PPeeppppeerr ddiisseeaassee ccoonnttrrooll PPaarrmm RRaannddhhaawwaa,, PPhh..DD.. CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa SSeeeedd && PPllaanntt LLaabb Agenda Symptom recognition Where the disease come from Disease Management Check list Disease control in greenhouse Depends on Growing in soil Containers (with potting mix) Hydroponic (Rockwool etc) Fusarium stem rot Fusarium - Infection at nodes Red perithecia (Sexual spores can discharge to 6 ft at night Fusarium How is pathogen introduced Soil (people, tools) Previous crop (debris etc) Airborne ascospores Fusarium - Control Avoid salt burn (if rockwool dries) Reduce humidity (slow temp increase at night) Bio-control Water soaking Fusarium like symptoms Erwinia stem canker Erwinia carotovora How pathogen get introduced Irrigation with untreated water (ponds, rivers) Handling from people (hands)