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Peng, Y., Armour, SMD., & McGeehan, JP. (2007). An investigation of dynamic subcarrier allocation in MIMO–OFDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 56(5, part 2), 2990 - 3005. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVT.2007.899951 Peer reviewed version Link to published version (if available): 10.1109/TVT.2007.899951 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/red/research-policy/pure/user-guides/ebr-terms/ 2990 IEEETRANSACTIONSONVEHICULARTECHNOLOGY,VOL.56,NO.5,SEPTEMBER2007 An Investigation of Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation in MIMO–OFDMA Systems YingPeng,Member,IEEE,SimonM.D.Armour,andJosephP.McGeehan Abstract—In this paper, orthogonal frequency-division Ck,s,m(cid:1) Matrix to record the location of allocated multiple-access(OFDMA)systemswithdynamicdeterministic(as subcarriers for user k, subcarrier (within the opposed to pseudorandom) allocation of subcarriers to users to subchannel)s,andspatialchannelm(cid:1). exploitmultiuserdiversityareinvestigated.Previouslypublished k User. work on dynamic multiuser subcarrrier allocation for OFDMA (cid:1) systems with single-input–single-output (SISO) channels are k Useroritsduplication. surveyed. A near-optimal low-complexity algorithm for SISO K Numberofallusers. (cid:1) systems,whichisstructurallysimilartothealgorithmbyRheeand K Number of S times duplication of K users, Cioffi, is extended to the case of multiple-input–multiple-output K(cid:1) =S×K. (MIMO) systems in this paper. The optimality and adaptability h Channelresponseforuserk,subcarriernfor of this algorithm are analyzed by formulating an assignment k,n problem and comparing with one optimal and two extended acertainchannel. suboptimal strategies proposed based on previous work. Con- hk,n,m(cid:1) Channelresponseforuserk,subcarriern,and sideration of a MIMO channel creates further issues for the channelm(cid:1). subcarrier-allocationprocess.Inparticular,methodswherebyan |h | Channeltransfer-functionamplitude. appropriate subcarrier allocation may be exploited to minimize k,n the effects of correlation in MIMO channels are of considerable |hk,n,m(cid:1)| Relativechannelgaininamplitude. interest. Several novel variants of the algorithm (referred to as |huser,sub|2 Channel gain of a certain user for the “schemes”) are proposed and evaluated for MIMO systems allocated subcarrier in a certain simula- employing both space-time block coding (STBC) and spatial tiontime. multiplexing (SM) in both uncorrelated and correlated fading H Channel gain matrix, H ={|h |2},k =1, channels. Simulation results identify the most suitable schemes k,n 2,...,K,n=1,2,...,N . for bothSTBCandSMand, inparticular, show thatsubstantial sub improvements in performance (in terms of bit-error rate) L Alternativesubcarrierinschemes4and5. in correlated channels can be achieved by means of suitable m Certainspatialsubchannel. subcarrier allocation. In uncorrelated channels, the best scheme m(cid:1) Spatialsubchannelindexm(cid:1) ={1,...,M(cid:1)}. can offer approximately 7-dB gain over the conventional MIMO M True number of spatial subchannels (M = channel; in highly correlated channels, even more substantial T ×R ). improvements(>11-dBgainforSTBC,>20-dBgainforSM)in x x performancecanalsobeachieved,demonstratingtheabilityofa M(cid:1) Effective number of spatial subchannels con- well-designed subcarrier-allocation scheme to mitigate the sideredbytheallocationalgorithm. debilitatingeffectsofcorrelationonMIMOsystems. n Certainsubcarrier. IndexTerms—Multipleinputmultipleoutput(MIMO),orthog- Nsub Numberofalluseablesubcarriers. onal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), single input N M(cid:1) by N matrix, where each row is a Sub single output (SISO), space-time block coding (STBC), spatial vector containing the indexes of the useable multiplexing(SM),subcarrierallocation. subcarriersforthecorrespondingspatialsub- NOMENCLATURE P Tchoatanlnelp(eir.ec.e,iNvemd(cid:1) =ch{a1n,n2e,l3,g..a.in,,NSPub}). = total (cid:2) (cid:2) total 0cm(cid:1),NSub MAlalotrcixatioofnz-emroasppoifnsgizmeamtri(cid:1)xbeyleNmSeunbt.foruserk Popt MaKkximuNnmsubtoctka,lnp|herkc,nei|v2e.dchannelgain. k,n total andsubcarriern. P Nsub×Nsub Total perceived channel gain for L times total c(cid:1) Allocation-mappingmatrixelementforauser duplication of K users PNsub×Nsub = k,n (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:2) total oritsduplicationkandsubcarriern. Nnsub (cid:1)Nk=su1bc(cid:1)k,n|h(cid:1)k,n|2. P Normalizedpowerperuserandpersubcarrier. norm P Averagereceivedpower. ManuscriptreceivedJanuary25,2006;revisedJune25,2006,September18, k 2006,andSeptember21,2006.ThisworkwassupportedbyKyoceraR&D.The q Number of near-adjacent subcarriers avoided reviewofthispaperwascoordinatedbyProf.X.-G.Xia. in scheme 5 process. The value of ten was The authors are with Centre for Communications Research, Electrical chosen on the basis of some crude optimiza- and Electronic Engineering Department, University of Bristol, BS8 1UB Bristol, U.K. (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; tion via a trial-and-error approach and is not [email protected]). necessarilyoptimal. Colorversionsofoneormoreofthefiguresinthispaperareavailableonline R Numberofreceiveantennas. athttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org. x DigitalObjectIdentifier10.1109/TVT.2007.899951 s Subcarrierindex. 0018-9545/$25.00©2007IEEE PENGetal.:INVESTIGATIONOFDYNAMICSUBCARRIERALLOCATIONINMIMO–OFDMASYSTEMS 2991 S Number of subcarriers per user in this paper, gain and achieve an optimal solution. However, simulation the case of equal numbers of subcarriers per resultsshowthattheDSAalgorithmin[3]achieves perceived subchannel,S =N /K. channel gains within a fraction of a decibel of the optimal sub T Numberoftransmitantennas. solution[11]. x Thecorenoveltyofthispaperliesinthefactthatitconsiders anotheropportunitytoexploitdiversityinadditiontotheuplink I. INTRODUCTION andmultiuserdiversitygainsdescribedbefore.Thisopportunity ORTHOGONAL frequency-division multiple access is specific to multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) systems (OFDMA), which is also referred to as multiuser- wherein the flexibility of subcarrier allocation facilitates an OFDM, is an extension of the orthogonal frequency-division opportunitytomitigatethedebilitatingeffectsofcorrelationin multiplexing (OFDM) and is a highly regarded candidate thechannel. modulationandmultiple-accessmethodforafourth-generation Considering MIMO systems, the DSA algorithm [3] is ini- physical layer (4G PHY). It has recently been chosen for the tially extended to three candidate schemes (schemes 1, 2, IEEE 802.16 and Digital Video Broadcasting-return channel and3)—allMIMOcompatible—andperformanceisevaluated terrestrial (RCT) standards [4], [5] and received significant in uncorrelated channels. The schemes inherit the low com- research interest. Similarly to OFDMA, various combinations plexity of the algorithm in SISO and get much benefit from of direct-sequence code-division multiple access [6] and spatialdiversityandmultiuserdiversityinuncorrelatedchannel OFDM—e.g., multicarrier code-division multiple-access scenarios. [7]—are also highly regarded. In practice, there is little However, as is well known, MIMO-system capacity mostly difference between the schemes in their robustness against dependsonthespatial-correlationpropertiesoftheradiochan- noise and intercell interference [8]. However, OFDMA can nel.Anobviouswaytoachievedecorrelationbetweenasetof often outperform the others for high system loads due to its antenna elements is to place them far away from each other. lower complexity and ability to maintain orthogonality on However,inmostcases,thenatureoftheequipmentwilllimit frequency-selectivefadingchannels. the antenna spacing. The nature of the environment may also OFDMA makes use of OFDM modulation while allowing limit the effectiveness of this method, for example, due to the multiple access by separating symbols in frequency and op- keyholeeffect[12].Twofurtheradaptive-multiusersubcarrier- tionally in time as well. In a certain time slot, all or some allocationalgorithms,whichareextendedfrom[3](schemes4 of the active subcarriers can be used by a given terminal. and5),areproposedinthispaper.Theseschemesaredesigned OFDMA, therefore, concentrates uplink transmit power into specifically to combat the debilitating effects of correlation a “subchannel,” which consists of 1-Nth of the whole band- while still seeking a maximal or near-maximal allocation of width (where N is the number of terminals), resulting in a channelenergy.Theeffectivenessofthesemethodsisevaluated 10log N-dBgain. inbothuncorrelatedandcorrelatedchannels. 10 Furthermoretothisuplinkgain,thereisalsotheopportunity This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the to exploit the advantages of multiuser diversity to mitigate system model used in this paper. Section III summarizes the channel fading. This is the focus of the algorithms proposed DSA algorithm for the SISO–OFDMA system and confirms in [1]–[3]. In a frequency-selective channel, subcarriers will its near-optimality by analyzing its performance in compar- perceive a large variation in channel gain, and the perceived ison with optimal and alternative suboptimal solutions. The channelwillbedifferentforeachuser.Ifadeterministicrather extendedschemesforuncorrelatedandcorrelatedscenariosare than random allocation of subcarriers is employed, multiuser proposedinSectionsIVandV,respectively.SectionVIintro- diversitycanbeexploited.Inthisway,themajorityofsubcar- ducesthesimulationenvironmentandparameters.SectionVII riers allocated to each user perceive gain (relative to the mean includesallsimulationresultsandperformanceanalysis.Con- forallfrequencies)ratherthanattenuationintheradiochannel. clusionsareprovidedinSectionVIII. Such a deterministic allocation algorithm will be referred to, here,asadynamic-subcarrier-allocation(DSA)algorithm. II. SYSTEMMODEL DSA algorithms have been proposed previously in [1]–[3] for the case where the channel on a per-link basis is single The OFDMA system considered here consists of one base input single output (SISO). Reference [3] is of particular rele- station (BS) and multiple mobile stations (MSs), all of which vanceinsofarasitisalow-complexityadaptive-multiuserDSA possesseithertwoorfourantennas.Inthispaper,thedownlink algorithm in which the per-subcarrier channel gain of each is considered for the sake of simplicity. However, the DSA user is used as the metric to allocate the subcarriers and algorithm and the diversity gains, which it achieves, are, in ensure a fair allocation for all users insofar as they all receive principle, equally applicable to the uplink (which will enjoy approximately equal gain from the DSA while not adversely further benefits of OFDMA uplink gain as discussed before). affecting overall system capacity. However, while achieving The BS is considered to communicate simultaneously with significant gain, this algorithm might not reach the optimal multiple MSs, each of which is allocated a single subchannel solution(intermsofachievingthetotalmaximumchannelgain consisting of a given number of OFDMA subcarriers (equal forusers).TheHungarianmethod[9]andsort–swapalgorithm numbersofsubcarrierspersubchannelandasinglesubchannel [10]areintroducedandextendedtosolvethisallocationprob- per MS is assumed for simplicity in this paper, but this is not lem as an assignment problem in maximizing total channel essentialtothefunctionalityoftheDSAalgorithm). 2992 IEEETRANSACTIONSONVEHICULARTECHNOLOGY,VOL.56,NO.5,SEPTEMBER2007 Fig.1. Systemmodel.DSA-OFDMAinSISOsystem. The BS takes the downlink data for all MSs and applies Three graphs of the system model of SISO and MIMO independent bit-level-error control coding, symbol mapping, cases are shown in Figs. 1 and 2(a) and (b) to indicate the and serial to parallel conversion. In the case of SISO, a whole previously mentioned process. The later two can also DSA-mapping process allocates the parallel data symbols to be extended to higher dimension MIMO system. Note that all appropriatesubcarriersasindicatedbytheDSAalgorithm.On connections to the channel estimator and the control channel theotherhand,inthecaseofMIMO,eachusersignalissubject betweentheDSAalgorithmandthereceiverareshowndashed, toeitherspace-timeblockcoding(STBC)orspatialmultiplex- since neither channel estimation nor the communication of ing (SM) at the BS. The resultant 2 or 4 (depending on the control information is considered explicitly in this paper. In number of transmit elements) coded/multiplexed user-symbol [15], the impact of nonideal channel estimation is considered streams are assigned to appropriate subcarriers, as indicated in detail in the context of the DSA algorithm, and it is shown by the DSA algorithm. Subsequently, the symbols are OFDM thattheproposedalgorithmisinsensitivetochannel-estimation modulatedviainversefastFouriertransform(FFT),andaguard errors.Theexchangeofcontrolinformationhasreceivedfairly interval(GI)isinsertedbetweensymbolstoavoidintersymbol limitedattentionintheopenliterature[26],[27]. interference. The corresponding block diagrams are shown in Figs.1and2. The signal received by the MSs takes the form of the BS III. DSAINSISO–OFDMA signal,convolvedwiththechanneltransfer-functionmatrixand The SISO–DSA algorithm presented in [3] is considered additionallysubjecttoadditivewhiteGaussiannoise.Symbols as a starting point here. Although structurally similar to the sentbytheBStootherMSs(users)maybediscardedafterthe algorithm in [2] (both exhibit relatively low complexity), this FFTintheMSreceiver. algorithmconsidersthechannelgainofeachuserasthemetric After extracting the GI and applying a FFT process at each to allocate the subcarriers and ensures a “fair” allocation for MS receiver, the subcarriers assigned to a given MSs sub- all users by allocating an equal number of subcarriers to all channelareextractedaccordingtotheallocationofsubcarriers users.Inordertoinvestigatetheoptimizationprobabilityofthis determined by the DSA algorithm (the method by which this algorithm, the classic assignment problem based on channel allocationiscommunicatedtotheMSisnotconsideredinthis gain as the metric is first defined and some relative solutions paper). Then, for an STBC system, a combining scheme [13] suchasanextendedHungarianmethod,“optimalchannelsub- (proposedbyAlamouti)isapplied.IntheSMcase,aminimum carrier allocation (OCSA),” suboptimal solutions, “maximum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver is used to balance gain sort–swap (MGSS),” “DSA” algorithm, and improved multistream-interference mitigation with noise enhancement “DSA”algorithm“DSA-swap”arepresentedandcompared. andminimizethetotalerror[14].Finally,thesignals,byzero- forcingprocess(inthecaseofSISO)orthecombined(STBC) or demultiplexed (by MMSE in SM) signals, are subject to A. AssignmentProblemforOptimumSolution forwarderrorcorrection(FEC).Inthispaper,convolutionalen- coding, channel-state information (CSI)-enhanced soft Viterbi AssuminginanOFDMAsystem,provisionofQoSanddata decoding, and block interleaving are assumed as a standard rate requests have been fixed, the number of subcarriers is case, but the DSA algorithm is, again, independent of such specified by the request of submitted data rate for each user issues. k. h is the channel response for user k, subcarrier n for a k,n PENGetal.:INVESTIGATIONOFDYNAMICSUBCARRIERALLOCATIONINMIMO–OFDMASYSTEMS 2993 Fig.2. (a)STBC2×2OFDMAsystemmodel.(b)SM2×2OFDMAsystemmodel. certain channel. |h | manifests the relative channel transfer- subjectto k,n function amplitude. The channel gain matrix H ={|h |2}, (cid:4) k,n 1, subcarriernisassignedtouserk k =1,2,...,K,n=1,2,...,Nsub (K is the number of all ck,n = 0, otherwise (2) users, and Nsub is the number of all useable subcarriers) (cid:3) isassumedtobeknownintheBSforsubcarrierallocation.The c =1 (3) k,n totalperceivedchannelgainP forallusersisconsideredin total (cid:3)k ordertoprovidegoodsubchannelsforallusers. c =S (4) k,n Then,theallocationproblemcannowbeformulatedas n where c is the allocation-mapping matrix element for user k,n (cid:3)K N(cid:3)sub k andsubcarriern.Nsub isthenumberofuseablesubcarriers, MaximizeP = c |h |2 (1) andK isthenumberofusers(andthenumberofsubchannels total k,n k,n k n as well in this case). S is the number of subcarriers per user. 2994 IEEETRANSACTIONSONVEHICULARTECHNOLOGY,VOL.56,NO.5,SEPTEMBER2007 In this paper (the case of equal numbers of subcarriers per basic processing rules based on a reformulated channel-gain subchannel),S =N /K. matrix instead of a cost matrix to achieve the allocation- sub The maximum total perceived channel power is indicated mappingmatrix[9],[16]:1)Alwaysfindthemaximumelement byPopt . in each row and column of the channel-gain matrix instead total of the minimum element in the cost matrix, and 2) always makelocationswiththeirmaximumelementrecorded(suchas B. OptimalandSuboptimalSolutions locatingzerostodifferentiateotherelements). 1) OCSA—Extended Hungarian Method: An optimal so- ThisissimilartotheHungarianmethodasakindofexhaus- lution to the above assignment problem can be obtained by tivesearchwhichmakesuseofcomputationtocheckallpairs an extended Hungarian method. In order to realize OCSA of “job” and “individual” one by one and compares the total by extending the Hungarian method, the practical problem gain for the maximum value. When the size of the channel- has to be reformulated. The manipulation of the new matrix gainmatrixincreases(duetomoreusersand/orsubcarriers),the C ∈RNsub×Nsub isconsidered[16].TherelativegainmatrixH computational time and complexity becomes extremely high. shouldbechangedfromsizeofK×N toK(cid:1) ×N ,where Thus,inthispaper,theoptimalsolutionisshownasareference sub sub eachuser’sentryisduplicatedforS times(S isthenumberof upper bound of the system performance and is not suggested subcarriersallocatedperuser),i.e.,K(cid:1) =S×K.Consequently, foruseinpractice. thesizeofthisnewgainmatrixbecomesN ×N tomatch 2) MGSS—Suboptimal Solution: Due to the unfeasible sub sub theextendedHungarianmethod. complexity of OCSA, a lower complexity suboptimal solution Theoptimizationproblemisreformulatedas must be considered. Thus, the algorithm previously proposed in [10] is extended to attempt to achieve maximum perceived N(cid:3)subN(cid:3)sub MaximizePNsub×Nsub = c(cid:1) |h(cid:1) |2 (5) channel gain. It is named MGSS and sorts subcarrier pairs total k,n k,n by metric of total perceived channel gain and swaps subcar- n (cid:1) k=1 rier allocations between users to exploit the maximum gain. subjectto The iteration is applied to make the most of the sort–swap (cid:5) process to achieve a near-optimal solution. In addition, the 1, subcarriernisassignedto c(cid:1) = userkatitssubcarrierl (6) iterative swap process is used again to improve the DSA (cid:3) k,n 0, otherwise algorithm in Section III-D. Note that the channel-gain matrix, which is applied in this solution, is H with original and de- c(cid:1) =1 (7) k,n creased (relative to OCSA) size of K×N [the allocation (cid:1) sub (cid:3)k problem is formulated the same as (1)], and the process in c(cid:1) =1 (8) [10] is inverted to give the following rules: 1) The elements k,n n of initial channel-gain matrix and processed-gain matrix are where PNsub×Nsub is the total perceived channel gain for S always sorted in descending order (from highest to lowest), total (cid:1) and 2) the subcarriers replacement occurs when the sum of times duplication of K users, and k is the user or its dupli- (cid:1) minimum values of all gain-increase-factor per user [10] is cation index k =1,2,...,S,S+1,...,2S,...,N . As the sub negative. allocation-mappingmatrixelementforthisuseroritsduplica- Due to reasonable and low-complexity initial process, the (cid:1) tion k and subcarrier n, c(cid:1)k,n is determined, it can be easily iteration of sort and swap decreases, consequently result- returnedtoc ,andPopt canbeobtained. ing in the lower complexity and better practicability relative k,n total As is well known, the Hungarian method [9] aims to min- toOCSA. imize the cost for the assignment problem. The reciprocal of thechannelgaincanbeusedtomeetthismethodexactly,butit C. DSAAlgorithm mightreasonablybeexpectedthattheoptimalallocationcannot beachieved.Hence,itisnecessarytoinvertthemethodsothat In this section, an algorithmic definition of the proposed themaximumperceivedchannelgaincanbedetermined. (SISO) DSA scheme is provided. The allocation problem is The subcarrier allocation by the Hungarian method is re- formulated the same as (1)–(4), and in this solution, the ferred to [9] and [16], in which the assignment problem is channel-gain matrix follows the original size. This algorithm the inverse (5) to achieve the minimum cost for assignment isdefinedherefortheSISOcase.ThevariousMIMOschemes of all the jobs among the individuals, such as each individual arediscussedlater(anddetailedintheAppendices). withexactlyonejobandeachjobdonebyexactlyoneperson. In the following, P represents the average received power k Reference[16]usesacostmatrixofRbyR(Risthenumberof foruserk,K isthetotalnumberofusers,N isanM(cid:1)byN Sub both individuals and jobs) and then searches for the minimum matrix, where each row is a vector containing the indexes of value of the rows and columns by subtracting each element in theuseablesubcarriersforthecorrespondingspatialsubchannel therowsandcolumns fromtheminimumvalue andminimum (i.e.,thechannelthatexistsbetweenanyonetransmitelement- linesdrawnoverallzerosintheprocessedcostmatrix. receive element pair in a MIMO system). The possibility of In the case of this paper, “job” can be simulated as “sub- multiplespatialsubchannelsisaccommodatedinthealgorithm carrier allocation” and “individual” as “user.” The inversion atthisstage(whenconsideringtheSISOcase)inordertomake is a modification of the aforementioned method, following the algorithmic definition generic to both SISO and MIMO PENGetal.:INVESTIGATIONOFDYNAMICSUBCARRIERALLOCATIONINMIMO–OFDMASYSTEMS 2995 cases. That is, Nm(cid:1) ={1,2,3,...,NSub}, where NSub is the totalnumberofuseablesubcarriers.m(cid:1) ={1,...,M(cid:1)},where M(cid:1) is the effective number of spatial subchannels considered by the allocation algorithm. hk,n,m(cid:1) is the channel response for user k (|hk,n,m(cid:1)| manifests the relative channel gain in amplitude), with subcarrier n and channel m(cid:1). Ck,s,m(cid:1) is a matrix to record the location of allocated subcarriers for user k,subcarrier(withinthesubchannel)s,andspatialchannelm(cid:1). 0m(cid:1),NSub isamatrixofzerosofsizem(cid:1)byNSub. I.Initialization SetP =0forallusersk =1,...,K k Set Ck,s,m(cid:1) =0 for all users k =1,...,K and spatial subchannelsm(cid:1) ={1,2,...,M(cid:1)} Fig. 3. Comparison of CCDF of total channel gain with conventional Sets=1 OFDMAandDSAsolutions. II.Mainprocess buttheproposedalgorithmisrelativelyinsensitivetochannel- WhileN (cid:7)=0m(cid:1),NSub estimationerrors,sinceonlythemagnitudeofthechannelgain {(a)Makeashortlistaccordingtotheusersthathaveless isusedforthemetrictoallocatesubcarriers[15]. power.1 Finduserksatisfying P ≤P , forall i, 1≤i≤k. D. DSA-Swap:Improved“DSA”Algorithm k i One possible method to improve the DSA algorithm men- (b)Fortheuserkobtainedin(a),findsubcarriern tioned in Section III-C is to subsequently apply the sort–swap satisfying method. The solution of the “DSA” algorithm is used as an |hk,n,m(cid:1)|≥|hk,j,m(cid:1)|, forall j ∈N. initial solution and, subsequently, the swap-iteration process (defined in Section III-B2) can be applied to try to further improvetheallocation.Thesimulationresultsshowthatabetter (c) Update Pk, N, and Ck,s,m(cid:1) with the n from (b) performance can be achieved than the initial DSA algorithm accordingto solution and that this method can even reach the performance oftheoptimalsolutionafterenough(aboutthreetofivetimes) (cid:3)M Pk =Pk+ |hk,n,m(cid:1)|2 iterations. However, it can be shown in Section III-E that the initial m=1 DSA algorithm is a near-optimal solution for achieving max- Nm(cid:1),n =Nm(cid:1),n−n imum perceived channel gain. In the following sections, this Ck,s,m(cid:1) =n algorithm is called directly “DSA algorithm” and extended to MIMO–OFDMA. s=s+1. (d)Gotothenextuserintheshortlistobtainedin(a)until E. ComparisonofAlgorithmPerformance allusersareallocatedinanothersubcarrier}. The algorithms described above can be compared via soft- waresimulation.Inthissection,thechannelmodel“E”(defined Thus, the algorithm operates by ranking users in order of inSectionVI)isused. current allocated (mean) channel gain from lowest to highest. Inordertosimplify(1)andnormalizepowerperuserandper Subsequently, additional subcarriers are allocated to users in subcarrier rankorderallowingthosewiththelowestallocatedgaintohave thenext“choice”ofsubcarrier.Theoperationsinthealgorithm, P (dB) norm thus, largely consist of sorting, comparing, and performing (cid:6) (cid:7) simplearithmetic. 1 1 (cid:3)16 (cid:3)48 =10log × × |h |2 (dB) (9) As well as achieving high multiuser diversity gains (as 10 16 48 user,sub detailed in the simulation results section), this algorithm has user=1sub=1 meritsincomparisontoothersincludingafairallocationofre- where |h |2 is the channel gain of a certain user for the user,sub sourcestousersandinherentcompatibilitywithlink-adaptation allocatedsubcarrier(1–48istheallocatedsubcarrierindexper schemes. userandnottheindexinthereal768subcarriersequence)ina The algorithm is considered in this paper for the case of certainsimulationtime. idealCSI.CSIisimportant,bothforDSAandforequalization, The total perceived channel gains offered for 16 users by differentalgorithmsarecompared.Thishasbeendonefor2000 independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) quasi-static random 1Forthefirstiteration(whennosubcarriershavebeenallocatedand,hence, allusershaveequalpower).Thelistmaybeentirelyarbitrary. channelinstances. 2996 IEEETRANSACTIONSONVEHICULARTECHNOLOGY,VOL.56,NO.5,SEPTEMBER2007 Fig.4. Examplechannelresponseandsubcarrierallocation. Fig. 6. Comparison of CCDF of total channel gain for all suboptimal solutions. The result of DSA-swap is slightly better than that of MGSS. Careshouldbetakentonotethescaleonthepower-gainaxis, whileDSAandOCSAlookfarapartonthisgraph,sinceDSA actually achieves approximately 97.54% of the power gain of OCSA. Hence, the DSA algorithm (without swapping) can be considered a low-complexity near-optimal solution. MGSS is alsoworthyofinterestbecauseitalsooffersalow-complexity near-optimalsubcarrierallocation.DSA-swapisoflessinterest, sinceitoffersminimalimprovementsoverDSAandMGSSin returnforincreasedcomplexity(itisessentiallyaconcatenation ofthetwo). Fig. 6 presents the CCDF of all 2000 random channels for DSA,DSA-Swap,andMGSS(OCSAcannotbeshownbecause of high complexity in simulation). This shows that the similar Fig.5. Comparisonofallsolutions:OCSA,DSA,DSA-swap,andMGSS. performanceofthesealgorithmsisconsistentacrosstheentire Complementary cumulative distribution functions (CCDFs) statisticalsample. ofchannelgainachievedbyDSAand“conventional”OFDMA Having established that all the above algorithms achieve (pseudorandomsubcarrierallocation)arecomparedinFig.3.It near-optimal performance, the DSA algorithm is identified as canbeseenthatDSAoutperformstherandom-allocationstrat- thealgorithmofprimaryinterestduetoonefurtherfeature—it egy by up to 6 dB and results in significantly lower variation is readily extendable to the MIMO case and is particularly aroundthemean. amenabletoenhancementstocombatthedebilitatingeffectsof Theseeffectscanbejustifiedbyconsideringtheexampleof correlation in the radio channel, as discussed in the following an instantaneous wideband-channel response in the frequency sections. domain for a single user and the corresponding subcarrier allocation achieved by DSA, as shown in Fig. 4. This serves IV. DSASCHEMESINMIMO–OFDMA to illustrate the multiuser diversity benefit, which the DSA Three“schemes”toextendtheDSAalgorithmtoMISO(2Tx algorithmisabletoachieve.Itcanbeseenthatthesubcarriers 1Rx)andMIMO(2Tx2Rxand4Tx4Rx)systemsareinitially allocated in this instance have consistently high gain (all are proposed. These schemes are designed to transmit a certain higher than the mean for the channel over all subcarriers) and user’s symbols on the subcarriers, which are allocated by the a much flatter response than the actual channel. These factors metricfromperceivedspatialsubchannelgain.Thereisnomore lead to the change in channel statistics illustrated in Fig. 3 than one user per subcarrier per spatial subchannel. Scheme 1 and the bit-error rate (BER) performance gains demonstrated considerssubcarrierallocationforeachspatialsubchannelsep- and discussed in Section VII. It can be intuitively seen how arately; schemes 2 and 3 allocate subcarriers jointly for all analternativeuserperceivinganuncorrelatedchannelresponse spatialsubchannels.Thesethreeschemesareextensionsofthe couldderivesimilarbenefitfromadifferentsetofsubcarriers. core algorithm detailed in Section III-C and are detailed in It can also be seen that a pseudorandom (or clustered) sub- AppendixA. carrier allocation would be unable to achieve this multiuser diversitygain. A. Scheme1 The resulting power gains as a function of iteration number is illustrated for one typical channel instance in Fig. 5. Both The DSA algorithm is separately applied for each (spatial) MGSS and DSA-swap tend to be very close to the optimum subchannel to determine the subcarrier allocation. This is a solution (achieved by OCSA) after three to five iterations. straightforward extension of the DSA algorithm, which takes PENGetal.:INVESTIGATIONOFDYNAMICSUBCARRIERALLOCATIONINMIMO–OFDMASYSTEMS 2997 no account of correlation and no consideration of one spatial subchannelrelativetotheotherspatialsubchannels. B. Scheme2 Thisschemeattemptstoexploitcorrelation(primarilytothe benefit of STBC systems) by choosing the same subcarrier allocations for all spatial subchannels. This scheme allocates each subcarrier on the basis of the maximum channel gain of Fig.7. Exampleforscheme4. allthespatialsubchannelsforthatsubcarrieranduser. C. Scheme3 This is an alternative to scheme 2, which allocates each subcarrier on the basis of the average channel gain of all the spatialsubchannelsforthatsubcarrieranduser. Fig.8. Exampleforscheme5. D. ComparisonofSchemes1,2,and3 subchannel. If this occurs, that subcarrier will be replaced by Since scheme 1 considers DSA of each spatial subchannel the next best subcarrier (and the previous allocation check separately (using different sets of subcarriers in spatial sub- repeatedforthatsubcarrier). channels),performanceineachspatialsubchannelcanachieve There is an example for scheme 4 (Fig. 7). Provided there the same DSA gain as in a SISO system with the DSA al- are two spatial subchannels A (first row in the figure) and B gorithm. If spatial channels are uncorrelated, spatial diversity (secondrowinthefigure),thesubcarrierallocationofacertain gain is as high as it can be (relative to the equivalent MIMO user (subchannel) has been decided by the DSA algorithm system in a correlated channel). An increased signal-to-noise based on channel gain of spatial subchannel A. Currently, ratio(SNR)gaincanbeachievedbecauseofreceiverdiversity subcarriersshouldbeallocatedforthesameuserunderspatial andmorefreedomfortheBStoallocateavailablesubcarriers. subchannel B. The best subcarrier through ranking by metric Schemes 2 and 3 enforce the same subcarrier allocation for of channel gain is “15” (the number of a certain subcarrier). all spatial subchannels. The effect of this allocation is similar However, it can be found that “15” has been already used for tothatofaddingextramultiplecomponentswiththesameallo- thesameuserindifferentspatialsubchannel.The“15”hasbeen catedsubcarriersby“DSA”algorithmwithmetricofmaximum abandoned and the next best subcarrier “17” is chosen by the (scheme2)oraverage(scheme3)channelgainoverallspatial rulesofscheme4. subchannels. The system can enjoy both spatial diversity gain and DSA gain as well. This provides for a simpler algorithm B. Scheme5 andimplementationwithoutadditionalhardwareirrespectiveof the DSA mechanism or channel equalization at the receivers, Inthisscheme,notonlyistheallocationofthesamesubcar- butitmightreasonablybeexpectedthattheDSAgainofeach riertodifferentspatialsubchannelsprevented,buttheallocation spatialsubchannelwillbereduced. of near adjacent subcarriers is also prevented. The number of nearadjacentsubcarriersavoidedinthisprocessisdenotedq.It isnoteworthythatq maybeassumedtotakeavalueofonein V. DSASCHEMESTOCOMBATCHANNELCORRELATION scheme4andzeroinscheme1,inwhichcase,schemes1and Asiswellknown,thespatial-correlationpropertiesofthera- 4maybeviewedassubsetsofscheme5. diochannelsareakeytoMIMOsystemcapacity.Twoadaptive- Similar to scheme 4, there is an example for scheme 5 multiuser subcarrier-allocation algorithms extended from the (Fig.8).UndersubchannelB,notonly“15”isabandoned,the schemesdescribedaboveareappliedtocombatthedebilitating “17”and“10”whichfallwithinrangeof“15”±10(hereq is effects of correlation on a MIMO–OFDMA system. For each equaltoten)arenotallowedforthisuser.Theruleofscheme5 user,thesubcarrierallocationisperformedinafashion,which isforcingtheuseofsubcarrier132eventhoughitisthreesteps reduces correlation while still seeking a near-maximal alloca- furtherdowntherankinglist. tion of channel energy. The details of the processes of these twoschemesaredescribedinAppendixB. C. ComparisonBetweenTheseSchemes Since the channel is frequency-continuous, assigning sym- A. Scheme4 bols to the adjacent subcarrier locations of an initially chosen Aswithscheme1,theDSAisappliedindependentlyacross subcarrier location should perform similarly (the exception spatial subchannels. Additionally, a check is performed to being the case where the coherence bandwidth is not signif- identify cases in which the same subcarrier has already been icantly greater than the subcarrier spacing). If the channels allocated to the same user in a previously considered spatial arecorrelated,theadjacentsubcarrierlocationsinotherspatial 2998 IEEETRANSACTIONSONVEHICULARTECHNOLOGY,VOL.56,NO.5,SEPTEMBER2007 TABLE I TABLE II MODULATIONPARAMETERSINOFDMA CHANNELMODEL TABLE III CORRELATIONSCENARIOS subchannels will also be correlated to some extent. Scheme 4 onlyconsidersthespatialcorrelationifthesamesubcarriersare chosen.Scheme5willreducespatialcorrelationfurtherbutat theexpenseofsomereductionintheDSAgain. VI. SIMULATIONENVIRONMENTANDPARAMETERS The performance of the DSA algorithm is evaluated by Furthermore,itisassumedthattheMSshaveperfectknowledge simulation.ThesimulationconsidersmainlyQPSKmodulated, ofthechanneltransferfunctionforthosesubcarriersallocated rate-1/2 convolutionally coded (CSI-soft Viterbi decoded), to them and that this is used for equalization and decoding COFDMoperatingwithabandwidthof100MHzasacandidate purposes. 4GPHY.IntheSISO–OFDMAcase,thesimulationsatdiffer- ForOFDMAandDSAalgorithms,16usersareconsidered, entmodulationmodeswithdifferentconvolutionalcodingrates andthereare768usablesubcarriersinall.Simulationparame- (TableI)areperformedaswellforcomparisonpurposes.Note tersaresummarizedinTablesIandII. that, in Table I, the values in brackets specify the parameters for SM with two transmitters, and the values not in brackets A. InUncorrelatedMIMOChannels specify the parameters for the cases of SISO and STBC with twotransmitters. Allthreeschemes for MIMOare firstsimulatedinuncorre- Amultipathchannelwithexcessdelayof1600ns,witheach latedchannelswithresultspresentedinSectionVII. path suffering from independent Rayleigh fading, was used in [17]and[18]fortheperformanceevaluationofsimilar4GPHY proposals. On this basis, a similar channel model—referred to B. SimulationsinCorrelatedMIMOChannels as channel “E”—is used here, which is specified by European The simulation is further extended to consider correlated Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Broadband MIMOchannels.Thederivedmodelsarebasedon[23],which RadioAccessNetwork(BRAN)[19].Channelmodel“E”cor- includesthepartialcorrelationbetweenthepathsinthechannel. respondstoapicocell-typeoutdoorenvironmentwithnonline- Two antennas at the BS and two antennas at the MS are of-sightconditionsandlargedelayspread[20].Thermsdelay considered. The MS is simulated in an urban environment spread is 250 ns, and the excess delay is 1760 ns with tap surrounded by numerous or few local scatters, which results spacingof10ns. in the lower or higher correlation between two antennas. BS An addition channel scenario is also considered to investi- antennas are located on the rooftop level of the surrounding gatetheperformanceinanenvironmentwithhighermultipath buildings, which follows a Laplacian function in a typical delays.Achannelmodelcorrespondingtoavehicularmicrocell urbanenvironment.Thecorrelationscenariosconsideredcanbe environmentthatwasemployedinthedevelopmentof2Gand seen in Table III. The spatial-correlation matrix of the MIMO 3G [21], [22]—referred to here as channel model “V”—is radio channel R is the Kronecker product of the spatial- employed. This channel model has an rms delay spread of MIMO correlationmatrix(R ,R )attheBSandtheMS[24],[25]. 370nsandanexcessdelayof2690nswiththesametapspacing BS MS A selection of results for different correlation scenarios is asthechannelmodelE. shownforSTBCandSM. TheuseofbothSTBCandSMisconsidered.The2000i.i.d. quasi-static random channel samples are used in each simula- tion,andthesubcarrierallocationisupdatedviatheappropriate VII. SIMULATIONRESULTS DSAschemeforeachsuchsample. ItisassumedthattheDSAalgorithmisimplementedbythe In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm and schemes BS, and that, the BS has perfect knowledge of the channel- andcomparetheperformancesindifferentcases,thefollowing gain matrix and uses this to determine subcarrier allocation. simulationresultsarepresented.

Abstract—In this paper, orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA) systems with dynamic deterministic (as opposed to pseudorandom) allocation of subcarriers to users to exploit multiuser diversity are investigated. Previously published work on dynamic multiuser subcarrrier allocation f
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