STRATEGI JANGKA PANJANG Long Term Strategy Fokus pada ciri keunggulan penyediaan jasa 01\ hulu migas terintegrasi. Focus on providing excellent integrated upstream oil and gas services. Peningkatan kompetensi perseroan di bidang 02\ seismic marine dan transition zone market. Enhance core competences on seismic marine and transition zone market. Pengembangan keahlian dan teknologi untuk melakukan penetrasi usaha pada pasar 03\ pemboran sumur dalam dan lepas pantai. Develop skills & technology to access deep well & offshore drilling. Perluasan pangsa pasar dan diversifikasi 04\ konsumen yang beragam. Expand market share and diversifying customers base. Akuisisi kontrak jangka panjang dengan 05\ sistem manajemen risiko yang terpadu. Focus on acquisition of long-term contracts, while applying integrated risk management system. Optimalisasi penggunaan aset operasional 06\ dan pengembangan aliansi strategis. Optimizing the utilization of operational assets and continous development of strategic alliances. Memastikan implementasi dari corporate governance practices dan komitmen pada 07\ standar keselamatan kerja Ensuring the implementation of corporate governance practices and commitment to safety standard. Secara konsisten melakukan peningkatan 08\ kompetensi sumber daya manusia. Consistently upgrading the human resource competence. VISI VISION MENJAdI PERuSAhAAN KELAS duNIA To become a world class KEbANGGAAN NASIONAL, dI bIdANG company and a nation’s pride JASA huLu MIGAS SEcARA SOLuSI TOTAL in total solution upstream oil uNTuK MEMbERIKAN NILAI TAMbAh and gas services, to provide OPTIMAL bAGI STAKEhOLdER. optimum added value for stakeholder. MISI MISSION 01. MEMBErIKAN JASA lAyANAN BErMuTu 01. providing excellent integrated services TINggI SECArA TErINTEgrASI (one (One Stop services) for customer stop services) uNTuK KEpuASAN satisfaction and loyalty, supported by DAN lOyAlITAS pElANggAN, yANg workforce professionalism, availability of DIDuKuNg OlEh prOFESIONAlISME equipments, proficiency in technology, SDM, KETErSEDIAAN pErAlATAN, as well as continuous improvement and pENguASAAN TEKNOlOgI, innovative development of Company continuous improvement DAN products. pENgEMBANgAN INOvASI prODuK. 02. MElAKSANAKAN SEluruh KEgIATAN 02. Conducting all business activities under uSAhA BErDASArKAN KAIDAh good the principles of world-class-standard engineering practices DENgAN of good engineering practices, and to STANDAr KElAS DuNIA SErTA achieve operation excellence through MEwuJuDKAN operation excellence proper and consistent implementation MElAluI pENErApAN KAIDAh-KAIDAh of QhSE (Quality, health, Safety & QhSE (Quality, HealtH safety & Environment), as an evidence of environment) yANg BENAr DAN Company’s competitive advantage. KONSISTEN, SEBAgAI rEAlISASI KEuNggulAN pEruSAhAAN. 03. MENINgKATKAN pErTuMBuhAN SKAlA 03. Enhancing sustainable business growth uSAhA SECArA BErKESINAMBuNgAN along with improvement in financial and yANg DISErTAI DENgAN pENINgKATAN non-financial performance. KINErJA FINANSIAl MAupuN NON FINANSIAl. 04. MENINgKATKAN NIlAI pEMEgANg 04. Continuously increasing shareholders’ SAhAM SECArA BErKElANJuTAN, value, as well as employees’ prosperity SErTA KESEJAhTErAAN MAupuN and opportunities for human KESEMpATAN uNTuK TuMBuh development. Building harmonious and KEMBANg KAryAwAN. MEMBINA mutual relationship with government, huBuNgAN yANg hArMONIS DAN partners, and community surrounding the SAlINg MENguNTuNgKAN DENgAN Company’s areas of operation. pEMErINTAh, MITrA KErJA MAupuN MASyArAKAT DIMANA pEruSAhAAN BErOpErASI. dAFTAR ISI contents 04 pErISTIwA pENTINg 2007 | Significant Events 2007 06 IKhTISAr KEuANgAN | Financial highlights 07 IKhTISAr KEgIATAN OpErASIONAl | Operational Activity highlights 08 lApOrAN DEwAN KOMISArIS | president Commissioner’s report 14 lApOrAN DIrEKTur uTAMA | president Director’s report 24 KuTIpAN DArI DIrEKSI | Quotes from Board of Directors 25 TANgguNg JAwAB lApOrAN TAhuNAN 2007 | responsibility for Annual report 2007 27 prOFIl pEruSAhAAN | Company profile 29 SEJArAh pEruSAhAAN | Company history 30 BIDANg uSAhA | line of Business 32 STruKTur KEpEMIlIKAN pErSErOAN, ANAK pEruSAhAAN DAN AFIlIASI | Shareholding Structure of the Company, Subsidiaries and Affiliates 33 pENghArgAAN 2007 | Achievement 2007 34 ANAK pEruSAhAAN | Subsidiaries 37 pEruSAhAAN AFIlIASI | Affiliates Company 40 KOMpOSISI pEMEgANg SAhAM | Composition of Shareholders 41 STruKTur OrgANISASI | Organizational Structure 42 prOFIl DEwAN KOMISArIS | profile of The Board of Commissioners 46 prOFIl DIrEKSI | profile of The Board of Directors 50 prOFIl KOMITE AuDIT | profile of Audit Committee 51 prOFIl KOMITE rEMuNErASI | profile of remuneration Committee 52 SuMBEr DAyA MANuSIA | human resources 56 JArINgAN pErSErOAN | Office Network 59 ANAlISIS DAN pEMBAhASAN MANAJEMEN | Management Discussion Analysis 60 KINErJA OpErASI | Operational performance 70 KINErJA KEuANgAN | Financial performance 76 prOSpEK uSAhA pEruSAhAAN | Business prospect 79 hIghlIghT AKSI KOrpOrASI 2007 | Corporate Action highlights 2007 80 pENggABuNgAN uSAhA | Merger 83 pENAMBAhAN KEpEMIlIKAN SAhAM | Acquisition 85 pENAwArAN uMuM pErDANA | Initial public Offering 89 TATA KElOlA pEruSAhAAN yANg BAIK | good Corporate governance 91 rApAT uMuM pEMEgANg SAhAM | Annual Shareholders Meeting 95 DEwAN KOMISArIS | Board of Commissioners 96 DIrEKSI | Board of Directors 97 KOMITE AuDIT | Audit Committee 98 KOMITE rEMuNErASI | remuneration Committee 100 SEKrETArIS pEruSAhAAN | Corporate Secretary 100 STrATEgI DAN KEBIJAKAN prOSES INTErNAl | Internal process Strategy and policy 102 pENgAwASAN DAN pENgENDAlIAN INTErNAl | Internal Control 102 pENgElOlAAN rISIKO pEruSAhAAN | Corporate risk Management 106 pErKArA huKuM pErSErOAN | Corporate Cases 107 MEDIA pENyEBArAN INFOrMASI | Information Distribution Media 107 ETIKA BISNIS DAN ETIKA KErJA | Code of Conduct 108 prOgrAM KEMITrAAN DAN BINA lINgKuNgAN | Corporate Social responsibility 111 lApOrAN KEuANgAN KONSOlIDASI | Consolidated Financial Statements 4 www.ElNuSA.CO.ID PERISTIWA PENTING 2007 Significant Events 2007 Januari January Elnusa menerima penghargaan workover Operation In Elnusa received the award from workover Operation In Achieving 265 Days of NlTI (No loss Time Injury) on Achieving 265 Days of NlTI (No loss Time Injury) on year 2006 dari Chevron. year 2006 from Chevron. Februari February Elnusa mendapat penghargaan “Kecelakaan Nihil” Elnusa received the award of Zero Accident from dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi the Department of labor and Transmigration of the republik Indonesia. republic of Indonesia. Mei May closing project “Desa pemulihan Terpadu Elnusa” Closing project “Desa pemulihan Terpadu Elnusa” tepat 1 tahun pemulihan pasca gempa yogyakarta exactly 1 year anniversary of yogyakarta disaster bersama Menteri Negara perumahan rakyat rI, M. recovery, together with the State Minister of public yusuf Asy’ari. Elnusa menyerahkan rumah tahan housing of the republic of Indonesia, M. yusuf gempa ke-147 (terakhir). program ini merupakan Asy’ari. Elnusa handed over the 147th (last one) CSr Elnusa dalam kolaborasi kemanusiaan bersama house. This program is part of Company’s CSr mitra ACT dan perusahaan/organisasi lokal dan programs in humanity collaboration with ACT and internasional. Desa Elnusa direkomendasi Menteri local and international companies / organization. The untuk direplikasi sebagai pemulihan terpadu di Elnusa’s village is recommended by the Minister to kawasan rawan gempa lainnya di Indonesia. be replicated as an integrated recovery in other areas with potential disaster in Indonesia. Juni June Investasi Well testing Barge (Elnusa Samudra 3 dan Investment in well Testing Barges (Elnusa Samudra 3 4), untuk memenuhi pekerjaan dari TOTAl Indonesie and 4), for the projects from TOTAl Indonesie with a senilai uSD 18.6 juta untuk masa 5 tahun. total value of uSD 18.6 million for the next 5 year. Juli July 16 Juli 2007, rupS Tahunan dan rupS luar Biasa : July 16 2007, Annual general Meeting of Eteng A. Salam menggantikan rudy radjab sebagai Shareholders (AgMS) and Extra Ordinary general Direktur utama dan Surat Indrijarso (Komisaris Meeting of Shareholders (EgSM), Independen) serta harry Triono (Komisaris) menggantikan Tamsil Ambismar. Eteng A. Salam replaced rudy radjab as the president Director and Surat Indrijarso (Independent persetujuan untuk melakukan IpO. Commissioners) and harry Triono (Commissioners) replaced Tamsil Ambismar. Approval for IpO. lApOrAN TAhuNAN 2007 5 Agustus August lepas-Sambut Direktur utama pT Elnusa Tbk, dari handover Ceremony for the president Director of rudy radjab kepada Eteng A. Salam, dan Komisaris pT Elnusa Tbk, from rudy radjab to Eteng A. Salam, perseroan and the Commissioners. September September Memperingati hari ulang Tahun Elnusa ke 38, dengan Commemorating Elnusa 38th anniversary, held for IpO tema khusus “New Emerging public Company” preparation theme “New Emerging public Company”. sebagai persiapan menjelang IpO. Oktober October Dalam rupS luar Biasa, pemegang saham In the EO gMS, shareholders agreed upon taking the menyetujui penyempurnaan struktur korporasi dan Company goes public through the mechanism of perubahan susunan pengurus perseroan. Initial public Offering (IpO). Kesepakatan kerja sama Elnusa dengan university of Elnusa entered research Affiliate Agreement with hamburg, germany, untuk penelitian riset (research the university of hamburg, germany. This affiliation affiliate agreement). Kerja sama ini menandai marked the positioning Elnusa as the trusted provider positioning Elnusa sebagai penyedia jasa hulu of upstream oil and gas services and holder of the migas yang terpercaya dan pemegang market share biggest market share for seismic data acquisition. terbesar untuk seismic data acquisition. persetujuan Departemen Kehakiman dan hak Asasi gaining approval from the Department of law and Manusia untuk penggabungan 4 anak perusahaan ke human rights for the merger of 4 subsidiaries into the dalam perseroan sebagai langkah awal reposisi bisnis Company, as the initial move of the Elnusa business Elnusa yang akaln lebih fokus pada jasa hulu migas. repositioning towards a more focus on upstream oil and gas services. November November perseroan serta anak perusahaannya The Company and the subsidiaries sign the pact of menandatangani pakta Integritas, wujud keteguhan Integrity, as an evidence on Company’s commitment memegang komitmen integritas atas dasar gCg. to integrity as part of gCg implementation. This peristiwa ini memiliki nilai yang sangat penting is a moment of importance since the day before karena sehari sebelumnya (29/11/07), perseroan (29/11/07), the Company completed registration melakukan registrasi pencatatan pendaftaran ke to Bapepam-lK to go public. The pact of Integrity Bapepam-lK untuk go public. pakta Integritas wujud is a sign of morale awareness to maintain integrity kesiapan moral untuk menjaga integritas dalam in running the Company professionally and publicly menjalankan perusahaan secara profesional dan accountable. dapat mempertanggungjawabkan kinerja kepada publik. persetujuan Departemen Kehakiman dan hak Asasi Approval from the Department of law and human Manusia untuk penggabungan 3 anak perusahaan rights for the merger of 3 subsidiaries in order to dalam rangka mewujudkan sebuah anak perusahaan build a strong entity engaging in data management, yang kuat yang bergerak dalam bidang data technology and information businesses especially in managemen, teknologi dan informasi khususnya di oil and gas industry. bidang migas. ANNuAl rEpOrT 2007 6 www.ElNuSA.CO.ID IKhTISAR KEuANGAN Financial highlights dalam miliar rupiah, kecuali disebutkan lain in billion rupiah, unless otherwise stated uRAIAN 2007 2006* 2005* 2004* 2003* dEScRIPTION LAPORAN LAbA RuGI STATEMENT OF INcOME pENDApATAN uSAhA 2,104 1,878 1,296 1,175 1,108 rEvENuES lABA KOTOr 399 349 278 184 187 grOSS prOFIT EBITDA 265 204 166 119 128 EBITDA BEBAN uSAhA 254 233 200 164 158 OpErATINg ExpENSES lABA uSAhA 144 115 78 20 28 OpErATINg INCOME BEBAN BuNgA 37 28 19 18 44 INTErEST ExpENSES lABA SEBEluM BEBAN pAJAK pENghASIlAN 141 118 84 100 102 INCOME BEFOrE INCOME TAx ExpENSES lABA BErSIh 100 83 59 152 74 NET INCOME JuMlAh SAhAM yANg BErEDAr (ribu lembar)** 5,838,500 1,167,700 1,167,700 1,167,700 1,167,700 NuMBEr OF ShArES ISSuED (tho shares)** lABA BErSIh pEr SAhAM (rupiah)** 17 14 10 26 13 NET INCOME pEr ShArE (rupiah)** LAPORAN NERAcA AKTIvA lANCAr 994 835 653 481 584 CurrENT ASSETS AKTIvA TETAp - BErSIh 836 702 634 628 650 FIxED ASSETS AKTIvA TIDAK lANCAr lAINNyA 329 271 262 207 185 OThEr NON CurrENT ASSETS JuMlAh AKTIvA 2,159 1,809 1,548 1,316 1,418 TOTAl ASSETS huTANg lANCAr 406 188 182 75 301 KEwAJIBAN lANCAr lAINNyA 512 549 413 327 234 CurrENT lIABIlITIES huTANg TIDAK lANCAr 186 109 86 103 234 DIFFErED TAx ASSET KEwAJIBAN TIDAK lANCAr lAINNyA 277 69 42 37 33 NON CurrENT lIABIlITIES JuMlAh KEwAJIBAN 1,195 915 723 541 802 TOTAl lIABIlITIES hAK MINOrITAS 15 14 16 12 7 MINOrITy INTErEST JuMlAh EKuITAS 949 879 809 763 610 TOTAl EQuITy JuMlAh EKuITAS + hAK MINOrITAS 964 894 825 775 617 TOTAl EQuITy + MINOrITy INTErEST JuMlAh KEwAJIBAN DAN EKuITAS 2,159 1,809 1,548 1,316 1,418 TOTAl lIABIlITIES AND EQuITy MODAl KErJA 76 99 58 80 49 wOrKINg CApITAl INvESTASI AKTIvA TETAp 258 161 100 76 58 INvESTMENTS IN FIxED ASSETS LAPORAN ARuS KAS STATEMENT OF cASh FLOW KAS DArI hASIl OpErASI (142) 79 24 31 72 CASh FrOM OpErATINg ACTIvITy KAS uNTuK INvESTASI (127) (29) (69) 295 (99) CASh uSED IN INvESTMENTS KAS DArI hASIl pENDANAAN 219 12 72 (358) 26 CASh FrOM FINANCINg ACTIvITIES RASIO PERTuMbuhAN GROWTh RATIO pENDApATAN uSAhA 12.0% 44.9% 10.3% 6.0% 14.7% rEvENuES lABA KOTOr 14.4% 25.5% 51.4% -1.6% 56.0% grOSS prOFIT EBITDA 29.9% 23.2% 39.7% -7.3% 7.1% EBITDA lABA uSAhA 25.2% 48.7% 296.6% -30.7% -336.7% OpErATINg ExpENSES lABA BErSIh 20.6% 41.7% -61.5% 105.6% 131.3% NET INCOME JuMlAh AKTIvA 19.4% 16.8% 17.6% -7.2% 7.9% TOTAl ASSETS JuMlAh KEwAJIBAN 30.7% 26.5% 33.7% -32.5% 6.6% TOTAl lIABIlITIES JuMlAh EKuITAS 7.9% 8.7% 6.1% 25.1% 9.4% TOTAl EQuITy RASIO KEuANGAN FINANcIAL RATIO MArgIN lABA KOTOr 19.0% 18.6% 21.4% 15.6% 16.8% grOSS prOFIT MArgIN MArgIN EBITDA 12.6% 10.9% 12.8% 10.1% 11.6% EBITDA MArgIN MArgIN lABA uSAhA 6.9% 6.1% 6.0% 1.7% 2.5% OpErATINg MArgIN MArgIN lABA BErSIh 4.8% 4.4% 4.5% 13.0% 6.7% NET prOFIT MArgIN IMBAl hASIl INvESTASI 38.8% 51.5% 58.3% 200.7% 127.8% rETurN ON INvESTMENT IMBAl hASIl EKuITAS 10.6% 9.4% 7.2% 20.0% 12.2% rETurN ON EQuITy IMBAl hASIl AKTIvA 4.6% 4.6% 3.8% 11.6% 5.2% rETurN ON ASSETS rASIO lANCAr 1.08 1.13 1.10 1.20 1.09 CurrENT rATIO JuMlAh KEwAJIBAN/JuMlAh AKTIvA 0.55 0.51 0.47 0.41 0.57 TOTAl lIABIlITIES/TOTAl ASSETS JuMlAh KEwAJIBAN/EKuITAS 1.26 1.04 0.89 0.71 1.31 TOTAl lIABIlITIES/TOTAl EQuITy huTANg/EKuITAS 0.62 0.34 0.33 0.23 0.88 DEBT TO EQuITy huTANg BErSIh/EKuITAS 0.51 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.72 NET DEBT TO EQuITy huTANg/EBITDA 2.23 1.45 1.61 1.50 4.18 DEBT TO EBITDA huTANg BErSIh/EBITDA 1.83 0.68 1.04 0.93 3.45 DEBT TO ASSETS EBITDA/ BEBAN BuNgA 7.14 7.32 8.63 6.50 2.94 EBITDA/ INTErEST ExpENSE *) disajikan kembali *) restated **) pada tahun 2007 terjadi perubahan nilai nominal saham dari rp500 menjadi rp100. **) In the year 2007, the shares nominal value changed from rp500 to rp100. Net Income per shares laba bersih per saham dasar dikalkulasi dengan memperhitungkan efek retroaktif is calculated with retroactive effects following the change in the shares nominal value sehubungan dengan perubahan nilai nominal saham lApOrAN TAhuNAN 2007 7 PENdAPATAN uSAhA LAbA uSAhA LAbA bERSIh revenues Operating Income Net Income c AG R 1 7 % 04 c AG R 5 0 % c AG R 8 % 78 2,1 1,8 4 52 4 1 1 6 1,108 1,175 1,29 115 3 100 78 74 8 9 5 8 2 0 2 dalam miliar rupiah dalam miliar rupiah dalam miliar rupiah in billion rupiah in billion rupiah in billion rupiah 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 JuMLAh AKTIVA JuMLAh KEWAJIbAN JuMLAh EKuITAS Total Assets Total liabilities Total Equity c AG R 1 1 % c AG R 1 1 % c AG R 1 2 % 9 5 1 09 2, 1,418 1,316 1,548 1,8 802 1 723 915 1,195 10 763 809 879 949 4 6 5 dalam miliar rupiah dalam miliar rupiah dalam miliar rupiah in billion rupiah in billion rupiah in billion rupiah 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 IKhTISAR KEGIATAN OPERASIONAL Operational Activity highlight dalam miliar rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain in billion rupiah, unless otherwise stated uRAIAN 2007 2006* 2005* 2004* 2003* dEScRIPTION JASA pENuNJANg hulu MIgAS 70 81 46 40 9 SuppOrTINg upSTrEAM OIl & gAS SErvICES JASA hulu MIgAS TErINTEgrASI 1,143 943 737 538 474 INTEgrATED upSTrEAM OIl & gAS SErvICES JASA hIlIr MIgAS 806 766 416 534 529 DOwNSTrEAM OIl & gAS SErvICES JASA pENuNJANg & BErBASIS KOMpETENSI 155 169 143 103 571 SuppOrTINg SErvICES & COMpETENCy BASED JuMlAh pENDApATAN uSAhA 2,104 1,878 1,296 1,175 1,108 TOTAl rEvENuE *) disajikan kembali (restated) KOMPOSISI PENdAPATAN 2007 PENdAPATAN revenue Composition 2007 JASA huLu MIGAS TERINTEGRASI revenue from Integrated upstream Oil & gas Services 7% 3% c AG R 2 3 % 1,143 3 4 9 38% 52% 37 7 8 3 5 4 7 4 jasa penunjang hulu migas dina lbaimllio mn irliuarp irauhpiah c AG R : Compound Annual growth rate jasa hulu migas terintegrasi jasa hilir migas 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 jasa penunjang dan berbasis kompetensi ANNuAl rEpOrT 2007 8 www.ElNuSA.CO.ID LAPORAN KOMISARIS uTAMA President commissioner’s Report DEwAN KOMISArIS MErASA CuKup puAS DENgAN KINErJA MANAJEMEN DAN KAryAwAN DI TAhuN 2007, SErTA MENDuKuNg pENuh STrATEgI pErSErOAN uNTuK FOKuS DI JASA hulu MIgAS TErINTEgrASI. The board of commissioners are quite pleased with the performance of the Management and employees in the year 2007, and fully support the company’s strategy to focus integrated upstream oil & gas services. lApOrAN TAhuNAN 2007