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Perfectmirrortransportprotocolwithhigherdimensionalquantumchains Gerardo A. Paz-Silva,1 Stojan Rebic´,1 Jason Twamley,1 and Tim Duty2 1CentreforQuantumComputerTechnology, MacquarieUniversity, Sydney, NSW2109, Australia 2Department of Physics, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Agloballycontrolledschemeforquantumtransportisproposed.Theschemeworksona1Dchainofnearest neighbor coupled systems of qudits (finite dimension), or qunats (continuous variable), taking any arbitrary initialquantumstateofthechainandproducingafinalquantumstatewhichisperfectlyspatiallymirroredabout themid-pointofthechain. Asaparticularnovelapplication,themethodcanbeusedtotransportcontinuous variablequantumstates. Aphysicalrealizationisproposedwhereitisshownhowthequantumstatesofthe microwavefieldsheldinachainofdrivensuperconductingcoplanarwaveguidescanexperiencequantummirror transportwhencoupledbyswitchableCooperPairBoxes. PACSnumbers:03.67Hk,03.67Lx,05.50.+q 9 0 0 Afundamentalissueinquantuminformationtheoryandthe QED[12], spatiallymirroringa quantumstate ofmicrowave 2 developmentofaquantumcomputersisthetransferofaquan- photons trapped in a chain of coplanar waveguides (CPWs), n tumstatethroughareliable,highfidelity,method.Suchmeth- coupledviaCooperpairboxes(CPBs). a ods are known as quantum wires, or q-wires. Q-wire design Quditmirrortransport. Itwillproveusefultorecallsome J should avoid the detailed control of its components as this basic properties of qudit quantum gates [13, 14]. A qudit is 3 may introduce additional errors which corrupt the transport a state of a d level system described by a d dimensional 2 − − and typically implies challenges in implementation. Ideally Hilbertspace dwithbasis k ; k =0,1, ,d 1 . Gen- nt-ph] stfRieureccectheefinnqdttuelayalningtitynluetamednrerdtesrotgapniinsestpreqaor-tswretoiwsrfheiqstohuuhatlanhdsteubgmmeroicwnianinpmfoacubrommlneasooitdiffoeetnrrxaatwbnelrisytnphaodlnrutceeioantrngotpreteohnrle--. eaζqdrnudaddlii=Zztˆebdda1≡Ps,iasau(cid:80)nilsdiHojdΞˆ=⊕−pie01jria|sjto(cid:105)aζrdsdXjdˆ(cid:104)aijirteZi|ˆo,djnw{e,|fihmwne(cid:105)oireteddhuζvtldhioaeiXdsˆc.adomd≡A·−ms·(cid:80)t·uhftoajdrr=−toi−0oq2onut|bjor}i⊕eftslu1a,tn(cid:105)it(cid:104)iohtjnye| a adventofhigherdimensionalquantumsystems(quditsorCV, d ≡ d d u continuousvariables)ascomponentsinquantumprocessors. XˆjZˆk = ζjkZˆkXˆj and Xˆd = Zˆd = ˆI. In the qudit case d d d d k d d q So far, the only proposals for a mirror transport involved the Hadamard gate is replaced by a Fourier gate Fˆ, given [ qubitstates[1]andgenerallyrequiredsignificantresourcesto by Fˆ|a(cid:105) = d−1/2(cid:80)kζka|k(cid:105), and satisfying Fˆ4 = ˆI and 2 achieve useful transport fidelity [2, 3]. In this Letter a new Fˆ2 a = a ( aistakenmodulod). v | (cid:105) |− (cid:105) − protocol is described that for the first time formulates and Basicgatesneededforourprotocolarethequditanalogues 4 solvestheproblemofquantummirroringinchainsconsisting of the CNOT (i.e. SUM), CPHASE and SWAP gates. Sup- 9 1 ofnearestneighborcoupledidenticalquditsystemsorinfinite pressing the dimension d and indicating the (control, target) 0 dimensionalqunat[ContinuousVariable(CV)]systems. Itis quditsassubscripts[13,15], . based on a cellular automata-like scheme for perfect mirror 6 0 transport [4], spatially inverting a quantum state distributed Uˆ = (cid:88)d−1 n n Zˆn =Sˆ , (1a) 8 alongachainviatheapplicationofhomogenoussinglequbit CPHASE | (cid:105)(cid:104) |(1)⊗ (2) (12) 0 pulsesandIsing-likenearestneighborinteractions. n=0 : v Qudits and qunats often lead to features which have cer- Xi tcaoimnpaudtvaatinotnagheassobveeernqsuhboiwtsn[f5o,r6q]u.diFtsau[7lt],toalnedrasnctheqmuaenstufomr Uˆ = (cid:88)d−1 n n Xˆn =Dˆ , (1b) r SUM(12) | (cid:105)(cid:104) |(1)⊗ (2) (12) a trappedionquditquantumcomputationhavebeendeveloped n=0 [8]. One-way quantum computing via qudit cluster states = Fˆ(−2)1UˆCPHASE(12)Fˆ(2) , (1c) is possible, as is the formulation of qudit decoherence free subspaces and topologically protected qudit memories [9]. UˆSWAP = Dˆ(12)Fˆ(21)Dˆ(21)Fˆ(21)Dˆ(12)Fˆ(22) , (1d) Moreover, continuous variable (CV) quantum computation hasbeenwidelystudiedinrecentyears[10],whileCVquan- Aˆ(y) denotingtheoperatorAˆactingonqudity. Decomposi- tumtransporthasalsoattractedrecentinterest[11]. OurCV tions(1d)and(1c)(obtainedusingZˆFˆ =FˆXˆ)areverysim- resultsbelowprovideanalternativemethodforperfectquan- ilarinformtothosefoundforthecorrespondingqubitgates: tumtransportinCVchains. SWAP = CNOT CNOT CNOT and CNOT = 12 21 12 12 Theaimistodevelopaquantummirrortransportprotocol (ˆI Hˆ)CPHASE(ˆI Hˆ). ⊗ ⊗ for qudit and CV systems. The qubit case was considered Fig. 1showsthesimplifiedquditSWAPgatewhenoneof previously [4]. InthisLetteraschemesuitableforquditsand the inputs is 0 . It builds an N qudit perfect mirror circuit | (cid:105) − CVsisdeveloped. Physicalrealizationisproposedinvolving [Fig2(A)]byreplicatingthesimplifiedtwoquditSWAPgate perfect spatial mirroring of continuous variables in Circuit- inFig.1(D)N 1timesandaddingredundantCPHASEand − 2 (A) Ψ F-2 F-2 0 Ψ F-2 0 | ! | ! | ! | ! Ψ F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+-2 0 (A) (B) | ! | ! 0 F-2 Ψ 0 Ψ 0 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+-2 + | ! | ! | ! | ! | ! Ψ F-1 F-1 F F-1 0 Ψ F-1 + + F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+-2 |0! | ! | ! | ! (C) (D) 0 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F+-2 Ψ | ! | ! 0 F F-1 F F-1 Ψ + F-1 Ψ | ! | ! | ! (B) 1 2 a N-a+1 N+1 N+2 Figure 1: Simplification of the qudit SWAP gate when one of the inputsisthe|0(cid:105)state. (A)FullSWAPfrom(1d), (B)shadedgates 1 are redundant for input |0(cid:105) , (C) inserting FˆFˆ−1 on either side of 2 thetargetonCSUMgates,(D)simplificationusing(1c). a Fˆgates,where + =Fˆ+1 0 .Throughtherepeatedapplica- N-a+1 tionsofSF,wi|tht(cid:105)hegloba|lq(cid:105)uditgatesF (cid:81)N Fˆ ,and ≡ j=1 (j) S ≡(cid:81)Nj=−11Sˆ(j,j+1),onecantransporttheunknownquantum N statefromoneendofthequditchaintotheother[21]. Asit N+1 stands,itwouldseemfromFig.2(A)thatperfectmirrorinver- N+1 sionrequirestheparticularinitialstate Ψ 0 + 0 . | (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105)⊗| (cid:105)···⊗| (cid:105) Wenowshowthatthisisnotthecase. Figure2: (A)Perfectmirrorinversioncircuitforqudits. Although It was shown for the qubit case that the transport does particularinputstatesareshown,themirroractionisindependentof not depend on the input states [4]. The proof relies on theinput.(B)EvolutionoftheZˆl(andXˆl)underrepeatedactionsof showing that (HS)N+1Xˆl = Xˆl (HS)N+1 and Fˆ−1S. ThehorizontalaxisgivesthenumberapplicationsofFˆ−1S, (HS)N+1Zˆl = Zˆl (a)(HS)N(N++11w−ah)ich implies that whiletheverticalaxisisthequbitposition.TheZˆl((cid:3))andXˆl((cid:13)) (a) (N+1 a) operatorsevolveaccordingto(4),(blackshapeindicatinganegative anyN qubitdensitymatri−xisspatiallyinvertedaftertheac- powerofthecorrepondingoperator).AfterN+1repetitionstheZˆl − tion of (HS)N+1. For qudits, it suffices to show the analo- operatorhasmovedtoitsmirrorspatialpositionalongthechainbut gousrelations,i.e. has suffered l → −l. Negative exponent is corrected by the final Fˆ−2operation. F±2(F−1S)N+1Xˆl = Xˆl F±2(F−1S)N+1(,2a) F±2(F−1S)N+1Zˆ((laa)) = Zˆ(l(NN++11−−aa))F±2(F−1S)N+1(.2b) a2n(Bd)(]Fˆto−1oSbˆt)aNin+1(ZFˆˆ(l−a1)Sˆ=)NZ+ˆ1(−NXlˆ+(la1) a=)(FˆXˆ−(−N1lSˆ+)1N−+a)1(.FˆI−t1fSˆo)llNow+1s We now develop the basic algebraic relations used to prove [via (3)] that extra final Fˆ 2 cor−rects the exponent l l. ± (2). Theserelationswillbeveryimportantinageneralization Fig. 2(B) shows the evolution of an initial Zˆl operato→r af−ter fromquditstocontinuousvariables,asshowingthattheyalso the consecutive action of Fˆ 1S. It is extended to N +2 so − hold for the CV case immediately verifies the validity of the theevolutionofbothXˆlandZˆlcanbefullyappreciated. Itis mirrorcircuitinthatcase. Tosimplifythenotation,theover- importanttonotethatthepropertyZˆd = ˆI = Xˆd wasnever bar denoting the global pulse is dropped unless stated other- used,thusallowingustousethesamemethodfortheCVcase wise by a subscript i.e. F Fˆ, but Fˆ(a) Fˆ(a). Direct whichlacksthiscyclicproperty. → → calculationshows Continuous variable mirror transport:- For continuous Fˆ(±a)2Zˆ(la)Fˆ(±a)2 =Zˆ(−al) , (3) voafrtihaeblgeesn[e1r0a]litsheedsPaamueliaorpgeurmateonrstiasreusXeˆd(.q)TheζCVqpˆa,nZaˆl(opg)ues − and Fˆ Xˆl = Zˆl Fˆ . The operator (1a) can be written ζpxˆ where ζ = ei/(cid:126), are non-commutativ≡e, Xˆ(q)Zˆ(p) =≡ (a) (a) (a) (a) ζ qpZˆ(p)Xˆ(q),andhavethefollowingactiononthecompu- asSˆ(m,n) =(cid:80)ijζ−ijZˆ(im)⊗Zˆ(jn),toobtain ta−tionalbasis(positioneigenstatesxˆ q = q q ): Xˆ(q) s = s+q , Zˆ(p) s = ηsp s . By com|b(cid:105)ining|Xˆ(cid:105)(q) and Z|ˆ((cid:105)p), Sˆ(a,a+1)Xˆ(la) = Xˆ(la)Zˆ(la+1)Sˆ(a,a+1) , (4a) |the dis(cid:105)placeme|n(cid:105)t operato|r(cid:105)Dˆ(α) = exp(αaˆ α aˆ) can be † ∗ Sˆ Xˆl = Xˆl Zˆl Sˆ , (4b) formed. Giventhatanyvalidinfinitedimensio−naldensityop- (a,a+1) (a+1) (a+1) (a) (a,a+1) eratorcanbedecomposedintoasumovercoherentstatesvia Sˆ(a,a+1)Zˆ(la) = Zˆ(la)Sˆ(a,a+1) , (4c) theP function[16],ρˆ=(cid:82) d2αP(α) α α,andthat α = ((FFˆˆ−−11SSˆˆ))XZˆˆ((llaa)) == XXˆˆ((llaa−)(1Fˆ)Z−ˆ(−1aSlˆ)X)ˆ(l.a+1)(Fˆ−1Sˆ) , ((44de)) Dacˆab(naαsb)ie−s|0uf(cid:105)os,ertdHhet∞oom.peTirrharoitsorrsashnΞoˆyw(iqsn,itpthi)aalt=sCtXaVˆt-e(mqoi)|frZˆrtoh(cid:105)(rep(cid:104)t)Cr;|aVnq-s,cpphoa∈ritnRp.r2o|tfoo(cid:105)crmol To derive Eqs. (2) a graphical method [4] is used [Fig. Following the literature on CV-gates [10], basic gates are 3 defined using the same notation as in qudit case. The posi- 1.5 1 ttiroannsrfeoprrmesaetinotnatiisonFˆw(σil)l|bxe(cid:105)u=se(dσf√orπa)l−l1op(cid:82)edraytoζr2sx.yT/σh2e|Fyo(cid:105),usraiet-r 1 hhhaaa†††aaaiiiFEHfualfml 0.8 isfyingFˆ4 =ˆIandFˆ2 x = x uponsettingσ =√2. The 0.6 | (cid:105) |− (cid:105) basicgatesneededare 0.4 0.5 UˆS±UM(12) =(cid:90) dx |x(cid:105)(cid:104)x|(1)⊗Xˆ(2)(±x)=C(cid:100)N±(12) (5a) 0 0.20 hhhbbb†††bbbiiiFEHfualfml (cid:90) 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 UˆC±PHASE = dx |x(cid:105)(cid:104)x|(1)⊗Zˆ(2)(±x)=Sˆ(±1,2) (5b) τ τ Figure3:QuantumevolutionofthetwoCPWmodesintheadiabatic limit for Hˆ , taking |ψ(τ = 0)(cid:105) = |α = 1,β = 0,1(cid:105), (the two where the identity UˆC±PHASE = Fˆ(2)C(cid:100)N±(12)Fˆ(−2)1 holds modesinco−herentstates|α(cid:105)⊗|β(cid:105)andCPBstateis|1(cid:105)),andtaking again. The mirror circuit can then be built by using the + ω = 15GHz, ω = 3GHz, g = 200MHz, γ = 15MHz, 0 a/b a/b versionofthedefinedgatesandtakingσ =√2. κ = 1MHz. Plotsshowthereducedmodedynamicsofthefull a/b Notethatusingthe+versionofthesegatesallowstodefine masterequation(9b)[Full],theeffectivemasterequation(10a)[Eff], thecircuitindependentofthebasis[17].Withthisinmindthe andsubjectonlytotheeffectiveHamiltonian(10b)[Ham],withτ = ω t/2π,thenominaloscillationperiodoftheCPWmodes. readershouldn’tbesurprisedthattherelations a TheHamiltonianandtheresultingmasterequationforthe Fˆ±2Zˆ(s)Fˆ±2 =Zˆ(−s), FˆZˆ(s)=Xˆ(−s)Fˆ, FˆXˆ(s)=Zˆ(s)Fˆ twoCVmodes(operatorsaˆ,ˆb)andCPB(σ operators)oper- Fˆ−1Xˆ(s)=Zˆ( s)Fˆ−1, Fˆ−1Zˆ(s)=Xˆ(s)Fˆ−1 (6) atingatthechargedegeneracypointare[12±] − are also valid in this CV case. Since the algebraic rela- Hˆ /(cid:126)=ω aˆ aˆ+ω ˆb ˆb a † b † tions(4d),(4e)arethesame,thesameproofusedforthequdit ± ω (cid:104) (cid:105) + 0σˆ g (aˆ+aˆ ) g (ˆb+ˆb ) (σˆ +σˆ ), (9a) case is valid in the CV case. Alternatively, we can use the 2 z− a † ± b † + − traditional representations of SUM and Fourier transform in i (cid:16)γ κ κ (cid:17) ρ˜˙ = [Hˆ ,ρ˜]+ (σˆ )+ a (aˆ)+ b (ˆb) ρ˜ (9b) CV [17], i.e. without using the representation (5b), where (cid:126) ± 2L − 2 L 2 L theSUMgatecanberepresentedasUˆSUM(12) = C(cid:100)N(12) = exp( iqˆ pˆ ),whichhasthefollowingactions: where Hˆ is the dynamics for the case of sum or difference 1 2 − ⊗ bias cond±itions, ω are the mode frequencies of the res- a/b C(cid:100)N(12) :Xˆ1(x) 12 Xˆ1(x) Xˆ2(x) , (7a) onators, ga/b are the couplings between the CPB and each ⊗ → ⊗ Zˆ (p) Zˆ (p), Xˆ (x) Xˆ (x) , (7b) CPW,ω0 istheCPBsplitting, γ,κa/b arethedecayratesfor 1 → 1 2 → 2 theCPBandtwoCPWs,and (Aˆ)ρ˜ 2Aˆρ˜Aˆ Aˆ Aˆ,ρ˜ . 1i⊗Zˆj(p)→Zˆi−1(p)⊗Zˆj(p) , (7c) Assuming that CPB dynaLmics d≡ominate†a−ll {oth†er tim}e Fˆ :Xˆ →Zˆ, Zˆ →Xˆ−1 . (7d) scales in (9), i.e. ω0 > ωa/b,ga/b, and γ > κa/b, the fast dynamics of the CPB can be eliminated [18]. The equation WarriitvhethatesreelaantidonFsa≡na(cid:81)loNjg=o1usFˆt(oj)(,4adn)daSnd=(4(cid:81)e)NjF=−1−11SˆS(j:,jX+ˆ1(a),)we CfoVrρm=odeTsrCisP(Bfo{rρ˜g}a, d=esgcbr)ibingdynamicsofthetwocoupled → Xˆ(a−1)Zˆ(−a1)Xˆ(a+1)andZˆ(a) →Xˆ(a),so ρ˙ = i/(cid:126)[Hˆeff,ρ]+ (cid:88) κj (j)ρ+η (sˆ)ρ , (10a) − L L F2(F−1S)N+1 :Xˆ(q)(a) Xˆ(q)(N+1 a) j=aˆ,ˆb → − Hˆ =(cid:126)ω aˆ aˆ+(cid:126)ω ˆb ˆb+(cid:126)χsˆ2 , (10b) Zˆ(p) Zˆ(p) (8) eff a † b † (a) (N+1 a) → − where sˆ = Xˆ Xˆ and Xˆ are the position operators asdesired.Thus(8)provesthatthecircuitshowninFig.2(A), a ± b a/b of the two CV modes χ = g2ω /[(γ/2)2 + ω2], and η = with the analogous CV gates performs perfect quantum mir- 0 0 (γ/2)/[(γ/2)2+ω2]. Fig. 3showsthatthisapproximationis roringonachainofCVsystems. 0 validforseveralhundredoscillatorperiods. Circuit-QEDquantummirroring:-TheaboveCVquantum To generate the unitary operator Uˆ , consider mirrortransportcanberealisedinCircuit-QED[12].Thegoal PHASE(12) the effective Hamiltonian (10b), with the mode frequencies is to spatially mirror quantum state of N CV modes held − and effective coupling strengths time dependent ω (t) = in chain of superconducting coplanar waveguides (CPWs), a ω (t). Such rapid tuning of the resonator frequencies is nearest-neighbour-coupled by switchable Cooper Pair Boxes b achievable [19]. The canonical transformation Hˆ (t) = (CPBs). Tothisend,F andSoughttobeexecuted,wherefor (cid:48) eff TˆHˆ (t)Tˆ generatedbyTˆ(a,b) exp( π[aˆ ˆb ˆb aˆ]/4) S,transformationexp( iqˆ qˆ )needstobegenerated. We eff † † † 1 2 ≡ − − − ⊗ decouples(10b)intotwoseparateharmonicsystems. There- consider the arrangement where the CPB coupling adjacent sulting Hamiltonian is Hˆ (t) = ω (t)(aˆ aˆ +ˆb ˆb) + 1/4-waveCPWscanbeswitchedbetweenbeingbiasedbythe e(cid:48)ff + (cid:48)† (cid:48) (cid:48)† (cid:48) differenceorthesumofthevoltagesofthetwoCVmodes. 2χ(t)Xˆa2(cid:48)/b(cid:48), where ω+(t) = ωa(t) with either Xˆa2(cid:48) for sum 4 0 capability will allow the quantum transport of entire entan- 3 − gledquditorCVquantumstatesviaquantummirroring. The 0 1 protocol uses only global applications of higher dimensional × −20 ) versionsoftheHadamardandCPHASEgates. Weanticipate τ (1 that CV universal quantum computation can be achieved if C theprotocolisaugumentedwiththecapabilityofperforming −40 0 1 2 3 4 5 aconditionalphasegatebetweentheendtwoCVqubitsinthe τ/2π chain. Thiswouldrequirealargecross-Kerrnonlinearinter- actionbetweentheseCVsystems. 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Toobtainpulsesequenceswhichat- delity to target unitary operator can be found on tain99.9%accuracyinsimulatingUa(cid:48),weuseGRAPE-based http://www.quantumscience.info/node/346. numerical optimization algorithms [20] in 50 cycles of the oscillator and with a Fock state truncation of 70 [22]. The pulses,displayedinFig.4,requiretuningtheCPWresonators by2.4MHzandtheCPBby150MHz.Itisclearthatifonecan generatelargerdetuningsoftheoscillatorsandCPB,thetime required to accurately simulate U can be even shorter, thus a(cid:48) allowingseveralmirroriteratestobeexecutedbeforetheres- onatordecaydegradesthedynamics. In summary aprotocol for perfect quantummirroring of a chain of coupled qudits or CV systems was proposed. Such

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