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Perelomov problem and inversion of the Segal-Bargmann transform Neretin Yuri A.1 6 Wereconstruct a function byvalues of its Segal-Bargmann transform at pointsof 0 a lattice. 0 1. Formulation of the result. Fix τ > 0. For a function f ∈ L2(R), we 2 define the coefficients n ∞ a γ = e−ikx−τmxf(x)e−x2/4dx J m,k Z −∞ 5 where m, k range in Z. We intend to reconstruct f by γ . As Perelomov m,k showed, this is impossible for τ > π; for τ 6 π, the problem is overdetermined ] A (see [7]-[8], [2], more recent results in [6], [3]). There are many ways for recon- F struction of f. We propose a formula (for τ < π ) that seems relatively simple . and relatively closed. h t Denote q :=e−2πτ. Define the coefficicients a m (−1)mqm(m−1)/2 E (τ)= (−1)jqj(j+2m+1)/2 (1) [ m ∞ (1−ql)3 l=1 Xj>0 Q 2 Then v 3 f(x)= 1 ex2/4 E (τ)emτx γ eikx m m,k 9 2π Xn X o m k 6 5 The interior sum is an L2-sum of a Fourier series, the exterior sum is a.s. 0 convergentseries. 5 Remark. 1. Ourproblemalsoisknowninthetheoryofrecognitionandsep- 0 aration of waves (i.e., sound or electromagnetic oscillations). A.J.E.M.Janssen / h [4] proposed several non-equivalent formulae for reconstruction of of the func- t a tion f; the formula (1) easily follows from his considerations. Hence, this note m clarifies Janssen’s results and present them in a final nice form. : 2. Two-step way of reconstruction of f was proposed by Yu.Lyubarskii, v he uses the Lagrange formula to interpolate the Segal–Bargman transform of i X a function by its values at points of the lattice. Then we apply the inversion r formula for the Segal–Bargmann transform. I do not know, is it possible to a produce a nice one-step formula from this algorithm. Our calculation is based on the same idea but it gives another final result. 2. Preliminaries on θ-functions. Let 0<q <1. Denote ∞ ∞ Θ(z;q):=(1−z) (1−qn)(1−zqn)(1−z−1qn)= (−1)nznqn(n−1)/2 Y X n=1 −∞ (this is the Jacobi triple identity, see, for instance, [1]). Obviously, Θ(qz;q)=−z−1Θ(z;q) 1SuppotedbythegrantNWO-RFBR047.011.2004.059 1 Iterating this identity, we obtain Θ(qnz;q)=(−z)−nq−n(n−1)/2Θ(z;q) (2) The function 1 1 η(z)=exp − ln2|z|+ lnqln|z| (3) 2lnq 2 (cid:8) (cid:9) satisfies the requrence equation η(qz) = |z|−1η(z). Hence |Θ(z;q)| can be rep- resented in the form |Θ(z;q)|=η(z)ψ(z); where ψ(qz)=ψ(z) (4) Obviously d Θ′(1;q)= Θ(x;q) =− (1−qn)3 dx (cid:12)x=1 Y (cid:12) Differentiating (2) and subsituting z =(cid:12)1, we obtain Θ′(qn;q)=(−1)n+1q−n(n−1)/2Θ′(1;q) (5) 3. Interpolation problem. Denote g(x) = 1 f(x)e−x2/4. Applying the 2π Poissonsummation formula to the function g(x)e−τmx, we obtain ∞ ∞ emτx γ eikx = g(x+2πj)e−2πτmj m,k X X k=−∞ j=−∞ Denote the right-hand side of this identity by A Consider the function m ∞ G (z):= g(x+2πj)zj x X j=−∞ defined in the domain C\0, G (qm)=A x m We obtain an interpolation problem for holomorphic functions, and solve it in a standard way (see [5]). Denote ∞ Θ(z;q) ∞ (−1)n+1qn(n−1)/2 Θ(z;q) G (z)= A = A x n(z−qn)Θ′(qn;q) n (1−qj)3 (z−qn) X X n=−∞ n=−∞ e Q (6) Obviously, G (qn)=G (qn) (7) x x Hence, e G (z)=G (z)+Θ(z;q)α(z) (8) x x for certain function α(z) holomorpehic in C\0. 2 Lemma. G (z)=G (z), i.e., α(z)=0. x x Our final formula ies a corollary of this lemma. Indeed, g(x) is the Laurent coefficient of G (z) in z0; it remains to evaluate the Laurent expansion of x ∞ (z−qn)−1Θ(z;q)=(z−qn)−1 (−1)lzlql(l−1)/2 X l=−∞ Assuming |z|>qn, we obtain ∞ (z−1+z−2qn+z−3q2n+...)· (−1)lzlql(l−1)/2 X l=−∞ and we obtain (1) as a coefficient in the front of z0. 4. Proof of Lemma. We represent the identity (8) in the form G (z)/Θ(z;q)=G (z)/Θ(z;q)+α(z) (9) x x e For a function Φ(z) we denote M [Φ]:= max |Φ(z)| k |z|=qk+1/2 We intend to analize the behavior of these maxima for summands of (9) as k →±∞. A) First, 2π ∞ ∞> |f(x)|2dx= |f(x+2πj)|2 dx ZR Z0 (cid:16)j=X−∞ (cid:17) Hence (by the Fubini theorem) the value ∞ V := |f(x+2πj)|2 x X j=−∞ is finite for almost all x. B) By the Schwartz inequality, |G (z)|= f(x+2πj)e−(x+2πj)2/4zj 6 x (cid:12)X (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)6 |f(x+2πj)|2 1/2 (cid:12)e−(x+2πj)2/2|z|2j 1/2 = (cid:16)X (cid:17) (cid:16)X (cid:17) 1/2 =V1/2· e−x2Θ(−|z|2e−2πx−2π2;e−4π2) x h i Applying (3)-(4), we obtain for |G (z)| an upper estimate of the form x 1 |G (z)|6exp ln2|z|+O(ln|z|)+O(1) (10) x 4π2 (cid:8) (cid:9) 3 In particular, ln2q |A |=|G (qm)|6exp m2+O(m)+O(1) m x 4π2 (cid:8) (cid:9) By (5), Θ′(qm;q)=exp −m2lnq/2+O(m)+O(1) (cid:8) (cid:9) Since (−lnq)=2πτ <2π2, we obtain the following estimate |A /Θ′(qm;q)|6exp −εm2 m (cid:8) (cid:9) C) Consider the summand G (z)/Θ(z;q) in (9) x e A 1 e−εm2 M G (z)/Θ(z;q)] = M m · 6 k(cid:2) x khXm Θ′(qm;q) z−qmi X|qk+1/2−qm| e Next, |qk+1/2−qm|=qm|1−q−m+k+1/2|>qm(1−q1/2) This implies the boundedness of the sequence M [·]. k Secondly, |qk+1/2−qm|>qk+1(1−q1/2) Hence, M [·] tends to 0 as k →−∞. k D) By (4) M Θ(z)−1 ∼η(z)−1 k (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:12)(cid:12)|z|=qk+1/2 By (3), (10) (cid:12) M G (z)/Θ(z;q) →0 as k→±∞ k x (cid:2) (cid:3) E) We have M α(z) 6M G (z)/Θ(z;q) +M G (z)/Θ(z;q) k k x k x (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) ThusM [α(z)]tendsto0ask →−∞;andremainsbeoundedask →+∞. Since k α(z) is holomorphic in C\0, we have α(z)=0. Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Yu. Lyubarskii who explained me varioustricksrelatedtoentirefunctions. IalsothankH.Feichtinger,A.M.Vershik, and K.Grochenig for discussion of the subject. References [1] Akhiezer, N. I. Elements of the theory of elliptic functions. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 79. American Mathematical Society, Provi- dence, RI, 1990. [2] Bargmann, V.; Butera, P.; Girardello, L.; Klauder, J. R. On the complete- ness of thecoherent states.Rep.MathematicalPhys.21971no.4,221–228. 4 [3] Gr¨ochenig, K. Foundations of time-frequency analysis. 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