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Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track PDF

516 Pages·2005·10.2 MB·English
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PERFECTLY REASONABLE DEVIATIONS (FROM THE BEATEN TRACK ) RICHARD P. FEYNMAN ‘PERFECTLY REASOMABLE DEVIATIONS frors che MEATEM TRACK i wnt Books BY RicWARD P, FEYNMAN The Chara of Pye Law iemeyearyPariter ond the Loves of Py The 1986 Diva Memorial Lene (ith Steven Weinberg epaman tarts on Computation {ediced by Anthony J.G. Hey and Reka W. Allen} epiman tocs on Catton (ith Rermando B, Mocisigo and William G, Wegner; ied by Heian Hatild) The Feyami Lees om Physic (ch Robert B. Leighton and Martuew Sands) he Meaning of All: Thaaghs of Citizen Scieniet “The Bleue af Finding Thingy Out The Best Shot Heke of Richan I Eeyerton (QED: The Sune Teor of Ligh ant Maser Quanta Mechanic snd Path Incite (ith A. Hibbs) Sin Easy Pies Enza of Phys Bplay lr Mev Eilins Teacher Sie NorSo-Enty ices Einstein's Retosivity Spry, and Spare Time Seanad Mecham’ Se of Lcres Surely You Joking, x Feyrmen! ‘Advan oe Caroas Charter ‘th Ralph Leaghton) "The hry of Paedomental Proceses Whot De Yon Care Wat Other People Pink? ‘ber Adventures of « Carone Character ‘ith Ralph Leighton) Edited aut with Additinnal Commantary by Michelle Feynman forenard by Timothy Ferris PERFECTLY REASONABLE DEVIATIONS from the BEATEN TRACK The Letters of Richard P Feynman nate 20 bh rou uae Peewee Pay Fe eh er. ine te nid Se tame. a tsk ae a Ha Infernus kon Py” Ceri 8025 ‘ta fam tr an nt by pene fa ee ‘St caren pen gens ‘Asmorpmtn nen oc pg tap hr rae te ria lin rl ei ote ih "a pnua cee ta tence ore pee ile gi me in Fre ie Pte tee tao ini tor my parents, Richard and Gwoneth For my nieces. Hachel and Baume, and my children, Ava and Marco, to that they may better know their grandfather

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