ARL =3.1)forExample20dramatically 1zs so be explained in that the CUSUM and CUSCORE outperformstheoptimizedEWMA(ARL =74.7). 1zs chartscoincideforstepmeanshiftsini.i.d.data. The OGLF and OSLF charts for Examples 7 and 8 The OGLF and OSLF charts have many interesting are essentially a weighted combination of a Shewhart characteristics that result in performance superior to chartandanEWMAchartasshownin<Figure5(a)>. optimized EWMA charts (Chin and Apley 2006; Thefirsttwoimpulseresponsecoefficientscorrespond ApleyandChin2007).AccordingtotheARMAproc- toaShewhartchartfilterandtheremainingcoefficients essmodelandthenatureofmeanshift,theOGLFand correspond to an EWMA chart filter. The OGLF and OSLFchartsmaybetunedtobehighlycorrelatedwith OSLF charts would be expected to behave similar to a the residual means, mimic a combined Shewhart- combined Shewhart-EWMA scheme (Lucas and Sacc- EWMAscheme,orhaveimpulseresponsecoefficients ucci 1990; Lin and Adams 1996; Lu and Reynolds PerformanceandRobustnessofControlChartingMethodsforAutocorrelatedData 131 1999b;ReynoldsandStoumbos2001),theonlydiffer- popularinSPCapplications,buthavealsosufferedthe encebeingthatthelattersimultaneouslyrunstwosepa- criticism of lacking robustness to inevitable errors in ratechartstatistics,whiletheformercombinesthemin- fittinganARMAmodeltoprocessdata.Sincethecon- to one statistic. Combined Shewhart-EWMA schemes trolchartsaredesignedbasedontheassumptionofno arewidelyknowntoworkwellforprocesseswherethe modelingerrors,anymodelingerroraffectsthecontrol residual mean has a pronounced initial spike and then chart performance represented by the in-control ARL, converges to a small steady-state value. The Shewhart the out-of-control ARL, the false alarm rate, and so component of combined Shewhart-EWMA schemes is forth. Hence, the robustness to modeling errors is a effective at detecting the initial spike and its EWMA very critical element of control charts required to en- component is effective at detecting the lasting small suretheyperformwellinpractice. steady state shift, which makes themoutperformopti- mizedEWMAcharts.<Figure5(b)>showstheimpulse Most of the research on robustness to modeling er- responsecoefficientsoftheOGLFandOSLFchartsfor rors have focused on empirically studying the effects Examples25~28,thetime-reversedversionofwhichis of modeling errors (e.g. Adams and Tseng 1998; almostequivalenttothoseoftheresidualmeanshown Apley and Shi 1999; Lu and Reynolds 1999a for re- in <Figure 3(g)>. The time-reversed OGLF {hj}is al- sidual- based charts), but have not investigated it most perfectly correlated with the residual mean five analytically. Exceptions are Apley (2002), Apley and timestepsaftertheshiftoccurs,andtheOGLFperforms Lee (2003), and Apley and Lee (2008), in which ana- substantially better than the optimized EWMA for lyticalmeasureswerederivedforthesensitivityofthe largeshifts( and). in-control performance of control charts with respect The GLRT performs slightly better than the OGLF tomodelingerrors, which enables oneto quantifyand and CUSCORE charts for autocorrelated processes corroborate the empirical findings. The analytical ex- suchasExamples16,20,and24wherethemeanshift pressions of Apley and Lee (2008) apply to any con- has a considerable lasting effect on the residuals. Runger andTestik (2003) also showed that theGLRT trol chart that can be viewed as the output of a linear has a better performance over the CUSOCRE chart filter applied to process data. In this section, we show with reinitialization for similar situations such as an thattherobustnessfindingsfromtheMonteCarlosim- unbounded linear trend mean shift and a sinusoidal ulationsfortheOGLF,OSLF, EWMA,andShewhart, meanshift. and GLRT charts can be explained by the theoretical resultsofApleyandLee(2008). Suppose that the true parameter  differs from the 4. Robustness Analysis  estimate  . The residuals generated by Equation (1)  are not independent, but actually follows the ARMA ARMA model-based approaches have been very (1,1)model 00..33 00..33 00..22 00..22 hh 00..11 hh 00..11 jj jj 00 00 --00..11 --00..11 00 2255 5500 tt 00 2255 5500 tt Figure5. ImpulseresponsecoefficientsoftheOGLFcharts:(a)Example8and(b)Example28

Mechanical and Industrial Systems Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-si, series model to the process data and applying control .. optimal general linear filter (OGLF, Apley and Chin sidual mean shift as the amplifier.
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