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00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page i penguin reference THE PENGUIN DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN ENGLISH USAGE AND STYLE Paul W. Lovinger was a staff reporter and columnist for newspapers for two decades. His freelance writings include The Marijuana Question(with Helen C. Jones), a widely ac- claimed study of the drug as viewed by scientists and users. He also writes songs, both music and lyrics (specializing in children’s and novelty). He lives in San Francisco. 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page iii the PENGUIN DICTIONARY of AMERICAN ENGLISH USAGE AND STYLE (cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:2) A Readable Reference Book, Illum(cid:2)inating T(cid:3)hous(cid:2)ands of Traps That Snare Writers and Speakers paul w. lovinger p penguin reference 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page iv PENGUIN REFERENCE Published by the Penguin Group, Penguin Putnam Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V3B2 Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England First published in the United States of America by Penguin Reference, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc., 2000 This eBook edition published in 2002 Copyright ©Paul W. Lovinger, 2000 All rights reserved. Lovinger, Paul W. The Penguin dictionary of American English usage and style : a readable reference book, illuminating thousands of traps that snare writers and speakers/ by Paul W. Lovinger. p. cm. ISBN 0 7865 2886 9 Set in Minion with Schneidler Initials Designed by Betty Lew Map and endpapers by Mark Stein Studios Making or distributing electronic copies of this book constitutes copyright infringement and could subject the infringer to criminal and civil liability. First edition (electronic): November 2002 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page v contents introduction: watching our words vii general topics xiii lexicon, a to z 1 reference works 487 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page vii introduction Watching Our Words Aim; Form entries. Thus the book in part amounts The volume in your hands is meant to to an informal survey of contemporary be both useful and enjoyable, a readable problems in English usage. dictionary for all who are interested in Both perennial problems and new our language. ones come up. Of the misuses discour- In A-to-Z form, it is mainly a guide to aged by earlier books on English usage, good usage of English, the American some persist; others have not turned up, variety, contrasted with some 2,000 but, as though to take their place, new quoted examples of misusage and ques- offenses against the language have tionable usage. It does the job of “illumi- emerged. nating many traps and pitfalls in English usage” (as my editor puts it). I have Here are some hints for finding your way sought to provide clear explanations in around the volume: plain language. This book is designed for general readers as well as those who • Main entries, headed in boldface, work with words. are arranged alphabetically, letter by The examples were drawn from the letter. popular press, broadcasting, books, and • Many entries are divided into a variety of other sources, mostly in the sections, which are numbered and latter eighties and the nineties. Each titled. The sections of an entry are entry devoted to a specific word or arranged alphabetically, and their phrase contains one or more of those titles are listed at the beginning, quotations. The troublesome forms are after the main title. Some sections contrasted with the proper forms (which contain subsections, distinguished are emphasized by italics) and defini- by letters and titles. tions are given. • There are numerous cross- Entries on general topics are pre- references, some standing alone and sented too; they deal with matters of others within entries. For instance, grammar, punctuation, style, and so on. in the C’s under Commait says See A list of them, with further description Punctuation,3,referring the reader of the two types of entry, appears under to the entry. Many entries refer to “General Topics,” following this intro- related entries. Alphabetical order duction. is used in listing any series of cross- With few exceptions, the examples references and various other have determined the choices of word series. last entry vii 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page viii viii introduction Viewpoint grammatical correctness over “political This work could be viewed as an anti- correctness.” (In my view, those who dote to laissez-faire lexicography and mutilate our language for political anything-goes grammar. The doctrine motives do wrong.) that whatever emerges from people’s lips At times the difference between cor- is the language and that many verbal rect and incorrect usage is hazy. English wrongs make a right is not advocated has an abundance of words,* more than here. Nor is the cliché of English as “a any other language, and multiple ways living language” dragged in to justify to express almost any idea. Our lan- bad English. guage is so complex that nobody ever On the contrary, I do not hesitate to learns it all and that even its leading distinguish between right and wrong authorities occasionally stumble. They usage when the difference is clear. My disagree and one finds fault with an- inclination is to question deviant forms, other. Their differences concern both challenge innovations to prove them- specific points and standards of strict- selves, and resist senseless fads. (See also ness or looseness in the use of words and the final section of this introduction.) I grammar. thereby risk being labeled a “purist” by Some loose uses of words or phrases some critics—as though impurity were and some slang that may pass harmlessly desirable. in informal conversation are inappropri- Perhaps in a long-range, philosophi- ate when transferred to serious writing cal sense there is no verbal right and or even serious speech. This book will wrong. But that view does not help you help the reader to make sound choices. and me in choosing our words and putting together our sentences clearly Examples and properly according to the educated Samples of sentences that clearly fall norms of society. Those holding the per- into the wrongcategory follow. The first missive views follow most of the norms few are (alternately) by professionals of themselves. They do not say or write, broadcasting and journalism. A correc- “Them guys hasn’t came,” or “I ain’t did tion follows each quotation. (Each nothin nohow,” although some people comes up in the main text.) are apt to do so. For the most part, the “There were roofs completely tore laws of grammar have not been re- up.” Tornup. pealed. “I like to serve it with croutons . . . Not that one should be pedantic that is flavored with olive oil.” Are fla- either. The book does not flatly condemn vored. split infinitives, prepositions at the end “Police said ——— and ——— built of sentences, conjunctions at the begin- the bombs theirselves.” Themselves. ning, sentence fragments, or phrases like “It would be more racism showing it’s “It’s me.” But it does value precision ugly head again.” Its. over fashion, logic over illogic, and “There is a way to empower your *The Oxford English Dictionary,seeking to record all English words, says it covers more than 500,000 words and phrases in its twenty volumes. The Guinness Book of World Recordsplaces the count at more than 600,000words plus 400,000technical terms, a total exceeding a million. It numbers the Shakespearean vocabulary at 33,000words and expresses doubt that any person uses more than 60,000. 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page ix introduction ix children and make them far more bet- the meanings of certain words or if we ter...students.” Delete “more.” accept some clichés on their faces, we “Women have smaller brains then may believe that fury rages in the “eye” men.” Than. of a storm; a “fraction” is a small part; “The...campaign has got to break the character “Frankenstein” was a into the double digits to be respectful.” monster; to “impeach” an official is to Respectable. oust him from office; a jury can find a (Headline:) “Be Happy She Prys.” defendant “innocent”; pencils contain Pries. the metal “lead”; a “misdemeanor” is not a crime; prostitution is the “oldest Additional slip-ups, by people in other profession”; an exception “proves” a fields, include these: rule; the Constitution guarantees “the (Advertising:) “I always wanted to pursuit of happiness”; and so on. loose weight.” Lose. (Book publishing:) “Allow someone The criticism of any extract does not else to proofread [edit?] it...who will negate the overall merit of the work that not be affraid to be biased in their opin- is quoted.* ion.” Afraid to be unbiased in his opin- ion. Clarity (Diplomacy:) “It is quite clear that the Clarity is a leading theme of this crisis has reached a critical point.” book. More than 100 entries deal with Better: the disputeor the situation. the problem of ambiguity (noun): the (Education:) “Me and my kids live in state of being ambiguous (adjective), a dormitory.” Iand. able to be interpreted in two or more dif- (Law:) “No one is free to flaunt the ferent ways. Consider this sentence: tax laws.” Flout. “When P—— was hired by H——, he (Medicine:) “We’re obligated to do had a criminal record.” Which one is that biopsy irregardless of the physical “he”? (That example is from Pronouns, findings.” Regardless. 1. Consult also the cross-reference (Psychology:) “Their child don’t look Ambiguity and the next section of this so good.” Doesn’tlook. introduction, Wounded Words. General examples of fuzzy prose appear in The book debunks some widespread Verbosityand other entries.) misbeliefs. If we do not fully understand Clear expression requires clear think- *Of 2,000-odd examples of misusage or questionable usage, almost half originated with newspapers, news agencies, or magazines; about a fifth each with broadcasters and books; and a tenth with people in many other fields or miscellaneous sources, described in the text. A few appeared in other reference works. The single most frequent source of examples was The New York Times (usually the national edition), which occasionally is quoted here approvingly too. Newspapers distributed in the San Francisco Bay area and TV and radio broadcasts heard there were significant sources. Dozens of other newspapers, from most regions of the country, yielded examples too. So did 120books, mostly nonfiction. Some correct or incorrect examples, not counted above, were composed where fitting. The sources of the quotations are not usually identified by name. Space did not permit the publication of a list of such sources (although it had been contemplated). But a variety of ref- erence works consulted as sources of information are listed in the back of the book. 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page x x introduction ing. It helps also to be versed in the dis- strict meanings follow; loose meanings tinctions among words and in the ele- are in parentheses. Which meaning a ments of grammar, including tense, writer or speaker has intended is not number, mood, parts of speech, sentence always plain from the context. structure, and punctuation. Even so, A fabulousstory is one that is charac- clarity may not survive hastiness, inabil- teristic of a fable (or a good story). An ity to express ideas simply, intentional impactis a violent contact (or an effect). hedging, lack of facts, language that is A legendary figure is mythical (or too pompous or too slangy, obscurity of famous). One who is masterful is dicta- ideas or terms, overloading of sentences, torial (or skillful). To scana document is overlooking of double meanings, stingi- to examine it carefully and systemati- ness in using words or punctuation, too cally (or quickly and superficially). If a little thought, or too much abstraction scene is a shambles,it shows evidence of and generality without concrete exam- bloodshed (or disorder). If an incident ples. transpired this year, this year is when it Then, too, muddiness and confusion became known (or happened). When an can overcome our best efforts. Writers ultimatum is given, a threat of war is on the English language often compare it issued (or a demand is made). That with other languages and glory in its which is viable is able to live (or feasi- complexity, variety, and subtlety. Yet the ble).* language is so complex, with varieties of Many loose or questionable uses are expression so vast, subtleties so fine, and widespread. Does that mean we have to such a proliferation of word meanings, follow suit? Of course not. that it can trap any of us at some time or other. Unqualified praise helps no one. Save the Language Let us be aware of the difficulties and try New words continually appear. Those to overcome them. that fill needs are generally desirable. Greater efforts to write and speak What ought to be questioned or resisted clearly, accurately, and sensibly would are the watering-down of distinctive mean more understanding, something words that we already have, the creation that society needs. of ambiguity and fuzziness, the break- down of grace and grammar, and irra- Wounded Words tional verbal fads. One of the problems is that English is Change characterizes the history of being deprived of the benefit of many English; but whereas innovations in the distinctive words as looser meanings main language used to be tested slowly develop. The addition of the new mean- by time, and street slang usually stayed ings renders some of the words ambigu- there, they are now both thrust upon the ous. I call them wounded words. public almost instantly by the media of Examples of those words and their mass communication. *Among words in similar condition are these: accost, alibi, anticipate, bemuse, brandish, bru- talize, burgeon, careen, classic, cohort, compendium, connive, cool, culminate, decimate, des- ecrate, destiny, dilemma, disaster, effete, eke, endemic, enormity, erstwhile, exotic, fantastic, formidable, fortuitous, fraction, gay, idyllic, incredible, increment, internecine, jurist, literal, livid, marginal, mean (noun), minimize, neat, obscene, outrageous, paranoid, pristine, quite, sure, travesty, unique, utilize, verbal, virtual, vital, weird, wherefore, willy-nilly.The words emphasized in this section have separate entries. 00-FM_4 10/22/02 10:28 AM Page xi introduction xi Our language is an invaluable To support the cause of good English, resource, as much a part of our heritage you and I need not join a group, attend as forests, wildlife, and waters. Yet rallies, or give money. We can contribute where are movements for verbal conser- every day by knowing the language, vation? Who campaigns to save endan- shunning the fads, and watching our gered words? When do we ever see words. demonstrations against linguistic pollu- P.W.L. tion? San Francisco

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