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Pension fund asset allocation and performance Citation for published version (APA): Andonov, A. (2014). Pension fund asset allocation and performance. [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University]. Datawyse / Universitaire Pers Maastricht. https://doi.org/10.26481/dis.20140521aa Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2014 DOI: 10.26481/dis.20140521aa Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.umlib.nl/taverne-license Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 18 Feb. 2023 Pension Fund Asset Allocation and Performance ALEKSANDAR ANDONOV Pension Fund Asset Allocation and Performance Aleksandar Andonov MaastrichtUniversitySchoolofBusinessandEconomics Maastricht Athesissubmittedforthedegreeof DoctorofPhilosophyatMaastrichtUniversity 21May2014 ©2014AleksandarAndonov All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other- wise,withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingfromtheauthor. ISBN9789461593320 Cover design by Filip Mishevski (www.filipthedesigner.com) with photographs by Yuukin and Jiahui Huang PrintedbyDatawyse/UniversitairePersMaastricht Pension Fund Asset Allocation and Performance DISSERTATION toobtainthedegreeofDoctoratMaastrichtUniversity, ontheauthorityofProf. dr. L.L.G.Soete,RectorMagnificus, inaccordancewiththedecisionoftheBoardofDeans, tobedefendedinpublic onWednesday,21st May2014,at16:00 by AleksandarAndonov Promotors: Prof. dr. RobBauer Prof. dr. PietEichholtz Evaluationcommittee: Prof. dr. PeterSchotman,Chairman Prof. dr. FranzPalm Prof. dr. JoshuaRauh,StanfordUniversity,USA Prof. dr. OnnoSteenbeek,ErasmusUniversityRotterdam TomygrandfatherAleksandar Acknowledgements My PhD journey commenced when I met Rob Bauer in the corridors of Maastricht University SchoolofBusinessandEconomics. Iacceptedthechallengeofdevelopinganacademiccareer immediately,eventhoughIonlyhadavagueideaaboutthefinalproductthatIwassupposed to deliver. The PhD process gave me the opportunity to learn a lot and to further develop personally. It has enabled me to live in a great country and also to travel around the world. Inadditiontodoingresearchinfinance,IlearnthowtowritesongsforSinterklaas,Icarefully followed speed skating on winter Olympics and I felt disappointed after the World Cup 2010 final. During my PhD journey, I was continuously surrounded and supported by wonderful people. Ioweadeepgratitudetoeveryonewhohelpedmebecomeanacademic. I am first and foremost grateful to my supervisors, Rob Bauer and Piet Eichholtz, who introducedmetotheacademicworld. Rob, I was very fortunate to work under your supervision, which was a perfect mix of freedomtoresearchandconstructivesuggestions. Youtrustedmetopresentinfrontofmany pensionexecutivesattheICPMforumwhenIwasonlyinmysecondyear,whilestillproviding detailed feedback until the end of my studies. I also benefited a lot from working as your teaching assistant. Your teaching approach combines great lectures, insightful articles, Monty Python videos and strict exams. I was honored to have you as a role model teacher. You are a great person with whom I enjoyed doing research, grading exams, and discussing Roda JC Kerkradeprospects. Piet,Iamgratefulforhavingtheopportunitytoworkunderyoursupervisiontoo. Ilearnt from you how to present and promote my research. You are a visionary thinker, great orator andprecisewriter. Yourcareeradvicesandcontinuoussupporthelpedmerealizemypotential. I enjoyed learning from you about the history of Maastricht and attending your annual PhD BBQevents. Iamdeeplyindebtedtomyco-authorandmentor,MartijnCremers. Thankyouforhosting me at Yale and Notre Dame University. I enjoyed the opportunity to work together with you on two research papers and to receive your support during the entire PhD process. I highly value your advice on how to grow professionally. Thank you for pushing me to go to the academic job market and mentoring me during this process. I look forward to continuing our collaborationinthefuture. IalsohadtheopportunitytoworktogetherwithNilsKok. Nils, youareagreatco-author and a colleague. I learnt from you that becoming a successful academic requires persistence andinnovativeideas. iii I would like to thank Franz Palm, Joshua Rauh, Peter Schotman and Onno Steenbeek for their contribution as members on my evaluation committee. You provided me with valuable feedbackandsuggestionsonmydissertationmanuscript. MyresearchonpensionfundsbenefitedalotfromthesupportbyCEMBenchmarkingInc. and Rotman ICPM, and I am especially grateful to Keith Ambachtsheer, Karen Clarke, Chris Flynn, Mike Heale and Ann Henhoeffer. Your comprehensive data and continuous support improved the quality and visibility of my research. The Rotman ICPM forums enabled me to enter the pension world. I am grateful also to Theo Nijman and Netspar for the multiple opportunitiestopresentmyresearch. Regarding the preparation help and insightful thoughts on the academic job market, I wouldliketothankJaapBos,MattEmbrey,BenjaminGolez,RonaldPeeters,KimPeijnenburg, ThomasPost,RachellPownall,PauloRodriguesandPeterSchotman. The Maastricht Finance Department has been a great place to work. I am grateful to ev- eryone for the pleasant and friendly atmosphere. The department has not only high quality academics, but also great people with whom I enjoyed delightful lunches, parties and trips. I owe a lot to my paranymphs, Michael and Leonard. Michael, thank you for supporting me to start my PhD in Maastricht. You helped me become a successful teacher and researcher. Together we successfully learnt some econometrics, taught two courses and analyzed football matches. I hope you will find the ‘right’ side on the way to the ‘dark’ side. Leonard, thanks for the countless advices on many small and big decisions I had to make. We shared beer in Lindau, sharska in Macedonia, and burgers in Philly. You are a great friend and I wish you evenmoresuccessinthefuture. IwouldliketoespeciallythankJaap,Jeroen,PauloandPeterforlisteningtomeeverytime I was in doubt when experiencing research obstacles. You provided me with an invaluable support and I am grateful that your door was always open. I would also like to express my appreciationtomycolleaguesArvid,Dennis,Joost,Rachel,Roger,Stefan,StefanieandThomas. AtMaastricht,mylifewasmadesomucheasierbythelovelyladiesofthefinancedepartment secretariat. Els,Francien,CarinaandCecile,thankyouverymuchforalwayshelpingme! ManyenjoyablemomentsduringmyPhDcamefromfrequentdiscussionsandlessserious talks with my officemates: Leonard, Sajid, Sally, Anna and Simone. Leonard and Sajid, your suggestions helped me a lot at the beginning of my studies, even though my coffee consump- tionincreasedsubstantiallyduringourtalks. Sally,themultipleSpongeBobslayingallaround ourofficeandyourdrawingssomehowcreatedaproductiveandpleasantatmosphereinB1.04. Anna,Ilearntfromyoutoenjoythelifebeyondthestatisticalpackage. Thanksforthepositive energy and funny afternoon chats while eating lots of chocolate. Simone, it was a pleasure to go through the final steps of our studies together with you and thanks a lot for the long talks aboutourfuturecareers. I also managed to make friends outside the office. Matteo and Gildas, I will miss your walkingroundsaroundthedepartment. Yourcheerfulstoriesenabledmetolaughevenwhen doing manual data work or staring at Stata output. Gildas, I wish you success as a finance iv

Without your limitless support and unconditional love, this PhD would not have been possible. My sister . 4 Delegated Investment Management in Alternative Assets. 91. 4.1 Introduction . cent of the asset management in 2010 (source: CEM Benchmarking Inc. 2010 data) to external managers and
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