February7,2008 8:39 WSPC/TrimSize: 10inx7inforProceedings ichep06 PENTAQUARK SEARCHES IN H1 ∗ J.E. OLSSON DESY, Hamburg, Germany 7 ∗E-mail: [email protected] 0 Talk given on behalf of the H1 Collaboration at ICHEP06, Moscow, Russia 0 2 n We report on searches in deep inelastic ep scattering for narrow baryonic states decaying into a Ξ−π−,Ξ−π+,KS0p and their charge conjugates, at centre-of-mass energies of 300 and 318 GeV. J Nosignalforanewnarrowbaryonicstateisobservedinthemassranges1600-2100MeV(Ξπ)and from threshold up to 1700 MeV (K0p). The standard baryon Ξ(1530)0 is observed inthe decay 9 modeΞ−π+,andmassdependentuSpperlimitsontheratioofthehypotheticalpentaquarkstates Ξ−− andΞ0 totheΞ(1530)0 signalaregiven. Alsoforthehypothetical strangepentaquark Θ+ 1 5q 5q v massdependent upperlimitsonσ(ep→eΘ+X)×BR(Θ+→K0p)areobtained. 1 Finallymeasurements oftheacceptance corrected ratiosσ(D∗p(3100))/σ(D∗)fortheelectropro- ductionoftheanti-charmedbaryonstate D∗p(3100)decayingintoD∗ andparepresented. 1 0 1 Keywords:pentaquark; HERA. 0 7 0 1. Introduction by any other experiment. / In this report the current results of x Pentaquarksareexotictothestandardquark e searches by the H1 experiment for the Θ+ model of mesons and baryons, although not - and Σ−− states are briefly presented. The p excludedinQCD.Combinationofthemeson e searcheshave been performed in the HERA- and baryon octets leads to the anti-decuplet h Iepdata(1996-2000),whichencompass75− : qqqqq¯, where q stands for the light quarks v 100 pb−1. In the last section some details of u,d and s. These 5-quark states are non- Xi the characteristics of the D∗p(3100)produc- minimal, colour neutral combinations. The r apex states uudds¯,ssddu¯ and uussd¯are pre- tion are presented. a dicted to have masses in the range 1.5−2.1 GeV and to be very narrow1. For two of 2. The strange pentaquark Θ+ these states decay modes are experimentally The Θ+ was first seen by the LEPS relatively easily accessible,and consequently collaboration5 in the decay mode K+n, at many searches have been performed, both a mass of 1.52 GeV. The H1 collaboration in fixed target and colliding beam environ- searched6foranarrowstatedecayingtoK0p ments. For the uudds¯ state, called Θ+, a S inthemassintervalfromthreshold1.48GeV large number of observations in the mass to 1.7 GeV, using DIS data with 5 < Q2 < range 1.52 − 1.54 GeV is matched by an 100 GeV2 and 0.1 < y < 0.6. The K0 was equally large number of non-observations2. S identified through the decay K0 → π+π− The doubly strange ssddu¯ state, Σ−−, has S and events were accepted if they contained only been observed by one experiment so atleastoneK0 andatleastoneprotonacan- far3. Also here many non-observations have S didate. Charged tracks had p > 0.15 GeV been reported2. t and pseudorapidity |η|<1.75, while the K◦ Pentaquarks which contain a charm S candidate had p > 0.3 GeV. Backgrounds t quark have also been searched for. One observation4, named D∗p(3100) by the H1 aChargeconjugationisalwaysimplied,unlessother- collaboration, has so far not been confirmed wisestated. 1 February7,2008 8:39 WSPC/TrimSize: 10inx7inforProceedings ichep06 2 from Λ and converted photons were rejected atic errors,are shown below the mass distri- with the restrictions M > 1.125 GeV and butions in Fig. 1. pπ M >0.05 GeV on the ππ system. Protons Thesearchwasrepeatedwithseparation ee wereidentifiedthroughthespecificionization of the K0p and K0p¯ distributions, with no S S loss dE/dx in the inner drift chambers,with significant peak as result. The obtained up- efficiencies between 65 and 100%. per limits vary between 30 and 90 pb. The ZEUS collaboration has reported MeV128000 a) H1 MeV116800 b) H1 evidence8 for a 1.52 GeV signal in the KS0p Entries / 5 11118024600000 H1 data Entries / 5 11180240000 H1 data m1σ.5a<2ssGd1ei0Vs0tripisbbσut(i9<o5n%.72CT.pLhb.e,)wHwh1hiecunhpetprxeatrnraslpliamotlieatstetadot 60 bgr fit 60 bgr fit to the ZEUS y-range. This value is barely 40 40 20 5 < Q2 < 10 GeV2 20 10 < Q2 < 20 GeV2 compatible withthe ZEUSpreliminarycross pb]800 pb]800 section9, σ =125±27+36 pb. Q [UL4600 Q [UL4600 The ZEUS collabo−ra2t8ionalso found that s 20 95 % C.L. s 20 95 % C.L. 01.451.51.551.61.651.71.751.8 01.451.51.551.61.651.71.751.8 the observed resonance is most prominent M(KS0p(p)) [GeV] M(KS0p(p)) [GeV] with the cuts Q2 > 20 GeV and proton mo- MeV250 c) H1 MeV100 d) H1 mentumpp <1.5GeV.Alsointhiskinematic ntries / 5 125000 ntries / 5 6800 rseaengFeigt.he1dH.1collaborationobservesnopeak, E H1 data E 40 H1 data 100 bgr fit bgr fit sQ [pb]UL24685000000 95 % 2C0. L< .Q2 < 100 GeV2 sQ [pb]UL24682000000 9 5 % 2C0. L< .Q2 < 100 GeV2 3Tre.hsoeTnNhanAec4ep9esnctotrlualacqtbuuoarreraktiasotnΞ1−5o8qb−6s2ear±vnedd2ΞaM05nqeaVrroiwn 01.451.51.551.61.651.71.751.8 01.451.51.551.61.651.71.751.8 Ξ(1321)π mass spectra3. Both Ξ−− and Ξ0 M(K0p(p)) [GeV] M(K0p(p)) [GeV] S S Fig. 1. K0p(p¯) invariant mass. a-c) peaks were seen, leading to the interpreta- S in bins of Q2, d) in the highest Q2 bin tion of these states being the neutral and doubly charged members of the Ξ (1862) andwith p <1.5GeV.The fullcurves 3/2 p pentaquark multiplet. Other experiments showthe backgroundfunction fits. Up- could not yet confirm this observation. perlimitsσ at95%C.L.onthecross U.L. The H1 search for this state10 uses the section are shown below the mass dis- decay chain Ξ → Ξ(1321)π, Ξ(1321) → tributions. Λπ, Λ →pπ. DIS events were selected with In the resonance search, K0p combina- 2 < Q2 < 120 GeV2 and 0.05 < y < 0.7. In S tionswereselectedundertherestrictionp > amasswindowof±8MeV∼ 158000Λcan- t 0.5 GeV and |η| < 1.5 for the K0p system. didates were identified with a 3-dimensional S MassdistributionsK0pinthreeQ2 intervals vertex fit, using cuts on the momentum S are shown in Fig. 1a-c. No significant re- p > 0.3 GeV and decay length > 0.75 t,pπ sonance signal is seen, and the distributions cm. Λπ combinations were also subjected to are well described by a smooth background a3-dimensionalvertexfit, withafurthercut function. Mass dependent upper limits for onthedistanceofclosestapproachtothepri- the cross section σ(ep → eΘX)×BR(Θ → maryvertex. ThesignificanceoftheΞ(1321) K0p), obtained using a modified frequentist signal is increased by a restriction to < 0.6 approach7basedonlikelihoodratiosandtak- radon the angle between secondaryand ter- ing into accountboth statisticalandsystem- tiary vertex vectors. In the resulting mass February7,2008 8:39 WSPC/TrimSize: 10inx7inforProceedings ichep06 3 distribution of Λπ,∼ 1650 Ξ(1321) form a plots of Fig. 2 and lie in the range 0.15− clear narrow peak. 0.6, with the value R (1860) ∼ 0.5(0.2) U.L. FinallytheΞ(1321),inamasswindowof for the neutral (doubly charged) combina- ±15MeV,wascombinedwithachargedpion tion. Summing all combinations, the limit fromtheprimaryvertex. Acutp >1.0GeV R (1860)∼ 0.5isobtained,whichisfully t U.L. was imposed on the Ξ(1321)π combinations. compatible with the upper limit value 0.29, Fig. 2 shows the final mass distributions. obtained by the ZEUS experiment in a simi- In the neutral Ξ(1321)π combinations lar analysis11. there is a clear signal of the wellknown Ξ(1530)0, with ∼ 170 events. The doubly 4. D∗p(3100) production in DIS chargedΞ(1321)π combinations do not show any resonant structure, in particular not at Pentaquarkmultipletscontainingtheheavier 1.86GeV,themassoftheNA49observation. c or b quarks have also been considered12. If This is also true when separating Ξ−π− and the anti-charmed pentaquark Θ0c, with the Ξ+π+ distributions. The Ξ(1530)0 is well quark content uuddc¯, is heavy enough the seen in both neutral charge combinations. decay Θ0c → D∗−p would be possible. Ev- idence for a narrow peak, provisionally la- Entries / 8 MeV11102480000 a) X2(H 1<5 13Q0 2)[p0G sreiVegn2l]ai <ml: 112.700 Entries / 8 MeV11102480000 b) 2H < 1Q 2[pGreVe2l]i <m 12.0 tgbiieovlnelendinbDyD∗pItSh(3e1a0nH0d1),pcihonollttahobpeorDroad∗tuipocnmti4oa.nssIhdnaisssturbbiebseuen-- 60 60 quentsearches,nootherexperimentwasable 40 40 to confirm this observation. 20 20 Additional preliminary information for –pX+)(Ru.l.000...4681 95 % C.L. –pX–)(Ru.l.000...4681 95 % C.L. tHh1eDco∗lpla(b31o0ra0t)iopnro13d.uctAiocnceisptparnocveidceodrbreyctthede 0.2 0.2 01.41.5–p+2) .[1Ge2V.2] 01.41.5–p–2) .[1Ge2V.2] yield ratios relative to inclusive D∗ produc- tion, anddifferential distributions ofthe vis- Fig. 2. Ξπ invariant mass, summed ible cross section ratio as function of event for a) two opposite and b) two equal kinematics and D∗ quantities are presented, charge combinations. Solid lines show the latter hinting at some features of the fits of a background function, in a) in- D∗p(3100) production mechanism. cludingaGaussian. Upper limits R U.L. The acceptance corrected yields ratio at95%C.L. onthe ratioof the number R (D∗p(3100)/D∗)is definedinthe visible ofeventsofahypotheticalΞ(1321)πre- cor range given by p (D∗p(3100)) > 1.5 GeV, sonance to the Ξ(1530)0 are shown be- t −1.5 < η(D∗p(3100)) < 1.0, p (D∗) > low the mass distributions. t 1.5 GeV, −1.5 < η(D∗) < 1.0 and z(D∗) > Mass dependent upper limits are de- 0.2 (including the D∗ from the D∗p(3100) fined in terms of the ratio of a hypothetical decay). η and z are the pseudorapidity and Ξ(1321)π resonanceto the Ξ(1530)0, using a elasticity, respectively. The acceptance cor- narrow Gaussian for a possible signal in the rections are calculated using RAPGAP, un- range 1.6 − 2.1 GeV. The background is a dertheassumptionthatpentaquarksarepro- smooth function and again the modified fre- duced by the fragmentation (simulated with quentist approach7 is used. Separate upper the Lundstringmodel). Theobservedyields limits were obtained for neutral and doubly ratio R(D∗p(3100)/D∗) = 1.46 ± 0.32% charged combinations, as well as for their becomes, after the acceptance correction, sum. The ratiolimits areshowninthe lower R (D∗p(3100)/D∗)=1.59±0.33+0.33. The cor −0.45 February7,2008 8:39 WSPC/TrimSize: 10inx7inforProceedings ichep06 4 ZEUScollaborationfoundR <0.59%(at D∗p(3100) fragmentation function, the vari- cor 95% C.L.), using larger statistics and a dif- able ferent definition of the visible range14. (E−p ) z charm x (charm)= obs P (E−p ) s(D*)D*p(3100)) / 000...000468 a) HR1A PPGreAlP s(D*)D*p(3100)) / 000...000468 b) HR1A PPGreAlP xicsroobssds(Desfi∗en)cetdiao.nndrathtiTeohdσei(ffDehdr∈∗eephpn(ete3min1aid0le0cn)r)co/esσs(zDoshfe∗c)ttioohnne s ( s ( dσ(D∗p(3100))/dxobs(D∗p(3100)) are shown 0.02 0.02 in Fig. 4a and 4b, respectively. The com- -01.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 01 2 3 4 5 parison with the RAPGAP expectation (in h (D*) h* (D*) whichD∗ andD∗p(3100)havethesamepro- Fig. 3. Acceptance corrected ratio ductionmechanism)showsthatthe D∗ from σ (D∗p(3100))/σ (D∗)asafunction the D∗p(3100) decay is softer than the in- vis vis ofthe D∗ pseudorapidity,in the a) lab- clusive D∗, and that the fragmentation of oratory and b) hadronic c.m. system. D∗p(3100) is harder than the inclusive D∗ Only statistical errors are shown. fragmentation. Extrapolating to the full phase space, References the visible cross section ratio is ob- tained: σ (D∗p(3100))/σ (D∗) = 2.48± 1. D. Diakonov, V. Petrov and M. Polyakov, vis vis 0.52+0.85 %. The differential distribution Z. Phys.A 359305(1997); hep-ex/9703373. −0.64 2. K.H. Hicks, Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 55 647 of this cross section ratio in the variables (2005); hep-ex/0504027 v2 (17.05.2006). η(D∗) and η∗(D∗) (i.e. pseudorapidity in 3. NA49Coll.,C.Altetal.,Phys. Rev.Lett.92 the laboratory and hadronic c.m. systems), 042003 (2004); hep-ex/0310014. are shown in Fig. 3, and compared with the 4. H1 Coll., A. Aktas et al., Phys. Lett. B588 RAPGAP simulation. Data show that the 17 (2004); hep-ex/0403017. D∗p(3100) production is suppressed in the 5. LEPSColl.,T.Nakanoetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett. 91 012002 (2003); hep-ex/0301020. central region and occurs mainly in the di- 6. H1 Coll., A. Aktas et al., Phys. Lett. B639 rection of the virtual photon, in contrast to 202 (2006); hep-ex/0604056. the standard fragmentation expectation. 7. T.Junk,Nucl.Instr.Meth.A434435(1999); hep-ex/9902006. s(D*)p (3100)) / 0.001..521 a) HR1A PPGreAlP s [pb] / dxd obs345000000 b) HR1A PPGreAlP 98.. ZZpBaEE5pUU9e1SSr 7tCCoo(o2lltll0h..,,0e4SS3)..;2CCnhdhehpeeIk-kneaaxtnne/oor0vnv4a0eet3ttio0aan5ll1a..,.,lcPCohnoyntrsfi.ebrLuenetetctde. (D* 200 on High Energy Physics, Beijing (2004), 10- s0.05 0273. 100 10. H1Coll., A.Aktaset al.,contributedpaper 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 tothe33rdInternationalConferenceonHigh xobs (D*) xobs(D*p (3100)) Energy Physics, Moscow (2006). Fig. 4. Acceptance corrected ratio 11. ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., Phys. Lett. σ (D∗p(3100))/σ (D∗) as a func- B610 212 (2005); hep-ex/0501069. vis vis tion of the D∗ hadronization fraction 12. Seereferences in Ref.4. 13. H1 Coll., A. Aktas et al., contributed pa- x (D∗)ina)anddifferentialcrosssec- obs pertothe22nd InternationalSymposiumon tion dσ(D∗p(3100))/dxobs(D∗p(3100)) Lepton-Photon interactions at High Energy, in b). Errors are statistical only. Uppsala (20045), Abstr.401. 14. ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., Eur. Phys. In order to gain information about the J. C38 29 (2004); hep-ex/0409033.