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Contents of Volume 67 Abrams, R. A., & Christ, S. E. Onset but not offset of irrele- Boot, W. R., Kramer, A. F., & Peterson, M. S. Oculomotor vant motion disrupts inhibition of return consequences of abrupt object onsets and offsets: Onsets Abrams, R. A., & Christ, S. E. The onset of receding motion dominate oculomotor capture captures attention: Comment on Franconeri and Simons Braithwaite, J. J., Humphreys, G. W., & Hulleman, J. Color- based grouping and inhibition in visual search: Evidence from a probe detection analysis of preview search .. . 81 Adelson, E. H. See Logvinenko, A. D. Agter, F. See Los, S. A. Braithwaite, J. J.,. Humphreys, G. W., Watson, D. G., & Hulle- man, J. Revisiting preview search at isoluminance: New on- Amitay, S., Hawkey, D. J. C., & Moore, D. R. Auditory fre- sets are not necessary for the preview advantage... . 1214 quency discrimination learning is affected by stimulus variability Brancazio, L., & Miller, J. L. Use of visual infermation in speech perception: Evidence for a visual rate effect both Amorim, M.-A. See Jarraya, M. with and without a McGurk effect Andersen, G. J. See Bian, Z. Braunstein, M. L. See Bian, Z. Atkinson, A. P., Tipples, J., Burt, D. M., & Young, A. W. Brockmole, J. R., & Irwin, D. E. Eye movements and the inte- Asymmetric interference between sex and emotion in gration of visual memory and visual perception .. . . 495 face perception Bryant, T. A. See Gibson, B. S. Burt, D. M. See Atkinson, A. P. Banton, T. See Stefanucci, J. K. Bardy, B. G. See Jarraya, M. Canévet, G. See Teghtsoonian, R. Barrera, B. D. See Martin, T. Carriot, J., Charles, C., Huffenus, A.-F., Nougier, V., Raphel, C., & Becker, M. W., & Pashler, H. Awareness of the continuously Cian, C. Effect of low gravitational stimulation on the percep- visible: Information acquisition during preview. . . 1391 tion of target elevation: Role of spatial expertise Beckers, T. See De Houwer, J. Chao, H.-F., & Yeh, Y.-Y. Lecation negative priming in iden- Behrmann, M. See Geng, J. J. tity discrimination relies on location repetition Bennett-Murphy, L. See Laurie-Rose, C. Charles, C. See Carriot, J. Chaudhuri, A. See Liu, C. H. Bensmaia, S., & Hollins, M. Pacinian representations of fine surface texture Chen, C. Y. D. See Theeuwes, J. Bensmaia, S., Hollins, M., & Yau, J. Vibrotactile intensity Chong, S. C., & Treisman, A. Attentional spread in the sta- and frequency information in the Pacinian system: A psy- tistical processing of visual displays chophysical model Christ, S. E. See Abrams, R. A. (2) Berens, M. S., & Pastore, R. E. Contextual relative temporal Christie, J., & Klein, R. M. Does attention cause illusory line duration judgment: An investigation of sequence inter- Chua, F. K. The effect of target contrast on the attentional Berryhill, M. E., Kveraga, K., Webb, L., & Hughes, H. C. Effect of uncertainty on the time course for selection of Cian, C. See Carriot, J. verbal name codes Claessens, P. M., & Wagemans, J. Perceptual grouping in Bhatt, R. S. See Quinn, P. C. Gabor lattices: Proximity and alignment Bian, Z., Braunstein, M. L., & Andersen, G. J. The ground Cohen, D. J. Look little, look often: The influence of gaze dominance effect in the perception of 3-D layout . . . 802 frequency on drawing accuracy Bish, J. P. See Martin, T. Collin, C. A., & McMullen, P. A. Subordinate-level catego- rization relies on high spatial frequencies to a greater de- Bishara, A. J., & Radvansky, G. A. The detection and tracing of melodic key changes gree than basic-level categorization Collin, C. A. See Liu, C. H. Blumenthal, T. D. See Hill, B. D. Boehnke, S. E., & Phillips, D. P. The relation between Craig, J. C. See Gibson, G. O. auditory temporal interval processing and sequential Curtindale, L. M. See Laurie-Rose, C. stream segregation examined with stimulus laterality Custers, R. See De Houwer, J. differences Boltz, M. G. Duration judgments of naturalistic events in Darwin, C. J. Simultaneous grouping and auditory conti- the auditory and visual modalities Davis, G., & Holmes, A. What is enumerated by subitization Galpin, A. J., & Underwood, G. Eye movements during search Ce eee eee ens b eb he een ae Red 1229 and detection in comparative visual search DeCarlo, L. T. On bias in magnitude scaling and some con- Garrett, R. See Prinzmetal, W. jectures of Stevens Gedamke, L. See Hulleman, J. De Houwer, J., Beckers, T., Vandorpe, S., & Custers, R. Fur- Geng, J. J., & Behrmann, M. Spatial probability as an atten- ther evidence for the role of mode-independent short- tional cue in visual search term associations in spatial Simon effects Ghorashi, S. M. S. See Di Lollo, V. Demany, L., & Semal, C. The slow formation of a pitch percept Gibson, B. S., & Bryant, T. A. Variation in cue duration re- beyond the ending time of a short tone burst veals top-down modulation of involuntary orienting to Desmarais, G., & Dixon, M. J. Understanding the structural uninformative symbolic cues determinants of object confusion in memory: An assess- Gibson, G. O., & Craig, J. C. Tactile spatial sensitivity and ment of psychophysical approaches to estimating visual anisotropy similarity Gilchrist, J. M., Jerwood, D., & Ismaiel, H. S. Comparing and de Weert, C. M. M. See de Wit, T. C. J. unifying slope estimates across psychometric function de Wit, T. C. J., de Weert, C. M. M., & van Lier, R. Luminance models edges are not necessary for visual completion Gomez, C. See Perea, M. Di Lollo, V., Smilek, D., Kawahara, J.-I., & Ghorashi, S. M. S. Gondan, M., Niederhaus, B., Résler, F., & Réder, B. Multisensory System reconfiguration, not resource depletion, determines processing in the redundant-target effect: A behavioral the efficiency of visual search and event-related potential study Dixon, M. J. See Desmarais, G. Gordon, M. S., & Rosenblum, L. D. Effects of intrastimulus Dopkins, S. Access to dimensional values can be unselective modality change on audiovisual time-to-arrival judg- during early perceptual processing Doumen, M. J. A., Kappers, A. M. L., & Koenderink, J. J. Granger, A. L. See Laurie-Rose, C. Visual space under free viewing conditions Grassi, M. Do we hear size or sound? Balls dropped on Drewing, K. See Waszak, F. Driver, J. See: Guest, S. See Zampini, M. Freeman, E. Gurnsey, R. See Sally, S. L. Russell, C. Dutke, S. Remembered duration: Working memory and the Harris, I. M., & Dux, P. E. Turning objects on their heads: The reproduction of intervals influence of the stored axis on object individuation . . . 1010 Dux, P. E. See Harris, I. M. Hawkey, D. J. C. See Amitay, S. Henderson, J. M. See Williams, C. C. Egly, R. See Martin, T. Hill, B. D., & Blumenthal, T. D. Inhibition of acoustic startle Eiken, O. See Tribukait, A. (2) using different mechanoreceptive channels Eimer, M., Forster, B., & Vibell, J. Cutaneous saltation within Hiris, E., Humphrey, D., & Stout, A. Temporal properties in and across arms: A new measure of the saltation illusion masking biological motion in somatosensation Hollingworth, A., Hyun, J.-S., & Zhang, W. The role of visual Eisner, F., & McQueen, J. M. The specificity of perceptual short-term memory in empty cell localization learning in speech processing 2 Hollins, M. See Bensmaia, S. (2) Eltiti, S., Wallace, D., & Fox, E. Selective target processing: Holmes, A. See Davis, G. Perceptual load or distractor salience? ........... 876 Holt, L. L., Stephens, J. D. W., & Lotto, A. J. A critical evaluation Enns, J. T. See Peterson, M. A. of visually moderated phonetic context effects Epstein, W. See Stefanucci, J. K. Holt, L. L. See Wade, T. Houck, J. M. See Martin, T. Farivar, R. See Liu, C. H. Houghton, G., & Mari-Beffa, P. Dissociating object- and Forster, B. See Eimer, M. response-based components of negative priming through effects of practice Fox, E. See Eltiti, S. Huang, L., & Pashler, H. Expectation and repetition effects Francis, G., & Schoonveld, W. Using afterimages for orien- in searching for featural singletons in very brief tation and color to explore mechanisms of visual displays filling-in Huffenus, A.-F. See Carriot, J. Franconeri, S. L., & Simons, D. J. The dynamic events that capture visual attention: A reply to Abrams & Christ Hughes, H. C. See Berryhill, M. E. Hulleman, J., Gedamke, L., & Humphreys, G. W. The time Freeman, E., & Driver, J. Task-dependent modulation of course of figure—ground reversal target—flanker lateral interactions in vision Hulleman, J., & Humphreys, G. W. Differences between search- ing among objects and searching among holes 469 Fujisaki, W., & Kashino, M. Contributions of temporal and place cues in pitch perception in absolute pitch Hulleman, J. See Braithwaite, J. J. (2) possessors Humphrey, D. See Hirts, E. Humphreys, G. W. See: Martin, T., Egly, R., Houck, J. M., Bish, J. P., Barrera, B. D., Braithwaite, J. J. (2) Lee, D. C., & Tesche, C. D. Chronometric evidence for en- Hulleman, J. (2) trained attention Watson, D. G. Mattler, U. Inhibition and decay of motor and nonmotor Hyun, J.-S. See Hollingworth, A. RG oto nth redo ace one de ae reg tee ote aiatareae 285 Mausfeld, R. See Waszak, F. Ingvalson, E. M., & Wenger, M. J. A strong test of the dual- McAuley, J. D. See: mode hypothesis Jones, M. R. Irwin, D. E. See Brockmole, J. R. Miller, N. S. Ismaiel, H. S. See Gilchrist, J. M. McMullen, P. A. See Collin, C. A. McQueen, J. M. See Eisner, F. Jarraya, M., Amorim, M.-A., & Bardy, B. G. Optical flow and Miller, J. See Vierck, E. viewpoint change modulate the perception and memoriza- Miller, J. L. See Brancazio, L. tion of complex motion Miller, N. S., & McAuley, J. D. Tempo sensitivity in isochronous Jerwood, D. See Gilchrist, J. M. tone sequences: The multiple-look model revisited . . 1150 Jesteadt, W. The variance of d’ estimates obtained in yes—no Mitroff, S. R. See Noles, N. S. and two-interval forced choice procedures Moore, D. R. See Amitay, S. Jiang, Y., & Song, J.-H. Spatial context learning in visual Morein-Zamir, S. See Soto-Faraco, S. search and change detection Mounts, J. R. W. Attentional selection: A salience-based Jones, D. M. See Tremblay, S. competition for representation Jones, M. R., & McAuley, J. D. Time judgments in global Mruczek, R. E. B., & Sheinberg, D. L. Distractor familiar- temporal contexts ity leads to more efficient visual search for complex stimuli Kappers, A. M. L. See Doumen, M. J. A. Miisseler, J. See Wiihr, P. Kashino, M. See Fujisaki, W. Kawahara, J.-I. See Di Lollo, V. Nagai, M., & Saiki, J. Illusory motion and representational Kingstone, A. See Soto-Faraco, S. momentum Klein, R. M. See Christie, J. Nakayama, K. See Wang, D. Koenderink, J. J. See Doumen, M. J. A. Newell, K. M. See Sosnoff, J. J. Kramer, A. F. See Boot, W. R. Niederhaus, B. See Gondan, M. Kristjansson, A. See Wang, D. Noles, N. S., Scholl, B. J., & Mitroff, S. R. The persistence of object file representations Kveraga, K. See Berryhill, M. E. Nougier, V. See Carriot, J. Laurie-Rose, C., Bennett-Murphy, L., Curtindale, L. M., Granger, A. L., & Walker, H. B. Equating tasks and sustaining at- Olivers, C. N. L. See Pinto, Y. tention in children and adults: The methodological and Olson, I. R., & Marshuetz, C. Remembering “what” brings theoretical utility of d’ matching along “where” in visual working memory Lavrov, M. See Troje, N. F. Lee, D. C. See Martin, T. Park, S. See Prinzmetal, W. Lingnau, A., & Vorberg, D. The time course of response in- Pashler, H. See: hibition in masked priming Becker, M. W. Liu, C. H., Collin, C. A., Farivar, R., & Chaudhuri, A. Recog- Huang, L. nizing faces defined by texture gradients Pastore, R. E. See Berens, M. S. Logvinenko, A. D., Adelson, E. H., Ross, D. A., & Somers, D. Pellicano, A. See Vu, K.-P. L. Straightness as a cue for luminance edge interpreta- Perea, M., Rosa, E., & Gomez, C. The frequency effect for pseudowords in the lexical decision task Los, S. A., & Agter, F. Reweighting sequential effects across Peterson, M. A., & Enns, J. T. The edge complex: Implicit mem- different distributions of foreperiods: Segregating elemen- ory for figure assignment in shape perception tary contributions to nonspecific preparation Peterson, M. S. See Boot, W. R. Loschky, L. C. See Zelinsky, G. J. Phillips, D. P. See Boehnke, S. E. Lotto, A. J. See Holt, L. L. Pinto, Y., Olivers, C. N. L., & Theeuwes, J. Target uncertainty does not lead to more distraction by singletons: Intertrial Maloney, L. T. See Wolfe, U. priming does Mari-Beffa, P. See Houghton, G. Poirier, F. J. A. M. See Sally, S. L. Marino, A. C., & Scholl, B. J. The role of closure in defining Predebon, J. A comparison of length-matching and length- the “objects” of object-based attention fractionation measures of Miiller-Lyer distortions . . . 264 Marshuetz, C. See Olson, I. R. Prinzmetal, W. Location perception: The X-Files parable . . . 48 Prinzmetal, W., Park, S., & Garrett, R. Involuntary attention Teghtsoonian, R., Teghtsoonian, M., & Canévet, G. Sweep- and identification accuracy induced acceleration in loudness change and the “bias for rising intensities” Proctor, R. W. See Vu, K.-P. L. Tesche, C. D. See Martin, T. Proffitt, D. R. See Stefanucci, J. K. Theeuwes, J., & Chen, C. Y. D. Attentional capture and Quinn, P. C., & Bhatt, R. S. Good continuation affects discrim- inhibition (of return): The effect on perceptual sensitiv- ination of visual pattern information in young infants | 171 Theeuwes, J. See Pinto, Y. Radvansky, G. A. See Bishara, A. J. Therrien, M. E. See Taylor, T. L. Raphel, C. See Carriot, J. Thompson, W. F. See Russo, F. A. Réder, B. See Gondan, M. Tipples, J. See Atkinson, A. P. Kosa, E. See Perea, M. Toro, J. M., & Trobalon, J. B. Statistical computations over a speech stream in a rodent Rosenblum, L. D. See Gordon, M. S. Trainor, L. J. See Sonnadara, R. R. Résler, F. See Gondan, M. Treisman, A. See Chong, S. C. Ross, D. A. See Logvinenko, A. D. Tremblay, S., Vachon, F., & Jones, D. M. Attentional and per- Russell, C., & Driver, J. New indirect measures of “inattentive” ceptual sources of the auditory attentional blink .. . 195 visual grouping in a change-detection task Tresilian, J. R. Hitting a moving target: Perception and ac- Russo, F. A., & Thompson, W. F. An interval size illusion: The tion in the timing of rapid interceptions influence of timbre on the perceived size of melodic inter- Tribukait, A., & Eiken, O. On the role of otoliths and semi- circular canals in spatial orientation: Dynamics of the visually perceived eye level during gondola centrifuga- Saiki, J. See Nagai, M. Sally, S. L., Poirier, F. J. A.M ., & Gurnsey, R. Orientation dis- Tribukait, A., & Eiken, O. Perception of the head transversal crimination across the visual field: Size estimates near plane and the subjective horizontal during gondola contrast threshold centrifugation Scholl, B. J. See: Trobalon, J. B. See Toro, J. M. Marino, A. C. Troje, N. F., Westhoff, C., & Lavrov, M. Person identification Noles, N. S. from biological motion: Effects of structural and kinematic Schoonveld, W. See Francis, G. Semal, C. See Demany, L. Sheinberg, D. L. See Mruczek, R. E. B. Underwood, G. See Galpin, A. J. Shore, D. I. See Zampini, M. Simons, D. J. See Franconeri, S. L. Vachon, F. See Tremblay, S. Smilek, D. See Di Lollo, V. Vandorpe, S. See De Houwer, J. Somers, D. See Logvinenko, A. D. van Lier, R. See de Wit, T. C. J. Song, J.-H. See Jiang, Y. Vibell, J. See Eimer, M. Vierck, E., & Miller, J. Direct selection by color for visual en- Sonnadara, R. R., & Trainor, L. J. Perceived intensity effects coding . in the octave illusion Vorberg, D. See Lingnau, A. Sosnoff, J. J., & Newell, K. M. Intermittent visual information and the multiple time scales of visual motor control of Vu, K.-P. L., Pellicano, A., & Proctor, R. W. No overall continuous isometric force production right—left prevalence for horizontal and vertical Simon Soto-Faraco, S., Morein-Zamir, S., & Kingstone, A. On audiovisual spatial synergy: The fragility of the phenom- 444 Wade, T., & Holt, L. L. Perceptual effects of preceding nonspeech rate on temporal properties of speech cate- Spence, C. See Zampini, M. Stefanucci, J. K., Proffitt, D. R., Banton, T., & Epstein, W. Wagemans, J. See Claessens, P. M. Distances appear different on hills Walker, H. B. See Laurie-Rose, C. Stephens, J. D. W. See Holt, L. L. Wallace, D. See Eltiti, S. Stout, A. See Hiris, E. Wallis, G. A spatial explanation for synchrony biases in per- ceptual grouping: Consequences for the temporal-binding Takeuchi, T. The effect of eccentricity and the adapting level on the café wall illusion Wang, D., Kristjansson, A., & Nakayama, K. Efficient visual Tam, M. See Wolfe, U. search without top-down or bottom-up guidance . . . 239 Taylor, T. L., & Therrien, M. E. Inhibition of return for Waszak, F., Drewing, K., & Mausfeld, R. Viewer-external frames of reference in the mental transformation of 3-D Teghtsoonian, M. See Teghtsoonian, R. Watson, D. G., & Humphreys, G. W. Visual marking: The Yeh, Y.-Y. See Chao, H.-F. effects of irrelevant changes on preview search Young, A. W. See Atkinson, A. P. Watson, D. G. See Braithwaite, J. J. Webb, L. See Berryhill, M. E. Zacks, R. T. See Williams, C. C. Wenger, M. J. See Ingvalson, E. M. Zampini, M., Guest, S., Shore, D. I., & Spence, C. Audio—visual Westhoff, C. See Troje, N. F. simultaneity judgments Williams, C. C., Henderson, J. M., & Zacks, R. T. Incidental Zavagno, D. The phantom illumination illusion visual memory for targets and distractors in visual Zelinsky, G. J., & Loschky, L. C. Eye movements serialize memory for objects in scenes Wolfe, U., Maloney, L. T., & Tam, M. Distortions of perceived Zhang, W. See Hollingworth, A. length in the frontoparallel plane: Tests of perspective Zimmer, K. Examining the validity of numerical ratios in loudness fractionation Wiihr, P., & Miisseler, J. When do irrelevant visual stimuli impair processing of identical targets? ........... 897 GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS Yau, J. See Bensmaia, S. General Information, Computer Disks, Tables, Figures . . . 365

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