FERGUSSON'S TP~*\ YE~"^ TR""\ /C"""NE1 "* NX 1Tf~T^AA Gs .E1 i Ur TNT* I7 T AN G R MBASU REMENT IJ I .A WITH LOGAITHMS FOR ITS US AND FOR EGREES. MlNUTliS AND SECONDS JOHN I^RGUSSON C. M. JNST. C. E. FERGUSSON'S PERCENTAGE UNIT OF ANGULAR MEASUREMENT, WITH LOGARITHMS. THE MIDLAND COUNTIES HERALD LTD.. 16, UNION STREET, BIRMINGHAM. PLATE I. T T20 Mi <i Mi -6i0, 7=%^~8i 9tr t 'figure explains the construction of Fergusson's Percentage Circle by showing the tangent scales to the octants. Thiscircle isattachedto the Percentage Theodolite and to Magnetic Compass- dtals togetherwitha concentric circle dividedintodegrees. Each circle can be read &y two separate andopposite indices, either in percentage units or degrees. Thiscircle willconvert any angularinstrumentintoamostsimpleandaccurate range-finder.