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PEOPLE IntErvIEw wIth thE cyPrIOt AmbAssAdOr tO IsrAEL EvEnt PDF

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Preview PEOPLE IntErvIEw wIth thE cyPrIOt AmbAssAdOr tO IsrAEL EvEnt

September 2013 PEOPLE IntErvIEw wIth thE cyPrIOt AmbAssAdOr tO IsrAEL EvEnt trIP tO JudEA & sAmArIA sPEcIAL: PhOtOgrAPhy IssuE- wInnErs And mOrE Editor's Letter 10 Karlibah St., Tel-Aviv Dear Friends, P.O. Box 20344, Tel Aviv 61200, Israel Like every year in the diplomatic community, summer is a time of changes. So, we are happy to welcome all the new diplomatic staff to Israel. As well, we’d like to wish our 708 Third Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10017, U.S.A. veteran diplomats a fruitful year starting straight after the summer break. This issue was composed close to the Jewish High Holidays: Rosh HaShana (the Club Diplomatique de Geneva Jewish New Years), Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) and Sukkot (the Feast of P.O. Box 228, Geneva, Switzerland the Tabernacles). So, I am taking this opportunity to wish all of you good health and prosperity during Publisher The Diplomatic Club Ltd. the year 5774 on the Hebrew calendar. More than three thousand years ago, the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, General Manager Julia Verdel united under the leadership of Saul, David and Solomon, the first three Kings of Israel. These people with their own unique religion joined to become one nation with Contributing Editor David Rhodes a Temple and a capitol in Jerusalem which formed the foundation of what is called the “Old City” today. Writers Barry Rubin We can learn from this that people of different tribes and cultures can unite under a Anthony J. Dennis common purpose and when doing so can accomplish great feats together. Patricia e Hemricourt, Israel Let hope, that lesson will be carry throughout the region. Ira Moskowitz, Israel Bernard Marks, Israel In August, The Diplomatic Club celebrated its 15 year birthday. Christopher Barder, UK As I look back, it is like a 15 year old adolescent, not fully mature, but not an infant Ilan Berman, USA either. We have been over the same stages: the challenges of birth, the pain of teething, the broken voice of puberty and developing our own personality. Now, we can say with some confidence that we have learned a lot (but are still learning) Reporter Neil Sander and have done a lot (but still have much more we want to accomplish) and we are Ksenia Svetlov definitely mature enough to say: Eveline Erfolg David Rhodes The Diplomatic Club in Israel is proud about its activity over the last 15 years and looking forward to what we can accomplish together with our readers in the future. Advertising Tel: 972-3-56.220.61/2 Here, in Israel, at the crossing of three major monotheistic religions and three [email protected] continents was born the idea of people reaching out to another as diplomats to provide links between different countries, their people and their leaders. An open mind and Layout Chana Leah Dror “togetherness” - this has been the philosophy of the Diplomatic Club since 1998. On the occasion of Israel’s 65 Years of Independence and the International Friendship Accounting Roded Rinegold Day the Diplomatic club initiated a photo competition “Israel through Foreign Lenses”. Diplomats from over the world, foreign journalists, representatives of foreign religions Legal Support Mati Simchowitz and UN staff have been exhibiting their photographs of how they view Israel according Law Office to several categories: 1) Family 2) Nature & Environment 3) Daily Life 4) Fine Art 5) Religion. Cover: All of the pictures submitted were appreciated and opened a lot of eyes to how Israel and Israelis are seen by visitors. Photo credit: Natalie Ben Dara The Diplomatic Club is particularly proud of the participation of the young Chinese movie production of "Old Cinderella" photographers Charlotte Veldkamp and Luka Tomic and hope that their participation Article on p. 27 and other young photographers becomes a tradition. We hope, this exciting experience will be The Diplomatic Club Magazine something that you will never forget – a present Printed Monthly for a lifetime! Shana Tova/ a Sweet New Years. Tel: 972-3-562.20.61/2 Sincerely, Fax: 972-3-562.02.12 Julia Verdel [email protected] www.diplomacy-club.com Publisher And the Editorial Team People A Good NeiGhbor SeeS briGhter dAyS AheAd: AN iNterview of AmbASSAdor dimitriS hAtziArGyrou of CypruS By David Rhodes Cyprus has been in the international Greek debt was unsustainable the decision that affect Cyprus as center for offshore news recently for its economic challenges to proceed with a PSI (haircut) of the banking center in the future? and its dramatic bailout by international Greek debt caused massive losses in the Actually this is the first case in the organizations. Looking back, how could neighborhood of 4.5 billion euros, a quarter Eurozone of a case of “bail in”. This means have it been avoided on Cyprus’s part and of Cyprus’ GNP, to the Cypriot banks that to recapitalize the banks which is what steps is Cyprus taking to make sure which had earlier purchased Greek bonds a necessary condition for any economy it doesn’t happen again? at very attractive rates. As the banks had to jump start, these huge amounts were The problem faced by Cyprus is something to be bailed out by the state, the national decided by the Eurogroup decision of 15 that other countries have faced over the debt of Cyprus, which up until then was March and subsequently of the following years. It concerns primarily irresponsible manageable, reached unsustainable levels. decision of 25 March, that they would policies of expansion pursued by the two Then the downgrades of the country’s have to be raised by Cyprus, something major banks of our country which landed credit worthiness begun which meant that would make the debt of the state them in financial trouble. As a result of that we could no longer turn to the unsustainable pushing the country into their behavior Cyprus faced successive international markets to refinance our default. That is how the decision was taken downgrades by the major credit rating debt (as all countries do). to proceed with the haircut of deposits. houses and as a result of that for the last As part of an 18 billion Euro bailout Cyprus thus became a guinea pig on how two years we could not secure refinancing Cyprus is expected to come up with banks that run into trouble in the future of the national debt. This was the reason about 7 billion Euro of its own. Is that will be dealt with. That is, other than why we had to apply to the European realistic? Much of it is targeting large the 100,000 euros of depositors, which Stability Mechanism for a bailout. depositors in your banks. How much is are insured, the banks themselves, their How much was what happened to Cyprus that from foreign depositors and how will stock holders, the holders of their bonds self-afflicted and how much part of being part of the European Union? Did the collapse of Greek economy play a crucial role in dragging down the Cypriot economy? The over-expansion of the banks cannot be said to be necessarily a bad development. Unfortunately in the case of Cyprus, this over-expansion was followed by irresponsible policies by the banks which created a lot of problems. The fact that Cyprus was a member of the Eurozone did not of itself cause the problems. The lack of proper oversight on the other hand did its part in bringing the banks down and led the country, which had to bail them out,into dire financial straits. The problems of the Cyprus banks begun Ambassador Dimitris Hatziargyrou when the Greek economy collapsed and had to apply for a bailout. And as the 4 The Diplomatic Club Magazine People and the rest of the depositors will have to would expect, for the provision of the 10 included raising taxes, substantial cutbacks contribute for the recapitalization of the billion euro bailout, aim at achieving fiscal in salaries and reduction of spending. The banks. A considerable amount of these consolidation so that the country can face result of this was a reduction in economic deposits come from foreign depositors the immediate challenges and move ahead activity with all that that entails. One although Cypriots (and by that I mean, out of this crisis. As in previous bailouts particular negative development was an individuals as well as institutions) were in Eurozone countries (and not only) the increase in unemployment, particularly the bigger losers. This development will exit from the crisis requires policies that among the young. Our GNP is expected certainly affect Cyprus as an international reduce expenses and increase government to shrink for the next couple of years which banking center but it does not mean that revenues. This, in almost all cases, requires will impact negatively on many, mostly it will cease to exist. The international sacrifices by everyone. small and medium size companies. And banking sector will shrink and we hope this will increase unemployment. A lot of The initial reaction by the average Cypriot with proper oversight it will be able to people and real estate companies are facing at the decision of 15 March was one of bounce back in due time. There are already problems paying their mortgages but we shock and apprehension. Cypriots did not many companies with operations in Cyprus have not yet seen massive foreclosures. The go out into the street to protest against which have announced that they will be government is taking measures to avoid the government. There was, naturally, staying in Cyprus and continue to benefit this scenario which we have witnessed in disappointment at the way that Cyprus from its low corporate tax rate and high other countries by, for example, reaching became a guinea pig of its European levels of professional services. agreements with the banks, to lengthen partners and at the lack of solidarity repayment periods. How are Cypriots reacting to the displayed. And let us not forget the role Prices are not skyrocketing; on the contrary economic crisis? How is it playing out of certain circles in Europe which, using we have seen a reduction as people are as far as cutting government programs? the too-eager press, particularly in one more cautious with their money. Inflation Are business’s closing? Homes being member state, undertook a fierce campaign is stable. Construction has practically foreclosed? Are prices skyrocketing or to portray our country as a haven of come to a standstill, even though this is inflation staying stable? Are loans dirty Russian money. The recent results was a sector of the economy which had for businesses and mortgages frozen? Is of a committee to investigate that claim, experienced a slowdown 18 months or so new construction dormant until this all in which Moneyval and DeLoitte were before the crisis; but, nonetheless, there is plays out? involved, proved that this was highly a glut of properties on the market at very exaggerated. The result of this unprecedented decision competitive prices. This was because there by the Eurogroup has pushed the country My government took a series of substantial was a huge boom in construction after into recession. The strings attached, as one measures to limit the fiscal deficit. These 2004 when we acceded to the EU and The Cyprus Coastine The Diplomatic Club Magazine 5 People buyers were flooding the market. As these Cyprus and Israel have had traditionally In Cyprus we view the current division not properties are being sold and the banking good relations. Over the last 3 years, in terms of religion – pitting Christians sector is stabilized and recapitalized we way before the crisis, the relationship against Moslems but rather in terms expect that the construction sector will qualitatively expanded. We have seen an of an invasion and illegal occupation start to move again. 2013 and 2014 will increase in Israeli tourists and investors in of a sovereign country, in violation of be tough years but we hope that by 2015 Cyprus and we have concluded an array international law by one of its neighbors. the economy’s engines will start to rev up of bilateral agreements which create the The relationship between Greek Cypriots again. legal institutional framework for expanding and Turkish Cypriots is not one of deep cooperation in many areas and of course hatred. Let us not forget that in Cyprus we Other than all the international bodies that have stepped in, have there are the prospects of cooperation in have had a clash of imported nationalisms neighboring countries been able to the energy sector where both our countries which led to the Turkish invasion of our country in 1974. That invasion is the cause offer any assistance? Has it affected the have been blessed with substantial amounts of the division of the island, and it is being relationship between Israel and Cyprus? of natural gas. This last development is perpetuated by the presence of a large, another area from which we hope to Cyprus enjoys good relations with all benefit from in coming out of the current heavily armed, Turkish occupying force its neighbors (except of course Turkey economic doldrums. which has isolated the Turkish Cypriot which continues to occupy 37% of its community. Greek Cypriots and Turkish territory). We have not requested What is the current political situation Cypriots lived peacefully on the island for assistance from our neighbors but we feel like in Cyprus? It’s a divided isle with centuries and they proved that they can that the prospects are there for mutually 1/3 Turkish/Muslim Cypriots in the do so again when in 2003 the Turkish beneficial cooperation. There are many north and mostly Greek Christians in occupying army allowed people to cross opportunities for investment in Cyprus and the south, how do the two parts of the the dividing line. This is testified by the our country has a lot to offer. The stability island get along? Do people travel to the fact that since 2003 with millions of of EU membership, an investment friendly other sides? Is there trade between the crossings taking place there have been no environment, a highly educated workforce two sides? Is there much violence? Is major incidents, and certainly absolutely and competitive investment opportunities. the relationship of Greek and Turkish no violence, between the two Cypriot Our tourism sector will continue to grow, Cypriots reflective of relationship communities. a decision was taken to proceed with the between Greece and Turkey and how The big challenge before us now and for development of casinos in the island, the are these two countries getting along? the last 39 years is how we secure a solution maritime sector seems to be unaffected by What are the long term prospects for a that will reunify the island and will allow the crisis and our offshore sector and even more unified Cyprus and better relations all Cypriots to live in the land of their the banking sector will rebound. between Greece and Turkey? ancestors without foreign interference. That is the crux of the problem. The international community via the Good Offices of the Secretary General of the United Nations has invested heavily in attempting to arrive at a solution of the Cyprus Problem. The problem, despite often verbal declarations in support for a solution emanating from Ankara, is Turkish policy on Cyprus. A policy that wants to maintain control by using the Turkish Cypriot community in Cyprus, as a tool in achieving its aims in the area. The government of Cyprus and the recently elected President Anastasiades are determined to pursue a just and viable solution to this anachronism that would guarantee the reunification of the island with full rights and protections for all its citizens. We hope that by this Fall the discussions will begin again for yet another 6 The Diplomatic Club Magazine People effort at tackling the problem. Greece international community supports a two- affinity with western culture while at the does not interfere in the decisions of the state solution. same time being cognizant of his or her government of Cyprus and steadfastly Mediterranean identity. Cyprus is one country with no borders supports the efforts of the United Nations and movement within it should be free. What’s the short history of the in this respect. It fully respects the fact Cyprus is a geographical island. Israel on relationship between Israel and Cyprus that Cyprus is an independent country, a the other hand has defined borders and it is and where is it today and how do you see member of the UN and the EU, and will more of a question of its relationship with it evolving? determine its own future. I wish I could its neighbors that gives the impression of say the same for Turkey. The history of the region that both people “an island in the sand”. live in is a very turbulent one. Cypriots and How do you think Cyprus unresolved I imagine Cyprus considers itself part of Jews have interacted throughout history. In divided nature compares to Israel’s the Eastern Mediterranean region rather the First Century A.D. the island hosted a unresolved borders? Also Israel is sort of than part of the Middle East (although great number of Jews. During Roman rule an “island in the sand” with its neighbors it is greatly affected by events nearby). in the Second Century the Romans wiped being destinations Israeli citizens can’t Many Israelis are trying to rebrand Israel out the Jewish population of the island in (Syria and Lebanon) or generally don’t as part of the Eastern Med rather than their effort to maintain their control on the (Egypt and Jordan) travel to. So do you part of the Middle East since the whole island. Since then there was only limited see similarities here to life in Israel to country is within 1 1/2 hours drive of presence of Jews on Cyprus. In more recent that in Cyprus? the Mediterranean and culturally we times, in the 1930’s and 40’s a number Cyprus is a clear case of invasion and have more in common with countries of Jews moved to the island in order to foreign occupation of an independent and like Greece and Cyprus than Israel does escape the rise of Nazism in Europe. sovereign member of the United Nations with Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Having They set up businesses there and did well. Organization perpetrated by another lived in Cyprus and Israel, do you see a lot My own grandfather worked for a Jewish country also a member of the UN. There of similarities in the cultures and how? man who had set up a workshop in my are many UNGA and UNSC resolutions hometown of Larnaka and made dentures. calling on Turkey to withdraw its troops Yes I do see similarities between the two After the Second World War, Cyprus was from Cyprus. Turkey refuses to do that. In Mediterranean peoples. I do not feel out used as a stepping stone for Jews moving the case of Israel, although there are also of place when I walk down Rothschild to Palestine. Most of the Cypriot Jews UN resolutions concerning the case, the Blvd or down Makariou Street in Nicosia. moved to Israel after its establishment. situation is not as clear cut as in Cyprus. In Cyprus feels European and at the same More than 50,000 European Jews trying to Cyprus the UN calls for the reunification time part of the Eastern Mediterranean. reach Israel in the years 1946 – 1949 were of the territory while in the MEPP the I imagine that the average Israeli feels an interned on the island by the British who The Diplomatic Club Magazine 7 People held Cyprus as a colony. 2,000 children population, do they travel much to truly exceptional experience. were born in these internment camps. The Israel as pilgrims or for recreation? Is Are there anythings you especially miss Cypriot population at the time provided a visa required? How many Israelis visit from Cyprus? It's not that far away how help, on a human level, to these people and Cyprus? It is often stated that some often do you travel back and forth? assisted a small number of them to escape Israelis travel to Cyprus for civil unions and reach Palestine. that aren’t accessible in Israel. What else Of course I miss Cyprus, family and Following the establishment of the is attracting Israelis to Cyprus? friends as well as watching my favorite independent Republic of Cyprus in 1960, football team and but as it is so close (36 Trade between the two countries stands the two countries established diplomatic at 700 million euros annually. Israelis go minutes flying time) I visit there very often relations immediately. Since then the to Cyprus for tourism and many Cypriot (every couple of months). relations have been friendly. In more pilgrims come to Israel to visit the Holy recent years, as I mentioned before, the What vision do Cypriot officials have Land. The number of Israeli tourists to relationship between Cyprus and Israel for a future Cyprus and Israel together Cyprus stands at about 90,000 annually has progressed rapidly. In 1995 the first and separately? while about 15,000 Cypriots visit Israel. synagogue was established in Larnaka to cater to the more than 300 Israelis who A visa is not required for Cypriot and The job of every ambassador is to see the now live or have holiday homes on the Israeli passport holders. A good number of relations of the country he represents to weddings take place in Cyprus, from our island. There is a wide array of cooperation grow during his tenure in the country records, about 600 last year alone. on many levels. Tourism is increasing that hosts him. My experience here steadily while many Cypriot doctors come What attracts Israelis to Cyprus is the easy over the last two years is that there is to Israel to specialize in many fields of going way of life on the island coupled tremendous political will on both sides to medicine. A Cypriot university, a British with the beauty of the country and its further enhance our relationship. We are University and Tel Aviv University are beautiful climate and particularly its great working hard, on both sides, to achieve cooperating to set up a medical school in beaches. The same can be said for the more that. This is testified by the many official Cyprus. In short, the omens are good for than 3 million other tourists that flock to visits including that of former President expanding these relations. our country every year. Proximity is also Christofias in March of 2011, President another factor. It takes 36 minutes for the What kind of commerce and assistance Peres to Cyprus in November of the same flight to Cyprus and we would like to see exists between the two countries? year, the first ever visit by an Israeli Prime more Israelis spend their weekends there. We know there is a mostly Christian Minister when PM Netanyahu visited Do you have family with you in Israel? Cyprus in February of last year and the What kind of activities do you enjoy newly elected President Anastasiades in together or separately? What have some May of this year. Not to mention the many you favorite places to visit in Israel? Ministerial and Senior Officials visits to both countries. I am here in Israel with my wife Elpida. I have a son who is currently attending We are neighbors and as such we are university in the United States. I am an avid destined to cooperate. So we are constantly lover of the sea (being a Mediterranean) looking for opportunities to cooperate. and thus I adore swimming and snorkeling. There is very good will on both sides. Of course, my interests include reading, After all we are friendly neighbors with primarily history, archaeology and no divisive issues between us. Our hope, literature. I play chess and love to travel. as Cyprus, is to see all the countries in our I have visited Israel north to south and region cooperate for the common good. east to west. My favorite place to visit The beautiful Mediterranean Sea is our is the Old City of Jerusalem. One of backyard. Let us work together to make it the greatest experiences that I have had truly a Sea of Peace. was going on a private tour underneath Jerusalem and exploring the tunnels and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the City of David. As I have a passion Ambassador Hatziaryrou is a career diplomat for archaeology and history (one of the with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ambassador Dimitris Hatziargyrou Ambassador’s diplomas is in Modern Republic Cyprus and has been serving as Greek & Byzantine studies) this was a Ambassador to Israel since March 2011. 8 The Diplomatic Club Magazine Middle East Digest deep rootS ANd hiGh hopeS: the diplomAtiC Club viSited JudeA & SAmAriA By David Rhodes On a Sunday morning, June 9th, 2013, vineyards belonging to Jewish families. Our second stop was the site of the ancient the Diplomatic Club left Tel Aviv by town of Shiloh which had been the capitol Our first stop traveling north was at bus to tour Judea and Samaria (also of the Twelve Tribes of Israel for 369 years the Binyamin Tourism Visitor Center known as the West Bank). Along for before eventually moving to Jerusalem which is a short ride north of Jerusalem the tour were diplomats, representatives and its role in history and its location are and also hosts the Psagot Winery, the from NGO’s and graduate students from mentioned in the Old Testament’s Book southern most winery on what some have Austria, Denmark, India and Kenya and of Judges. Excavations have unearthed called the Biblical WIne Route. We were the Ukraine. Of special note was the antiquities and ruins dating back over 3000 treated to a satiating breakfast and a taste presence of the Ambassador of Costa years and a modern village of Shiloh was of the 2010 Psagot Merlot but we weren’t Rica Rodrigo Carreras, who is serving his built nearby in 1978. just along for a whimsical romp. Settler second term in that role after a stint in the After a short walking tour of the ruins (we movement representative Danny Dayan 1980’s and whose father, Benjamin Nunez, had a packed schedule) we were fortunate met with us and gave us his perspective also had been been the Ambassador some enough to be some of the first guests on chances for peace in the region. He four decades ago. As a group we were to experience a unique new theatrical wasn’t overly optimistic on the chances of cordially hosted by the Binyamin Tourism presentation in a state of the art facility peace coming from a two state solution and Council. The Binyamin region is located that projected a film onto a screen of just north of Jerusalem leading up Route believed that instead of focusing on peace twelves pains of glass (symbolizing the 6 which follows a historic path dating back in the region, international players should aforementioned Twelves Tribes) which thousands of years that has both Jewish focus on justice for all parties including as windows overlook the valley where and Arab towns on either side along its Palestinian refugees still living in camps the Tabernacle housing the Ark of the length often dotted by olive trees belonging who he claimed are there only to be used Covenant once stood. The experience to residents of nearby Arab villages or as pawns by their leaders. serves as an effective way of connecting the viewer with the area as its portrayed in the film. Additionally, recently found burnt raisins that date back thousands of years at the site of Ancient Shiloh give hope that a mystery of what wine grapes were native to the period may be answered. A nearby winemaker aspires to being able to recreate wine from that era once he knows which grapes were used in that era. It remains to be seen if wine made to be authentic to that era which may have been watered down, flavored and preserved with additives like pine resin, herbs and date honey would be very palatable to connoisseurs today or if the winemaker would go to those extremes in his attempt to make the wine authentic. We would break for lunch nearby at the Tura Winery, a small family run operation with a charming visitor center. With a long tasting table that can accommodate dozens Meeting between the President of Ariel University and the Diplomatic Club Mission of guests for a tasting of any of Tura’s eight wines or a feast of various meats, an array The Diplomatic Club Magazine 9 Middle East Digest of salads, roasted vegetables and fresh to be a multi-cultural beacon for the that area by decades. Another project is fruit; our day’s bounty continued as we region as it has only 500 Arab students to recycle wastewater in the area so that enjoyed both a small feast and two of Tura’s currently attending but Danon is proud it can be reused for agricultural purposes awarding winning red wines which were that that those students are allowed for everyone in the region: Jew, Muslim underscored by the hospitality of our hosts. to attend without having to make any or Christian. It’s sadly ironic that the At these first three stops we were visiting lifestyle changes they would need to make blanketing boycott of assistance that Ariel with people who settled the area who attending other Israeli universities and the University endures includes even programs had a passion to live in an area that had campus makes whatever accommodations that are meant to assist the people the huge religious and cultural significance necessary for the students to fit in and boycott is meant to help. for them as Jews returning to part of hopes more Arab students would attend Our last stop before heading back to their ancestral homeland even though it in the future. Tel Aviv, was at a plastics factory further was not within Israel’s border’s after its One point of frustration for the Ariel’s west in the industrial park in Barkan. War of Independence in 1948 (or was the administration is their difficulty obtaining We were guided through the facility by Western Wall and Temple Mount in the grants from the European Union and Yehuda Cohen who oversees the operation. Old City for that matter, the holiest site in from the United States for being located This one factory employed an almost Judaism). Although the future sovereignty “behind the 1967 green line.” Even for equal mix of 90 Jews and Arabs who of this land is in question, there’s no research that would benefit Arabs in made plastic parts for plumbing as well doubt these people have a connection the area, the university faces an uphill as consumer products most of which to where they live and a sincere desire battle finding funding and must often were sold to customers in Israel. A recent to preserve it as place of significance of find a research partner outside of the boycott from Palestinians has hurt business Jewish and even Christian heritage. In territories on many projects to access tremendously but seems counter intuitive fact, hundreds of Christians from around grants. Two projects show that the AU since many of the companies employ the world volunteer to harvest grapes at is trying to be a good neighbor to all of Arabs at far higher salaries than they various wineries in the region. the region’s residents. With a very low life can find in their own towns. Discussion It was another short ride, this time west expectancy in the northern Shomron, due from Palestinian authorities to have along Route 5 before we reached Ariel to the cancer causing fumes that are a by Arab workers quit their job never went University, the only Israeli university product of the dominant charcoal industry, anywhere as they provide some of the best in the region. The university just went the university has been developing new opportunities for thousands of Palestinians through the lengthy process of obtaining charcoal processing procedures to protect who get along quite well with the Jewish its accreditation recently transitioning Arab workers and residents from fumes co-workers who both get paid the same from being a college. It’s expanding faculty, that lower the life expectancy for those in for the same jobs and there are Arabs the amount of world renown research, who are even managers overseeing both its offering of graduate and doctoral Arab and Jewish workers. Employees also programs all played a part in it not only socialize together at company outings and becoming a local hub for students in the politics seem to stay outside the workplace region but drawing students from all over even during tense times such as the recent Israel and starting to attract students Pillars of Defense conflict with Gaza. from overseas including a special track for This kind of economic cooperation is MBA students from Russia. The President seen by some as one ray of hope how the of the University, Dr. Yehuda Danon, region may evolve into a perceived place is also the former Surgeon General of of peaceful coexistence and even symbiotic Israel. He asserted that the university synergy and not the depository of despair has had no problem attracting quality that is portrayed often by people who never faculty to instruct its expanding student set foot in the area to talk to its residents. body of close to 15,000 students, 2,000 of whom live on campus in dorms. With its “Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in new and expanding programs, Dr. Danon touching them with your hands. But like the believes aspiring academics have a greater seafaring man on the desert of waters, you probability of quicker career opportunities Meeting between the President choose them as your guides, and following than they might at older universities of Ariel University and the them you will reach your destiny.”- Carl with more entrenched professors. The Diplomatic Club Mission Schurz, 1859. university has only touched on its potential 10 The Diplomatic Club Magazine

Aug 5, 2013 happy to welcome all the new diplomatic staff to Israel. As well, we'd like to router in the world, launched by Cisco. • Israeli air force pilot
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